Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Feb 1939, p. 9

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THE WHITBY GAZETTE AND CHRONICLE. WEDNESDAy,_FEBRUAR' '1 93 AENN OUTLINES. EFFORTS TO INCREASE BRITSH MARKT FOR CANADIAN PRODUCTS, <By MacLaren Advertsln g Co.) motion of the DepartmentVs orga- Ejspousing the cause of her pro- tzation enter into the pieture. ducers of foocstuffs, Canada la to. Throuh the medium of psters ad day, carryltlg on ln Great- Britain newapaper pald-space. utibomed lin _la moet extensive merchandlaing 8.cordiiice Wth Uicemu mode= efvrt ever conductd ln thie. and prouressive advertilng teca- Miotherlafld by a sister nation of t.he nique. thie British publIc la mnade Empire. avare of* the avaiiabWlty and deuil- whet.ber hà grows apples.' ralsea blUty of thie Canadian produci hoga. manufactures cheese or ruas Strlkiflg and effective va-slde and q (ýannlng tactory for tomatoes, 1hua-aide posters form Uic spear. truiit or salmon. the Ca.fadlan vho head of thie advertislag effort, con- sreks to extend and promot.elte stitutlng a mobile form o! sales ap- -ale of his gooda in thie Ok Country pet] for vhIch there la no paraJic finds today that hi& course ta lin Caadl.n advertlsing. Experte charted for hlm. «rigait from bis gencrafly are agreed that no other farm or factory to the Englishsnla ixiedum o! advertulang ia Great Bri- dnner table in London, Manchester tain today reaches a large sectioa 07 Liverpool by a closeiY-knlt mand of Uic Brillai populace Ia thie Lon. &mooth - working merchandising, don arcs - and reache i more et- promotlOnll advertlslng and Pub- fectlvely - thin taies veNde pus- 'iclty organtzation vhlch la oper- ters. 'lisir peralteat and tellag ated on botai sidea of Lthe Atlatic message Il cSrieId vairem rmotor by the Canadian Departnient of &and horse-drvn trsffc penetrates, Trade & Commerce. trom Uic busleut LondQn thorougai- P'rom thie Minister, Hon. W. D. f sic to Uic barkstreets of the =mali Euler. dqwn titrougai the ranka or est bamlet. irade commlssloners, merchandising 71bere la o dlacztilte pIIcIIW experts. salezmen, "contact men", o!1these Postera. Machi Canadian and advertlalng expefts. to Ucthe 1,a u _l.emhslcdl huniblest employee lavolved lnth ae effort. there la only one atm anti one abject - to develop an ever-ta- creatag Britisht market for tahelieut availmbie Canatilan footi-utuffe._Andi ln Uic comparatively few m ontais that Uic scaieme has licen i pro- gresa the resultra have been more tain atiequate ta establt Uich fundadnentel sountinesa of. thc ef- fort andthae succeas 0f Its operation. rTe fîrst phase o! th.e merchan- dising plan begins ln Migland. wbere trade commlssloners,i akilleti ln custamer researchi, carry.