Y v - u trubut IM ler said to.4a 1I Uh m r.They W aint ,. ., ed te go aroad« ' iyçli 1 got It there. tIi-at a-e foT, Teacler-Babby, name five animale Bobby-Three lions and two tigers. TeCampaign Ouater. (N. Y. Heralti.) ~Ciki-.hea- that Stumper get a-wtully ' Insedl bis speech. 19ockei--Yes. Hre actualy. poulteti witb alarin and vieweti with pride. ea ig- c tic-' Iaw gag. rceanîIbuy eue. Cad Fear.' e~tober Smart Set.) ru ksas me! Why, I've known' but I wes nf-ald yeu weuldn't ou kaew me btter. ~'ELR MN CAME WOMNAN." 'Crng or Cultivating. (Washington Star.) pngest daughter Is having ber 0'. e Mr. Cufr-x. "that's the girls express IL. But be- hired the protessor in W{IîfLR LIFTINUi Was ln a Bad Way titi h*o USed Dodd'g Kideey Pnd.. They Remioved theý Bad E~ffecte and 110W William tbaram as am weIl as M'urray Harbor South, P. E. I., Oct. 10. -(Speciii)-Hurt through 'Straining hie ba.ck while lifting, Mr. William Sha- ram, generail storekeeper here, got -Bo weak that he could scarcely hoid Up. To-day die is enjoying the best of heaith once more, and when esked how he got bis health back lie unhesita.tingly an- swere, "Dodd's Kidney Pils."* "HRaving sprained any back with heavy . tig" Mr. Shara.m êays in tellling his story, "it brougli.t on Urinary and Kid- ney Touble. I got 80 weak that I ai- most fainted, and cquld scarcely hold up. I w"s terribIy t7roubled with hav- Iz'g ot get out of bed so frequentiy to urinate. "After usina' niany medicires wit jio good resuits, f tried Dodd's Kidney Puis. Ihave used ten boxes li ail, and nowv I can sleeip witlhout being, disturbed, and my eld trouble has vaiisled." Ddd's Kidney Pis cure the Kidneys. Cured Kidneys cures numerous diseases, incl.ucing Rheumatisnx, Dropsy, and Bright's Disease. DESERTS 0F THE SEA. TTtere are Some Loneiy Spots on the .Ocean Seidorn Crossed by Slips. There are deserta on tise ocean as well as on tise dry lanti-vat wastes upon wbich tise oye of man bas neveu resteti anti which have seldom, if ever, been crosseti by tise slips et commerce. The waves on tisese wates have neyer been pai'teti by the prow et a sailing vessel or lasheti by the propeller, of a steamer; immense solitudes where tise flap of a sali is nover hjeard ner tise strident ci-y of a cii-en; veritabie des- erte, whese silence is brokexi nlv Wy tise bowling efthtie wind anti the i-car cf the waves, w'hich lhave been vaiiv pursuing ene anotiter siace the day c f creation. Tisese deserts lie uiifergotteit betwixt tise narrowv ocean hiigwava ta'avelieti iy vessels. lu such 0 waite places cf the cea a disableti slip, tirivea eut of its course by a hu-ricane, namy drift for meonthe, tosseti by the ecaselese' greunti cwell, without being able te bail assistance. lier only chancte of escape lu thse possibility that corne ocean cur- rent mny drag lier lato a more frequent- oti region. It is generally cuppoceti that by i-en- son et the univ-ersiti increase of mari- time traf f e the cea le everywhere fur-- rowed by vessels. This is a mistake. Ocean commerce bas groenn eaormouslv during tise last hait century', but that tievelopment is due te the substitution cf steain navigation for tise oid'fashion' eti empioyment cf sailîng vessels. Wiîen tbe first steamer begailtot chura the water witis its patitle -%Nheels, the sail- ing fleets ceasedti t inercase. 