Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Apr 1940, p. 1

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GAZETE N.,CN VEDNESDAY., APRIL 10, 1940 TO JAIL TELLS 0F WORK 9F THE UBURCII IRMIY Att»- OVER CANADA Local Congregation Thank- cd for Assistance Given Cartain W. J. Lennox, director In the Business Section - ofthei Churcli Army lu Canada, de- livered a stlrrîng acdmress at tAie Business, Promotion Sunday evening- service aI AIl Sainýts' Churcli wheu Aie described Plan Discussed thie great social service and evan- gellstlc worlr being doue lu tAie At a Weil attended Ineetinéof great cities aud remoe hamflets o! the Whitby Better Business7Aàsoc- Canada. TAie work was established iiation ln thie Qo-Operat!ve po<otu i Canada lu 1929 as au cffshoot. o! On Monday ulght, with president thie great worlc belng doune lu Eng- James 'IeIl presîdiug, à% land and est2l.iahed many years of nimportant Imatters *ere dsit ffl ~under eIànCaîlaî. 'Mauy ed and sevomai POWIte Asscato overeas men remember with grati- asctivities outliued. tuide tAie work performrd by thie TAie meetIng went i nto the detals Churcti Army ny uthe lutI war anti of a plan'to promote business anti Captan Leunox , ald thRt alreadtt induce more peope te a&hop lu $300.000 had bee-n spent lu .sýetling W)itbv, ndil was decided that lp lthe work andi that a furtber Whil t'. Fldb anone $1,000,000.00 wa.s; to gse spent in lAie fui paticlar uFuldbe nnonc-near future to, care for lthe men o! ed next week. A maiority o! busi- tAie uew fightlng forces and t.hat Iless places -in the tewn are taking the work was already, being carried part ln It with valua.bic <.qh pliZes on lu tAie Canadla.n lat division ai involved. sud itL ishopedtOtegeltAhe Aderhot. Plan under way within thie uext twXo weeks. Captain Lennox took as Ails texti T'lie meeting declde<! te petition '"Other sheep illave wblch are not thie Town Counicil la improve its o! this faild: .tbem also I must brîng: ,street cleaning service in thie busl- se thâl there Aie one !old and nue, litss section. with a surgestion hashePherd." f rom the tentAi chaptpr! Once a wepk, preferablv F'iday o~ f St. ýJoAin's gosplan tAe1b Sýt aI diio ati we verse being a verse from the gospel! ing that thie pavements b. flushed. for thie second Sunday after Easter. Ifl was feit thaît such a pian.would I most kindly ternis Captain Len- do away largely' with thie rsn nox l.Aanked 'AIT Saints' congrera - (ii.,tnuianc, ad wlil priestetlion for tAiir contribution o!fruiiit dîs enineappd ant give tAie aud vegetables and other supplies 'owî a eanapparane fr tie rom Year te year for use in tAie weked when man.% vistors conie training centre and thie Aol iii P as ontndd 'at ucl awhich up to outbreak o! war was piinWi n peaton3n.otmalitained for discharged. vouthfiil 0ýA*ii.; where there are pavements.prisonri frsrom police roiirt*.s. Tlhe T11W '.bggstian came firom Mr. H11- worit of thie ChurcAi Arn I. carried ;iah. Mîllird wbO lbas béeen observ- on in prîsan.z. police court.s, hostels. i il ) wfiat la being douef in other mining ?