Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Oct 1933, p. 8

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~-7 J THE WHITBY CAZETTE &CHRONICLE, THURSDAY., OCTOBER- 5, 1933 V'hitby Easity I7ook Measure )f Bowmanville- at Local Rugby Game of Seas*n in TownL Park - Visitors Fell Before the Superior Strength and SI - of Local High School ,Whitby Pl~YS Oshlawa- on Saturday and Will Then Meet Lindiay )~ ilSaturday afterntoU, a[ isP vas Park., iu a rallier nrte-sldeP. ;by -gane, lowninileIe iil tol Second Tesmi went down delest by a Feare of 59-6 ' be- p tiseý suptiioir stienglh aud Il of tlse Wilith)y HigîsSeoa [ad. T le wiîtIby team idaoiin- d thse tplay tram tarE ta finigh. w'nanvilllP, wlsile otweighed,- d liard, bult f.niled to show vthse e d sirtit)siworkiflg Casn-, allis o!ftleir ritals. Dicli w piaughie4 theigl-itthe. Ue a toshcOil ýitbin the ise be 1minutes, asud tyom t thea on, Whtyteans contliued ta u lp a large nuutber of points. 3low ai-d Clourh ru ade long rns for WIiilMy l in se 3plut-~es 1Iloy Irwln nmaçie nîavsy yards iiL quaric-rbtiek siwaks. Tie tes. Allais, Harleness. Davy 1 Dalby worieed a tliree-mafl 1 arotuud tlie enivei-y nicely, o 4iovving ta advaiitagE iiM ler brokeu-fir-Il<l riinin7, H'aerk-- ;s, hlirnz til tisthird quarter, i iglity yards for a toucli- vu. Sbiefflird klceda guod gUi toi W1lithy' tibeougliaul Sganse'li. he WilbyUe, oui- glliiii tlsir <u>jonissoeiîed -e gapa ,Foi- tIse phsnges's. This ; WIitby's irsi league gause. Flirst Quarter Vhutby IkiclsecI off and lJow- rivile ,ïeiircd a first down at fialsi, wlsere, atter two- une ilges, tlsey faiîed tos nake ,d. Tlicy klcked and Harness ithie bail hack tes mldfild. ugis pluuged for a finat down; lu, ou a quanlerbacie anealç, ,de anotier; Blow made yards Ou aos a Ue plusîge; 'and tiens )w went Lrough tise hune for a chdoiwn, whil Scaît fatled'.to vert. Bowmanivllle k1cke'sd off . ,riness agalin running the bal k ta iiifeld. Wlitby let loo5e eries o! hune plonges, usakinf, -d' on eveny play, and C-oiuis ped tiseougîs for a second thdowîs-i, whilh ýwas écauverted. ,an s*n tise bail baclt tanid- dfor Whitby on tishe dýic- an end run Dalby cans-led tiseý 1 ten yards, anul H-arkueit, s!a- seversl i ue j lays,. we-nt eaEt -end loft <sd for anoller cidawu. conxrprted by ýScCtt. wmanilUe 1-1ýked off, and. iitbv wero renalized heu yards offaide.4-111 their first plaiy. litby rouged. Sisepherd klAk!ug 1bal l el.ind tie lirie for-are nt. BowrusuvileIiicked a fter SUne play-. SeÇondQutv- iug to. gain yards, Witluyý . Bowmauville blacked tI se and Whltby recovered t h c_ Wiitby ustde ltweusîy yards bs-e-miaisend sun. On lucer own. Hazeili ieut t tigh ti for a toucisdowu. con- boy Scott. On lie kick-off, !uisled tise bail. Bowusar- ecavered lie bail, anid, aftt- end- ruor as'a iret down, foncehi ta kick, Davey