Whitby Keystone, 20 Oct 1904, p. 1

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7-.', s )tvi .'#. i. - ~fab1~& 40* ~ r.' l$~f ouches, ce ' 'itcl ie J. y' v t' t .1s<~ & Y~ all overbte krtehen. BU-Y 18 in. high, 1 44u. Wide,- The Beni!tt I, Pickoeng,7.. Whitby agent-W. M. 'Je CiV The,(estne 1Ifj NEW CO%5T Y PAPER e-eeyThi r_çdçey fto'm the effi ut, Bw aig rock Stret, '-' Whitbyj :,lît> Outa-rlo Cornty ~ tohne Conîîty of the Xojlon, ii tnofte estOne Cîlily of the Te é EI8ýO,1 elitèp den lPo1ilrlcq, ami ýwUl a4vocatcwiat it beifeves to be litebsi- mt.rerw tof, th. cqmmuitY Thie SubigoIptione PrI(4 la one hnnudred cents f or ~ftytwolsseawbeî paid tu advance---S$1.2à. wheîî * t Id "t Tue WvmrflnF Rates are reamonable and î'ill '*xi30e41uapICation. If yc.u wish tii be Ieard, s~î~.~xrizi~1 11 lf"STON E un gixîge 6!Advetmeiientt3slîould reach this of- ý,fto e t Ilâer thian 'Pue"day nooui, tLi isire iiisvr- '.jou n lthe current ismue. * ýAtentâ Wanted in ail parts of the Cotitity. r * C. A. GOODFELLOW, Rîitor anîd Manager. RAILWAY TIME TABLE. WHITBY JVUNCTIEiN. *Going West ri2i) "aItl (ling Ea-t ?~)ar.. 8' .12s a. . 'l1 pn 2ilpn lSp.io 7.5i5 put. silliy"rS iu The â.42 a.nx. train ýlo es lit gi we>tMuîly mxoning. WHITIIY STATIoN. -Goiîxg Ni'rth 9-12 ar Ili. (iîiiîllg Siiuth Ksi'a . 4.4.i p.iu. . - r.11 111. STAG.ES. Lt-r 4Stliy for Oshawa artio. a-.s-an 4 P-111. Leavas . "lîja)'at liSrjr . &.AIl-', t pr-~ prietor. )MAILS ARRIVE. 'Froni 'W..andlE, îC.45 it. Frit W'sti.3 4.ýati i '.Vtst, - .1 c i. ' ii gtkr ît J Frui riiia.ili "r.3tip.i1, MiAILS (xtti. 'For Nîrtli 74,5 inl. E.cst t al ui. M."est î2.xn îîi.î Frrr (ishtrw'a -rrl'n. 't..nit E. t-k -r s 'l'i'st le'c 1. PROFESSIONA L CA RDS. *EDICAL Or. Pleldrum * A e'o UII P! (4 of Royal C('1lezv ofPl"u ..K1îti1. ETEREAêE,- BYiLuN ST. LEGAL D. ormiston, B. L S h otoifr PrtL. e 1. %:i k \ t P etc. Mouey toL bati. OfF,ýi it\ It P t f Dow & R, cWivre'y Barrieteri~s, licitnr jt/< N11i1tî 'I.a î1 .o pî iePmst (th 0 1.1,tii(P, James Rutlodge p*p v.Mnivey tii Larc r"ÉarewoB;, K. c., inty CrtiwxxAttoi t - x ill ýt0r ( )tlxe-Srtuti . - PENTAL W.Adams ie rîverJ I Fergfl-î - r:ru 4, 'flic iri i v i i >t., 'Lt -. 1.3. JohnStone * çf Cicagî i li' lmt e4o'eltW1M'n. M. llriingl,->s.aiu%-, arv ÇHDIRECTORY. 4e',lan Ohurch. UISY4 JO1ýN ABRR 'IlV'.M 4-H at. i. and 7 pl.~r"ti pdstla OrnacIe. -b.801l.a. m i 7 . m Sto"n- F rayer Nlt-z.iîg o'lhu-- 'r ýrh, Anglican Evellgt;-bprayer anîd 'e r- 1Ohuu"h, Anglican. Ul. xiiarl I 7p. ni. Slîn4la> Wd1week Service- W ednesdii: il, STUDEINT PASTOËL and 7 p. mi. StîndaI y pl'er service on Th urs EV FATHER O'MALLEY plae -and i11ald alterntately WHITBYg ONTARIO, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1904 Meetng f Ton Cunci. IMiis Warren, Mies McKay gave evidence' was hearty and sincere. He is popuiar I aefu1 training, much skili and a good as a nman, ap8art fxom hie politicat a flia-, Ail the membere of Council save Mr. de4 of naturai ability. tioins. Mr. Chrigtie seé.m5 'teo e a worker Coiiwere on hand on Monday eve- Itet Misses Seccombe and Mc ther - an par .H' not tire' iiig. The meeting was heid il, the! moa(1,'11 Sing of Thee.