Whitby Keystone, 4 Aug 1904, p. 5

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THE KEYSTONE.. WHITBY. THTW»Y,.IGST 4, sII ý Suggested improvemenis ai Heydensboteu .R Kid e u e!!~ B snstroe LU m u ~ ~~~~YDENSHOIRE is very prettily situated. Nature lias done a good gives n-i eiflsalo~ flm IM 1 i H*deal towards waking the park Co.%s property valuable,, -but it lias D-i aiio L EE notdoI everything. There are a few things ieft for the Park Co. te, do. Chance To Those we ptpatin the field games bave the opinion, whether rightly "J0 B. idna rt, isa k uLai ~ TeDmno ak .J hrt COM1VENCING or wrongly, that the 'feld could be very much improved. As at present the remedy for aIl disoases of the kdesad TeWsen .D arn aa ground is too rougli, and to lanting. The attempt te level up the ground bladder. I have um;ed it forlubgo t acta ik magie. X know ofdznofB BE- CJU IV 29th by sand uo thefldapsthve been uflwise. The sand te people who bave used itwt F I E A , J L 9 h is soft and yielding, and wili not 'pack properly, without constant wetting faly me0.RKdicney urem."2ARiTES and rolling. These who have watched the making of a campuis i1n the -citie8 so oilva And, continujnoe durlng -ail of August at the have some good advice to offer the Park Co. in this connection. O.*R Kidney C r ae nieg ~IG T IE This fail the bail field should be piowed, levelled, harrowed, rolled and is put up in a liquid form and(s'.E.Frwil .C STORE. ~~similates. Each bottle c . .Srit sown with grass seed. In the spring it should be again well rolled, and the days treataient ; price 0oc at aidugst.BASMT- grass kept eut soGeo. aM. Rice yth irt fJuynet twol lie in good shape for games, and would be the spot sought after by basebail, J.IRJ. O'ConnorN, football and lacrosse clubs on which te play matches. The cest of preparing CR OSIAiN TMCBOSADSOS R0# #S113 CLIVER, AND BOWEL TOBE .N un -this field wouid net be many dollars, and it would amply repay the companY THEY DO NOT GRIPE. 25 r bo. MW.Clis Wilpaeo aealtesft ol euiu are o in one season. Free sample on application te(UCHR Wîll laceon sle al th sof, coo, beutîfl fa-ric for There are other suggestions that have been offered, and this is perhaps The 0. R. MediclineG. e bal.my summer days and evenîngs. A backward season: as good a place te give the-m publicity as any. Tornon. Js or mkstepie o ml ocnie.The road leading te the Park should be improved. A man and teaniBs NDCRAE AdiLE>tns 1~c,15 . p r y rdfor a day weuld draw enougb gravel freni the lake shore, a few rods dis- Far Off. .P nt 2l,1 .pe ya dtant, te put the road in pretty good condition.- CCES S aie price 10e On such a day as Monday a good business ceuld have been done i The murraor of the quiet ve-ahd Wî epr renting row boats and bathing suits. Scores would have gene eut en the BringsB in its monotone of silvrsec, To.Tm water and inte it if boats and suits had been available, including, of course, Mo *tions throbbing froni afr-fladCDEM.UFcrEs- ' 411 ~ ~ s O, lic. per yard a suitable place for dressingy. A great many would perhaps have taken their Anmokens touch the ever-shitnlhtyFutad4iea o ~4.... 