ttà k accmnlieh t EI l ,ecengary to use plenty of boiiing Fin the miik luto sterilized bottles. stop the. top, well mith' absorbent cot- foltn d putip1ià kettie deep .0naugh te hql te ;qtles. Tii. kettie sholkd btwa inch s deeper than the. bottles W1tbk.tlw, etb»re-quà z-ters fuil! cf cp d. wateragnd stand a thermioineter alugeide ëf thé. mIlk bottles. Put over the. lame te hast it. Hast until ,the tiiermometer registeri 167 degrees FPahienheit, the4 iùur the tiame 1ev, turc forhalL su houï. 'Ëmùg thî ire. sud cool rmpid ly, üdldng' ael tt the. botties dé not breslçÈ The. kettle should be kept for this >uifà ase sloue, and it wIU greatly facililtate the, work of prepsraing bah' a miIof ll tii. uteusils, bottiez, etc., are kept li a place af their ovu, say feroitier iou uol tefl8115. fbayis remtIessi- lverlsh sud #p- pears uuwell, ccli a phyeiiani. neceeeary, cheerfully. negleat ii. househol tia t gi baby. the necesary c'are. "Give. the .baby ;'i epoonful 0f tboiled sud-co6led -vater. Lestesà IIL, The. Temple Rebouft sund ..Godes ~e~t--Fm.a100&4. &zrA'-8. 8.,'"Second Lear--Of the r- turuilnauguÉeted in the f4rt year f Cyts (Ez.ra 1. 1). Zarubbbl-e com*umùet an Lemon for' Octeber 14,' ýverse '8.'- 'Zernubabel sppëerhelireas lea4etnmcularmaUns;,ha rnay have uceeded .SieuIbaimar au -gevemrarof Judah.' JeehUa-The '*vciesiaetla leadèr (Hag. 1. 1- 1%~ 14). Le11vites1 -The., men portform 1n'tir eiu l- Portant fuictions- at tii. aaatéqary' (WNumbers 18. 1-4). Thi edy pp6lnt- o if t e té55& veealastcle the n Inprh.lysn th0 fuuiètioxis'at' thee suctusxy, thde4 .lsyi prinof tii. corAUz>Iuty . Te-' Tea! seraévice vsri.ed'atMdfrn 'Pef ioem(Nuâ. 4. 3; 8. Z8-26- 1 airai. 21.27). Sinca only a ùà nmbé o!' Lentes rethrucd a relativeIlaw minimum age had te b. fixed. Û. Tii. generaI thougbiie es n eems to b. thât thaë Levitesasccepted1 their e1itmeut, iiu"e Presont teit is i0.corrupt that the, dotails are moôri or lbai un certain. - t 1 eml 10-18. T1 eIaylngofth-eml foudtlon wim ceIbbratewitii getj 'rejoicIug."" 'TIi.y set-Beter, wlth pael-ThLe robes ffce .- Trumpets ;--The urltiç$4 ar. eneclIMl. com»MUa fpU0Fla m orc4ve. soda d - 'eu$d have ail been. .11 t.i weW'fand put !nto i bread pan. ,pue& hour. 2 Aýpre graadmothei'SUsed quari4-eci applu spaenfxu,.tlutiieg and- îpi*es untRlVy tik, stfrring under tbe pett tePrv*buru7lng- pour luto pots or, cracks snd caveM ~vItk ~a5ne.. Tus -fteelolth -éhildteou and growu-ups. It le delici- ou"o nuiuhceroal sud bot cakes. It le exceeléit'for tarte, very gaod b.-> tweeti layera 'of. a cake, aud deliclous when eCornl>led with a crearndueae seaond içth sait s"d pepper- sud a>red ou&ackrî,as au appetizer st crediÙt.d ta David. One te anather -Atipbonany.