'With the ativent of the screw propeller they began te ticcrease. Tise graduai but constant disappeai-a otf ailin,- s4ips mode tise ocean mort e t desci-t titan before. Sailing vessels lîndti thir establisheti routes in accortiance witli wiatis, cur- rents anti seasens. Tbe gapa bettveen tise routes takea by tite outward bounti anti homewvard bounti chipe was oftea consitierabie. «Moreco'er, t ho capricieus eliements net inirequently playedth te miachief with nautical instruments, anti as a resuit the fielti cf eperatieti for ocean sipping was vastiy expantict. This is ne longer truc to-day. Tise liuer gees straîght abeatin l def lance ut winti anti wave. the ports betWeen which se plies are great industrial or commercial centres, whitiser corne nunu- berlesa raiilvayc, cerving as prolonga- tions cf the linos cf na-vigation. Freiglit cars carry their loatis cf merchandîse te the lescer ports andthie cities cf the interior. Tise railway bas kilieti coast- wise navigation. lThe ocean higisways are, tiserefore, anvthing but nurnercues. Tise miot frequonteti cf eceans is thse Atlantic. Apart fi-cm'tise polar ceas, we scetisat in its nertlîerin part tisere is ouiy oas descrt zone-a dreary w'aste of waters bet-,N'een the routes frein Eu- rope te tise Uniteti States or Canada, anti tisese fi-cm Europe te tise Antilles. Iu tise Souths, between the routes frein South Arnerica or the iwestern Ameri- can coast andtihte routes frein Souths Africa, 'extentîs a desert occasicnaliy trav'eiseti by tise steamers cf the lines fi-cm Cape Tfown anti-Mozambique wii, wisen tise coffeo ceason is et ste iseigsti in Brazil, crocs tise Atlanatic for cargees, et Rie Janiero anti Santos. Tise indien Ocean la froquenteti cnly in the nortis bv linos eut cf Iriia anti Inde-China, and a uitile in tise west by liners froin Oceanica, w'hichî cal t Celombia, andti isn make atraiglît for Auctralia. Two uines, eacl wvith a steain- ship a nientis, foilow a lender lane frein Australia te Cape Town. The Pacifie is thc Sahara cf tise great* ceas. Saving oniy tise steamslîips fi-cm tise Far East te Californie anti British Columbia, a 1;ne f rnm ,Sytvnev -te San Francisco. anti tien cf tise jubie cof tise Crimntan war. Ilis M.njeety ut tiese ame time, Nvas net Jforgetfu of ,ffpendidt heroisin displayeti ticaxupaigu by the rankc. Sthe Britisis arîny, anti holias '#n Sergt. Nunneriey, foirn- l7th Lancers, wbe teck part re--Cthe Ligist Brigade at Ãýýprmeritierieus uer- 'Oitary oi' tue army '.tin- iit+ed to Sergt. Nir-aerley wat KiNd'ît estows this henor -on-nim*ai ether with tise annuity "das iri»rd for bis long and highly mneri- torique service, incIu4dng the.Crimean war." The gallaxit old lancer gives a vivid ýdescription of the daring1 charge of fifty years ago. Hoe says t "W. lied net pro- eeeded fer before tho men li the lef t di- vision of my squndron were nearly al mowed down, âneluding a sergeant, who had his liead blown off, but afterward rode about thirty yards before ho fell from the- saddle. Every shot from, the onemy's guns came with deadly effect, and I had nuany hair'breadth escapes f rom death. Within a f ew yards of the Russian guna, Iny' herse was shot ani f el on its head. 1- endeavoredti t pull it up, but fouiid the animal was unable te move, its foreleg having been blçowti off. I left My ,ouded charger and forced my way oi fot. wlien I was attacked by Rusian- cavalry, through whom I succeedeti in cutting my way. Ne soon' er, however, had I got clear of my fees than I was knoeked down andi ridden ever by a number of rideriess herses, Having regnined my feet, I iebserveti one of the l3th Light Dragons tînder bis herse, whicbh lad been killei. lThe rider (Troopor J. Malone), net being able te f ree himseif, I êucceeded in dragging the herse Off of bim, andi set him et lib- erty. Later on I asslsted Sergt. Major Farrell, ef the came regiment, te cnrry Capt. Webb, %,%ho vas badly weunded, eut of danger. I once more returneti to the epen under a heavy fire and breught eut Ti-unpeter William Bretton, whe was ver ' sei-iuslv wounrded. I then caught a stray boise belongying te the Sth Hussars. which I moiînted, anti returneti up the valiey, gailoping tlîrough scores of dead comrades anîd herses that lay there strewn over the -roundi. Later on I founi that eut et 145 men belonging te the l7th Lancers, w'ho vSont into the charge.only tiîirty-five could be dis- cevcered."