Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Feb 1939, p. 5

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THF. WHITBYICAZETTE AND CHRONICLE WEDNESIDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1939 ÏAINS day - Satu rday WY G0OGOS A1,sorted ffllor%. Ioths uI4r $1Ã"OC 7C ,led. Reî SIAM. SE'l50 umn and Irge 2 5c CO$100 its and 14. EAriI s 3.2,5 ILs2t..9 Statnped y e pair. PAI. /'alues at RY GOGODS Tolophone 318 r Free Copy' :1TTER l-JEATING"F Im - don & Sons 1WOOD DEALERS rNext Onder of F~uel. - PHONE 524 collera o! bhe saine gieamlng !ab- ric. The bride s gown vas a11- white. Tiere 1Çscu' six grown-up bicesmabdLsand issu 11111e girlsli 'lie bridai gruup. HOW TO USE SIALE IBREAD) Te Englilli Sparrows andits gr'eat ugiy stdrliiîg.s wliîcb are 80 despisid Intise 'ara) veather be- cons, rather precbou.s n the wintex- whers the th1r feitiheretithtiga have gone awaý, If one cent quille love tlser lie at leasî feels respoa- sible to theiu anid throws out tise odd, cruisib. Andi one is weil repalti fot tersn the slighteaî effort in Ibis direction, for a hlaI dozen birds peoktag at P dry qrust ill i]afford amusement as long m: the meal lasts. Eisa If It ià not timpo&slble ho finti food, It Inust be a bit awkward i lu iii Wtatlser. Feeding the birds isn"t ùyen a malter o! îýacrlfIcing; iL's tilnPlY& at ter o! remembering afber each mnes]. A"Gazette' Classîflet Ad will brsIng ble-desteti esuîta t WHITBY PAXES DUE 1939 ARE NOW DUEP inten <laya of thii notice iTrcaaurer. s22nc1 day of January RFROSTO Wer, Towns of WhîtIýy. IWHITBY CHURCHES THSE UNITED CIiUECH ' -The junior choir yul rct et nY7 rhe Rev. Russell O'Brien preacb- p.m. andtiheb senior choir eL 8 p.mý eti at both services of vorsh.lp on 'for prictice, it the home of Mrb. 'ie conslng Suxsday. The eveUln James Isaac. service vil] be tee second Sunciay night meeting la the interest& ef SA.PTST CHULRCH YOUTH. Again fout young men Studits ln Il T*heasalonlanis viii wll be assisting tbe Minuster. 1,ià be giren on the next"-!fio SuZidays.: P*ill be Report Nîglit anti the Mi- aI the moralng service. Nez%, Sun-~ :%ter will question threr young men day. "-Me Afflicteti' vilbe tee ta to what liaz tuten place andi mornIng topic andi -The IL4vlea I'hat other commauiles have dSte. Ont'" ii be the mornings tudy on rhc Younig Mena& CIam iàî gMin the follovlng Sunday. Iantetien- nvi-ted 10 attend iu a boy. i nzg. nesct Sunday "Word Pictursaor Wblbby Men- %Il! be conUnueti anti FIRESH>E AND OPEN FORIUM &T "Tht Man We Respet' viiibu dis. UNITE»CH'URCH cusacti There vill ho a f ireside anti optn lb. Communion of the Lord*s forum alftir the service at thse Supper andtihte Induction of bbhe Unitedi Churcli Sundsv nigbit. nev deacosi electeti this yezr viii E\erybcdy invitcil. t