Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Oct 1933, p. 5

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.4 r TI-E WHITBY GAZETTE & CHRC>NICLE THURSDAY, OCTOBER.5, 13 Mowbray; twO osi-l-aw, R. S.- McLaughlla of Oshawa and Wil-1 lam, Agar of Brooklin, and ra, acousin, Harold Mowbray. ;a There was1 a great 'abundanceI iiof floral trïbutes, lncluding sev- oral -fronM organizations wlth, wbich Mns. Mowbray 'had been atively associated. In her, life- tirne, aU testlfying te the, gteat lossi which the' communtty feels. Ila b1ier passiag. - 1 00 per Ton rial order and be iced of Its 'Value- ýLVAY COKE economicaul Fuel als1 ýoal, Ant raclte Ceai jWoodl, Bard aud Soft go* ROSS ckt -. Whltby Telephones: ,34-Residence 845 hange of office te Brock St. N. ie Service et the ral of Pioneer cering Citizen [nple, but impressive ýh lait tributes 'were lite Mns. Ralpir Mow- mneer - of Pickering. înd cutstanding citi- g communlty and thre MNir. R. S. MeLaugli. hawa, at thre Uyrted Brookli, on Saturday The churcli w#s capaclty wihlcti-, only of the Broonklin it also from Mns. Mow- mer home village cf nd the sincere regret irners at the paiiing of ad been a friend to so evident on every side.ý Yice-ýwas conducted by P. J. Juil, minuster of United Clcurch, - o! Mowbray was a hiemý-' ýr later yeani, assisted ý. A. D. -Robb cf St. JUnited - Chureh, Osh- SMnr. J uil,,la n his ad- ;he.« mournens, spoke ýast ehapter oý tire bock bg, The Bible,> ire uald,, tany noble women,- uth, Esther, Mary and lit this chapter gave al ,ites cf a gcod woman, 'ife, aSp dmother, -Sueh e sal d were induç4tri- lelded a wide influence Thiey -were resoureeful, s and strong. Thay erous to a markad de- deeply raliglous ia ght and lifa. hese atfributas, ha said, e found ln tie life and of M.Mowbray, le community wotuld lis. "Canada iras pro- ny fine w omen," he t none fluier tiran Ms. 'inrg tira service, tire re- ,ea ccnveyed te 'the- e Cemetery, anld tirer« telr last resting-plaee, beaers being Mns. Mow. ree sons. Raipb E. Mow- oy Mowbray and Franit TOBE UNVEiU0 tentative Date 18 rixed For Ceremony -at Thomn- Annouticemest was made f roi theý plpit of St. Andrrçw's Unite Church, Oshawa, oit Sunday that tL: remoriai cairn in honor of the late Rev. Dr. H. Thornton will, in al probability,- be unveiled airddc- dicated on Sunday, Oct. 15. k was lcarned today,. however, . from Dr. T. E. Kaiser, promoter and organ- izii ef 'the Plans whicli have ,been responsibie fo r thre building osf the cairn that it wHi not be possible to have it ready: b-, then, but that the unveiling has tentatively been fixed for Sunday,,.-Octobér,-22. Good progress is now-being niade . witlî1 its conýtructîon, andtirea h every. likt1eihood ihat it will.be ready for thé unveilin g ceremony -on ta date. As sooro aàstie date is definitely fxed, plans wilL be, made-for a pil- grimage of thre members of St. An- drew's cQngregatron,. and-those of other interested chuirches . i,,tire city, as weli as in Whitby ,and tire surrouinding -country, to tire cairn for the, unveiling ceremony., It is understood tirat Rev. A. D. R-obb, ruinister of- St. A.ndrew's United Churcir, wilh act as charman for tIre cerewony, and tirat -a number of dîstinguished. personages will take part, inicludirrg, of course, Dr. Kaiser, to whiom' chief credit for tire project is due. Stilili'BRUNE IN ASSESSM~N-T SUO1~N IN OSIIAWA Total Taxcable Aisesment Of City ls Placed eat.