PAGEFFOUR' Min. WHITBY GAZETTE -& CHRONICL& THURSDAY, JLINE 25.119M6 LODGUS SOCIETIES CHURCHES NEWS 0F THE, WEEK UN WH'ITB9Y. 5v . R. Montgomery and lMr.' 0. M. GoodfeilOw have been lu At- ý Stieh City thls week, viiere they ttended a Rotary convention.' Mrs. F. W. lVarsh and son, Jia, have motored to Windsor viiere they wiii visit the former'& brothes' and sister-I-l&w, Mr.ý and lira. J. Ewart Carruthers. Misses Louis. and Marjory Mc- * intosit epent the. week-end with thelr aiter la Huntingdon, Que.. lir#. John Whltehorn bas re- turned to ber home la Ottawa, spendIng two weeks wIth her &ider, Mri, John Gierman.' ,Mr. Embey Soutiiweii and Miss- 11.ores Southwell, of Toronto, are kolhdsying for two veeks with Mr. and Mre. Arthur HollIday, Mr. and Mme.William Rove and daughter o! Big Rapide, Mli, bave been vislting at the hiome o! Mr. and Mre. IFred T. love, and otiier relatives ln town. Miss Laura Larkin, Reg.N., of Toronto, vislted at the honte of ber brother, Mr. and Mmi. James Larkin, for a fèw days iast week, lira. J. D. MeIntyre has return-* e4 home atter spending six veeks at her summer,-home, Lake o! Baye, Muskoka. ien Natharina Madda!omd, o! St. Michae's liospItal, Troronto. han been iiolidaying wlth hem par- ents, Mm. and Mrs. F'rank Madda- f01,4, WHITrBY, PHONE 11is ALWAYSe COMFORTABLY COOL FRIDAY a SATURDAY 2 Shows. ai 7.30>mad9.30> SaLIU"?7Mati. 13 nm-pcial Added Attraction' Major Bowea' Amateurs No. 2 MON.. TUES..-WED. First show 7» Last Complet. Show 8.1U Holiday Main.. W.d. July 19 2 P.M. "LOVE ON A' G NE RAYMOND WENDY BARRIE LOWISSCHMELi NG FIGHT PIC'URES lins, Andrews, ot Pickering, bpent the. week-end wvîtilins,. Aloi Wilson, Urock stre-et souti. Mr. W. Falion o! Buffalo, vîsît- ed bis mother, Mme. John TalIon, over the week-end. Mr. Edward Driscoli, o! Nevw Toronto, spent the week-end vhth his aloter, Mmm. J. Gierman. Reiem ber the auction sale o! the Harndea propenty on'Auh street, on Saturday. June 27.. Sale at two o'clock, DST. Mr. aid Mi. Cyrus Gates o! Toronto, visited on Sunday, i- îoute to Cnmpbellford, viieme Mn. Gates vaas at the service hi St. Audrew'a Chuici. Mme. J. C. Bloxham, cf Braint- ford, Wath usofhrdgh traid son-i*-lnw,. Mm. and lins. GW.Thexton, over the veeki- end. Mr. aid Mmi. James, Gray who have been on a visit, for several veeks with tudr son, Arthur, ln Regina, Sask., retumned to their home e on Tbumsaday. Mrm?eagher'o! Toronto, viti his aister, Mme.- H. J. Coffey, of Ganton, Ont., veme An tovu on business thls week. lins. Coffey's many Whhtby friend wIli b. giad to knov tint se h menov ecor- ered trou hem *Ilîneso!-mauy veek's dumation, Mm. 'nd Mm#. W. A. Donnelly, o! Whitby, announce the engage- ment o! their only daugiter, Janet Tiabth (fesA) to Mn. Clan- once C. Bryant, son o! Mm. and ,Mms. J. C. Bryant, Pickering.- Ont.' The marrAnts viii take place quietly tii. middle o! July. Mmi. Francis MlIcntyme, lmeè. O'- Sullivan and Miss Getrude.,Mc- Intyme' have -entertahned durng the past veek ha honor o! Miess Dorothy (fobby) Long,. vione mamiage takes place early ln Juiy. lire. Peter Idithison aid hasesý Marguerite aid Jean McArtbur vers among the gueesawvho ut- tended the Hamnh-Thicksoa ved- dingat tiie summer home o! th. bride's parente, Corbett'a Point,, on Saturday a!ternoon The. tes, aid sale o! homne-made cooklîg on lire. J. 