Ëd lumiber 'camps and tAie _î~long tLis fine. new wttilempnts 'o! our far fîunk- j teîd.James -Bell suo9eSted- eountrv. Captain Lennox descrilyed ti~ th Asocitininîghî take Aiew a bO o h bd run away f romn :n~ <Xlid.rtin.a a huer da te home was picked up bv tAie polit-e ie q-:e.sîîon of park imiprovemnents, as a vagrant sand tIrougih .thAief wibaparticular objeri.t or creat-, Offices of thie ChurcAi Arrnv. who iiîg a llrnsplygrond, not gel lu tauch wîth bis own 'clprg- '()I'fo thie peopiP O! tie 'own but 1ma nn anid'tlAe parents. was restared f iistrict. h It S % s"mething to ils home arid saved from-tAi" :î 'a lacking in Whubbv, thie diagrace o! a prison sentence. V.îen P esdutsaid. beEausq almeat there were boys wbo Aad beî es'. n of an' Sie hý,o a park enteucod bu, through tAie influ- i, thi n'at i re. TAie- V.î:age o!f ence of tAie Church Army offi<cer5 Oro: ,ý; wisîtef as al' nn-ance. It ýwere saved from a lîfe7 of crinir , ýs oîýi:ed out thal the irnTlrtep ,and made mb ousefui nmemb",rs Of !ia pr cg ramme o! tIiLs kind is that scet.Des-cri:blniztAie homne from tContinued -on Pall ,Cc.2 whiîch "one Of îhese boys. who Aad been picked up for truancy. hAdt -, rne. il was shoun that îrarrbîne, drinkîng andi aIl mariner of vicf. ~AT LONG COURT TRIAL went on lu thAs homne and the boy. parents camed itlfý f auything fc'r hils weîfame. Net ouyv was thie bot' brought slong so ibat aItAihe pres- neutîtlm. ie is an a !t, rts otît- regular cotmunicant m i bers o! the Chu-mhb IDe ibne ow tie off!kers o!f'Aie C. trch Arvake over reImote parishes wAieritAieast i- dents. Who came for t. em i'Aie summier limne have le leave for their college tratlning. -Capt.ain Lerinôx tbld o! tAie man-, cottage me g niaalservîces whlch are hel i n isolated cute where tAie People cannot gel to th-, mInise th.e m:.i.a.s toe oa tethein Thpn in npw mmr : 1 caps speca.~Aieworx o! Church Armv i'ery valuable.i One ce'4 wAéire theme were 145 lfa. î- tilme. oser 100 were found tn be Anlcnand aiter a %t'ea'.on's sorn bY th-~ church Army officer-plar.t w#cre laid te rais. a funti of $6 00 ta bu citie fîrst Churcihlu that -"chou T -,aýi: ':nïz a.: t4 w.'o p ' (Conuýnurd GB Page I& Col. 3) Says That. Red ,Çjoss Exemplifies The Spi rit 0f Compass-ion; Canada' Contributions -WarmlyCommended' W. J.,Cairns, Assistant Do>. Archbishop Owen mmion Red Cross Com-e Holda Comfirmnations mhissioner, Brings Timely A otWib Address to Whitby Ro-__ n Disus MAakes Bi*gger Angles but PoftShping 'ceiio Hn Cattie to u. S. A. COST Myrtie Station,' April 1-A r FACTOW rcrloa*f of the tineat fat cattie FACT R, 11 'hpped trom Myrtie Station ln nsulted Sev.-ý the past twenty-five yemr, left .!on, Thursday even[ng'ls weigh y Sujrgeons tfreîght for a Buffalo market ni of MiIk where catte et a heavy we ht Been Sgrade are in *great denian(i. Tée were eventeen ters, averaglng 1,530 pounds each. Mr. Arthur Webster, ef Feneion nent Inflsptction Falls, wM 1the-shipper, lHe tindu bt I)' s n o w en that he can pay the. export i f 1tle Town atr hasi bemn, charges andl Itili make a blgger 11y at ,fy(ra1 profit on thls grade etfat cattie ursi was imde than it he sold to our owrr Ca- \r. 11iIy 'vAin- nadian market whieh demands r bCa much lighter grade. hevcr, sbeen importAnt fc n~ Mr. Arnold, faot:nitlhBUSINESS MEN mm irenoa a g