Whitby Keystone, 4 Aug 1904, p. 1

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.................................................................................................................................................................................................S; 7, I Fur' Just celel ry X See Nem hols .4..' s FURNVITURE.19' "m. Tilt & Son., ,niture Diealers, Uphoisterers, etc. received New Bedsteads, v Mattressçs, including the brated " Marshall Sanita- lattress and iPillows." the new Folding Lounge, vrCoveringrs, New Velours, -ial .-'attention to Up- tering. ATM, TILL & SON. T K E E P Your Grocepies MOUSE-PROOF GROCERY tABIN$ETSý 18 in. high, 14 in. wtde, 9 in. deep, The Bennett lVfg. Ce *Pick ering, Ont. Whitby ageiàt-W. M. PIUINGLE. QAl WHITBY, ONTARI09 THURSDAY,9 AUGUST, 4 lcrl04 -,/ i 4 ' V0,1 i. ~.The Keystonej THE NE W COUNTY PAPER Issued'every Thivrsday fm'om the &flfce,: To-oea HRoll Bitilditvj, Bpock ýSt#ct Orrtario Ciinty.-"Tiie Keystone Cîîîînty of the Keystoîie province of the Keystomîe Uniiny of the British Empire--J. E. Farewell, K.C., WVitby. TuE KEYSTONE ls inclependtemît inu Politics, anid wlll advocate wliat iL ielievemi tii be i ie best n- terest ocf the eomîmîumity. The Subscrigion Price iii one indred cents f or fifty-two isàmies, hen aid iain mr--~.5wimeu niotbsop d.t -- *rtlslng iRates are ru ai'Llti ndiwili lieu tien. If ys îim-~isui tti be heard, iE KFXST(t'\L.* vertîseenmt.4 shoild reach tiis of- Tuetiday nou, to imsure inser- lnalal parts of the Comnty. OFLOW, ddtr mIManager. 8.59 ayn PROFESSIONAL CA É L-- 1- - - s. RIEDICAL C- Dr. leldrumW YICIA N, S 1 ' 1 E<)N -4XD tE A4 C CO VCJ1E UR. of 1t7nmie-i y f i r it< ,'nd i iînti.iet ] 'ollege uf Ph' ticianLit Rît iliîgil. THSE TLRRA F,' B\ }(>mN S D. Orn2ston, B. 1. s Soicitor forthteiV .,ertiitil t:irv i>tiilt d etc. Money tii Liii. (thc îmxt 1,(.t (Oitiou.cd Dow & RIcGillivrayr B'mrristermsîluim- i \ .iyt' .,ti JaMes l!utiedge Barrister, Etc. îîmî t i iii iii u( - i Telm . 'Officil immmmmiateiy -î îîtiî iof 1-\il W i i 1, V.liii i John E. Farewell, K. C.9 ]3arristvr, Couiity ('imvîm 4tttî mrîev, aiid CIountv foîîmî ()b.e ~ t îm C Court mxt, \hit'. CZNTAL W. Adams open tLatimrtlimte tmt Dr. Jas. B. Johnstone - Dentist. (r,,ii ,it f It"î.ml i liu.. -t îut. versit % griitiuate tof (lic.mgi' i 'l( if )'îa tmrgeOms. (ticie ..' et Wtm. M. Pi 'tiglî' 'iii.irdAi'tne '-tr n Uwne 1rqin k iîI)iiiiii,-N i CHURCH DIRECTORY. Presbyterian Church. . .S01 - EV. lîlîN .îlU1Itýi . 4,11 Timurt ilay i eliin,. mt 'i ii ik. illthodist Tabernacle. el l sîlitiier"ies---ii.:i'a. i. amiii -7il.ni. ýi:î- Ail Saints' Church, Anglizan RECTO(R --111V A. il l.m. 14'. at :ip.ii V.im-iii'îtmîtii,. 