Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 16 Aug 1917, p. 1

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.7 I. farm. Fi one. Voi 5-No 7 WHITBY, ONTAR109 CANAUAý TÏflUSDAY, AUGUST 16. 1917C.AGOLFLW&So1Pbi CHURCH'S BUG FINISH Kilis ail the Leaf Eating Insects with one applica- tion. No mixing. Ready for use dry. A fertilizer as welI as a poison. Purs Paris Green inl. b, WIl DruggIst and 01 MEDICAL HAL Broch BC. a1 b. pkgs. LIS Whitby. FARM$ WANTEDU SmaUl farine wanted for buyer botweeu the flighland Çreek an( Oshawa. If you have smaii farmi te seli, let us have description an( price. John Fisher & Co, *a mIaid. lasi, -TORONTI 81* Fumau, Dalpymai Fmlt Faim Fer 8.1. ScraRton Ceal DEPOT irds etf EUi, Stoue a-i Nut Coul S-of: Coal for trsListý Loit -&k tMglnV L R. BLOWO Whitbi Bell phone 9. Home phoe 1L fail Terni from -Auig.21 - Toronto, Ont. I. aqustlnaby oe of Canada. buat ®rommërcUdl uchopl,. Tb* dama" for our fra4ual.!sa (sr beyenI oir suppl1 Prgmp "Io&ncet. get poaftiora agar.d êll of our ataidea wbo bero« coupet**L. Wtt4 to-dal for our baud- looé CUlnguS.- It conota i il iformation. Cor. Touge and Chant..St. 1 W. J.MBNi Laid Go..0 aî: Whltby -Ontario SertIe Ooiieotçd, FLrst Lom Arrsegm Properties bought and .old. Frtermaa l7 Head Office, Brook se. 8011 Foge M.lad. l>hoit farine of Alil81188 Wantu By lb. lais Fam klloeg Ce.. moava We maire a apecialty of land soeuhn LIAs your place wl:b un for nood s11u,.- 00ct, 81)Onld St.Webt., Oshai Phono 669. Imm .5-50. ,belt, eour- tiy aia ait frontVoualbut bave bStoon butte, -rmpyvJrorwa m mnoi niu 1WmçLoblin Mo3u~ Z04 Oub4v.. Ou ri% sut iros* gai)>out »t 1iévs. bews- 1115 for Wbiby. Arrltag bs. tb*y c"dt laquirtes toi piit4 kysa re- tménelsolitir, sud wni lte t"t iItai Reeptai. Witpmr. las th* Roawi 'yoviriesi-A gopet 5OadOS; 4 wbo. thq mmd. utd tah ,risa e ka îyie u., li u, oveaulontit losi euer tethould gw. ut wh 49 j, hers E, E.1iILLIS APPOINTE b POLICE MAGISTRAT!- ANNUAL MEUXIN F-WAR RELIEF SOCIETY Mt. J.E. Wilis, drugglst. bas re- lic mat ters. For years ho wras ehair- The annual meetin g of the WarRe- Interest...... ........... 6.00 celied officiai notification of hi s ap- man of thte local Board of Health. and lie! Society was held on Monday aller- pointilent as PolIce Magistrate ôf the! for four years Was a member of the noonl the-re being anattendante of a- I$646 late Major Harpet- the pQsition of chairnian. In. 1891 he The President, Mms J. E. Wlllls, pre. There %vere several applications for was a member of the Town Council. e. To Mms Rives Ducley (Pris- the position, but Mr. Willis seems te fil Januiary, 1913, bc wa.s elected tc Ttie prograin was enlivened D>y vocal onr tW)-------487 have filled *t'e requirements best. in the Mayoralty of Whltby. and for îwo o ;los b>' Mrs. G. S. Johnsonanaid Miss Ca&n. Red- Cross. from chlldren the judginent of the powers that be. years beld thai office, bringlng lu tthe L_ Padgett. roaslutfor......1.2 M.r, Willis. as a drugglist. has the re-) discharge of his duties abillty of a char- The reports oft he recording secre- To C. Bogart, Toronto, Duchess quisite edue-ation and mnen tai training acter which served the tua-n ad"-an- tary and treasurer i(ere carefuli>'and of Connaught Fund----------- 9.00 to fît hîm for the responsible duties of tageously. ably prepared, and were tatfullo inter- To Mile. Malaval. for Brittany the position. He is a man of mature During 1914 Whitby enjoyed ug$4tr est to the members. I.ock of spa5ce pre- Hos;pitil.... .... .... ...... years. of slîrewd busin*ess ability, and Mayor Willlis the lowest tax -rate for a vents the prlnthig ta, ful 0f the Sec To J. E. Willis, tobacco and possesse2, a ke-n knowledge of buman long periud-narnely. 