Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Nov 1917, p. 3

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queatiofl umfl. Il compI5te! ~IsIl de. Dur- xv.beries 1, rathe!' .the aea- editlg a e ground rer nuich sprillg. Ie parti- arley for uver w-tl 1mow long e ilentl, h a nurse Shtould a Vpife ho t hat silos le f tf t iu tu-ent bar- a barrel of wilter. -approxlir- Mjix this y Of bzLrley rthe hag ihe 1huae- ft tebag aifli back rthe sack ,the barr .jr cr-O us. t Oaýite bmong the E. nthe 11(1 Ille guts tet lover grouflhl is wîjil l;tst ing it \Nith Rlerence as ver plants. f the silo rod. -This ry as that ýide paint- a.hoIe at flom- silo- t . diýaun, cdet be fore -e atir xiI venue and 1'aiî at the V 1ow thi)r- u5atou that à ee in thoe rthrow ofý *2ponsible Ad in the 'this aise r-mon with !41 the ini- 'tîy te sting setting a ine lime I rn when 1 bave ae il a sinal ~,echicks erg them 1 thom te iih iS al- eful about ùbator, as 3s. rs 1 feed DENMARK TO EKXPEL ALL FOREIGN SPIES. A despalci front Copeniagen »a': The. Goverument huasuubmitted a bill te tue Dsniah Parliament authorîslîg lhe expulsion frein Deumurk cf siw Undesirable foreigner, even tics. e- siding iunlthecountry for more tiani twe yeare. The. law mua aamed at upies sud otior objectlonabic persons, but may aiseý b. invoked, fellowiug tihe Norwegian -~GlP OF TRM EMY.;A4ft Ye who laSo'rweteasïatbl fi " Memulag youm dead withbMdeua tari. la BetiIn t ewhist a weillb o! prie Ie vos yeyu fer tb.e oudag Griev onu ti.pu~b.- tLaà te d&y Wmon ailu e oost la itnt q'#,. i Woula it l*b Lstiatys ir eus"MsaY.mea"e "W. leo# »eloe doffais u bu wu1etCoiaul precedent, to rdue alien consumera --, of. DeuMauk's food supplies. I Wh Io nwT Dut d thonahfl It. AS5hYEICPiI5I. I stand isoeieete Àbaby elepisut wheu h. stand.s up! end fo« thé5 iret tiiii# isnse0elufulu anhàaMY lov«rdliiferg hie moeement& liaIt towatcii uis 1 Or, "xy e8.1f Egmt ciro n u tseIf. liscannelsee4«m 0 Io understand "àhatles.M armde for, h. stumbies over thena, steo nlstlhs .Sy 4d *s$ w. uight am -,is trn ,talle 4tffl: Il taksesquit, ltsa-' ftw bous before ho- begina te «» AM u resUs.-ww wP thabit tMukaMadsto Pkk hlatt, hwIit vnY .7006,k ana llttleaseus.,1 ~~~gtow ~ ~ ~ f aah '~-IM bhow',be ï*ï Bat y bs~ r h W ?~8 ~TU5T1N. Cba;rm.a. WrnrnAG.I't4W. n5iÇ37 nave WWstb Bfllul U A eptcifoi ono u88pffebt of Bafarla have imade te a btbfr~lgbg Ma Everywhere îalng 'the battlofroiitfirsg pretentoions fot te tu a~~- ~a~b~ stèr, io from Lake Garda eatward, sud'thence I daéev-,lrgbqÏlia w ithXfif eia 1 - tu frelg- - -out'q', uouthjward along the -Piave River- 1te th .dieto rti si Hid-- 288 .. tii. Adriatie Sea, the Italian~s are hold. mg httu .plie.sholb.roca&> cordingte r -btiotue lng the enemy ýn check, exept in th' tred sd hvetaied , .1. te. h)ly regions in the vicinity of the The. enemy'a attack, made lat. Wed- eior-qtz -aents. InJto a AsaoPaeau, where adîl n's4y attemnoon, agaînst pwosimn on1 . 801.True O~g gains have been made by the invaders. the-. rest of the. rldg. noçth ' e i Ont$"* ot--ltr ao~U¶,>VW4 4 'salal-e in58J0 lu M Mo -The new, advances by thec Teutonea-hme wsEsse li age i eet:;. , ilaaorpop lieg, as observed on the warmaudO, and was a meut determaised att.apt sbipînnt. PO tfrlgba, l is , Unvxq - otra PAot indýcnte that points of extremely i O te re "j gnt01 -thair defeç lled-~m ~ Mns~s grejit strAtegic value have been woI, but 4e assaultig troope were buried 885: aleorta. do. . ~ udMMM~.,e- t - but rather tat the Italians on