1... ~ ~ 1athing suits liad they been sure ofa place te dress. What is the use of Tokens fromn far, from. landewdontCLADWO - Salie I ei' Se, that beau tiful sheet of water if provision is net made for enjeying it. The know,J.1.Dwy&Ce Park might as ivell be up-tewn if preximity te the lake dees net imply use Bdigurpro the. H. arne prRoA.Ok A l l~fi~lv~, ~ pe y rdof the water. It is a wonder there is neot a b)oat lieuse where boats may be And hoist the mainsail te £~ ÂY~~AA~ ~hired, and a f ew dozen bathing suits in like manner available for beth ladies io1frtlngbre nd .tAahe Sale price 10e adgnlmn A deze or twe large maple trees transplanited fromn the woods te thle Streng is the fervor of a far-ofe, DRGS- P&kN scWhere tessirig surf .boats singet"hpJD.W]i Par"i d supply immediate shade, pending the growth of the small trees - ahoy,"A..Ali Al lYlusins 10, lic. per yard " planted. On such a day as Nlonday, When the heat was almost pros- ISemething te learn, somethigytt R trating, the shade of a few trees would have been mest welcome. bear, RS rs baie 7 a a. 8e T pavilio hld hae .~ ,'Tis new, 'tis old, this roun&o ua .M S l r c 7 an e t Tepvllnshouldhv a caretaker--seomeloody whese duty hit eu care. H rsi Ibe-o cdean it eut immiedintely after a picnic party liad occupied it. It is te h aof esstl iermtrshrD1sAEs be hoped la twlner agnin be founid iii tlîe condition it wa in01 Urging us and explortuiss Bon Ail aiT bra l2 , 1 e. er ard Mondny. And on Tuesday %vhen a party returne(l for a forgotten article of ý The more we search, the mor 1 to see aîiaESepnsnagn aie ~~ ~~ ive ~~ tle previous eveîîing, the 0(1er wheîl the doors wvere opened was sickeînng.Tcribw pnm plînîgsn'oîiîiî,E .W gn This suggests ventilation, and also emiphasizes the importance of immediate' H. T. ILR AC S)IS clenning. Beamsville, Ont. w.j .Rcado Ai l*~rng'hamr 12', 15e. per yard Thiere is a steve ithe pavilion, and uteîîsils for heating wnter, but the - I P~~1ark Ce. made ilo effort on Moniday te provide hiot wnter for the pienicers. A RivalI For The Wib Jh ht Sale prie 10e jpf any wanted water they could build a fire, carry water frorm the lak:, and' Fair. FO7NLED Ail ~~n~hani 1.0 lic per leprîved cf tlie luxurv cf bot wvaten. A miaii eînployed by' the Ce. for the jThearranigemenits alreadyc id frI Nchlo: . yarci. 10.ll . p rthed provincial hd te pvifruitilandflot aerot and fr honeyn W.theprTilI & fuit Sone - ivCOUl1 hve lad te pvilin den aîd seetand iot ate forttllpiclc sow, hic wishhohwdin Trono I ill b1)e .vils ~riee 7 - an3 1 parties. iduning the second veek in Nvîbr J l )we e Sa e p ic- a d 81indica'te that it is likelv teovea m JîîsLî Tliese are just a few littlte suggestions, ilîl if carried eut weuld iniake portant an eveiît in its linoal hohgl4cEs Slcydenisiiore a place cf pleasaînt resont, attractive aIikýe te townispéople and' winter fair Ield yearly at Gu( l.N .B.lrnl e ~A11F g r d Sa e n 5 2 c e effort is being spared te makeoc e- M .Lwe Figured Sateen 15, 20 . per hdl ii tteiiittol - turc cf tIe show tIc groatestctckndatsn yard Sale prie e 12 ?. hew It 1, a delîcate matte" to chetr suggestîins te a l)ivate ceinpany asto etn bsee ee edi Cnd h Sa e-ic 2' 010 te lalliiage iotleir propentv, and iit would iii -bt e l en llv )ntariu Firuit (rc,vors' Assiato a î>~ n Iin the Public initerest. As the Park is mealît fer the use cf the public, the drawîî up a liberal prize list aiwl a ..nkî IA/a ibtt s o cranacliiidtos.Ti - u1olve- the transp(>rtation chargeseewnon(EFÀî vr- al l oit f fruit sen1t te h hw A W Jcs Figured