* *~ 1~~ KEEP TWI'- SINK SHINING. -Soap jelly, whieh is- made, by dis- molvink a Ià rr bar- of soap in two *quarts of boîing %water and two table- i;proiifuls f f .;cr-ne Is a great help ii kscýping th'ý 4inI; white and shinirig. 1 keep a ga of Foap jllIy-on the sink mhelf, anid whun i he dishes are finish- o ter every ma iRelleven htks( verç lis felng a mci satisllCU the ermvne fer sweet&4 value liS e bncit ms piauOil provles. t-d put a littie on a cloth, kept for that purpose, and rub well over the oint. Then warfh with clear water and the sink looks as If 1 had given it-a good scouring. Ile is great whose failings'van be numbered. Tô beg of a miser le t dig a trench ln the sea.. RADIO CATALOGUE 0 0 --or- S ETS AND SUPPLIES Prices the best. Our new Illuetrateti Catalogue is now off the -press. Everyoue ln. terqslted lin Radio should have oue. W.- P. Earie Electric Supply Co. 1284 St. Clair Ave. Toronto, Ont. IN SOUPS,. STjE WS, 9 ave8 avoury dishes, ma nl ~unded. 01 different ways Oxo beef cubes yl muke food more tty and nutnitious, la tinaol4, 10,50 nd 100. Es TEA~-good ad etnd extra gocîs the T8 ORANGE PEKOE QUAUITY HERES WHAT PEUPLE ""fithdnot been fS "c1 wü tAiêll a iCs couragedwoman, for nothing elase emed to do me GREEN TE^A nus Ir VOIX.11.107 green te&y@ru Ub. es"ts tke4 wlth no othor bl.nci, - T"y [t todoire uesy-'fl ne. » >. CoNE>FEM BY 1- 1 1hlag Their Bisol Wi*JI DLWilams' Fhk pib. I Strde. sages et the sOvwlanarea rlungouesthe sule, INe.ftrou are loy armed Ul1mao. >>tous ln mai, The fiel'.Sharp eword ot silver la Tebrook its Mciystott. a alenoe 1tSuu n*ust Wear. No Ite sln luthe men&aes, noe ll a the wood, £MIh table ln the village retal»asts ermine hooti, Ile 'woild le whlt aund fracen, buft Iy- ln' My bed At dawn 1 hourd Oie trunipets of. wUd geesle overhead. And sec! aioug the meuntains 111e sua- set fiamIng higli Leais up lu gold andi erirneon and 0mane to the sky', The gray cloud'e tral!ng edfea are The colti blue zenith redâcus, Oie lirat faînt stars IgnIte Andi like celestlal rubles glow through a rosy haze; Behold! ln ail the glory that sets the Anti shds on flelti anti foreot Re plen. dor far andi near, The bale fires of the wlater, denti vik- ing (4 the ye'a.r. -iuna Irving. GUARDTHE BABY AGANT -COLDS To guard the baby againat coldo nothlng eau equai Babys Own Tablets. The Tablets are a mnlti txative bfat wIlli keep the lîttie ene's stomach anti bowels working regularly., -Tt la a ne- cognlzed act -that wbere the stomach and bowels are ln gooti ortier that colds wlil ot exlst; that the health of-the lîttie eue wlll be good a.nd that ho wilil thrlve andi be ha.ppy. The'uew sales tax wifll ot In<u'eafe the price of Baby's ;Owa Tablets, as O i cmDany pays the tax. You mau stili obWtal le Tables through any noiedcine dealer at 25 cents a box, or by mail, pont pe.id, f rom The Dr. Willilams' NLedIcIne C«,., Brôcliville, Ont. GcOds Là tde Thinge. 1 love the lîttie things ot God- The loamny rcent cf fresh-turned noti, The fleeey white clouds lu the eky, The pass4ng ofthOe south wluds by, The çlartlng flashof bluebird's wlng, And ail the slghts and soun4is of sprlin.