varn- back again atter la grim struide, 4 ta a& sf8825 ouis sectors have given ground before leaving tii. Brltlsb lin. betore Pasu- nle. o. to $1Ufriek er*ùto. superior numbers and. at the saie cenciaele Intact.tckTou. time haive straightened out sud les-r The greater part. o! tue eney in-- sened the length of their front. fantry was stopped by the tremen- Gem*tlMe-Wous In the hbis north of the Venetilin dous Britishi artillery -barrage,,yvb& Butter--reamerv. soit". per iii. 41 Plains General Diaz, the new coin-: poughed tlrough theïr r4iksaithe 4e;rrupar rlb. 8 e 85; alY pettlu. ie inander-in-chief of the Italians, has began the advanoe; but some Ofî g-F'h aiee g.4 o4 withdrawn his advanced posts south them aseig etn oda1 Ptatoe-Wlnii; bol tarotare pae- la- 1 r and euntr uhlpperu $LIS of Montetomatico. On the Asiago j iplîfingr e y rsin gi flert-ls tock, f.oX. Toronto. Mr Plateau, and thence eastward t aymipsedtruh u;p,~~,rolesla » er s euellngeto b. retail where the battie-front meets the Up- Ideath sud reached. the British front e t te fonolau teg sale; Iinu. per reachesof the Piave River tAxeinc, Ita& te106 * h li 51tote sez $0tiI.E Cerman and Austro-ilungarian forces lute tw 10 choie. 40 tu 41c; are adding strcngth to their attacks, 'KAISER'S-PNEUMATIC TIRES. C1IalfeQ printe,1 46 te 46C; solide. 44 doubtiess hoping te drive through the'- catos.4&te.O: highland country to the plains 0Of Ail Otheu. in Germany Are U.iU NO. I utOrse, 'i te 44c; select utomage, Venetia before the expected arrival of 4-u7itt. rusOputr-ptxehikn.2 British and French reinforcements to28C. fowi. 20 te 22c; eq!àabs. m dos.. becomnes a fact. The Kaiser in lb.' enly pron $ 4 te S4.90; turkevz.. 8 to Ste2c:duks.- i..- Bp~~a r le20te 23C; ee.ute0. tGermany using pnieumatic tires, se, iie poulry-Trksoey.ie; sprIAg cording *te Victor Van der Linde, of c i b. le te Ise: as 17 to lac; dues. prtg.18 te 190; geesed Il te 'ATAGE EXCEEDS the B. F. Goodrich Rubber Company, 14c. 83.60; 12 os.. 83; NO. 2.- 82.40 te M.5 - Europe. No tirtre aeobtanable In 'StraineO-Tînns. 3t; and 6 g, 19 te U5C - A despatch from Ottawa says: The Germmany and Austria. -un Rolland PeO l: iO. 131 teUcmia; 60m. 18 te 1v total wastalrc of infantry in the Can- they cost $350, in Spain $125, ln Rus- hu.nd-pleked. 86.ce te $8.76 per bush; adian Expeditionary Force last menth ia and Italy $100, and iu Eugland sud 1LirnsS1Iper lb. Il te ITIe. Ptte.on track-OntaVI1o. bag.8.0 exceeded the total number of recruits France $90). te $2.16. enlisted by 1,898, according to figureg German scientiste; bave tried te lm- given out by the Mîlitia'Depayttment. provis.' for tue scarcity of rubber'by - The total wagtagc wa8 3,648, beiug cempouudiug what tuey eall syuthetic Sin. o..d eay tu aens. medr. 41 to madeup f 1,17 en ischrge inrubber, said Mr. Van -der Linde. But 43c. relIa. 27 to 28c; breakfaspt bacon. Canada-, 1,565 returned te Canada in this they have been usuccestul. Cured meats-Long. clear bacon. 176 from overseas for discharge, and 1,066 fI'here is-not an ounuce o! crude rubber te 28c lb. elear bellles. 2<1 te 27v.DM..ÇKY casualties overseas. The total number 1,ft Germany, sud therefore it is devold, tub». r lrd27efes 81 te 27jePu. 7 ic on of recruits secured for overseas sr 4ffibre.Tis ytbti rbber bas ý-ound. tierces, it 3 lb.Ilt re. s synce rupluie.22to 21e: ubIn O athe.above picture are shows tue a vice in the Canadian infantry during- cbst about fifteen limes more a pouud e.pl 2te4. has made a caretul study o! tue miif iu Octoher was 1,750. 