lSdIeringtheme.tea as ýýbahd, e;d viii ord«r Red, Rom am uilb leew Kept God bythe Sealed Package, ffle1 lemo Il ïsby -neé ina ;aù e«a afli l ,ade. Raiwayanud bus peoplevant ai ne'w penny wiie vil be -Worth ersethat towfl 4hérby seee a4ddltonal revenue *itheut ina*aéeing peny are. f lth.peyla d.evea ed Il viii upuoetirarngm ts for the>' Winl lse money unions tiiy inuease tares, sud the>' cen iadly put on a tartilng, aud su extra baif- penny woud placemuck of their traf. fIe lu peril. Au is known, the. Dominions Royal Commission advocales a uniforni cur- rency and coinage -in the. Empire, baued on lhe deeimal syslem. ThU gen- THE CRJISWRS BEA reijaain the. essential untasd divided COMM NIC TIO - mb a tiiousad parte, or mils;. This e.Wvuwa. overnment Surreyoes EncouaiteT 5 vuld ashow lhe present ailf-sore- IJLIUIG A 1'A K l 1~iieFufl-Grown Bruin. reign, Ilorin, shillng, sud sixpenc. ta K U GInTeLog of aTimber Cuse<emOppu te efl money wculd -Mr. W. . Lawson gives a striking i-have tO be altered. flore comes the1 AN INCIDENT 0F THE BATTLE lustration of the dangers that the. Point. The. penny muet etiier*ho a' hardy governînent surreors nol la- f9ur-mil piece, wbich is 96d., or a five- 0F THE SOMM IrE. frequently facé. The crew vas ram- mil pieco, wiih is 1.2d. -ning the lino dowu s nsrrow ravine 1h la a nice problom for financial 110 Micalulaio outhePar iat one side of the forent boundary. It exPOJIS. As a mather of tact, net j Row iscacultionon he Prtof was labo afternoon, says Mr. Lawson "vi-y long ago the Britlis Goverument' Range Finders IMeaut IÂ>es te -neqtrly -time ho kuoci off work. Con- vaSs sensly tiiiulng of minting way walkcd fifty yards or more lu ad- three-ialfpenny piecos A.ltackiug Troops. Vance etftiie others. Wetherby, at Communication during an attack i3, the moment, was helping Wallace withh IE M TS U maintained by signal flares, runners,i the plane table. R -U A II U E aviators and the telephone, says Cap-' At a sudden, unusual sound lu tbel lu the days of eut (altersansd grand-, tain David Fallon, M.C. E7ach officer buht alseIrodate hemiinwas tiieught te be before he goes into action is provided aside te investigate. The iiext lu-,te unavoldable penalty of middle 1f. with a Very pistol and colored lights. stant ho came back ah fu spood, wtlan sd otd age. Almoet every elderi>' [f ~ ~~~ 'h ýis cye poppiug and ils legs working porionha euatm, svels Ifthe attack is successful and anue- 1wildiy. Ton yards beiiud hlm, snarl- . young zeumi IluliaIsences trance has been made into toei>s ngadgtn th rui, umete dinet undg eopîndle.e hrlcendce lng tronches the officer in charge of iand î-gn inteuan berTe :ddnet n ta k the rotodlu -ite that particular sector will firo twoa ulgoncnao er Th;otkwtà Rw roedIte green lights in quick succession. This beast vas lu a îewering rage, caused 'blood. 1h vas thtiogitbat rieuzuatisî signl, een y te arillry oor1 by a Èteol trap and- olgitfooet fboa'>'t as the. mere offet of expSure to sigalsee bytheartlley oser- 1Chain that trailed f rom his priae*nedj landmpaditw trte ing officer, aels di that oh asck hind foot. Had it net beon for liais! iti liniments aud .hot applications,. has been successful adta ehn drag ho veuld deubtiess have caught; which sometimes gave temperaLry M-e now to 1f t his barrage fire ahead of Wallace befor'_ ho had ton twetlY!11H«. but dli! net cure the. trouble, lu the advancing troopesand 50 cut offi feet. As it waWlaerabdaree<ly ir eetosnac awyreiferemohawhih te Bcheaktree, a few staides ahead of the; nheuruatic crippleis. Now, medical *commander might contemplate mod-'g 1 igu-The gunners then raine te ocar sud "shinned" up- -tho truuk. science Underetandea tI heumhlam