ý 1 love the d-ayub when suiuner fadlee The scarlel tinge in forest gladeq, The wild grapes, purpie on Oic vine, The crlsp air-, heady as oli wlne, The-bint of! snow iu graying sky, To warii i-,tb.mi old wirter's ntgh. -Hazel Blair. - 4 - A BLENDED TEA IS BETTER. - Tea from one garden. ne matter how fine It l9, posseases e5rtain desirabie qualitles but may lock othera, bocause all charactenistîcs are uot developeti under the sasse conditions* If Oie tea lias a perfect fiavoir, t znay iack body; If It ha body It là penhapa wlthout Oie sasse perfection of flavor. To ýcom- any gooW," says- Mrs. Ed wa.rd ibbs. "SALADA" experts for over a quaârter Al l h adwirtslng ln tb. world anti prove froin Lthe veryfinit, gainod 29 ft oa cer ubnd " The A"la o T la aIl th0 n!e atorts cçzbnted coult iibe., andti t-day um -feeling flne." lao.ThfavrlTO R N Dot hae naek, iho great success for 0. B. Moore, Kause. Ci(yM. MU -lnden ds for practIce purposês. TANTAC, tha' ha.9s been attaînet, un. atomach seemedti t pain we oonataat- Oea,- Percivai. Specla a h o studenta. Also re- 11tes e Iai ý1ru ct1Ve tontc uqfte '<Y, oodseleailk o 6 m nogod, 1 W-hen lîttie Percival arrxved at built UuderwoOd or ler ' ~t mOder- ed il f kor yreatest degroc. Over woult -blosiL up wlth gîa, lost mny echol on Oie epening day, h. carniet aIe pricea by Oie makers. 40) MIllIon lvtthi- eof Tanlac have been stnengl andi could nfot aleep or t'esthie foiiowlng note to thre telcie: United Typewriter Co., m¶>ld auIb te doémanti t-daP3 greater I vas on the clown-gradeaIl the tisse. 'Dean Teacher, tien aveet lutIle Perd.LImited 'hnever beture. TanIsc eocrrected mi' troubles andi put val le a vorl dolîcate, cent-ous chffl, 137 Victoria StL, Toronto 'ihmt 'L'ANLAC 'possesesie-' t anti ie ?a* èeellent shspe. -and If ho ln nauChy '~and hlIels lîkeli' baR brougbt r'lietei hundireds ef Theimos Iiuoa, Peterboro, Ontario: 10 be naugliti ah times-just punîsi ch01sIItis c f perlions la aLleetoti by thbe *'Weil.Ir, buylng TANIAC vaq Oie lbe boy next to hlm,. and ti i liiWOM.EN! DYE FADED - .great number oetouetin>outa6ls Oat bave Ibemi ilnveasmqut I &ver made, for It friglilen hlm so-- be o God."'in#sN W-G I hçek>1 relcelveti by the 1Company tfom bulît up mi' health and strengt te PaymenJW-AGA' tuOpfilaeverY etate of Oie UnIcti and Iwh.ere I hayen't a emptà ! ntlu Ibm ymntfor articles ativertiset iu 1everY Provin<* et Canada. 'Thers are world." J> K De ie clussu sheuitibe nmde th 1Do- Dye or Int Amy Worr4 Shi> ()e 10(,000 suell tatement-s- onfile Mn. ani 'Irsý uehKKae e minion Express Money Oders-a Bste b Germent or D"rsp y. wINLiî tUi-C cMpdny, l lgng li î troUt, Midi.: 'Tor more tana year mai' of sendtng monci' bi mal!. eere pra1NeI f-Ir TANLÂ,C and wvIaI t leaur tiarese hlidren, age 2. 4 andi 6. hati tm<i e':rupls,î~ibcen se peaketi andtiitteictu tat*6 inrd. inmet omecmi. ê j "rts frein a few et the were *orrlcçi about tbem'i. Their yu e l~~~i~ ýî'4etir n ~ iQmacbt mene upset, wtîee tfp.:eer. ilieasiire yeur cleth twc. inca o the celer bat ieftthetr £heeka, tLiu car Icl but once.t- MrM wi (ýihbâ, lAncaster, Pa,.