ETrqIrION U R ' lite to havp c i L A IR T E T NSPECTIÃ"N CONSI DERED' OWNCOUNC[Iý tary Club A distingtished visitô o > hty The April meeting of the Dunds- 11,11) UUUD JI LU1I to tdy(Wednesday) wifl be the stý. Home and School Association ____0 nhe Red Cross stands> above ýal Right ReY. De1rwyn T. Owen, D.D., was devotpd to "Safety First". FiacsW llM ith e elFe for the exempification and Lord Archbishop of, Toronto and Chief Wm. Elliott addressed the pratice of compassion and Its woric, Primate et All Canada, who wil meeting and gave an interestiflg -Inspi ï g Addess whchi world-wlde, exemplifies In confirin a c10ua of candidates at aCcount of the mn1tjor causes, of the trueFt sense the spirit of the 7:30 In St. Johns' Church at Port accidents. The Association wu8 Samaritan in the perable who stop- Whitby. very appreciative of Chie! Ellit3ttS , 6. pezi to show compassion to his tel- Claaa of candidates wHIl be pres- 1interestin the safetY Of!h the eaChooll l0W manl. 4 W t thie Aýc1Ibisbop by thie children and of the time lie #VOtes it wis r 0rted at teane This -was the k eyuote In a qtr ReuýOiB. Langford, and to their protectioh.in l orcler, to meeting ôft itby Branch of thee < address given tg Wlhitby Ro t ykfWt UiYere wlll bee' #111 a si 1M Y0t*W#E fbp it-le ir held W -,disii Hail f'bha Club> On Tuesday at Hot.el Wby sortreception in thie Sunday depie eeofred foVie si by W. J. Cairn.s, of Toronto, As- Sehool hall to meet thie Archbishop best posters ln the lower grades, notwithstan iflg uumierous appeSi sistant Dominion Commissioner of and Mrs. Owen and thie confirmed. whIlst the older pupîls wrote stories made for f ds tte .tôwnspeOPle,'3 the Canadian Red Cross and prom- on ,safety First." particuiarly iince thie war, thie col-g mnent Rotarîan, being former Ca- The following 11; a Ilst of win $1100 las ofthnStiety p re ut. na(iian representative on the Board can do as individuals," Mr. Calrsma intelectyFis- opet i.onlsso!tane Socey w ear u of Drectrs o Rotry Iterntion decared pontin eutthe mpor ner in he 'afetheirt" ompel- 'he cllecors urne Irio -the1 el iiTlos o Roar Inerntln-, delaedpoitig ot te mpo,-tion nt Dundas Street Sébool: terasuirer the sum of $164.48, t.he a]. tance o! maintaining the home Grades1I an iIoJaciueille Tyn The sneaker was lntroduced by front, thie present standards o! liv- dal. Charles. Sawdon. Bobbie Brown. bUl rwhCaada ibemocietothea .Mr. G. M. Goodfellow. president o! îng and affording, every protection Grades 111 and IV-Bernice Con'- teUp voerCna a pe citat o- a the local branch of the Society. te those at home. For montAis there n er. Irene Wilkinson, Willie Smith. tendrdte olcerfrter Lessns et War had been a demand for action on Grades% V and VI-Dorothy Har- fn ok Using as a backgroundl the rapid- thie war fronts and a certain un- ris. Janet Wells. Eflaine Charlton.t iy hagig ietreonEuopanea.ziness expressed at this seeming Gas ian Vi -une President Russell L. Bell presided war f-ronts', Mr. Cairnq s:'aled. that deiay cino iidfres, thie,'Thomas, RE esl iensaf ve Aemeig hc.ufr the more recent events had a teri- speaker said, adding that Aiher tunateh1. was net very largei: at- dency to bring' a1l of lis doser