snghtuap. me the frdsandcon WMen Wetherby saw Wallace with; ita diseae eortthebloci!, sud tbat 'with sigtsae hu i nteoh rd aden o- Ithe bear in hiifwake ho st once follow- gooti, ril. ted hJood an>' men or sert hi ft Le Boche te a natural sud compelling impulse vonian of an>' aseeau defy rheu- serve ines.te climb a troc. Conway, warned by nmatIsm. Ih van DIe cured by kilHug hie Signals of Distreà s. Wetherby, alao sought a couvenieuit poison lu the blood which causes IL Should the attack fail, as eften was oak. Thoeesae man>' elderi>' peopje vho the case in the early part of the war, But the infuriated bear bogan te have nover fot a twinge 'et riseuma- wheu, we were outnurnbered in arma, climb after Wallace. Wetherby, lthétilim, sud many wto bave coutquered mnen and guns, the officer in command only cne of the. trio %vho caried a r-e- Ut by slmply .keePlug their bod rich would send up two red lights in quick volver, immediately lefIthec 11mb on andi pure. l'h blooti msktlo, biood succession and try to get in touci which he sat snd called out ho his b.- îeurIcbtn»-quaUUtes of Dr. Willams with the nhserving officer thtough run- leaguered chiot, "Sit tight, Waily! I'l' lPink Pfllsllab.coudng ,eVai>' >ear flots a-nd the signallets opotating the ho over in a minute!" m oeowidely kuown, sud Il, la tbe mqr. elepione. To go gunniug fer su angry bear 1-seueral Use cf thes. pisletiaI ha During the attack on Moquet Farmn with s thirty-eight calibor pistol le a riobbod tteUMm5 'of 0lits htefSo. At in tlAe great Somme bà ttie out aitiI-! risky business:. alc svI sLeS-tag tpo lo.wlit lery was sending over a hurricane ot Conway en4leavotod te tutu Wotheiby ,showu by leoof etappetite, palplhuione, fire and was supposed tô be playiug (rom the attempt. 1<mmii skis snd dlm eyes, psoh.ct yoiu- [ts hymu of hate on the Boche linos. "Go back, Wtherby!" yelied bis su- tal m taiihelufui-hier IItaiet But when we reached thie oppesiug perler, as the axeman approached. diseae by haking Dr. Wîlhlam Plia front- linos we were met with a terrifie Sothmf-mhete.Hugî1>1Z le aeer huad e haillot buliets from machine guns and you sure now If you weuud bln" IP00514ê'4! ou <ive themn a taMr 'ta rifles. -Our barrage- had fî1îled te -1 haven't enougi cartridgsa, toj <bey viii not disappoint Fou- reach tho Boche tronches through wueay'wamila oir yToUcm eau ohthese pilla Itoegb amy faulty observation and we found thieteplied as he tan under the tree sud desaler in medlciné or by mail et 5te Rlune standing-in the tronches ýýwitb took careful sim ah hie beut above. I oute a box orsMx boxes for $240 ta'ou Lheir rifles poinled at us. 1 sont up A miel seunded, snd lio bears The Ur. WilIamB' MeOlU" Co. my twe red ligits, whicb vero lien snapped te cone aide as îf it bcd bOOa B reekyle, Ont. the distress signai, or S.O.S., anmd sent struck siarpi>' vitb a club; ble gi-est back two runuersto tellu the torvard muscles r.laxed sud hi. sud aeramb- «_8HOUTING TELEPROei.' Dbserving oflcer what had happened, lingly <leva vli îe'bisavy' clava ip. ince thie signallers carryiug the tel.- ping long,* et 14ewvW eil.. F r oIaAkaslm à & phonewiros had been killed. A abolithe. re.. e1.'le-I Ett.