Oisil a - u. Ill LETS' and rest relief and nce ,and ýh can be ,ile diges- cpatient Fus cure. stomach. and Llng Dr. vder the continues Complete. reathng, )f danger imon ar y M. îms in the ning when put in bis wd. en minutes home in eart is is a boýx is al ish, à i bush Splant is 'ing is the pronoun ced eller is a è"' relapsed tarrbal ie. heal- etly to bws the ie bis Ls from M colds ýave tUe house. lIntes. s "i. have i owe hý' o!ilve nly ie.g- applîca- 'vo min- Ly doses, Uer tirsi- and then iver for'. chip iannmy -wzîs a dys- ciev ir. ' ' 'ar .Iip' andl 1*1 'e than the,. cd one of his es knew," isi V eu'd Vz gas-ineicr. - gsotneLling iient, ie lins- IEuMATISMw ociet and laite tirat jusi liko ney you'I1 pay mnatism if you it's a cure yeu UATIC CURE the moots. Ne édicine, stoney sved.- DAYS. jurse,,o! Halifax. ýes ; "I have been umaiism. Many ras onîy tempor- ,Rheurnatic Cura, remedy, was en- NEY CURE biadder and kid. in the worst ae alth. à DhElI&'8WELCOIB. VRZ KINGO A1» QÙEEN GREET- ED WITH EFNTHiUSI.4. .. - Hia Majffly Prescnted With the Keys Of the City-WelcomIned by Pro-' minent Officiais. London, May 12. - The King and Queen arrived at Edinburgh last ev- ening, and were enîhusiasîically 'vl comed. They were met by Lord Balfour of Burleigh, Secreîary for Scoîland: the Earl of Errol, Lord HigUh Constable of Scotland; Lord Roseberv. Lieut.-Gen. Sir Archi- bald Huinter, commander of the forces in Scotland; and ttie Lord Provost and met bers oý the corporation in tbeir offi- cial robes. Whilst a salute was flred from the castie tUe keys of tUe cîty were D)resented te tUe King. who re- turned them. saying they couild net be in better Uands than those of the corporation. After tUe cerenony their Maiesties w ere driven in a ONTREAL STRIKE SETTLED. 1e e::ngshoremn Rètum o or To-day. lorigshoremen. which has been in oper- ation at the port of NMentreal ,,itlce tUe openiag nf nav igation, and which xvai having dsi~:esresu;tlts on the bttsi- ness interesîs of tUe cotitîr'y, wvas fa-- <rably st-îlecl ysru and to-(lay the port will again be tUe scetie oet1ic usual *acli\ ity. TUhe strike lbas Ucen ended to hues w1ich Sir William Mu- lock triel te arrange -diiring lis \Viit to IMentreal last Fri1day. l3efore re- turning te Ottawa the Muîto f Labor dcclared tliat th e sU ippiug ii-n had it i n thcir po\\ ur to end tUe - trle bv al W :ng ItUe iei t o0 st'ar 1un11t'1 buttons and ag c eî lleteaI it osf the laboni Ueau,' an'l that in r ing te o 1)tIi t cv w ýe -uîi i grav-e respon,ýîbi1:tv. Thtemi 'iwce rc1ehe d from dluyiiy uthe x i ar\x e ii the ifterno,,il, nud cre tiaýil. e *by if. Cerd tT, 1)0. C , fe-r tlleir >l eu service dit-iug tic strike. THE KING EDWARD HOTEL. l& own Open Informally For Recep- Aêï tion of Guesîs. Toronto, -.1a y 12.-TUe of the Kiîîg Edwaril tie ors i IotelI Nuwung open ycxterday ruorLîîng, atud tUe magnificent Uostelry >tartcd ou ils career. TUere xv-as ne cerenîony ui any kind,-tbat Ueing reserved fotr thte formai opening by tUe Royal Canadian Yacht Club baIl on May 22, but i11 a lew hours tUe laci becamne noiscd about, and from tUe early foreneenn untîl neariy midnigbt tUe rotunda aii corri1dors were tronged with tUe cur- ious and tUe admiring. Foot and Mouth Disease.. Washington, iMay ii. - Secretary Wilson of the Board of Agriculture to-dav receiued word of a fresli oLt - break of the foot and mnoutU dîseasýe ,n a herd located ai Fram n gha vu, NI ass. He said Uc Uad contemiplatedl lifting the quarantine altogetiierfreiin New England in a fortnîghit, but tU .t action mnust now be postçioned inde TWO HUNDRED KILLED. Reported Destruction of Mosle.nr Mosque. Viernna, Mayii.