-London Telpgraph. 8trore words by a New York SpeCVaIi@St.-"Afte- yoars of testini' anti coraparison. 1 have ne hesîtation In say- Ing that Dr. Agnew's Curet for the Heart la the qulckest, safest and surest known te medical science. I use it in my Qwfti practice. It relieves the most acute toi-ms of beart -ailmeat Insîde ot thirty minutes anti nover fails. "-35 CULINARY HINTS. I-'otatocs will bake ni'.,i-s pidiy if a pan et w'ater i- pîit litat.,le ovea witi Ceai-rse sait and vineg(ar aili dlean onantelieti nai-e th.at bas been burniet or discolcretl. No cIlor fi-cm)niens ii-l pervade tise bouse, it is said, if a gencrous piece cf st-aie bread le ceoket with them. A mit pick kept -on tise kitchen table je tie nacet conveulent utensil for i-en-o'- ingÃŽ tise paper c&ver fi-cm tise miik bet- ties. Neyer tisernowspapers te wrap about anything eatable. Iti lecconontv te lave a supply of parafflu paper aixymys on Eggs hisubc hokoptin a areceptacle te tiseniseiveg, esinco tise sheihe (wliext fi-esh) are ceo porous eveciy strong odor lsaba- soi-bed. After a cen of condenseti miik bhas been opened, keep the liti raised'. or, btter stili, cut iti off se tise contente wiii le exposedt thte air. Stand tise jar te le- fiiled wit.- i bot fruit on a stieel kelfe biade or a elotis avt wi ths hot watier, andti iere wIih be neifmr, *of a'breken jar.ý Pet-ehor i- tlier sinaîl fish are mucis bot- ter if fried quickly lantdeep, bot fLit. Lftrger fiel e au le fried siow'linaskl let iii bot sait perk fat. yasi- F or tise meringu-e on pies use co table- spooctiul et gra-nulatet stîgar t-o tise wvhite cf one egg. It is moi-e satisfactoi-y tItan powderedsuzi-ar. lise novice shouilt memorize tisis i-uic: White meats weIl done, dark mneats un- (lertione, except in fo\vio. Nwiil sheulti ai- av v e thorcughlv co-oketi. A novel piekie li made by eombiniag swýeet coi-n anticabisaze, each cooket sep- arateiy, tîten c -'n sweet spicet ini- eýgar anti canneti for wiuticr use-The Pligrim. Fo. tise Fair. Fichui-ci-nmain. CoKit-talle appear. Pleateti ski-s ieign. Sitadeti pltues ai-e levciy. ex'Etons are atti-active. lisere ai-e lace hat scarf4. La,ývend0er gi-dues ai-c deligis. Sliirreti ciotis blotiszes atti-aci-. Ski-t tiinninÃgetiie ubiquit-oue. Basques comiplete most coatS. 1i-cati eetabie fibre b-aid le unied. A tailoreti petai tui-ban is aunetit nov- clt y. Soutache buttons cornteln one ad two- tone effects. Fui-s border tise foot cf the tii-se anti secrv e for liats. No cote style ceorne te prevail la any soi-t cf garitiexit. l'or alinuet auty piirpocze ribbens ia tieslcioatie 01 a coier are cheseai. Accordion chiffont te as atucis favoreti as ever utuder lace flounce.s. Iicavy )ace is a prorîîineîît feature cf ev-icug a4d carrnage eloaksz. r hloosing btaicnrich vclu'et anti dim- mi-ry à ilk- ibas ledifficuit. Passeuenterie effoete, a-9 weil as coi-du and tasesis, ai-e aniîon- tise favoreti. Emrîoitiereti velvet alpplilile;, amlil, elegant designs. trim taffeta effeetiveiy. Leaf brown eouienne je eue cf tise meet cbarming etf stuf-fs fer ieuse or rieceptiou dres-ses." Fabri-c Fruits for Rats. Bei-ries. Apricots. lanagerines. Ci-ab apples. r Lady eppies.1 S.-aIl gr'een qpple%. thse quality of what e get for nothing. .» How much the enioy- ' *ment of an evening'9s entertaininent depencli on ;-à ~the quaity of your Opera ~ A pair that cannot fail te gv e satisfactionl in m.ur "S speciai ple ri ioucted, No. 90l" at $e.50. ?. Our tore's reputation of t .fifty years assures satisfaction purchasing. Send foi' crn- Vplete catalogue. . RYRIE B't" th fctt Yone s 'l olytrnkma ia town wlîo ativertises extensively in the daily newspapera,. "I think," he says, "tisat the custom ef traveilers alone (due ,alinost exclusivoly te the newcpaper advei-tisingý fîtily pay:% the cost of newspapcr space." THE El B1 EDDY COMPANYI When te "Slip" Fiowers. The first of Serpteir I cut or break off clil1s and put theni iinto cand or earth te rooz for m'inter sl\ng Th i ps eut nc ,'iwtîl note ulîb O ~dur- in- tlik wtnti,r, iiJ.