îu the audienlce $ ý. ' . à ddress. Ho Town Clerks office, because the Regis- ' ladng, "lTe Chariot Race f rom said heoi.f tein sài4&-hi say' .n the Court tration Board oceupied the Council 'Beio Hur, by 'Miss Chown. House before the"QOountv Uouncil, but Cham-r . ddress by Dr. Abrahiamn. whio said this was the irst tfme he hadiver tried' The minutes osf the previous meeting that for a quarter of a century noir lier to speak to such a lar-ge audience. Ho were read aiud coufirnîed. hld Ieen ai various times appeariiîîg()il did ui kîteti' why helixad been choosei' The fol-lowiîxg reports were passe l: the Tabernacle platform. It iras an to represelît the Rîixg t was flot be- old story, but ho liked to drink fromx cause le antcd the pJ:II.He ladr > REETS nîemcrYsS prings. He was glud to have hed out agalixsti , and lad oîly con- John McCarl, work .......... 24.75, 'the friendship of the Taberuxacle pas- seîîtei tu tesaîxd after great pressure lîad Robi. Plaskett, work............. 17.25 tor-, IIud tle Tabernacle coxîgregaticîx, beexi brought to leur tipoîx hiiu. 'rixe A Cauneron¾ work....... ......... .3.00 and wlished thons nxuch pti-o-s peritv. Conservative party, le saidc, has a leader John Murphyv, work .............. . 7*5 îiitrumentaî Trio, Messrs. Evans "cor- iwlîose poliey ail clxeervatîves anxd a Joh Bryenr, eamixg--- 8.471 net'. Whitelaîv lmouth orgTilan xd 'great imaixv Libeialb eau cuidorEe. 'fhe Wnx. G'ilnxoîxr, tle .............. 8.20 ' ,Wil,'ison (w h istn1 . 11' Lws ue 1vUei-lfis coutest, ad M. Harper, repairs .........-..... 5.00 R- C.ýhas. Adiaims,pastor of the Brook- the audienîce wciuld bfar .znîleîhifxg of it TOWl~N l'ailER-U. lin MI thodist churcit, xi'îs isked to say froii MNIr. lester, wliii wals xwell verse(lini Water anîd Ligît Coins. ecrent 1). 1 a feR '-r'tcds, wliie.h lie did very pleas- tixat mxattur. Ouil N-riciber 3, he w.aîtecl Ir)antly, i rtiinatiixg h:s great Picasitre at ie ue'îtes i-rtal ii e.~tvsanîd iîîtialy Geo. K. Tîxompson, work *.....n..rset..i.ras .a ld.43uîigu Pelx oi A. C. ýViisoii & Son pixtn. . 8.2 Mr1îxcy 'Mîese ,gu la M.aiite. M. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~) Hapr& opuniigwtr 0 Piing!iît uvas ioî es':, nitç1Coll fie ca-r ,îuits have f,iîiii"i'zeîicus ilîtie-s 'alîcc i rni back te thxe eity. w iitixNlr. Foster's facial explessioli, s .s Mc Aixie ekîlifaiyhiîgwa ecw'tnloiileeciie;its %were tiietinsiiile,tixe that wcilie cîttercîl t'leo hall everv iuîgdon toracls avig ameexîx ofchoir sn o xthc-r aiithiixît.and the las- bodly kliu"%. Lxii iut the. eîtsiit County Coxineil cailed for tlîe purpose tif tciunt-eltegticix 't l iivattîac I rua sletider lbody to the lîcaci guaraxteeing the w'aterIt ail 1liglit (le- bîeîeîuîwhieh ix ucuîv for lir. Foster. Ni' bentîxres. 