Sateens 121,15c. per Pu fer iiiîgplace te these pul)ic coinlaîlits anid su-ggestiei1s. Sea pzsW'1e f. ya dS lhor e 0 est exhibit cf fruit in-ake by n gi ac -Bo ~yard Sale price 10e DITORIAL SRIBBLINGS.cultural secîety. It is expctd an .MIige cDT RA CRB LN S f the societies iii the provinc ilsedHRESM - A11 ~~XT1~ ~ uoî ~~ Q ~ ~ their total exhibits froni theirfî ar m avne at .uc eaJam-ues 'BIrerniîes 'hew vcouldi x-u do it -~tural Socicty is cliairmuin. Tchnv\tnîxtTlos -Alsoon table ofmeii ý-(Ibos sits u st(aiîs iii re . prize list is also a liberal creSeea A.D --sr -~~ one of aîîd Su - " ýColi«ersWelv a venv uuîgliclass .Xîerniîpenicîuical, Iii lnst week's >izfs ane oflcred for conierilpc.n .Rs clotlîing, deliartmeîît, aIl size-, from 8 to 4:2, at lîackwartl- -a«sJcliJ-roin ami CrOW(l , istue il~~eplones themeclesiiîgcf Àthe St. Louis-Expositîii on Sunidav. lb e pa- theioratgteinsIt ý ýaDn~-argains ad(lod raNvihlg I)ticcsat tie Casli Store - Aneong MIthLimporant ga pn.tikstîis is tIc onemi nstake of diiotlienwîse gm-tat expositicii. It woli- will take place at thc tiîîie c heso isMre shoulîl look tIi rou nIl ii nnur () f i(le a t - n. fnieîîds and 1 iiîiimug trade mw t Ilit. WE HAVE STATIONERY9 T009 thc ladies -.tlie daintY ] hioil t1iut th 1 lit- ,,-t- i tl. -v-nv styxle înlpen, ex-enV %ýhapc cf -eîivoloy*, aunl everx tmnt tlîat is popular, etc. SButterick Pattenis IiiSo -W. J. H. Riehardson j ders bow the diiectorate ex-en feil inite thiebluiiden cf sbuttiiig hie gates mi. t le',a i l day. Col liens iloultless veic-es the senitimeînts ()f a lang,,e sectioni ()f lie Aîierican people, but îîet the larger sectioii. The irecters hiave dersltless ehsenvq(d tlie yen-stne, ngm wiespreacl sentimient ini favun cf thîe ilav. cf rest, and l have aise îiotcd ,tlîît n failure te observe the Sabballu kept thus id f citizemîs cf tut-m wnand ltluis country frein tedngcral prevîcjus expositimis, lnucd tte -mfiliaiicial les-s. l this ca-se tIi-c diretr c)f t1Ils great xvi) nuls e\Imsition liax-e chîcsenii vat seeiîîed t e iet te ec lest t-ourse finiia-l lv as Nwel Iasinierai lv, andit t liiîthîe ne viii ni xvxs le le 0 (1),ecturs, th ic-iirectorate lhave erred, if ut ail. cii tht- sidiecfxilan inii 'lulst inter,.,t- c(f 'the vastîtrinîv cf pep!e w l ist lu eploedccii- tirnualîxiv ~'tt \,iiii. Surelv tliev i rte nittted tue dtax (f nes-t in thIe vc- will he the annmal meeting of the Ont- anc Bee Keepers' Association, while a meeting of delegates from the various hortienîtural societies cf the prLovince wil aIse bu, helti. The Ontario govern - ment bias made a grant of $1 000 to afid the exhibition, which blas been supple- mented by a grant cf $ 200 f rom the city of Toronto. Particulars regarding" the show May be hiad by wni tincy to the Secretary, Supt. H. B. Cowan, Parliameiit Build- ings, Toronto. 30 Yrs. of Eczsma Cured at Last Th-wtej > -unu is eiiiicîu'lv uee il'.It t.-, tfine it-self cer-- nte lutaaino h e tainuîui ls an1dlt-ail iand ul nurv ýý l') oppose t1ilese pîincipl's I t liais mAnohrabllusrpoer f thDr.