è Betwe Cosns; OR, A DECLARATION 0F WAR. » r-s Wo aéý uiwMounsrPERODS DÈU aa&-as1t-cu u'fta -the cows were CHAPTER IV,-(Cont'd.) idea waa uinprecedented. "Âdaan's cthet is lu th- WiS glen ein terday--and without having had your ' i hdwte ascewih a 3Ssa "If lhe is to bachiW- eyesight, thei po . Vstes I's pepgtr-sliaIe tefue it he. W MDo ipotuseU.rs eaWhil surel>' death would be the better o;oufr t.nca isise lcsd twoeUv ii .so gti the t wo," temared Albelnasthnel witl tzr rposterous ab2out entrauce a Celtie croisreared its tsi!, tu Fon tiia wa no nerly80 rue astiipa>nng a sick ealIT" argued Fenella, wht neck nI mcmory of the murder- words. whose oagerness wis growmng at sight ed OdetO. It was not until ah. had "As to the eýres, th~e doetor cafl ayflof the new radiatice dawnlng in ber croaed the. atone bridge g th It ia not true, as hu been be n&tingforutleat awek,-hat"'f ather's eyes-an incredulous hope river, whosc green sud wie water that our soldiers ldtcriu supposing-", which se. had neyer scml there bcfoee.. tumbled ueawmrda, sand were fairly in long perlods without relief or ri dé Supp03ing there remains any ne- "Don't people )go into hospital wards the. glen, that Fenellass bueooscu- yond the.ra ofe the enemfs cessity for sayiiýç anything," finished, ever>' day? and usen't Mma Gordon t., ede In the carlier stages of tthe wsz JTulia, with- business-like directness. it for bouts beside the. old women's "Dou yon à tblnkr that Adlam will die, rmnysavailable mnan-powel "la lie suffering rnuch T" beds l' ffatherli th. timidi>' asked. "He doesn't say so, but the doctor. "She -certainly used to," admittedl John drew a breat.h tChscc hmiaeste oraeon tii etern doe. I'm told it's about the worst Albert, who, though quit. 8as astoniah- be a sii h ta tFrneo Bian sort o pain there is: and yet he man- cd as Julia, was rarely lu danger of -I still hope ho may not. There is necessary to keep the infantry agea flot even to groan. He did losing his head. d'If it was flot for no vital injury, it seema. Lt la the front line, thât ili, actually holdi groan just At first, but when he. notic-: last night's fatigue, I should rcafl.Y Shock te the heart which the doctor trenches, andý liable te attack a, adhowmad it made Duncan, he stop- ses no objection to your accompan>'- feara. fHe wua thrown neari>' teli moment of the day or night, fa ped lumecilf, and now he pretends that ing father - And if you promise te b. Yards, Yeu know." oda of two weeks at a ine. I iic'a feeling cornfortable, with the skin'back for luncheon, and to lie down "Waa the accident resu>' bis own i-t, stil weil withln field gun off his face, min", and his eyes swollen'aitrwrds-" fanit?" P sht! Yeyea; I promis," argled "it'wadifficult te sa>. Duncan Baya it was not uncommon to kecp "Are Duncan's hands vcry bad ?"l FenclIa, making a rather reckicas heap Itwste fault of tiie i-on tools. But lions for a month or more. The: &"Not s0 very. He'l be able to use of her bail-dresa. on the bcd, before it is possible that Adamn pushed the one period during which ail Ca' them again quite soon., though for the proceeding to-dash through ber pre- dresser harder than he should have battalions ln the lin. and in o- moment.- I <b.î xeve, the pain is about parutions. ati p donc. The whist). had souxnded, it were snbjcct te ail the hazards, ubdas his father's. But thii also, lWeil, I suppose there'a no ati- seems, and lhe wu.s in a hryt f o eea ots ihu n 1gather only f rom wa the doctor ar harin in it," was sîl that Juli cul the powder in. 