Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Nov 1921, p. 2

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Ise %Cof the peoe, ai-Of arene*wed 1 h jleartiest SUPP@it te all iisaffl Ùe Lt risâ n Cu- hebelermnt of agricultm7e and-i, w 0 Uhe opeormitaeSO Our~ ~ornwedr eur position, anmitrnd 1-e duty of thoe.con- Âcepting the uomni n as h d ei<jiee f itLed at a latedate, it willh WoaII b fe p kpokions to offer their SBe- for me-to eall uïen aUpW, 44,~U jj a, their behaU. Acetigte thlere are over i5 O ote a Snddatesand biIp ofrîkef s1.cfllnrding. i wU1 endýeaver to ee' as o W1uii g te the service I pôsibly can. IfI1donOt rai If yen thinktrn thepany'a t aaz DA4E andiY pfOfcelubui e SS Yyeu wi11 loeow tbat tas it biiýf o M 'ex e ie ce i l; e rateen psud te.prU , pos wbh ik m, ce - 11 Yok mfulleut ersnalrecrd la worth'y.of coushi- 1 I b ofy-ýL e %e eVàxea uce and ehorteoniiiig present are worthY ef suppoirt'I àÎ by te te *ODumeti8 en iarge for o vote, aud influence ta eeet pasg<d'inopei CEitiuis21th day -rtt oer < no neeut o ~I~ enl 'a 'u »ffet tieinthar-of N 1,ib1.. co va dýMzere -0wrTore rnto îuadIê« liaiesough to b coleé anient îof Canada, premuuing as I do 1w I. supo a in the pBeit tbat I wWl giw e ny best efforts te pguby >t1er issues. remedy existing conditions n et- ,AAII ÀII init bas been reconsti'ucted, may of store the prosperity and -éontentment Torntoortb BaY OT G BL th* é~nie h e appcnýalp oning h e austed.Çwhsepigiachrc former br AII en t*ihyuaealentited ni- O!8DT re ýfperty ini thteo 1.epl i ng iMade with 4a make this appeal and confldentl 0kthroh Ssleepiing ar bewhfby 16binthparl t Los N ne of 21 inisterS, XrOstly I1OW f orward te victory-tbxough your,£0- wenof -lom JothBya ~~ tswest o! Br4*Stlt 01 1 reedand o! local reputation oeatoîrom now until the end,<>of 14, 1 ano h tht fulO ogêu rinaed 'ith the Lauriear neer th. p ay ~Muicipal Pln e.pt OSMo!ftheun cogthng Canada $9,0 ayathe campa) gxion Poiling dY- ,t- ea oono8.30 -Pmn. dailY e 1 er 27 iu the- flrscoCSOlq 1 4m wniat>rs -coti'ng Only $142,500 ceptSatuday.RetuniugOSVO&ort i~ndwih hecr tatai Lb- YoUrs very trul, Bay 6.10 p.m.,dé4ily .zcept SpndaY. - W o!'bty oeprtea le le à ar fetade r. The Gveu-L. . LIFOR, ,i rs ad reservâist ioClbed 1in an-Iideiiture o oot éWt aartraers.The ondenatOnOshawa, November Sth, 1921. f rom Canadian pacific Ticket Agents. datec We 2D.hDye! Ma()- h,-$BO m»teno ecpee n into! !ent C.W. Dy Tickts te O. B. l thep r faraE. R. Blw, Agentt.P. y.Ticetn the. RegistàV 476c duetemnfox reelts* eand Telegraph, WhitbYr,Ont. -27-for te county e!of tr 0uBck41 y iig'iltheîr eop onents asBy-LAW FIXING MF~S FOR USE - ,,,,n o! Whitby as Number %j7»2, OY, F TOWN BUILDINGS. ESWHTYCUCML 8478. Mithe . braIlPartyr does not stand Floigl rpouto fthe ilr froc trade. A dowùward revlBioi' by-1aw pasaed On Monday eveing y Coucil et aontheluhbasronMin- 1'the tariff jei due ini some Uines, butj the -Town Council, fixing the amounsa.ReePaoelthcai.i- am not in~ favor Of auy changes to be charged for the rentai of theut rasd 9>t: Wlilch w111 affect the induktries O! serai municipal buildings, the Mu- wtiospal; Cfr0 Buress& C.;' t1iTI A south -0 e rpejdc te<Psic Hall, Council