place et the close of lihe' evening ser-vice. ST'. ANDINEW'S CHtIECE Sunday &ch"oolet 10 &-m. B.Y.P.U. on Monda>' at 8 pm. Mensaclub oni 1 Ona15unday, Febxuiry 3 dlvt* Wd m et7.30 pzrn Pra-er, worshtp vii bu condMeeti ng<snln eî on Thursctay at 730 p in and evening et bhe regular houri. On- rIdair of Ibis veck the Sundar oPh curclisho u.c ooschool suppervîi: be heýd And aý o dock. embers o! the achool are tari ted THEESALVATION AD.MT ahei ppr wl B ea8p.m. vith ashrt prognm f ollwng. Certiti W~TSY I is, seals anti awards viii 1*re Special - Saturday and Sunday. senteti for faithliattendance i iFebruary 4 andi 5, Captain D. 8mli.l vltb a group o! Womexs Cadets frein the Toronto Um5alsonkqgqe wl» eonduet.&U mliuecea. Moçtbwg axe au foiova: Saturdua - , t . Stinduy, 10 &in.. lb amn.. 2-36 p.ps., 7 pi. Do naL miss these apicWi gathertift t iscis aHlare vOl- corne. Wpeïly Meetings: Tiies.a> i 8 pus., cottage prayer meeting at tho home of Un. Cburcb, Dtindu St. Fast; Thursday. 2.30, Wonsen'a Meeting, & p.. Children'a mel. ings vetkly; Monda>', 4 p.m.: Wed-i neaday, 4 pin, anti 7.1 ppi Brovntsl Parade anti Girl Quarda; Ftlday, 7.30 pris., Cubs andi Scoutr parade. ALL BAINIICHURCH At Ail Saints' Church neot Sun- daLY. SePtuUmas. or thse third Sumida>' bufore Lent. thOn vwiiibu a colobmatln elthtie Holy Commun- Ion Kt8 a-man d Ilb&.ms. sudevon. Ing pr"an d sermon et 7 pin. The rector VM iPreuch ai boti asvlcaa 7%8 subJectinlathe mornlng viii hi "Ood as Cre and auIntathe cven- Ing "004 u Re-ceato." Th $s. Sa day Sehool and yaung a='& Sible CIMs.viii meni ai two o'cbak, Vie- 11r. vtIl bu mort elcosncKtahtse &"e$.ce1 Thes t-udy elamnea fr ST. JOHNS., PORT WHIT ! tion vit! begtn nt AI On Sunday, next, tise BIh tast.. Chtit'th on P'rtd.ay evtni Se ptuagesima Sunay. thc fîrit , !Primat-y Honn. Tha lu the pre-lenton Sunaiyâ, tIer. wtt] j yl usset et seveuu oclo be Moly Communion etiIl a m, & entor claisaet elght wad LA9999 Conirmlia- al sainfte! Ing i te unlor clam rk SM tihe kwa I l urgtns Mnr. Cia the valu ter inta pool mo Alter bautaisi Couneil bandmi master and hi~ riSU in 01T1 For Ypur Spring Cloaning each ..........35c rC ............... 50 C BASSETT'S WH-ITBY PHONE 671 0 OSHAWA 1650 RFPORTS AT THFI WW 'i LI USItU 115li it UNITED CHUREH Beaver Boys' Bible CIs.i.sa! 2 p mn. IfiPOtànt t-bat &a! hast proceedlng n thse Sunday acuooî. and other t-o Confirmàtion atioWilt nst M» ny (0oetinutd trunPage1) Bible cl&ass el a3 p.m At 7 p risa o! the lectu-ts. rh vtswo,tr d- ~and MeQua>' had #lsud aU Its Pariah instaîlagjon tr-ice viiibc l- i s o f bruduusg UP 4h Lisetr mue eirt>' hhi enreopt helmi for &Il chureli offices% andior- iChurcli :eaching arc aitse invltocite b i tarelient hrantng vu C<lie sianlzatlons. Thuradâ'. PubrUar>' mttend. unis