'I1 milîs. It Was retary's report. Altet enumerating the chocolates, for Miss Cormack's nature. Hke Is fair nîinded and sen- in that year that Mayor Willis toek a «-r1satrte f~h oitydr oe...........0.00 sible~. and may be expecîed to admin- pronilnent place In întrodncing a sew- ing the ylear, lte report gives these To Can. Chewing Gum Ce.. for ister thé, offiçp of Magistrale wisely erage system- For thîs man>' citizens statistics: Miss Cermack's boxes...... .. 5.00 and %veil. severely censured hlm, and bis activity Sent to the Secotirý Nattonaie:-296 1 To paper and cord for Trafalgar The new Mazixtrate was bora al h mle a ave led tu his de- pairs of seeks, 166 tôwels, 6 flannelettel Day........ .... .... .. .... .7 Whît.by. a son of the late Robert Wil-i feaî lIntthe municipal elections of 195 bloomers. 1 swea«tereOmt. 24 womens To British Red Cross Society. lis. wlo for a quarter of a centur- Notm-itbstanding this opposition* It is dresses were made urýd returned. Trafalgar Day Collection...-.2289.15 taught school ln the town. NMr. Wilis ihte opinion of a large number oif-rate- Sent to Major Evêr", 408 pairs of MISS Cormack, postage on boxes 120.0 %vas educated ai lihe public and Higli payers that the sewerage systeni bas ses Miss A. Pepler. Belgian Relief Schools her-e, entered the drug store of proven a great benefit lu Whitby. His Given to ladies ot %Whltby sending Fund........ .... .. ...... 260.43 Mr. G. E. Gibbard, Wb'itby, and ln duei actiiiies on bebalf of good roads were parcels oversea3;266 >airs ut secis, 48 T. G. Wbitfleld, tissue paper....75 lime emprged a fuil-fledgêd druggist. recently enumeraled in these columas. suits Of gauze tfnder*wnnr. ees en frcrlI.... 18 For some ypars 1w gained experlence %Ir. WVllis is the President of the sent 10 Captain ,-Iary- Plummer. P. Sullivan, for blnding boxes.. .60 ln Toronto drt.g stores. and in 1899 Whiîby Board of Trade. and aIso Pre- Shorn"lîffe. Englant-(Caiadiau Field Jus. Heard & Sons. conveyance purchased 1,,, drug business of bis first sîdent of the local branch of the Child- Comlorts COM-):- 12W Paîrs.of, m>cks fr30des 0ci-ia.....0 emplo>er. G.E. Glbbard. Since that ren*s Aid Society. 1;5 fio.niel shirts. 26 qpits gauze under- Refresbments for At Homoe. 6.13 lime ie lias bren continuously in busi- Tthaer'r. Willis wiîî make an efficient îer.-Jus Heard & Sons. conveyances ness hekrk,. Police Magistrale the-re is no doubl-. Séent toQueen i ;ys Needle-work frcnaecn edesl Earl> In lits business experience lie1 May lie long lie spared to deal out just-'G uild:-242 pairs o! yýcks, 25 suits of At Home...... . ..... .. .... 9.00 b)fewii b îaks an active interestin ipub.- e tb ail who apperzr before hlm. pyjamas. 29 hosritai<sbirts. 36 pîîîowSr.Edad.........0 case-s, 2-j lowelS, 4:3 pirs etflied socks. Mms Rives Buckley, Prisoners _________________________________________Wbitby Milltary fl4sptal:-12 nuite of War....... .... ... .... 48.72 pyjamas, 6 air cusbioes. 16 deà eggs, W. 0. Walter3, flette, wuol, etc. 121.72 A ALF OR FOOD CONSE VATIONU 1 wnter bottie. 1*1Rosa Bros.. elderdown .... .....11.70 Sent t0 Col. Shat*e. London. Eng* C. A. Goodfellow. printing.. .. 6,25 BY TUE WOMEN F 1WHIS i lad:-378. pairs of!-bcks, 18 suite cf A. Ni. Rusa. towelling. buttons, 11E OM rl0f WIIT Y înderwear, qoutIty of maga- threud ..... .... .. ...... 