Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 5 Mar 1925, p. 4

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4 -- ~HT8T AE~EI PAUFOi Loca lPenig Mas Elizabeth DeHart, of Brooklin, spent the week-end with Mia. Fred. RLIII. Mr. snd Mrn. A. Macpherson aud daugliter Dorothy, of Toronto, visted in town over the week-end. Corne Vo the Bazaar and afternoon tes -on March 17th in Su;pday School roorn of Tabernacle. ~Mes Coila Jennings spent the week end with lier sister, Mrs. Hlaold Ton-1 kin, Hamilton. Men's ilk sud wool socks reg. 75e Saturday sale price 49c pr. et Walters. Mm'. A. Moore ha been confined Vo her home for the pat two weeks sut- fering f rom severe bruass, the re- 8uit of a fali on the sfippery pave- ment. Don't -f ail to hear Madame Lugrin- F'ahey an-d assisting artiste at the Tabernacle on Frlday evenlug, March 6th, at 8 o'clock. Admission 50c. Lady Mintrel pructice viii b. beld ln Orange Hall each Fridai' evW»lg aI 8.80 deloctE. À cd ! .tove cea ool v o on hoid.A car e! pea ce afimrve lu a eiÇtIsi'e Louve your order eauly. Thon$' Roma, Whltby. Telephone M45. The Dunda St5. Home su !bM Club wlll bold Ohir rmouthly ln -the sebool ou -Thuraday ' 5% 8 o'clock pIeuse note thecbs'Ba the ight, frosi Oie firaIts.d the firot Thursday et tbe raontb1 P. J. Sufllva,.uoeu504 $uuba aMi tlasrnth. Broek ui uaem.Whulh' phone 1-f 42 ln. ailk sud vool mm»pedrae gooda lu pink, brovu, uavY. bansd green, reg. $1M 0Satbrdaysa pil 98c ut Walters WIL -for, FRIDAY, MARGE6iH WB OPPBR THB POUO ON QUAITY GOODdL CASH u Bg Potabes, 90 &W. Peà ckt« ioos 5b on yeuigz, mercilatii,'the thusiasta isteved i"-lue, nugr' .=,W i u ,ýet f et hHie iai of Prealdeut CôoIid Thisa in the &Sol LtèrM.Soeley viib. h.d lunfirat «li UgblstoT lat mlonsy the Tovu Hall, vii e ii .orlcma wberevet- radio 1eceMlnt sets vero section cit be Tambly notiSt vIiitUned lu, PartlciPsted ln SU&lian au-I behld. Tbhe ubllc ameInvdted to st- ual affair. Another flbe. P0iM<>isi ten. Yriloeannonucement next teàtu»e ofth" evant was that for the week. fluaI lime an ex-president,- Wiliam St. ohn' Clb vii bod ~~ HoardT.tt, Chiot Justliê of Ibe U. St ohns Cub M oldther *stS.- Supreme Court, admnlstered the a enubre suad whist lu lhe Cou- oath of office Vo a succedlug presi- cil Chauubei' ou Tuesday -evening, dent. er wrdofthi. naUinal Mardi 1th, At 8 o'lock Admisson fealurea .wth Our ne'gbbors, as weil 25e. At Oie aarue lime iu the Towu stemgiietmscO h u 8al anc e w U reemating aperb 1U. s. Marine Baud, was heard 8aeeoci ad e lesorhmes wdis- as though it took place lu. the room~ aloi'd 55e 1'oa.Ceorlnchtran.dmis-where Oie radio wus instead o! in sion65e Ths. oni,4 haiman-37Washington. Even Oie applause of Oie Specisi Men's blue aud white stripe multitude, estimated ut One hundred i Bibb Overails $1.00 pr. Saturduy only thousand, assexnbled in front ofthOe ut Wsitexn'. capital, came clearly in punctuation i o An illustrateçl lecture on "'j'1> Yu- the President's address. Mir. T. L. kon"undr Oi aupice ofOie ~ngRowe's splendid set was the centre Of St. Home aud School Club will an sserînblug te rePgOt-VIl- giveu lby the Rev. Mr. rurington on guesa nldn h eotr p Monday eveniug, March 9th at 8 0-- stairs another loud speaker gave the dlock in the Councli Chamber. Ad- tame delight Vo another gatherîug in 'Mission, aduits 20c; childreu 10c. Note Mr. Rowes apartuens change o! date. Mr J. M. Sherlock, (Toronto), VO- EVANGELISTS 11ev. W. A. 5211 aÂLU Do you know why your deni- tist prescribes Milk of Mag- S. Ask us about Mag.