u- ,hc bail bsck ntcely tan for- s'ds. Wislithy agaîn i'raied. ië point. Witis tIse bail Iu poss;ession. Bowmnaaviile 1 agalus, Iu twa pîsys Clougi, tirougli for a taiçhedowa,, a-as iinconsýert'l. Whiîby madie s suries'of tirai iafier wliceh Scott klcked goal for, tirce po)ints. Bow- lie lclcked tram tlicir thre- lise, -Wiitby scu'lîg Ue t iuidtleld. Hust-time -score -Third Quarter niasviil 'e kickcd off sud [Ive iret. towus forW-Vliitby. w-cnt tbrougi for a toucis- mwhicis was eanverted. Oi- ek-off Harkaess rau eigiiy for a -loucidaw-n ihiclsi vas utverted. Af tes- tie kicis-al!, v - rled severalhUe silsys, eis kieketi. Bawnsanville se- the bail ou ticir anc-yard ýnd kteked. Af cer a quarter-, 4ueak. ly Initia, Dates- rais 1 lise ensd for an uneanteel-ý ýchdawn. Witby. rext tried d s-un andti ten kiekei., auvilie, Stter iaiiing +o lirosegistise lne, made a lowi on a rua naunti left Pourth Quarter -manvilie, sfter sarne play, 1. On su end rua ota lie Davsey-madie Itteen yards. ýi tise saune play arousdiii left, larkness we.ut for a touci- unconvcrted. Afler sesrerai DIeté forward passes, WhIt. OI'R by .cMpleted-,âne, Harknesâ ta Davey, *f or a first' down. DaMY?> made Yards- again oit an end ton. A line plunge and an end -runnet- ted Whitby*anothet' tirst down,,, on, whlch *Dalby acored. an un- verted touchdlown. Whtýtby, atter aeveral plays, kieked; Bowsnan' ville .compieted a, forwardý pasE. kicked-and Wbltby .funsbled. Bawmanville securing tise hail on Whithy's tlrty-yard '.ilne.. B ow manv Ille. kiekedý for a point, went ou'ý, ôf baunds. Wbitby k1ied from tiseir twa-yard. Une. ]3aw- manville completed- a niica_ for- ward 'pasa' taWhitby's ten7-yard huné, and atter twa Une play--t, Roacli scored a'tasîchidawgn hicîs waâ cotsverted to gaive Bawnsars.> ville its only caunter -of-the ganmê'. Fiuai score-59-6. - lThe linie-ups for th 9game were as fllowa: Bowlsanvilla -sWing. Diepew;- suap, Taylor; insides. Browns and, Goad: middles,ý- Thampsan 'and> Calville: aoutaides. Robinssan and Soueh; quarter,. Roacli; haltes, SWeqh, Goodmati, Sheehan. Subs., Cowle, Tordiff,-.Mýania, Eaggn, Tigle, -Wir Whitb Winz ý .shepherdr snap, Scott;- insides, Jubb - and Bryant; nmîddles. fllaw- aud Claugli: outsides, Tolaud and Ir- win; auarter. Irwin: halves. Dal- - by, Allan aud Harknesà... Subs., Davey.', Bell, 'Mudrey,, Ruddy, Ha- -zell, ýascam, Varapleu, Bassett.,, Sept'. 3ù0ý-Liindsay If. at Oshawa Sept 30-B'o w m a ilv 111e Il. at at 'Whitby., Oct. -Toman vil(' il. af inidsay IL. ' oct. 7é-Whitby eat Oghawa IL, fïct. 14 -Oshawa, II..at Bowxuan- Ville IL. Oct. 14-Whit;iy at Lindsay TT. Oct. 21:-Lindsay Il. ai Bawnsan- - ville If. Oct. 21-Oshawa TT. at Whitby. Oc.28-Bovtmanvile II. at Oshs- awa II. Oct. 28-Lindsay 11. at Whitby., No. 0-sliawa 11. at Lindsay Nov. 4--Whitby at l3owiaanv-ille Clare7mont'Wins,- Tise