Chamber adPie-Hoptl;C!Rugee&G.;I f ili portunities o!f any o! out w(>tkinir ,llî. W. E. N., Sinclair; E. H. LvrY, G mcm -or those engag'ed iu agricuture» Whereas the above mentioued Parts D oat o.J .FrwiI.. Industrial sud sgricultu.ral prosper te municipal buildings are fr£- Iuppector of Prisons and IPublic -Char-______________ ity go hand~ in haud, for ludustrY- qund%-ued opubi etns n ities; J. A. ýMcGibbon; Provincial pends for.. si ccess upon the. prosperity trtinintsète.,andSerty;.J.BcesuIea Ontario. o! Our -fariners. It will be miy aim Whereas it hs desirable that a fixoed Feuce aud Spzing Ce. tsupport ý ouly such measul'ts te- schedul1e o! rates or fees chargeable 1 t.Ellilseconded by Mtfilenh T. IL ou, ti~fsclpolicy o!f èaadtamvdta .G Gbo eii'h t.rSd5Ug ~theany other niatter, as -willi-for the use o! the said halls should smof $1b00,W. G. ibseon, be id ht tollie benefit o! the paople ~ made, aud the manner of theecOl- smo!$00 alne niridbl..T~ uCI suelection o! the caid fees fixed. ln12, n3dconSooin. GiCars"r> -m 604d.. m, a Di- represent.' I reserve te ysl te Therefore the Council o! the Cor-I oe b r F().1 eeue oigWSa-452a=., .4 n, ma E- îgtto ÃŽ -n vteàsmYcnsiece' o! the Town o! WhitbY en- y 1Mr. French, that an order be'drawu (C.N.R.), 10.3am,22 .. 18 lcltnalsu isor aydiet, consulting at poato on the0 Treasurer ln favor o! G.D. Cou- p.m.- (C.N.R.), 8-46pan. rcl>~i al $ies~h wlar o m c1sit.ataTat for the use o! the Town sut for $500, in piQ contt ou at-21 m Cn.R rendel! nents Whet r pngaged lu agriculture Hall or Music Hall, every perbon or Harbor Road. Carried. .1 &m., 01 .m,1.5y.n C ori du ty. I do n is o olo rg nz ti n ben r sde t esewh'ere M r. French, seconded by 1M r. ElIlin.st N.R.), >2Ï37 p.m.. 6i42 p.m ., 9.30 p.'!' or 1y ar 'dito n , buhto at thoan lu the ow engo! Widet sh ay{ioved that this-Council -accept. $1.49 Sn ;s'trins wM leave for Toron; tria en p rt d atigod ut a est e àn t e T ownrer of the ow e!a l t- suad interet from H. C. Knight for - t 412 am , 6.04 4fl . N R) ~a#Itg tobtrt Tte supportotothee o! Ofthe tid es fer 192%. on lot *26, pi" u 172. sud 7.16F2 mToototrn15step ha-vig librty_ o supert il god Meauresby, or t h anager f heÈid ad7.1.ried.O6n>- l _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hall;:ane.a htyJucO t1.2a.( Foron ughtou>'....woo Mr. Ellins, seconded by Mr. Freuch, Nat 8t. nctio t12.1 a.. n,98 For toeic oncuti.e..ghts 4000 moved that E*ower receive $8466 re- NR) .8am,1.4amsd98 For thre cosecutive nights 50..00 bate ou S. gw. No. 2- debeuture taxem For aftenoon........10.00) error lu assessameut. U.ONSAIN For.fteroonsMoved by Dr. Farewell, ý;econdeéd by Going North--8-31 a.m., 6.55 p.m. <O S T R A N YFor Matinee (afteruoon nM.,Fech ht luReean on South-8.0 m,15 -- ie SA UO L ,connection with nighit per- Mr ench, thv bat the Rteevesu Gmg.0 am. 150p.. !ormnanee) ...... .. ....00 wDeputh eeve e aomittee ite work CIP I BER il tii auâd i2th. 2. That for the use o! the Town ohnh inmteeapiue y h ~ *R .aPresbyterian Churcli to take actioi Going West-6.17 a.m., *8.50 a.m., Hali or Music Hall every person or beautifying the grounds surrouudiug 51 .,,.7 organization being bona-fide reeldent, the Churcli and Town Hall luthe510pm8.7 ~eef, per lb.15C in th-, Town of Whitby, shaîl pay to lVlaeo oubs ridn Going East-9.51 a.m., *2.08 p.m., fprl.Icthe Treasurer o! the Town of. Whit *.4p.. 1.4p b18rtCh Mngro hesi al Mr. Ellins, seconded by Mr. French, *.4pm,1.4pm 18epe F yor tonte ng of te sidhllnovýed that W.