- bt-ci l; i gluiît aildileft ai tiue gi-nuueî.antil iii ht'preseuit xet-k' m ralsowr c r b-u : IDi'oM .Ikdiu leii vx hase's OintMeflt as a lt- n- f ti 1 O 1 îS 1îî I'ls WlVcure for eczoma. liefeatune cf tue deluate andi divisions cii the Macleaîîaitmîîîît On acceunt of mari> vain efforts to cure N%1ýi IVUt-, IS cause- for- re!zr ' i-s fomt iî 1 ue - f n. e r -. eczen and driven aImait crazy with the itch- ing, stingig sensationsI! which accompany it TFle action if Hue lt-aitr cf tuie (I posi'rue i i k-chîniiiuugi fax linof tHue ap-j nian>' declare this discase incurable. Net so i i i ht uin~lec pbi uwitrl ot1tc(' iTrîk oi i ih those who have tisedDr hssOit plleIL,1o lie Int nir f lbi oIV,',l o+L,,Muli cnt, for this preparation sean bringe relief liait-t ustii fer ii- eitlu-~ii-~tc sIviinti th- Madlwu ro-frorn the itching and tboroughly cures the dis- pnuijt t1w fdu o fo le lcýati U));',u tealaipo ase jiself, leaving the skin soft, sunooth and posît ii . Ili-s iqpiu-t e n ev-s tiait I i) a-t-i,'nti tht- It-:i ofi opula r natural in appearance. 1ilisi, i t1etcuiloer.,fht i:î I-ei a-î,On't-Cce you hcarn (Se mer'its of Dr. Chase's Oint- n)~tou vuu ment you wiil find it indispensable in the homne hIavu een 4î î-tt-î thu:nî it I i oxv. dliI*-. ý-t:îteeituof ra~usfer ppe-Siiug ras a cure for every form of skin trouble. lic umtruil f t-ît-~ rtesan. a r ilu rîlci ci ii )ib~-ngi : ate MR. JOHN PRATrT, Blythe, Huron Ce., Ont., 103 ~ ~ ~ ' ~writes :-" I cannai go-e Dr. ChaesOnmn accerdiiug toe anîimîigr.-, i-ý just tlue -()t of stnteîîîeît ueNo xe w -i1 (- toe much praise for 1 ilas troubled with eczemna ni il at111vti u -~- .vr< ep-.~' for over twenîy years and had been treated by anat--rie tectrpoîrations~. I t is iHie vr c'r f wlu' int o x-vuuld îhree doctors, though th'y ahi faihed to cure me. Dr. Clhase s Ointnicnt bi cured n-e completeiy le )ýk for Ili the chî.llioiliof the peliey cf 1iui ie ewneniesliip nls npplied te our1 and I have not bad tlie sliglitest sign of the scdom(l«net tamîcoitîmentl he. t 1a~tcri «cl efee xti'u li rcurn of (bis disease for several months. 1 amn pn(îc ouite satisfied that 1 bave fourîd a permanent eu )y 'Mr. Brln' ,atteiuîent :it xxill 1le t.akeiî asrte i, îi, ossible defeuice ci-re at last.'" of te psiton c tlosew-h oppse lîeMaceaîîproo~as, ird s sclutIc Dr. Chase's Ointr7"nt, CO cents a box. The of te psiton f tosewhooppse lieMaceauproosa.:,audas uchthepcrnrait and signature of Dr. A. W. ChMse the weakness of the case pnesented iii support of present coîîditioas is appnreiît i ou receipt book autbor. a.re en evem-y box. For pains and aches use Dr. ChaUC's Back- Ili every litre, ache Plasters. L~. - i -i y -'i or ro- Tlie h\eystoii Richanrdsonu & Co. 1Pncnî en.RA-Pmu Rs- (Y Inrieii & Stedînm WV. .1. F. Read Drn. NM((illivNay P r. MNI in III Dr. \Warrenî D)r. l'ast-w-cit Pr. ear Pumi' IiKlS J. F,. lIl-lau A. IC.\Vilson & Son A. \Vilzorî "lime ?îar'rii lfg,.UC. NV. .1. IL . li-hrdson MrQ. .Xlliii .1. XV»IAN ) IaNrc IF GoA Kelly.i: K i i I ret bers ('onîpany 1..>'. Il.. . I( )w, agent (,.N.\\'., E.-XStephenson, agent Bell Telelliie L'e., .J. E. Willis, EÏ. S 'ephlisoiî E. R. Blowi .Thîî Vhite ii Col. Fanewell lef t hast week fer Mt. ilem(,,s, Mch., an,, after spendinga shot time thene wil visit ether placeE ene hie vacation ends. ~Wheat, çdý .. $085 to whit.. .0 S0 o 0 85 < sp~w .... 80 to0'.90', :ar........ey...... 0 35 t6e' 0 40- B e a ns..... ........ 125 to -1 ', l'eas .................00to 800 IRye..e ................... 048 to 050 Buck Wheat .............O-043 to '0 46 Oats...................... 030 to 03 SEEDS. Alsike, No. 1i........... $4 50 to $5 00 Il No. 2,........... 