Whitby Keystone, 14 May 1903, p. 8

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vil)adngDrg t0e iD A complete stock o!f resh, Pure Drugs' and Genuine Pàténi Medicines. Prescriptions and Receipta carefuly and accurately pre- pared and the best Drugs and Oheiucaý usêd. !-A complote stock of Optical Goods. Eyes Tested Free. Dru ggist* Optician Me dical Hall Brock St. Whitby. County TOwn The corner 'lot to the west of the Whitby Housu htss been, einclosud with a new board fence. The town-scraper bas been doing (luty this week, tr4wi by two span of horses. The roads have been iniproved somewhat by the scraping off of uneven parts. A few of the local anglers wexît for a fish last Thursday. The day was unpro- pitiouis, howover, and Mr. Trout did mot rospond to any,coiîsiderable extonit. The town barbers have decide>1 to take a holiday on Moiîday afterxîuuuîs duriiug the suninter, aind Mr. Pl biHuuuge avail- ed hiniself of the oîiportiiity to visit the city on Muuxu<ay. A Hundred Thousand New Citizens. That nuixîler of y îiug ,,sul mm nuti uit wore deposited lit the lake at tlhe etîtramuce of the harbor a few% days ag,,iuy Mr. SKeneofick, of the.NLeweastle islu batclucry. A Fit for Every Figure. -W. G. Xalters is sb<îwiig a great var- iety oif latest styles anîd iiew iiulties Ii * traight Fronit, Habit Hil> aîîulLoiv Bust Corsets. Pnies 50e tu $2 a pair. 'u A Month in al Henry Gay, for beggixug frîn> dumr tio door in town oni>Wu(edmîesay, axmdl getting drunk with the pro>ceeda, was arreisted and brought before Police Magistrate Harper-on Thursday morîîing, andl fiîued $1 and $4 costs, anîd ii efault one mnonth in jail. Ho took one nxoxtb, being shy of funda. Bas ebail. At a well attemîmeul meetinug «f the supporters of basaball bld ini th-e Qucemu s Hotel on Wedixesmlay evemîiig. the Club \was organiized for the coixullg seasoxi 'with the followiiig officers: ~ rdent- Mr. Fred Hatcb. 'lit Vice Prs-E.1. Blouw, Esq. -Mayor 2nd Vice Pres-A.T. Lawler. Sec. anîd Man-James F. Fegami. The Gran gers Entertain. This (Thursday i emimmg a-i> eîtertixîi nlext wili be luelqli in Grange LHall,'Fui hune, uxîder tlie auspices <f Coin mîumriigeý No. 108. Thiene ill lue aga id readings, necitatiomis, ditiuugmmes uandu nmusic. The a(lmissi<<i is fret'. Every- body will b4 welcoiue. 'Tbis Gmaiigt is in a vigorous Cuîîxmitiu uîî. Con gested Freight Traffic. The coxî.estedtu <md iti mu <<ffi-ci gbt traflic ou the GOT.R1. htslu msll u nuch (lelay iii receivimig freiglît. Su umie- ,tirnes a cuuîsigmuîîxemît c mes thluru m li i '> few daym; wbiio agaîmi it muay tke a week or so for a shipniemît fruuî i'urmituut reach this town. Anud the enud cf t1ut' blockade is not yot. Public Building for Whitby. It is interesting to know that tbe pe- tition presented to the Governniemut e- cently, signed by citizens of the counuiy town and -vicinity, praying for a piillie building to bouse the p<îst <ufice, custuuiiis office, etc., is beixig favorably coilsidleu'od by the Governnîent. The Mimister of ]public Works, in writtiîug to a leadii>g citizen this week, stated that the inatten was now under advisement. Musi Pay Poil Tax. William Black did >ot want to pay into the town treasury tho usual poli tax imnposed upon unassessed men for the yoar 1902'. He hesitated so boîug that Police Magistrate Harper had to take a hand in, and on Friday evoxiîîg Mm'. Blac k appeared before His Wmrsip andu, In addition te the polI tax, he had to disburse four dollars in costs. Rail and Boat Tickets. Ho for cheap tickets for B. C., Cali- fornia,ý Colorado, Montana, Oregon Utah, Washington, England, Irelan d, Scot- land, anywhere, everywhore. Soc Ste- pIhenson, opposite post office, Whitby, befre ravllig.Choice of ail S.S. ,jema d railway routes. Whitby to 'C4iférnii pointse,$44-751 B.C. points $4.