'flicrecetitds wc:c cc' rterlIiirover t1u e x-Fiiiillicc'Mî il-teI1onealrd Mayor Bloiv 'repidt iitl'.tlie <i id nit 145. T 'I Cî:'i.lî" k' ioai iiy w it l it îin l" I cd IV HUt lic is ) lro l i ic:us tliixk it would lie possile to eceurL, a Ciiu i ai t 'tsIsi'i. I k'c: ursu Ur i u lul the r _-ý;1t, o I;it ýeII s escivrt Ii the dasl . !_r. Anîxes txouîglit il w'cuil, andti hat ilic ol ;ersiition Nwitli'MayrcF<iwke, <if tOshawa, thie lattcr exp)ressoul i hutseît mlsoiist fav.ocable î Q :xalmcetîing of Ci îi - ci) Milr. Aixies stxggosttcil that tIc M.yiL coiiuinîcate' iitix Mayorl"cw'kc. with a v.'ew te 'lavxig actioni takeut. Thee iccflini uak'iuig fuxciher arrange - mxents w' iti the Donmxîîon Hauîk ab, to inc y Vbcirrocî'. nd ieîttîrcs ias tilvil îîxeixtionxci, anid Clcrk W'i te sîg't tilt adi'sabiiitv 'i-f t-r liuîi tIilig cit eveii thoughilti, "ttc nl'ae ta' 1-rv. lte rate ci ivL -t i'cS t 1 .i q ii 1',- anid thcce titilit ils '\v.u1: e a irî'is -rlie w'îy as axxotlik.r. 'file fiA Icw'îutg icmastîi'-r W îr.,viî nit idvlii- sale i thîe w'atur amiiIlg lit iccilicrr thce Fiinace Coinittue wttlxli i'se' rctarv of tlic w'atir aud i i"t ~rr. uî~-t bt a l t rzeil 10 ranigu ssii îli ii' liîîî 'iril . rtI îVBank C <t- r-ro tSrii'- i tkic dil<e t lt-,eilt. M r. Ames 5 ir îîuts] V rîtpi <Suri thet tSr cf t1ic' wcrîls -"" ~S-e-1tl e ic5!"(. til cliîiîxg i(tht I at 'xily <id xit-' 111Ak~ t ti ilstruil tif sale ýlîi0iîli(-- ic if-r the (' oiieil. Ho' Wt?' tI . <, cli. , -r's' cx i'. ti lt.î! i-iilii. ri-l r a S. ili i-rg :fi Ti l lc oult' cilit i lcîrju tc.a- Tabernacle PHarvesi Festiv~al. Te ftrt-iilicii.M l Ie 1li"ii i e î t o't f -dirt' l :t tt . T' fl i t-u', feat Xv sfîxîiislieit four te g'ati fleitttio<t i l t1ttc I*e;i-s't li ratîxvf y tc' :tîkct<hrt sprtul tli wc .-o taus'nt fi, stzatyti: Ii'.e h tlui"lmidre, ol itn-r 'ti p-<sed ilitrito îeit'cthe(iiitTuesday< ein g. ed iii teIl i('iretby"'tea was u-rtrrad île fenst ')f -, r)'itlitli,-ritof îten'ril elactîcter. 'flic' î hîl'eild ')Ml at us sittîîîg, ax.tl tti".' w'cvetulldtt'.'t tunes ;iii uaddiixitii" 'i.'.itrs sut atia iritcr tiîhle. Th I.cxt-'.v1 ueup ti te cxcc-lic'tt ayeriicf î .rr1 ovicieti by Methodîsi tîcLids. At 8.301 tîe program ut ig.cu, anxd ts was ka-,w'cli cii-rn iauix as ct-ijottilOtias auxy ever lieit nl te '.txu i pee-'.'t'iclî V-S qayiixg mîxtchx. M r. Eitiory, of Cosuse, presitlcd. 'The prs'gtimii .as ris ftîllosu Axtiheni, " 3-U,4cyethe iLorcd'"by tIceixhoir. l'clyer by Dr. .<bu'tlixî. Viucin Sous. Nis si\art'cu. iNalo Q<xiirtet,:c, " Atit t?-Marjory - 'Messrs. ..rcs, Ev.'ut, W Nixiteha'. aai W'îlkiixsoi). y Readinxg, 'Miss Cru'i'th, Il utdav is loxiesoni ': arid "-Seeiîtixgaai nilt.1 Adclress, 11ev. A. H. Wright. TIe tiemne iras, Are Ive îlankful fuir ail the ýygood thin.gs andc good tlrnes sve erîjoy "e <. t was an appropriate anxdi thoughtful address. ~Se xtette, "lTrîxe hearted, whiole hclurt- ed -r Mesd s.Wilsox , Stephenson, Rîcli ardon WisolDavey and Hateli. '.Violin Solo, M i Es McKay. -Likr First Gun Fired. Hon. Gea. E. Fosfer, Ex.Fin2nce Mlinister, and Mr, Peter Chîristie addrc5s a Whitby audience. asur ltt? i1r' li. tilt i i l k( bt'11 'trh "Ct s 5tt-itir P' i-rit wr'as 's tt Iit i.