$16,- 323,140, a Decrease of $3655W8 From Lest Year -Assessment Commissiofler Çy- rul G. Irui» -h.net compl$ied his aEseSê=nt*;f the"City cf Oahawa fôr the year 19331, and his cor-. 'piled the-'year's étatisties, froni the rollwhlch bas now.been plic- edI ha handi of the clty elerla fer presentation to the clty coun- Ci. Tire report shows that tre tax- able assesimnent cf tire Citv for fl purposes,' on whihrtire tax, rate f or .19 34 wlll be based. is $ 16,- ü23,14.0, as coaipared'wlth tire revlsed asgesiment *roll for - 1932 of *16,678,780,' a -decreise cft $5,8.This. decrease, at tire present Mnill rate, reprA&ents a de- cîrease lnie venue. for "th ire xt year cof approximately $16,500. Thre deerease'.in tire' total as- seeàment, h almàos't éetirely due tc .. reduction lu the asses9ment en1 land and on incoine tax. Land, as. .sossment- shows a. decrease- cf 4202,S70 from isat year, while the lacome tax assessmenùt-W down by $157;,595. Business.as- "ssment shows a reduction cf $271090. Assesimeat on bauld. Gala C&PITOL IHoliday Shôw T 1F'RIDAY & -SA3TUBDAY '- This leekc George ARLLSS tà in "éVOLTAIRE" I1 IIICKEY 31015E OOMEDY TMONDAY- EXTUESDAY j WEEK ICOLMAN iThel, Masueraders FIELLISA LANDI DOUBLE 'SHOW &THURSDAY Sweetheart" NORMAN FOSTER f E -NEIL ýFAY WRAY- -Tiie Seresrnlni Comedy Biolf "lOrcleri is Orders"19 JAMES GLEASON - CYRIL MAWJDE CHARLOTTE GREENWOOD ssrs Open- NITE SHOW ON -35C SALEW luge, however, is -fncreased iry $31,975, this being the -only de-. partment la whièh tbere hi a galn from the previens year. The ýto- tal assessment for land and, build- ings ccombined ls $13,894,590, a decrpase *of $170,395 from, last,. year,'Fs figureà. The comparative :figures for 1932 and 1933 are as follol'î: 1982 1938 Land * ,6240$3,20,100 Build- Iings. 10,602.515 10163 ,90 Total.. 14,064,985 13,89,4,590 ness 2,004,735 1,977,145 Income 609,000 451,40ý Total of all As- sessm't 1C,678,720 18,22A40 Exemptions -on property show a deeéas cf$6, OSas compared -N Ith the figures of lait year. - The landexemptions amount.te 28, 240,,a decline of $2,780 from lait. year's figurescf *289,020,. Ex.. emptions on buildings. are* $1,- 4 31555, a.drbo-',f> $3,925 from 4he total of $1,247,480. Tire total exemptions amount to $ 1,529-' 795, as eompared with Icurt yea'î figure o! $1,536,500. The, assesaent far sebool pur- poses. only for this ycar i $12 4.- 815, as compared -wth $125,&0W lasit.year, a -reducttlonof $9C. The whole o! tbls reduction lu inbusiness asseusment, which is this year $36,245, *as coinparedi wth.437,230 a year aZO 'The a&- sêessment on land and' buildings for ichool.purposes only reluah'2rr unchanged at $200 on land and $88.370 on ýbuildings. The' total, assessment for ac-hool pui-poses now stands at $16,447,S55, as compared Wlth $16,804,520 tor last yéar, a reduction of $356,- - The population figure.i cern- Piled'-by the assesment* ýom mis- sioner s&how an Increase-cf G2 ln theî population of the City uince lait year, the: present figure of his. estimate Of population beijig 22,506. The figure reported- lait .year was- 22,444.1 An interesting table -shows the ichool'age population of the City as belng 5,125, as- compared -with 5,009 a 0 ,year ago. The tab~le of scholol age population,, by ageff, for the two yeans, hi as follows: 1932 1933 5and 7-,1077 S to 13..2733 14 and -15 ..702 16 and 17 ..497 Total....50U9 1130 2808 62? 