-pln ts for nexi cunrer's plt:trït ug unlt. l'rorn July iuntil fi-est 1I sip)gerinutiiis and put them inte tin catsin l caîth cern- poceti of two-thtirdI o gee gardînsoeil and one-third santi. They sý-!ldo:ii fail te rojt if net kept tee tlanq. li etdin, pure Fant i te sand niust 1- kP ,jt wct ail of the tinie. but by' rooting thein iii oeil thev do net bave te le trannplanied andi I findtieh grow be*tter andi strongcr. ' If ycur hardware dca Ici- es ntcaer-y dealers ntte-3.50. TE~ DOWSWEIL MFGCOC. L71., HAMtTa«, CAR. Bliss Bcyond Compare. Fend Motiter-Youi vi li )-5.ye(ars olt tc-mcrov. Wilianti I ant te give you a real birthtday t-cati. Tll me wlat yeu wouiti like btter t.ban aay tiing else? Willie (after tliaking earic'u;tua for five mniutes)-Bring me a vîtole box cf chocolat-e erearo-, motiher. anIti sk Tommy ý;Smit-h te cerne in anti wateis me ent 'cm. One Cause of Divorce. (Lif e.) "Most divorces ai-e cau-3et by a very cont.mion mistake. "Witis it?" "Muny a nian in love cnilv witi a tiim- pie oi-et ourl ntttes th' ll ei\< Ci? mmr- uyiag the whîeie gir.. t7se Lever's Dry b5oup ça powder) te iç'ash woolens anti fianneis,-you'll Jike USEFUL HINTS. Leave a few cf thte hustes on tour on-et coi-n for boiiing, and take it te thie table with tuern oe. It avili vceep tiret longer, anti yeu wiii fiati it mucis -'coe et er. "lie skias cf ncw potatees en be i-e- :iia cd ni ore quîrki]y aaith a ctiff vege- t:lebritoshtItan isy seipng. Watier lanaxhiclî potintees have been buiied isl vert effective in keeping cliver 1 i-igît. It can be botticti for use, anti ii requiredti teI-se pt Tým, a long tU,*ne Il tientis part cf metiiyiateti spirite w'ill ]o til. In cooking gooseberricesn piece cf bak- ng1 Soda tiese ize cf a pea, uiseti witib a ruai-t cf thue tart fruit. avili nîatcriaily --,Itîce tise arneunt cf sugar i-eqiiii-edti t Uasanitary Laundres. It 5 a à -ci-y gruesae orelurt n'îib 5< "rîtterruanietical efficer cf hica-Itis pie- , its orto te semoi-ai anti oanitni-v cen- lttIq on f laundries, cave tuieLondonu Thiie ie rate cf rnc-tiaiitv leis igis, -' u-ýiinip)tion anti rieun-atisrn arc pre-ta- eut diseases, andtihte aa'i-iei- are ad- ilicteti, bcyoedti ieir fellow creatures, te aleohiclie excess. Minard's Liniment for sale everywherce (-Ncw York Wcekly.) Girl (jok-ingiy) l'il like a place wlere l'Il bav-e everytling I a-ant, nething'te do antino neao teboss n. Cieik-This, rmiss, le atn employment office, net a matrirni-nial agency. liens Lay AU1 Year Round 'when yeu sseantise food witi Myers' Royal Poultry Spice. p Just tiîk wbiat it ni-ians te have ' tise iens laying ieguiarly all wiater -when eggs bring their best piies. Tliat's wisat Myers' lRoyal POUlRy Spice does for tise chickens. It'si-c in nitrogenous rnatter-supplies all tise censtituents tiiat cempose the egg anti gives more lc..ting internai heat. It makes liens liy-aati insures fertile eggs for settiag. It's wontiei-f uifer making youag puilets early layers-for fattening chiCkens, su'k «J~ and. turkeys-and for raising plump, st0sg . v# rous poulti-y. If yen want to tnakes ney eut of your "dchicken yard " feed - '- Mycrs' Royal Poultry Spice. - - Itla not a food-but a reliis. MYERS ROYAL SPICE CO& Niata sFaUsb Ont and N.T*.Od Adwy~ -0 2l Mp~wug k uw id d W ifa,5 Wf tforhundredacz;oa 'fer sale; la ilpatsetCaada' .o Ycatalogue. littie Sunlight Soae W41M enintercolontai Realty C.,iD~d odn ~t glass arnd other articles -uil ,. m iey shine and sparile Snlght învest gtouilim t"d msEN SECUR" So0ap will wash other thDnS ta TELl~,TRN à ithes. dB NUVELTY - ANUFkOIURINO 008 One May Know. the Hour by Simply Peeling, the. Watcb.