Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Aug 1917, p. 8

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-UrWUftred Mufr, of Niag a àlla ý%eSii#g 4t lMr. ~thn Xoft b. Y. Mc. A.,.-Torenýto, wlh in, the Methediat Chuteh-.en Sun- vening to the Soldien of the SaOi thle BnockIîn chfilches. . Every age boy expectePta turný out. >1r an! Ms. »i Sbuttlewortb, of .ooklin. reeelved a telegrain on Tues- day-sàylng that tbel son, Pte. Victor Z BI huttleworth, l aa< td mitted te tic ,Isth Casualty 1.4Pifg Station on 4ktiglît 2tb, suffe;4n<'f rota a gpnahot wound l tesbqfer. Hisarnany ,qoIc1in <iendse4fpe that the wound gnay fot b. sonlous. bfi. -D. Burne s a t composed a lratoerptéce-,on -The OUI.House," buit 18&7,, îblçJ will appear In-the next "uiii 't thi, pOema. Mr. Bùras bas ~*orilers Mleady, for bis new edition. Mr . D.Buýns hbas r.c.lved a. letton rorn~iJRe LUBorden congratu- Win9llUftojiý le nef 0f ition o! ..oems Land wlsl1ng hlm succeoswlth RiJasSecond edition., lirs. G. Andenison and eidren ne- a mnth witb ber Dareats oe- t Mn. Archie Bligbt left on Monday for ~Wiinuipeg, whère he expects te help) -wltb the harvest.ae 'The SoldierW' et the Soil boys ri ooaktng forward te tbe Camp meeting11 * oK.Il - »Does attn Üwr \ II b îshéd '10 completion.-' ' ie 4nttUe damnson la vlaltiin frientds Soi4e from hçm atted -he rece>) doland uereeentatiou b Pte. Wallor -Rogeèrsi; b1bm n hrdy~Ilt and aiso at K~ae on Friday evreulug. mmr.. W1U -eco*an, o01 Toréâto, spent -SunidaY !viii ber parents, -Mr. and M-ns. Jas, UIortop-. Pte. Fnanlc Hiolmgn,-et Camp Bondon, ts bore for a few dayaj>freleaving :Oors.¶. i ýtný1 W compan.ied by ber tuber and Bell ?ald ber old fniendsa a iait whil' -n k, trip ta the euat. It la sonie1 yemu âjdnce the family wenf west, wbere tbey have ait made gS&d.Tbree of the boys, Jack. Charhie and Leonard are at the front. Mrs. Haltby and daugbten, o! Ta- rante, wlth fniends vlslted with Mmns John Kerr on $unday. Mn. Chas. Curran, Mr. Arnold, wltb Mn. and Mg. -Art, Starr, vlslted wlth - Mn.,BgcDonald, and son Allïn. wlth Miss Tomlilson and,-,Mn. Severi%,motor- ,d -froni the elty on &indtay aàd apent the. dWý wIth Uri. Toinsom.,: Rev. Mn. Hal& Preached bis !, arewvell serman -an Sunday last. The tussack math bas returned. l does net confine Its destructiveness ta the frees, but clings ta evenytbing, es- paiaeut please teli us :Wfas 10 <1do10 1-iq.-t' Qapso.tn.emiay. etria.theae pests. I ký Mdrsn e ornov Tiiere 410<! at the h0me 0f 118I4au 'h- ted #«Or the week-end, wlh tb b.sgrsad- ter, Mr&. Biggson. We d ê a l h, I ohrhr. P.. A ro i eave- oneO of the oldest pioneers oflitscoi-!shoitly -for oversasservice. muity ln the person of! Mn. George MIM. Heàts and Miss Punk. who have -,Vansatone.-: She had almost reached thée bea en dinsg two) weeks'-- vacation. mge» of tour, sore lemansd, ten, an ýwlth UMissGertrude Kemp. have returfl- had- enjoyed ýgaod heath Iuntll about ed te Toronto.- tvo - arfog wheii an InJUry sustain- Mtr. A. B. EdwardÉ, Mr. W. 01<.. Mm edhby a-faU'left her veîI' frail. 8h. h 3..HèXI and Mr. 