560 512f Eggplat Recipes Tie eggplant is a retirer itrange food. ht is halif4 vegetabie, halffruit, with aimosti a -"fowhl nameà la spite cf these handicaps, the eggpiant is- îteadihy gaining popularity. It isa real stapie in tire. sothern states wirere mhostcf it is grown and tirere it is sometimes served even for breakfast. 'Eggplan may ire fried, stuffed and baked, scalhoped or combined lwih other vegetables. When 1purchasing ,eggplant, ne- mermber that it -siould be c im, Smooth., uniform in shape, not ex- cessively large and a gipssy purpie without brown 'or black streaki. Large, rougir;ý corky places on tire sùrface not only cause waste,- but, indicate* a poor qualhty.- ;Medium sizcd eggplants are, beit; large cries are. usually scdy.'- ARMENIAN SCALLOPED. EGGPLANT 1 large egg9phacrt, 1lý cup siced or. ciropped onions, 14 teaspoon.cioves, .sait,> éù cp Corru fiake crumbs, chop- pe1pnly 1-2 cups.tomaitoei, 2 tirîpi; butter. Cut,.eggplant ieoslices 1L-2 to i inch thick.'" Peel -and' put inte a large quauîity cf :waîer vitir a -iaudf ni cf Sait. Sàak - ouaeirour, tiren cook ini boiing watar about on e-haif heur or until tender. Drain. Mix oni6n, cloves., sait aàndcern fiake.crurbs. 'Sprnukle mixture ini bottom cf bakiug.durh and betwean, layens and top cf eggpiant. ' Add tomnatces, iprinkie with parsiey, and cover witir remainder' cf crumirs.- Dot with butter,-, cover and bake, ene-iraîf-irouri #AKED STUFFED EGGPLANT i eggplanti 1i/ cups bain stock or water, -3-4 cup coanse dried bread crumirs, 1-4, cup. meited butter,, i tsp.. lemon juice,. 1-2 tsp. Sait, 1 egg, beateài slightly, cern fiace: cfumbs.- :Wipe 1eggplaut, ecut i, quactens, lengthîwise. Remiove -pulp close -te ski,- eaving-thi sireils. ,Forcet pulp. tirrougir a food chocpper. Drainý. Add. stock or water, . houl 20. minutes. Add bread* crumirs, butter, imon juice, sait and egg. EH -sirells, ispninkle iwith cern flake crumibi, bake .15 minutes in a mod- erately irot oven (375 degree.F.). EGGPLANT TIMBALES 1 aggpiant -prepared and « eut ici 1-4 inch ir sis,1-4 cup butter. 1l-2 cup "sof t iread crumbi, '2 eggs well beaten,, few drdps onion juice, 1.2 tsp. sait, 1-8 tsp. pepper, . 2 cauned pimentes, cul mb osîips, cern flake ,crumrs, pansley.- SCook eggplant ini boiing salted water ùntii sof t. -Draintirorougir- Iy, masir and add- butter, -crumbs, eggs, onion juice, sait and'pepper. Line imali baking durhes ýwitir pim- entos. Fuil with.. miyllrre, ip ' inkie wl3corni fiake crumbis, and bake 15 .mlinutes in' a mcderately' 'iot oven- (375 degrees F.). Remove frourm oidiand- s'amuir witls par- sley. EGGPLANT SOUI'FLE' 1 medium- sized eggplant, 2 tb,#p9r. butter, î ibsps. fleur, 1 cup miik, 1 cup. grated, cheese; 3-4 - cup ,sofi b-ead crum bs, 2 lips. grated enion, 1 tnsp. tomiate catsup, 1 tsp.