te- thought that we are now golflg to Thie Gazette and Chronicle ls ttrdedctie watheir nd coAnte gethr. he ew~of te pst.fewhave It and in double measure. pead 0pbhafwo!teaîrton¶ akn teito. A gethr, he nw,ý, ofthepa-s fe ple.sd tepubi-sha fw oftheweicomnp was extendpd bv Rev. E. hours was verv signifirant, and Te Serve Man'kindj sS:RapAdeobhafoAISin'j fraught. with al kinds of possibili- The Redl Cross stands for the 1a e -is hu c . a d h t dr s ! t i l esand dangers,. giving us an ink- service cf mankind and in this ter rd II UeToa eveningz--a truly înspîrn message ling of the s*rengyth o! thie enemy spect it la akin te thie main object 'CoGroaCde pAVIIIcaedThoms'rn we are now facing-WThat the fu- of Rotary, Mr. Cairns said. It î'rm goîng bo get on that wagon" 1eîvrdb Rv lffr G 1tuire heid in store no person knew. stands..or thie maintenance of thie Oh w~asn't the teaCher 21gr Park. pastor of Whltby Unlted -The war. however, does tend to highest principles o! democracy, when s"caled vou thi.; morning,' hri wowa nrdcdb niake us.ý conýrious of our individual and abovie all e. o Ai xmli st'eto1ovs ran e r de retxponsibiiitie.s and prompts uLsta fication and practîce o! compassion, j~ Clp John G. Batemnan presented the' ask ourselves the question what we (Continued on Page 8, Col. 4) oadl reporrt o! the nomination commit- 111 gues!; r()",Jimn an.swered not tee.o! hun.seIf and Rev. A. R. ~AL1verv interested, as he ýclimbed upon Sandepr.lon. Donald, A. McGîillvray, ,tAie wagon . J H. Ormiston and Miss 1. MeLel- 'Haw. G".came faintlv thie 1Ian. Wmitby township Cou ncil Asks ocoM otcln oh W hitby' Town To Repair~ Street 'ing of the children on the crowded i of ' fine leadprship o! a nme-o wago. Ya?-ý, ad W E.Rice and ail local SadI DpoabeCndto Shouldn't yolu boys get on the cdergy' with or ihupatre5 Sai.d In De lorabl - Con ition oth",r side of -the wagon." asked a an o!fficers 'o! the Saîvation Armv _____4-girl sittîngInth centre. A as vice-presidentsF. G. M. Good- VictriaStret"Wes Uner y an aio b a embr 0 W~î-trasp~ort Lcoinz Ais might hurt yOu.' fellow aud Miss Edlth Connor were - traSrt+W s ne'by Tan hîp ouncal, but o acton I *iUSit lwish grswould mînd re-elected honorary presidents. and Fire- Council Askï o has been taken by thie Council o!f ir w uies"rpidJm hr;Bkrsceaytesrr Further Considem"tion of the Town of Whitby and thus the n anin adyeln wsCopteroto!teCmmte not enouzh tri suit tAie boys. an, lîa" fohiows folowig esouton aspas-ced: they becan pushing and' shoving Hono.ary Presidents 0.M Govemnment in the Mat-1 Movei by L. R. Kemp. Seconded oeaoh' GodflOMssEiA onr terofCutin Rod sti- by R. P. Lick. thai. the Clerk be-,j sn'r- : >tn'rinn""Lof r;Ldn-R Be" and i.s hereby authAorized te write mbnt the pat. of a car. EýveryrTie! Vice-Pre idents-W. E. RIce. an mates thie Council of tAie Town of Whitby: held their hrea'h. as h'wtc i r~d*cergv and of ficors o! requesting that their- attention be;jma ewshrdintei. Coi -<eij on Page 8, Col. 5) BroklnApil9 -'ne egarrawn te the depiorabie condition Jmas,"wa nretn h ar n nî~ moL:ýhlv meeting of thie Council of of Victoria Street West froni the So Air a andr"a" otio_____the_____ thAe Towsî !WhtywsAeîd pavement te tAie town limits as :ýhison Ae ihW- adltrte street -Is very heavily travelled esou o ablnC>uig1- O As PA E ~n rooi.nonSatrcly ! tmnon.pecially In thie aummer montAis. we ward :.sitl Aprî'. 