-oui- s concerteti effort toa ascertai taie taites anti prelerencoes of taie BrIt- tait consumer ln taie mstter rof bis food. Wherever they discover a po- tenttial market for Canatilan applea. * bacon. cereais. canoiet frui ts or -vegetables, whicit could ble met - or at leasi competeti for - liv Can- atime producers anti exportern, tac observera "Ulp off" thie Canaduan ,manufacturer or trader. Advtee Foif 'Priaducera Wnormation reîayed to Canada Includes carefulir consîderet ivce to mst tae proclucer to meet Brit- lIst requirementa. For example. taie graver o! Briltith Columblat apple, la advised as te vaut vrnct' o! apple la most popular lni tac Britlith market; what grade andi aire La moet acceptable; wvast metbod of tship- ment delivera the fruit lni Englanti in thie best condition:. wbat type af package makes thie best Impression on thie consumer: vhat veek or monta finds the Brillith shopkeepers mnost receptive ta thie produet, and what price competlng nattore are plsctug on their produet in taie saim e mark 'hp$ çearl n Vfýver enfera taie baIlle for bbe Entisai marktet e-tiltausdistinrt aI- vantage over alter Empire or for- eign cotoipetitora vain are floi am- -alted liv such an effirient orzan- izatipn asMW'Threpartmetv mRata- tains in taie Motherland Bu' taie Dominion Deparînient of 'ri-ste & Commerce aittis Junr-ture bas Only begun ts vork. Taie ngxt tep la b a'is%t loi ci-ri way possible ln the iahlpplng ôofte Canadian produet. boh se-rou th ae AtluxtJc anti frnt taieBrllait e- VWrt taCetadetînatlonIt a Beil-iai- vairehouse. Miena utvertîing anti sales Pro- tie season o! taie year liest suIteti tb Ils succes.sf nI marketing la Gm«t Britain. 'nie sm.mb latruc o! the exc- tenalve and Intensive nevapaper advertlalng camps.iga viich islacar- rled on peraistently on lichait o!f te same Dominion producta Selection of media la madie e-iai meticulous care, ad Uicstyle of oopy mous ilely to have s tellia effeet- on the Britishi reader la decideti uion offly aller expert andi careful study of taie problem. Supplementlng thes. eff Wrts La -s-n unretnittlng "pre-sellltig' setiîl carrieti on by traIneti merchandisers througtioijt te Briltih wholesale ! andi retail field -Periodie ealls are made upon vholeitaerta: retallers anti "multiple' or ebtin-store men Io lrnpret&. t pon tae i-rntae merl.e of taie Canaduan f aoditu!ls.. andi haieethie compelli-cr L,;as non-Erm- pire nation b iew!n them arvr- 10 thie prInciple of intrs-Ccîmrm-n- vealth tInde. Adieeand amsaire ln thee at- tig ýUp of! ititnctivlv Canadian vlindow displmys anti decorations ta offered te BrItLqb shopIheeper. andi es-erv porsiblp effort madetie tee that'. e-len lte Canadlan produri- eventuially reaches the EnILai home, It is loi a conditi1on sol a parkage. mort likely- to create a faiourable impression on thie consumer and to assure