- sait, 1-8 tsp. pepper, dasir 'f.cayenne, 2 eggs (separated>. Pleei eggplant. eut ici umaîl places and cook ici boiling salted water unr tii tender. Drain and mashi. Melt tire butter, adflour and-wiren .smootir, add th~e mik,- stirring- con- stantly. When thickened, 'add mai -deggpiaat, cireesa*, bread crumbs, seasonings and beaten egg yoiks'.- Fold in beatea egg wities, turu mbt greased baking disir and bake in, a- moderale omen. (375* de- grçecs F.) about 45 rminutes or un- .tiI firm îici ieceuter., I 4 HOMUES WORK SETTER whea freed *ram SeUle BOUSa, cute, SrisDie Cleer 11 stc. by MladsLiniet.. Keeping a boulJe of Minarda la theý stable- as well as la the houn. sa" ris &". dDocr's Il i C. V. COLLEY, President. D. B3.,BEST, Secretary Firt Cass Bd0' adwo Cut iu foot lengths, aiso spft wood slabs COALand. COKE W. now have cohand Oidl ehigh Naviga.tion Coal, Ian rut size, als.o Hamilton By-Product Coke Ou Monday next we expect a hipment 15f genuine Sanders Cree Bi'giora ALBERTA.C-OAL. Loweet in i&shh and Moiuture content and liighest in hiat valuec ail Alberj Domestic Coals. Core ne a.and * ee tus coal, and. ta] home a WE SELL MAPLE LEAF MILLING PRODUCTS ]R.FERGUSONý Broak Street South Phonat 524 NOTICE TO CREDITORS BU IN THE ESTArE 0F M\ary Maguire Smithr, Deceascd.- Al personisliraving cdaimis agaxnst .tire Estate of Mary Maguire Smithr, late ot' tht Vilage of Th*nirill Ili- the-,' Co'ùnty of York, -.Widow, be- 'DR. ceascd, w-ho died on or about thre 24th,- day of abur, 93 re fiereby Irequired to' &cnid Iin to tuec Cpr. undcrsig-ned Administkaior on- or before thre lst day of~ Noveiiber,. 1933, full particulars of 'their- daiml. DRPFi Ini.mediatcly after the last-mnc- tfiîd" date,' or. as sooji as mnay be,- the lassets of ire deceased m-1:1 be Cor.1 distvributed among. the persons en- titledý there to,- havinig regard onl3- tu 'the c l-&imr of whiclitthe Adminis- .. trator shallthen havýe notice. DATEDý at Toronto, this 20tir day of Septembhîr, 1933. JAMES 1C i-ARLES SMITH, a.. V Adiiinistrator.Bar By. Messrs.. McRuer, Eva-n Gray, Coutrt, Mason& Camneron, Sterling T.ow- er, Toronto. Offic'-' Hlis solicitors. -door n( thi -of or: re( thi ha WHATNOW? lu the. passinig of Wilia~m Meeker> a strong pilar ini the, grocery business has bet taken froin our towu. Mr. Meeker, froinhis boyhood <laye, had been actively engaged in th. grpcery. business, aud in this. business he was Most. thoroughly' trained. Soin. tweuty years ago, Mr. Meeker -em.ý barked In. busiuest foi, himself and succeeèded by hie -.years of training and careful,'persoual supervision i building up . ad, maintaining a business that any person might welbe proud of.- * WILL CARRY 'ON k For the turne beinýg, sud penbaps for soM turne, the. Executors have'agreed to carry on the. businesels. The genial sud a ble staff, George Forester, -tý Keith Cok asud Harold Tucker, will, as -inithe. past,. give yocu their best- service, sund we ýbe- lieve, snd hope tueir efforts, Wil! please yo'q in every .way. THE-EXECUTORS Cen enc( tsior lev FI bun Str TC five par vvo( N. cor tio On SI FC u~stc am go sh- Ne in FC ol~ e Le !eh FC Te bo -r.e bo * an vou, c 101 el k ai MORTGAGE SALE Pir UNDER