-A mosque at Kmn- Pruil, in whicb two Uundred Mosins iad assemblcd, was, according te a lespaich to TUe Die Zeitung from So- la, Bulgaria, biown ILp witli dyna- niteLe May .2. The worshippcrs wcre buried in the ruins. The perpetrator il the outrage, a man namcd Pop- Po-w, commitîed suicide by slieoting. paper fouud in ente cf his puckeîs tcovered hîim as a metuber of the LII&acedonian Knigbts of Deatli." THt AUSTRALIAN STRIKE. Murs, 'Tazjpere-d With and Engincs - Deraileà n--.Governmrent Firmn. Melbourne, Victoria, 'Wîay -Ral rond strike reports SUiw tUai the railroad lunes have been tampered wiih, causing tUe derailing ( f engines. A strong force of police is Ucld ini readiness for eventualities. The steet car service has been grcatly augmexrr ed. A splendid recep-,ion wa-, guven tc Premier Irvine aitUe M-yor's lunch- eon to-day. Mr. Irvine said tUe Gov- ernimcnt had iefî nothîtng undone t .svert a calamity, an(I, corne what tm.ay, the commnunity ncer wiii ailow tUe control of uts'prttperty te pass mbt the hands cf a sectin (-f tUe peope. JOAQUIN MILLER DEAD. The WelI-known Poet Expired Sud- - denly at His Homre. Oakla, ( aI ., - iy L -Jînin Miller, tUie 'p ,t"ti tiUe Sierra,"' det here suddely t) 1 gUi Si- Oliver Mowat's Will. Toronto, NM1a y i i---TU c il1 of tUe late lietitiiiLu-Gox-ern- or, Sir Oliver M dlia5 br-en Wil cd for probate. I du esýtite ainuuts to $105,340.79, andIStadcx ised as fol- Iows:-Three-tw ciltîs cacU te Mr. Arthur Mowat and Miss Nfowat, and two-twelfths each to Slierif Mowai, Mrs. C. R. W. Biggar and Mrs. TUes. Langton. TUe estate was rmade up of realty, $4o,864,66, and .personalty, $6- 476-13. £&(PERNAL MACHIN< I»SCOV- Bubmergzed iTimato PftvgS M *ug ploaion-Fmd, Waa Essut of AUlled XM New York-Lay i i.-In a plain Pinc box about the size df a small trunk an jngenio%,s infernal machine con- taiing one, hundred pounds of dYna- mite was found on the pier of t.he CA- nard Line Saturday afternoon, les than an hour before the steamer Um-. bria saiied for .vrol Atr- ing Vb Superinte-ndent George E. Mur- ray of the department of combustibles the prompt discovery and the inmme- diate immersion of the box ini the water at the end of the pier by the de- tectives who found it was ail that pre- vented the explosion of the dynamite, and the destruction of the pier, with the mnany persons who had gathered, to sail or bid friends, and relatives good-bye. The biack powder fuse lea.dig to the detonatîng medium was .lvund to be scorched, showing that it had been ignited. A second's delay in the extinction of the fuse would have mneant the explosion of the whole charge. The discover? of the machine was due to the following letter, address- cd "Commissioner Greene, Police De- partment, City," which was received at Prolice Hieadquarters at 12.15 p. M. Dear S'r,-'fhe Mafia greets you and wishes you well. At the Cunard dock is a box containing one hundred pounds of dynamite. Inside also is a machine that, properly set, can ex- plode the stuif any time within thirty- six hours. The society has declared war againat England and has ordered the destruction of every steamer fly- ing the British flag that sails out of New York harbor. The undersigned received orders to begin operatLons by sinking the Oceanic, but so niany wo- mnen and children took passage on tha boat that the society's planîs were changed at the lasi. moment. The nma- chine in the box, the irst made, and a crude affair, is inclobed siLTply to show bow easy il is te siiik a steam-er and te convîÎnce tîtose interecsted tint tUe soci1ety 1is net mc ing idie thrcats. Thebowt iroii liarLîles, is aînong trunks for steamer lnibrîa. The so- caety bas uiîuertaken t) clear Nt'w York harbor of Briti slips, and it will aucceed. The reason tor tUie movement the Society does net wsUh tdisclose; suffice it te say that thîe -ety, in order to protect itself, imust ry the war into the eneniy'5 coun- and it gees Without saying-tlîat .1 proposes to wage it as flercely as u., knows how. T his is the society's flrst and lasi warning, and those who propose to pat. ronize British steamers must take their chances in the future. The so- ciety asks and gives no quarter, so- Lay on, lay on, Macduff, and damn'c bc he that cries hold-enough. Pietro De Martini. P.S.-The battery is not attached. 