1r:îuîr and ir- iliés, 7 '81j St. John's Church, Anglicý,an. ~MR. 1L..A. NM(INTYIZIlE, I ENT IN (iliAIG(E tm~.imatm Sr.i'mî' la. i. a iii7 p.iii, Scimmii at~ 3 p).ini. ..Nlitiweek 'n rv' Le'-- V. ediîe,'Wi t7.0p mm. Baptist Church. NIR. IL.H. 12INMINI.X, STVi)ENT P,%sTi)R. sfi..iatii Services ---il Ia. m.iimind7 p. ii.' siimimita $elîmmini t iPa.rn. \Weeki y P iaer ertm( in'lintirs- iday eveimiit atl, 8it'iiik. St. John's Church, R. PARisIS PRiES, 1-1EVFATHER O'MALLEY. Sabbath Mervies .9 auj. anîd ilaix.aiterlmattly isulmdav schoçol aL 3 ipin. Whitby's Civic Holiday. Upset Casîoe Race, '200 yards-John A beautitul Day-Big Crowd at HeydenshoreCDeouble ande ae, 0 yrs Park-Good Pro gram of Sports - Excur-Cen itad VLe sions by Rail and Boat. Skiff race-John Watsonî, P. Gold- The plan o( holding Whitby's civic ring. holiday simultaneous]y with that of To- In the swnming race there were haif- ronto proved to be a move worth re- a dozen entrties; alsc ini the divimmg con- peating. Though the influx of yisitors test, ln the canoe races, double and was not large, yet there were quite a single, there were two etîtries, atnd the numiber, anmd several hundred people 8aline In the skiff race. from Toronto saw Heydemshore Park Ir. the stvimuuning anîd diviîig cotîtests t.e.OyS Sf41,-L imum---aytmg tîmte alive with a throng of pleasure seekers an.d picnic parties. and the crowd which watched them were Friday last, they go this Friday-seven short but happy days. To 'Miss Scott, in charge of the city Deaconess' work, belongs the credit for engcin atiiig this benevolent scherne, and rtindly is it being qarried out. FtZerrm the varions ivisions of the city the dea- comesses gather the littie childrem cf poor parents, to Nvhom a glimpse of the count ry, of green fields, of sandy beaches, of spiashing waves, is a rare treat. The children are tirst taken te the Fred Vic- ti)r Mission on Quceemi street, Toronto. Thiere they are gîteni a thoucugh w~ashm, The day was fine, but very hot, espec- ansazed at tihe ieîgtho is tîe the winners imeir cxviigamrî:mts ar<id tmmmii e si îalhy 80 for severai heurs in the aftter- were utider wateu, andi hy their sp>ed Ili au itltmeea suits, furmiislmed ilv the noomi, tihe strong south-easteriy breeze the race. deaLci*iesSes, put t)it. Then mt the of thse niorning having given place tc a ______ ______ per tînse tise chidren are îiarchei dead calm. the boatt, anmd thenl begimîs a Seveil (L In thse morusing there was I nothimi' $60,OOO Cari be Borrowed expuiclîce which, is ike a puecicus irc dcoiii' ' about town. A few -cf the onDbnue.in afteu îlax'soiy more reai, sîît stores were open te enable belated shop- onDbntrs ie%-er-tc.