~ lin. 'rr' 'itil 'r îe. li ult As a .ctic.ukcr ;Le(is a eii tîcsr fils t'lu -r o f ligîiis ' ; t t' NI'î 11t truc ~ ~ o tih.lu'.L'rrîî stuticd ail-rn w'e> Irii(I x il i lit. i I r I oud a I b-r".t r \"'<t ut ý1 '< ik t u 'ilt, i' t s 11. -' t t sus i -r ai i ', i. ut 'i ut'. fîlîi t ~ ;n-rr"-rt'.tri.' «rks 'rts at ýouti - r'.e a 1, attîl fotilitrri.'htaif xî't "ta t t ttc't- t rcaliv Icucuî'-l atif thltur x I ru i ii 1 lit-rn lrin't'uiniiy stîrcxxîdl ix"i. t t11 t1t 1tr e i l aill tti '11 te rtiucct.' aruli*g' 1iirit' of menitr n'.c NIr. F-rtc'r, M.îr. Uit istie aix th ur tir-- uxnuic'itt j 1in.t 1H 'hall. \TjîuKtîtr;un-e c- Mc. Fosîcu' and -Mc. balî)y' t ialuh - , 1't I ,.i t .-rlI'n t I-' ships, Postuxastershipes, and to positions of ail kinds The IlCantda Prosperous" cry was deait with, and the ta.xat&5n in 189J6 compared with tlîat of 1904. The pic- 0 ture of the poor fariner crushied uxider e a burden of taxation was very Inughabl v presented. The-taxation in 1896 was~ $5.42 per head. îxow it is 9.50 per hea i ' '.D TDE' ~ ~ v Reciprocity, andl the speaker's con- FOR PURE FLi rri..S.r nection with tha same, was a isubjectet he handieci easilv. He was familiar, or 0 0 convinced his audience that hewas, witli every urni and twist that had bec n < madle. When the Coniervatives founid that they coli not enter iîîto a rccx procal trade trei,:y with the United 0I MohrCutrte uGe hÀ bi sýýro cerie ductions. The G'r'ts have siniply adopt- ed the Coxservativo polîcy, tîxougil with tixis difloience, that the Coliservatives would ask for fav'ors. Laurier says - we P! want îîothing in re-turni for- our prefer.G O T enc.' Chianbtrlain %Vas fighting a w ini Pnln l -ay liitseý .,«ii- battlei E n anltruuukacific.1 The Grand TukPcfc The ouly Ijiiestliil t issue iii the caîI - ý paîgux hoe had tirlie to i'ir.3 With, after 1'ïuisliiixg lis Cri tiCQisn ii'Oreferred t oCI,..~NIId ~ Cie the e.îulîiuuV îiestîouof tu C *,LV L>"S 0 T. P. -Wil<at is thtls t hxxg îe spurei.ker *. askeil. ie lad n:-'"~ucht"i sCid ofii.ii t liecon, tS lti .5 tcw iirr ' tho flîe. i ' t gix u ew a1 1t cailleC tii 'ti, Mr.iîsteit sadth wiciel aux utexc uut uIthegreat\'F1,Lcy ýiîp 1 1crie (1 i 1tli Govtiafltint f i d iiîlic ':'-~~t.-~itr txîiln North av toici ie< bu4 ;t iass oi ut a-.the - rxft t-r rfi ~ c«'i licrid of 't thleV g ( 't îî-r sir \'jlîrmi 11. m le thi'tgs w--ri-r-t ')r hluit liat ne ': l'l~ . iiit Sun lit auc îxîstrî luii Quebec. 'l hotfi >11 - -r c.. il'îîrc, .vas I)ir- ijec t ý t i tir H . t ilte ".lile lr~uu nitîx Mr. H i s ','.ît1louit î'rrî'sîxtiîî' \î. r w iw l '; e -r "-, fle ( tiiîl, , 1.1-r. Ilîî'M e i',i"-l it e il.i. ci r trt - ti' t r ttîî i a I~~~~~TP1 'c ii-t i.