1The fuse is without caps and lighters not set, consequently there is no dlan- ger in handling box. The detectives, Captain Watson and Mr. Floyd immediately begzan a ray arrived with two assistants h fouLl.d the imen carefully keeping thi box suibmerged. To the astonishment of Superinteui dent Murray, it was found that th, end of the fuse was scorched and burr cd down for about a quarter of an inch suggesting that the clockwork had re Ieased the lever just before the steame 1sailed. He expressed the opinion late that had the box not been put in th water at the precise moment it wa done an explosion would have occur tr-ed. The fuse, lie said, was sa shor that it would have required hardi more than a second for it to reach th detonating medium, which was suppos ed to have been gunpowder and -un ýcottcrn packed around the dvnamiti Superintendent Murray declined to sa exactly what the detonating meditir c-±,but assured the newspaper m jitit surely would have proved ii ~fficim~cy. He declared the machine t be the mOst perfect one he had eve seen. LAND GRANT SOLD. Canadian Northern Disposes ooo,ooo Acres. of 3,-1 Winnipeg. 'May L.-A desparch from St. Patil cnfirms tUe purchase by Col. A. D. Davidson ni DulutU, Mion. , and associates, oi tic etîtire land grani of tUe Canatîtan ",orth-ern Railway, cx- ceeLhng thrce million acres, the constd- eration Uuuîîig t wel-ve million dollars. Among the parties in-:crested are-.-Col. A. B3. Davidson, A. D). McRae and Gco. C. Ilowe, Duluth; A. R. Davidson, Lit- tle Falls, Mlinn.: D P. NlcDonaid, Fort Qu'Appelle, N.WV.T.; A. J. Adamnstn, RostUcmn. N.\V.T.; F. C. Kenaston, George F. Piper, W. D. Douglass, Mvinneapolis, Mnno. The Manitoba & Saskatchsewan Val- ley Land Co., Limited, with a capital of five, million dollars, wili be organ- Ized at once with offices in Canada, the UnitedSýîtîes and England, for the pulpose of colonisation and seule ment. ViCE-REAL PRORAMME. Tour Tbrough Weftern Ontario Dur- - ing the Wedk. Toronto, May n t.-Lord and Lady Minto will leave TorOn- to this morning for a week's tour in western Ontario. They have a busy week ahead of them and will both- attçid many receptions and will be pre-' sented with a number of addresses be- fore returning to Toronto on Friday ~night. Thei Vice-Regal party wifl leave To- r0nt« at 9 o'clock this morniflg for~ Giiefph, arriving there &t 10.30, wheii th*'y will drive to the City Hall and reèeive an address and pUbliC receptioli. ...tm.ôon they will visit the Agricultural College and return thence to the City Hall to attend a civic luncheon . At 2.30 p.m. they will leave for Berlin, ar- riving there at 3.30 p.ni. After a drive to Victoria Park to receive an address and a public reception a luincheon will be served at 4.30 p.m., and there will be another drive. Stratford will be reached on Tuesday morning at i0 o'clock. An aýddress wiII be receiv cd at the Collegiate In- stitute and an inspection made of the Technical School. Fronî il to 11.30 a drive arounid the city and q, visit to the hospital will take place. At noon the Party will leave inr London, arriviflg there at i p.m. Thciy will be present- ed with an address at the railway sta- tion, will visit the Collegiate Institute at 1.30 and take luncheon at 2 p.mn. at "H eadley." At 3.30 P.171. they will visit the Sacred Heart Convent, and at 4 o'clock diplornas will be presented in the auditorium. At 4.30 Victoria Hos- pital will be visited. and at 5 p.ni. the Normal School, w-hen the inanual train- ing department will he opened and the cadets i nspected. Thie afternoon wil1 be concluded by a visit to Springbank. At 7.30 o'clock a dinie.r will be given at "Hleadley" te w1rich a numnber of Bishops, Senators. memrbers and Judges will be invited. At 9.30 p.rn a public reception wil be held in the City Hlli. On Wednesday mrnîfltg at 9.,30 tlie .party Nvill arrive in S-t. Thormas. 