'and Mrs. R. Wilson, surwved by -two sons, John and George motered to Stoualvlle on Sun<15y. Colwifl, a»d two daugiters, Mn. BlggsMr. Stickellà, -o! Toronto, vislted and Mn. Oscar Leader. over lihe week-end w1tb Mn. and Mrîs. The Jlfkins sale of cows and otier 4~ EdW4ode animals adverttsed te be held on 41ou. M'and Mns. S *' Vtnstone and4 son, day ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -i 41 e aop -og ~~ Sapper 11.1 Vantone, who bas Juat ~ Ie -se-a 1-beca n'vlallded borne froni thefront; 8 isiled te Brooklin station, t.S.R., viBited vIth fr d 4Mrs. T. C. 0s were carried to Toronto, much to lie borne on Sunday. annoyance and loss of Mr. JlkIMns, and Mr, Roy'VanCamp, of Danllflgton; the dlsappointment of t.he crow& Mn. J. A. Morgan, of Chathami; and FOR ALE.Miss Maud Coffey. o! Michigan, vîsIt- FOR SLE. e over the week-end wlth Mr. and One white pony, aged ten years, kiiid ins. Fred Gale. and goutle, se that any woman could drive ber. Appiy ta Chas, Anderson, Broobhin. 4&LMONDS. Mr. Charles Kemptiiorne lest a valui able cow boat week.i Missesl illan and Mable Rowe and< Gertrude Kemnp vlaited over 9unday witb Mn.. snd lis.* J. Draper, aI Pick. ering. Mn. and Mlis. Gordon Law, ering, vlaited at W. Balsdon's day. an Suin- -'-y.aer! "My, paper, because it iàiorms, interests, and .enteTrtains me---- My'paper, l)eccusc it givesilie the news, each day, and places it in such position that Ican find it ailv-- My pape) - agrce with rêspýect the -1 ýr, because whether or not .1. its editorial opinlions, 1 can- rairness an(I judgient of the Snenwho w~rite thiei--- My l)aper, b)ecause of its clean moral tonc --- because it':doe-s not. pander to base, iorbid, or neurotie passions- My l>aler, because I like- its %vit and fre- (luent flaes of humior-- ,My,,paper, because everv member of my --My ptaper, because -1 kùow it ra' ks high. -in oparison with the NenokTmes, Chiîcago Tribune,I4ondoe -Tirnie, -London DalyTeegraàph' and- other :greatï1 1>newvs-. papers of the wlýoild 'ind couisequeutly keeps Ile %eil 7informiied'in all thos1e t ýhings, a god, citizen-',nd nman of the- world shouId kno A Few of the News and Special ive to The Toronto - aily Star Caine servk- f Vor TIhe Staes O'vn staîff M*11. sot. atbIy P. A. OiKnze ur Lordl.n rreisit orren»n. dent. a veterr- a w ritr?. la Jtialy, bie» RoaonUIId ffloulbe.. --hiq nly Cana- dian aasen ,rrter Ln. a-ny of thb wtrn gne-s. I n Wtui. 'Thomasit G'- rie. lut* Sarit.-lajqr K- 0. 8. a., now an rgaular LQt-ri surff. Ha bha biecs in recular army fer 20 yVerf- In Canaàda, speenlal saff Sacs l tt ia-wa >intcl Quebse. Winnlp*g. sand c*tU.r lwýRortant -trp Oksiiiqife n ea14 t vSr. trnçii'wa a«i4tlneudtne ap-en.itl wair -Iea g- nîsi eoUtaptd.i t a. allr t . - AU the M- CtI.-a,. ally &tar'a, ePerlal ca-hlie-atu Mtin i4tSern ntIstaff. tnlute4 atie',frini Seat wrr-tt.raLnith ut aiçi ThecfflUW Star ai** re- t'a*?es mkire-Cutar nemttew- vIa "a makea ,-y nter Caux.- dian da.t uait-franuA .411014 d. - it'e. &s. C5a~ yorcrwiLhu fôatn te .. -au ýpro ides au. economaical and vry effie- f~th~f6~1&~duing gds and niaking iick d 'liver AttaGhment for Fo'dCa(rs inakes a devie Ioew in cost, powlàerfut in operation,' adjsteywiIntijreYonr oar Can be'onveted-in-a fe-w-minutes for use either as. a Tractor or a Tourîng Car.. UR. MARRIOTT 73 Lees Ave., Ottawa, Ont., August 9th,' 1915. ¶I thtnk i t my du ty to tell you what "Fruit-a-tives" bas donc fo r me. Three years ago, I began to feel run- clowîi andItired, and suffeited velry m uch from Lirer and Kidn'ey Trouble. Having read of '<Fruit-a-tives ", 1 thought I would try théin. The. resuit was surprising. During the 31 years past, 1 have taken thcm roguIarl,%-'and would not change for anytbi ng. - Ihave csol ha'd an kour's s;cknes~s since 1 corn- menced using "'17-ruil-a-tives ", and 1 know now what I hiaven't known for a good nlany years-that is> the bIessing of a liealthy- body