-be-fostottem. pers te secure neeiled supplies. A fev L'îst Fl dayAtate Ct.ttiigi a Pfroisî thaeiel persoîlss uent othii, ler's iiiet frieîmds Txi îa at1tttt'î îî Liv suit cf c'lotîmes are furnîsi-îl. mah fishiîîg, ~iTwi Ucurncil ansd \ateu anmd L*i*t,îjmmgsî.adniebttis comsng by boat or train, whiie the great Cnisii s a et otociyo tîcil-ut-eîf nd nmme eu tt' le1I nsajority took advaîîtage cf the holiday 1-anîîc e imîuie îît tsecttiîitou c te get a few mor'e heurs sleep. Tioeroney îîîaurket ith vito thionof pa igii the surf 'andi wet SandS After dituner theî tow woke lip, and cftsetxn' lbeiurs u nri immgand x'sl-iî iii the bilii'. frcîîs 1 o'clock ansd onwards streanisscf tise ethier hsamd te usake some arraige- C rtss Si) uit aSimde t. people poured Pai'kwards. Mu. NeNw- mnttfourmti;Lsiiig immlocie vl'y i.the- The childrii arsîe at 7 zu.ý.it( port had two or three large vans iusy ticus of thmý saiti debemiturea unmi sucîs ttrea bou>t d7.:)i p. ii. Jiy îhmt tiîuet conveying the criiwds te tlu"e park, white tîmîme as tîere mîs1(it bei lre leutC ueor ady .Ilvfourlieu, tii wisich thev scrsdrove, wahketlorbicyched a cn-tîmat cla-ss of scii5 vt hekmi ucii~e aciî utence peruittoti. ]cVl"Cc'k Wiîtttahie l. T.13su The sporte itmluded bast-li nat'lies laywere ~tht.'deputatitîti.andilth-ey made tîeC1i~ tween teams cf the tcxvîanud tise ba3'; thii' î-pcrt at a imeetinîg of ths mte ' Wlil tht.' retuii to the (,tîx ir ru e hlimldueîî ai ie tlLkei te tise Fueil \' hball rmati-liesmi wlichî Pickernimg, Isel ilast eemii.Tiiex' iaî sited tihe luixcitss ue xhage. m and Whitby contusted; skiff races, dit' e'um elkmwm îties ieuiossLu eilt 'ieett aces, swiirinig and diving ccin- 'thore tlmey wtiue iîifoumed tisat tise coni- ii'we ' -iC imu ' ii 'Ueat.uatic sports wem'e tise diticîs cf th(,moicmeyimarket 'ias t'asîeu, 'îî r, uii p}ei i d, pobaby bcaîse evry-thani a ft'xv weeks agis, but mut yet fav'ir- îîîî îs e i msiliîv ss~p nejar the water anmd ais'o) abie for tise puofitalie disposai of tise le-litutea.mm-ittmiîgictmuh euuess uf suds beiltures1 ai tih advice gîvenîs 'i5te o cxo iu i 1se'îr -e w'asSs givmeu tlact if '.!mu toiiWi irll iel ..nt ttlSiIy Parhtiiayiumg beought baskets witlî thein, get the Coiîty tii guam-fmtee the îiebeîm- 'tut- e.'îrk xiiî:iiiaiil urdsîser andt these 'liîmgered tîitishe shades cf ..trestthe ceandliesoii îc btstwt'm *x'enimig had fsmiheiioustihi hater took liant x iotîstt een n.- in thse damsciig. iii the pavillon. Tisoso ix-Io did uot bring lunmeh went liome tc) Ltia; buit tisese m-misseîl tue deli 'gltfui cool- miesus of thie evenimg by the vvateu. Thme aftctnoom iad beeîs exeessîx'eiy liet, anîd the eveiîmmgîs coixecs xvas niucmli appre- cia ted. , 'ie refreshimemut biuotli Iis the p-.ivhiimmi tlid a bigi businiess, amni teult hsave doule iuuel moure hîad there beuî morue hsehp, oru if tisere liad beeois tsmt)ier stsslh thc- sales wt>uhd have itieu gruater. Ice i5reaiu andtlcochiîîg dinuks weie'111 us