annuailutersîîcdiatc CouSusii- ustion Scisool Athsîctie. sseet is, ithiclu lhrookiiliî,' .Ciaressoi s sud Pickerig Schools -too k-parî w-as I Id iu the-MeusioniaiPark at -Pick,- erng ou, Friday. Ciaremfiontsacbool wvon frst. place ivitî Bi-ookliii sec- ond and 'Pîékerini- third. Thisl- ditiduai ivinneers'of tise silver c'upa ivere: JuniorBoys, -1,H. -Morgan, Clareinou ,t; 2, V. \Vagg, Brooklis;, Senior Boys,-], D. Làde .Brýook- liii; 2. -B. Harton,- Cinnt. ,Jnisior Girls,-1. J. Gregg. Ciare- unt; ý2. I. joluson,,.Claremosit. .- .Senior Gits,-i. J. Grcgg, C lare- untu; 2. M. Pankin, -Brookî,iii, J. Defarrari, Clarcîiiiont, eveis. 1Resuitsai Eventsia--Letter after laPie desigisates. sIc schooi.- J.uîor Boys:- 100 Yd. Dash-H. Margan- C; V., Wagg B; G. LockNood- P. 220'Yd. Dasisý-V. Wagg B; H. Morgan,ciC;.C. Robinson, P. -- 440 Yd. Dasl-H.. Morgan, C;ýV Wagir. B; C. Robinson. P., . Runuiugz Broad Jnmp-H. Mor- gan, C';. Wagg, B; G. .Lockxtood, P. 1fligli. Jurup,-'H. M orguîni, C; MN. Agar, B: G. Lockwood, P. Hop>' Step sud Juümp.-G. Lock- xtood, P; H. MrauC; V. Wagg, B. Sisal -Pul,-E., Luk-e , B;- H. Mor- 1 gaus, C;ý C. Robingon, P. 1Session Bays :- 100-Yd. Dash.-D. ,Lade, B;-B. Hiarton. C; K. Dopking, 'C.. 220 Y'ýd. "Dasl,-.D. Larle, B;ý B. Harton, C.; K. Dopking, C.. 880 ýYd. . Dash =s.- Lade, B; :B. H.arton, C;- H. Morzans, C., Broad jùmp-Ki Dopkciug, C; G Bliglit. B; -B. Harton, C. Higis insp, 2 D. Lade, B';B. Hanton, C; H. Parkin, B.,- 1_op, Shep sudd nmp - K.- DOP. kiugC: D. Lade, B; R. 'Miller. C. SisalPut-D. Lade, 1B; R. Mlilice,, C; R.,VulIsan.-C Boy s Rela*î Brookh,l ýCiarçmon1t. -Pickeniua - Ju nsor -Girls 100 Xd. Dasb-J. 'Gregg, C; 'M. Pankun, B; G.Tounliusaui ..C. -220 X d. Dasis-J. G regg, C; E. Pankuii, B,; -I. Raicéliffe, P. Higis jump,-I. Johnson, C; Def ararni, C'; Y Gregg, C Standing Bodjuasip,-J. ;Defan.- a.nî5 C; J. Gregg, C; A. Hall, B.1 Runing BÉroad Yump,-J.. 1Grrgg,- C; E. Pankiui, B;-M.?Vipord, B.: BaIl'.Tlirow,-Miý. Selusion, C; . Johnsoni, C; J. Gregg,.C. - ýSenior Girls:- 100 Yd. Dasf,-J. Gn-egg, C; -G. Tonilinson, C; M. Pankia, B.- 220 Yd. Dasl.-J.. Gregg, C; .G. Tonilissan', C; M. Parkiu,.B. High Jurnp-.j. Défararri, -C; J. GregC M. -Dopkiug, C> StnigBroàd Jumnp.-J.- Gnegg, C; J. Defarraàri,' C;- ýLSpae;ow. P. R,*ing -Brad jomp,: - Par- km,4 B; E. Pankin, B: J. Gnegk,.C. Bail Throwi-M. SelmaisC;. Johnson. C; J., Gregg, C.- Girls Reiayi,-Brooklin, Ciarcmsoat, Pickering. - GML SOEIMALLERs- ATTENTION! - Al uilforius beionglag ta tise RedwIngs Girls' Team of this year are -Io be ishassded- lu ta - one et thse oMfcer eoftithe team (Ensi- iy Bandel, Treaesu.rer; Edua- Da- vîdeon. SeCretary, or LillIar sil-- by, Prealdent) at once. Wiser tiy were plaved In. each girl's, bande they- were tbld tisaItle uniforme* were te be woru for aise -purpose only-!fo- -prattice*, suad- games-and at âo -othser lima. Reports' abave reached the for- msrnr mnager ansd 1b1 assistant tiaI they (tisegirls) hav*e been' wearlsg -th'u at other timeâ..