Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 14 Jun 1928, p. 5

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JUNE 14th, lm ' *1 thOL~~ahcd S PECI L tb ntroSl ¶ee olZo igw r WaS héla Ztlteo th uII er tbedryi 1~ M.G edr- r tèm te thett !R the wen aapdg- pisuim m W F m atir __ __ __ _ __ __ _ wuRIfg, t l o Gla ss , n ---M.-G----- y udfuon lkasistan. E T h e eut ClegyNasd w D. w S r d , yt 9 . G B e n er-c , h der d o n- o r a b o u î t . l tt a of h m a o li i. , on B o s, s oit1 2. i InM . i nc ai , 89 f . n.E . I . 4 ~, I e ai f W it Mýt he o u f t by o postk p r r Ue Ue nd uadPpsr Shkr, Ce n mdB. . n, B. 917. cu lass Il:-G*,Moffat, . Mler, G mM.per1 Ai lZa Ved«lity pi .cmfrn lass 111. tt'T. Ried, J. Max.WUITD -r> tUmJ i d wu ing of t he 4 s stim Glss1-J. ood , Wile. E RTHd-U HRDAER T LOWEStPRICES o de *vn, M.MM-U1i Inter-HallB. laWood, P4 Ft B rcS e e 4ét ite d .ute i or ssýe o! thç sitis, oesedYamon tb. p- n1ato Salt 't~inal M.ulS-nclai .-M. Hon- i % . Juy f, 14 pts;. C ar B. C aie 8 p-. tig .U c p o oin ! h g i e l n I Iberet éo a 4 a . j G las IL M tM,14 . Mller, T evILlitrY adesfuhll i ig et dcaiparsan ads-on in Wm n t o!W M m m i m ~ wcl,7;M. i, J. SMcaiaxne oftllg.d atsOUis ctheie atisuces tfth G 11ý AuN 'et a - Cl: - M. lie ! h c llgbsd -w atIey lad co g atlt8 D .Caàlkt Ea . utT a 35c.RKSM.CIRCuuS OMN T ean E ec uet ; she N11Ihank eti App i lent anti tàt~ iha J Kn< s as JEW E ER O iÀWA O e DN M MleSD Y, lb pinipltedmenbrso!te acsaïnily -tttécu Itor anO Q t F OURlass Wa Wh Repairlull UNRe 2 tlt fr hir kid ssstnesu .te ie sigig y h sudnt B r hueed (2IZiS gt he, o!1h New Locat1,n mades ba n a riae ant pr i e ni te cl0f un la s on salo he Na ê îo biby iaL SpFin io s la t d y arest referenf te U ic w ork sudandm otheo! ïdth1h the . l 1c U r b er in - d aion ill2 p ss i e b s i- t h ra u l s t ewal; B - W oodt e p t iso!r:r01m estsof -Ivibne tli n, a in adal sr~t aad4w le hi agarettarndarddiss ettyG raao iisadfriesaoLp la .O ba a n k e sda JunPU7.Wriht. This wt«ya llre, c bi ud f e u ai i l h galesw or- 12 Ibso stabcB9oLlf H j e Io;inmH.dr t epe art bu d ed h rs s s d de3. y a d ale , Miss E.M ar-y ob s L ntieeln Do ohy S M e 1928. l n on t r nk M e UllV flES nUF ic lrge T e icc 3tlo o! tMax-wld io e de rs ,haas e av Maies n, Dunds M ryElizabthe Sinclikc'jn wl e fW iby vr aimas7; -M .Ou . crl tielsurel cx- ore.T èr nt; ut G ad s palW htbmtorde' ig-and t r Nort's' bibi lu ie aove lv o Uicabo e s Lofhe bree a lusHln Eiabt ag ideoa vr l on ina Local w Z2 CMous C feaGTr e asvn by - e v. P S.Dobsn, . WToronto.ic e- O hrnFor R v. J. W a ido , mr l o! a -teicfinal a d i brcs o the ad al -iies M ary E iabeth food, T oront sabe 58 K ig S ofret ogAW ONices.o t e Herse ssta ea ndtrt e ign 'h ty, ile r- J.F . Pbllp, e! Q c ida, N 27 prY., bas euh n - i g o p l s on s, a So h utN - S nf - h t y ben uIo »calngo ot fiud Tolic brs !elpmasinl de anstd e ie. r . Dbsoimaoe orterTrolo;Phiys red Baer Noew a rou o! aby el h wo o!tcreference tte wic d ! i cose an tiTon ite e cureatai amornd M ou'. rcad -le- car uils at i r se ig " td a b adi e tpersoa l Principa re w M aelll, o rn i;o th C l g yar A no M rt O1927-7 ro2&suc o bo s est p uS ar. Tdo es f i thre sor e o! clowna s re ie a d- ____ the_____________of ____ a miltwo n Jearnnte Rith ercomi $100 litIa dugteso!Nigaa a t.l orip ateilhable "walk- AEs hreI aS ER KgeBxcyWoolyHleba- 0.acred farr e rent. ossessaon StSaeunts" ______________________ to N rt ay; ro resJen Thon. -- w atorl à w s h rti. son, Toonlo;MGsadshVcoi uie, aI . oe. T "r r op bky f. - pletslie weck-feutthewlti fricudsttnd nôrauyt"jocy" nu Ofe cu t he woA% ea thurcs s t iac bu , ! ow , orse fu n d i ss pi B ols, iGraham . -onti E. M .Burgoyne, Sul Mid.,Isspndig isvaatin il Ial ra il* enatiod iretfriii im pla ciî, aoerye! ug p ide tEeaorthe r inues Co rné 192, Jh e . 