AND BY VIRTUE cf tire Powers cf Sale contained in 'a certain mortgaýge, w,,iih wili ire- produced- t the time cf sale, tirere %%ill ire offered for sale iry William Mýaw,- auctioneer, at publie auction, PA ôn, Friday..tire 2Otir day of Octo-- A irer, 1933, at tire-heur cf two o'- -Sam] dcock in tire afternoon- at the farm ta ofý Leslie -M. Knapp, R. R. No. 1, în Oshrawe,- Ontario, tira following. property, naràely,- ALL AND SINGULAR that cee- P tain parcelý or tract cf land -and premnises,,si.tuate, lying and being in ýtre- Township'of East Whitby, ini tire 'Ceunty of Ontario, bei ng tire south hialf cf lot.10Qin the 9th con- cession cof tir&said Township, con- D taining 100 acres more or lesi, and- e alsoî part-cf tira original allowance for road iretween lots 10 and il in tire' 9th concession cf the said Towns ip, imore -partiCxýiarly- descriired nla a mortgege -from Les-, lielMaNille, Rnapp to tire Agricul-- tural D)eveël'pment Board, ragister- eéd.as ,Numier.13312 for the Town-- ship cf East Wiritby.- .-- GIR On tire said farm tire is saîd te ire erected a dwelling irouse witir suitabie farm buildings. Tire lands will ire sold subject to a reserve, b. -- TERMS*0F SALE: Ten par-cent - cftre 'Purcirasa money to ire pald- dowiiat the tim cof sale, and tire S balance wýithmn tirty days. Su .-- For furtirer particulans and con- Sou ditionis cf sale, ,appîy te Ohs -Harry W. Page, ter East Bjock, Panliament Bidgs., e - Toronto, Ontario,- -Soliicitor- for'tire -Mortgagee.- DAJTED at Toronto, -tiis 25tir day cf- Septémber, 1933. - -5 crease cf -$317,000 is in engineering nur! work. -Co. - getContract 10 - os( Tire largest contract- awarded 'er during September was that cf $1,- Ter 424,600 for- a bridge between St. Gregoire de Montmorency and Ste. Patrouille- on Lille d'Orleans in Q.uebec. -- French Lo>gic - (Loildon"Morning Pest) -There is a certain, - uperficiai pliusibility. icitire idea th at becauise Herr Hitler is, -tire eyDv f liQ Corenîtmnusis tirerefore Russia is tire erernv.of Germnanyý, and that bce- cause Russia.-arid Germnanv a're en- e1îies-,therefo;re> France and Russia m ay again ire Allie-s; Thiose -ho arigue in. ibi s way may have heen Suite intelligent before tire year 1917, fut sicice tirat date tieir -rnids muaI have beau closed te fresir,,=ipressions. - -- -Lady (0 leiolel acquaintance) : "A terrible tiing iras irappened. I'vv bid a lot of clouesý stolenl.' Acquaintance: ""jovc, -ycs! NeCariy al of tirm %-wiatï'" CLASIFIED ADVERTISING For Rent )R,RENT-- TWO -HOUSES ON ritre street south, ail conveni- ces. -Garage and -garden., Posses. )n sept. .lst._ . Apply Mrs.- Geo. aWis, Centre St.S., Telephone >W. DR RENT.-HOUSE FOR RENT. pply Kiýn1g* Bros, Whitby. DR RENT. OR SALE-A.- BRICK. inalow:on'Green an -d Ontario xeet.. Apply to E. W. Wallace, ner Centre 1and, Coiborne. i RENT -STEAM-HEATED, r-roomed apartment wiith bath, Lrtly furnished if desired. Hard-, ood- floors throughout.. Apply- R. .Bassett, Whitby. OR RENT-B3RICK HOU SE; lodern 'convenlences; garage; àrm'houseý, low rental. Collins' IThs lShoe- Store. HARDWOOD- GOOD DRY HARDWOOD CUT TO STOVE LENGTIj Alec -Trucking, Doue at Reasouable Prices. -POTATOES Uxbridge, Potatoes. Perbag................... ......1 ....age............... ....... . 