- Squelch be paid $1.50 Do net run Sunday. Others ane 1sc or ne nghtonly wîterbonus on 10 rods wire fence. Car. daily, 22c rate ...........$15.00 Moved by Mr. Ellins, seconded by M.~.~E se~~~~it*'* Cokngfr e rt........1.0 Dr. Farewe'l, that the following ac- 25c o any extra nighits, the saine 'rates counts be paid:FrWe-A 7am,120pn. dhah-be pad. Rads and Bridges-W. G. Lindsay'7.45 p-mi,8.25 p-m. the use o!the Town1$12.50; Wm. Hoag, $20; H. llutchings, Fer .North-7 a.m. 3. That for$9.25, jas.gS th, $8.00; Harry Hun- Fer Eaget--7.3 am,8.5 an Hall1 or Music Hall for practice prev-' ltkin, §16.24 averty, $1825; For Port Whitby-,0an..74 DI Patc hi b loe r ous. to entéttainmnits, etc.: Donald Gordon, e15.75; Oliver Edgir, p.M. o'cc p.m. to 12 o'lockate foi- 7$7.00; H. Crossman, $6.20; J. Green- . Fer O.hWaii-1.45 pan. Oyloiugfe..t 2o ok ttefltree, $4.50; Goyne Bros., $45.00; Juo. ~ DSRBTD With het....... ...... . s$.0( Saimers, $7.50; Chas. Stephenson, h m Bat.-7.80 an. Without heat .... ...... .. 2.00 $15.; Ideal Fence and Spring Co., From Wet-7.30 a.m,. am,8 - - - 3.(a) For il meetigs o!-pubic$9-0108.51-m ()FrTeas, Bazaars, etc., held her two sous visited at the home o a n d in the Couil Chamber the fée shahl her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. Gal- lei hmt- nvar laUV JLU.%ipAV w à> lr-in- 1W À E WLC RE,- Vuloauizing will save the. life o! your tires and ii wil keep your purse from ruuuing e ut of Cash. Our vuloaniziug- methode are .fitted for the best work sud that's the kind of* irpairing we do. Briug iu your rubbqr boots and water-bottleB. S8ATISFACTION ÇIJARANTEEDe 'I Mfternoons or eveninge ... $3.00 Mfteruoou sud eveuing .... 5.00 (d) For practice, etce., previeus te entedtalumeute, the fee for the Coun- cil Chamber shah be: rAfternoons ........ ......$1.00 rNights ...... .......2.00 6. That when the Fiie Hall h avail- able aud la- used for meetings or for practice the fee shail be: For a!teruoona ...... .... $1.00 For nights....... ....... 1.00 7. That persons, theatrical compan- les or other organizations'usiug the Town Hall or Council Chamber muat remove ail tables, trunks or ether 1 equipment noV later than 10 o'clock o! the forenoon following the day up- ou which their engagement o! the said hall or halls terminabes. Inu-the event o! falure o! any o! the parties te, so remove their equipmeut b>' the time specified, then the caretaker o! the Municipal Build- m igs shahl remove the same, sud au extra !ee o! $2.00, lu addition to the regular rentai shalho paid b>' the- 1persou or persons who have failed se Vo ru-move their equipment. &- That su>' person or persona who may desire Vo use tewn tables sud trésies, for banquets, bazaas, etc., lu the town buildings shaîl b. allowed the usé o! these without extra charge, -but the tables must be erected sud remnoved at the expense o! the said- person or persona. 