and clear thinking brain". WALTERL J. MARIOTT. M0e. a box, 6 for $2.50, trial size, !?5. At dèalers or sent postpaid on receipt of price by Fruit-a-tivcs Limited, hand shaking and w-el wishing was îidulged ln with tfle guesi of the even- ing. thus conciuded a splendid even- ing's entertainment, one and ail agreed there was nothln- 100 good for 0one who bas sacrlficed so mnuch for bis King and Empire and thp -down fait of Prusslanism. WVater will aiways be Ioolced up to as a hiero, and one wlio heiped save bis rotuntry. The Ladies' Aid af our church met ai the home of Mtrs. R. R. Mowbray last week and spent a very profitable trne. Misses Carnie Lawrence and Amy Corner spent Sunday ln Uxbridge wlth friends. The tannions have completed their eutting for another season, and are busy gatberig the crop into the barn. James Peugelly Is busy threshlng these days. Mrs. Rogers bas been spendh-ùg some few days vlutlng ber daughter, Mrs. Germley. at ber aid hbee bre. Mr. MiUler has shipped a mare and twln baby colts to the Exhibittin at Toronto, and Uf you wish to see tbemn Itill coat you a dîme. GREEZÇWOOD. Particulars ha"e Ju8t been recelvedil regarding the deatb at Vimy Ridge of Sergt. Fred R. Btawn. eldest son of John and Mm. Brown. of this place. "About '10 a-m. on the 9th of April, the above mentloned seldier was one of THORNTON"S CORNERS. Mn. N. Buss bas heen suffering for' some Urne past witb spinal trouble.' H. ha new in the clty taking treatment Mn. C. Follest is erecting a new residence on bis place now. Miss Vera Sturges.-, of Toronto, zPent lhe week-end' at ber hbee bre. .Miss Helen Buss spent a tew days Iu Toronto last week. Mr. andI Mrs. George Reesan andI childrea apont Sunday wlt.h Mn. Have- lack Annis, at Taunton. Miss Hazel Marnien and Miss Reva Luke have tak-en positions In Wbitby. Messrs. Oliver Piersen. Fred andI Harald Powell andI Victor Ireland have gane ta the West ta bolp in the bar- Veeting. Miss Flarone Sturgess and ber sis- ton, Mrs. Gea. Banks, of New York, are visiting their unche. Mn. Wm. Sturgess. This naiuy %wenîhen is veny discour- aging to barvesters. Potates are shawing signs of rotting. THORNTONS CORNERS. (Too late for last issue). A very pleasant tume w-as spent by ahl at MNrs. N. fluss' last Wednesday evening. Mrs. Snann andtI Miss Nlabel Snarn. of Carnpbellford. are visiting at Mrs. F. Bnown*s. Miss Dais), Lofthouse andI Mr. Law- '1er, of Toronto. visited witb MNrs. P. Lafthouso. .Miss Leta Pascoe ha vlsiting f niends In Detroit. Miss C. Kenip, of Grimsby, bas bc-en engaged as- assistant teacher In tbe school, Miss G Clark having resigned" duning the holiàjys. Air. andI Mrs. If. Tharnpson andI Miss 'Kafhly-n. of Wbitby. visited at A. E. Websters hast Sanday. - BAGGOTS VILLE. Sergt. Eltan Baya, of Camp Bondon, spont the week-end wltb bis par- ,ents s bre. Miss Beutrice Meeker vislted last- weok at Robf. Trigg's. Mn. Chai-lie Andrus, of Toronto, vis- ited on Sunday àt- Bort Grills*. Owiug ta the heavy and frequent nains fie farmers bavebeen unable ta get snucb harvestlngdodt. Tilere-la miore C turzbte tJ<Wctiou of the coutryth'aaiotb1r. laeput fogather. and 1«r Yom h as UO4tebe la.%fahie. I Docapeci0 eîu14.