Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 6 Apr 1922, p. 6

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-(Ooot'd4 ;ý-4i' gC& r'S a ( eaand th --as far' us ithe earbrauwr, adreMaa enchoec red orien.of, re m sermený - ~ . - *&ktingq t-or tbqa> trwi teset oould, air> 11kbo fit he <~;fr ovcr tOwra" -thé' iit tn wS rtlitwktyYli esee, a etearWK améle hovtred luw*oveir msewi'h&rà-ss breezin'tg>ptihe orfren,. - - ,'re bkLsta. veH rijIt, "4olc i'ho trr, - ýé Cptai. "Is blwfn Eu b.ééWt1 ez-ye- can- in h'BaynQw an' t, talce tblu Fer. w-êre itwazdbeunud tilt in 1n W' box > In es when it's thick On a. Novl j &étia-mnn! dut- y. geit o~r IiT u s esnlWow-os ainging, u-h i om oâd Uptê-lattuway dsifflubeter pa~ssd< a t>i thé clééter of pinsta aidtir mplméat '*ý îfthekeno f E"kMo-fryw* bacoS. "Kep it Up, S-Ness , baârboe*atJoo," £SiM>1i.StY, Wh%> wuE.f<XI4 Q tIm a1é,tr ,iewbt-dW imuk E nai gng. upm listenin'. htdis autt, m" U - Oh, S1a"'t ne blase. priuner don- thet a jo wm n," crieci Jo., "but to-k. it rom me, - s<eaw 'I t,i tc.a- hie4<-i' et, Lebg t LÇMIte "ffl e, w1'a in' W % u iu MS!lprPëxiy ' thl' .boonier Nip an' 'h>ck, orw qK fýc i te'Can e h drov-e )ur eatau'Adr-o-. iê dmlutere'- w*ae a'didnt have ne lUck. J%_ Uî topiis wicktd squicl 1 la' t*e id-'un by th i uels,. "l ~w. kuked-'un l u y lb>. an' rn'un te ,' tuek. yuwiytfruti 87 o -i Ilhot M-y hérIýÈeo' tir'- dj Wimmdau urctry e ippt-wbm he* E- "j leSt hie bboomin' lmskl" ~bw1y .~p~ze&wiha-qaxnof smérneblase' eod.4imulero- chran- fraffeat odes, of-coDe. came nUV A iv. ad- erts.pn intU>-,*-sluerL--eea,d Mo har I ir wn and, w-lsklnig a dear ohi}tîly MMr in, eh the i-r lés ~ q Of tire water tmd t tiebos f .1 dn," ý inemrked t ~~ ~ W"* '- e sh dn~L' ~~ trhvd : clip-e g éi04to.1cdi!1 -sa steel el -a mont glo4- 0> tic, occasion, Il-rom ilester iç rernrk an- emun' on a te>s jhad ummel- (Tô e Clq ýqiîrxviOn,. 0w-hua a sesoke ï1» tira eeettLuaviia boy,' [Jty -*mer Ih. lfV ,i e- b k Couting beads on Bk i: Street: On aLk on>'R rt sumÙ 'day tluJItne aud -klng a-à cen- Uid thence down a~1a teihc. sus of th% ginsby ~rani -lnto 't" é McI a } iver, tnt COVV"at .hardly meassurible .by tli . a l poiïhi&(ely 'twe -moathe te livellest trnagmtion. oplttl wr~in tirhe tey amnerat mUlloas lait loti Winnhj>eg. y'~ar tve1ved 1 emi sb ,'"'thre Commauder's bYeên and Inc1uçritoe t ao z-1re otcommenta, 'this outtîr«ak-ýt tretnm.. -Abovnal, though, credit for Igeogr ehicl n. 9t 4glf a beai>g ffling chumtenesmutr« »IY >~ large nre&-ot -very- wild count- 0,1 Sa'tie M=uted PôIIee', lvhose e ae->,a Vice~~~~~~~ luie eena j wholevolume