coMoplete asttisfaetlcn andi srepeat ortier lKeeptng s linger constant. von taie pulse of DritPai deoiti moitin a wateaiful rere n thie Csnad.mn ruppli- Sa so mtiiensure coztiiuiti' anti s consistently blch quslitr. bthe Canadlan Departinent of Trade & CXM=mectitamaintatua lodoy mn orlanisation and! smac-hiner%' for te benelIt rof her foond produrers and exportera e-hie-h par4.e ibis Dominion lI s faroureel mnti p.e- <mInent plaetin the markets of lte %afohe7lsnti SATS DUOS CAUSE OF MAOO TATIC Pterbore Jar. 3-WIwn Pole* ar'Ilseereti repeat caletis t tae norlai end i a dospule bei-e-cit>eigabor One a! them rompmilncd hbcd bect !tianticel He chai-ted tti l nelgitbon 1usd tlti ta hlm 'Bod bulga sa-e a-othue-k tI our bouse. l>teyrve c'rceddon n' radioarii m ruain BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL W. J. HARF, B.A. Barrisie. Bolitr. Notai- BtacCeuaao A.G0Browning K 'Ci ffe:110 BROCS STRETNE Tclepouw: 12 - Wbitbl R. DONALD RUDDY Sarrister, Befltor. Nota7r,' ebl Office mi <Se court Revse. teuesty ocepîie b,' A. EL Chrt" Rame M eb,' te Loa J DUNCAJ B. MCINTYRE Basrricter. Sebeltor, Ntam L Office 1 Br«et i asS rime U W iSb MONUMENTS N. W.STAMTOI vmsrlu1pa«etid " s rn V1é clam u* et me. ro CEM-"ES GROVESIDE CEMETEY W. IL, JONM B eies UNDERTAMN * iPelm DIaeMai&W 5i mu Am $n AMBULAMo SA. A. ROOINSO ramIal Dlfttu p USS MEDICAL DR. R, T. MacLAREN Earr e"ieaoeM.s Wffb» p~,s a ainSm*S. ~M MR FRWDERIK A& CUDDY CererSye 8maiC'mbsm S r»O."'<Tui VETEARIAN DR. G. R& BOOTH 'ead V.êhuv-Wý Laqe wad se" UAMM sSaM Penu lAUeoUoe w-M l nà . m mm£ 0&SiWM&. Cmeà« T"qphom eli7,~w D.Ai. S RC Cs.t i T4tdS vi ~UANR L. W. DDE Utan-i mi é 1 - mailse SulwmSmux 4 N~.Vs Ja~Pl-~iW b«"~ *-toem « 1wtomp5sr MWt âwks t i bsiW*" ý" W lg Bo1rb"~ ~e *w Duke of Windsor Onato Improuf Hi. Gamo WblIe his finc lemi betar. AmelCoemtonloooks n spo alc forte uas e drives a leog oc dovu the fatimy at th. Mandel eue aMi DuWeeesa"retu-terlng. Expert C4mputan la -.ahag the Dut Monda y's Blizzard Blocks Highways in Western Ont. Býowmanvile Hockey Teaam i Cash on Highway 12; Two Injured - Busse Behind Schedule Aib-outai the bltsnsd which ragil here Neele-rday W" ni~: -a lue heiet ieo!,u .u-; li- ar s campamati-rely rnr:-i a!faj <'on pa.rcd 10 Quai- , b).:îd yconi murnities e-st o! Wht:yirea., par-t o!sgeucer3ai i-ci-mvaicitrae3 Moto r Hints *..li-ie !ron*,s anud z-cars o! cars hi t'eu inimo-I o tcaîr owneri Fr,-y per cent of lte pedestrlana .<c.ln i itie-i ln i a.o acIdentâ c.ied to crosstiee r-cr,t t:u tb< d- uit o., a b;cs:ic. 1Bif PRO iIRAN FOR1 The Sunday Schéol Lesson KING AND QUFEN Activities Pr.cding Trip toý cana& daWl b. HeaViesi MTe International Unlform Les- thus, but that the5y were insPlred of son un the above toplc for Feb., 5'the HOlY Ghost whlch wa.s prom- Lx Acts 2: 5-18. 