Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 30 Aug 1917, p. 6

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Ne. fr the sake of ,onioauicel ana whoksome desserti, 2 Md 5.pound Carons kes' Write 5fer «Oecok Msurta« ew ing T "duq-. R- va- ta-u Atlatcs gwefers Limited., Montrait ULLLLUJ THE ONTARIO AGRI-CULTURAL .C( ~ Yong Man----m If you cant go- to War A Co to College LEARN to increase your earning caPacitY on the farm. LEAIRN businessl methods. LEARN how to produce better crops and better stock. LEARN to grow good fruit, better poultry O and the best of everything. September to April at theOCollege April to 8.eptember at Home. Public echool education la suffilcient for admission. College Opens Septem ber 2 1 Write for calendar giving particulars. G. C. CREELMAN, B.S.A., LL.D. President. ACO «JSE IN- HOUSEIIOLD' SCIENCE TWENTY-JVE LESSONS. Lesson VIII. PrPteinis are the foode we depond upan for body building apd repairin; 'Waste tiscue. Eightcen per cent, af the huan body le camposed o! pro- ~A~ten.Jiis one ai the. mont lmport- hTiti 'Icîids oi fooda becausa 1t1 -qnitaÏus nitregen, a botty builder. Tii. eiiet prateins ave meat, eggs, niilk, . atn,n easa,b~eans and lentile. Tlecitunda of pro>Wlua'ettivitd Into -three rumses, Vit_. ealbumens, geatinoidiri-l'nâ extractivès. Albumeznla te purent forms-ls tound intbthowhitte ofan egg, in tus tern of a thick, white, vitcuous liquId. Albumen la present in thqe csain cf mnilk, and la nieet. It l la the fort of gluten n awieat an&. cerealu, and ai, =~mn l beana, poiu, and lentils. lt1 disôve eadily la cold water snd coaguIat9s upon tqe application of haut. ,The wbite ot a« coagulates or thicicens ut a temperature of 1W0 de- *"a. . ,.Caoklng beyond 165 degrees of-hat wliItoughop the. albumnz mang'lt difflenit te digest.ý For tuis tèase»#11099 and egg mixtures should ha c<okhd ln a slow, aven heut. o Gelainoidea form the seconddcluns « protl; cpînpounds. Geatinila - ' 'teu fhe ',ii.,connactiva tissues, whleh thar -tiin ladlng' consttent . It lu alstoud Ii mut;tendonscartilage on«d bon.; and la ail bodytisu... Thoey e a veny lmprtint element lu the body.,Unirel w*11 colUscon- Boebt.-WsslI the beets and cook thent.unil'tender. Cold-dlp d titan omnve the skIas. Pack Into sterllzed 'Jars,.F111UIt.e jars u'tb Woing saIt water. Place tua rabben and4wl ila-position. Partlmlly tlghtma îth'n d, tuon procese for 0oandam ona-folirtit hours in a bot "ater bath aitr tha water starta hoilhagi Xe- mcv. tram tue bath snd tigiteto-tu 11idm seiurely. Test for Ima asksdthou] store la a cool, dry place. -Greanu,.l..Pnpan sd cap> au son as you goS the=nbain., sort and cWL n. Put lua &Colander: sut colandue ovor bailing mter, aseteunt fe. 11 1u11 tt* Cold wae - Cetuit uous-. ventet Iégtba Pi* *lgInlaJars sud season to Sauta. Mil lbe tmr *wwrI ce equae - of'r p e tcbi la a iblekiy ýgre»ansed &--«> ourédpan and bake f4r lorty m n_,&na od.. erate even. Noté-Before puttiiý -g the* ml la the. ovea pour over it a in m~flade as fol11ow . One-haif cupft s waten, three tablosponfuls of sigar. Mix well and titan bake as dinected. SPY SYSTIM OF. IE SUBMlARIF A REMARKABLE ILLUSTRATION 0F MTSWORKIiNG. Prusslae Agents Are Keeping A~i 'IIP1)Boit Commandera Advised of COMPLETE L -Proteins. tain large proportions of gelatin. Extractives f orm te third cdise Of proteins. Titis extractt Is-the fluvôr- Ing which le found in foade.ý Great care must be takien wile coolclng foods tht notbing impairs tie tiavor or destroye [ta value as un important element ef mounshinent. Extracta are isoluabein. la wt ater. Ia prépar.mg mitate for f ood, two methade are empioyed.