'H. Pemry's 'lava Thunsday aftmmnoon,. epon- "or"d by thé Women's Auxiliary o! Ail Sainte' Ciunch, vas a suc-, cerna! ut evà nt,and veli atteided. There vas. a good 'programme, and hom<> eookIng fouud a neady, ale. On Tueeday eveniuig of tii veelc a very delight.fui time vas ep*nt at the. home o! Mr. aid Mlis Arthur Wlgtoî. Byron street south, wien a number o! fnIeuda gathered to celebmate vIti tiem their shxteenth wedding anniver- sary. Duriug thé eveîhîg a, letter, o! congratulation vaa réend by ra n. George Hewe, and presenta- h on made to wiilci Mm. aud Mmm. Wigstoa suitnbly eplhod. Mr. and Mmi. George'Revis, who veme at- tendantseat tiie vedding on June, 23. 1920, vers pea At.Âter n picasant social evening dainty te-1 feshmènta voreseorved. GRANGEZmENGO TO COBOURQ Whtby Oangemen aid mem- bers o! the. L.O.B.A. viii cele brate the glorfous -tveifth hi Co- teiiir10î Couac l havin iron a&"the ON TRIP TO BERMUDA Mr. andMus. Francis J. McIn- tyre left Wiiitby on Monday aft.n- noom for a trip te Bermuda, and wiii ha gone about tvo veeks. Mr. leIntyre vas the foî'tunate-vAn- ner of an*-ail-expense tour vith his iIfe, as the nesuit of i knovledge of veli-knovu Canadian xnanufac- tuners -and the. producte they oeil, and their respective sales featurea, displayed ln a coteit conductea n few mnoithe ago by the Canadian Plumbing and Henting Journal. Mr. leIcntyre vas the vAnner of . he prise, aithough- a large number from -ail over Canada wore in the. coutest. IHTYW.C.T.V. Accepting the, nvitato n o!flins. W. E. Smith, third concession, the. members cft te Wemeu's Christ- tnn Temperaice Union met at bon home.-on- Thursday attomnoon lest. Some forty membona aid visitons vore prosent, to -enjoy lirs. Smth's hoehtliy.Tii. meeting opemed vthlins. Frank St.mplee, presidet. in theo chair, devotionai exorcise béiîg talon by lirs. John Staples.. The aocrotary aid treuurs ne- pônts vwer. read,, tien severai musical numbers vere gîvea, coIn- sisthng of a piano duet by t*o young ladIes, aIse a vocal- duot by Mm. Roy i4ck an i M Iss laabeil Wray.,lins. Cronk, o! Pickenhnug, vas presont and gave an addrese oa the -vork o! the. W.C.T.V. in AlReady -For the, IGRAND CARNIVAL WHITBY LIONS CLUB Wed. Evexig July 1 DOMINION DAY St. Bernard's School Grounds DUNDAS ST. WEST PRIZES AND A BIG PROGRAMME 0F FUN Whitby Boys' Band inAttendance lat PRIZE - Shetland Pony. 2nd PRIZE - Victor Radio. rdPRIZE -$10 i Cash. TICKETS .IOCor 3FOR 25c Entire preoceeds for the. dental treatment -of underpri'vùt.g. cbuldrem and otiier community work. Tickets from any Lions Club- Member. Gmt ,yours now- They are going fasti begua by >'manchs Willard. Miss Ranton, deaconcîs,nalsoa nguest o! the-alternoon, gave n talk on her vork. Contests vere heid whhch aIl eîjoyed. Later -on ne- freahifients brought ta a close a vemy enjpyable -afterîfoon. WOMEN' IÉSTITUTE MEETING The June meeting o! the Womeil's .Institut, vas bcld ,at the "Mapes". the, home o! the Misses Powell, on Fiday a!ter- noon, viti an attendance o! tweaty-two, Tii- business vas conducted by -the, president. it vas decided to tako a course In "Planning and Preparing Meals". Tihis a tive day course, and vili nclude. ]acticalIinformation - negarding selection aid purcias- ing o! food, and tue value and use o! homae grova produets. Plns- vere. made 'for exhtbiting ït the Oshava Pain.' The next ineetngviii take titafri o! a pîcnih iat Oshawa-on-tIie-Lake on' our regular day. Refreshmcîts