36-41, the Golden, ù.ed by the M1an Jer. w:îo had Text belr.g Zecharlah 4:6: '*Not by'been ci-ucified. Rte told thi'm t-hat might. nor by power. butl by Mny1 they should repent of'titeir sins and spirit, salth the Lord of Hlost.s.) bit baptlzed. So fé'tr!e:ý and con- Since wee iAcc'ess.tion ve Sime AccmionBy NEWMldAN CAMPBELL. thrce tlhous3nd ý011ls wr baptized MW WEEKS AGO thé~ le&sroniitlat day'. LOndon. Jan- 3.-Before strting told boy Simon. Peter t.hrce flme- Another sigti t.Pt'rr wa,, re- On ttelr hlstoricriaibt 10 Canada1 denlcd his Savior whien the latter solved- to ;a v and d1u l ie c'on- next May. King George ad bis waSs rre.sted. andi or Mh bitter drdr!-.f0mî' ictap Queen vUiiiexerence thie busiest gref over bis unfaithfuiness. It penel b hfrd. wnt1-'ay.bn - van Prucrm of officiai sctlwity iLhome. vseltt at echwbtWSaccusation tat ip nt(- ith Cen- mince their accsio. forgîven am oit 1ioxhe.derlarcd hi, ps ~TI'clpc r od !h- r On Peb. 21, Their Majesties wm love for the Rtsen Christ. who told, He n'as in thr ui, o! r'ppaýi lie Icave London on a four-day riait 10 hlm to preacai the 9oý;)e1 WFr.id. and in na r r ir hrhield a thie zortiteatera specW aremuasandi terd iMY l8mbs,",' th«RcOCuntvision. A gi eV iv" Wî etdo viii stop over ln Neveasto t auncai relates. from heaveri bt.sfor(Ore Uic battlealsp -mang Qeorge v.- 1>eter vras a strolg Mai. AI-land on thie shleet war every mai-mer This vUiiilhe Ui lraicapital shiîp togih lbtmk iae ti n-a-d foo i "ienî h'lI:raid - imulbeci ince 19M5. mistalte. h'e dkcin't i'-ý it 'sreck h.'s '.olCt tell Iiiin ta .- .kîi and rat. Their bMe#Ues vii li leaU ona lire or spoil the goori he il cOiJld But Peter. whose lpeople d:.-i not eal 10-mlle toUr o! NeVeait antien- do. Riehad tir-nîc his Savior. but meRt that wsuilse " ti vfroi'-sThcy have ladlcated &a pec- i bis repentance wavs sincerr. antirabi. s ld i coul d otCa. o' t l tai e ct.. Inecit the c4tys nev nov aie vus determincti to do whut wu unclean. Thrn the î'Olcr salid, bouulag deveflsent. vhlch bas 'WS rlirht. no rfater vhmt nitght -What God has ýcleans(rd. that cati trm.nsfoned S M lum.s oa modern bfiOl hlm. rot thoLi cominola T lib vra.s done resldent.iI rcs. 'l'h. tlnerary &"o1 'e Bible s*orv trlsll or jCeX15 'lire tomes. salt Pr-tvr. ari -i-i e C&M for aa it to eccf tac pria- istR id atn RIS di.'Cloles %tasfeU Il vas rsglt ftatnot ouh' Cipal armament plata in heUi, ia-ehares mnnv vere lapuaed with , hould lie ent vo-li ine titintofhis tziel. tour o01te nospîls. amile; vuter. thcy - the dscîples - race, but that be ahoulti prencai te theeKing wvu! proalde astUichedfi- a.hculd b" bmtlzed Of 1h-H'Il 'andieonî'ert thern. cici o!Uicthene-v medial virg of 'Gaina. -hey vere gathereti to z tere! rhrat ef- LaIg'u Cours~e. err for btheJen rP~ct U115 Rýi1tîde >of Petr-"ý ia-.s aon _______________ T'neIKlu.gad Queca viii , a.. xisaitrvesb fmeti.