Zbf 'tragedies and vhie tu-ut denta o adi j>rtàïoobrert> ndto edr An O~*eUh ilil ô%,,ld otire anCe Ë" rbe -1>Sd etweent-th* teW Of ~~ le iin t~ es&aig~ penned ySrg;f .Sulwo lconoWumd In tue aunal repo± ! th .iytQO'Laêb the Royal Osadian Mounted Plle j1. "From Islaud, Lake te .Norwey edan*oraeê mbd.weatrher trave- 1921. flore h ewikar ~b *(O th Ofi onnad uMutba >f lue taim tirergor tb eâothate!iadcée ~by ceame aprxat 1*11 ~ 770h*ls-ý4d rik6kfft téWM'terway«w Attr declblm irs i o~ forthé eoountry, b ügaýU rock afd 'ni* ti& s ettiement whilicentres 1Û. Nor- k'- ~y4Iuee tie Clwflfldr 8YS~ Amd tisw a ettie onget jour- nTbe 'Other týw -'meun9!rqet thre uey undertilkeu by the- red -In Pa.rty w-ii hire a £àzoe -.i da.- god .tiim ceausweýrk.. Up -4e trtebleak nât1ve -lm iglde '*ïï dntrpr"~r-to >roN and gȔlstn zi, bor -thée rc cèté f roirN&i1 ~tô CréÀsu1they wçqtý'a&nad e an sr ý-e o Lahéo,ta.klng -inthat are& inorth f th &tir * ~ eaI1.-At-4h.- ýt.. Wh*akey Jack 'peefte#'t6- tplweztoR*bn~ ~p.e~~u~ 1aàk4l: *bln l<udeethe Crces Lade offéréd b11a-eek~s u odte#î, azs*then j*oeefflupmh mmý K' wwe rI ~yt > ap#tkthto mkTtiter tco 'o ~l(3ie namgnt êvr Is Dot Inarked on tire map. but uTh«, 'I so ! th Royal Cana.; ca e nVwïtet1 with c, AMU Yt,4ls 1Utr~Ia&WÙ the Woif dlséder7 Ihe reDott r'*a4etly' and- i;Ler to Oôwds Lake, aad frorn God"s jbtléfly adds. - --Te * ino U TeSkema b Ptée F 811k: ta of ettire aoÃ"et !oebulCS7 FIL. kÉonlt- dscoer', avng alon An iuluresUt eatry - s told 'of tire -»Iade e !log ns 6b-d ,000 yeêars, ho. spider-s w)lhIOir w-ein the-e 00w-er of ,* -5h- game ,about In ibis .vay.- Tirre tiré pitoier planit -o!,,Indin sund Ans- bàPeene- te -wat hWît-.,tlmî-aa 70115< traie. This fia-w-Or19e an inseet trap,; ChmesEmrat S-tuC1 yname. 1Arcli idts ~e e t., -43b bri 11liantly.J ~o- sa--aly-ooreea-yeaas -e ag-cior-ed and- sw-eet ~.1.hs>.Lwr - Dhdaise st watehfu a aikriidcwn tire -w-e-Us ae-,ww~ and-. se . shznm fibre on,- nome-,muitbemr- aunàoth t î~5 nseet b-ùnahld t le-,ew. ThW,élWgtthered, and 'ul>e uo 'ht.Tire lbe4~m cf thé plttde mW'tiie iadie o! tue Court used tt for Isléi taiqutd ,C-ontàlnli*Eaérr- e At t»ti ÉHÇptfà-tsa iset;j iÈ orgele >tattef. - e but -cMd, a day itle Emprtees Pi.- -'The, luckleeiodéwhd e no ed>ted irise wtth azgarment nmade cii- i t qulOare tiétyas'bt~ tfrae- fa si-< . [t ad sn&chb a -wondet- tiepa. Bu -i-mtinet fu éee tra ta t~erCeut01 da crelùlly avoli ae~ht -ar- t-tsakse wlsho-O for robea cf Aitiri o-,r -,'i , _&n -z" si 1, n*m-" .44A JilI to SQë thW Garden phu ait enepiml Output. Tire-stcetàtài of tireiu'om lmuutide i. ta'> ud ta GeerSpqu- larÉely with tthe -volumee ortire. iedli o!, !oreilgao-capltati OaIICO -ew-4m--, Foir Yoam Canada. hm -Iiad abrealthry immigration., Fethé àâmme long-'edý o! rnebe agrLcutsrai production- lia& incieaaed bleês nillichus. bas beemie yearly more -and flire im- portant -lt-'-tire Domdfiions ntil- Uife, ami t tie pW-osent ne-:Canda, JÉto fatre«Ieilnï à state vireea Sfir-WllI 1>. !