'F i e programme there \N ili Uc a short ree tand the party will leav-e at ii o'clocl .for Chathiaim, ,vlere they x\ iii arri\ e at 112.30. An tcddress -,\Il Uc preQented q:i i o'clock in 1-1arrliii 11l l. Thi .sehonols and tUie Ursulline Aca(lClli\wll . sor Nvilil be reaclied iýnnd a public rucel)- Stien held and au aUd~reeýe lat - tlie armories at 4 11.111. \i'its te S'IPl rWicbi and Walker\-11i( \ Il l)e imade. A-ý L 6.,3o the party \i\l1cr te Detroit. au.I 'after a drive abouit iUc city 1)cl 1gîven a puiblic recC')i'î ou and collati ouni tUe Canmpuý nýîiureturning t' L;Windsor at 8.30 pL.i. -1 On Thuirsday wo:sok~ill be t 'te{andana1dreo-ý receîved in tîh. 3C cutrt .otL'e at 10 o'clock. At 10.30 i scliîool cbiildren's conucert will be heard, t The liospitals anti Weedsltock Collegc %%Il] be visited. IBrantford \\. 1l bc e reached at 1.30 PA.î. and the Central , School viyited. whie7eIlle cilri ~i -sîng andi an address be prtîfnted fronr 2ý-, to 3 p.m At , p,,m..a visit to th, factories and to the Y. W. C. A. anc the old 'Mohawk C, urch will be com- News From Newchwang is More lRe- assuring. Pekin, May ii.-The officiaI ai New- chwang, who sent news re- ports of Russia's alleged actioni ah Newcbwang and elsewUere in Manehiur- ia, telegraphs that tUe occuîpa- tion of tUe forts at tUe nieutU of tUe Liac River was tcmrporary, and tliai tUe Russians bav-e now wîtltdrawn. Official circles ai Pekîn are tnysttfied. Their subordinates at Newcbwvang have not reported 'the reoccupatioiîofet tUai place, hence there is a disposi'- tion te question the corrcctness ci the information, alihougb ithe autbor of yesterday's stcry is gciîerally consid- ered to be one et 'Lie irost able and bce5t informed fore,,uiiers in China. St. Petersburg, Mý1ay îi.-TUe For- eign Otitce here s-.7ungly deprecates the excitement concerninîg Manchuria. It believes miscbicimakers are respon- sible for tUe reports, and says tUe ar- rival oI iroops at Ncvcbwýang was due ta tUe retirement oi troops from Moukden province southward instead of norîhward. TUe îroops depart by oea. TUe other alleged warlike pre- parations of Russia are ridiculed. TELEORAPHIC BREVITIES. A distinct earthquake shock was feulu Ce>lorado. Rev. J. H. Moorehouse, rector o! Christ Churcli. L.ondon. la dead. The d-ýparturo o! the Blsley tearu wilU take Place on tUe 20th, inaiead e! the 27th, o! Jlane. Knox Churcb, Hamilton, subscnlbed "975 to support a missonary ln the fereiga field. Mr. Alex. Smniih, for ten years Liberal organizer, has resigned te resumne the practice of iaw. Ex-President Cleveland, U. S. A..,a-rites that he la net desirous o! belng a Presi-« dential candidate. The Toronto Railway Company L ave made a proposition 10 the men regardu:eg- an Incre-ase o! wages. William iieck, engineer on the tug Snowsterm, fell over eard nietr Port Maitland.,,and wt~drowîîed. Reports from Tetuan, Morocco, say that the tribesmen have suffered defeit ai the hands o! Goverament troops. It Ia reported tUai General Von Gossier, thse German Minlste? o! War, roircd be- cause he dld net approve et lncreasing the army. Robert Hamilton, under arrest a! Win- nipeg, la believed to bave had a hadn4u tbe aumerous burgianies iheý'e lu March and Aviril last. i The, questIon of lte liablhty et gotozghù- ers to pay tho Jýpanese bouse ta$K,*llb' subittad ta the International arbitratil'* Court ai tbe Hague la Sopiember. e à DISTINGUISHED. CANADIAN CALLED SUDIDENLY. Murat a Blood Vessel Whle Sitting Wtth bis Farnily-A Well-knowfl Llurist and Parliamentarian. -Otta'wa, May 9.-Hon. DaviM Milis,' tustice of the -Supreme Court, died ;uddenly lasi night at his residence kere. Ile'was sitting quietly with his lamily ai home, and death overtook lim,#before medical aid arrived. The loctor thinks that it was the bursiing Âf a blood vessel which caused death. Mr. Milîs began life as a schtool teacher, and for a time, Ueld the post of Superintendent of Schools in Kent intil 1865. After being called 10 the Bar he practised for a trne as a niem- ber of the firm ocd Parke & Purdom, London, and later in partnership with his son. He was elected a member of tUe Council of Public Instruction of Ontario in 1875, and on the establish- ment of tUe law faculty in the Univer- sity of Toronto was chosen to fili tUe chair in constitutional