018M E bi a en s r a d M s. J . O ' i i poda omst ee, &Ncw Y o lc Cy, u d G27 abaWigh t 29Th con.a 2wel r iby TP.ad Walk r il ;  dy 'M y DtGerr , r o l n O t Te fi $ 5.0; Conuer. . c~~ncOsd ad ao nl W li e o ld s t os dlasenlre 1 e y a d. Sa e a t 13 lce t ro an Ot h el e n Pe a s etr iBk e7 W a t m t Mi. F ~. Fwkc, ! Oshwa, c- watonal ire atiste M . . f r S n ibna l , w l c up s r ii sIt aI f o a l t s <in Iuc a er. t d v c l s l a e - h r d a e r -ý e e ' e e c r B g 'pe çr ti plito S.Jon' buc, ot ic erld ntiand « i by le nalMor- Tunrslay,ïJeon21-Dispesion sal Ti peiuffatr e pak C1 roedb a rye!Adex. e, Hlie9a , Lno;HlnDrtySm M .E R.H w o wa cai t he cjarge&tcallectiLon.o ra ic Jung e ot 10, con , wBeach Tp. Sec biayla.aet inlar ky',on ni ,w s animguseclaIwc ct u ac- &ucc" loswing sectae,- Saea ur'loksadrdlm.G orot;Rt.ldsSal htY U ngt n t--Ms ot s cenIo letiai !bi-ain, h U l t he W nevfetue n.Ilc siou & on atiL.E.Frniin hii ins theyo T usdY ni i M .~ abjw va po t n !Uic b ve ops, I orontdaucliouersH l n É u eh W g ,M n e o a d ed y lg tetE s i~~~~~~h grcwseuwas wlMaber babantientaI- sd , Toronto; BanlIue. bisay, Jun stable,-ioIIsaleio Worhe hasnaarteti oslie uew sui JuDe- Oshawa. SWE Ieo l of ate.ng int feaixe ivnHay, lic proP erS.ly e! R,. J. ast olig o creéta3.W. aid 1 n*l for AmontFtheimggUEeatRivKr;gatoita . Ht.Hales, meiss i bli e Huydre Zlolilc Pof h r ks Sale aI 2 n t e 'A. .P ,p c plecl ofSAd ad le). w. itI ~, I E I & ,seSsIlt as aLettb h uasther - C I'SM a , uc ie r.d ae o cli a e P r O e - M ro e d r .n w ill dscn ti u h ir e tn s iOt m r & e i e a q a ti onw and m__ _ _ _ the_ sta d ardsf__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ni T a y u w i t m e d a î e o a i r lyo1fo9a s o e t a v b.es um e e te w u o dc i o 41l. college, Uic morelaeurel S cr htyle or tu s d r no~ i g e k b ing r e i xeei n t R er. h omaew l a ndr i T U S IG H T here n-is n,.aw B er , fco neon M r a e n w J . nF p h l p , yf O e n l i id , N b cn'., - T h y re' e l l'an s i u cm e r Ju ed M a ie . D . Isn m a e o o t ; h l s F dete t n ic Pe OnsI Q fflc ri ie ty s c mpin . ascalidnToronto;-JeannekeAlexandra , on W cd *~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ba ictei e e1 icbxsat ounceofbat il latýi ecu Ofug e ryrec Jun te d6,. 1928, toe nantaead qaiy~ A W Shrsat olr, Blm r liaes ke pe iivire m m o ia 5o-lt r K nn ti PrH amati ug l to n a annte R dgch e SuitCo ÇU Ti&n ok . Y u an y The hre , s oreef-clowraaendsd- 1wp th Mi~ e ncl re lot M mn .E e t . o eanti M .' o ed . mao rebIsia U ti.a ide ssiu g - IN M E M O E IA M 'l o * a c e a r t r nt P s s ss o n TTrihe motenigALEservice onditionstheseJgianUTcomt Flndlayu ferili StioNigaraneti N tin th~ ~as r arclen tE-ubig~coy o Nor tfrthhonypiBauy;anc o als elum luUiw e le ne t i tend t oînsti a b alv 0>eie5aniboi enm thr rrlaHlte, woo laetreeinet si'vd vlue i Sdleauofii. Se a uiaden ot o ;Tor onto;ERVICE-QVic