- 1 Firet, viere [t lae i. bject toexe- tract ail tite -ilwtrinent cof tbe meut inta the liquid or broth, as in soupa, meut tum, and bretha. The. meat la cut intoa malU places, added ta ccitt wuter, mmd brouet slowly te boffme' point. 1'hen it te aUowad te simmer ut, a teîaperature. cf 146 degreos Fabreubeit, Titis matbod aztcc ali tue nutriment ftrainthe. meut. Second, seanng or cougulstlng the surface of --temeut. The .tutin placed la boillat vuter or stoantfor Ove or ten minutas sud tuon procossod ut a "mlMmonngtemperature. Or te surface ofthie et la brouginl contraet vitii intense haut for tIo aima purpose, coagulation, or emlg the. enttra-surface. It le thon pro- cessod ut a -lm ruorlagomparaWre. This m.thod -preserves ad tue nuri. F ieue élemonte iu the maut. The soar- ingha the efeéét of -preveutlng the, lou of tue meut laboms. lamons, Jule. of tvo oranges, tvo1 son o ediasratiinsjuice. 9 vs- termelon. Plae lna aproseviag lie tia md coôk unt blck, adlog te foflowlng epic.., te inlaaplaceOf Citooseelotu: two temspoon tuogi- sgpr,» etpo-ooftull tabueg, tu toaspoonful or cinuamon, ena-hait tmasponm f e apicePlace au asbestes mat uder tii. Pros.rving ket. tia te prevenkt- oeblu. Peur -fate glasses m sa a or jlis am M *Mla Shippimg Movemeuta. Up came the periscope out oftae chopPy, rlng sea, ta take a look around. The t.hing was palnted white, to resomble the top o? a wave and to conceal Itsetf ln the mist that hung heavily orer teocean. But the tra1ned ««opatters," statiafled On the bridge and&al over thé de&sk Of the Southland, were quick enou. ta cee teperiecope when it appeared. *"Submarine! Port quarter !- called lte captain on the bridge. "Pire P,' cammanded the cief of the gun crew. In an instant the naval gun pointere aboard thée teamahlp. whlch was run- n at full speed through the wer zone. had founri the targeL The resat of the gun craw were at their poste beside tbe Piles of ammunition on the 1 dock, abolis and powder charges. and ready ta fight te the iast. "Bang-g-g' raared the gun. But lte abat missed, baundlng tand rebouniling alan; on lteý water bev'ond the target Periscopes ln the most favorable circumstances are bard to *"Bang-bang !" went the gun agnîn, dloser ta the peoriscope. but stiti miss- lng. By titis time lte sulimarine's dere- devil commander got tbe bearinge and lot go a tarpedoaet the teamsbip. Quickly the vessel awung round, with ta nase toward the submarIne, ln or- ,dcr te ininimize the size of the tar- get. The tarpedo miaaed twenty foot astern. Thon tbere was another white streak ln thé water-the wake of an: other tarpeda, whicb did nat mise. There was an explosion at the weter Une on tbe port quarter, rlpping a great hale In the side. The great vos- sel gave a shuddor and thon lurcbed forward. The. U-Bout Submerges. ln thé hmsty 'turning and ta, shach.. of belng bit the gunnere lest alght of the perlecope for a minute, a.nd the raIn of abats tirad itant fur from thte marI. Seelng that thae ad tortpèdo had doue Its u'orktit" sbmnennsuit. m.rgod la order te get out of the u'ay et te gunfra. WIth a great hale ln h*r aide. both aboya m»d balcu'the ivw*une, te Southlund beg&n te settia bWthe bow, andln ltfour minutes wus dovi t-f fictently ta pull th.etil whlrllng pro- Doilera out of tté wter. wlth a deafen- lng noise.1. Ail ever te steamhlD thi.enae wara adJustimg lif. presarvers; ehgi. neers and stokers. saine dreseed oaly lu shoas and trousars, were peuring cut of tehold t a splace or eatety; able seuxen ad stewards were lover. tug the ifeboate trot tthe starbeard side. The. gunners, whan lte mii. marine esubmerged. l.aviag them rithout a targat, uva a chance te gCU a way wltb teirlilvas. 