50 For this week only F. Anâders onJr. Eucid St. Telephonle 3M8 Wlxitby Next WEDNESDAY "Prof essional GINGER ROGERS -i --on the same "Qne Sunday GARY COOPI HAMILTON- JDNITE SUNDAY NIGHT OCT. 8TH - oI "ShoiéPluè 6igh 'd partment, newrly-doccorated; ail Men. Wanted [AN WANTED TO tIANDLE gh ýgrade lina oô'. Teas, Coifees", pices, ExtÉactr, To!let Prepara- ions direct-toeetabli.ihd users.- )pnng inWhitby' and. one in' intario County.fo r man with car.. Trite T. -H.. Ward ComnPany, John ;oth, Hamniton., For Sale 'OR -SALE- QUEBEC COOK ove, 4 -holes, also Quebec Heater,, ,od conitin.Apply box 5 71,or Zeal's, Barber Shop. 'ORý SALE-m-FRESH HOLSTEIN ow, 30 barred rock'pullets. eating plsand cookinig-appl-es. Apply. orne -R. Kemp, R., R. No. 1>,Whit- ýy. Telephone 195 r 2. ýOR. SALE= GENKRAL PUR- )ose mare, and a. numbei. of ýYoung ýigs. Apply'Rich. Brown, Whitby. elephon*e 195 r'li 3, Whitby. Room and -Board OMFORTA-BLE ROOM, AND. )oard obtainable -in .good . village )oar 'd in good village: home,. pleas-, int -situation, conveniencès; "it Ldy recjuiring some care of elde-rly ,ouple. Boex ,S Gazettè and Chron- cle. ýOSTlý-FO-X TERRIER, PUP, ON aturdày, Sept. .23rd. Finder please. hàone 517;. (a) He!p« Wanted,' VVANTED .CAPABLE GIRL for, gpneral houEaeworjzc: 'milst ire ' ver '29 ahdbave baid previocts xperieflce.. Apply Box 5,- ette. Roofing ROOFING - ALL KINDS ,F guaranteed rodfing: and re vairs. Àtrpbalt hult Up roofing a sp ecialty. ç'aulki.ng. H. Quiniton. Whitbv. Wantecl to Buy, le ek of ke VAIED-A'KITCHEN RANGE. ngbd condition. Appiy -Gazette and hronicle. -Fin-ds Newspaper ,Adv*ertiaing Beat "Nol cIrer.inedllum,." îays J. Marvin Shaw, Presideut o! tire Noxj.ma Chamnicai Company O! canada',". "could have* pronioted our produrt 50sénsaticnitlly as Le§~papers. - -~tûir mt report ireans out this9 stÀtem6nt iry -sboWlng a steady, risink,' month-iry-mïont i increase ivolume cf salesý. , Tins we credit to good cep-y, sound iier- chandislng planà and tire Iremen- ,dous- puliling pcwer o! newspap- "We are convinced," says 'Mr. siraw, "Îtira we have ut.upon tira nigirt .polcyie r y -concentrating ireavily1 on regular. eye-catciring advertlsing ln neW.spapers." Building Light For Septem berý Toronto, Oct. 2- Building con- ,tracts. awarded -in Canada for Sep- tamfber anicunted, to $14,741,800 as compared witir $4,66q,,500 in Aug-m ust.- Enginieering contracta eawarded tctalied $3,645,100 -for'tire saine period as against $4,810,40(Y for August. Tire total value of aIl con-. 1struction as compile.d by MacLean Buildiâz.g-Reports,,.Limited, 'ivas $8,386»~l0, -as comipa red, witir$9,-ý 49,00t in August. Que _ec lad aIl provinces witir a total d $4,356,800O or more thýan.aIl tira othar provinces cmie.Tis ëomnpared with tire $3586,600 - for August and is tire, làrest niontirly, total for tis year.,- Each mhonth iras siowný an inerease over: tira former mentir. since ApniL. Ontario is second with- $2,577,000 -or 30,p'ex cent- ôf tire total. It compares witr $2,894,700 for August and tire. de. Corporation of tire Town of Whitby County of Ontario li TO Wit: By: virtue of a warrant issued by (Ba tire mayor