- and If this la so; il makes -maltera SPORTS- King Street WHITBY Phone 121, r bsd for tise future. Th ese uni- forma xveuethe gifi of ous-ci'ti- zenis (ais lag-day) 5iid-tbcy f e-i lion by tIse s.iî:s-ecessas-y xvas-iap-. ut .tise sanie for -atliie pipor tisa foi- puactice os' garsiies- - tisey wei-é ual given for '.Siio.w- o -ff" pneiipoac-.S. - It la -ta be isousd thà isa is >lul w-iil attend to Suhis -asatter ai once sud turîs thseusis inud nul ic ceeur again-inii suitor -auti anothei-r season rails srotuud. IE[[K IN BISTRIGJ (C1tiissi niil rois page 1)7 club in -Oshawava try effertiveiY. as lihe cief speaker. Oin Wcdiscs- day e tuhu.ie - sisocti- w-as iu BoWnssuviIleý. wsetilialisCot- lais agaiis speakiiîg.Tise utisci' ssxieetitig*-,fils-thse xvelc xviili e' -hldin usWliîitis- ais Tlisi-iray eveuiup-, Pickerhisp-ou . Fîiday evensig and Bruuklin-s on Saisis- dyeveuiiig,-whiîh usakes s fusl Week. 0f:aclivities fui' tise local C.C. -Ã"of ficiais.,PresideaiMa- iit sud ailier, ottriceris ou-Ile OQsisv-a - C uis wili âtead tisese meetings sud w-ttj ttake part ,in lie disissaloasis f tise C.C.F. platfu, ru aîsd îrugearu. Furtîser isites-est.-iii tise C.C.P., maternent lu tise cîvits- la d1- cated bhe icalosuîcemeut tisai tic ais uual usseing ivili i.ebel 0d on O0ctulier 1iS, ivisen afttcçis fai- llie ensasisxg ya,ýai, wiili e elec-ted and pIaniý for u- uutht-r activitie', bytise cltub discssssed. Greenwood GREENWOOD, -Oëf. 2- George sud aies. Pegg sud ehiid- rea asoved Ilîst ieir collage Iasti weck. A. Soutîuîxel la sdoin - relief woî-k aitIste Gestion station ou tise C.*N.R. - The Auniveesari- Services wili, hi seid au Siiday, Octolier tise ftftentis sud tisespper lIse foli ing Weduesday.. Fuller ai-' nouacemieutlhair. V la .ain-rent ia 1returused le lier houme' ln.Napauce atter visitiig lien sistes- airs..A. Souths- ivell. aiss. Jane Buyusr eniertsiued a fTet fricude ai s quilting blasat Weducsday atteenioun. .Tic W.MN.S. wili meiu tiseé Greenwood Clus'ch, Octaber fifth. Mss. W. ýW.. Gees groùp iu Chsarge ut ilie progr-ammîe. Also a- qîsili for the .snpply ,work * is.lu ie quilicdso couse, as earlY as you -cals 0n1Thisesday, aftesuoon,. Itensenibe ' tise special service ussder tIse auspices ufthtie W.M. n. tiex Sunday exening. Ociober tIse cigistîs !ii tise 31s.Zian Churcris. Misa - Vesey, a seturned ails-' ,sioîsary, wxviii givo an. addres ansd sisere xiii bîe -. spesai nuisie. Eveýrybody .iveleone. Quitte a feu- trous Greentwoad &itended the- funeral ai Brook- liin last.Saturdax- after-nooni of Ms-s. R. R. -Moivbray. Tise syns- path of-'u'tise caumuisity 1s' cx- teusded tna'Mr. Moivbray and ta lise fansily.. (Tooatefoi laI week) Ladies' Bible Clasaliseld aàau- cial eî-cuiug. good-prograi- ot solos and -eadiiigs vei'e giveis afies' îvhti4 Me. i)ennis OSulli.. Vasutf'oron .tu and receetly.