îl - wben "sud. -t wihàd !i lew. t tho~e b'~ hi'rci ami e was Ali Ck Castle. horne of the Duke dt*nly -there erne a r8 .1 fromian n 'w sure o! hInmocîf Ho ne i of Norhumberand. lheaven was o! a rushlnç mlghty taken hs- tadand voulci abitie Imgi. te Dke f Wids, dapiy'Arrangementsa arc beingade tb vinti. and tih fillled ai0l fbcbus yl It. desptr the coi-enuenrrs. Al imse In Cap lYAI'tieao vaer, baie Dure xzend lthe nortflcrn tour Io t"e. i era timaesey o'cre sitttngnlk.r t ,ke baek te form um tby a long Isyon.Durham. Gat.esîucatiandi pî,essy '-And there mppearrd ,itni n > ?hoi polue hl snrot. efu adiWor0 Sunderland, but tai pa.rt o! taie <love-n torgues Iller a% cet lire, ad wom pcople ltÈ is e d. 'mIn the iltlerary has noît yet been fixei I w t'umon ecnaiof lhem<'ilr cnni.femhi-tInte &ri otio rch e-Us auppl, "Andi therv erero al fLfed elIi i o kait.slflatadifr Iicrowtddroyal c'aiendr. Albiert the HOlI' Ghost. and brgntn t" oi)îrc!ebt îf Ie ?3t11JYOLFfIls peêxtea wiiti o*l onfrue!t ;. h pubIc nt Mm. Lhrti ii 'S PI' 1 i be u am-c'crowd*t. Soue cat i.,ardlîr hold youtr swstO!et tingitasd Quceet I hkq e &aIt jiijii'uMi and .attention: ohi k~leep It vn matter RFIdcEvE OBS illr-xnSlaniPalace tram P4arch 21 'taierri' vetgatheret Inlo-theC ely >hon' uninîr-re.stet at flret thie au- t26 Te-o courts e-ial.io be lhelti fioppPof! *'ewery'ntioin ,n'tder dltmii-'e Lu In eha! 1'cy are saying. R[IEY[JJ~) ncI~.n xl & e as nvesUtum oi hrven. Mad i <B tnt itaidithi'r ToPcr. tue i-ufishrmnan AFTR 1W RS worecpiefl1a ot N#w ymrsaionursdisciples ¶aIklni in <i ferent Ian- ,e-ho had obcyed JesU 1 cati ta fol- teast ons lest-e at St-.. James' Palace lie drunk wl:ih vne. But Peter Atnd e-cnt r.-P propi' of lte boli- rW*rk of Truining Plan Out. oelrr -'Mleirrei-.4mesboard flma. ,to<o.l un .'taî il. a t not o' u Ihcumes o i Sàpý111. lLRpaýfonMy C Ierryg drlik that Maicle bie d!oc'lpIft seat ciii'c Wanisa ub by H. Irwin - New Members A ad~t Iri-dr i-su i- .'dta Zt-vfe a.3-W- !lt aise U l l] te amds rtbilsie Otaih li in&l5P--s[AIn oOnta;ic t,' lep'. rre-istion3 us a bren mn- iduIaiaigtaie pul.%va t~na's e-"soue- nouncti hi-a *Ietdt.ngmanufacturer. i llfled by K. L e-i-n. p,,&aenis 01. ta c'ansts. on thoir retura Iromnaie N4ortht Americia riat another crosti- ed prograop avilis tem l vbt t moIrcouru pmovhslon*lly iited for Chcap Butter For the Poor, i temandti grcsi-v 'rredm tlht le- Wife J Gifî romminltthion ir te the driîn ta mtgrnbe t fresi quirter.. E.ngland Adopte Progreaive Movement, ftom lotasoui t tr Ai--anI- #a. 