gut ilemilil. Tiieme were as great iiimLl.ur cf cau- niages oth ie gruumids, .111i tte fetmees te tise usîrth-east %ve't'e liied 'iitîtli hue-'. Sonie of those tisat îlrc'e milte the grtîidslimaîl strmig put,tes tii usakc :igmsaist the condittinif tise n ist i'lL îmîg m ultc thmepark. i'x l',w imu'ulul î:îil fllmetitît a bugigy 'tankaimst te tue axles, ausî cueugod fui uuîthie imiiiiu . i(tîgs imia x'erx' iudîivi Cuondiîtieon. imcst-%V110.lc avi~eil ltastLIi andilfooit- S4î11i aue net pleasem i itii the rougis ciuj. tîmnsble iasd stî'amimi fi le intiules1qs(it. l'le pax:iiiîm istj camlme Iiifît' îîimcl k'itt'heîs are iic wt.i, ws x'cty dirmiv fI. titi Coiioîtn.-lîtl thie place tvas iie Pt foi î'tst'. 'lThe i- i-t it ' at t.iutsiit fo,(ii'1t.ii lntt' tt 'iik L fui-tv i i mii shleter xxitlminuî it tic' 1tliîîht itf uat îmug itumîel t Ie rt -m 1(t' 't I' um s t tttu. Tihe iutsme<if tii lw mîi:.îu ihi'eîî'trý Nxx'li eh t'ummt p]miuin tmllitsiber a mmatitiet 'ivas tif tht- last, aimiîadie the aftvuiIi mi Thli.'Bandîlamuidlutk tîiipamv sîre t u m'îcelpit-. xxIiît.-im m uiiiiîti'lti t-mt5hu -1 iii 'I, ciii ii1 mt tlse xx hal( i m lier xxii i iým lier x'iuîvtii th ii'e t' iii tht.- -î iîin slieagauu ettleil. ti itii meut-it h liibut ii thle crcxvd se t'et ildii t iaccoîmmtîde Theliii mil îlmrimmg theu e iîîg must lia) t ccii del ighîtfîîl. A stinali steans yaceht xxith a patLmtŽ limr itIpassemi aloi g the ' hucre, amil ft Stcpîilig a few iminiute, liit far fsîîmîm hum tiirmed mabout and iproceileil xei-t.vmir A represeistativeo tf a Torcmsti Lodl Semus c f Scctlmmnd uas uilthtIegrîsm anmd cigaged th'e Park fortu anexmmnemu t.:'Saturdav, August, 13. yTise foihewming is ai ist of the xvimîîms ithse varicus conteste.: bisseball Match-Town rs. the B. St.-mre ._)-4 ini favor of tise towms. ivFitblall-BaIaus mu. Pickerinsg, l5cerinig 2-1. Pickerinigi-s. Whith %vxomit y Whitby '2-1. Sxtinsing, 100 yurds-lst Jo . an M 'u-nt. inre andDivimg-1 et ý2,7ihî0K S:and > ict-t.'tisais tîtat gualLmtee. Tise dtiputati usoxt calit'îi mm Betltune, olilse .f -tiseIDc Bank, andmi laid tlmir case befoi imoy pIi imted ont tîsat it vae uin tts limdtht te tebcmitxue.anq y nutîst liaîve mor te imie6to~i' iîmml n 'il. The ut 'ulit wLi5thilt ti, ,tmyguecu(l titi'tlmdvne uitthi(i del) su is tilttii 51;0,000,(4at 7-)lier ct.-m est, roi ia~bie Uctitîen h1 'fllic ut'1ilutvamstig s'eaiui t.'th t cii. atnd a moîtion w ias îsass'd a iîîg tht' colil l'iml' 0 u*StO tii t-il itu'LIl ouiemu t xxi tii tIse imatk. L p tii thei p eselit tise t 'sitmi hatlii u'î'ii ill tshie Doussim tîtsle oi f $1smbiO> at 7 -) r( ~2i.