-- The words -,quôtedî furuieh 4lspythe,*rlefin.Oldmcu -Filty. years*"'hmd ýe1ap0ed amince ,tii destruction of thefirat tempÉle." When the aider men, ywh had, 'wôisbiped iu- the 'for mer temp»le, realized ,tint at IWet ý xew -houe.e fwarship was te b. .proîl4e, they could not control their çmatçoni. Tears et joy flo*id iu ebundance. UTe pie eà si ble the trumpets, the Levites played thi.e W- beh. sud sang; theë old people wept, muid the yotinger unes ithoute-d joYfuflv and trum-peted loudly, uo thatti. noiss of fthe tmunult of sauuds carriad' te - retdiati nce.." Eca ra 6.146 ra e h.cemple- tion sud aubseuent dedication of the. tz Edre nlie-ail the -i blu c n tUe--Build- ed and pm&jpred-.That' lse,à Merid the. etrre te sucpesstul completion. -trgi ..1-çmrshT 'ema norialeuwMich-thoy iltdmybee fram fthe 1bcoloebeafiugt th. nimes o! these two prophats;. Cyrus--See Exta L. 1. j)arius-. -. le .y12. Artax- tbereforq ï cnha -bmà hs no part lt Wild~e ¶5l 5.i. rh e - edition. 4ldThouhase vas fnsid tjponuthe. completion aI tii. variaa r and t!d1ction. ws.b-Md.,'. ere-.> Tii. à uwmr admcrfiil liunlsv muali"', compared wlth tajeofee iLkuovldgmeflt of ,tbe- poople'm mineý Iand of tler dé =O4ýce upon 1tk 1é 1 - uLaver f2 nsd' eoipà &re LiUke,1 &. 80. t You wà to u md. .2 .2 ~oIIe&'.......S i1p~1 1;:; -t',. kiddls. 80 ~ or vo' MWiipp......... i 0~ .aJmon, salted, bolled,...4 ..Prod Beet, i% rare, ramted..S . Se.!,léanfrie<J...............4 -agf, s ,lteboiled .......4 1là - A- Prromstèd".......... 15 oai P«14 mùoted, fied ...4 16 overu Mutton, rossted......... 3 15 for"" Meut=o, broiled.............. siu Vibrolled...................Th fred... ..... 4 80 meda avwis, boilèd ............4 .. M Dcroaeted .......4 go utemelted ........3 30 mto Cheem ............ 40 lutue SOup, nmarrowboue.....4 15 *ii.. sSpbeau..%.. 1................mothi -Chl4*en, boilld. ....B- . Moe.receutly ,ob»irvà tions- have ëstate been maade by Penzaldt suadbyCnors the latel¶ usiug the X.cay, sud foUw- ~ > lug farts disewvered sal Çmrbohdrmtespas.Jot1*4tw'tm- mcii most qulcldy, beklulnglutenmieu niutes after they have been eateui. Pro- theli tein le aext ilu.a-der1aidfts lust, Au Wiien pretela (beef Y was fed before f bi thýe carl~Iîydrates 'tii. i' - .of tbe',.food vasu mrucii deiayed. m'ei revo carbahydratee" crc wee)v ed 1 *est th. diseharge t ef i.od vmai.e- or maîst as 'rspid &s -when th. carboiiy- cees. Amlxti' o!canbohgdrsanmdI oi protein paassd eutof! tii. 'atoMach1him, Mare quiclly than proteiu aloi. suad lais qulccy th=, pjýaboiydrata siene.4At -When, fat mid" caboy*t (uef i u if ornep dîn An instiuctiviy cruel .1>hwiere uIità 'were ccefed vast0a¶h &d"as toeýthem -sud 'ev"'Ilove o rnm and tIi. deaire to prateet by the, eutve »adtonies Wreimt thui -bts 'eider brother: -Thé. sauene t lad was taught te lave ua"turby Oieao cfrenthmgs, agriiovun Tlie Pue bs't&hï omre ex- ilent dm lan -chUd tîeauubga ,ogon theother bu.te ae couwi,rnmethode wlilcl' e -vol idipsibe u thiat cuetem f ,msg their alidren ýressensfoî. 