Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Aug 1917, p. 5

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fAu r AU4ST- Making Old Jewelry New Dawn mn yonr strong box tiiereïare probably several pieces of oîd jeweiry that are doing ne one any good. For a @,,,ItliceaI "-e 'niglit be able to n»od. ernize theni into desir- able altapes and styles, or if hopelealy brokeri ve 'vil! tîake C ASI ALLOWANCE for t hein. for instance, that oid watcb. Would you nef prefer a mîodern wrist wafclt like te above eut ? Let tie show you 110w it cari be done. Order ol et Ho for Harvest Houp - xCp»Mions te Wixnipeg, via Cochra e!sthur, August 2lat ana- ' Sttx ~zrmen or women aOne way onîy . ý,4nd Il come-back addîtional 18.06Winnipeg to sfartlng point. AISe Heme-Seekers' return tickets every Tueg4d,, god r 60 days on sait- 1111 Octobel,. 30th. 'Foôr fUl Particulars and through tickets apply te STEPHENSON, ç 'lgrapjh, express and ticket office, WbIiîby. Ste Stephenson btfore trave;iîng l owaly or foreign. Office heurs 1 a..te 8 p. m. Phone 36, Whitby, Aise clegp tour- 1sf tickets le al . tourist Points 'at Stephenson 's. - tsi ALL SAINTS' Ciijj. Rev. Cyril Dri'mm, B.A., cf Brook- lin, will preaci tti botit serv ices in Ail Saints' on Sunday ' ýi>x-ar BACK FOF~~ Pte. ErneSt R. Bird- 'y v~w hit:ý by iast 'veek aller having been . Jn France. Pte. Bird was coMlp elied- - .te return home owing te troublé u Inte lef t eye. Ht- enîisted ivitit the lit Battalion In the winter of 1915 'anti went overseas w-Rh the battalon. Af- fer geîngte France, h' vr ye troubiètedevelo)pet and he was refurned te Canada. THO-Npso-N--ANNôON . mail hours. the tropfles belng won by 's Curch, pot 'çronto teams. The Whlîby men had St. Patricks hMch.rtWilaa n finie despite their defeat. 'vas the scene of a quiet we Ving on Wedne8day, Augs lt .hddn Miss BAS~ETTMarlon Gan on, gaut nre fDEATH 0F R.W.TH PO. For WllimbeCame thgMrrde0f î At 712 M1anning Ave.. Toronto, on jevaler and Optimian ISld. E. Thompson, of whitby, Mr. apd Wednesday- August lst, the death oc- The Store w;th the Baicouy Mrs. Tbompson are nol# vltln'g With eurred of Mrs. Wm. Thompson, a for-. WNITBY, ONT., Mr. Thompson' S mother ln Whltby. mer resident of Whitby. Mrs. Thomp- and wlll sitortly' lefive for titeir future son. whose malden naine was Janet ~rnumt~..i'A nuihllhome ln Winnipeg. Corbetî, 'ias horn at Carbett*s Point ~ . 81years ago, and'i was the last metuiber éSENTENCE SLSPENDg of thie Corbett family. She llved In A yong ad 8 yers f aEDnaerjVhlîby and vicinity ail hier lfte untll A ytin la 18yeas o ag, nmcdfour .-earÊ ago. when she movi-d to __________________________ Long, f rom Uxbridge, apbeared before Toron'to. He! huisband, te laie Wm. JugeR 01yonFrda ateilonlatThompaen. pnldecease-d her by some NNP c -r1u on a charge of thett. He. wlth several years. Site is survIved by four sons W. C T.U.