«ot Iisdia gave aveî' intcu-estiîsg talk on. isdia. Cons.munit s iig- inp- ansd ganses foilowed Iby musis- sucions aisdilaîple-s lisougit .a. tes-y pleasasît eveiiiig ta i a close. lis-Tosrosnto.on Saturday, -Sep-, re.e' tlise -tsvcists'-tlsis'd lu Wnss S. asîd Mrs. P1egg (nec BessieB Mc- Tag-ganil a dasîgliter. 0wlisp- tsi thisesat- vain sicru Isat Suîsday upiorninp tise atteild- ance aitishe Ssinday ,School Rally ivas isot as large uas ssuai but all Presessi eîjoyed 'tise-serviee. Geos-ge and s-s. W'îlsusî sud ehiildreiis-sud airs. MeKiinnois of Toronto- Steve gîsssoutGeorge aud M rs.- Pcp--on Suday. . Messrs. Jolisston, --of Parny Sotiind. Miss Almis Atisentaii of- ToroJuna-and - MiP.' .Deili)is O'Sisili- i-ais ut Torontous aesît tise wepk- endiýii ivi M. N. and DI's. Peg-., Corn.i-c-îttisîp- an(s-silo tiliisg la thseorder 0of. tiseday fus' the A ttle sari ar.,ed ati ise lionse of, Fred saîd Ms.Wod- * wai'ç 1at Tiîcsday, iept. i thi. ais'. StewNai' of Tuoi tl visiting \ î's. ai. A.' Saddier. .Tise icaiv î'siss Sisiivta issus-1i-1 ing stas-ted, sonie* u thtie ereeke2 s-tninssiugad. dviiibe sonie Isèlis liu tie pioxsghing Victur Clark is eveetiîsg- -a stable aînd susail bouse un the Hicks' pî'opcrty .w-hiclsle lias s'eîtcd foi' a ter-ni uf yenss Rev. P. sud ah-e. Hurlais and dasîgiseî's are vfisitn- airs Hue tu's . fa 'tier, . iso is qiste iii, ueas Ottawa. .Several attcnded flic \nisîsiî c sar'y Services ai Aiilci' oisSuis- day sud on Mauday evenîng., -Wiserefare if anv, isan in l Christ, he-is a ucis- creature' tise aid thinga are passeS 5w-ny; hehoid ah ithingarsec becoiii e sien. Utica. UTICA., Oct. 2.-air. Jas. Lakey and aMiss Joulis -Houper, of Maischestes' sud. e.'Nurman Fate assd Wiissuu, uf Whutby, Mr. sud Mes. 'Mes-vin -Lane of- Oshs- axta'sud air. snd Mrs. qtanley Croxall. Miss Noreue sud., ii- mati,- utUxbridge' vere Suuçiay .xlsiios- at tise- home. of aIr., Her- msan, Waiker. aI r. udars.;W. Suiiseriand. of Oshawa. were visi tiug -an' Sun- *day Wi1-tihliMes.. J. Sstheniau'd. M ar. sud Mes. Mîsaseli Harper aud Ms. Axtord spesîs Suuday lu- Brdugisa I., Mn.* W41ci- Reynsolds w-as*visit-. inu: frieuidsin, aly3rtlée ou Suuday. Mainsd-ais-s. Fi-suieKendall ivere Visitung ouSunavsy ih Mr-. sud ar.CciHar .t air, sud- aIra.-Chsarles -ras- stroiîg snd aIr. and a.irs., Herbent Nesi. -Noruman- sud%.Gosrdois-ýof - Wutva-ee ai Jas. E.aMi- ciselî's un Suuday. - aIs-. Elusore Tueken. ut Kit- cheen, .visiled .ha o'ncle, Me. Fred Ballard.,- receuitly.. Mes. Jas. 