360 to 400 _%d, No. 1.............. 550 to 600 Red, No. 2............... 550 to 5 50 Timothy Seed............i1 0 t o i 50 FLOU# AND FEEU. Flour, per cwt ........... $2 50 to $2 75 Chopped Feed, cwt ..... 00 to 1 25 Comnreal ................ 2 00 to 2 50 Bran, per ton ............(0(00 to 120 (0 Shorts, per ton.......... 20 O0 to 2500 MEAT, P01ULTRY AND PRODUCE. Beef, by quarter per cwt $5 25 to $7 50 Cattie, ive weight, but. 4 0>0 to 4 50 Mutton, per lb .......... 0 10 to 0 10 Lambs, each.......... ... 300 to 4 00 Hogs, live weight ........ 4 OU to 5 (0 Hogs, light fat ..........-5 (00 to à (0 Hoge, heavy fat.......... 4 50 to 4 80 Hogs, dressed per IOlbs 6 50 to 7 (0 Chiekens, per li)..........O0 10 to 0 Il Ducks, per lb............O0 il to 12J Geese, dressed per lb O 9 to O 10 Turkeys, dressed, per lb O 12 to O 13 Butter, roll..... .........O0 13 to O 15 Lard......................O0 10 to 12j Eggs, per dozen..........O0 13 to O 14 Potatoes, per bag........O0 70 to O 80 Apples, per barrel ........i1(>0 to 1 25 Onions, per bus....... ...i1 00 to 1 25 Hay, per ton............. 800 te 9 00 Straw, per Joad.......... 2 00 to 3 (0 HIDES. Hides, per cwt ..........$86 50 to $7 50 Sheepskins ..............O0 90 to 1 10 Deacons..................O0 25 to O 60 Tallow, rendered, per lb O0(04 to 04J Wool, unwashed .........O0 Il to O 17 Lamnb Skins .............O0 40 to O 50 Peits......................0 2.5 to O 30 Sittings of the Division Courts. COIJNTY 0F ONTARIO, 1904. WHITBY-D. C. Macdonell, Whitby 01er k, Jan. 6, Feb. 4, March 2, April 5 May 3, June 6, July 5, Sept. 6, Oct. 4 Nov. 7, Dec. 6, Jan. 9, 1905. OSHÂWA-D. C. Mýacdonell, Whitby, Clerk, Jan. 7, Feb. 5, March 3, April 6, May 4, Juno 7, Jujy 6, Sept. 7, Oct. 5, Nov. 8, Dec. 7, Jaii. 10, 1905. BROUGHAM-M. Gleeson, Greenwood, Clerk, Jan. 9, Mlarch 4, May .5, July 7, Sept. 8, Nov. 9, Jan. 11, 1905. PORT PERRY-J. W. Burnham, Port Perry, Clerk, Jan. 11, March 7, May 9, July 11, Sept. 12, Nov. 11, Jan. 13, 1905. UXmueuEF-Josephi E. Gould, Ux bridge, Clerk, Jan. 14,. March 18, -May 20, July 15, Sept. 163, Nov. 18, Jan. 12, 1905. C ANN-çi OO--G eorge Sniith, C anning - ton, Cierk, Jan. 13, March 17, May 19, July 14, Sept. 15. Nov. 17, Jan. 11, 1905. BEAVIER'TON--GCor:;e F.Bruce, Bea- verton, Clerk, Jan. 12, March 163, May 18, Sept. 14. Nov. 163, Jan. 10, 1905. UPTERGROVE-Thos. P. Hart. Upter- grove, Clerk, March 15. -May 17, Sept. 13, Nov. 1-5. By (Irdler. 3. E. FAREWELL. Clerk of the Peace ElYE CARE Examination The Culverhouse Optical Co. INTE 6 Richmond street, East Confederation Life Buildingo,C TO0 1 T. The Hickingbottom Farm 1 200 ACRESy Parts of Lots 20 and 3, Othi con., Picker- ingc, Cali o plurcliased or rented on favorable ternis. Apply inmmediatel1y to DOW &-,Mcl(;ILL1V'RAY, S"Olicitors, NVitby. Tho Dominion Bank Capital (Paid Up)- $3,000,000 Reserve Fund -$3,565,000 WHITBY BRANCHI General Banking Business Transaced. SSpecial attention given te the collection of Fariiir's Sale and other nlotes. DEPOSITS neeeived of Si and upw-ards. UNTEREST alloxved at Highîiest Ciirrenit COMPOUNDEP) or pnid Haîf Yearly. a E. J. THORNTrON* as pER ns .1 - -/ -s. N AeàýS BRO M EVERY BUSINESS MAN Weai-e îuakillugI 'i. - -, N.. r - j' I j J.

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