~ See Step éhenson, Whitby, for' an sd-information.- -' - DlnqService et tiche ouse of Refuge. 'ý§tiday afternoon the service was 'A#r Gold, o! the Baptist 0 ý took for h;.B text Ile& 55. 4lvtdsi sarnest aud ?)Me ai ini~tespffleùt ..beBid4 agol: nu: Jir 0e t0rsý O!thé et m1à i ' ma~. i*iyto attended. This poo tiol is iýerinzg the-usual de Churhsrxo, RfIep forIWPubIic Library. 'As a resuit ofe recent enterta.aiment the Literary-and Dramatie Society were ble te biad over $25 tQ the Public Library for the purchase of, new books. This is practically equal tef!ty dollars, as the geverument grants a. sum equalf to that raised by the Libiaàry Bgard and expended in books. The <Joundéil helped in this by kindly granting use Vof TQWn' Hall t&the Society for the expense o lighn alone. Chief Bell also deservesf thant-for the services. which he freely gave in coninection with the Hall. Granolithic Pavements. The Guelphi Pavement Co. have cern- menced work on the granolithia pave- J monts which they- have contracted to lay. Their work of last year appears to: be in good condition. The new pave-! ment is to be laid on Gilbert, Dundas and Byron streeté. It is very pleaising to know that the Councîl have thé good judgment to put down these permanent walks. They, biaautifyand improve the town, and are almost everlasting. Board of Education. The board met last evening. 0f thirteen., members ton were present. The absen-' tees being Messrs. Dow, Farewell and Parker. Secretary Ormiston was absent' in> New York, anîd Mr. Barclay took lis, place. Several small accounits were passed, and some informal discussion took place on school matters, but little business was transacted. Oh, for Victoria Day! For cheap tickets and full particulars sue E. Ste- phenson, opposite Pd&t Office, Whitby. He souls tickets for aniywhere. A Valuable Sideboard. Messrs. Nicholson & Seldon, furniture dlealers, have had in their store for some (lays a moéKst valuable pieco of furniture in> the shape of a sideboard of unique de- sign. It is made of walnut, very hand- somoly carved by hand. The sideboard is the property of Mrs. Hougb, of Pictox, who is having it shipped to that town. It has been ai> historie souvenir of "&yù olden daya " in the home of the Billingrs family of this town. The ownier lias re- fused $100 for the article. It is nlot in> the form (>of a modlern> si(lcboar(l, but is Cf(course, oldeiCi ti ixie fashi ni1. The i0 - trixîsic vallue ixay xnt le great, but as a reli it is very valualile liIled. Aid. Rob5on Convalescing. AI(1. Robso>, wlI>()as [)oeil iii for sobue t,.-)or three weeks, is graubually recover- i i g, tb<ouggb lie is 1)y il() ilueains a iel I iinyet. Just before Eastur, Mr. Rob- soi waý s suzed with a stoîîîaclî trouble, aiulwas colîtitied to bcd. 