0f these 1,045j than the vegetable. I Moa4t.e2 a met ductila, Utihutlgni etc rnên were recruited in the. United 1 The situation of béti Germany sud 1 moutre&j. Nov. se aaVndai .B utno lnpg i.car Senites, 693t in- Canada, aud,- thee ý- Austria in regard te tires le deplor- wstri, o.le8ge2, * 1 O.8. st$ 00;<.mtr uCnd.lel oea sc mainig 12 n Engand.,able. Countries bordering ou the f65v. Fiouar--Mdau. Sprlng wl t pktents. - sezber o! the isistitut..÷eaiimp 0Central Empire., with the exeeption rate, 811-40;sendi .1 stol BI ffHAE2 otà.Bran . 5 lot.W. A. Wilsn, ohRgins, udifryc 166,000 PRISON ERS. are i Jiit as bad pligbt. t$42. Mlddllu<U, $48 te 160. MeutIlle, l u Mes csigaar suffd it 1crn 686 te $66. ,ay-N. 2. per ton. car in he rarie provices.. M-Boaebterl BRIISlMHVEe tes ingsare atu var wihthem-m, 113 ter- atr3-60 t roets. ..-.s. sion e tii lty. o! Wsip.g, alid nisusit Adespatch f rom London seys: In 1 Pressed champagne corks, paper, rage! lote 813ite: do..50, Cbe-Fîne.Eu, tsp e--* tdîy of 'siee laoee andsauage mae ! gouu co. ernlemns<Utc o.easru. 21e. Et- ie; tisud !the. mliiprebleî-., B.. the House of Commons recently, dur- n asge aeo ron o% scn&4àte 4'4'c,..Egl-Pr»tg te Dairy, reprisent tbç-ue m ipreducer sd, ing a speech, Henry William Forster, 1 Some bave been filed with saud sud &Se: sélete&.44 te 47c, No. 1 stock 42 FniSecet tyofWar, s:id thit idýtr.. Thisly efrte toecars, -Per baFR01 los.JNSET COA.ST4- captured frein the Turks 30,197 pris- automobiles bave grouud away their r sutaip g ei" oners and 18M guns; and fenlesessdmr bu urm bound Wînine. Nov. 30--Cash 'çricel:-w-MZ9 Germans on the western front 101,63-4 with ir0pe. Tii.!'.la ndt eue bicycle extra No. i feed. 081c; Nô. I f%seet n ETR E i tirelef In ermny outsde f tose O- c. r--Barlêy-25o. S. LIII UHA prisoners snd 519 gune. ,tr eI uGray1otieo!te.INo. 4. 81.16; re>eeled and feed.81.0 The approxiniste square milage in On milîtary bicycles. Raids by the 1 Ias-No. 1 N.-w .0.t. .1 No. a c.W.. R >010 térrilory conquered or recouquered by'1 wholesale were conducted on sbops j83.13;N.3 d.8.8.,,, A the British lu Ibje »ame lime, said Mr. and esideuces, sud aIl bicycle tires ~~W Forster, was 128,000. The total nuin- ieiZed. lu faet, eveyting ln rnbber f nnaoîs Nve5-or-o.I '.uu or tii.-Great Wnt- ToM t ber o! prisoners captured on aIl front!slias been rech&Imed for tire coustrue- yeuow, * t>*0 s i. O atsk-Ne.6' 8-.à since the beginniug of the. war was' tioei sud subinarine bittery cella. White, 0K te lic. Y'iur-ukhapeed. 1'- Bran--$1i.50te 1g.60 166,000, while lie captured guns num- Gasonine la as bit probteua as Diatuil. Nov. 1.Lsed--817ta ber 800. t ires, aecording te Mr. Vas d«s ljnâe. marrive, 1a141; arriv lu haïeer ___________Ilune conntry caRl 18..bad wlthkout As11.d; Ùeeml v.*8 bld; Ms. *16. rently iieu '01-,»,oii et um NJO JAPAINESE TROOPS govemumnent permitand In Germsny TO 60TO EROPL prices are prsctically prohibitive,. T -ont, Nv. 005 Ita*a»et&**v ' uiey , Vqjofother.emhôesb * TO GO TOEUROPE. An.sutomobié trip o! 200miles In Tr$11.N.90- 4 r1:cd&. g e IxavY - O* n Mnly tW et e meeati& b.- Pebu oi etteaerg e. 07 e811r uees ate hi Adespatch frein Tokio sa>'a: Lieu- is0209 ~ esen. ~ t 10.»; 491,4 *8.10 t90î5; u aeee.,o3,*~-'"~<t teat--GeealOhia teJapanesle mmon $780 te r8u; butlbetV bullemeOo.eprohibition _ s norme oL. n and usran 6a $;Sts3 ..eAÛ14 n *ln ttOYknU ,minister ofWr, ifom; aLneegallon, the ll1ander 8 , h IS0teI*6idu. oo. gW 1-450 new5papes t1r-- he desptcd eU n 2: le utin. e.