vere semved. by Mmi. Sturtivant and ber committee. Tiithaîki o! thc meeting vas e1tended ta tic Misses Powell for- thc very pleasant afterîooî' spent. PRESENT. TEACHEIC WITH CLOCK Miss Beau. Doîîeiiy, daughter -of Mm.and Mns. *W. A. Donnelly, Whitby, and teacher of S.S. No. 4, East Pickering, was the guest cf honor at a social gatiiening of th. natepayens cf thc section hcid at tic sciioouiiouse and was presented with -a maîtel dlock, in honor of her appiroaciing unamiage to Clan- ence Bryant, nesident of thc com- munity. The -address vas resd by E. L. Chapmaxi, and, the presentation made by H. W. f oyes,-muember cf the School fBoard, assisted by littie Misses Colin Neale, June Bryant and Isabel Honon. A,short vmusical prognam and an infornaI da=.c coucludcd the. evening's eutertati.. ment. OCAL Iv Members of WbItby Muniste- lai Association. and -their vives Wedaesday atternce tenderol a complmentany.dhuner te Rev. S-1 1.4 Toliand lMm. ToU and sons, Ellsvorth and Leroy. 0f the XJited Church, aid te Captain A. Bonar, local otffcer commaid- Ing the Salvation Anmy- Corps, iwho are beavig -Whltby .shontiy. Rev. Dr. H. Carmmchacil, pastor of st. Andrew's Presbyterlan* Churcbj Presideit o! the. Associa- tion, pmesided, and. presented to Rev. S, L. Toli aid te Captaln Bonar gifts cf books endored ini the inside coverby alinembers of the, Association. To Mm.. ToIl a lovely bouquet. o! flowers vas preseîted b! Mrs.--Caimich- sel. li tumi, ail of the ministens .em- pmessed regret at the. lmpendiîg departure of- Rev. aid Mm.. Toli 'and their- two sons. - and aiso Captalu Boiar, me!erring te the very, cordial and fine Christian reiationshlp betveen ,the. min- sters of the tovli. Brnef addreýBes o! reply vere made by Rev. Mm. Toli and -bis sons aid Captai fouir, al o! whom stated tint -they -bad -en- joyed their stay An Whithy aid vould watch vlth .Interest the progress'of Christian work bere. 'the dAmner vas beid at "Tii. Gables'" aid served An hér usual efficient manier by lins, Stapies. SRev. D. B. Laigfomd ciosedI the- .gatbemiig viti pmayer. Card tof -Thankas Mir. and Mme. J. H. Cookeon.. -nd, famlly visi to1 thank their friendsanad neighbors for th e .many expressions of sympatiiy showi them during their reent sad bereavemeit, in the de~ith o! thieir son,. aiso to thanC their' friends for the fruit, fiovers aid many kind, inquiries during - the. .-linese of their daugiter i Osh- awa Hospital. Se lBng 0Dut Farm Stock, Implemnts, amd Houa. Furniahiiina muet 6e sold. S.TICK RES HIL WITa'y The Boss, Has <IGons wy On Monday, junethe 22usd, -Mr. F. J. Molutyre, of Mclatyre Hardware, leit for Montrea wbere he wil board the "Lady Soore" on. an. al expeusse crusse to Bermuda, he baving won iret prime itbe '«Do You Know Yosm, Industry" conteat cossdûcted bytbe Cana.. dian Plumbig and Heating Journal in behaif of, tweesty-five large Canadian manfactUrers. Before be left the store he sami, "Boys, business ins this store right now la good, i fact the volume of busiess this store z. handliusg à ~thse best in YOMr'. The-ously fear 1 b ave at gfokug away la tthe fact that you feilows wil le me down' on sales., So in order to give you 'a break' ber.'. my proposition. Rues this busness to suit yowselves till come bacs. 