îi4 : ipt-t Ce-lt. mmmdi tht. tii;livtxhîit'tteîitimuin s rtý1 iLt iîimti tlt-imtliit mliais a\coim i. fIct:îim, it.niit has lit-tiu tus (ICti h tu i. * . A fits-lisen ci-it mlitt.m 'î, Si! m the tISt ticii. t V eiloe tfmatorabtie.' îuî 10111t Ms l'i Of andsî Ostmii htave a mooofm'o'uimt'. Ili ciltuimm t îtîu~ ilîtimx' huiot ti (IlLtt iss iuvt i gttlurii t 1t It cDventy Happy Child atlit i-'vtIlt iiiiîie imdaul) mmi uiltît i elsitt tlt th mnîtt.'-'s oft he t 1) Fi-h Ah' 'ili- ti m . 'l'lt. wure -l'e )"îtsUen i-mm tte' lit-st uom ilver nu ittet.oi1i 'F -'xeu- mîii'- )re siiiii. pro- I1 to laysý reaiii 1ittii7 Il (f Vu e Employees of the Mart;n mf g. Co. Picnic. iportamît Onii aturda:st aft't-n iîmluit tlee cc- yet they 1dO sues of tise M ti i i -NI aiuf atu rii i g unlesiate C,). hîld is t2iejoyaîstleuit-uicut Hi'- me Bmsiii ieiislmiire uisrk. Inm i itionmto tt'ettii- tenltures liiivciiîUst iandtlu.'irt'fa ilii cs, Isut: ibt'î'iui g nt. inter- îît' i isl l y i-Mi, ti sru t.' tee isî ' tlsi p1tnt'tt. Tise filni tf ti feuiesiit se C titiu1- eui 't\.i tisj:1 ii:jn11 .ilji-ii)j1 11 ti'S. th11eiC'kî 11i 1Uct i11 utîscnt'- teainsi- le:ig e:mîîti:tcî by Messrs b'. imtuî tîrt a urti ii sami F-F. ilT hei. iSi'itiit'i \' tinu1 i. tht.'lîtt2t. ' t-îs. T'fu mex't xx'c issiiie.'ts ma icitfial m iitt- hi. \i ii. Fuutster tandil R. ini iiaîmk ijliuieciaî,uiîtmg coîîtis. '1'i, Lrusimît- '(t. aIndcu aiin atiriit'x'. sttcta iii itest. iiuitli se prui- gaines mure uit fceructlA by'31rn. ivlxt usci. csf the Iltu ti!- lt' 5titISi(it týit' it of tise 3"i tîm aiifattuirtii" . i Ait 'xýti'ili1I lis f;1 iuIt iS-,ie progi iiiiif iitLws tiiiiasiuîg, îIhît"i- thîe shLut.etc..ana t ta Y ilaîtoim tsr utaidiea, su lTie. t ai tisbfat,.t r 'ias xx îîî1lu Mr.i Ihsttius s ide ut'2 llILit i Theli 'h -ri-'ir'li't a x.'plreseit. 1iiSSu tL nd uit tiul îStilt.' aitet'lmiitii i ti'ti' t.iiii.mtiisiî'. W\\'lîe icliiici ut n tii:St.e i)y ail ec ti let ntua t'igethurien iu s -saw topvloi i îfctti'm: p. ai. tue ;tiiteuiîtîii eassmt'-s 'tie 1mAI uiieaim fini iglit t' i lu ".. foi- a ti mise sit t-t i-ii îf -, lýit(fS u vtv't-mi tur i1 trmmuspittiui.t tthe' îil'ie"îti to ndIt'tii thse î: k Iu t et 'tert'tht'rt' iiiust ilaveu I ren. lieu21 niii. îcei Th1e fi iloiîunî g s'eue su:cuess.'Di unvm'i- ntIiuity tii Bes'rit", y12 st-i" il lîler i1si 2 c-L lrt'm îems l ra i :ce -A. iltit 'trck, F. il Mo\iuiiims Foley,ii-'. Ba-Lt"tijr. ni'stm'simt, Lasdies' race, î-)o vistis-Mr is.NV. H. of' tite 'îktsut.Mis- LDzzie Mout, Ii\ls. W- hisiily-11isSlcus. msîîmt iustt-am uf Set'lmig Ftsut't'eî' tIse Chldî-oiiai xi t ithe rfi i ifat-te ais1 Emm l s i -1 115 i F ,9U iii thme tmiaiditiiotf iti imest t-cii mît - m îy-Bato~nbC i iimitluin il. menoit, tIse'. x'eeeoiilit'd tothetLs~loust' ' om t"ts -i'l im.Lit'n, un t.H. 