- other boys, entered a G. T. R. freigkàt and one daugitter: Geo. K., of Ala. car and al)proIpriafed porne of -thel meda, Cal.; Corbett Thompson, of DRINK AND DRUGS. goode therein. The other aeder jft Manitoba; Wnm. E. Titompson, cfi towIi ta avoid arrest, 'Aii4-.a S ' lWt. on hmsoo Trn Dogton ha.s mat ciapped an exîin- Longs first offence, Hf$"ýlor allow. hry onTotsn tTrno 'guieker over two arguments againsf ed hmfre nstseeî.ienene and Miss Maimie. of Toronto. The fil- 1irhbto-that It cannot be eîîforced hlIn~ -~fLfc. nvral vas held on Pridav afternoon- =ad that people are Impelled to fte lilst froin the home of hier son, Wm. -tise of drugs by maklng it difficult for WINS MILITARIYLCROSS. E. Thompsen. Byron Street south. thein - to get alcohol. Injlet Iiter wrltteu a month ago, re- Whltby. Service was conducted by Tips Came to the District Attorney's ceived last week by Mrs. 'Every, Mg 11eRv. R. WV. Allen, rector of AIl Saints' -offce reéentiy whlch led to a raiding G. W. P. Every, of Whlfby 1st e tia hriadiremn a aeI of ]physicians' offices where drug users -'he had Il on good aufhority that (apt. Union Cemetery. Mrs. Thompson had were suspected of gathertng and an (Actg. Major) A. P. Menzies, of Whit. been 111 oiîly ten days prior to ber astonishing number cf vlctims werc by, had won, the Milltary Cross for death. itound, mostly women and girls, many bravery on the field ot attion, The *from fashionable, wel.dressed classes. award had flot tîten beeli mage., b t PRM LABORERS' HARVESTERS' One of the physiclans was reported te Major Every seemed te have good in-EXUSO . Sbe writtng lrom 160 10 175 prescrip- formation as f0 its statements. Notit- CndanP e RINS. C. il Stions every day for people "'ho could lng further seems. te have been heard CadanPcfc RiwyC.il « et al the alcoitol titey wanited by or- lie re, but a letter frotu, Me ,enzijes' run titrougit trains ta Winnipeg on -'dering It over thte telephone or vlslting mot her confirima flic statement, Ë iso Angtst 21sf and 30tit for Harvesters, the nea.rest cf 900 or more saloons i neflonngkth lita e had be~t~cxi 1$20,pu etprml eod tbe City. miended for a Frenchi decoration, proWB- Se large display adverfiseinent. For * From-înformation now at hand it ably uthe Croix de Guterre. tickets, literature and information ap- I s esttlmated thaï.t here art, as many -o- - ply 10 E. R. Blow, C. P. Ry. Agent, sas 10,000 dope flends ln Boston. Thi-re H1AR\'ESTERS READ THIS.-- NVhîby-. Ont. Bell phione 9: Home ar onlessrug oke" lors. nd fsb*he et îvay le the ilarvesl Fields phtone 14. Jonale dug "arlos.eo Western Canada is by te Canadianif But does titis fiiasp te police? Not Nrhr lala1Seia hog E. J. O'CONNOR KILLED IN ,4î bitotf,,L. They hia%e shut th,- drug trains will be operated fr~oîýTrontotc OHETR -,Stores up tiglit as far as selli,îg 10 ('iUnilt>eg on excursion-' as. Thef.- On Titursday. July 26. Edward J. * drug-u:sens la conce-rned. iand they icx - tiitpnent tvill consist of electi-i.git O'Connor, fourth son cf the late Jere- pçCt te prosectle ever. Illegal 1)ract- d colonist cars and lunch coutiter Cars Miah O'Contor. *was instantly killed tloner and 'drive to te w al t eery speclly désigned te cater to fhe needs, ln Rochester, N.Y., by a street car, -coke club' nnd drîîg arlor.