a iten o ta embenistp, Btew- ?nd, Mr Wm. Savate wIv igvo Ibme-ards>sîp ad mai uie tithse Aduit çecoa<î of luistalkà on 'Ten Stepa JUNIOR CHOIR O(RUES cYux-cInvbeostets 'o Succeis", at the mcci ung o! the e .Juior Choir o! gUisla go- r uEiohx-cluer o blu t h Four Square Cluib at 730 p uni.ina hig o'elà! t AilI aints' Chureh Un- unor-- rci h" Bunday achool hallAi] younjr'. irthe dirction or Mr& P FI.bralu Thefolkovlng veto 'iect#d to of- tliru las led P'rldsv bistre vil!l e trl&niCOl on Monday es'enlns 0ce h bthe conSgrto5i'- lrsyer meeting with rage:st ai 4àlu tht P»rimat>' Romn 'fls.>' EIde.rs. affLerrets or. McS - 'i>' ommenrlng a! 8 pm et the ara tioiug greal intcetru n ge bry Dr. Camn i. s.Stapâeîs. W. ýtc(ry ednàââ, Fbruty 8,h roteUW. Noble, B.Keai-riJ. U.M.tctU. ec'trv cdn&cl~. ebruri Ih rogeu.Mr J P. P vaas ule an bhoer- a-tv member o! &eaawa 0811FR lANCE 0F vices 'vlth vîsîcistiser couitiquit'W J~hr.A. a. Ju'k 10fr eisuly provdi tisesnlres on Siwur. ijt-hy.A 4 UX OF da).or r% en ca-rUer ta uic v'ee'k A. Ihtjteilimi. Rlph Cluinfla r. TUlE L(JRO'S DAY it111 'O el%0- Z f~'T0rutWAutaHBumg aon. la!orssmnon belotetise M#la '< ui suà. tex-l: <owdult usupm n ts eSu- R*prr.nt&t4ru la Prubylm" i ailît' or othervse o! t-.#"Se soasas o<fç,'qar* W. AÀ 1100148. . 8 BE O EMINiSI FRS :1 the Attorney-<1oien,, b>' va>'o, s*pl&*i-mtbm Cmetinue4 lion paige i tdi asdeae e IL! t 'rcs e Port Or EBSIISs on1Sunam.At!li te f urtwi' ah b4c0mu Sin- tfi*i uligu eiaal -lttorney-Cienerali uiho tepro- "nS. les. D. IR. lAmsfcrd prou~ded fment ct !bsh ch lit*. Md 4*0T %]de Vas for a vider opportuinit>'for andti Uer. vrere presest, Rer. A M.; t tise pn»Peçt01 bu ItVIi li peOPle O! maimen t CtIrn hum . n umisel OSris ,r 1c <«ulAiuittr for anutatef1 et e. !îealthY outdoor reertitIon on sun- Ceiiitl' e. Reia . -Creaex . #% tsi5 day. Mr. Ad>'curguti the uaceILao'rlwie<musti paita Stumun.A o! h Lui nev hibr ponnigoul lu. ruluim of thanks mstan-d sr-D D <iflangeaand aIbo atedt1h t o n.I"MiW" ia s a Ib 0 1tZ e Ieto w Rr O EVIDE 17e4 pliay demandeticertain super-. te uIl nChr=We lm h iai-r % talon vben cirteeoin upublic Ou& CAI ac]Wttlim vit lr e leLVII parks anti that Ilicre vert ma4ny Out ,oiîh BFW perumi nov enjsoyir4 5saay as their day of rat vWho vould be cSm- PeUed ad S ive up tht, privilage te erve ., uprvao Ibt dtfflculty 0fof arngth@t law, or a" Bunday lav, wuilr pm.s ent cirCUnutSaZIces.vi& outd out and the respoei.sblîlty for MMsofo th~e law breaking on surgi"y. aisch Ai buying prohtbited goods. etc,. could be laid at the e <or oi0f ClsurcsPeoPle viso by Uitov cham . m n e eay îia fe m Chsarol. eseUnag.dbuaintu propW 9 to tmU» n umbea of atriu &Mdm sonBwdiy. Mr. Ad" M" thai tIbq iteateSM mnitvau ehe rpuoi., et thtetiflbali Wlne whIcis