-: n!ght.s more restlese aud durng the Fc 5cn aut f"IMn -Fi2Yea1re iadgeston depriveti me 1dtay theyoulti lust mnîe ruundtak- There are 24,500 miEles5-cntpacag cf'Darunt î~nianl ali lhA îpleanure cfllivIng. 'If, In,* no netètrest Inplay- or auythinjg inithe United Kingdom, 2Z,ý0Oin thei De7U cent&ane dlectlons £0 aimple t' I5. îlt !t'i 'o TALACI volt e]e.Th4n3ý began ta fImpreve wfth th& United 'States, 28,8-16 in Germany,<a a'vmnca y rtn n ait.! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 11" tc, 'v«iIticu5gtWIui it-*w <lie ef TANl4XC, Ad îcda:..and 35,145) in France. iot er, faei blnflC ,Omo @mI7ai or no.ut1ýlt!îîg c' s .ee4 od do me ty -i bas neVe yt eoe Ies u - f"'tlitera a: - no morî- hePthY iVt ren h1,1ler st drug store. rlr :adr X X:«~u SatU. Wa' p an.v: - Chappê Handa or Face c ove bat ýIIIsol. uied lby uno appircatin o! iEDoRA'Mother! GiveSik abey liblt-emed an op'rnU w y son-h id ve h le ltt- CEM.- snl ~ ~ ~ tn 1..-<'< .emdntogie à 3 i< 1I <ic. n thauCvo-a'iornia Fig SYrup" 1 heia-,â1alost helple3s sa. x a it rel'vtty. î;e-d Pxr3urivel IiiToronto Grent-rai Hospital for- ten year . Ask- 1O IrltTAL..Ibegan Li !in- TV ý-z.etatbîp* l'u. your t lgirlet f9r 60e bottle and pr.' ilarmiesa Laxative to Gdean 'Liver ___-serve yenir youthfuleli exon or; and Boweia of Baby or Chiîd. srt po spald onrecel et cf50C.: J. A. Macb)cnald. Phrn.B., 34 Hogarth Eviin constlptt-- Ave, Toronto. 1ed. billeuâ. tever- p lob, tor sick, colle 1lables aud Chîlti- Sees or Salie'!oel 1 <r enulove t'Calif> reem 'ousîy-, eed drrlu Ittie bty r.l Ont 1104-j& rel4xalave WtYePua cf fA els l a s M 1 u na i yu . etGi. '. Iea!!. ape3Welsz OUItes. * 1tu.Ttohy e_. 5-a N i eî.r axv' I e - in ldd!mt 0 orel=y ui M&W dut inrg e ns e naroîsti oL i.) icly . trn th gen ne adu-rstn Figh Srur, ah î b weÇaicinect on' tip -In. oniAsn artle-icrsota The a7'rrge-azed Canatluusfasmly's .potato m i a S2M0m i'ea'. Tat vaiants thet Seef aspedal po. em it la. fe SM!>Potato Pot. tbe idemi ts. F'in vit imater thizmgh the «Peut witot rmaod cern-I. Not. ey wtheà u&u din ckthe co«. Ybi eauduuoff mter 1tring potatoceme.ly Mmidr* vthet piolw t.sor'ed Morm Nocelim tis <rdem* b.et.OL un e y«uam wsmmsUmm U~KS TF jthe blood la clogo4 ýwIth impluities. thus aetlug up aus taflam iton o! Oie Imuscles andi joints. coIti« oretI jý weath.r M&y atart, Oie tortures cf was o-espped The cause la thin or limpure Oblot Rubbiug wlth Ini- ments or applyln.g hot applica.tions May gie relief, but that lea il; the p8ans are soon back agalu.. You mDust treat the trouble through Oie bloodti t get Tti ot It The value cf Dr. Wil- liamie' PI uk Pilla lu cases of Ohis klad la proveti by the fllowlng statement. MISS margaret M. Cullen, wrltiug 0o1 behal! cf ber grantmother, Mis. A. MeRwen, Ormstown, que., sayo:-".eMy grandmnother, now 85 year of ugo, vas, Sorne years ago, a great sufferer tom rhbeumatlsm. She trleti Many Tre.e dieS, but fouud noue that titi her any~ igooti untl ah. began uaug Dr Wli-' lams' Pink Pilla. Thme ahe useti for Omoromontha untîl every tracecOf" nheumatlsm tilsppeareti. Sînce then she hié taken the- Pis at 1interais, andi they have kept her lu the best of health. IL le marvellous bow velI andi active MY graimother la. She cooketi the. dînner for the