- fnniiiilLot, large bodies of men at moderate wiie on lits way home from work. He '2'ren8eait, in flie,îtuîelIel rates. \V'est 0f %WIinljseg th1e demand was stepping down front the car, and - 'for la ber la great along tlle Unes of w-as thrown underneath thte wheels. the Canadian Northern Raillay and He was 56 years et age, and was emn- the wagts are cerrespondinge 11gb. ployed as a telegrapli operator by the LAOl)I HAPENIGS lar W.J.H.Richard. New York Central glra. ei ger Depts., Moutreai, Qule., and Toron-. He ivas weil knowii WhItby b3' the1 ___________________________to, On t, eI. der residents, havlng lived awlth bis 1 --- -parents n flhc aId Heyden farm, now Mr, George Woiford, wlîo bas beeti JUNIOR PUBLIC SCHOOL GRAD- Heydnshore Park. His moter, who 111-for soine time, was taken te te LATION- , rcsides at 6 Bellwoods Ave., Toronto, 'Toronxto Generai Hospital lasi week, to Successtui candidates at lte recelît survives him. Other surviving rlembtrs -~ a opraten.Junior Public Sehool Grgduati6n eofthflictamil>y are' Leo. of T'rvntO:- undergo umniaionparrastolows-- Daniel, of Ottawa: John. o f Healyville, 0Brookll-o hn ae M.s farmers:, AieOkia: James, of Port Arthur: Thomas. -,Mr. Arthur W. Lynde teaches vocal Moore, laleen Moore, Nora Inlnes of Niagara Falla. N.Y.; Ansehn, of -11 Whitby every Monday And Tuesday <granted certificate on recomm-fnda- Delhti. Texas: Ambrose. of Estewan. throukhout te summer months as tonSask~., anîd William, of Toronto; Sis- luua.Phn 18 -0 Plckerlng-Lorne lirodie. te-r Ambrose, of CopmrunltY Ursaline: 0 ~These puplis have bt-en fttrending Mrs.Fîtzpatrick,- cf Newated, Man-, Get your panamas clleaned atlthe continuation schools. and art- now ansd Mrs. Fini gan,- Toronto. Roberts'. -7 entlfied te enter lte second torm ofr~- o lte Hlgh School. NOTES 0F 1THE FRESH AMR HOME Cirl. -(Dr.) E. W. Sisson, cf lte _C AT HEYDNSHORE. Dental Corps, was la WhLtby on Fr1- CVCHLDYBSBL ercle u it at fsvn 'day last. Capt. Sissan susiainecf a CIICHLIAYBSEAL. * ereceilde n ourfiîl ay 0even- à lIlht lnjury le lis iand recently, and Thie Elizabeths of Toronto, a team ofyf oîre tlidrn on odathe ening Las been given lea'-e fromt dufy for boys ef about seventeen year5 oet -, ndhoptesthattmitude wîlle paefes two weeks, wlîlch lie wili spend at AI- went down te defent twice on Moiiday ud iisthe col alttues wlI ezes hedt g,;onquin Park. beneath fte on8laughtu of te Whltbt- u by tes Iconol thek e bzes, he i L~ Wh~ ~ lite Sox. rThe games were pla er en qusin many etd r the ir en v CAM ER A FOR SALE. taf thet towmî park. ln i je-mornIng been qlte a-k drigtei tt li mète am a rmwa a Datins a rey.lcrnn n n Nerycorii.1 uWEeKoa ng 20 runs againtit their oppon-Wefeîirl gatule hswo (Eastman) for sale. Takes plctur'efs lenta 6.fee'rite lino-up was:Oe W -2x3.Beautiful pictures ruade by e* w . lc'lelttgiî, c.: W nor have helped us selberaily and cheer- -'x1ebàrgaIn. Apply at Gazette-Chronicle C tlitoii, 1 b.: .O'Connor.,-4 b.