dUaaddthetthe>'bWelM te k bte euàmsidy oom daaidu,- 2§d MTA YTU Sa iuy Fb S OiTNMIGHTI. -Dié S --t - EdWmd à WL. Hm aT" Ph».? a BUlRNSN1GHT1IN ,Tt1LfY OFFIIZM ' TOWN OF WHITBYI I ('OUshDiod fie. Pas. 1* i la*9 05 of lmwbi. MT i «M s wm v. ~by . d he 0" h. be m a *. mm ite este ue 1tut mamuiait 35 %mgr flUds. ~ ~ ~ ~ J mai"f wbth us. tht I Vwo M»bv vise unuthe i -" 1. a *M«* bu. E Mliii ,I MM 14 =0~' ___4- g._ Wqw 0lmmmTmu enn w - M . ýf Wba u Qh*sw - fAu 0-* ss 'WZNDOS ANDGW*u r» un WIST KmP ,or A Wu" lD ,11 lUN. cami Wds~I WANTW - uDRooDUI SVZ. issU on»uei. App>Omista tii iow Chissiki Ofic . brh* "Y>. Appt>'ais Mary Strpet Uit, 1WAUTzS-40uRlrPGEDm AIU vauted. Tuephosse <4 IO For ROM FOS MWT r MUR aPsIMtSiabfuarulstd owmi ut i Iterea st ulova i faix-g Iaztw th WEEKHe vau a mouaber of tht Untted çh sd ver7 highsi>'tbought of Re.Snuel Lawrence, Whttby, ex. wtdely un n heit e waae mloderator Of tht Syxioçi of Toronto the lait 28 yean of his t!!e He ta 811d RingatOn.Relativsmdmfrienda survtved by bis vidow, two son&5 fere Present frozn Whitby, Cban. Dr. Eirneet Broughton, Toronto, andi nlflgt«. ExBn, Ont., DanvtIle, Que-, Clharles Sx-ogbton, Whitby andi Wa-ie, li Toronto, and other osie daughter, Min. A. Dand, To- Places. n. OIno01wing the service ut the borne The funeral took place on M1on- t'brmnei took plae in Mount day at Uirme oclock trous the Fun- L«wn Cesiuetel-Y. Te pilibuerm em-I Chape! tof A- W. Miles. St. ClUair "e: FOrd Llncisay, son of the de- Avenue West, Torate, saddvwu cea.ed: A. J. TaLylor. Darivile. Que.. c-<nduted by bhis pistor, Rev. Rus- James Binai, and Cyri McKinney, sel O'Brien, of Whltty UnitLed e! Er .Ont.ario, RCV. Sensuel hr....ssedb e.AM ? La"ree, of Whltby. and Mr. p. C. ntrch motdbyv . A Macle Ir- DOrafl, O! the Presbytermn Chiirch b .Itrnntw aei t Offices, Toronto. James cemete->, Toronto. -&Y floral Itribut«s vert placet! TýiSe vho attendtd the fueal on the ceaket at the home. the, ro a di*ianee vere-M. George dOuer6 iaclud±ng ih .Sentine,_- Broughton. o! Windsor*. Mr. C Star. Cobour.g;.Cobourg RotaryBono oieI utro r Club,' Knox presbyrlm Obhurch Hutchinson, Mn. Lugb. Mx-,. Steed .Cannuigton; Burnis PreYerian andi Mi. and Mu. E. HUbChbnio, ChUrch, Ertr , Whatby MInist.rual Iall Of S&aa Asaoclmti=onSt. Ancixewva LUaÀde Aid. -Whlttv: shawu. Ilne. , ~ aRRy COMPTON; hluiidY.Goodfeilov Ptu'ting Coin- Rarx-y Compton, a f amiltur figure Pany and Lakesuje Publications; about Whltby for min>'ycai'i.pams- Bastera Star Lodge, T.0.0_1, Whit- eci mviy auddenly it bts home north by.i o! the CP.