9. Local organizations handllng outside entertaiuments on a percent- age- orother basie* shail psy for the use o! the hall or halls, the. rates nazmdil clause 1 o! this by-law. 10.ý That the Clerk sud 'T-rasrer of the Town'o! Whitby shall have charge o! the-booking o! the several halls. -11 11. That'all feesfor rentais for any ansd all of the Halls mentioued lu Vina by-law shail ho. payable lu acrvance as follows: tna iaib (a) One-hal! -o! the rna âlb -paid te the Clerk sud; Treaourer, at the time o! booking dates& (b) The. second bal! of the renta shaîl be paid te the Clerk aud Treas. urer, or te the Manager of the Hall leferetue parties refponslble for the payet are permitted the use o! aaid 12. m Tat wheni a date is bocked foi the use o!, any o! the. Halle owned by tin MunicipaMlit>', and the dpposit el one-haif oftme rentai. paid, thedate shail net ho cancelled or changed, ex. cept with the. cousent o! thé-êClerk and tTrcasuxer of the, Towu e- IWkltby oz Miss Madelîne Bird la visiting her sister, Mrs. D. Isaac, iu Toronto. Miss Elsie Atkiuaou, o! Toronto, spent Thanksgiving lu Port, at the Miss Muriei Halle, o! Hamilton, and Mr. Ernest Goldriug, o! Dundas,- spent the holiday wlth Mr. Rich. Gold- Mr. John Sheridan was -taken te Oshawa Hospital last Friday eVeniug to undergo an operation for appendi- elis. He la reported to be doing nice- lMisses Ethel and Marjory Goldring andý' Mr. Albert Goîdrixi g, -speut the holiday at the home o! Mr. Frank Mrs.Morano! Torouto, and Ray- mioud Boylam, her little graudàon, visited at the-home Mr. Mr. J. Proud- foot. Miss Edth Ashby spent the holiday in, Kingston. f Dr. Walter Woodhouse,. o! Erie, Pa., sud Mr. Robert Woodhouse, o! Niagara Falls, Ont., speut Thanksglv- iug with relatives here. Mr. aud Mrs. John Draper, o! Pick- eriug, aud Mr. sud Mrs. Robert Ir- win, of Toronto, ývisibed at the home o! Mr. Wmn. Âshby. Mr. Albert Geldring,,assisted Rev. J. H. Pogson with hie Thanksgiving services by a splendid sermon ou "National Thanlcsgiving," on Sunday. Mr. Goldring, who is a Wil-knôwn Port Whitby boy, lu studying for the. miuistry at Wyclffle College, Toronto. Mr. sudrar. Davies and Miss Ru- da Davies, o! Toronto, spent the iholi- day with Miss Faimie Jackson. CANÂDL4N PACIPIC 'RAILWAY Cana&i" Paciik "Vau#couver Express"- Winnipegý.-Caa17-VnCouver Passeues.for Wéstei; Canada wilJ fldt "Vancouver IExpress" leaving Toronto 10.00 «p.mi, dmlffy,a Most ceuvenient train,- stoppiug 8V sud coneIgfor ail principa ~points. Equipment consisteo!f irat Clas 1coaches, up-te-ate Standard suid Tourist, SleMpes, Compartment Ob.- 1servation, Dinîng sud Coloniat C8rS The most beautiful, scener>' in Car- Sada is alo-ng the lune cf týe Canadian rPacifie, f For tickets, reservatio'nsa4sd fouf information apply te -anY 'C'ý1 Pacifie Ticket Agenty Ã"T B. f. I w 1 Town Agent., C. P. Ry, an& TÃŽ.eglrsph rWhltbye ont. -27 -23 kHw ýPrise on 490 Clwevrolet, IN EFFEOT FRON SEPT. Sth, 1921 490 -Tourlngg 490. Speclal, 490 Coulpet $ 810.00 -920.00 l1330@00 40Sedan,1300 490 Model G Truck Chassis, 1155.00 490 Model G Truck Chassis and Ca>, 1250.00. 