and interna- tional law, a subject in wvicU he also mande many illuminating speeches in tUe Commons. Some of the latest works Ir his pen were tUe "English in Africa" and articles in the Empire Re- view dealing w' th the relation be- tween Great Britain and the United States in Central America, particular- *ly on the subjeci of tUe canal treaty. Mr. Milîs was the author of severai *brochures on political siiects, wrote -extensively in magazines and news- papers, while many beaniniful verses, recently pubiished in book form, testi- ffied ta the gentlencss and kindness osf his nature, and his poeîic temnpera- ment. > As a Parliamentarian Mr. Milis' Darcer was ejutally çitx~ihe.En- eting the 1Hocuse ofCiCmn'ns at con- ederatio.n as inember for 1Betli\ell, Uc 1.l at conitinuously for -hat cusntîtuetîcy k antil 1896, w':îb tUe exceptinnof one t i essýion after the geucral election of t 1882. During tUeh cze regime Ue e eld the portit l10ie ti ?i '\1 iiter ef tUe Il int erior frcom 1876 10 1878. lie Nvas ap- ~ointed Senator M iîî S >, a""diiM Noveml- Ir, 8, sttcceetled Si1' Oliver Mo\Iwat &s Miitro ut*cei-il SIr Wilfrid -Laurier's Cabinet, which post Uc Ueld t ntil lbis clevatl(-in 10tUe Suipreme 'l Cotrt Bench ou Pceb. 7, 1902. c Mvr. Milîs represýeutcd t ai1tata- at the ncolonial couference in Tîliin 1m01, 0when represeu'.aît*x-es, were e lied te- getUer te considler tlUe evbi îetof ea new Cou.rt tf .\ît'ai for tUe Empire. THREATENED WITH DEATH. Negro Postmat'i Ordered Not to Maice An ther Trip. Washington, May .-An outrage similar in detail t0 that wbich occur- red ai Indianola, Miss., wvas brougbt to the attention of ihe Post- cnaster-General by a îeiegram frora Gallatin, Tenn., announcing that John C. Allgood, a colored rural free de- livery letter-carrier, m-hile making bi$ regular trip near Gallatin. vas stop- ped by armed and masked men, and tUai he and bis colored substitute car- rier were warnied net 10 continue in tUe servcice under penalty of death. On receipi af iMr. Congcr's message Mr. Payne, after ascertaining such facts as couid be gleaned in tUe de- partmenl regarding tUe appoinîrneni of IDillard and AlIgoc-1, ielegraphed te Mr. Conger as follows :-" Iiivestigate fuiiy case of John C. Ailgood, rurali free ctelivery carrier, who was sitopped by armed masked men yesterday and bis ile threatened if Uc continued in tUec service, and report. In the mean- l ime service on route will be suspend- ed until your report upon tUe tacts uii tUe case is receiv.ed." Te a corres- pondent of TUe Tribune the Posîmas- ter-General said ibis attemnoon tUai he could noî afford to take tUe rePsponsil- bility cf ordering Aîlgood te continue on his route when his life had been threaiened, nor did Uc believe tUai the Goverament could afford to send a de- tachmeni of soldiers te tUe scene 10 aci as escort and protecitUe carrier from assauli. Therefore he liad sus- pended tUe delivery cf mail on thé route namned until Special Agcn't Con- ger had finished is investigations. 5hould AlIgcod a pp ear le have been -unduly lrighîcned or to have exagger- aîed the lacis, tUe service would doubi- le.ss be resumed, but il the lacts werc as they appeared on tUe lace of tUe s.ivies' thus far received tUe route A Detrit pbainmg f rm te w !flie &nlthoa:,' a fiutmy aine for people named Smith. Tis ziio--tbi 110w in the lino of m agazine ,!It 0pn l10W and pronising field. 0f-course thie Browns must -have their perioalci. Like- wlae muât the triu et o Jonc4 W!imuas White, Jëbusona.nd many ot14ers Joseph I. Perkins of Syrakuse, N.Y., wiU oon publish a workcontanlgthe blotrephie. of nnarly 5000oearn. If0C how any means of living go go to reach the 100-year mark, his book oughit to have a wide &ciulstion. Mr. ]PErklnh wi produce atatisties te show that there are 4,000 people now living ini the United States who are 100 yeare old or more. I France ha. a special association for' discovering a remedy for seasickness. In September, 1901, it held an exhibition at Dstend. The. investigations hasve sine