- on SitTdiy laut In PACE F'!VE one of thei aldennun for many lb. 1'uneral service wu hoId at et. John's Anglican Ohureh, on Tuesda>'afternoon iL t tret ocloct Owlng W thse bneu o1 the.Rector, Rev. D. B. Liangord, Lthe servie vms eonductied by Rev. Thos. Dcv. o! MimIco, a former student ta Charge of St. John's parish andi a fx-lensdof tue tamily. Interauent vu ade inU lSt. John's cemeter>', Port Whitby. MR&. GEORGE BLOW Emama Duvion, beloved vifs o! George Blow, fornierly of Wbltby, passeti way at CivIc Hoâpital. Ot- bawa, on Wtdnesday, Janugry 25th, al ter a îengthy Illne.s. M. Blow wau kuown to many in Whltby vIsent si wuas afreqqent visitor viLi ber alater-in-law, bMis. George Davey, Byroxn street soute, anti ldId tnany f riends litre, wlio will regret to liear of ber passlng. She is sur- ved by lier busband. one son George, andi a daugbber. Un. Tucis- ings. of Ottava. lThe funerai vas helti an Priday at. Mr. Blow vIll have the si>pathy of bis many Wht.y frientis In bis bertarement. a Ckos an setute.deulrablt I ar land& ,itUated on the , OUthailde cf ighway No. 2. be<vmo Ooboux-g mid tml ope.Spruhng qta et kZ Uand 33. brokan feL Coni- teUOM A. of théeonmhlp of maltm,. 100 acres mon or Itts. bu*h bam ,1% 4buayfmase hcuae PouinAprit Igt. 9W. pur tur- biser parula m sdtftms o!fsle. &JPly bo ltobm P . clotieiit. Wifby. OmWItar.Weala C. Attto. P@MMUihll. OD4as0. Arthsur a- WlIItbmobCobourg. OLt Duaas trct ut Teeploa 41, In sthe h* et Ednsund 40. wht . romu. DBCEASWBD i nom rSr4" AiU CON-AiU Pers taVtag clia l asat9 su110.AP$ 0 Oes le « theo ttim «o!Wbtiyf, Uwthe ~~ ~oust, 01 Ocimnlo. lbo"oMI f POR NU! T-4l)OMS PM PhUI4104 conUhi,.teisday o« Oplucr. f=Wuuuisor uscfwutUu<%mmul11M. ae et trd te deItefai oewn'oSim& AP«iY Ilà DUPu aPatOclOn rgO!fsstdune fl teh «:m ut.or belome 1%, WbIt.W34w. on or bdoter tseM -h m iat le im amie. 13 Pu" BuoWWihl. I15tut am.teet Will il,% Fer Bi YO 434- ImKNAT ý Pt CI MM woe4u, $180. u -nom 91 butumnom à iue .im- a"mm -Moi - cf th Ource cf g.to U te- -m S - -oh"ioit 4n Nom nu--woiaor de> AnMW. 11* u Ose m i *ia« numbe. 0 bMi l le t <h. ideýnb4 sti M pu*wo la uaw lS S faisW 4 t t th~a bi 1517 ~ ~ O Yo-l~<i tnu F 10 htome vi* mib a Mariof qW uet a"d ktody dia. posiheA ldvas htlM ta h%. hat Asitw',vbc isvti se«cm ho xI9bu, 4utvi, loumbear th sfr aiglon. uM W,.Auhby, um ..J Draper. mm . YT. Soa Ia d Mit QOrbuda lump, at cf Whftbyý Ibo lit.S&n Kemp> viaà s m- bgn MW realar attendant cofSt, jobns av chwest, vIsareh.o "U D.ity Caro For Vour Shoco i..p - m i - $bwl N ouli aho. brusb. 4 bau of po- "w ohm ilOe iiid. Mate I a rut Mvoe t. put em &hmug hic> baves bms bru*" el rpontbt PmUrssub. ben des otu. =4d beUtItea e, bair » item i«the 1olCRUa.begla te aiow tneo î w ou v .LAd gel sum IntirU setan as 40 s.sq. - .. . '... -. I ibi r. h VIW*tiu ........ ...... i iro lm Orai TOi m 8 U vu *RAM.,., e. W» Vb um......15 CAIL is OCR '4.'