'hile ini bcd lie r(ceive(l a telegraîn to the efieut tbat a br 4lxer ini Toronîto liai <lied. Mr IEtoIso>i arose frminls sick bcd almi po- ceeded to the City to attend the fiiiieral. Tbe effort was too niuocb for biîn, and the fatigue consequeit uponi the jourîîey increased the violence of the trouble, and ho had difficulty in reacbing bis home lhere. He was a great sufferer for soine days thereafter, but' is niow, bis friends areple]A.aed to sce, abuagi. The local court of the lindepexo(leit Order oif Foresters has licenu n>atomrially strexigtheined duriing tho past two weeks through the efforts of orgaixzer A. %V. Falcoijer, of Toroxnto, W~ho camne hee ahout tbr(eweeks ago. M-. Falcon)er fouixd the Court with a membership oif abuxut 30, anmoigst them beiîîg some of the leadiîug cuÀzemis. The resoît of tbe or- ganiyier's laburs is that su>me 15 or 20 inexubers m-î11 ue adoed. Tho xîext tiee(tixig (f tlue Cuourt Juruuxiisous tg)lue ai> imtuerestimug uie, fuur thueluu<ge guxît mill ulu uux luesslI ave a le;vy eve iillo .S wl rk. NIm. Falcoeuuuui is very îuruuuxl of the ( ru 1r bu rtu'usuits, andu, ix del, i t is lu t e u i 1xx etu u l iu .b s h i e d t Making a Cornfortable Dwelling The uruuiiuu is the uuuw mer <of o uheliiig l.Iuii5l'il ('ueustrecet, 1ust <'ast of tii' 'lu wm u il Il l i l u. 'imue lu.s lueuiu luiglliLg auumk umu til i luiiuiliuj., nl xt hiallfallu uIiutuu sît'lî ulmu.-ielmjs tg) iiake ut Iumîit fuTheutuî mi ln ('uîu cil mwamiteul tbis bu mlise uus alu efor ('bief <,f 1P1lice Bell, ami b uleu'iu Iu tguut i t Iii repai r. The i m>uu vemmiexits lecideu I upc>> cuuîsistedl <f a Ston<e fuumimidIatiu <mu, replkis- terixîg and< paperixig a large part cf tbe xmterîuur, briuk-cladîiug amni rtelairiiig the Wu<uu(wuîk. The bouse bas exgbt ruins, four îxpstair-s and fouur duwxu, anud wlîeni cuimjleted m-111 be a cuumfumtuuble houme. M r. XVn> XVêstluîke bas tbe cuuitact fui' tbe mmisumi wurk, at $243, amnd Mr. R<>ht. Bariies is uluimg tbe imucessary carjuemtuer- îxug. It will Ile a weuotruntwuî yet iuefmure tbe hiuuse will be roaîly for labitationu. The Town Band. I.. muer tuoe eergtie maxuagfemnemit (if B'iîud i iiaster E. W. Evanîs andî Secretany J. E. Willis the tuwîî Baxumi has ueeo me orgaxized, and placoul in> good wurinmg conxditionu. A rxew set <uf silver imu- strumenxts bas been purcbased, andum practise is iîuuulged iin at fnequeuut inter- vis . Tht' Bandu exluucts tuu plauy on tht' streets mur> Sutunday îiigbt cf thîs week. They have beexu emgagoul to furnish nusic for the Victuoria Day ceebhratiu<i at Brooklin. The folcwixîg are the rimes of the players, with the instrunerxts tbey handie. Albert Thoms-E flat Bass. John Leeland-E flat B3ass. -Albert Wynxiii-it<,tiiie. John Tboins-Slido TTrombonme. Robt. Nicbolson-Tromirnbu.î Jas. Thom pson- Melîphone. -Arthur Hopper-Alto. John Waterbouse..îst Corniet. Lance Beith L18t Cornet. Wm. Bel-2nd Cornet. Frank Brian-Solo Cornet. -Wmn. Wilkinson-Piccolo. WMn. Ellis--Claronet, Art Blanchard-Snare Drura. y. W. S~Bumr :1. <~~~ - - 4 ~ . - f.-'. AT THE CASH HARDWARE STORE See the Blue Flame Wîckless 011 Stoves Wu gliiiiitue t1liin t() i >dl- w l \('11 SCREEN Jj t imet> xvil ii b>l p1('hure>, ((1, t im' h iteuitsce" I)OoP il'. X iî mtX' u ail iii t it('Itlfo i, '.)Oc. ('(>ltl ute Wooîvat" 1awin Mow'eîs, s} 5ni) to 85.50. Liehan"Brand I>ailtt, $ .p ergai. W'iîe Nuttingi foir< eet at 1'> molito I>ic's. CORNER FHARDWAIIE Wu M. PRINGLE, WHITIBY, ONT. SIEDS!I ThFle ile'iielIa ' (lu(iie (<alla>iaîï Seedl (Corn and I-inest .Xnevi(aî a 'iet sfor Slo(S. Titeir _Mjajg('i, Sporting Goods,-oisw lx 'a. <u ui'spit i gîud v fr uum i 5 ti u $ 1 u O ii tc.<t. \e 1have a t t - m it iu u m > t g u) <m i, u ~uul ( uuuLIawi "'t. I <'mu <sseStick, i i t Vu\il 1gr( <'<5 hl,(, a uimigluuxlî Mrs Whitby Block, The Domini ICapital (Paid Up) Reserve Fund- WHIITBY [ General Bankini Transacti ïLý- Special attemut collectionu cf Farinons Sio t es. 