'h la hurry o int fo severlymoth urgetout a sys. Duncan doesn't talk about t;, be.g t te concede. his iface. ti very paînful sight. -Peri~s uUcugn h. taîka oni>' of bringing the Company "Riai-m in it T" said Albert te ber a I hope that you-tbst you wen't find those'daya jugtîtied tic subjecti and Mr. Berrell to their knees, for it's fcw' minutes later, haviug Iingcred ex- it toc much for you." large bodies of men te such an them h. makes responsible for the ac. pr'essel>' to Ulakk the reinark en tete- (To be continucd.) sant strain. cident." a-tete. "Thte bai-n would have been _______ As the use of artiller>' increai "H. hai! better flot tackle Mr. Ber- to make a forbidden fruit of this new guns of heavier calibre 'are b' rell,1 put in Albert, wîth an audible pianthy olnt Faues erl ek Eplay Aq LYI forward to smash trenche ansd sharpenlng of ton.. "Can't you kcc hltrp y f t mue brSik E ASPEC1T OF defence positions the. need foi hum quiet, father?" calîs are quit. le »tÃŽmate. you kn> . fe i-n est perioda for the "I a peWh patience as hard It' a pity it shou atb Adam, n aI- can," said John with bis faint cantb.utJ T H E NA YS OR aml;"u uca sn ay aub-<ot belped. I've a notion thatdmnwaete eti h smetode"but t'Dna s gnod-sybyêfotilî lier docii..-once Fenella ~lin. tronches for more than eigb, Jeatto dalu it not Btigode T Don'gins t,.uauk for nerself, she will re- Often an even eborter "tour"j mmaoui nt e epn tayiue on'tquire careful handling; and te Uiwart OVERSEA TRADE 0F GËRMANV agdYoitie netr mie, Julia. ll get a bit Bt for e in trilsaUcwatem e hersefM AS DUSAPPEARED. after a trying time, is taken bu While the talk went on Fenella hisd By which. it will be scen that AI- rest billets for lengthy periods esat silent, hier wvork dropped te hier beit'a horizon was wlder and! his pet- -cuperation. lapelber eyes fixed wistfully upon her ceptidns keener than those of Uic mat. Our Mercantile Marine Mslntalns Ita Life ia the Reat Billets. father's f ace. That hatf-remorseful ter-of-fact Julia.-. ,feig_____dtuhe ir atCe8la WthOvrE"Rest billets are a sort of terr feigwaich ad tohcd hna er.t* ___Cael. sc vrEey paradise for -the.men who are nihtas sadig heeina) 1hrCIIAP'ER Y, Carmin Harbor.coubt enamoliute ira>' inci->'. ae bac) seen him go off, Aogtewdvilg tet ta-nurte pdamntinti volitar>', upon bis errand of pain and long it thie illagefsthet,§btre, T@ag-ft@ rti RYdrng15nkndthr ogbfr scrrow, bac) corne over ber again - i d t h-ln fte sor, Tewr fth rt. ay ulgÃŽ wkn of the ralgboreo Hia fingers were on the handie ai- Fenelia and ber father çwaiked almnost this war has failen under îorapbSt' the horn fteeni o in silenice. The situat!on WAU too IIew dlvilone-miltarymd com'rna"'. wlo sell5a loteet Angliees chairy. winaesat fo*le to be acccpted by eitbcr of them with- 7%lere la the fightlng fleet and tbere1 M'sieu tuppence each." The vo chair. ut a flaver of embarrasierit. With "Father!" she criled. impulsively. o0ya caios rmr ecagd'1 the blockading fleet. wrltes Sydne women and children are heard '"Let me go with you!" they ascsedbyn raatrofed ane Brooks. Soie daype aa 'h and the voices of the guna, if lh. John lQoked back at bis daughter the age d a nfc tate nfedcown-eae1 etrupee hali bear e ,aIl, are but a faint rumble in t! lu n atonshmnt hîc vegedonwhose white walls the moisture la yof what oui- armada In the North Ses ac- os nufcett incomprehens.ion. in streaksaias vividly gi-een as tbougb1 bas aecompllhed in the way of pre- thc nerves of Uic most "jumpy. "Eh, my dbar?