of.tire Town* of Wiritby, bearing- date -tire lZth .D.ay ofs Augusi, 933, a sale' of Vaànds in arrears for -taxes in tire Town of Wiritby will ibe ield at the Council Crmber, Brock Street, Whitby, at D tire irour of tin o'clock ini the fore- noon- Wednesday, tire Othr. day 01 ofDecemibcr, 1933, and upon tire fol-, lowing day or days until tire sale is Ph( combplete.d, unlesi tire taxes and costs are sooner paid. Notice is - hereby given tirat-tire lust of lands for sale-for arrears of taxes is bce- - îng pubishe-d initire Ontario GýIzctte on. tire 2nd, 9îh, l6ti and 23rd davs opf Septemnber, 1933. Copies of tire sàid.isti -may.be irad at my office. Dated at -Wliiîby tbis 24tir day of O August; 1933. JOHN R.FROST, Town Treasurer. TREASURER'S SALE 0F LAN FOR TAXES ffhitby Tow'nship, Sencis A long. Its- Chèque For Fifty Dollars Dr.. T. E. Kaiser, chairman o! e-. i rlcommittee in. chargeë tire Dr. R. H. Thornton.me-m- lai cairn, reports that ie had eeived funther suirscniptlous fo r [e cairn fund. Wrltiry township Ls ncw sent along-a cheque for $50.00, this being its contrit tion ýto the projeet. Mrs. Willia McAdie anfd )Miss, Hhsiop of Os awa, have forwa *rded -a cheq for -$20.00, this gift> being m4emory.of their grandfathèr, wv was- a mamber of tire Presbyt( îan- Churcli when. Dr. Thoritt Nvas itsniinlste r. Further -scontributiohs nlii Dr.-Kaiser wishes. to acknowled with thanks are as Iollows: -J. . Grierson . $ 5. 00 Dr. ýJ..MoQore,,Broo klia 5e.0O Cai F. Cannon . 2.00 "Iwouidn't cry.likethat if 1I wý yo-i," said a iadx. to littie Be'ttv 'Wèlli,,' said Betty, iretwecrî. soirs, ýyou can cry -any way3 like, but tris is m y. way." 1 1 ROI Opening Rally. çof the Baptist MenCub, Whitb Wed*nesday Eve ., Oct il DR. JOHNMacNEILL.. 0f MeMaster University, Hamnilton ,will b. the. C.uest Speaker. SUPPER, SERVEli..AT 6.30 ,Dr. MacNeill wili al-so give a- lecture ithe auditoriuri pýf the church at 8 o'0.lock t. which everyue W± bc welcorne. Voluntary Offering. ý 1 "-Ï 1- TREASU'RER'$S SALE 0F LAND AND. TAXES, COUNTY OF -Mutua1.,J ONTARIO - By virtueCOf a Warrant' issued iY- rire, A-utoi tire \Varden of tire County ui On - tario,-biearing date tire Ist day Of -' Septemýe.rý, 1933, t1ý 1"st Of lands - funde îow hiable,,to be soid for arrears cf taxesý in tire Coufnty of -Ontario- UNI is* being publied in an advertisc-- ment in 'tire Ontario Gazette on tlie - ý23rd. arrd --3Otîx days QI' Septemnber - and tireîIr and l4th days of, Oc.- . W tober. Co'jpies of -sucir lut of ad- Funeral D ieriîement may ire iad upon appli- 1 - m catioî.- to . - .In defauît of pay- phone "41.0 -ment of arrears and costs as sirown______ on- tiresaid iist, on.- or irefore - *E. ,Wednesdlay. tir 27tir day of Decemn- ber, 1933, at two o'ciock,, ici the Succe7ssort aft-crnoon, I shahl, at tire said hour. FtJN-\ERBA L -at' tire Court 1,usc, XVhitby, pro- . ceed tô0.sali by public -auctioîî, tire S. J. Stroi said lands or sucir portionis tirereof tor, gradib as, shal b.e, necessary to pay such vornte. . Pli arrears, to>gether witlir ire charges, IBU! - ~~E. A.MKa, - -Dated. at \Vhîiîry, tis Igtli day f Septemnber. l933-14ni. - - FuneTai

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