6. witAi aU memberzs preren-.fe hti od .~tebs u For+t îwo wF>"kz no one knewf Communications were read from wh"-th-r .Tin would l:ve Or. die. and -'e following: R. D. Ruddy. :rst ! htb eu u as ate ' , a t eover gradually bv. T, R.Rurnbal:,. Toronto; S. ea orvnlnW e ths woand hir;14I zw..'ch Was ;badly breken Maah X, ould lîke te do business tbere. Buag. Wcod.rieck: J. A.,P. hrhl. ave tAiLs street put in a reaoa: beza- tri heaý Taraonte: London Guarantee .and #tt ! ear.1dthtacoy Ori after.rart lhe doctor came XcdrtCompan.y. B!igs inAsrslto . ett Ae~ jjte Jim's roorn nd eaid. "Well mv i-dBirk-'. Toronao: H. Jakeman. o o r on retOnro parirnent of Public Highwavys. ,1o. on zgr. ae~oorw Parrv Sound; and E, A, McKaý*. Abv-law was passed .ap pointng 1 jîr sat il- and smiied as Aie Whîtby. . a .cimittee o! management for ad I n a' u ln ine Tt>e. r were received £rom e 1. ommunity f ield in Brook:in. adalto 'e.et e etr L amber.*t anct H. Bradley me POWe- Tlne feliowing are thie member-s: W. F'rom now or.'T arn practilng ,la hau ,arge grader. S. Croxal, representing S.S No. 3. î'sfptv fïri - T. e fro i:o w in g peson we . H, DoweY., reprecenting Brook-> Tha "doctor rned '00. a.ý Aie said. hora I . M Quay. re roads, fH lin Spring Pi As.sociation: .;m ouhv ere Jane oare roa '-%Ir. Ho1*t o! Roofers Arksey, represesitlng Brooklin AtAi- t0 'r lesson s.upp:y Compan y, and a represeta-' ic Association: N. J. Anderson Sft ïs ::,ve of A, 1L-C.: a'm ers, andi W. Manning. representing thie Grade VIII Ruth Gelsel rf. -,ePCtn c,' ha.s ereiiîla num- Township ef Whitby, and Dr. J. H, ih d'woeou n w t rf c~.'il nregardi.g thie de- McKlnney aud T. Hall, representrngbosaddce tgowm n. :o<2c.î.nnof Victoria Stree*thtAe communîty.; After beinz there anIou or more Ba1Li in thie Town o! The !ollowîng accounits were or- Bill abou*t Be-: carefui. Dan1 WÃŽj,sb !O .m tAe merchant5 drd te be pald: Road Account-s :hreis a ain '.ter- meplace" r~fWh~y ad te ateayea o U91,48; General Acceunits, 9417S. 9 Vnent afri.Yo'eawy w.eTw.'r ho have to use Uii. Direct Relief, $2=41. trs-înz tm fr--ht"n me." repited DanW.1 ALS miea thé fflem of thé Whitby Athietie Association and ma- goalle; Eugee Kearney, defense: Warren Watson, defense; BUt Vipond, ,bers of the Champion Intermediate "B" O.H.A. team. Front Eow, leit defensýe; We. Heard, equipment of ficer; James Ross, secretary. Front et rlgt-Wm. Cook, manager-, James Read, treasurer; Morley Oke, de- Eow, leit to rtght-John Heard, centre;, B Idi Bragg, lef t wing;, Doc Dafoe, tenue; "«Red" Moore, traîner; Tafty Mayne, Ieft wing; Bill Bagneli, leit rîght wlng; Bernard Clarke, goal; George ?hllhips, defense; George Piper, wng; Walter Brown, rlght wng; Bert Smith, coach; wilf. Hunter, left wing; Walter Hooper, rlght wAng; Jales Watsonl, mascot. I -Photo by Margory G. Ruddy.. Who ai <,ulunsleu et flve-day tri la <'euDty(Couirt Tuemay, sMt tour mln tg10 penîtrautlatyfer uaaetf&ra e efras 1

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