ý a 'piÃ"Be moniàU!actnré p-tac- ticalyl- eretr ee* beg "mueourers are coming, ini an erer- increasng eitent, to réalize tire wwi- doà*ot M 11 -fiixtýetrIn t an a -Aan the. ésa!sisxt tnew ;plàht Thé bltory o!infusry luC"da, l-on -of P-rogres C>onttemtly Matn-ý tàtèdY in 1810, -w-len tire int-Indus- tM eesî -wau taken, ttare w-a t a the Das Iti:exmoas-at - tire8- ta ndsty.A total of 187,942 cm-ý, p4oyDOe~'ere po $4 -,8SlbO9atea é- eéut4 t~ aprd~tixrl* tirtya thousand pcr -cent. anti tire APoaua Pro- duction by riea rly Meuirnrdper- cent.- Investe-d Gaoital lncre.,.. -114%,- Ten years' Inter tire vaie-ô! lxweGt- ed capital liedrimta 64I,2 and productioa to $t9I¶8 -ina 1»80 tirer. were -49-j72-Èid or; e-. tsâvl Aiuàh-ila M CaààwLk. -Ton'Y"er later, linî-d;1t1r rý ê e76,8 t Cepital in'veated Wàâ * $353,2î13,(î an tire axinual .value.o! produoétion $469-e'- 8«1,886. Tire.lces -eiz u tits decade amiounited te 114 per, cent. aüd -P~t~5~ecent..' A new sýem o! taklpg ýÀ tatcs, -vs dotd tn tire'nexet dèade, onay. ,*esew1thtIatu ar eor over bin 7ote,ý -1 hgoca - aMnl>were- gave toucebu n te. l ovel * i -of biiiiiant cer te tire ricligro1 fM UM a Qf ire vegetablo *garden. ',Oxulet variatlius-+'i e ommuiiity. ' grden club .iws efply ta' 1>0(8types qI ogid.There nin tagreed t. isurldri b. udued just meet- eei -whék 4ii* *thresuniner Jot4 niouia.preaee.s or miarmala m~nen rIrd bM a ared witli Ssjas a nd Cuirrt jelly fi h ltvatorseWredd ied GOo for the grwing vegè& .îfd, ýtIie ,,--jChffese omkw2-S> mlen served ,m-i i rItù< atered eb eese on the omelet ,< vega4eWbks,4»a tdctk cure ef the OYtter -onielet-Fold flowem p Iar.c1doyftye Ag tire vegetab1>s rwee tbùwrounid 1te >ieet wit} mremiersof t ninelul p~ auée,z if dàired. tuàem -up for: U:Sr~iugn ~a Wmnge-Végetabe oielet- eaaiitý <>fft mt ~t ériP8%scà fOvt-five quarts of veg0(ables. and or ot81er vegettres, x sou tùixtumies ere put away for the Creanied pes, celery-o- 001 riuoluches. 