-Lac, The Mi!k of Magneaa iu.,iTooth Poste, -- ~Lare tube 50c. lastail1 LW<àS 50 Cents large Tube@ We are agents for the famous Camdlés E. IL, ODLUM Druggist and Stationer WHITBY BIG WEEK AT ROYAL THEATRE The bg melodramia, "The Arizona Express" o nother smashing big week atte Theatre Friday and Saturtly, M~ 6 and 7. It la a story of-love, zuysteary and romnance, snd sahould b. sean by ail good pic- ture loyers. On the bill1 f« Monday snd Tuesday ls Douglas Fairbanks in "When Lthe Clouda Rol By." This 18 the first Urne Douglas Fairbanks has appeared on the screen at the Royal Theatre since Mlanagfr Curi took ýover the house, and the picture la an ex- ceptlonally goold one. For Wednes- day and Thuuaday next the feature is "Tlle Great White Way"' a picture Vo make you stand up aud take notice. CANADIAN POlll' REVIKWED Cmnadisu PSots' Day wth the Caste'Chapter of the O.L,.Cr Aluninae Society drew a large mneetîng iu the Collage drawisg »«om Monday aftte- iiooi, 6tAIWthe usuelbusinessman l- formnal vWw vas W etofthe Forter: lue,~ an~dlseua.ofetdot"fls qi li Programme ot atuldas cor1the Ca»o-v dian po«a u&as Wen iby Umiss arper on lgà$oêio Plektball. Mis Iaud An- »es, oit 3M m.w.tt, Ileu BUD sud Mliss Ouamcm ouDr. Drumond, Miss Wddib MBlila Carm; Mies Pbw- til )isn CojemianMisa Helon Scot,ý ÎZJbbal I.mpusn. Mms Grey, Dmn- LIWNIN ON PRISIDEN- Wdsesday fî«~M noon tiii)two in 1 de agfleroo a namber of radio en- as- YMARCK iZim, SP9CIAL Place ~e. *e*. e.e**.. -~ codt.W.A.o eand misaioiilut Oie Baptist Church, Whitby, baglnninga week from uext SuudaY. Mr. aud Mms Gunton bave bada wide sud fruitful expriemSinlutliis' work sud have le!t a record of jouIs wnand hearts revived wherver they ca'eaher sud Conductor- Advanced pupils prep*ad for churcb WSuco- crt work; -aise ope"la course for be- glnera Wbltby Stuio aI Mr. Frank Ersklne', eaeh Mouday. -tf. VETERANS DFEZATED GROCERS' 1UNION Tonsdy uigbt ut Burns' Arena Whltby War Veteraus voienegaged inu a miniature var, the enemy being noue other Oian the Groer.l' Union. It pro'ved ta b. a var o! aggresslon for lb. Vets, wiio took Oie measure of Herb. Pringle and bis puck chamsr tte e oent o! an 8-6 sOre.- It was roui nice.var, vitb only a tew cas- uiaties, stretchers and ambulances not beiug needed. mhe Grocrs wr minus two o! their regalar men, Rosa Mjovbray sud George Forrastor, whlch gresty handicapped them. The Vota. bad a good teani and plsyed a good game. * .4 eI~~e A. INA- CROSS wILLI PUZL Here is an opportunity for ail Cross Word Puzzle wéorkers tew_ iUi handsonne prizes, and at the same time participate in a BpeCl*I sales offer. Ini addition to these prizes we will give away 5O0-agh Certificates, redeemable for 10 per cent. cash diadount op'a ' 1y goods purchased at our store at any time within 9.0 days from date