ýmadby< n-l tsyftiuto COr wU, 1 4tpuuepro- men - àhlVaCa ài-ue aua*~elby W. J.beaaYa <~o, Toldo,0e la a COU- ditutionaî r ady. ft#mes Miaraiy c«d acU Itu thebltt on theic M soeSufaceaoflhe trm*one O11liudleS Doars rewavd lx offér- tifoi'py racetbat MItal'a atrhe urefaiha tei a. S*d rcrmlara a absuaa (Tee laIetè, bact Issue.) Ite--torm 0f u*1ünd . dhall whioh passed 9over boe n Monday did cou- idera&ble dauage to -the crope. Theïr amy , -<ends herne. îere »peaed te Ihave Oa eaU frei Mr. -sund s.IL. Mortup, or Oshawa, durlng thie Mr. l»Mpser4 'whobo tsbecs doing lsM biiton tleam for the pa"i-tour xionlbA. bas nctnrméd toe b ty. - mï n R. fàoWn at fsmniy,_ a mu mmd e W. - Dsney, s Party sent - ul) witll two réserve ma- chine gun anad supplies of amimual-. flan frnm esýdquarters to the front line. This was safely dellvened. Later he saw a wawlided fniend In a neigh- boning sheil-bale, anùd eudtavored te reach him., but was shat by :a anipen on bis way. The bullet eutered bis bead and ho was kllled luatantale ously. He was buried by the batthefield clearing company, lu the -111h Brigade burnal graund on Vimy Ridge*, grave No. 402. His name appearu-Onth ataho Memanial erected -on the creat a! the Ridge."' Signed» J. L. LlOyd, Lt. Ad- jutant. for O. C. lO2ïid Battalon, Can- adins. PICKERING, Thas- Harding. wba bas been on the staff of the Standard Bank bore for about tbnee years, bas been rned te Toronto., The ligting, cf an aéroplane on the fanm ot R. H. Cronk eroated quite a sensation a few days ago. A. large number gathened te see it beforo il rose ag-ain te continue its fligbt. Frank Prouse ha&b-teun bis contract cf building cernent sidewaiks for the village. _________ OSIWýA FAIR. The Tarante-,.Fait 18Is ow on---Osb- awa s ~xt.'Th0 prospects brighten as the'dntes appr"'cbh A special Une ai side dhowa iw.tl Incroase the Mid- way. IpM-'4c)cs, -Speeîai Shows have con traéted '_ tâ coule. - Thoy 'carry a- lange merry.ýgo'laundand Ferris WbeeF besides Museum aànd-Me Shows. These added te tbe erdlnany mldway will malte a busyspt The free attrucUeolkIln front of the Grand Stanid- dôënslat ai Japanese Troupe, The Emuile Sistens. The La- France Trie and the Three Deevers. These ivili rnake the.best show ever put on. .Add ta this 9_1111l ne of races. show of canniage horst-s andI parade of live stock and you have a show equal ta the grand stand show a$. Toronta. The aviaters are flyIng aven Oshawa daily- and ,,,re watching things got ln shape ut the groudo.. Tney will want ta see fhe cr!wdr-utrftlr .days. but will carry no bombs. The directors have decided ncoî to prasecufe t1kem Iif they sep the fair-treof charge.. Remnexben the dates, September 10, Il and 12. and séà the best show ever staged on. the beauttlul park, with Its grass, ftôwersanîd trees uit their best. ut the Queen--- AI»xandrIa lippenial Hospital, Londen. Euglakgd, Nurenng Sister S. E. Garboît. deariy-be)oved sister er Captaîn <Rer.> Johin Gar. butt, ]rante, and Mies I.arbuti, Lindsay.- Whitiy HOM ESEEKES E XCURSF-8-IO'N s EVery T-UESDAY PALI, RAIL" 0 ates by THURSDAYS STEAM "Grot Lakes Routs"» Your Future Us ln the W. l.fertie prairle have put Western Canad on the map. Thora are etili thausade ai acris waiting for the man = h.anaahome and prosperity. Tak adatd fLew Ratu and travel via -Canndilan Paci W. B. HOWARD, District P Agent, Toronto, Ont. tUt rit Chovrolet-M. SCars $7F For Sale at the Contri Chevrolet Repaiim andI Chevrolet Serivice. Repaira on ail kinds of oara. I liue of Acctasories always on band.---' Dominion Tirea. Gasoline,and OU1:- WVe are installing the ianiOus Heinze-Springiild ehleot f*. ing and Lighting Syltent on Ford cars. See one bofore bxsyig. - Cheit cos v. - - - - f - - - - r - T f f -i s I 1

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