&$ té t$7. are Iookuusg w-tha dreaI* te tii. wiaï, newpaersliI le esplct -O!Frenclanan $I125, 1tiSpan1atd $L10,14 d rs e. ilséSD te "-. SoO 4g fo tbe u.' troops te Europe ih an absolute j>m- , o b 4 ff5la 0-76zdo. ýwutOfS0 tlainfrtél-a possibility owlug te the treniendous laety.fIl ve cents. Iaohie 1te $8825. foeI*o.m tu wi eest sud the luck of tonnage. Baroj 1 tu a ehn ÃŽadrautgo ts tej -*Sxuem and c vgem frr tepwSi Takcahasbi, former Miister eofPin- neutrallty te build up abiisoeaê . <nasu id u*d. 87S te-toi.,assw suce, sudeof !tue leaders o 811 1le WdstD a tasbli t 36 C~ I1 ie y Soiyukai party, In a lengtiy article baaugm.pt.<b t .y. 15tu . s~16 ten $160tk ! h>swss <1 ln the. newspapers, declares the ja> îreads. Shortage oet aruod 1s. i .u ,. u iamt*é g.esh sd% ara n feipuntin adnann a-â--t.1 !.8. - -. 46. . tiiu A",0.O WW'~W16MOR1 THE' Max CÃ"N1TE rJQA'MB ebesof.tiie mlk 7cemmitte., appointed by the . !ooid contrl r, wblcii w&atW i n tls eountry, conslderiiigs scb questions ansmupply, c« 4 pro- an of the comlittee, is ose 0f the. f remout experts on dairya tri mtary~~~~~ ûo etn aaao iRyal M la~yInstitut. elaloa pç*rd for Western Canada. - r. Tustin la chie! of the food and d l dvi- ef cf*t0i chid vel&Meburàu ofthm t cty. cemmîssioner eft Ssslctaewan, and bas dioue mueb for the dair industry ami Dr. MaeKaY àarmclk I h th oiIa!M of, treal sud Hafx,ré. $L. JohnN , sud 'ALd. usmltoiet dovriavê beth, Wm mch IL ~ ~ ~ ~~-U Stnbus tTmn. iJohn bi4giau,Mg«re 4Otw the ~~li tdiittriotrstuàFh&iy ACK TAR M< US A<>0'Nf EJEJNi e-l ius d u a i nhac a a ct e ao Ip Ia.ind ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ iw ý bll t ecpeoùaanak rom a-an, ltlsh OR ut Ti.Major Redmond Memorla Comý, mite.an eethat .3ieady £S4U ba eemà fe. -b$' them. Act. When thi,'Management otti Dromalane 101 Teus _an icrea of wageatii. eemployeés went- oný etruke.SI The Model FaRim Uotinent'hold.. ae- coinnitte. bas resoived ixitoa branch of thé. Plot 1iolderà' Protec- tive Union. Pire completely destroyed the. preo' rmises of Messrs. Gilbert Brou., motor and cycle. enghmeers, Market Square, Gavan. The. Countess o f Clanwill'iam per-' formed tiie opening ceremony- at a Red. rs sale at Montalto in the Couuty oiii Down. Football- matches played between teama of Belfast ladies realized £470 for> tii.building o.!àaresthouse for woumicd sIdieru.. A moat succesaful entertajnnitý In aId of the rish Countýieâ' Wur Hfospital (wexforcl Ward) waa-llc recently 'lu Rouare. Colonel Yarr, 'Royal Army.Medical 'Corps, Rathgar, bas .hid tbe -. honor of knlghthood conierred7on Éhlm by Ris Majesty the King. Tempérary warehoùs>shv been' erected In the. Alexandra Dock 'Yarde Dublin, where deep sea camges eau b. unîoaded on arpval. Pire destroyed the building& and àa largo quantity of linen belongig te the--Hyde Park Ra'Btci WorkÈ Wr Glengorune,Bel!ast City. The' taàiea> -drivers- of Dublin are In a nid pllglit'iiw,,owing te .-theý prohibtion of the ueeof tptr, èure except for specUle purpboses S Thi e lfastI uhen wvfeaving, farter- jes fte tml closedse a s iéuit ot the. atrike of tentera, ani% ten--thou-, md opentlvs are onut o! wonk., Captain M.? CC eRariion,- Port- rusho! t, itu i I rsh Roglinent, bas~~~ euGe o ermazi prison pmndh,,IsnWat bihome, Ii.direetors of the. BrittihPape M111 Compouiy, ClonUakIn$ý ,gave, their tiir". iundre& . ezïjloyees--vÏe f*jYbl..excurson to Droghé&d. ~b. .W WýR. HAM 1LrOti.- PAIO PA la - 54 o

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