'Mitchell sud .Te-Is.,H Wsgp- suere the guesîsutfaIrs., W. Aldersaîs uu'Mussday. Tiseanuai er'ai Seh ool-Fair,- iseld ai ancuhesi er au' Thtursday, wIas as usual- s decided succesq. lI'tica scîsoul. ge ttiug $17.85 lu pnize moune-. MstrKenisy ley- tisolia receix-ed lai pnize lu-pub- lic speakiug ile tise iret prize n reecialtis5.a-eut ta Master Ivan. Rogers cnf. Epsois. Tise: sports fan tise afiernon« ie re en- iisusiasticallv- siteuded- zoae of tise silver esîns, donated bY su cx- teaclie-, ofutiae.* -eut* ta Miss.- Alvenia -Mitchell. for the Iligist numbeu' ofpoint iiisports. *Me. Bob Piekard isa spcudiîsg a- Week w-us ils sisier, aies. 1-. *Skerreit. air. ahervin sud aies-eli Rusa. of Myrtie, w-ee xisitiig ai lise home of Me. J. E. Mitchell -on n-Sunday. Mr. sud Mes. Hlerman Walke ivere ilu Sunîderland 'oui Sua.da lasi atiessdiag the tusuer 1ai li er ucie. Mr. Bsgshaw. - Polato diggiug la tic order ut the*a 4ianusthis district.- aMr. Elmore. Wagg visiied re- eentiy iti air. -Slerwood' Çath- erwood, Pine Grove. Tise asual Tisaukagitig ser- vice wil libeliseld lu VicelUited Churcly ou . Suîsdsy.. Oct. S, at - 230 p.uî., w-i tiste Rex-.,J. Dcuuy officliiug. Saibalis .School a55 1.30. Ail are condially iselcome. .Mairnsd MssTreieniug, sud Mr. sud irs. F. Fôrbes. of To- ronto. Suudayed aitihe sonse -of- Ms'. aud Mes, J. E. aMichsell. . Mes.. W. PiÏp lias- reiurnéd, houme afier speudiug a w-eek 'ivitis frienide tn Toronto. aMis -Pieule'JoueesstofTornto. is. tieg u esit of MeNls. Ci6riie Geèer. -Aniversary Se r.viCes wiiilihe cesuducied lnu tiês - Presisyterisu Cisurcih, isexi Sundsy, Oct. Sili. ai Il as., sud 7.30 p.us.., Res-. P. TisaruiesuMeek, ,B.A." - x- bridge, ivili be tise mnister. Balsam - BALS AM\, (Int.4-ýTise Wi'i' Misaiouary Society of ti een- xvood circuit, xiii iaxe charge of île servi ce sere dus Suiiday ýevcaisg uexiw. A- returised missionary fÉossi Japýan xvi lic, thcspeaker.--. Mastcr Jo.lîusHiclkvale, of Torons- ta, speat -tihe veck-cîsd ai R.i- '1 - n S. Leos'Wilscnis iiiî is weik wiîls ,frieudsa se Blackstock., Me. -and Mrs. Irving1Mc.Avcv s- ited Sund aywxvhis Ciaremoisi friende.- M\r._P.Tr)oues,-af Lbigis *ThanksgViving Holiaday Tavel Dagains FARE.& /zRETURN, DBETWEEN ALL: POINTS On Gray Coach Lines Rkoutes CGoing Friday. ta Monclay-Returning uùntil* Tesclay nîght. f Minizmum Excursion ýReturn Fare 55c). TICKETS AT. AGENC lES ONLY GRJA Y CO0ACH UNESI year.. A ii audited stat'ément and full particulars nüf the- year's opera- tiansý will be placed before shjare- halders of the compianv-fslwn thse close of -tise next quarter. Mn M.Carlisle- stiesses -the fac't tfhat it is to.-tise intereats of ahareéj holders flot -only ta pýiarcs Gaodyear producta but ta',o -brier their sale wherever possiblIe. ;Visitinig lie r. daugliter, Mrs. Gco. WVison. Esteemed Resident of Dis- trcit DPied At Brooklin A,ýfler several ycarà (of illness 'and increasîng infirmities, borneu witb swcct Christian fortitude an& a î,ienét, one of thle pioneers of Pick-. eIlg tow'nsip,"Victoria. Amlelia utting, beloved wife of Raipli R.