-tIl'r h' i-r t. .t is '.r lui 'r k' i t <<O \-'ti's rom 'i t'le -- - <-r t~i~iiTis i- ii r.' wi "'t' tr payi ccix -rwcl du Tu yt .m 'Ilha îme-rtît 5.' h il., ,f-rI' "'r' i *.i ýS i ur <t 1f1<1e t . 't r s, - I -r' OWii tI'chtt li îîitii i t iC) ill5v wr s ,' Wr iii ai < tru. tI iit Ofrî rr"i 11îl t o p iv IS AN AR Iý Iar1'e 1mout of fi-.niiii'-. 81 teIf' t '. 0(1)-mýtock of NICHOLSON & SELD«ký, Furitu e it i1 I Clîristie vw'as t11w- "'nal for appuIatisc-r, aux1-n Z 1 iuc ihi' r tt"e '.tu t iit' ei î lusî' citIt îhey etuîîîxrît îlice t-rok scaît' Il île plaîtforii.sur- tc) ccii aux'ig tc'-< 1 t-raxxx stîrvsi'.'vite(1)n vl rouuleniby t Jamres,< n i~u ileige, .1. Port tHope it rUto- tthle'i relit \'alie'.'i io ai e,ý1s B. Dowv, N - . rs ar4en Juhn \'ipcîxt, Cuiitai. uo. tt Tlrcuît,îîî tic' Litue ctl ti1t1ii 'uit'I irs If M r. Iporrlet C'has. Calder, Dx-'.Jlohux ancd Jas. Moore, -rcanxcidtate w't'ti'.iîxi;.' 'il,,ircî;lîses t it Iis retttrxîc'd tri t\rni ie",lxc tis irOuItise Iiu'ooklin ',*rt. ,-al, Peach ; Bobt. Tretiotic i'ncil .1 lc te 1ik, ti 1 iîs <of tri tut t1lt xoaduui upu-ru a lisiîicisS ti.iisl MlrPickecuiutz ýDr. Kaiser, Fred the cantal. Sir V\ifrtd l,,x( lri.îi of<dw1iuxit te sextecteiti u py Ellis, Capt. ' Djk]ýr rC. W. Scott, Geo. promises, litut lho'c otIisciit-rail-rîg 1 '1iexeeigcoti.'t]c'cc's fît Hyaîcl "(4hav'I'. ilC. McAvoy, Pick- thaI iree cuclforc :y'andl c".ex'C lu ;t mXr îitetxtlM.Frtr ilig ; )m. snltl licGUMIus ; J. L. entecgenuy. 'fIere ' s'.'rusueguirur îupiuc'naevrytx:'eok -Suiith, J. J. Fc-iey W%ý1-itby. ' -rdem'ie of pcouîises. _____ CA'airmaix Jas. lutledge was pltased kReoreuxce wasmadtuolc-rlc' ] te sèe 5sa0nit5iy present. fis words te preserve tcilwpdfC thelf'a r- Ir Sev'erai Ribs Broken. -rerre fewt. -Vvho'iile entionod Mr. k iament. Lt lad rcuxtoveci tuestpoîI On 'fuesdayaiterneoux Mr. .1111iiXîi li- Chcistie's n'aine, atid referred te him as of ail Liberals wihiie Iti(Oppositiomn, but lis, 9?f Port Whitby, lad a spil tt <fls tue future meîxbc'u, île applause was the vecy things tise Bill w-as meant te bug ',. whieh resuitediuî sciveral brokeix tuniuîtîsous ;, andciwlen Mr. Foster's urrevent.lad beeus persisteixîly andi grosu.. 'db,. ihe accident occured.a't-YaîstoflIe 8 name ivas calied, ltie audience greeted ly pracliceci by île lib risei1 p Q t rosigani .v. o resuit or the 'hUrse its mentionl witlx w'iu approl'al. i9 oe. Thr ic becuxn nbîes8 ibeing frigh4bned L'ù a train. *, Mc. Christie ras tist iîxîroduced, adi hil 56 rasa! -1] 't umber f Mne>uiO nér;.er-rl* -rGbvernoi¶s'k per, a L t G.w aitot'.- " whonie ros tospeà hi reepton Prlimen taJudgeship 0 k - s. -r t J-r -î, WVVVe are in the market -r dii k«iîl". of (iL"" 11 NY<-' itîu îc -iv- ' t t v . Jl Ha DOWNEY & cou Reduced to 23e eaeh for tw..o weeks -i .'aLiniîta 1 luss ,for uat AINla.N\ s iii t'lie Way Ros"e otfilu'î'. Dixie CGirl M 3uul'eansa nît lxr 0it the ()hio Nava IL) ('ore in anid' try them ovelr on - 'r,. t' "t" r~- AÉIMMýA bongs atest

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