17.69 Toal ~io! 3.044 p>aîr<of secs. Can. Red Cross, wooi..... .. 125.o0 There was not as large an ai tendance w-e at home should give our servie ln 0f the 3,0)04 Pairàýfcs suppli-ed T atnCe.. wool..... .. ..1429.69 a&. sbould hae been ai lthe mass meet .1 ii wa>- for the boys who overseas are by thie soclet>' duingWbe year, 60 pair-s Sec.-Treag. expenses .. .... ....4.47 la- o! women n the Music Hall on sacrificing much, evIen their lives, fort e________ a d ad. inC lu us. Chatterson; St. Johar. (R.C.) ladies $543 Wednesday evening last. nevertheles Quoting varieus speakers, sucb asicontributed 175 as Presbyterlan BalIn bank...... .. ...... 60.27 Sa goodly nunîber turned out for the Premier Hearst and %Ir. N. W. Rowell. Bible Clasn. 1,50 pIr~Amnslde.- d Food Conservation meeting, called un- M1m. Thompsoun gave the audience a 100 pairs.. 10 -Alotf ais $4614.61 der authoritty of the Food Controller. musNt force! ul address as lu wliy Can- FI NCÂ T E ï.î> McLLsres M4ayor Warrî'., acting as chairmati. adians should take Ibis inatter sertous- I NC LSU E N.MCE-IA Tes explaiîied lhe reasons for calllng j.he 1), te beart and commence NOWV each Promn August Il. 19W6. tu Auguat 13, August Il. 1917. audited and tound meeting. reading the bulletin Issued lis lu do bis or lier littie bit.j correct. the Goyernment dealing wlth the Mm. T. G. Whitfteld outlined particu- M~- t<s food situation. He referred 10 lar methods of conservlng and ot sub- Sock Fund Collectiotis... ... $11658 J.PSEnr MeKAr, &umditors. Ithe meeting o! womnen held in Toronto stitution. For example. said MYs. Whlt- Donation front cbildï*a front recen il>. ai whlch the Food Controller field, those at home should use as lit- s ale off lowera .- .- - 12 ELECTION 0F OFFICERS. was present. At that meeting were lie as possible ut beet, bacon, and Donation front childrmn for Can. The eleetIon of officers resulîed as surne 300 women representatIve et vrt- wheat products. and use la substitution!1 adian Red Cross-------------1.26 toliows. Itous mululcipalitles In Ontario. and mure perishable gouda, such Me eggsý, Collet@tt for DuCIto! or c - Preidt-birs, J. B. Willls. they had been requested te cail meet- vegetables, fruit. etc. The use ut ryel nauglit Fund ..- . .9.00 lat Vieeb-re.-Mlss MDonnell. lngs ln their boee mmunities te bread instead of whes.t bres.d and oat- . IydligiiDaU cle*oi. ..228.15 :114 IcPrs.Mr. eo. Cormack. place betore the teomon a statement uf meai rather than wheat are intnesDntInMjowr arn& Son 10.00 ]Rc. 8 e--àdrs Jos. long. the situation au presented at thie meet- of bow this conseryation may ho £0.i Donion jmis.Jamef.çampb.ll, Assueo. ean-NU"s A. Howden. lng o! Hoit. W. J. Hanna and othiers. compllshed. Refsrragte food values,1 Chtesg@ -..... .. 4t . 100.00 Co. te-3r&ELT. pon Mrsm Rolit. Thonipson. une, oft*he dele. thespeaker salitthat bean alia aDOfltIOUfl Maor iipe.r and gates, was asked to b. the ftrst sPeak- mach nourishment as meat Salads a fmly ... Ï. -2 S_00 ¶raaurr.-Miss Ida McCieIlan. et-- Mrs. Thotapsea deait wl theianditJelies lght be tory *eU substi- Choe tromTraala D&Wfgh- ?rmasReporter.--Mrs. G. M. Godfet- neceait' o coseringand aubsti- tuted for desserts requtring wheatf.13 . .. ... 0 iW îutlng foods, glvlng a summary oft he flour, At this sem-ieasn<toyuu r lPsocMeiiaof Witure X U500sSock Coanees-urs.. Movat, rýebarks oftthe po*Âi,,ro 5 es obp go: utcularly as large a une as itiossble eowîà i t -4; : . ads M».2 D - eraI situation. mighl lie lMie o! 111e trwb fts. D0itlI&1 ~AORW'U 80. ' C@pemnor o! Spplws..