490 Model G Truck Chassis, complete, 1330.00 66 wlth oenopy lop, -c.ompe1350*00 central Motor Sales Agmnoy . W. DUDLEY IwfMo IAViOSON M BRAND-NEW AlL WOOi ARMýY BIANKEIS Treble the *warmith and wear of an ordiarybaken at haif the cost. Weigh over-4 lbs. each. $2#90 each or $5e60 pir. $3.50 eacl or $6.501 pr. Khaki Shirts 82.00 to $2.75. Ail Wool Underwear $.LOO per garment. QCreat Coats $10.50. Fatigue Breeches $..0 >tî,43.00.ipî. k 30e-pair. Shieets,- 3 yds. by. 2 yards~ $2.50'e&ch. lýeBeelSpreads $ .50 e-ach. Plitties, Haver 8, Medal Ribbons and Brooches, etc. GENIJINE ARNIV GOODS& F. E, DURIEQI 21 Prince St., "OsBHAlWRlA, ONT. inen Cada Ias& from ail the people of Canada an carnage rariar ef aie real issue kfiw. Cau.4 t..day. lau «I sk romaltahepeole ognada aMonsldagwgjo f wmiu, e doaq r4 as au a am concerned Myseif, 1 ash noqavrs &WbIut ue»-AETHlUR aH W OMEN 0F CANADA, the oa.Mg Gernuml eclarnviiib.-oe fthe Mas momeutous lu Cauadlm htarYMil AU.W 1949hSrn mksYOU ID gin "ls mm fair, unbiassed consldeoî Women and men ahike ar e ld up te <de vbstir politalldouffdl oconomie stability la to e h .lc d oam Vaepoliticai aMd "mdutla-ohmosMd possible economie baukmuptcy. The. facts are clear, .sud ever>' Canadian oenan viii doe hor ovrithinin.ohé i not b. misled by -others. She viiinet bli"Iy 10%lW faýMil>politicai precedegt -eIli. vii she be carrled'away by-the fais thoxha or ompty "Ism-"-o! theorista sud «W trémis. Ever>' womau vihiarrive at a por»arnaldcison by theaplcto practical comMon sense. The great issue is the Tari!! and hm a e ersbMy the. *wu The. present Csuadlau Tari!!, se far as taffecta thse u.re- !-Il-, - a-er- moerate mre. It a inmpi>' a tari!! malntaiued te keep Canadian factories lu 'Canada, impieying obadlJy Jncrelng volume of; Canadisu labor, sud developing C4nadien "Moura&L Veae MnefhfS frthé.coutluuanc. et a reasouabie'tarMf. It je novM il moa 1=ýtiVe tiiau lntibt past. Ahi other 1mportant countries are retainlng ocSheaug th&u tarMInl order that theynimay hoid their home marketa for their ov on pio- VUdor Cre rseFmTrade policy.,Cana&a vouid b. awampod wlth aexiodq rnapmfly ýfiom tii, Unted States, Canadlau. industry vould .b. rulned, theuaandm omm ansd womeu wouid be Out O! work WUthal the-hutdsbpis.te thçm.sive Md -their cidren that muât resuit.- The faiuws% great home Market, would b. mfloual - affe t as wouid ho Increased, sud Omudan. workhig mm i ouidban e ot the' Unh" dStates jfo- mploymneut. Whlh.!!g% Tari« poUis lewobbly It lvetheiess9 tezds tovad t d», iIm Ise T&M m d,.j wj>nJg brlpg wlth- iV pracalay tesaU wsle ~~p~' ~oU>' EERYBDy EOw. t in tbe «*l>'mus uIià oeffdtW smi>bhoe t. an sd emploMént given te i amtý as, eoflspoji Ib ftozsg ilea plais tatment of bkai coneluakmess fmI"at Là=urthe fà" méth* . M mato v r fully "Ndhout Laver but with fafga. àg m e . duulI Ulmstnd b>' 1V unm.Irnd ud mm.bte nIV calMA a e.s-YoùU Vote;*nd NOVEI Chuok Roast of E Rib toast of, Beel ttound Steak Sirloin Steak Sllét for Christmi Freéýsh Home Ma( PRIUCLE'S No natteri jus t corne 1in 1a the rest-. wNITIRV *,RloS MULL. LUIBI -We Have In Stock- WOOD, ROUGU AND DRESSED LUMBER, FLOORINO, V JOINED SIIIPL&P, SHINGLES, LATII, ETC. GET OUR PRICES., Whifb Lumbr and Wood Yr 91 Z-- Phone- Il 20 %mmý.

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