41>. mnds laid, upOn tbmrn shows esat .conslderatlon. ,Thes. rtoseum e ueually lu thé fo-là cf' legendemi icient. taes, tiere 9ngoné'or more nt aI,»o;et vur case he4h 41ly itJie'!undla 'esta ithies. vçre1i legonds, of- O tac t-a ould sa.y.thatlie.wllylufariB mtâ have, th. hsppy sud vlme haà bit af îja-cotiug'their pile jute -texipt- ÊlÃbtKind of, StçIem. Tii. -gIt kidnd ao tar srete iv. ,bi-eadeht.a e uht cfVlew. lut d 1nr~mmani-tepi teocetsr es une hhtur"wwemmq'wUI hb IddIL î%e4u ~iP$~C.,- 11k, a gve1Y, ada a stand 0f griinaid mwu. 4 bk (ler vwanutét..<À, ze iwdie 4h ?d ,aidbetter4ýhe quality, laid ,vee Mmd Ureû- vseetelove .crop.. Whe~hâI.L me tu m eetIov«lý AJ. --- I oûld-%ke 40 giN ln -tha LaU or inthe- 'apIà hg d--hiW me informatiên ýaW te -the 'cil tare cf mach.é. perecr boreralahaidhow heymarket Answer:-I Would advl.e jour, 80w-1 mieý I uotie7 It la quoteinlathe Ing tue rye 1 he iflmM a 6- nd martetu, et o uuch Per dozen, would vetb n~hesp1n. usCan--'betat bethe r"o?, doue ta 800î eiêgond wefirm e- 'F. nn*er:--For hast reaultlxgr- ougb - wr.A ~if arraw w «viighoriradielithe soil ahould be coyve'th* sied If the. mci tendse ta be plowed dçep, early in-the spring. As npu It wil)w weU t,->reu til.tYO a rule,1the roà s ae -24 te 30 iuches Falw wthauglihtrharrow, preedie spart and the* space between the root "oIl wth the ,owing!t - f . sèeed. à As settlngm are, iSta 18 juches. These are 4<> mouit t sowperacré, W bughelp ,S frîn8 a5luhes belowth of~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~~n Vthmdltwtabt10b. rfe. lupreparing' the'goud cf *éweýt claverta -the acre ÃahoÙld well rotted müanure sh<>uld -be Worked *ive ag»o s tand. dePjy- înlqthe, soit. Top dressig EC.4,have 10-- er«e plowedi- with manùretondï. te cause the 1"idii8, té a" -wt*itry<but la vas 1branchiug out of the- roots. Thé MMio Inalu fi Ue. 1 vaut Wthielbd in i yll kt th an Iabe4'np ed a ému rop What do you think Of by idding froin 800 to 600 UJ)ýto thé.- upttig 170?-acre ofae. fértflizer carr~inï ~ta '44 AWer--4f yoii are lu a goad: amnfia. 8- to 10%,.phosphoric acida lh'-t1ect , h Bnt1W irlugasd 1 ta2% potash. -Thèse shoüld Ie wbeat instemd 0f sprizig raye? Statis- worked thoronaghly into' the 1poil. In- tics Uhow .ýýtbat -You could expect a ter..cr6pping is oftenu a profitable lkrger 7,lèld and wheat à a selIfing at a practice in growing. horseradish; that la.. rder te li, acrop-that can be harvested earl youedîUùtln&but200. lbo. of ferti- meue frein looking- up the mar- lizere at theUrne you- are seeding tii. ket'reportî, that t.he -quotation le per wha. Apl erwerNcarrylng dozen 1rocta. >Those ýç "are kutown as blrorn 2 to 8% ammaýnlaE14 t cutting or "Its.' I d not Suzd auy 4c/o 9ýp'hOprie cM. 1k will leus tà dad weight relze a! bndie. ,oiet, whuch vere gr*ad. >utlan ta Rýth'e ov h ô partaof imuetand beéf (ver. giv n, focd remmned 'longer lun'the. staz than ýeltiir the. fat or the $rN -iven aieî.Eyidul i d cf nuci f "c'ssdela lithé *ï ee.Ti rson ~ife.uùuidto b. than~~ ~~ -4ai .abobc ythé. WIieui n * mm" e cf tii.evoral puin *,pies wvas gîiienCannen oh. '~I~ By i i. ~, <J ) i J î7l71ý----T--