$mm lad talion among liera.Weebycrdaouxcebt 4NUneuesaful Attack. aberI, valtiug ho put lOve l=--moreme- TlteUnIhed Sitm War D.pasum* Most etý my rubn lu this attack were kiffed or danghruisly wounde, .sad * how I escaped la stlli a marrel te me. Seeig lhe bopeleaues of my pool- tion I gave ordèe for my mon le change direction half loft tand man by man to. Eal bacit into a disused trench not far sway. Of the. ixty men I hsd takan juta, tiaI action only two mnd mysoif os- caped unscathod. Eight had sligiil bullet wouuds, fourteen were danger- busly wounded sud lthe remaînder wrie either killed outrlght or taken priaoners. At nighl. lime ttrose liaf tovld b. moved wero sent back te tiie Seld dressing sation. Witii a couple of mon who had .scaped hurt 1 crawled over the batlfleld aud tan- dered first aid le tics. uoedlug as- sistance sud removed the Identifica- lion discoansd lettors (rom those who had paid the. great price for -hie cause. -Scientiats havecocunted 276 spoken languages and dialects lu Africa ut a cost cif- mad acanada. PECULIÂR IDEA$ OF BBAUTT. ainasnirzig how Wmas- rý«t vary vrith latitude and longitude, >lI iJapan, the pwoes8iOnl beaut>' loves Ito apposa' vill golden tee*inl India« aie prefer tbem atainod red, but A certain perla of Sumatra no lady who reaectd ~ersIfwoad condesceà 1 to have'simy fr-ont ltt at mil. They ane rmovod lbe moment they ippeur, and strictly suppresed if tii> hey l try agatu. ln Perata, anytiing but sa a in ~nose ia "off." Even qut. a dcu anub-nose la out of 1t.But îlu Ugaa a lady is ciiiefly sought on aecouût 0f her ludia-rabber nome.IluJ4pau il muasto tlb tltd, iaà e a hea.veuly direction, and in uBritalu any sort of old nose vil pasc so log s iif la not everastlngiy pokring ftI.)! o people's b loto In eaeru countries re d bair and Wartsa Me iu the sasme cat.gory; but comlngvest as far as Constantinople, wbcre rad hairà » verY uneommoei vs ftnd Il juil as greatly&adm, and bepna used to mabke it red if 1e im%'. In Engls n Tlian yod," as Il la call-i 1 d, in greatly admîr.d nov,. and su>'i wman noveliat vii.vabta t.bel among the.«btggost seleri" must give beor hoie Titian yod bai. 1 Yet lu Africa a creofpe i.biskest, urlest, closeat al'imaginable nakw a girl the. bel.e of the.%rsal, epeeWsi tbiek Ipea nlie Mlie an ludis-rubber ome, snd a "klnthat auinesUkea - 1R0W TIIEY IG TRENCRES meDl etr Intb 'future. OUaM Afri.. bad plaYed a, very geat-part aicte i.-er began. IL vws c urli tiiat~ lhe country Germany flrstboped vouli breakaayroM lthe Ep Iturned. ont ta beê on. o!the-gritea ing tii. vur. (Âpplsuse.) ZWoeu*W"ls~aove? sud stodc la belng talan&itie question in qsk- edj Who kuecked tha largest numbei' of -ernm of lie.BrIllai.EmpireY- (loid Iaukhter-l mm yeu anticipât& the, anuer; modesty forbids lme te continue. That lan net ho viol.e o the. miracle. The beal cd It ja Ibis tr6menduely important work bas; been doue b>' mon who fought ,Great Britaira seventeen yoars&go te tthe lest dltcb. Tenu of theusauds of my ovu stalvarts of Veldtmtiv4 iubom I loved tte bottom cf my acul, cemrades of old times, ver. the men wbo -voent witi General Botha sud myself to SoUtbwesl Africa and conquered that country, I tink theiy ver. lthe only people capable of doîng IL. -Tii.> needed no commissariat, no prepar- tip, but vent forwardLta tho utter astoniâhuent of lh. Germans, tbei tat country aud def.ated hlem. tTeus of thousand--of lie s me people, ail atalwart herees cf lth. Vldtwiio flougbtyen ta li. bitter end,.veént villa me taEsat Africa aud conquered that country, except for a smal malarW larea. *Ylf -yentlu dfthe. mgocd miracles, liere the miracle. Lot us gîr. credît whore crodil la due. Tiie moral of Il aui s that the- people Who are Capable of dolng thea. Ihinp ansd of rislnt ho' tiese iiewgts are aisoecapable.0f a- vey gmet future. I1as7 to ry epo- ple 6f Sbefflld: EReop your oye on South Afrlca.Y WITM THE FINGERSI SAYS CORNS LIFT OUJT fWITHOUT ANY PAIN j a. 0- -am corn, bard 4"0=, set t owaow 1o- s'y kmud'of sa omn CMu sortY>'b. llt. ad figil outththie lIger mf ye Wini apgIy on 1the CM, e tffl roôt At Ume ceaI oeau <tm &1 bottie cf fesue at M557 OW 't; whldà m iii aherel"à îld o'lm test-fe- iSteam-Drlvea Dltcilng MackhneWill