'lley dasholi te tha aide, eruwlad over and ld lewm tae nopas, bumInn;their hané hrtgttully. but landlmg sately la tba Utoboats, which slraady bal baoa liunched. Theto reat sblp wu s slkImg apldly. Thora wuas sothon slwdder and a lureh, sand thon. ase ifbat é &bout Ivo budareli yards away. Iii. voeolwvas evafoveliup byt.e vator; ttber docks, than bon tua. mals ;ad thon the tops o et t.tewor' tmg muets. 'Th.e rav, glmd te b. allie, but wonderlug vhat would bomer of, tIim, watcbed sflantly. But ur muse dld net -lut tong& Daeora Ue ta vlnlpool -- esuseliby t.» 'nklng vassal had bece»o ctis up thon. appems'ed on taeene aboil' a ,toussal yards *"ay a pnseeu. doobtedly tii snie, tat b". bobbed op et tae boanlnut tsaction. ThI> cp e vas slu iatonaryton a soanst-s doux *bleu# *0oSm, omueer w. -eeorte .detr"etL.M toethe. faulir rmmla ch.. cut Tliis,-eut reçcesents, on a arail «cicthe cover of our rbw Fui and Wintes, ÇCaa- logue No. 22G, which wil be readY for mailing early next month. The fashion pages, with their fimn half-bSme itlustra- tiOmof o!the l&at t ye8 in Suits, COèta, Dresses, Furs, Mix]er, Footwear, etc., axe o~f specla interest to women. IMe prices quoted are most' reaSonable and we prepay charges to your Post office or statioix on every garment iflustriteL Write f«r a copy to-day. MURRAYV- KAY 17 to 81 King -St E. TORONTO - ONT. but of the neutrals as weli, those which are darlng enougb ta continue to trade with lte enemies of Prus- sianisin. The commander of the sub- marine In sorne mysterlous way knew that the steamehjp ho had suiLk. the Soutbland, whichý was one of the best kn»own of the Red1 Star lino, lied been laid up for repaire. Ho knew ebe would clear soon-he even knew the date ortglnally sot. But ho had flot re- celved a -report" o? ber steamlung. Sornething apparently went wrong w1th the Kafter'e Intelligence eystem for the Instant Evidently the Prusatans had some- body in the gort-sobady trusted by the owners or the vessel-who made overy effQrt ta cancea! ber movements-who reported In corne underground way ber intended clear- ance. Sucb a persan muet be saine- bady whose record Ie outwardly spot- less, for the news about the move- movements o? chips le guarded liko diamonde &nid gold. Thore in lia way of learning definite- ly, but l, la a- tiouma diltoe abat ta t*: tta~~~evc already le at work -on thue sate locat te Par. son who obtained the information and lhe method by whlch it was conveyed ta the -enemny. WHAT UDOGHEff MEANS Why thé Term "Mun" la Frequentlyl Applied te fhe Germer. The tenu "Bochbe." me appkIod ta the Germmn soldion, Isn't a couuplimen. tary one, nor anythiug naw. Itlalean old term inà France. and moine "thlek- h.adad." It te about oqulvalent te te Amenican terut 'bouLe-hea&" lat tact, taeword comas fro t ho Itlta "boccis," and mne aaround baiUc ezeceptlonaiiy bard vend usd la playfug tes pins. But lust boy st cama te ha applieli tathe Geramssol. diens w. do net kuov. Aus eitoridmue, uteknamaogivea ta seidlcera mot unkudl.y, The Trench saMer le a«ieli "poilu," vbh mesus baly. bacause lu tua aarly FTencb vans 8. sellers bU ne op. portualty te ai. or have te haïr «ut, alidvitenthay returnelitram ta armsy, tbey lied a rouit. hAUl.un- couth ape.me. But titaee'ÇÙ aotblng Unkin Ily l M cAWng tont Thu 0600 aaecaldel"Tommies beosase eta flettoo poputar Briush seldla=4e islumorWtallverse ad *,- gives1tha uie Tommay Attis." e DuMgte>eanlean Civil Wur ta valn Uftiepuara caIlaliYanke,as asbxeev%t4o r et U ta dYantkee, Md h* ýbfedonatsewereçafflu »eveuvus th**e btternas« oromaa la b Ut a rni4 dl.s- sa.tfrcalel eh ' el LI PE V-Cstd) I HPERv.ee's been spending ber evenings since "W n' l tiT i be rather d ang r- C a ldr ohI t, wecame er ? h rubbing up hert o" sske " F enefa ther