been continued, partly with the aid of a' steamer lent by the Belgian Government. The resutit are now made public in a book written by Dr. Madeuf of Paris. It contains various rules as to diet, cloth- ing, etc., but points out no sure remedy. No freight except live stock and per- ishable goods is to be moved on Sunday, according to the new rule of the Chicago and Northwestern ltailroad. An excep- tion in favor of coal is made during the continuation of the shortage; but aside from that, thousands of railroad men wili hiave their Sundays at home for the firat time ince they entered the service. It j» worth noting that the management of- the road expresses the belief that the rest wii enable the men to move as much freight in six days as they have been moving ln seven. Notwithstanding ail denials froua ho- tel anu tîaers on tUe Continent, regarding compiscints made by tourists of system«a- tic aignaling by means of marks on lug- gage passed between servants f rom. ho- tel to hotel as to the value of tips, th~e charge holds good, for a Nice correspon- dent writes to Henry Labouchere of Loni- don "Truth" that he finds upon enquir- ies that there is no doubt sueh a system is in existence. But a method more fa- vored tha-h that of affixing luggage labels in positions, the significance of which is undcrstood by ser'vants in ho. tels ail along, the Riviera,, is to, eonvey the same information by means of ehsclk marks. "'The moral of whieh is," says LabotLehere, "that if you have not been over-generous to the servants, wipe off the chalk-marks you may see on your luggage aiter leaN-iing any hotel." A High-Priced Dinner. 9 Tbe Paris newsp;ilîens have latelvt printed tUe accounit of a stmantge law ilî whieh tUe "Green oa" f Bosttn trans- lates for its readers. 'Lie coi,,tainatn.-1- in thie case testitied that Uie xvas ditiing t on the terrace in front of a restaturant,. enjoying the air as we'll as the food. Ile E had just begun toeaet lus seup, wliieh hi' found tocs hot for bis palate. While waiting for tUe soup toecool, b e toc k from hbis pocket a roll of bills vhich Uo Uad received in payosent of a bill. In eounting the money lie aceidentailv dropped a hundrcd-franc bank-note loto hie soup. He took it ont of his plate with a iork, and sent tUe souLp away. The bank-note was eaturated with tUe 0greasy liquid, and Ue laid it down un the tablecloth to dry. He was partakiag of the second course, when a sudden gusti of wind blew the note -ithe table. H1e ran alt.er it, but a dot,, which, although it wore a collar, and therefore lu aIl probability had a home, yet showed etery sign o huager, eei.zed it. Th-e taste of the soup on the paper made it palatable, and the dog, swallowed tUe note la an instant. Te complainant used all hie persuas- ive power lnana eff ort to get tUe dog to corne near hlm. -"'Good doggy 1 Come he" ho coaxed. The aninal, pleased with the taste of the soup, was finaily toled near enougha for the complainant to read tUe name engraved on the collar. Wbe.n he had made a note of the name a.nd address of Ithe owne-r of the dog, he dismissed him with a Scotch biessing. Then he sought his lawyer, and broughit ait against tUe owner of tUe d ogflor th etutu xn'. of the hundred francs The court decided that tUe owner of the dog must pay, holding tUai since the dog was property, the owner muet ho held responsibie for any act cem.uitted by the animal. Aua Imaginative Accompaxaimeut. Mae@enet, tihe French composer, 'bas 1 the in, aition of genius. H1e can interpret te others what lie does not imself fuliy understaad. One e.vening Mrs. Fanny Reed, tUe singer, was reading aloud to a friend Mr&. Greenough's beautiful poem, MayMagdalene." Bh the womnen were se absorbed that they dld not notice tUe preseace of a thlird person until suddenly the sound of soft mitqice tole through the roomn. Someone was at the piano, accompaniy- Iag the reader's voice in a manner bar- _uruauuesl - m-w rit«e to The 64binlupaîï 11-appolnted regdon, bu n~ uitration of thie Conlgo Fo ben eonverted >Into ,e Ylwt-,#8 od. Under lis 6"beneficOt5* IuV' te land bas boon devaùltt08l4 an Do p lo u u b jec te d t o a tro c it aw 1t u ' a t-' - tel even ln the. bloodY anais et.,t» rerrible" Turz. "The. ftendsà .aIt >wards the natives whleh bas at tià - 3e exercised by sme of those.u &5' ythe Congo 8tate,"' mays Mfr <b4 ýiko, **ln not now denleti evea by % amlnlstrators of the State tef as been officially recognlzed by- th* Bf;l& i Govorument." Ho continues: JIi ,sponslbllity la such that If, ooen rai we do, we fa-Il toaQanolmceê t'lI rime, we become participatom fahit <g uch are the words of a British stateas' ian ou the conditions tbat Cstf f-e~ ýurrows, late lni the Cong6etactýsà rWT imed ta> expos in bis recent1Y ressed bbok, "The Curse of Central .t ica' Just as Wilberforee and QarrLýM rent ta the heip of the ensfaved nezgc% lke has champfoneti the caupe of t1I'- ,ongoleso natives ln Parliament and', S he plaiform, boplng ta awaken ln tlIS Fnglish-speaktng people a more than pn ive interest in the f ate of mIlULne e E Lack men whom ihey bave le! t to UM ender merdles and civilizatton of the JiOlm jans, and to wbom ihey, ln co;enmos 'itb tbe peoples of other lands, iWnêj nisslonarles to preach the brotherhood el0 nan and the Gospel and doctrinofl -et resus Christ. That, outside o! the pftt- !rm and tbe floor of the House of Co-ope nons. the agitation has received only tiam lifferent gupport is due probably to IbM îctlcs tbat bave been adopted towir* .apt. Burrows' book, which, througb - ýhreats of lîbel, bas been withdrawn ro. ýublicatioli. Tbere are. lie says, other book, haw ver. and be -continues :--The tritm et ho -incidents on record is vouched rot y persons who have let the rays of Iltrhilt 3hine on the foul darkness of CogtS 2vilization. Since the days of Baker. whe - Dxposed the atrocities perpetrated by thI Egyptiais. wben on ruga-ruga for Itv'WV r slaves, through the days wben 1t"~rP .tanlêy condernned the devilish deeds ttba0 Lad devastated the land, muchb las be-Sè published calling attention to the awfua condition of that modemn Aceldamit-t11 Congo Free State. Tiierefore, the stt'WV of the brutality whicb Capi. Burrows h'18 ried to tell 15 new only for lts abaie'.. able borrors. Mr. Vizetelly relates Incidents of war r vemen; of flogging young girls w1tla ..chicottes," or whips of' raw hippnnnt-ýt nus hide, until tbelr fiesh bangs ln «PiTV on their bones; the smearlng of tIh'4i" wounds with boney. ami the h~t nanner in which they are afterwa'dS-- osed to the terrible tropical hec' -nt e!f t to be tortured by myriads o!f li'S% and the crucifying of women arnd ebVdr-M on village paliqqde'a. He qLotes qfrcrrx the reportq of Amerieans and mîjilofar* et of other nationalities in rgadtoth~'n otUpr charges. andcnidS-T <~ go State has creatCed a polienous g'rnmtta of' spurious civilizatlon. wruch COnt"'1i- lnate.q and threaters incal1culable h-',rM to its neighbors. It hak crpated Pt0q dition which, unleasqredresse-d. ni lPt-iris Its Nemesis. and the s:,r:itorles of 111e great powers who 1ortiripated iniIieO -congress that placed the C'cngo çi, 3nlin the hands of the B1-gian GovernTent karO equaily'culpab1le witl them. and if tthol fail to conipel KNig I eopqd and hiq t"'-v- erniment to redress thp w'ronî-s. the f'.z ence of which has atreaýd"y bh-cn admitfo. they must accept ats ugly a legacy R aS 1. ever been inherited titrouphout the hle- tory of the civilized world. The Action of Radîumn. Ail the so-calied iaws of nature whe are, in fact, no more than inferpnce froro our limited experencte, ara-a- -1 naught by the unaccounitable prop..tfl~ of a newly isolated substance to whIcS tbe name of radium bas been Civb says Tbe Tablet. The emient Fretteb physicist, M. Curie. wtho bas been *devu Ing himself to its Investigation, wtth t» assistance o! bis no less gifted wlfe. h"* comrnunlcated to the Academy of Sceen a paper giving the strailge resultea a. tained. Radium Is shown by bis ezprvS. ihrown upon a_ sensitive plate. eause L& té giow With phospho>rescent aighit. IMMS property wana cemonstrated Dy IProlms Crookes a! a recent meeting of- the Etoyab Society, wben, tbougb only a -few mLII- grammes o! the malt were usec.i, Is pe tency was such that It conveyed its p&.