-Mus. C, Ted. Theamuntofwheat that vili ho e- Tho cauuiiu-andpwuseriit or ruts oi.U' ................- rquireit or. 1918 t ed 111te 11usla&- ztveptabBe alm cOjjed4 m"X 11 Q% t1 i ~ r- - u tiens, MaidtUMs IL 11'1elslg 1,I~~fê .. 1,IMi00blb5d 041 u , ail vif fler e ina- ouIe on&y 4&000A00bushélis viii 1e »-tit covemmeut xm&s.WbiIay........li dueed, bY theso ititloa, leasiig a bal- a pumber o! reelpea for seoai - "M ,DoilAtisu f*o* tint BtW.*eut e mu «MiliT cuhtn*te0conSist suee 0f4119."00,000 lieisthat wtIli beaUi nvolvlag the Ue <segetables snd -lt eaodtW a ofrs.~.6.0ltae 8ers snd presidents "et other frequir1 roàn tLunttes outside Eur-ifruits oaii. 8. Adem W.B @le' oite *IW ope., Australia, Argentina a-ad Indial It vas explatued that titis meeting Cisa............. 16.00 produce wheat that could b. used, but had been cailet not to effect a nov or- lldi= ellef Codllotton ..1&4 ttu abotta5e ot shlpplug Makes lit' putzatiou, bu t»toenflbI 11e seuitançol DOltIos4 MM bi4Jý $"itb.,.. ONOR ROLL. urgetly necessary tu brlng the. whea f tail, exlstIng womeuls organizatlons D@na00oit. Bt. AndrsvsChurth t rom theu nearest sources, wlch are luI spt-efflng the Gospel et Fud Von- i Che&--r.. . *... 0...... ZIA$. t.8s liq -17104! Canada andt the Vnlîrd States. tueiservation. Docestio, Maaor Kaiper & Son16.00 pli. a MCielorim. coran voyage from these count-les me- i Aresolution. introdufed bouMIsL M. 1W!proieets. fnm aata-Dive MeBr"ienls a -3s o o! M. îugii AquIring only about une-quarter lt.e! V. Powell. vas car. u rgdgnag 1bte PtooOlIS a nc 1Yl y ~ - MBin fWib.mdabohr time thatila cccupled betveen Austrda South Ontailo A.gvtulturaI 8stty to saSM $blier Md 80110M; lia ~ ~ g ~jp j ej and- England- Next yeai, therefore. In make the awards on Ré,i risat bie tonvi~ oiz order te send the required amount o! Oshawa Fair wltbout oeMli jrsDO Alq Ahi iie Iwdiii0* .0 WShBtiobvuatenpa wbeat 10 the Aillies, Cana.da and the thua providlng for tise keepln et a 1Reeepit roua lunehroe at ~ ~ ~ ? i.Wnuu .en United States must export 1tu them, l&rge aMount cffrIlit Wbch WoUId OU.i C1#0ti.. es., tel.*..11 o .4lhiConyDtao 460,00Q.000 hushels. la normal timen, erwise have to ho oounsumod Immed- bousetlimt t*is. atritie dance - in rami 4 UWEJit. 300,U00,M Obus, ma be epareilfor t1ille latety, rOg U b lY OMS Ste nd 1, J , îea t lea put-pose, but to provide the extra 160.- The meeting ceticlutied wvils-the. Na. 111......... .0 Decoed vsti .ts o et 1f 000.000 bunhels vili necessltate the con- tional Antheus, ollovia; vhlcb -"su*a-ProCede rot at Monte givuaby J. J.Bell, for sovei 1em , ibtai servation et wheatand lte use et more formai meetUng wis heli th 1e repre. War W2* W S orcnvalffScut et the. Wbflby RuMO Sohoc, Ti bo perialiable gouda lnatead. The. ship- 1sentatives ot the local wveWns ega. 1... .. U- 800 vs a îpolI bore et pýuble "d ig J s 1rm& I1u cpta QLYAPLJ1TY -and eCau on# AT. Lawler The Grocer WI4ITBY Phones :b-BelI, 47; Independent, 47, %SUMMER UÀ FOOTWI3AR Ourw- stocký of Sumrner Footwear iuncIudes' tht very Lateet Style Pum:p.s and"Oxfo'rds. in Vici Kid, Patent Leather, Gun Metal and J2arkJBrown Caif. s«c our lino of VUTt CANVIaidU4lCni ' O vn'th higborlow hastls, « Pr with Icather or i -bcsoles 0. Ta) i n 3 00O1) m t 1 '4,; t >nto at uon ai a oos 0,' Day ONT. Pont ental te ahi- e'vice.. ýdware gor o! 'ersi ly 0 that e auAL ne us id.i I. r s s '11 ta. d#3 at able. -fbr lcn, 6 e

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