- Mowbrav,_ passed Io liber:. 'etèrnla rest at.lber home 'in Bruoo-iuin on Thursdav, Seteniber 28. h nw o*C the pg),ssin.g of Mrs. Mowbray %vas ýreceived wiith wid-espread'rc- gret b-v the haists osi clo s e f riends of 4 rs-. MoxVýbrày -throughout Itle luîtsrè, district, for. by b ler great capp:4iiiies for, friendship, anxd her years of Self-sacrificing work in bler churcl i. she had endeared.hersei-f- 10, an. cxîenlSive ýcirclc oiý neiglibours, and acquaintances. Bons iïn7 1851 in Cressy, Prince Ejwýard CounîtY, daughteýr of Dr. Naîbaàniel Hewiîî N Itingadl i wif e,' -Sus.an -Bongard., 1of'United Empife Loyalist descent, Mr S. Muwovbray lived for 56 . Ycars '11 P.ickeringK towvnship; and -Was ac-, tivc -in mnany spbcrcs of conîmunlif* S. vice. Five yeers go, .witb lier lsbnshe inovcd. to Brookliin. wbere thcx- lived ever 1since. Rer life ivas'.anl exani-ple 10 all w11 cam 1e into coint act -w it li lier,- and slie leaves bellind. a great-.con.pany, of fricnids. who xiii miss lier. 1- Mrs. Mowbrayýwas. a niemb'e of- the United Church,, and one of lier chief characteristies, Was 'ber. d eep *nerest, in religious affaîrs. Hier religion mleant everything 10 er anid she' was Ithe teachier of tihe Bibjle-Class >of b her bciovcd chumrcli. at Kinsale for niany 3-èars.. She ivac- also.presidenitof the flrst \Vorm-en's Inistitute 'in- Sotii ntrio, a .i tion xvbiclî shle ild for nsany vyearýS. andlin xvhieli sbo led Ithe organi, zation inii naiiv useful projeets 01, comnîunity service-. Mrs. Nowbra.v w-as ;also0 a1 menîber'Of hie upper 'aadtBi" e Socieîv and took n- kei interest -i i its activities. Hejr influence ivas alwavs wieldedton the S .ide of cbianitV- and ioving. service for -ot!iiers. Sie -%vas -verr- widei'v r-.particularl .in - matters pcv- t.ining .ta religion and r-iss-iol ar v effcîrt. and w-as abie hto spepek ,witi ilstlorîty oniý almost ýanv literary I lier -8lýt 3ycar, Mrs. ý 1a wroîe., xvitls lier own bhand. a coin- pÉchcnlsive and :enijoyable" historisal rcviewv of the people and activities' of the v illage of Kinsale. and thse .9roun .n district. Sue. as beauùtifùl w;,riter. and theinanuscri.pi. of tbis volumse. ivîicîsivwas p1ublished adevoked--,ide'spi-ead, inîerest aiid- piani- favorable cominients. w-as aà - - del of pcnm-ranisbliiIn lier cariv life. Mrs. Mowbray. tauglît s seoo-l atSîexiii Re acli îeswsîsblip. and, i- was tebere ibat sbe, nm*etlher buf- band and partier., wb-ose joys and, sorrow' s se: ad -s*hared. for almost 5 _V vears. Mrs. Mo.wNbrav - is survivNed b~e lîusband ; twý-o -eaugiticrs., -Nrc. R.* S. M\cLaugbIliin. of. Oshawa, arid M * s Louchla Mowbrayý. Nwhô lix cd ai biorne-witb lier, niother *in recent '.ears, and bv itbree'S'ons. Frank Mowbra-v, of ýHaihton - Roi' Mow-. bra .of Kinsa.le. aild Raîpli* E. M owlirav. reeve of Pickering townl- slipi, on 'tbe .old Àfarnîllybonestead. Pile sister.