'if-you can show metbat the>sales volumseoftlsibushisreamSobly Maiutained wbile 1 arn away, theus I wiltbuy eacb of You a brand uew bat. The business îshere to get, but you have got togo after it. How younetà iiup to you." We -Are-Taking Up the Boss' Challenge., And by Means of Theze Otnig Hardwe Values We ail ýExpect.To Be Wearing Brand New Hats. Clarace of AUl On LAWN MGWERS- 16", 5-blieailneariùg. 16" I4..bade Ba Beaning. Regular12.73. $1Oe79 For ......... 16"f, 5 blade Plain B. B. For . ......... 14". Roig. 7.25. For .............. A GOOD TIME TO FIX LEAKY ROOM use OurHlgk Grade ROOF COATINO Reg. $1.00 galon, for 79c SCREN YOUR WIDOWS WlTH OLI Rust"RProof -Nottiug A&à a"e in sw toc u seca reuced piie. SPECIAL VALUE A - ,h , Scald-Proof KErTLES. . Reg"lr f 85e, for ............JO VACUUM BuOmmLES> Reg. 49r, for 39C Reduced Prices mon Iulne. Service Pain for gmeri purp ors.Regular $1.50 galion for Department For evemtinin M supplies of, Pipe Fifin, Taps, Punsps Ni" your Pipe fto-us-for Cutinlad Trai READY ROOFINC- AT SPECIAL PIRS 1 Ply, reg. $1.50 for- $1-291 2 Nly, reg. $2.00 foMr $1.69 3 Nly, reg.. $2.50 for *219 Tar Paper ............. Nan aper ................. 4 2 BIJRNE HOT r.PLATrE$ -For Summer Cookilg. Reg. *2.69,for r$23-9 -W"tl For AuotheAS -Oemtof RosI.Hardw are al..Neat Week Again. The F., J. Iclntyro Hardware 106 Brotk St. Sou&h phone60WIY RSEBVE SÂT1IBDÂY, ÂUGUST lst, for the. Annuai -Garden Party on St. Benisd's sehool. grounds, under chureh auspices.. LIONS' CLUB CÂBNIVA&L ON July lat.on St., Barnard's achool grounds, to help Whitby ls needyv childrea. Lots of-fun sndgoo pies. Got your, tickets to-day. TUESDÂY, JUNE-,.OTH SÂL- vation MAmy Sunday 'School picule at .Oshawa-on-the-1.ate. Aduits, 20c; chlldren. loc., Bring your own basket. THE EVENING BRANCU 0F the Womte'sAuxi.liary viii hold a Home CookIng sale and Atternoon' Tea -on Friday, July -lOth* Ili Mrs. Bandel's store, Dundas St. W.. Tea viii be. served during the atternoon. commonci#g at 3 o'clock. THE WOMEN'S MISSIONÂRY Socitety of the. nited CÃ"hurch, Whltby. vii liold a straWberry tea on the .church -lawn on Tueada y evenin.g, July-7th. Tea, oerved from 6.30 until..ail are- served. Adulte, 30c; chlldren, 20C. KEEP SATURDAY, AUGUST lot, for the annuai gardon party on St. Bernard's school> grounds. The ýcommittee have p>ans v.el under va:y for miny, nov attrac- *tions., LAWN MOWERS, REAPER AND mower mlves sharpened and: repaired. iBicycles -reeaire;d. used bicycles for, sale, aia -good lawn swing, for ,sale, chea.p >W. J.- Luke, Centre Street. Phone -267. SÂLVATION ARMY SUNDAY School Picnic viii b. held at. Lakoview Park,. Oshawa, Tues- day, June .30. Adui ts, 20Oc; *children. 10c. ALL SAINTS' SUNDÂY SCHOOL picnic viii be beld on Satur- day. .June 27th, at .Cream, f Barley Camp.- A bus villi leave the Parieh Hall at 15 P.M. Aduits are' cordiiiy Invited to attend. 'ring yurbaskets. OPEN NEW -STORE Announcement Is made. tha:t the- Ontario Battery 'Service viii >on July lot open a .newv and. modemn electric- store inh theLandon building .recently vacated by Walter A. Thomson,, on, Brock Streot North., Manager A. Moûnt- eîay stated to-day tiiat hé hi- tends to gAve Whitbyý a modern ,store, handliig electric radio .s, re- frigerators, stioves, iamhps,"fitures,' and, An fact, everything electrîcal, and at. :pxces1 that viiicmpr with stores An any city.Mv Mountenay added that..he. ti that -it vas unnecessary for peopfle to go, away for their electricai goods, and If there vas anything wanted