'Iuîimaîîd i..eSceds are lîglit iii <iuality and low iii pîrie. W. .'PRINOLE - ,/n Vreaci lQ -&,cou GroQer Y, Wit À ~""'""" The Ba'ptist comigmegatiuiuof this tw TelsuhCrouet. lias Cuilleu tuu ho its pastuur Mm. H. H. hemimuis, truuu luet liiumi <fMcaserUniversity, Tuî- r'omilt u, w'buî accepted thxe <'ah andulcamxe t u u Lu<1i> l>st %vueek, <CJilyigthe pulpit I i ruet <<<r 1<i'i<'t'5 sls tuu'fo r the fi mt ti ixe ml Suiday iiiuui'iilig Luut. M'hi<gimlas <mie luure tx'mî it C'uulege liefu ue gradluatioun, lmt lbe will he bure pormaiueitly (luriiug tlue sxx c aixu l wl alsuo ho able to AIIiii.I) thue pulpit durnmg the college >.. A lini emmn. The îuew paston is a youmug man Music Store. <)f phuasimig appearaxîice aîîdl mauuner>Žai. . f ;L pîrcacher of deep spirituahit,\ e as u.ccupiîcd the studelit pastorate of the Juurcb. at likîntsvume and North Bay for ion B an k thepat twupolan si ac o wlxerever h,ý is kci>owii. On SunQaly-nx<uxxiiii<g fur is text ho chosu Ps. 1 W25hls subject beirg "A l I 'noerous Cliunli.' He gave wat ho $219,~Ã",800 atilcu a "litant to huart talk with tho poo(ple,' rather tlîai a sermuon, tlefixiuîg $ 49983,8O «at muaI prosperity in> a cburch was, anid was xuot, anîd lxmw l)aïtur anxd people cul(l and sould work tugetler witb one imud and heat to brnîg truc pros- perity. IRANCI-J In the eveming Mr. Bixxglam's suhject was "Earthly cistens anid the eternal Busiess 't'el.'Joihn 4: 13,14 beiing tet<.x. He Busines5 fouîîd that the world's ciîs'temus <if plea- ted. sure, businuess, etc, wenc uxsatisfyiu xg, M>Ii that only when miie draîuk of te tio gieilto he Waten cf Life would ho find eten iSýale and other Mr. Myles, the student who as 1uear-hod acceptably to the congrogation fir the past two yoars, was aise prosoxît at the services on Sunday. Ho takes The finest stock of Suit!ngS,' Dress QGoods, S*Iks and Wash Goods in oui' historpy ishee now. Ail wool soft finish Serge 4Oin. wide, worth 35e. -for 250.* Amazon Suitlngs 421n. guaranteed ail pure wool, in black and rich shades of navy, cardinal, browns, fawns and blues, worth 75c, for 5Oc. high class French Silk and Wooî Fa-* bries, black an d white Flake Voiles, blue and white Flake Voiles, Flake Zibelines, Epinglines, Crepe de Chenes, Cord ode Soie, Eviienes.. New Cotton Materials, Suitable for Shirt Waist Suits' t Hop Sack Voile, the latest New York Novelty -for Shirt t eWaists, colors new, reseda, green, white and linen. French* oOrgandies, New White Mustins, New White Piquies, New aCanvass Cloth, New Rauns, New India Linens.* May is House Cleaning Month 4 We have New Lace Curtains, New Carpets, Linoleums, * e Curtain Muslins, Damask Coverîngs, Cretonnes, o Table Covers, Bedspreacts, a large assort- ment to select from. Special for Saturday May l6th* iinean d I 111k i] W>o\ s>~t(' d$'Suit s, dlt]ie I mîasted Vest- , ilar r )icC e 01 Satu~~~~I-av, Max I 6tji rc 4() 0 iS l t i t 1is, 1 ilt and (1,u1-k Twý0r 1 x s'iits, iln- pwîts, in sizes 3:,)(,:31, .32, :33 * wo*i '.( 1, sat i'> Iav >'15 3.< k î > kit e> >]ii weud tS1îits, h r pants <izes 19 to 32lgil lai' j oius ~.4~)t $. l Sa t i> kdv, M ay iki price -S2.49.* *krîee p a il wool, 111SetI', to fit iLges 7 to 14 x'ears old, -y .c M\eils' aiî spriîîg weighjt ( veîcuats in ' ye slla(les oniy, regular prie $12.00, Satuî'dlay, _May- Gt h, p e$7.49.