-M rs. F E i.Ilarrîuson of resOnitario, .a.l-s sur-, ix'es.'Tmwo otîse ebudreî preeccaed bra WHITBY BRANCH EDWAI and u li dio utes rUi e laA tab:-1 lesu Cles ctc away bhis alsiî.îs -in Dosi ai sci-.') -- e aideu tei cdalsevlic.» iu1d 1sàsi11 gc1al ux cisoCc I , thue'w-asisu-,.is, dcedt1 a sùwlic ris us l srîtIl usftcr "a11( u % cî ili us1laiiiis- tis iC iie cxx ii lrs ii ttiaii1-11-l illu peap1le cfÀise -\'ay ab lis jîr -Clisistiaiis vitere firat cai1ýLL. iex1ac xi as a wvolf beistisei ie cuuiuua Fr tiais of tbic fold ah Ch ist 11 Iý wu li -tcstiîsuaony is Iusat lué as"xcced- j -J 55554-. gaisII thîrs iel pcv.- rcuiteel ticli c%-rus 111usurcfoeguI sc-cuted tise Cissiveil Iof Cd -al l d inade bat-uc cut15:Y'tt brcat1biisg i tise discisses oIf shi-Lard" after ill Ibhis liai-Ic avaugit a cnaeô leè 'Isard ci à eroIafChitsscu -isedriti l :tcitra IaiDauusýascus>, iisîtif «.- lise fiouîsd ausy thiatx-creuof ibe \\ C5 iîetlier uIIICr11 ve1aienlietussli air birîg tisessi hutivn tauetsacs TIhe Conversion of Saul S Osvad lic î,rcsscsYk "asbDe1) i Stake ~asraid usessuiof na-us-iu daN-. froîs -isiniaMl isu tise1w isoat imîpatiicnttrax-clers i:i tise Fast tîal4ç - refuge iiaio11i1siokddisu i upaîs huiii s sill riirs farxxard is t1lu "course hoîvards tis u- gate.'" Buit M,1 tIc Coud Sliseplierd Isinssif xvciut ar s i-ni ta useet Itise îvoif.puhtingiis- th(i self b)etîveen tise fdackaund s-i foc ln as lie lad p)raniarsd ta. do. "Sanl i h Saul. xtly perse-cutest thouni(-,?1 h Sav is Is'ard'for,tlice tiikick againssitise ri ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON -Scip tuve-Aca :33 'i tA!te ut'offng of Stepheti. thse first, Chrustia vn eteeitsecuha àuae, al elU lne by the vision and was led behw,' imartyr. tht witneasem laid down their ta-mnt eut for Damus, 160 milles away, "bethtlees lie 'Damnaseus vben sa disciple named il ýthe fe f .. a .yusg -ansSifle SiOul,.whoU ung ,throatemng a g laughte- agamt uste aa die Iis liedhm ddesus l T1eb Ithuxofficually pieiîided over that eeeutioni. Fi-arn ipiel hnsuduyCritpaedt um -,-o thât ime:atllblecrneSee ladereAfte pese1heefldays fastîng 'and p-yrh tha tune asu heani tie lade cftIs Jsrsï,- at nooi1day, Saying, "Saeul, Saisi, Why wsîpneiadrcie i iitsa ---ion ajcains "tht- peopie of thse way" as th Çhr- tisois me-' - Iam Jesuswhor n he P euet .a ' GULI and - c ' -hsïih Ra GU- WTEXT 2 Cr îss~css aI akd4z'tr-1medwiael Sul fumra ereu b ~ ---oSl. linnsediately he le thse Soi the sanie pe Christians. .down fs-arn -1- after EIGHT ROOTS TI-AT Sh-ength cornes ta a t e thot. drives its roots die history of the Royal B -establishment sixty-foi been'oneof soundlycor its strength is deep-roc H E RI O YA-L 0 F C A -1 Àý

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