tîreSherw last faUI, and &e. gvea Oie cxedit for ber good health to Dr. William@$ Pink PlUis. She la anîleus that ber experienco wlih Mal sPlendid medîcîne be gîren for Oie benetit of othern" If YOU are sullerlug hem aay trou. le due te p oor or çratery blood Dr. Wllllasss' Pink Pilla 'will help you. Soid by Medicine dee.era everywbere, or sent by muli st 50 cents a box by wnlting The Dr. Willilams' Medicne Ce., Prekvylle, ont. "$tandby"CA kes. For use wlth Ibis and oUler des- serts and te sérve with tea or a.t lunch- eoa one May bakce these attractive "etaudby" cakes Inateati of the usual cookîes. Thffle gelheuIr narn e h- cause tbey are Oic housewffe's "staund- by"-they can be kept on band .lways andi, lnstead of getting stale, tbey ii- prove with age. Cream tthree-quarters cf a cup et butter and thon graduaily-udd a Sp- fui cf birowu sugar. Beat lwti egga woll and tir tî lim up. Sift togeLbhra. cup and a hait of fleur, a teaspoon cf cinnamoan, a quarter teas-peon cf cloves aund haIt a tesaspoon ot nutmeg (thls lest may -be emltted If desîreci>, snd add thee t ;,- b.eother Ingredients. Then stlr ln a cup of sieeAiese raisins andi hall a cup cf chopped uuts. Place Oi-e batter by spoonfulz on shallow greuod enarnolei ware bak- ing pans andi bako until browu. Mlnard'a Liniment l'or Dandruil'. The Meanest Man. Hi--Some aaye Hock Smith la Lb' meaneat mn uln this town9hip.1" Cy-"1No, he alu't. Jet Tuttie la. The county r resentatlye mate hlm bellevre It ire a/ t *pt ectrie lghta in biPchic an ouse, and nov lie makes tbhoe le faiily &et out there oevenlu'a tg te lîglt!"- Elderly vPeople Iron intie Blood To GI,. Add.d- arid Grà tr Pow- or ofRsatoe IN uopeciuy toward Lb. period oet mlddle aM ani you must mû. up> for this ln defiienci f yo-uvaut te cp dsse. adbeaetrong udw'ell. Wben the. iren in your bIot runs1ev, sign et old age eeep iuto. your syat*=. If theze us net enough iren eirculaun the, blood-streazn becomu tua . Pau anid wat.ery, the body veak atirun- dowu. In such camSea din. r Iea, .eitalind taods Meido uppli'a sujaceat ?eue n twe tIm rport.ant mitaent teg M"à aup veet. ao titat u-Aay xil"zs1nov çemioa eoneentrated fortu oel M= ivmic- lton--which coiha.in frocs 1H, 45e - in iy~ blood. Actusi blood lta&show that a ttrndavul y 1 ft lbp et , xare weak andil]i t tSonneir=. Uyo.iareture m,. c .xOwn cvltin ot-> youjr dte-tor " b ave =b1"tmlk yDur blllaount and e. ie-t Y*U stand or eohmks .tlowisg t ocuree1- 8e. lov l')tta e-O" a von aror c ftu o ms vmk ik v'.o'xt b.omni gtired- acul labo iv. fiYve-pe.n ablet. c trouîd thit. timue prday af titela for two v,'ekm. Tien tout yo-ir etrecth ai an .d m3t how mc-uch yen Lavt mw red 'mofd eN uzated Iron emten, the verves. rebufiMd tht weakeoned timu a Md b ie Inetiti rntvcj eergy "ud pee'er loto <howiittec9.e a Stuot.nPMue NuntdIr', à e mür unaî-ted on produt iaure th Iéeth.lae eat amlatoir uoetec etoman.i. Thenaaufacturom guaimate .- eful andi enturely *mueatory rmu t teveZ1 Ipurchueer or they viii ciund y~nr inc Lift. Off- No Pain!. -"t hronbi ' 1'naUtl on a t I.tu tduemsie et b- axt eue bit D ro m ll cm ca atIytia cthe toS brtn thonf salluse0s. ithoot some or Irrltation. 