- ]low Helen Keller could tell thse tinse. of day bias often beçn a cause et wender ti' people 'who did not knaw that she wais thse eossessair ef a unique timepiece. How siso came into possession ef this watch and later ef Its cotnterpart is thus told. in thse Boston Transcript: Year age, lu thse days ot.-tthe Empire, an Ainorican Mînister tound It necessary, et course, on occasions te seois ae interview vithtli e Em)perer, .'gnd in titis ho always 'was mintiful ef -tthe necesslty otfruaklng theso Interviews as brief as possibld anti af withdrawig as seon as hoe could from thse Emperor's presence, maklng it essen- tial for hlm te keep wateh on thse passing ef timo. How te 4o thîs was a problein. fer te censuit ene's watch openly in the presence af the royal personage manifest- ly would ho a great breacis et etîquetto; yot ln the audience chamber there was ne timepioce by whlch thoso receWtd by tho Emperor coulti be guideti In tus feast la the matter et time. ý The Amerîcan representatîvo at the Court ai Franco by gooti fortune came lIet possession of a watcb whlch was extraor- dînai-y ln Its construction anti whiclr made It possible fer hlm ta tell nearly the cor- rect time merely by feeling of the watcbj while it was canceniedIn lu is clothirg. This ho could do, witb a littIe practice, In s0 clever a way that It couldti ne odo- tectoti. This proveti safer te hlm tiien te rely upon bits judgnent In thse passlng of time durlag an Interview granteti by thse Emporor, and t I l bistory that ho was par' particularly successful la consequence ln bis diplomatie work. It la this same historie watch wbicb Hc.lea Keller new owns, anti It came to be"r as. glt t hi-m Hon. James HItz, formeriy CO;U,1J General from Switzoi-land te Washington, D. C. He was a fiend ot the Ambassador froni whoni ho came lato possession of the wsitcb. Mi-. Khiz la superlatendent of the Volta Bur- eau for the Diffusion ant i Dstribution 0* Xnawlerlge Relati tot the Deaf. Ho long bans beon one oi MiFs Keller'q hast fripndS. That the gift bas heen apereri-ited Is show>i by theofaet tbat Miss Keller bas learne ot 0 tell the heur with remai-kagle arcuracxý, or te wlthin two minutes of the exact tIean, abrily by the doliracy off ber torb. The second watch. wbich wn, mede1,,d ri the plie of the" original, waQ preso'tted te) ber bv ,'notht-r frIpnti. vbo bati h madie eypresi-l for ber la Sw!ýtzprland. SYNDICAIE AND PROFESSOR. Prof. Hussey, of Califernia, lias foiid 100 new stars in a veai-. Anti, maasthe Brooklyn nBgie, here';s the 1lteatrical Syn- dieate tr-otting al ever the carth and lias net been able te find ene. ROBtERT ROSS. The Knockers. (Chicago Chronicle.) Ilear the knockeïs how they knock, Always knock, Wliat a lot of trouble ti 'y can make by the knock, How they hammer, lianimer, hammer ln the day and in the ni(ghlt, They are always, ever knoeking, Alwvavs pounding, alv.ays s1hocking Witlî a de-'iilish delighit; Kecping tinme, timne, tirie, With a boiler maker's ibyme As thcy hammer, antd they hammer and they k nock, And thiey knock. On the anv ils you eau- hear them as they shock As theY shock, shiock, shock, As they shock, qhoek, slhock, With the knoe-king of the hammers on the block. ENOLISIi SPAVIN LINIMENT Removes al bard, soft or callouseti lumps ard blemnishes from borses, blood spavin, curbs, eplints, ringbone, sweeney, stiflos, sprains; cures sore andi swoolcn tbroat, cougbs, etc. Save $50 by the use of one got- tle. Warantjb the mà ýt~ wonderful Blepish Cure ever krjown. EFFECT 0F ADVERTISING A telep)hone cornpany -%hich had l11.