of issue. Work out this puzzle, sign your naine end address te it, and brmi- or send it to our store, any time from now until M4ndgyMarch 9th, at 6 o'clock p.m. The owner of the neatest, correct puzzle, wiil be awajrded thejuni of Ten Dollar in Gokld. The second neatest correct puzzle wiil win Five Daýars mi Gold. The third neatest, correct puzzle wiil win the sum. 0f Thr*Dl larL The fourth neatest, correct puzzle the suin of Twjo Dollrs. ed sornething for their trouble ini the formi of a creý redeemable on goods purchased at our store. Only one puzzle wiil be allowed each person. Solvii puzzles has become the most popular and instruci gamep, and in this coznpetition, those who participai thmng te gain and nothing te lose. We are pleased to, announce we have been able te] Mr. D. B. Carlyle, Secretary-Treasurer of the 'W~ Company te act as judge ini deciding the winners o and whose decision wiil be final. Do not delay but send your puzzle in 'as soon as p store not later than Monday, March 9th. News bas reacbed uls trom Varlous fielda where tbÉey have recently beenl, o! which the follo*ing are,extracts- «Large audiences." "Twenty Cottage Prayer mneetings daily.n d"Nineteen conversons Oie first u-Li. service attended by trultful restia." REMEIBER THE DATE, Mardi 15th Vo 27OhiInclusive. Evwleryei eme. PORtT WRfITBY Mra. (Rev.) Abrabum, Ot Guelph, ia vsitiug ber parents, MEr. sud Mms D. Gialbraith. miss Anus Willis, O! Toronto, vas home over Oie week-end. Mrs. D. Galbraith, while relurning from Towll laut Saturday afternoon, bad the misfortuue to fal and sprain ber wriat. Her many frieuds will regret to learu that Misa Ada Sleep, of Boc Stfeet Sehool staff la very MI, and hope that she will fully recover. Mrs. Donald Caineron is alowly re- covering from her illuass. Mr. aud Mrs. Harry Watson sud three children have ail been"ilI, but are recovering. I Rv. sud Mrs. Laugtord aspect toi move into the new rectory lu about three welm DEATH 0F FORMER WHITBY LADY.1 lu the daath lu St. ichael'sbou- pilai Moud a nlh IMM m ueii o!margaret idout Mme, 1wld#V < qf Oie tata W. &I1eda l ia lW~a tw uitV n seu iio ton etfthalahm W. IL Rlggls.cet tWtby- Outado.k'fmO avndiugten. one 2014Chartes psad away 20 years Lmgo, 'td ot [Ms MNewa de" hlutMo)«=aY lie taunlo! af ine elhn rs*stoaed un- on January lmtho! tus y.ar de- esaeêattendd te re-iutlof to!li MTgelnsfamli' hald ilu Taronsd et vblcbthi e " ebldren verpu#s- eut, S* astabM u dd.sl»&Iy inI vu pfflumonaa Thradai tilait, vtilepreé Mm ti rosula ou MoaMd- zou, Thous. lou M 4or T ont0su BlesaedVIrgin(L«*O)ette>epuseat etatloed h H asail. ATv. broters Mid sMx mat= re ais. meueb. - tabouns, -m ShaSd id0 Q'Sumto.Tlva ere refonat7 lMme. . U- WS.d.e . ,Wod arue, TOMMsO; ss. Gorge a. IL non uàd . .*b:m-.Na to M eshw. m IL i 0st 33 MI 1 X 10w% 080s wmut 0VV. b tb bu&!Ïe vas *rM J. 'g VERlA L. SIer" MC -MI OM7 (AIL i deit etUate, tg cossword iveof idoor ýe have every-. th 'w w -N -os 's .~ t) j. i ~ i - Si ~1~ J s I a lu r I. 1- b s n c..oe. *àtvq iL & - -'tsi .48.Â~I *,e.e**eee * Coeatvy Styla Heaseua~ S * 0 z WORD0 uc3u= i 1 ý, il ýl

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