't theY2-lb alwaysfresih Neuriy Educute<l.- Il irsKenneth'a f1tirtday at sohool aud wben alOie pupls irez. setd ho m ralseti bis baud andi sald:- "Ix can spelmeat andi couat up to i seven anti write mzny irucme. &0 you dou WOn>î have te bottier te teurb me Aak for Minardea andi take ne, other. Àt ias.feflyCumdtha Mt OIR N iht md MoMe C al This la au easy andi very effect- tre trlck andi requires no akili andi Very lit!. practîce. Âsk hall a dozen s-'octators to boan you half a dozea colns. Put them la a hat. Ask that oe ofe the ecotas b. eltetéd and that*eacis apectator e«eami»a it carefully uni that It then ho placet i a the bat. Note may be takes of the date or ft may b. marketi. When the eola has been placéd la the hat. yen wtil put your hbad tu the kat and « take ont the coin weecteti. The ,ecref\ l thus.: When yo-U b@rrowed the colns you placeci them on a mautleplece, a stonp topped table or somewhere where tbey Wlll get a chance te be VerY -eligbtly ehilled. The coin ex- amtned by the sppectators becomes warm troum somuch handllng andi you wlI! have Ilttie dlffBculty la pichîmi It oüt of the othera la the bat (OUp tht. s «t dpaste Q. with eter of the eertes, tua e sropeo.) UnIucky. Insurance Aget-"But, rniy dear nmdaM, Its a sharno to let your bus- band's 1lite lapse." Die"'lfot pay another oent. l'y. peaLd regular for elght yýaTs, anti I've ua.d no lu& ky'ei." Keep Minards Liniment in thie houlle# Vcungatere tg Match. Mlstress-"Maggie, 1 think 1i1l4take one of the chidren tt, church this rnornlng.u 1Maggle-" Yei, m'an Ilistreis-'Which <)ne do yùu thlnk would go best wlLh niy çrese?" Brook Troutf for Sale' 1wuld trout. suaranted heatymzUd rigoroug. Po? April d#siIvezy. $4 per th,;jend ,n _sy , enurno. o, rderv m.ceptel for te" tUs no. .wal>-îston Brûnk Trout Ilat-bery, Ifomrs ile41,. Dufferim j * ('unt. Ontario. 5.1cr é t aloe.I .. u C, . !rtUer., propietor. I EDDYIS I -ASPIRIN ljt Beware of Imitations! Uâlees Foux ae thse nAue -Bayer Crois", on Dackage or on tableta7s anreQ egtting the Mleune Bayer As- pîrn proveti mae bymil.lon i ant p-r4.1vis acried by phye4,ztaus over tweitty- fn tbnee yeas for *at Toothuche Luzia Neunitis Rbtea r .ar -Accepl "Bayer 'Iablela e!fAt'pirtn' only. Eaci unbroken u rbg on-- Lains provec dîrectiena. i1a-,,'iy boxa. ,f of tweIve tableta cost Tom cents. Drug- ýglsts also tell bottîci ef 41,4 nd 100. »eplrtn la the traile mark r'-ttrt la Cana-a) of -BayerMnuh-re? A Wbîle It 13a l! known that Asîl -menus Bayer Manufacture. , a- p - M tise ppbllc agalra.alImltatJon?,.e Tab L lets ef Bayer C.z-pany Wli b. altaip- ed witfl *belr ige>Prîal trado zrark. lb. - vi There is notlûog Isetter tha-m Cutîcura TaIcum fer powder- ing and Cperm9 theski t bsasof îtsfinre stuioottex- 1w ra icaefarax -x Umlueb.mo.sdits,.SIasIObi.ligaoIOZsagg E C Z'EMA ct à @ W-1ae mie la m ffl>5 UmUc.tism ebane bem s euetuliy tfttici by me1l end ta uurom ;= oyOvù 0ymriu.If mtfloted. wrIte ua«- citlg oo m uilIy. wmes M» at st borne @kgmto. *a bubies. Bfupertuoue -Rale. Mot.Wortm et&. pe rnuStly eredlem>c4 by the tarato-Ucoles Write for Bookiet *F$l Hlsctt Institute Limite 1Kiecot't Big. @ID College Ot.. Toronto ir