- 000 stations had madie but little in- ceease in tw'o ycars. fhen it began to advertise in tie newspapers. CDThree years latEr its stations numnbered more tLan 70,000. "AdIvei-tising," said the manager, "achicved vhat house-to-house canvassiing could not." When the littie folks take colds and let thern strain the tender membranes of their lungs, aGive thera It will cure thern quickly and F etrengthen their lungs. I t is pleasant te take, Puices, 25c., 50c., and $1.00. 30, "l3anzai" as a Substitute for- "Hurrah." In Ehouting 'H1urrah" we are (in tbese days unconsciously> repeatirg the victori- ous cry of the Cossack Tartars ln pursuit ef their enemîies-a cognate word to the "Mare" or our Intilan cavalry as thoy encourage each othor to striko. ïoth words slmply mean "iI I uggest that we n-ow adopt for this p urpose the popular and victorlous cry of B&lnzai!' whicb mieans simply "successa or ".gooti fortune.' Neot only wilii this be a com- plinient to oui- Japanese allies, but It wili supply a more ruitable ci-y for civil occasions. Surely it would bo botter to greet, say, a Lord Mayor, or royalty, or Mr. Chamber- loin, with ..I3anzal!" than with a Cossack bowi for titeir blooti. Minard's Liniment Cures Bures, etc. For Evening. Net rivais lace. paillettes reinain. Ap)plique 15 good. Seediework prevails. Chenilici is flot neg'eeted. Paie blue is much liked. Apricot is a favored'celer. Mousseline is one of the leaders. Paie biscuit tints are aimost white. There are cmnbroidcrcd t.affeta motifs. Some affect a touch of American ]3eautv. MarI.iabout is a feature both in bats a.nd shoulder NwTaps. A Kind-Hlearted Lover. Sidney Fowle, of- Fairfax, la., was to ~~ve been xnarried -te a Rushville womaPi "on Sunday, says the Atchison Globe, but, ýfew ïminutes before the ceremony 'waý te be performed he announced that lie FWouid withdraw, and took a Burlingtofl train for his home. Fiowler is a widower and thewoman is aý widow. They hadl been a.cquaintances many years. The wedding dite was set for Sunday. The preacher -%as present, the guests were there âind the -wedding dînner xvas set. liut it is said that-the 'bride-to-be's chl- diren cried a good deal ,and Fowler said il t.hev were goîng to feellko badly o.bout their «:ric4hIer getting mih',ýried lie wouid withldraw, an~d lie did. Dear Sirs,-This is teo certifv that I have heen troubled withi a lame back for fiftecn years. 1 biave u.sed three botties of your M-"IN-ARD'S LNMNand arn coin ilet clv eured.1 It 'g" 's fnic great p]easui'e to reom rneai it, antd Y-ou are at liberty te use ti tin aanv wNay to further the use of Iyour valuabie wdcaý Tise tal'e.s ctise Am,ý-'Hq1denSlo Comîpany axe now t'.l% a'ht-Myew Tie MeCieridy Sisce Companv tbà s builtinlaMontreai, - - ~--' -tise largést slaoe fax> tory lun(2artda. ,- ljŽit ever. - ' ' Minard's Liniment Cures Dandruf. Giving Advice to Farinera. (Sylvan Gi-ove, Kan., Nows,> - Buy a new blader andi use Ita.we to let it stand out under a tres or -behln4 thei bai-n for the rest of the yeax,,- here1he boga can reet under it, the caives- iamp or, the floor, the bllly goat chew the Va anti the chickens roost on the re4l. Lot thu rain soak up the boxes and thse pum blsfér the paint. Ta-e -out a fow unaoesefsaryv boîts te fIx the cultivater ini the spring aud another for the ploughin i the fali; jet tise boardis warp anti crack; the tUn IMed -and rust; let tbe tongue i-et and the Wî egg while the bei-nets build nests In thse Wmn.e box, anti spai-iow bi-eed i the rIve .wlieL Lot tbe bearing anti the gearlng get eut of lino, then in a yenr or two 9go buy a new biader, like a man. Tbat's tise way It'. done. Cutting trees to insure repro- duction-pianting fr qto re, _ late supply of water-pTfri4ý5Vng to bind the sol-rxd - pIà tanig, etc. Trhs îs onltrýone cfthe many good thlngs<'n LIvery Issue contains dozena of articles by "mosun who know,' on everyfeature of farni work.. It's the cheapest and best paper for the farier, his wife gxid ebidren, ini Canada. Trwo Years for #1.00 Less than le. a week. Send aiong your dollar and start with the iqext issue. Write for a free sample op"'. Ad.dreu- THE FARMIRO WGRLDTUROlte. gl .1 0' 't Two Rivers, Wio Knows Anything About AIl buyers, sellers and users of leDDOY'S IMPERVIGUS SHEATHINO PAPER arc luierestcd ln this question -? ? ? ? ? ? 