O7Il- ior ca011i sasoe ie da tmter Be Iatrdue.d.Titis amy Grg l a T'he tronèce onlibaIlle fronts iu poun&i M dr..u. Europe bave been^ duà iis Ibl pldaJde l ut 4"~"'la wi ame Il amid MIuu îav 'ti doubhios ar - ea them. lamer51 Psiaà aCana, illapick *sud m m3eve ener"gyteisbuali.e M.I 0048 »AtiR 81<1W nosed bullestslabothie vouuadsd aimai. m-on M IU 1 UT )mm » q.:m A moment later 1e saw lia the: vere "eWik"t'O, Ii t$W UMM .thWt. .uty tetim faaa net ned.dMmue ist bail, .trlgpIb"l 'f.ier Odbreotametu" 5*01 m.0* Md -meê f« >uaeatf ba)ind lie car, Imd >pen.traled lie "loiii û< dr & #m ccoaing cf muscle lier., buiokenam* Plil Ãf t ourne, le "aways What ,I01or- voeabt bean thi-ougi lb.eakilsud plereed lie drel 1, abln ~aa wal ina ulS t.rumS Moa unle] braîn. Th vas a perfect. miel. «edWugrIi> »Mm is SvIs toI.subor- bw&qà *a; to vUtmlth* lie am "tGeod asbootlg, old boyl" crledCdisate 0kMafr, repettM st. ,tbe btun alMlteroosa., lie &wmu va>', as b. alapped tlii.. <d- muaenÃÃŽacdesaJ t. it ùr »qa-tl li d4d«u.t" t 2* eues Ji markaman on lie baci.ddn gbtstuuke.s, e.u m4otae a<i akwmialea&ci&, tbisiet.tuouats Waliace's vay vas differnt* wvlah-sUtt hie *ieutInc lalpies. *ows .onl4 be. 7mumwu «d~m<* w silence more eloquent titan a&tMe t st 50011115 10am11781 155117 ti".w0 t itrarola "aela cf liais, i.h grapelW elberbye ho b. Jauni ultiiout bOld4 anoulsor lie J"lese t" tisai Ismos a baud sud vramng Il ferventiy. te.té, ers. UCmt..hedt b. recauser îbot".eoaaa bcxt tht.. emi - ls ra ufpbm .bero4s&Mthe pokau of onbard_ wie, lies*011. e * WAR AN GARDES. vosdm, lasaag trou the latw on- 7« bave ta viob 414 W lt aL WAR AND GAIRDICNaa *a distanceofttwa.ty am - «ob m pl*w a à b Hortieultural'Ps-ela Net -Mvsays nletl. ifaW 0*4sU.'3.ur l.dIcativf et Peser -a" Quiet. - W laei*areevsaml ora t atres* muL00s »Ip1 The. Bible tella et, liat - , » lm' Jginea buttesy, the ubjeinha itu ïýtAa *11I i trouble of lie vorlilmias baleWal laa '< 135113< te UII ithee -s-ai .rumb 53Pm gardon, sud crtrn7mt «Wtes onej e ut belr gons(f«t raigs >WIn eppflM dall t. 00 var-tuîse satroms tie a-smi o.514OISI[S Iy %frouathe. bat- atr 8",isAIs é s fui retrat. in Engluaih* r ie < ' does 4 r. MotbM *Mb*ÃŽ Meuh famuas gunde n,"ailiiiesam-l 5<5l131mc saaj.~a0~ lion je tb. Temple G&y$enbg»mvut ", M t upliY1 i5 Fieet Shtree ad 'lia Thmam T 1¶ses-.* UVot»I rVSU5dthe ISISw7 W* t#omlot codu lie As-h t t fite faasous Wmn of m p ..-,. thae R« osas loc aism .. sud hacludol Ivolelvepita8 Tekus vas bêtweea ticrival bouses et et 1% ama Lôaumate.. O-« aa. dq jtbe plecal avol ema 4 .fer e~i tala moper a "s ê V4 lseof 11w ohealeda fse..1j W0em tb* xymw a tfbo-Uoe"i. eueIr yi -~ e Iw b1 o rm o e u e r om M s mo-,- lu ~Sumo Better b. o t ame a" i4ac yvour order nustead of rlalng dlsppintamt Oristhe mrI us.Wrîte -fur !ie. looklèt tv. lus p rtloaN ima prflucet dur } "ehmplon agoeater s"d aILUu: oat uemwv tasf«wblch vo a»e THE-GRIMM MNPO. 04. LIMITED u Welinton t.;Meatregl, Que& muke Your Own Bread Save your Mlony Enjoy good Healil Donte o onorny lis soins to wlu thie sar againat tii. Hun. Banitative homne m*thodqý of 4ood pre- Parution wi11 Win trie war againet dwa ease.1 Victory ln both tnets.nce e tamaeured by "elg the. Breaâ Mixer Fovpr bl ais $2.75 Elght lest 'aise Ti.$3.25 Th C&.nuck" le qulck. eiL en. ecent and economlCai. Buy from your local dealer. or order frimn odirect.ail chartim patd. B. T. WRIGHT CO., LIMITED logarda n an O, THEU1~T~WA Makeaà . P.ý u., 11Une ifor tihe Wahar goum. (The flous. T Torno '.muas, =l loetitae ae. them tiare.- TM wîusoua r' wom. S muejypi dose Dot ~be~ea Goo. wdghbt coep.. 1- wlhioutjeio eLbe Olli 0w. eumnt Il ta a:. oaue or aeu v kçif Yà 2r cQmm à -bilt let-aDon il - I'