rvi cker t ouicde alyurw dob apo rt hy.cmllevili pet dm te caulisarare sud chn u rdS euvng, kiti. azM uc' aeDrhse; m au inVc r ExlnsvIm reeiicus rcbeug ti n tiro ugi r es i ui oftien Ti rse , eeuaZ ir eot ed- o :mnl Sco i-gadfrihnsbtas a e " Mra ses is iC no ,Der oiCmp a t aHy n asovigly rmeubret igantoi c lia;]n . .B micro Park p rep bsa cairt hatoryt<> Uictin OPret fIm mplmonte y D ugers anti H u s.pie lanrCteieCornY , Neng rk CîyaboutGahawlt 29oco.s2 'WTiey 'dam»a Wakervlle Auh4e ",CM y D Gurre a n o t i c i f i v y c a rt ob yet ctsa n i erOW i -s m o s tJsnn - 7thei s la thya r dD ayaWl eb a vean s , nDe tC uit , Fonr o e IMt ,sz 42. salurtiaY Ls as. ecwerm5il&tflsa tem emmbr a M r . L . F T E D e M o E R Os w a e - T r a n d i m l s f o , lPrss.O f t ; g v e a tic tMP oro uth e t a i As- PY t . U. a d b h ne, e ti u Te' ai n Tusda , Ju e A y, V R T ti riN Gsa l W tb . meetiun g nO=~ in* dY !- Th i f mueetnof p Uic W. C.f -x L e lilsdePa m M r.sI C luF .eS BR..9 isp ec0ni t ac i le, ntan ar_ _ _ _ _ _ _o -- Joet n hen e a Imè n ia nue a - e n p ýÛe! ic Pu l IAlice S ale _ _ _one _ _ _ _ _ _ __-_._E . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ co ut o h e t w.i a s or o n lIêSuen5 Tx , i n s 467, kson &msoniand a Hee wi oLT urd ay igh7. È& o r ,prIm Oni se ic Dn da e wh * Ps t., tw e F u to neR S L . N O J T~I Me*snwa ihb r ha- NIiA-MdGeMgit nti y srice. Morscundt iaay.Ci e umnrIe AUeo n DsaeMI.oS. Pon BW'TIST CONVENT1O)N S Lce ht l oe ib eto ft àwl-Ll-ay opReg. $200. atudaY Sale Puce- r-PtWAEiCISl<*Swill u.pues- oui6t14 tbWallns. nxt toue. Fuit refrenu i Te-, fa> ir vlb day .ohwil fi01114 oundalsaleuetWe oof *»iig, fanc3' wek, pou SALFV--amESTERFI=LDSU=T I y metinga , . 1good condition. ApplY. Phone 119.. sue. and bomes, =Wb u alvyale rm allLTNHLLBNNi GADUATW 1$I ROHIRCO Mat 18, P long. ]riee. 31.00.- Phn Mia LM. aay vas lu Toronto A. l-W*j, Èum"b and ti b,- hhwy lau F~âaIattntiUe ic eYSB' l.. SAL-lO0 YOUNG PIÇ5 lu t "Uayte n-en3y, vanbr ou 011ivhOt.KieIaity, ih'li heram Nw-soc XsTwod -Cape. .10 -W ld. Mr. kW Br~q U Arsnhe t, bmeus <oux.Reg. $1.75. Sale wïW.:4 «,f Bacbleoi ofxtPrvlbe W& n. * . C'ourse in Moklern His«oiy. Tc.tSi- the çÇbaing 1%r-b4t. -rOob ýamu 01B W.aln id ivy 4t* b W&4t *l Box PàU& bb. lsnaipub, &Id ogt radmb w9k a Mk%10 dmd me's n ro t24 ln tb or bu A - 'ST11L MOVES e9 .,deweed bas PwebS5O.d T~.up W. Jackson lhe Bn Brock Stfflt goti rstefeso anIredent1 ' WOÂIl andi vas omei' meil of Oshawa, v 1 leas i b basmust, * Brai S. ilis wck o di to- av'1evl 6to 46. [om - Aliinery R iucdl nriceMust ge, frais $1.50, $2.95 $3.45 -No 'where in WJhitby can our pnccs bc beaten. Lingerie We.a yin stockwa mcc stoc fk e igrie. Eý%prytbingi > Stockings iregular $1.50 ..... .......... ffl fashioneti ,«)ddne. regular $1ý9 5...... .... .... Aiso Silk Gloves, thc inest ....... .... .. hswe A a aUconvmnce you-. Satisfaction guaranteeti or m deal h! Satîfmfction guaranteed»r money Tcfx ±dor orth Heq Wsrnkà r' pieàli Beans, Wax' and. Green.. NewCabbage........ ........ .... Hieati Lettuce.................. Frei Crrts... .......... Fresh Beets ...... *. . Cucumbers .*............ .... *NwPottoef»Wo. 2 ...... . Choice Pincapples ........ ChiextarPineapples...... Extra lae Papples .... ..... PHONE -US. - èWE DELIVER T LieG F. RsI Iay.'> [Lb, there *ing, fane- 1'

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