-m s'urà'vin. *30.45 110.78 8#MU1 1 .881.51t "a - MmAt - sus ~ê a~ ~ a W4 c-i uÉa. M'au a centuri tions t4 J. H. Wbitby posed1 Kindrec L MeLA to havi present. Piper. carried A. A. vert D. à& Mc] wu D. Th1e p a(dress4 Star C i selecte Braie1 and sto eti by tl staf f,. duetl. Blast." Scotch est Brui iCrookit J. McCI Caledon dime. accorclIc app-et.i S5. Law. bx-ought close. OSUWA R Umm ce RMPM cw sucon AUM =9 lu mwd a""i UM«« w tbe omai« th aigu$$" du tttl.,-wu bad m NP S" Mm'at ln go"" st entit. « Me vu Md by uw attitir. à um aumb« et th* ompjuff ACCOM BAMCE S a. ad m e grueatrstibu'. » te lite cf nmay nattn Ormlaton. edIber o! th D A*S 0 rGazette ad Chronicle, p ro; bbe toast tb "Oshawa aid d Clubs.' Un!ortuaatelyMn. MR&. JON LINDSAY mughuin. of Oshawa, vho wuA t b er bMue, 302 Centre Street respcosded. vawu uable ta b. No-th, on Frldmy, Jan. 27, tIse dtath occurred ef EIlzbetb F7"d- s3 wbo piptd ln the haggis. beleveci wte 01 the .cvereid Johin aloft on thse shelders ofe inday, ec t fthe Bynotd of Walker anti AlIsn Walker, Taromio andi iCngitmOf o th* Pt«- McCIeUand, J. Stewart. Rev. b>veran Churci ta Canlada, and innez. Tht --capable pianlit&anofe!the Churcb Pensions Bord- Jenkiis, Oshawa. lb. deoeased vho vas ln he programme ti add.itioni to tht 7Mtisyea.1r hati hemli failing liemili .es wa3 as f ollows: Soo, 'lIse for'sonie nioths. She vas boin1l1 Y Robbie Butas', WhfIUn F ox-Leu!. Quetec, youngeet daugh- i-iolin solo: instrumental a ter of the igte Mr. andi Mrs. Joseph <1>, b (1h.gband ?Un). Ford, and mue of à a fully of ton. Bruce, 3BethWabson; $010. lier fitiser vas the fouader andi o' Mine," *Mm. Hurlburt, operator for nian>' yeirs o! tee f tiR mnox-tl MemorY,' In> = .0f Ford & ýo., an importent indus- evy. bv' John MeNabb. assist-tra ocnadoeofhOPier lie follovhng artiatiq. BWmg- trial coert andin Qeot ncrO i. %ieCorrachle. W. Parises:f tact. 5h. came to Whitby in 1925 ýO Wert Thou in the Cati] vhen her husbs.nd became pastot P. McNab. Mes. Oillioreofo St. Andrevas Preabytrilin entertainers.humorous, IE- Churcb. and vas msociated vite ice. Dclii Waton; dUiet. '-The'hlm ta bis six yeui'x-a nsby bre. ffabet"M L Y B., bc v*s wtth lier buabanti aIKin- jf1solo, «Scola Wha Hae.'* tare Ont., for fourtta > "m, andI cmnmhit: "oo, "Y. Banka &D' eaI, n. ont., for sevex-al ycars hO- Mns. Huribusi; solo, "ff41ton emUng to Wisitiey. MM. Linci- ias'- B. W849411f; svod&&y&quietthrtend.lY nature mamie Beth Watson. esibertaner. rtlsdfo irmn>ired or.. Mrie Bruce; 60lo. "Tise &I eapdfrhrmn red -W. Pariss: Greetingi -Mdviso regret er passlng. alaIs on woWugiibby Pav. Tht d«eus asurviveti by ber rence, "Auld tLang3y"busbezsd. 