2iedC~I e ro*id a M*It Complexion Turou1>Ies. piec"e of bacon, enokea COmWPlxiDn trouble. aeern te be l e u mabe"-ýut eudlë uarlety, fjrkIes, perhaiet, ho- O~~ ('- of csee, thre -moot comxzi&.. Very femea juice w-ire mai 1t±I~ts n w cnerning tC.u-Ign~'j ffccesave tirait..tey are cau~ l~ d~ôit Mpigmenit:(colQr) and a r sp.nhe cmeW iet d4ficult e rnee.Vor«zO*us rae à are re 'peer. r as a 're ray fM beuefit for tejr uxiti tiey bqljrim freeldes <d, thini i<rk!d <u 01.ua eato expoure te u ar wmkA permOf- the wuýter hem - troubled w-ith freekite.nigbttry 14 ctp etof n juie, qui prti; r btht]» fa'e olyelet befere tolddng. ffl1 another r tWdyoIls for oual. eak*. poFwttI, bOser'iivl mo --i od-àt _'e -1pt n oe o li17Ai i e ê~ qîsu wbIte eoueitu~*s1" ~ !e*wiil~ ~ "ottueLord in il I--z. 4->, -aei5 the 4pera «lu tire màbrD" ci 4~W4A hi4u~IiM capî4l*litlob838.3;aité -ta' est, 4;-otr<du thé8.I-* new PU bd r - I Mt19 -e ?~f5/ad 191 ther wés n Iir * app1Ml lyd-tu is t-ehé-te1. :u ire nuxub9r9a! estabitlimeà trétr ç~er~ e>-t-»~~ Al la slove;ehairal- w-e doubt ce m dry. Then ab the t&1cYesý wît>j liogrrssacd amun t- 45,pr et. ii- - WireufHe g4-"s ns tire croe lu-the cptizte fnal 85 per Cent.,. and aa wiet IIaurii » iitiieClahve<isper- ben prodiroion of more tirai>155 -ge--eunt. <..,sué f-eneea weGkthe Te, O oWte tred? f'eh »indefiité tueà. Gare ninai'bè AaeJi Tie11 igrsd etb ek.»ta ée- bri-with nr>utetl goux~ôs-n1owéeonis beseale or Tcliitd age <,encernirg the 4"ounrc Women C&In uy. Ok Tirs reti n"innavermmnor t tan FsrlIàg iréé been na period et Èýgrema,-industril >cnetenwt rcle.at a - devePiipct and t-ie Introduction.o! th6y >eu-e lakety té foib>w ep0r te ~us-au1a cltta y !<6lui rnest both w-id lli and tmW1It g '- hpackage ef "Dienu lûtraizn- thiri nOyautage , lu gnna xour.Ab biii. ct l tjtbns goE lxn, mna~tirhi infli. Somiton~ a wul-afad pstet.. ai" ru 4h mSn eu àiTeor tint he-r-w-c eetbfltxîn tiere.The1920sud1921~ ST875 ~ eil retcte aginatcfreÉesakirte, w&t,, coi be-whn pblae-iwffisrol É ' f11 Sii t~r iks, sw-eater%,cvrns 1 1-irhangrmga, vyhnoe progreEs mniËtîlediiW e Cn -àe. ci-oa »aç ' crett10 *li > ?1 noeLr dyed before. Bny Even a flnaeaeting of 'cream an'I' Dye"-n0othOur klud-tirý Awb*~v~e ~~s-The cultire cf ulkbeca'me aàatOn- wb f111e . n-ear' t -ot rapart f iaorncartrtdgé-net :ta xde u tiy uifo alindut->'frem Uniat -tân.For cen. t W *in 14r - ~n!~ir~1tcirerit la c- -it a'nved:Robert Clive from ,sulclide lii"qe-tdrlee Cbina eariuly rm >eS-vd the4abled tetee'ta irtrêiii cüafet-y' g - - tni- rot-ovrn_ grest wetir e»mlgIt té a' irSen teranilrhm os e-ntc ie .>ueewe rMstrées 'buyin' -up IPénaan sd A.nbhs.