1 Y ', ViII every render of tufs enqulry *'WlIO KNOWS ANYTÃŽIINU ABOUT BANNIGER" pleaso drop a lino on the subject to a HULI, CANADA - Agents wà nted fer our- ifipQGIefti- ' m plots cuti It doesenet exceed $Z.oo-AUl go sellers. Write 237 ]King str-eot east l'Toronte. Trorolto- : I. ,Montreal Line Steamers beave Hamilton - at 1 p.m., To- rente 7.80 p.m., Tuesdaà yl, Tisui'dayt and dazurdays. Fall Excursion Hamilton te Montroal, alagle *7-0, VO- turn $1'2.00, 'Toronto ta Montreal, single $6.50, retflra 811.00 . Low rates batween ports. Furtiser Information applY hO ]E. & O. agentl,,ao write te H. FOSTER CHA.WFEE. Western Passonger Agent, Toronto Too Much Red Tape. The Vienna newVspapers tell the story cf a fire which broke eut -at Hermnanns- reutis, an Austrian village near the Be- varian fi-entier. A Bavai-ian fire brigade wisich was stationeti net more than three miles away, liastenedti t the rescue, but thse Austî'ian Customi Housc autlior- ities refusedti t allow the fire engines te pass tise fi-entier before tise usuel tax on importeti maehinery was paid. Tise Bavai-ian firemen natui-aly turneti back anti haIt the villiage was- burneti down before thse nearest Austrian brigade wau on tise scene. CATARRtJ CANNOT BE CURED ,witb LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as tboy cannot reach the seat of the disease. Catai-u l s a bleeti or conatituthonal disease, anti ln ordor to cure ht you must tak-e internai remodies, Hall's Catai-rh Cure la taken lnternally, and acta diroctiy on the blooti anti mucoits sur- faces. Hall's Catarrb Cure lu net a quack medicine. It was prescribed by one ai thse beat physiciana in this country fer years anti la a regular prescription. It ia cern- poceti et the beat ton les known, combined wltb the best blooti purifiera, actl'ng dlroctly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combla- ation of the twe ingredients la what pi-educos such wonderful results la curing Catarris. Senti for testlinoalals. f ree. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Pi-eps., Toledo, 0. Solti by Druggists, price 75c. Tako Hall's Family Pilîs fer constipation. A Valuabie Engraving. Messrs. Cltristie. London auctioneers, recently i'eceivet i w'at is technically des- cribeti as a "furet state with untrimmeti margIine" of J. P. Smith'a engraving, of Reynolti's portrait of Lady Catiserine I'elhamn Clinten." It liati been foitietiaud creased in lail directions, and ivas receiv- ed tisrugh thse mail with an iliiter'tne nete, which stainps far its returu if x'ot founti woi-th sellintr, the ownier evident- ly thinking, its value net more than a few shillings. It was -auctieneti off for neariy $2,800. Kidnoy Cry.-Paîn ia the bacis la the ci-y et the kidneys'for belp. To negleet the callis te deliver the body over te a disease cruel, ruthless anti iinally lite destroying. South American Kitiney Cure bas power akia te miLraculeus tu belping tise aeedy kidneys eut of the mire et disease. It relieves la six bours.-38 Here Montreal Hera4l. LŽ'ider tise the 'Monti-cal Steel Works employetid" hantis. Untierth ie it emiploys &-M bauds. Fyrm a cou f tliree-stoej,9;uild» ings tise conceAra asgrwl c-' r 471- r Sold cverywhere. s s -j 4 4 , ~. 1"' - '-I