'flutumns msuud its xeramidalis, dmsn.i îpulSîsiisle faces soli, ni. Foi tester, e titmis H i. could bo seemutrmaces tuf dsctuiteit at tise txinls* îactt 14 yeart s iiOIilis nisie tisat pîsnetuitusemsgLiig where ansi 'May F1-<dlii sx *11 wtldictated. Thse'coins w'aters htisi cu i15iA atik o.f thse lake, tise samssl bealis, thie soft, Futlcy, C. Limrtoi. cool grass called lousdly te tliese city- 'Maunieti iieins utace, 40> t-ars-tuas bred cisilduei, anti tugged ismrd at theis- Barton, sr, io. M Gxat -. A. Huimtie' heant stniiigs. Onhv seveis days of thsis Pittimg shot-ileo. W'iiteiatv, É taste cf parmîdise aîîdonis aftersîoon lest Thonsots, F. Fciey. Iecause of civic hoiîay-it was too bad. Boys' race, l4. andsiuter-Jius 'Moxval iNo wotdcr some faces hsehd a peut as Leo Conticu. tisey eaxv otiser little oties ru'velling in Boot rc A Hartrick, (leo. Shlu tise ctîveted enjoymuents. mais.j 'Nsi 1 Tlere are seventy cf tisese chljdrenh Girlb' îill -re fucîmu Toronto slumis- -girls, with twc or Stiuisîm, Mtss V. Aoiiw l Miss A tlsrec exceptiomns. This seasosi the visit Failin, Miss L. Briant. is iîsied te one week. Tisey came oni Speciml 50 yat:i ginls'raeMs I Stinson, Miss V. Southwttil, Miss L. Bry- ant, Miss A. Fallin. Pri7e Waltz2 - Geo. Whitelaw and _Mrs. Barrickman aild C sas. Barton, jr., and 'Miss 'N. Carr, equal. lst anà 2nd prîzes divided. Iîn the'absence of -Mr Fred Hatch, mana .ger of thè works, M r. T. Cr. \Vhit- tield refereed the sports. The suinsof $40 was expended in prizes, each orme beimmg cash!. A subscriý- tion takoîs up at the works amoîîgst the employes realized suficient to pay ail expermses and prizes. The picuujo xvas one of the ineet 5LC_ cessful and uîjoyable everlieid at Hey- deugshio me. Sam. Graham in Barrie. Flueiutise (i Illia 1I( c k t i)uu fr:eîmd. Saim (ri S1nhlal ftheilh L-augiin emmplcyces omn their aimmuml"al ex- cuirsiot,) Bt iarrie, onmiitie i ;thinîd giv-es ais elcnueîmt ilseiiz"m f tise teip us tlie last issuse of hlbis 1v ]journal. It wmSs a Ilcig, lietj'î'îmv a1tie (4 kT.Et. bî'a:e- mmscmmareue îîotninott. ilif r-kepi.ig tlit xater tamikS 110 mîects t tsiis. Se çl-éen, after st~tmglis mtîemtl appt'tite oim the lmt.'utite5i(if thue t'ei.'vetsveeilTouumto amit. t1iSe et.îitv îîit, Saii i at slammi cd ii tle iat:ur clie was îatri fiu Ba' t' t'iiwuî.thcoe-' 5weeut pure fýoi it;Lutii of te - cot' whiclmise gi.ia clir i:i'.s Blut Barri."'(u't. t'tiis te L ad a stualuge efl'ect on »iisii. To begis itîs it appears te have atîidhie apprecia- ,o n cfiBarrie s p ar. Disappoiîsted in orhou. mIet was isalmrai for hiî.î t0 .eromured its the poorbonsýe. fir-&t be- t: luse t.eri> ie\x-'Lp:x't.'r nii vnts tt. pli t""L .' -ei'tlinte aiieforirv'esi mu . tidc m -:i sul seniers, ansd tCe.ilt.i'.tut ca' . SLt: laq beeus hargu'ýly ims'ttiîit t1,S1 i 1el I t îlI t e"e st t blishîss d t tof at i i ic I. n"tv tom ilivtitii týIii ti'î'ti f"t.'ti h -' i's Iiseaifs:. buit 1îtili'.Il(,i' 'i-'IOl sD)tiibxe foiitd 1ISi t'ilu\ imtotise t)ittt'S 1t itsiiRs. Tht.Pa-im rut.