1ev. John Lindai>'. Ont ta enemorable evenIng te a î544sieL MmL Otice Sevdtl,0>! ort-* uud. Quoe, mad onen;, 'Wlllam1 pFarâ Ltuy, Edutor of the Cobours E ) IERT TuO U ms aà dMM is W IT Y tri Street *1,sriew m duct.td tirRer Dr. J. W. cNanUm cierit o! th. Presbyterlan (nm A&enb' sL*ted bx- tiheR.tht IIIII-tI~BMfIIURev.DrD. T. L.McJKerrOt!.Off UIIEL IU U.fl IJNEtagra -on- tIe-Lmke. ex-modax-tof of tePresbyterm.n Chui'cl., md-, ontnuei fomnPag 1> tse p.". Dr. Hamy Carcisiel. Dontnue romPUt ) 1pister o! St. Andrevr's' Presbyterian the. cltix-ens 10 gel behfind , CuzhWhttby. Thse ammage o! krke and it band. strreuetg Ieomfort ta thse bteived vas brought ut of thbe training the youag nr rereevlag. The ere eto .by [»'iicNii3iiBho made roter- the baud om n in tsi th t > t S.kiI>' 7Cablun chir- oui and the strmctCOMOTImoatW Of thse deoeaa.d md ber 1=s8 the eSme thla rullaSMIitlulss«ttiu thet mn vmetontelaIad izU ts.b@~ n i iamli"O 1Chuaber b>' tihi lal e ciitrt..Otiir MifUALeisprUel*ho tnanmd their ladlu. Whv isen41Dot take pant lu thi mrtue ments icreserved. BSud- lvan te. 'R-r Robert StmaURl. o! CIarke moveci a rots cal Burnss Church. AAWIsbUa, sud ReV. to audmuuter Eroadbunt H. Elmer OreMl.pltm a!Whltby à musicluns fer theu kùbdt- RepU.: Churrli, repam.llu tha couslng to WhIstby. WbIttY MlzsIaL#1aAUilOS. Bc, d 'IMISTII ICLUSSIFIFD J W.A BOINMN 1 hiq 7 S1 lb. Thefollowtnt was takenftrom th. W. A. SKOVGRTON Who ltved alone, had Anttgo Delly Jour4 nal Aitg, Wis- lb. death occurred a' St f been srouncd as usual ~ and ulyIng cosi,0f January Srct date-. Syl- aeV5s Iioptal, Toe-oeto. on Pnlday. dio"w en i&i frimint W,. Potter, vester Je!froy Lyndo, 78. prominent J&nu&ry 27Lh, o! William Alfred _ . ~ i al ino sIra oiieo.do Eroughton. boloved husbmnd etO! edto et. as vugr. potier 10 Saturay att.r o aI 135 o!ed ln ar 71, e&r.Hthisn Whitb)y, help him up and &4 ho did he pais- et his homo 518 Second Avenue. The laeeMr. Broughton auifered d Qfitl' aàway. Ia&(er s month'aserlous illnois. Mr i setrho wucv era d j:oh I apnu fdr lgo use mnd 1for the put two years. monia a.nd reore t h optIhdraWadauidago ds.ý?nra eIcswl ehl ID romnto. w e hepaaaeij sway. d Wvuheid Inthe iihighet e3teem rzi Eow afternoon et 2.30 oYloket D"eee as L vas orn et Epwrt blnthe commiDly. the C Rev. H. P. F reoofcia tn; ln'&nd- and <rame tb Canada " a 8urvIvtng ami hi, vile forrerly m th mnt B ey.H .z mzgocad nsh &MnsU bm He lhed in NorfolkIIaIIn Ox-els. one daughter. Mm ndI. 'rtwilbe made lin the Counï wer»he elva II& du.RejýBakr. orSc. nd ne onLImwood cemctory. t oy lsi Cot1 adber hoeveçi osaia Rri a. Tooestern d o. son tate t thieLynde home. Tho de- whor1 homd i or mouu ~jny Yyeg ,cfWne. OI&I. coed vu born December 7th, WhSO h raidtiforma.y .sr. 'Me fueral VUa helm OU MOda5y Us et whltby, Oantario, C=&a". HO came tb Whitby 24 Yoars ago froun A. O. M&rlo<àm umi par. nO c e t te Unlted 8tates 37 as5 manager of -the Orange Farmi.1 lorsBrock abtrotouth, and vsywag.i homoo 2.Bfr Ulen ownhd bY >47. J. B LaIlia, conducted by Rev. £E Ralph Adyt.e, Yar g . ta AtheeofAp21902, o r&t th# expiratioMo of -oerah.RectSo f All Satnta' Cburch. in.