- With me? But l'mi the color bad run out of the grass- venting German trade. i am not sure It must notbe supposci! thai golng to Adam's cottage." tufts flourishing above,-by the littieta Oei10Cadanrabz billots are places where all pli "Yes, I know. But couldn't I go bay about which the sea-gulls were oxat enwCn heBls b le ookmaehae auc a too'? Perhape I might be of son-e ue. pcrpetuaily buay,-tbe old pier built xeto th Bris blcd. I1- wkmasJckCnklz The>' muat be lu such diatress, and of alate-refuse and marking the spot stretches fromn Iroland to the Medtter. la kept in condition by physicl perhapa it might- please poor Adam."j of the erstwhile ferry, now no more ranean, from the Aretlc to the Equat. bayonet instruction, musketr; "Please hlmT It would enchant than the starting-point of the, wat.er- or, but the meshes of the. net are thick- ciscs, and visita to the rifle rai hlm. But are you sure? It 15 Ba ide funerals.' The sky was as blue! eà t and strongeat, of course. In the pi-lisps at the trench moi-tai- or er'distressing sight; and-' as a Hlighland April sic> knows how North Ses and the. Atlantlc ing achool. H.Rela given oppoi "m not afraid o! that," said te be, the billsa cross-the loch as clear SvrlhnrdIsoudsyaotfrsoerit. uha a Fencila quickly. "And perhaps if we, as the remains cf wintei- moisture- Svrlbnrd1sol a bu o hwrbts uha a ai-e tweo! us, we wen't be 50 mucb oe nowneru im'vis 800-vessels of ail typ~es and chaia- I fpi-ovidcd nearer the front, sud, distresed."could permit. The incline rising tr, rlers, destroyers, converted cia))>' fortunate, rua> even bei "Fenella, you're madil cjaeulated steepi>' above the cottage rcw toe Knersi- armled trawlers, dnitters aud have a swim ln running water, Julia, recovering fi-ont an astonish-1 rlght-the "green bill," as it was cal)- yachts, make up our blocksdlng squad- venient pond. Whatever their ment which had kept ber dumb, for the'ed, in contradistinction to its gimimer roui. Th,@ offcers are malnly drawn ftii. men in reserve or in i-est froin the naval reserve. aud most of bave a good- deal of Icisure, an tbem, having soi-yod In the Moercantilef built up rapidly b>' forgettint - marine, know ail thpre lus to e o wn It4~ front for the tie, and beî -R E P H E about shlp's manifesta and ptà >eis and RSTaboJin, sport sud amus -the Inspection of carggqo. Basebalýnd4the cincia are 41 It la the duty of every subjeet of the Allies to help Tirelesa Watch and Wafd hae a deitedof oui- Cnadian i wln the WAR, and they can beat do it by preventlng If you have been uscd to ci-osslng hravelsongacocetd ic £n g WASTE and storixig Up for the COMING WINER al Uie Atlantic on Briish boas, you ptell i ecrthud drama food products, especially those perhable fooda sucli as would find many old frenda at this pranes whic ar>' lyptii.em frisand eetbe.' 1moment engaged lu maintaining outi-gi-iinal ulava or onerettas. sti-agle-holi! on Gerisa>' lu the North Ses. They know thein jobi A shlp witli a double bottom or doube deeks or double bulicheada or hobbyw mas foi- euneeslng ridles and! ammunition hasn't much ot a chance et g.ttlng past thoin. A asutral skipper vwith a fsked asanifest ss reaUze that thc game la up, The>' have develop.d an X-ms;y power o etetcting copper lu keela and plates and Gsi-mana In SwIman sd Aisattans sudcoetton in barreleof fleur, mmd iren tho> coma ar«acarfflot ol sons and drop oe cf th.m