vhlch. ho didnot carry ln stock .he would get it prompt- ly, vithout any extra- charge. The present~ store viii. be carried on as it ha, and two, stores wil! b. operated. Obituaries Death came suddeîîy -Thurs-ý day m6rnhîg early to Effie Coon,. -beloved vife of Mr. F. J. Yourex,, 1465 Byron Street South, and- a weli known esident of the-towa for many years. She had, been in fairly good health UD until a few fzed at the home -of Mr. and -Mns. J. E. Masters, at Myrtie Station, on- Monday. eveaing, Jilme 22nd,- vheu their eider dauùghter, Olive Adeline, vas married to Mr. ien- vey *Franiiî Painter, son of Mr.. aid lira. George Painter, of Myrtie.*The marriage service*vas conducted by Rev. W. E . HoneY. with Kemneth Painten suZppomtlng his brother, vilîle the bride vho was. very. attractlvely gowîed, vasu attended by. Miss Doris Cook. Alfter the ceremony a -daintylun- 4beon vas senved.- The happy couple viii reside An the home neighborhood. 8fRRTHS COWX-Ât the Ohavà aGeniemni Hospital on Fntdayi Junle 19, 1936, te lin. ni, mis. Albert Ccvi (neo. Ruth Miler) a soi.> DEA THS. - YOURE=--Snddenly at Port Whitby on .Thusday, Jane 25tii,-, 1936, Effle Coca, b.-ý loved vife 0f Mr.. F. J. Yourex. The fumai viii take plâce froin ler, late nesidence, 1465 BynonSt. Senth, on* Saturday. lune 27tb, at 23., W- o'cl (D.S.T.) Intemment in St. 'John's Norway, Toncuto. FISýHER'S.OROCE PHONE94 .*MOTOR DEU CHASE.& SANBORN BULK COFFEE Ibis LUFIUOY OAP 2 for BULK SODA- BISCUITS 2.Ibs. for LIBB$Y'S POR K &BEÂNSý is 2 for. CLÂRK'S -SOUP Vg*-& Tom. Ifou Rubber JAR 5cRMetalJA -RINGS. RINGS .. doz A&LEX B., FIS HI We ive -speciul attention to your children Orders Taken For LIME-B'ORIC.K-CEMEI Hih oeiCOAL, -Hih QafiyAU Sizes at Suemmer Prices. Jam'1e-s Saýw-d 2", BROCK STRErESOUTR Offi1ce Phone, 524- o 'The Holiday ýHouaMsÀd Camp foi SO NTORO D BEAN Near Whitby, On shores of. Lake Ontario. DPirector - Captain O. J. Aldom, M.C. Thia W. asummer. caisitua1hted im ildes! surroumdings &ai ail facéilities for safs,. enjoyable ýand happy holiday' for ivmee -the -agea of à , and 1. 7mars. Careful, suPerVIsion in -swimmimg and boating. * -sports Days- Medical «eaiann once a week by camp doc, *Best .accommnodation andl food. Charge fe a boy'in camp is $10 a week in iudva WEDDJNGS'. WALTERS-WARK .-At Trinity Chapel, Toronto, on June 2Oth,, a very, quiet"vedding. toak place,viien, Dr. Mary. Kath-. leen Wark, Fa popuhun memenber o! tic medical staiff 'o! tic Ontarlia Hosptal. Whitby, for the..Pet 1 fev. yeare, becamne the -bride o! Dr. James Ailan Walters ! o montoi, n fQrmem member' o! the Hospital staff home. Dr. Jy. M. For-,I Mter,. o!Oakville, .supenintendent I emenitus o! the. Whitby Hosvital,ý gave.-the- bride away,.Ënd guei5ts fmom Wbitby h ncluded- Supegin- tendent Dr. -J. M. Fletcher. Only the imimediate fnienda - o! the young couple veme hi attendaîce.: Dm. and7,lira. Wnlters villi shontly take -Up.,residence;.iToronto, wheme Dm. Waltems ha now pract- j ising. The many friende of thce bride -and,.groom An Whitby-viii vish for them happines, long Ile and pnosperity.- .of the HigI always i s mer pricea feet.- PHON] Port FIRST CLASS HAND LAI LEE TOW 132 BROCK ST.- SOUTH WHR W. Are FollowLug;,tie Economie THE PRICE 0F, ALL OUR LA Lime.Coati Coumr........ 2e Prestes SOrbe.. 5 Combination Suis........12ec Undlee .c The prie" iuclude Irsang, memlng andl Sewimg 0 iride . J