anr-ed"alathît, 105 knowledge of Scotch history! As if it the Iooskdof teewra tle-lar ys M e ar cnld-If h ou'\'e 19t5. did not'ehine aiready with. a perfect- 11he loko1h rtflbakée,"y erRnli-fýýuv o ,y blinding-brightness!I t's in vain 1 and with- her brother warning still heart in your body you'll board the keep repeating ta her that it's any-. badh i for u amalce an e tnyoMr next boat that cornes our way! thing but good form to be so dread- bad or ou t mae a eney beMr "Being e Highland Iandowner i' fully weil-lnformed; oid hebits are to Berreil? He has so many ways of- quite too delightful for words, but not etrong for ber.. She's got ail the de-; of rnkn iel nlaat" simple a'matter as in the innoec tails of a certain Massacre-with W' "Then IS just got ta be bad for me!l eof mny hesrt I had imagined. The'big M-*hich it appears toqk piacd' It can't be worse than bending> for amount ot knowledge expected of me here once upon a time, an£ ail the ever under another'a man's w -i l appailing. Keepere and factors dates pat, and shows a strong inclina- crawling ta hie feet for fear of being and chrofters and other strange crea- tion ta treat it as an examinatian pa- kicked. rm too big te crawl, and too titres demand audience at &Il hours of uer-efforts which, needless to say-, I clumstr. Wbt.s1n't Our lot baLrd the day. and 1ay before me 7problems dteadiy ignore. enough, as it le? la the skin we which I'm expected to settle off-baud. (To be continueçi.)" wear off our bands, winter and sum- about repaire, and renewals of leases, - mer, too ittie yet7 Don't we have and sheep drive3s-wbaitaver that mayl Net 'Se 1ich Afterif>q, 4_. to talce aur lives in our bands often en- mean-and hundreda- of ather dark si ml er," ciugh at the end of those ropes, and things. Since we got here: on Wed- "Mamnma," adsnl H ry upon thôse pegs that would barely nesday Vve been chiefly occupied in don't bel îeve Soloinon was haif ,80 seat a cat? The ardinary risks of the veiling my ignorance. Yesterday my rich as they say he was." "ýWhy qua.ry re oc itte yt, t sems dignity had a narrow shave;- for when 'not?"' queried bis mother. "Recause.". since we're ta be bullied inta taking I asked the headkeeper where the replied the yonthful student, "it sayS thte by-crdinary cnes toc. Tbe minis- deer-forest was,, and ho pointed toa shere 'and he slept with bis fathers'. ter preachos patience, and of course; bare hili-side opposite, 1 anly just stop- uh a envr ihIgesh it's bis business te do so; but b e pedmyself from asking what had be- If ld had e bad a bed afh I e wn. shouldn't proach it beside father's bed come ofthe trees. Luckily, I rMmem-wudhv a bdo i w. -or not to me, anyway; for the band- bered in trne that a Scotch f orest isn't ages on father's face have a louder afoea 1a But this is oary one Nover leave the soap in the dieh-pan tangue, to my mind. Do you think Ii among the pitfalis that gape nround ta waste and stick ta the dishes. Hen lookedown at her qit?" w e, and- ram which I expect yaur 1Give every bay a box of shoe-black- fui inqury, bun t mea fotd noanh-isuperior oxperience ta preserve me. 'ing and a brush for bis own. swor, being most genuinoly takenMmat o ode i, bur h Change your food habits casuaily as aback. In growing astoniebinent she doos ail that a Queen-Mother can be'you would change your. shoes. Look hed listened ta the vehemnent words expected ta do. In spite of twerxty-; around you and see the' variety -of which deteched themselvea ea strange- 'three years' exporience, shels romain- foods that you nover hoard of or saw ly fom te pacefl ruh o theun-ed far tao governessy ta rule a bouse; Iy fom he eacfulrus oftheU11and for ail her majestic