os dock mnd"'lt bouneca tea feet, ibe>' havequit.e ecugh intelli- .gencje to suspect aemewhae.tUi pres- ecce ef rubber. Splîl up lnt. patretlng aquadrons, stcamlng up abMdewn a beaten track of open sea la total darkaess b>' nlgit, sharplY on the lookout b>' day for mines sud subiiainiaamost e! tbeui fifty days coatInnously it s.a--and Uice North Ses Iu wlntcr lime ln probabl>' the di-ticat, dreleaet atreteh lot vater to be rouandanyviiere rouand thc cartil --Dow havies a bruah vitit a dlsguIsed r'aider; nov wardlng off a subinse attavk; nov launcblug a boardlng f Party' la a sea that would make leveu aÃŽ' Ol0ocoter nfleutaras thiuk tfIice;f nov fesces &a liuts-si vesse liaa Wsl or savtsg h fi-m destruction by a Germas torpedo-4t lessoomees iuW pletum ,teo ae'oU <bat va«u a"i varlegat.4 force ue%*nd b> mon eof te meraroue mrIe.et 1e«se~y >'esr7«"bât ualatao& Ui, a1* a"umuabhk w Qu*Pcct*acun. tsIMOMAg. «M"1«11g dansmvun b"Il abeputely 4..tWV vlhrovuer r>' oem o reeioeh, a - erud Sr j Mo'ksao. bswvcM at Md ee *nabnai btumhao#Wdt b. eue t** plu M MPepea-Y,. 0rfflfer b th. mo-" fai Wu 1 bis uha dý tILL IS ilieved, rest be- iguns. r, when Dr waa front it wus in tho ling the at any Dr peri- In Sup- range? Sbatta- ere was anadian support cf war ty i-est sity cf lng~, of ii inces- mes sand ACOufRSE IN ROUSEHOLD, SCIENCE COMPLETE TWENTY-FIVE LESSONS. Lesson V. Comhnmtfihles. Lt 10 nceasary for healtiiSthat thei diet should have varicty. All five of1 the. principal elements of food shouldi be proeut in eacii day's ailowance,q tiiough It lu not necessa-> that oach mcml should consist of ail five. Wet have already learned tbe function o! esc.h kind o! f ood. Proteina are necca-1 sar>' for building and repairing ofi tisanes. Minerai suits regulatetheic body processes, Carbohydratosi <starchos sud sugar> suppi>' heat sud 1 energy.- Fats ai-e needed for energyi sud iuhrication. Water is a ncces- sar>' part of the. bloci! streazu and f o' the. elimination cf waîte. It we talc. an exc..ss o! aome of! these elements into the bcdy, certain1 results follow. In the case of pro- tein, thie bcdy retains on)>' the amnour-t needed snd rejecta ths remainder,1 which process oftýen overtaxes the liv-ii or and kidneys. Iu the case o!l carbohydi-ate,thc exceas is stored in1 the foi-m of fat, Iu thc çabe of fats the result la te i-aise the temperaturé IN1 MdEEING,ïS ON, THE BATILEFIELDS it obtains from the. air bi-eatled Imn- pure air la dangerous because it does flot contain a sufficient amount O! DRAMATIC ENCOUNTERS WI]f oxygen. FRE RED The axnountW of f oo4-re<iui-d for FRE RED combustion differs ver> gi-estl>' with the age, condition sud o=cpation of the. individual. -Tii. Iargcst amount Some Amazinig, Others Amusing, sud la needed b>' the young and grcwing Now and Then One Trul>' chuld. Middie-agcd and eider)>' >er- sons requirs much lssu. Ferions en- Ti-agic. gaged lu heavir out-door work require The battlefleld is probably the last mors tlian those of the sanie age psewoeeewudepc edo whose work ontails less physical ex- pacas a lon-e wt retdruîo ertion. debor. Bungot eeltigsve hap.v A calorie ila aterni used te express . enetores B tieslthe warhavehlch food value, ami denotes the arnount o!:Pndsoe ftmsI h a hc heat necessary te i-aise eue pound o! has brought men from the ends of the water four degrees Fahr-enheit. The eartb to the treuches cf Fra .nce aud- average adult requiros'dail>' fi-cm2500 Nlon g gaIalirpat' ic to 3000 calories. If tond