- cas o t.d èe.lcscra lc - oite iis- . eiermn -ur tWýor se, an?'Ij- u (ie'yea SB.C.. e- ChineseprialiftbeY aro-kproeetedgii"t-thieee ir; u .fu- le-Iituad a'~w~ahiner aid-,tir.EntcI-Ra ya, tÃŽ~t s-eConcolaled-t tir uiqulO àttir hono -t ir lat T ag=at (ote ase PieAdrian, scr U-w ný as. a --, o-and rmaàin i .eroe tiitsenemyhias b-ut -it go-t lu iis-tirotat iecloc S dois. irserthu ecaek>01 'flyby Manus o a stikencable which -Eurepean polities. Street with tire' n ilugja,,-burt thue Clulni ýprinCs -h?1 ltir ad sunw it feiil - ýFor Caetar ta 1thrn&t !nto b is bcs9uii tilt fi(,eâ alqw4 agir& ventawty ad.% >i-d D)tcl-ijA gort slmxuhl iergdies-Ot aPeed' lottér btin4e-d tWo mus but ouelO -Mire luitO le10114injnrbiua ta tire- s-pldtr it migirt -uv. -enablet i iri> i>avotd - à liead. "Le-t me --ii xrees ire~~. ..,SOlei v~ w u To wrft a iaht s teati o! O~ l&5a-'~. 'nn u gin r 1'o rslér";-u atwo ycuug ~e-so'ar-zpe VTI~1IW-UWE~ U <6W£C'Omen.-no.o! t tir- imotter e forthlae - - - eU- 4sbvè outited l-ber hiuband, t,3 thae 'or Jud Cu njrzaemr ten~4g--$uesin-rs-ie1~c oeti2wru ie b-ad.beqncieh -t. me tir is R1O0î, hali wha( tiltire cuIth b. vot 4ISaL Thé -e"ell4xePIiUtire>' cf8 e F-o-r n famoais lritish irczi merChan sailsakc>r' Neo?. n m>ua fie>-> 'catactiysim? Jtithe e1- rabé ii1f"a t r-tioan- i> ete u ln tic cabiu, ye , wl etdeae'aAmNlt i- atrPl eraeht tr pttwr< a î-to -rti-nteli . tUes ~ ~ p4 di egt'plOunder thre -intens-e ColO? Or w-hi MaY -immedÃŽiat ehy edè-tthe cmi>-! teresti tlnad-ianteo ra' Long Co-clir-! tite b6 a deluge? Some leaidlng tion -o!fue»iî.ah -i'ontt- ctim iý tle-shone-r!s1 coloWts irave-1,it tt tis laaf -a: im.1tte-after (iris dangk- -bas core abouat FrTh41ET35 A. Ediêrtnp-ci ' ,ta' Che.3*À>-p- l.is Jposista be more probabe g- n-iltir t >ie breaklng Upofe! (IaDaDy Iu1ý"'s ig±- eeliie xenetbal cf tbe othe.. . Mnybe-thbe hl&tory o! cf c ies, ~o o1C4wil t tleane ailt tgzve oic> epe rr eod" itif~*) - tthe eaut> W.111reent Itkel! thez. the. accans»4x"'c -h oxi tiAntarette ice -o# begs esttr>Herâ!Ee k7 eM E npr-I!er - 'à >- ar-ft <> kiL >< ,ý"- br êateal ti k trolley lhg >thé ueib o egO1.'%fl aewtý 1"fe-1 9thre prodigiotas UM fuI tir ubzu eu- lthOu afl'nohéirf x**- in-w IL iede 1kmh at 6YSeV-hlate u_,,w-pt-Ï4e-tcejo Tiiat-ju& sire 'Peint -cL , a irirlfe 'a' %Xt.&0»"- 'of - the i rr>n en rw .feIit *Why INet More' Om elets? s treak, ocr ruQn.-Tell yqu To nauy pe.p an nielt j~~ 1whetirer- the materfil you m e=gg couccUtOn 1ti ki b ý tif~ jf l wool or silk, or, j-,hther th~j~u a 13a .i-t f4lre ce h cttoxi or mixed goàd. tahIe1e_ But êeielêts can ho mn a ý isy ,nd -uè~, . n'ýth_ l, - 1 Ail theoTtmmino lies àr ii trev rktim' of? wlikh thé Ms.Nwlie (on her* a apb~e.siilplng-?Iwant two There - e -two types -of orilteB andand i>olit hait Flue - Cap, - - -~-- -

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