presence, sho's'beforo. Tbcy are ail good to eat, and soon river, down et the back of the a mere oayi the bands of either under catholicity of taste is the faeoaf cottage. Hegw nination ofa or upper bailiffs. How do you think speculators who corner staples. minute ega had been uelept eside like __________________________________ a etraw by thie unlooked-for buret ofr- somothing sa very like rage. ReaIly she had had no idea that this unknowli Onta~rio Veter.nary Colierre cousin of theire waesa fiercely rebel- 'W r" I lioue a character.t 110 University Avenue, Toronto, Canada a s a a SUnder the contrai, of the Department af Agriculture of Ontario. Within the darkened cottage-roan" John stil st by Adarn's bcd, listen- ing ta the braken whispers. which. with pauses of exhaustion, came from under the bandage. The joy of a great relief still pro- dc>minated over the mereiy physical pain. "I don't so much mind now whether or not l've got ta go. Bessie'e doing ail right now, and it's quite in ordor that I ehouW make the trip to the is- land ehead of her. There's just one other thing I ehould like ta have seen befare they put me in lte ground." "Mind, you're net' to worry," said John saftly, as ho paused. "These thinga are botter in the banda they-re ini titan they could bo ini ours." 1I know-I know,- wbispered Adem, with the eagerness of latent fever; "but it -will case me toa s it. WVS about Dunean. Yf ho had ciasen a wif e, I couiri die easy." "He'Il choose cite yet; and, ploes God, youlIl be there ta sec it." "No, he'li no choose one, I tell you. It's these five years that I've been et hi= for it, but Duncan'a got a heed like a atone. He's taken up corne idea against rnarrying; but it'a contraryto nature for a rnan ta o a ingle et twenty-eight» "Dunca emmIosucb âlbard worker tht he can't, talc. the tinte ta go court- "Rle needn't go courting. There'e Elsie Robson ready to, take hirn, if ho would but lift bis littI, linger. A bonny, aout Iss, just the sort wo sltoMld eed abou;thei.houe. And with a croft a!fiter own, and two cows upon ItL You won't beliove it, but 1 can't ge D1uncan to look et ber. Pmu Just wondering1 John-,, The weak voice wavered, and for a few moments the. man with the 'invis- ibler face iay atiîl, çath<-rlng etrength.î 4611n un t wond-,nng whether a word fron you might net bring, it t bis senees. Ia be if you cobld put the. thing befuce f'inRiai a sort of duty - now that I'm as hkiely as not togo and lhe to become tti'hrhor~e h fsamily." "'Tes, lil1apek to h« lmi you 1k., but ordy il yen promis. net taworry any fuIrth*r . 1 t un put titat aside mou'. Maybe you'd 11k. te have an- éther Word wlth Fenelia bafore e mu.sfor slt.'à gMot ab. g.ttng homne. oei cll hep la ? " "Aye, te b. sure-ecaU ber la," ad Adam egenly. "Ws asaugrand as hesrtiig au angel, tuat soi t volveocf bous. Oh b)utIt was good of youta lsnlng hn,1«. . Prosently ?on"llastood -gaun b.- sida the cavarnous bed wth moe composuro thusUme, Jneay better abl. te bear th iOgt of those ternibly Suggestive banages. eYullOme aat lsFe ea won't yout" plaadd l awd mn «I dont lnow wbetbon 101 haiven to me to lok onmy o,,..bonay ttai aala but IV#î s«ootliDta,,bhar youn voleo. Ah, but ik'. no se uuuSotunat.an ac-. erkndaft itra lut ; ga.e os vithout 1 = qu~tIou iz olya f Dunçms sb rap9o)a -&aiad I idwazdh' roly-t - bler or# vwu i '1- I I~ La-ès"-- Plumis hAye a spicy zes which mak tlïemn a favorite preservi, fruit, and several excellenti ricties are plentiful this yel '-4 ÂKfftll&ted with the University o? Toronto. Collogo Reopens Monday, Oct. 1, 1917. Caiendar Sont on ApplIcation. E. A. A. GRANGE, V.&,. M.Sc., Principal___ rý"

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