were sold, Ntlogaéaà 1I pryfm lsait shouli! be, b>' the calorie sud not; one of the London regiments "wOflt b>' weight and measure, we would be over the tep." Iu the darkueas one cf lu sn aposition te Judgo wliether we were the r-aiders found hlmself separated rcally i-cceiving truc food value for fi-cm his cempanions in Uic cnemy Qui- money. For example, one pound tecis ogn on-eeo i brougIt of the body undul>' ln hot weather of rice costing 10 cents containa 1,591 >iaess e ±ueL * [odior Alldisse foi-ms of fond are called calories, while 0one pound o! potatoest Young~ German pols erady te fling a omoecombustibles, because Uic>' are burncd, at 8 cents contains 879 calories. and! bomb. si men i. e., the>' unit. with oxygen lic euoe pouni! cf round steak at 26 cents At that moement a star-&hbol weIt Up,. bdy. The lo cannies oye whichcrais890caosus ad lu the dazzllug ight the two mon bC>.blo eygn cotans cloie.rocognlsed cach other. Wlîh a-gaspo ht days. Home-Made'Pickles& crock te prevent evaporation. Gare oet asnasmentec rcdetti la an- DilI Plckles.-Select cucumbers et a 1 must b. taken diat Uic vinegar i. atehrsnn. ivision, mediumn aise, "slg oui>' die that, are1 leaat two inciies above tho pickles. Tommy and His Tailer. ack to perfect>' solli!. Make a streng biui1 This amount et vinegar wll do fer They bad been achoolmates from et i-e- solution that will float an egg. Bring t1fty medium-sized pickles. their kindergarten days untîl the>' had teo"a bcd sund then cool. Lino that j Sweet Pickles.-Prepare fort>' amaîll ialyef coabusiyur bottoin o! the utensil witb grape vine -usil>' left slachool, about sIx yeevioi-s leavs. ow pacea lyer f Slt tat illfloat an egg, for three days. -ofs btlv o h dat lucky ialinthe bottoin of the keg, bueket or Daithe.n wsthe pickles in-ccold. ge"oue thtie Get te dvnt l cky-,ocI, Place a layer of cucumbers, jw5lteP;now Place in a porcelain pre-l _ç___ te odoe un. One I hen sprinkle iightly with sit ad:. ser"-"g ke-tle the folowing: " iublnslt , 'ut-" ie Ludne reelecvrwith diii; add sî< bay leaveg. quarta of edervinegarone qurtoduRbtios 1" bru Q1 o i'RePeat this operation until the "vessel water. four cupfuls or browu suga, -Then li surrnder. Lcead on. you p,,p,,,i-sufilled. Now place a cover ever one ounce o o!1Utard seed, one 11njj 811Y"ldht'o " hoo~n tl to~' Gices cf, th, pickle, made of cheesecloth i-0o celery seed, une ounce cf whoie This was Perhapos the quatuteat- 1agaih,;Auslin; have a cover that will fit in- cloves, ono-haîf ounce o! alîspice, one- "capture" that hau >'Gt been madoe. iard ai aide o! the uteusil. To keep the fourtb ounce o! ba>' leaves, four 1em- The two arrived safely ilu-Uic Be- tho dis- pickles weigrhted .do*tn, place a hencav *o, alicci! thin. Brng te a boil and tilsh hues. There It ti-ansihred tit, dîsturb! weight on the vesseras cover. N-Owvthen ceok fo- fivo minutes. Add the aitheugli Englsh by training- and- ,.# ipour ovet the prcpared brine sud set propared pickles sud cook for ten min- sympath>'. the priacilci-was Gsi-ian t i-est asido until ueeded. Cure must be utes atter the boiling stai-ts. Remove b>' bu-ti. Belug lu Frankfort st-thle la sud takçn that the brine doos not evapor. sund seul lu jars or crocks. Tu seul outbuieak of war, -ho bad perfore e ,y. Ho ate. Cut a root cf horse-rudish i nin ci-ocks, et.., place two thickness et ijoîn the Germiuî ti-lu>. al dill,'thin pieces sud place lit amuong tih. absorbent otten er the top et the Thle writer once wltnessed an antus- ,y exer-. pickles. This will preveut the brime jar, thon lover with paraffin pa.per. Iug encounter botwOeen a Tommy, who ige ert rm trmig amol. wt.ba~atout string. waa someting or a *,nut,, in ths old r bomb- Cucumber Pickles. - Wash the' Mustard Pile.