* * p',iccW. G. WALTERSA, May District Meeting. On Tuesday and Wednesday of next week the district MaY conference of Methodist churches w111 be held in the Tabernacle here. On Tuesday evenixg there will be an openu meeting at 8 o'clock, wben auldresses will be delivered by Revs. Limbert and Mears. The public are cordîally invited to tbis gathering. Next Suîday will be "decision day") at the Metbodjst Tabernacle. " Laîips and Canidies,"1)sucb woeothe îpractical objects used by tue Rev. Mr. Eîxory Sunday evening to illustrate a sermn fol thue Younlg people of the con- grregation. Tiiose were grouped before Iimi, and 'ery effectively respondfed to tbie jureacher. -Not oxîly the children buut ululer pluel proited by tbis inuter- eistiiug way o<f brixîg sorius t}îiîgs home Lui aixoaludiexxce. AthuJa~ of'eirlh u 4>_ WillcOx, and Mrs. w-iuoox; o 1ii N. W. T. ,Mr- WilhfYilo'igv fit arnd wellj. Me speaks if -ubijj: praise of the. great empire oi 'tlhe yest that C i ada is just bginigt _4te ciate. bg ih l SÇuccessfu4Zàie f Work. The sale of work held in the Couneil Chamber in the Town Hall on Tuesday. afternoon and evening, und er the aus!- pices Of AUl Saints' Churcli, was success- ful ill every way. The-room had been nicely decorated for the occasion, and lunch and sales tables were scattered throughout the room. Two young ladies dispensed confectionery from oehind one table; another table was loaded with fancy articles, the work of deft and willing fixîgers. Ice cream and light re- freshments were served at the lunch tables. The attendance was very good during the late afternoon and evening, and altogether the ladies did a " rushing business." selling nearly ail the articles offered. This annual event in the life of Ail Saints was favored on this occa- sion witb beautiful weh , r, .iike the unfaw)«ràble day of last year. IIow You Cali IIelp. If every voter in South Ontari,. , who would like to see the Harbor Go. 's toîl of 25 cents a ton on coai re- duced to 5 cents, which would pro b- ably he done were the Governmeat te take over the harbor, would So write to our mem ber of Parliament at Otta- wa, it would help him in urging such action at the present session. Every bushel of grain sold by South Oritario farmers is affected in price by the Harbor Co.'s toîl of a copper per bush- el, for, whetber it is shipped by water or rail, that toîl gets in it8 fine work just the same. The railway meets the water rates for both grain and coal (Juring navigation. Reduce the bar- bor tolls and you increase the raturas fromr your grain fields as well as lower the cost of coal. Sbortly the seasoni of steatuboat sailing froui Xhitby *i11 reniew the feelings of agravation at the imposition of wharfage dues for pareel freighit. You caniiot escape undqer preserît conditions. Write to MNr. Rloss at once and tell bim Wb,- vou thirik about it. The expense m-ilI" be only the cost of the paper and env e bpe. Auddressed "ýWm. IRoss, Esq., M. P-., House of Comrnoris, Ottawa, Cania- dla," sucli a letter is free. Don't delay a day. Let the man behind the bal- lot dà somne work. suinwork ntoIio'.Sao e h * Young Clergyman Goes 10 Detroit. The' Rev. Geo. W. Locke, M. A., in- cunibeit (of the Church o! Ascension, Port Perry, during the past year, bas accepted the invitation o! St. Stephen'a churci;- Detroit, àind begun hie !!!U«iStra'- tioné'as rectoe con Sundey wéêk:-:>,The ~many friends this gýifted youug oIergyu~ h as made -tuhmghouÏ the oounty will lwishh roe s hie n Savings Department.- Interest allowed on Deposits o! $1 00 and upwarmls. En Je THORNTON [T Y k 1. t Gloves, Masks Pfi ven im 1-fi 1 .11 STORE, DOORSO

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