'u nie i-o ci-: tai-i on t i tirr o! thie O *.ter:oD;xarln,.'nt o1 Joh*annesburg. Jan . .W tif bomrc loeuig '.t u Lài ioo r -u.u er a stoa w. dw e t heps- î.br.lisdesus1 me t o ' und& of buur e l en t- TieOe ilt4Ascainl seveli-' lt I-,iruos. ue-uti ani :-ngi-s itàutoobmr-s &actybit tae L-ans C.ibTut,'.tributedti 0taie' PO« ad ncedY 1 n@a«ht mkng got r'rs Westero Ontario in twir4e ps-i-. , ae ne-t"bemntg -pi-se n at1Uic nartet. 1 AUl of taie 13{o)yout.aetutl, hati) ir Kt lON& than hallth*Uicd r4 v ita nepieI aki h snolaursgel upe-rttds ta 15 L itai-for e-ver,' ten lIAktu Uict-sing n; th@-iC-k. me t p i aae t ad-b l po is o on o rtr e ItcÏîng el- more. Thmrsult u 2ltutu rosais an' i--re uti dOwtd '0 di-cP' maucigi-tI PibIMm t. M.r, ridec.treti ReB "e m4 I& Mtln<îtau eueOnt Of 9W a gootreo m hu W e nde mde ti ;;oi- ,. or e j aegejeC'Ml>rasif4tii-us e- a t rataîng mort lO.lalar atid ueulo oal of 'W odh cspa for %-aima een mmdbc t bigha -tvar enera2i- e-i't-e li;oc-kd mu: en. ceaM IC«Ilag l Ib.apri fo 1innc fr ilak Mon,' hirt'-at i--t e't-r Ont-art icu t fric= î-atgaa.%DUne. sciim e m CIed ii n Qusut , in "If t& se rice . ads bon Inâ-cif quis to e W. 1.at ruasonable Coitt:fiue c.coe-t oda,'. A t-cIi-coi bu. made 4n thc fo itlct1300 i lim cn tai reI zon ly flstmD11wumbers sigle Roade BlOrIe o!al acylinder lias rccný liera put 1 In nduti U=osbasaentp« en ct-ns. hsci-lai lmI.'Meo*.%MIsIzIi lia 9j'auM?. * Compai-ci' eW-11i-ht c nnodlucu n oslsx-c- The bsL3 &IdAtito bhO iment mai deie ta e théb IyUiIoe' .,hue birzs;ds s-tsî:At.mooupon tue ailerforte cliuldtn for U Inb n ta<-ll t'P cope ! seh=u* a -but, i 0~UU~4OP Gitas 4sis-Iet W*à - 0m!r* " e-$ it Vt. twnOLiWV ritl theiC d.pmi fuure, becaum c the grOVID, mc-ld ' >ei «I f ile It Ila f olt ft-atr,' toie&P fr- X'1118 Win- .iany ecar mir.ufactuaer cei o. in ta iet suai i-t"t=5- eadt tt- msu;yfc iam.*U t e eahve ta%"y ter Bavw e-fliltth"-vi andi à gr.od tn-tuitthe adalueju !1a an:c k t- ,in &e-51i-5c4cai outi on c=rpic- This butter,. téO OIdiai o'usace -ix lteOrr h1 min,' of Ut1ae kýr adercads aree a a:o ulsa .la ioclthe course.Intis manner scl lin etal sUre ami duliel iAac$tiM U oft 5 tffliaU4 1UR- blocke.d l ua10 -atf-cb: '-r c in blioow-r-sio :ou ~ .many >-ung menarae-Cgiva cm - moidt W udeth.e scm. etII 10t'tr ubidn .~ m esa froi ti-t ad sfrriet batne- croie b-nu±.r~ -c-y jiteIntr IJOi-11nt it l ian ta&oluie Minimum Md Setita per lb. fer w Plnt 03lY vWnd houm « <*o &an. i fo s' r.'-! -n'-i- ' r e- o! e-a'.s,5 eetai sprat J w n <au.i -tle-roomm e i ss v lgve encour- for1 9 ws:, r. be9prw 4j udtht gade lme pmm oethur c Imprtatt in± WI-V.by CIî t~e- mue- ui-'cuuc -i-:eî î j'u'er Pacil8. I>isitor. a mmben o! thie uviy. Were h Dot fS Vt» eme eÎ"8Ut<0SOIS W I'PS Utf c - !Boar'd o!f 94uration hmrsfor U-hePut titIs butter vomld bate .bec S 5 1.lu bi.gnie-siavet no, : ii<e-iai- an% ni- -t o i %c ue c- inte Ulgiter. »mia y>>ea-àandI maa ny t-a ciamn pom-d ormana. d Me