-Prepare twouty- fdayg anîd bis taler, to wliom- lisei-ll1 ýrtunity pickles and propane the. crcck b>' put- fivo m.ediumn-size! cucumbers sud plUce- owed a big bll. The two wer5i- dit<-,- not be ting lu a layer O! suit sud then adi! in a brins for thi-ce' day. Remieve feieit reglimnts, iilthough at the tinte if spd-' the pickles; cover with bnine that will aud wasb sud then tut as desir;jl 1 they mwere engaged Iu the saine woak-- able to float an egg. Weigh dowu b>' ccver- Place lu preserving kettle and! coven4,gpi-Y or con-, ing widi a cover or lid two aizes san-' widi- col! wnter. Briug te a bail, fr -v as bitterl>' cold, sud' Uxerc -wà s rduties loi- than the crock. Place tbe weight thon cook (or ton minutes. Drain an issue ef rum that flornflK. Then billets on the cover and let thîe pickles stand wcll and, then cever with preparci! taller waa uuiuckY' euough 'to uPiet nd are for three day. Take from the brin. mustard.- B-il for fivo minutes a!ter hi. mestin in whhch -ho had matl-" about and wash lu ccli! water. Place theni adding the preparci! pustard. Two drawu bis ration. - bcoming lu a preserving kettle. Cover the top cuptuls o! brown su gui, one-tew.th He glanced around ln despair-and semcnt. ot the kettle with green grapo leaves. pound of mustard, or e-fourth ounce f,lseovered - lii old biii unptofltabIl-' he su- Add sufficicut cold' water te kover. of tptimerle, oe cupfuî o! fleur, one customer wlth 'an un-Usually ilbelà a. They Ileat ver>' sloWIY ttfl Just belôw the 1oune of celer>' seed,1 two quarta .cf shareof-etiscoifO rtin 1ri ide o simeingpont. Reovs-ad let 1cîder'vinegar, one qua1ofe!water. Mlxi - Lots have smý moutbJ!u,-dsw, ,c coi- cool, tbendrain. Newrnako a piekie dis dry lugredients t'ui! then bleui! sali! the taller ,psrsua4vl>'. - a.pi-o..o! two gallons o! eider vinegar, eue wltb watci-. Adi! tbe vinegar sud "'Why aheul! I T"apoXiethe oUihe,. ing on ounce of wbole pepper, oue ouncc cf thon bring to abell ang i oek for fiv. 1witli his mouth te bis siii -ý -wnole clovos, one-naîr ounceofo mua- 1mînnutca, sarirtgcQnstntl>'. Add te PIs>' SudConcrts.Bring tea bîll sud then peur over the lu glass jars sudse. Pour onel Man' el-kew cocet lu !r pickles., Weigh the pickles down in teaspoonful ot olive il over pickles ani, actons are in the ranks and! amoug thc vin gar sud cever the top ofet ti.atter pbaclng in jarý s ea seahing. dis hold,ýrs, o! commissions, b.sidcs. _ amateurs of;distinctiwL. Tii.concert et eueof necorps w!! ocasional-' UÀW C<pfM y a ~ ssterm. Nort' is e root higii lvisit theto etertainmntcentres eof m~II I ) iougii te prevezt du o r e ov Thr1a0vnasunil thurnplng if. 0 e latoc tall. more friequcut lt eris a een nei-A L'EI morse adjacent tint. CRED F g dvi-Mcmfor tanks uarPe cd for an..! siens. The hames cf, these trqpes M ,VcIFO stature sud slender bul k. are delightfally uuconventienitDtil lg- fyou would- ped a fcw minutes postersa . ny nveiam-yte ~~~ ou beaH !a tank ycu i4iust have your viait the "'1'ykes." whicii means that a 5"ME INSIDE INFORMATION ON steeil iclmet wltii you ansd your gas Yo'kahîre eompany holds the bourde, INTERESTINO SUBJECT. maskI careful)>' encass4i'VU water- or te sec thc "Ver>' Llgits," or to e- - pi-oct