- wa':tu:~tioeii1l i Saîicads, tmiiil t!.inuli'o- uiîm't ium1is .-a tl' ilu ilti tif xxi t l t sexs1 li dbu iM isli a i. u o (LIS, ': p'>u' 5ifc'i I- i-le iiimsi Ili tcaille't-iti utmisi muntIat k ixals t-u pulace w' tentt t'u tt.'ir "f tii'-' ursts prýitusLltlI' il, ii .-tte m' W 'i-e set'x'eui -it ilie littli' t îil . ti fi .Thue absenice -h îî 1"it 1v.t.. h lu te o l.it' lus tîex' - tap '.'i 'h - t I t.'t ' o i. i iig qt tit'.t55 'i:t t1wut'ni'- .i' 1-iabout. H-e uepoîi su I ?Ilr. .- iii' e.î Samtsis a ibrav'e ut t' îi'-t t ulit i'pro; o lurohfli "'b-' tic.'e o - f îe liSittt 1x .m f ' ,i_ îl-ý cal1 t utlth . 'x ttgoux" lieu,"It - i.CSIt.itel tt.li . -Qt înit ý- andiSî gît 'ta(if thuei etloistmble mtt tia I -i xx't. h uiitleur issown's, lit.' ',m)(1- h i I i.-slty. Are tise mut t:stcs ', it x'is tb110 t itur- ut-giiiu x Of cutitv Utticil's it N;i5 ' a 1i5 t tiiii ti al I thitimi-- 11i u >sti).s le 't"-xt tutu- vxe s. 7 -- Arel 1tIse'.'xw,4! itt.aften '-" '\Vlso butt AI- fiuc i itilî jîc pru e-'us this o(iuit'for tise C )iltîtt. ' ic soe u was saîitciml Iii u tu.'.îî mf - u bot ~--Do.thev. alupemu r lit i t i t l.eir lot. As tisis uihesttî ii i ' e tii t1ie detecti-es mc'tu 1 1cm'ci xîi îîi aud I cous îîeseptîu oiif s'lic l1iitxes lti u :.îsactionts, t'eol- lee.ti 'utns i 5thie ex'detleasiue w'lscl tititutt: - i "' ius taisfr-'t'stlil isie' i t.'e i'ii-scty wstls x'iii:u tiley - x'uî suttsiel til after a fl' v' t' iîi - Nvxe'lt u'ff tiiSut.ý' h'ntst of beattît- fuI Bsm:A'siglits, a (I1titiustri-ct lhoime xrott' a eclogcuii tf tIc luise ocf refuge iti tue 'ouity tt.ivi. Iff te furg ilvîîct1esis lu)e îîît cor- reeýt, uve sîsutuh be giad te hax'e Samis -w cxrexpmîmatiomu cf hcw hv causse te sec tiin Barrie ausinstitutioni that ts theitle of this comity liamibeom Ielotuebl~v was at Beetoî. t- Tfie I31ethodist Tabernacle týSumday sciuooî anti congregatian xiii hold their insituai picmîic on Wednesday, August 10, mît H-eydcîsshore Ps'trk-. Cy CROCK AND ()Our' stock of Ci ~ lassware is at Ssal, with a discou ~cent. off ail Dirnn &Toil-et Sets. 0 ý . Phione 4ô., ] I ERY VAR rockeî'y and your dispo. Lt of12 perP-00 .er, Tea and WHIITBu ,. y thi getti O'ur pr2c S[ICHOLS' w 1uýNI*f perlm 'aps lie w a itim m g t replaemmf urniture (f aIl îml-'rrv CI'tï)ii tiî Otv 'lit t ie miîl 1, rp'e i &SELDON Fita.,re Dealers anfiL ndertakes, wlîitmv, Onit. Coal, Oraini, Seetds. il H. DO WNEY & cnD. WHITBY, -ONTA O. ~eg oit 1g t, ý4 me "àà '~The' balan e of our big stock of s"must be sold in the next sixty days. s "sPrices are greatly reduced for this s closing sale.- ABargains In ail kinds of Hardware. sHA 4---'- 7'l'Ni

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