dtitferux Uime. crn iZ .l ianDty ou rrttn'.c ît. icusc I a laie bith c-ieaim lte in.ro-wtveae lte reie OMM spd 44 te man -t;oenfCK..m*tw taft ta 'lltî ur ni tt i.duced the speakr. LvaniaJaac"otmu "ldsur fmate«eOn ta Wemier Osiale 5aýHi MVelsb tUao iakdhm on heltul! of pmvUded Sy1t» owammtla i*4 Int oieter Oi a tl I-tte tidu- *0Ii-.s lSe)1e3off the iSâ& the club membmr. fom so! a &iibmty. laIte ycnir etes c-Df bue Pores- 1t t a aiyacIr-IAUrai ~c*e amtILs. P. Uieiaes. Wee Iro. O5uihr<hb bmRla e-est ~~Sc o!Lco&o x opsiaiepOn LFft«idSe dwdi, E.1an-d niIl« 51opriauso MehlOpangt .or_ e-tlll-e teipthe Oe- rn ns-d ~~~tCII!! baaIsPirdfl7ig liithe I hfNm *elDyapDm4 ; U ailngh4dUtteg*-tm. )r4t. À foglUtice th# rccit -butimes COtt<U t01M5 Stuf r-O' ercl vreet arecci.~ ed Prie gvnenliauy ep cm i Unr mitijm îb" tedim>l*d tI ic moieuua 53-S 55015. PIcte*, c4*-naetiA C P R cm thnt celie edar. viu-0 kph-iw ple, e.ne wuas aesSad ta S' wU»4&muwm toei Tilsrusug-ngraU i-et-aemil- e ~tl> on rIo leu mite- roi c h.tnON Oibe.UP cces'd eitaisti s £ne-pl-'énoI e Si bbv0i-~bv bu Umm a 'S - 8 * t ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M ?umcdLtetat mn!'-gc-i e ritoimU7im bi w~~D - teOungriXee-er emojaieer ~<t p~ te *4 em "t joL pu.ute U1 041 mdru4 ssstluo! OrtjaaWh.,lubu e < O<.RfostIimmU i55 Mf1eue<a u.sMsw Lande s'mye elcvecýaxpate »0 e tt t ufU'fltOnIt nu h SSSIUoeMa eiDeila»Mmleu- ftre.b 11aml pek h-,'.a iitueuau -0ah3a0 se 04 ai5MMO ~£ *To *6 3"O$*^ fte b" m 5 - »u condtIo cmb aMu ncaes -.! i-te il' <ti gu I'f f!iT'.- rdi~-Ttott ba ,s ruwp oe bnOu <s. tirw et -.-à&- *o As thàe ê«hem palie t is e %t tb ou4»"Mo" 1<' a-4ex *t e aeb la tus-n «o meems1*u" âmwm e o n- '1&hi»Sa % hsson o SIm m * l- Fery r'.moud >MWt et *mer te<ho làD'8BO-A&, < 10 li <al- ae5*ps~lb.p5î , , 1.0W us ve e ,fl 0*0 --Lý mir-sniS «M» bOt en ffOn 1l155 Told of Tragcdy Londocn,-Walkng home alone Iront Riyl &taýtion 14as. Annie Walker, aged 38, of lthe-Rut, Hafod avenue. lihyl. asow a gican o!fe-hile on btbe branci rýlwsy Une between Rai-I anti Dmrbiih. Bite hatibeen vtllrelatIves ln Stockport, hati caugailt- te laut train home. and by walking along lthe lne tairce ýnlles to her home rut off more titan a mile. ShBie eroSse tae ýllne and smv taat vaut hati Sltracted hon notce vuas spair 0f1 hlte -8oc h ead ityvert -h rhuabd, Barry appal4ty set I t te mt ielis qqÇ- anti ad been ked, dowa bY a 9ther Mn. W a r 'kltktd taem tir W.Sta, e ow, S ýChrialma ~e~i p -j mouiitilS ,ernatloti5ll- LWngag ieiic ahed o!an EngflS in lte rum 0lldlng. Wheg ak an ade tare gsi Blfl IsuEllii Diob, 1 clw of -the lm bers' i Il '1\t 't -1 I 4 ~i t,..; I j 1 Ina' Seesm It lna aMach. ibers and nuflj- mxli foirlurge minutemi 1,1 hm bait lu A ( 1, 1939 PAGE NINE 4 ý 1

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