bag, neady ti>ren ergene>'. cept the bospitality o! the "Rum - Cllmblag throurb thBj manhole re- Jars," on listen te the. "Wh! -'~ ir tt a~ quires a littie knack of~son Lg Bang& tej et rote ctinT a rereftis th eicapproved technique, but Mucb talent la devStei! te Uic writ- tre rtçtnTa Pera- lioe in udanger -cf jlacing s foot ing efog»t e la sketches fer the eni-' ter& Rave No Simecur.. against a hot engin. cal»... tertalnonto4,and eerybody froni-thi Under the. shelter o! à grecen rldge Englus Weil FI'oteceted. general lu cçausand dowu coms 'c hi-okdfn ad bu l- E~tlg l p~ u pn pert arei o hel- suar, aTnd gilteqnm les behini! the,,ptesent front ahlMg wltb abundae of olI,but parts areineuse)> pplasud 51-, line trencheî, one iMay' comae ui mc»osuperflueus luxur sof brasa or ways ~ ~ ~ ~ th bru idapl et the tii amprnent o!f the tanks. A nisice! to talc. away c buslncsa4lic young bare-facci! lads vite take h. ,do. o f the montrs are itving barceêsansd ca 1etgmc L~1e4b> ti.Ilusonprduedb>' bO<> i te e ut la the vam afteruoon black armer plast. hich obUae Ircawag -âme feminlu. apparel fr055 sua, belng conibed snd *oUe d d verywhere, -Asja in lsliati sose tied ai'es icCliaml" , scond b>' thelr indus4ieul attcnd prefernfla position theti point ot, from the. vlage belle. holat ý&sts. Oser at the ehgce ofthe, parade vlew et m afet>' la g1 te en- p«aCb4» la the. bigli.t CMODplu'ti W g « tirorrof thiig i oerMsAre giies lt 1 a o.ti io' WIIkIi~~ ea ,pa4*eBSh WCO pthrough thoir pucet. Grunt- eaotrteug, Ja 41u'gi ai-,poattiop Ivtodos la ptiSat R 557Iit nd miPugin, crcaki aiu.trugthtI ontre o! ci- tV1i!. et the girl* t oette .:kiow thaïplaaint tha>' moe, Along. Tii.>'shatt andstiransaruuin dr a speel thé incna ", mea por "- at«n* Ai fe t-t lh iti the. armor cains a et i. ci tethe çaMu -~ alva Jbimi. eeMPIipaizngniehalasce.whIe.h opesate i. ars, Mid the ~ ~ ~ ~tiiat ti. Ãetotùa =10a ol# h an, i bg p*awbWs t tie ti.ea4y-istoftbSr oftumpWra ts 1~ el considerenig tha: yeu for a couple ef yoars a snd Sot a penny for my p ains. , Ido why you sbouidn't, give me a d num," iali! the talion. ' "'Good heaveus! L You>i-. -ý Yeti, you are-oh!SUIp V1.' excit ether. «"flore,-talc. what'ou u*a An!, Is>', t'l ieally settl th or younrs a&s socaas wë, get -bk ',Don't bpthbr'-1" BÉmitithe, atter futit drinik'!'" Fouad--snd LostI Duilns the.Somme efteusli year on.e t -the Shropshirei hImselt crooalng 'No, Mau!s Id thc aide or an. Âustrqilan. "Lwok coutf- floMre'a e-'bMI yelledth sta4, s-t hurtIsi! througb-,tue air, - crater, but the sti - second tee Iste. i.He ocê -abrapue aci in ilide)a, a»4 »g in$ up the gmiodi Crawltnint-o li-othe, ahire carfltuUrÃ" , -lle v man on tbi - -',fun-t, rot' that h. vasiL -ohr t bad lest ail tc'Lo'oW The efltu âsmtIý t. -s s ~'< h This can be acoomplished eaaily by uig one of the NATIONAL CANNING O(JTFITS. With the aid of one of these ail kinds of fruits, corn, pes, tomatoes and beans can be cooked, which wHIl keep indefinitely when properly prépared. Our No. 1 JUNIO;R NATIONAL for fanzily use hua a capacfty of.from 200 to 400 cmu daily or glas Jarsof proportionate, amount. These outfits eau b. put riglit bn a cSk s tove. Price $25.00. t.o.b. Huinflton. We have larger sizes-for hotel use, aud sWl larga aizea for con=ineriai une. W. have aiso Evaporatore of varlous simen for evaporatlne every kind of fruit, app1*i, peachea, pestaberHes, po.*we t. Write for fulIl particulart, givins i» ruidrpdt WeBown, Bogs Co., Umitod, ifamiton, ont.