èume of exciing phosphorescenice te eveeU vessel coniainllîg il, as weii as te UIMMh gers of the operator. The raye emttue by JIthough themmeives Invisible, vua» tiemsel1!e apparent under a microscope, when tbey sirIke the scroen b>' the mc conceivably inute flashes they excte The effecté of radium-on thee.n ual e. omy aré decidedly-unpleaEMYat, as it en tact with tho akin produces an open zou* if conniied for any lengih of tihme. auff It wll act ln thfe way even whon cmi'. ried ln a package ln the 'walstceet pocket. -à - - . i-_ . montzing witthiie rhythim and âpirit 0---- would doubtless remnaîn suspended inl- the poetry. Crmei I.bug iefiuiely. 1_________ It wae the music of Masseeet'a ora- The report o! the chie! coustable-ai MARCO I'S. LANSDELAYED. torio. The player W"s Masenet himself, Edlnburgb anent crimes and offenM MACO I' PAN who Uad entered unannoîuiced, and in tihe dlty la not com!onîable readln&.10 Mvr. Fielding's Staternent ina the House cýaucrYht the idea of the words where tUe goes to show that the punishmeut acta Magdalene, seeking her Lord by nigbt, out to offenders uices net reforoe tbzo cf Commons. finde herseif benestU the windows of the tihe number o! convictions la cmed"a bp Ottawa, May 9--A quiet day in the rooza where the disciples are gatihered ths aeprisapern g! m ]Rouse of Comnions enabled the Min- fo1 UeLsISppr gain beforç the court. It lIma app«M~ When the readhng was over, Massenet ta ieel ls aoimd r iste olPubic ork hogettbrugh rose frcrm tUe piano anîd came forward. have Lest ail moral coatroi axer ifieta. another batcb of estimates. Incident- He Uad no knowledge of English; yet s 1,ad Uihvud o nvb ally Hon. Mr. Fielding, in reply to a Uad he undershood every word ho could od for society, but f'or .os'. ' - anoutned tat b Uadre- have acconîpaîîied thUe poem more tUey were deprived o! 'theiriqr 1 w question, anxuneulsihlielad.e-a sufficient urne 10 reform .heîn '11 - PXItlsite.v.problem te be solved is bow to Cu>tt ceived a communication Irons Sigtîor -"Hlow did you know what I wae read- without putting an tntoiemablebardfris pq Marconi, statîng tîtat wircless tele- ina-?' nsked Mns. Reed. on the weii-doing. They rhould utik.r> ça grahiywasa tclii.nl scces, nd ie "lIow could I lai to know?" he an- thait tai work shouid he -,nder surti con- hiopcd very si -ortly te have it rcduccd swered. ditions as oct to be a lempta'im ta tLe to a commnercia a-i di. Deubtlese he hîad caLiglit tUe anc word siruggling poor ta commît offieuces te 'TUe îoilewing bilI-, vere in-rcduced: ".,\agdaleà e" and intuition iaad suppâe is quahlfy rtbemselve fr ci cf'their n.t ia -To incorporate tîte Nep-igttî I ron tUe rest. plymef rt e i !terxain -duty ta their chlldron. The saddest feAm- Range Railway Compai--Mr. Dy- ture of ail la the Increase .,f uvep!'.il ment; te incorporate thie Cilatham, crime iu the.hIgbly educated City of -4 Wallacebturg & Lake Erie Railwvay lbrbo iol,9 esn ovee Compaiy-Mýr. Stephens; ta incer- What shrunk your woolens ? teewr 244cnbeeasdaslvnte porae te Cty Conty Ban olWhydidhols w ar o son? arrested, and after being cautleued> Coaa teCtd& Cut atko h dhlswar o o ?tue chie! coastable they were-,Iot i Canada.____ You .used common soap When school boards were ereeteêkmé' i. than thirty years ago we weMiproiasd Com itie o ~Eecton aws Ivery different res;uhtsý-ieile èoe'h *85 Comitte oElctin Lws.to vanieli ad the echooae t Yie r üa» M ay ~ .- o n. . .to exte d 2d ln the pound. -' fe c 0sîw . , Oietdin, tManigbî g no W. S.dered:for un from Lendon Oo esâ4t. motion o. th e appointrment Scotland put tap itbti?- h $ of a seleet =me ~consisting cf . NattouinUst. - Messrs. Y» Sgain, CharltonDV E Lveofislîenraûds Barker, - - -qrt1irup, -Demers ý.We may surie tor prié ~gran&?- - ) -tocasi4er -ý « t6- c i r's, KUN W p MChrI~ - ý-J e--r- 1 1