- UYCd tshl W go. MrnWSodlad pii purhaitibbcRodrn fex- s te-mnt usmade ln Oroveait n. rn marx-utagtMes LM*l litor the P'ar.viI taraion the c«mmx. ma# Canavan bo Place Max-ch 19. Klapt«i road SM4i.wblchi opir.13M. Mm. Lndo died Auauiut MIL BLed gucoouu t» Ida desbh. JOUX KIMF M3. né vuian Um nacield mueh ta- DuOs cieaflviih&I ftLLU gsud. wL yn4 lu a member ai iii. teruted member cd the Vogetle donne. on Satwday. j«"uay2Mt, MCoeaU~~Q l nJU; * G eo ven! AU aod tU a es an d a m e m - of Joh n K m p . P ort W btby . l iii b o s . o 3 .? a d & H A n ber o! thet OwM* MaricutComa- 74th '.ar. Ldg No 62P.Bnd0&.; a.n- en- HM &&0ourvd "a m*Mber -of DeeudvWho îhslr faUlnsB. T..-snd the O . Mevu ro. the TwvriCoufcliand board of iiultx 1«Sfo mU= mn. vu s&round tlnadfio esatve serviceas a cwii 3ucL*on anud aissys boa teen asU U D w ptothe tUmèofhis destb cago and-Northvotuvn rathvy and hi.. audden pai came as a conductor Decumber S1. 1931. Su=. ocs ehl ui>'mSkted. vvt cmar v ons, franti The lIaMIte W>4. e asborri la Antigo, andp I o f arl o!d 14«9%I@UNUO5haS- bU " bou & 0--. W UUdauit ld&MdEu. Fer SS rRmgt faI&er for U0=>'7 11. Rttlritiig ildron. Pieoeding hlm tideatb j frin ative vo* Sbout feux-tn vreM MM Lynde and one daugbtur, pAjM polI SAU 5OltR rT..TO Y'SiS a ho nsoved tbPort Whitby Maget Vho 414 W inq , ýl BOARD1 0F HEALTII SENUS RESOLUTION* TTH 11F.IUNICIL * (Contiriued trm Page 1) years ago the town bult a seer ex. tension at a cost off*3,000 WWhClI Would serve twenty houses but on]y one hotue had connet-ed with it. It wfts trUe' that the extension provid- ed work but the situation from . sanitary standpotnt was no better than before the extension was bufit. Dr. Cuddy was of the opinion, that the Board of HeaIth already pas- smsed the power to enact thef sanitary reguiniions, but he~ feit that the backing of the Town Couxi- cil would help a great desi. It wil! be reca]led that Dr. C. T DLcGilllvray, former M.O.H., pasied on a recommendation to the Co=-" cil in hi& lest -annua report that the saî'itary area be e3»tended., Council promised consideration -but- no action bas yet been taken. rWeeping WilIow Irees From Twig Tt la aid that aU 1th. lveePln willows trees in England and .MMIi erica originatcd frose a twig net by Pope, the celebrated 18th century Engish poet and anslator 01- -Home." Ho receveci a preilt 09 ;igs from. Turkey. and. obaervlng 1ý. tvris in tho basket, ho Plarkted it là bus gardon, where it Mon becaunesa fine. troc. Wh.n CLDS u"ad at oitmoeReZC th1. yUdu1 Vixc4xa" R._ oldla Re #W 8og àk-mov. %.. %«ýlwwww

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