-.. his y, Cie wish te aeknowledge e.u-on. .1 b .Wlkn , As.; Mayte.r f: S Wlklroeît J. 1 thefoliowiîttt Contributions: -Vege. -o-- ,- - -----.-e-.ui.'. _ i - 1- We have large quantitieis of' Hay Fork Rope, Pull9js,- Etc. 'k- s toc tLowest PIices. Screen Doors and Windows in GEO M.RIC,-Whitby, lEverything ln Hardware at ILowest Prices. WHITBY BOWLERS AT BOWMAN. VILLE. Three rinks of metabers cf the Whit.' bY Bowlng Cub motot-d to Gwnan- thle Bowling Teurnament ht-Id n that, toyn, Tfwenty.eight rinks lu ail were1 efltered ln the contests. The Whilby teams wert- skipped by W, J. H. ]RiciZ *stone. The contests began at 10.3@ ln tht- mot-ning, Mr. W.E. Vanstone'. t-mIn beiug lte ouly Wititby oee l survive until et-ening. This rlnk were t-un- ners-ttp for tite finals, beiug defealesi qt Iast by Wlthrow Park, cf Toronto, wliich thîts enfered the- finals. The- iturRmnte-r.iiidail iiU t 1 ilO - ît- Whiîby Miliîary Holsîital Biiuid 'mT-e flt-îîa>ît pame was nîcre close-, jIn 'rot-ente on Thuraday- and Fnr-- coested lthe-score bebng 13-10 tot- of last xveek îîrovidittg itusic at - \*u1tî, jîtapit clos(ýelîtîl Ioteuake It Wiii-the-War tConvenution. sve-ral '"yi-- u-rt-sIing. mand te lit-cidé a geod abers of lte Whib-y Ba.nd asmisted di-al of i-xctt-mttctit. Ili tis gagne- J. .men uvere -îrrtlî-iaI t'e hi- Spst Temîau ascatcher, lits jplace id lotit tAvenue- l li; ri ilospilatau and I t;i -iigta -tb), P. Elvldge. t. NEW 600owS AT OLD PRICVES Corh Flake., Shredded Vhea , ~o quaker Oatii, pk, and ut-esst-,e l -pr àf RobertgA' 1ronxp 1si.rvice. M,.,Stewart, eof'rorolito, tin- e engagement et lier daugit- net -a, eDt-. J. W. Fraser, e nxarrlagî te lake $f. Anne's Chut-ch, on bel Murphy. of* Picker- ýe siluremdal for Ele- giron. by lte -'ro-nte - Muile',In tht- recept ê~simurphy won îtis ~4wtipupQt ram tame. c-gs. rui. but.t-e-an-J nowers front flic W, M. S., Ebenezor Methodii Cbut-ci: vegetâbles frorntMm. Colt»'. Whirby: Mris, John Walker, Whltby; Mis.-,Elilott. Wbltby; Mms.Rouie, Whlîb>-. letw-be Broc., WVitby~, aad Mt-a. Lafdiaw -The Grange." Canud fruit trot» Mrs. Empy, Napsuet-; cher- ries frein Mr. 1-ewis, er.. Wbiîhy: eggt t rotî'ti. Alto», Lucknow; sud cash $LM, ftrount t- W%. -M. S.- Ebenezor Mitlodiet Cttct WIII'r8YSLIBR&RY A"ONU lIÃŽE DEST1. O! ftfty-fosir ptiblte Iltiarles lnelud- oti ln te Lndsay Ltbrry Insttitot, only. --six toea up te thse standard net by tise GOnreuL. O ' thfftela th*e Whltby Ubrary.-.Its auIwWea are aeknowiedge4 .1# rnt*Ahuose «ethle bt-si "çoikct4tof eboo&*--ctime, hW tory,_ bluarapby, Ourra*nt iiteeatza visible King," a work -that has recelr- ed flatien.wide attention. The bt-st et current magazines are aiways on the tables ln.,the reading room andonecan.,sjýÏR* an enjoyâàble and'profitable evenn-is h-peasant, Jwel-gtd rocins oftteWltitby Pub- 7,000 ARTICLES Tg ]FQtUtP ARMY. a moder, conveniences -Psssioii n jiAugusî let. Apply F. N. Bur-ns, Wblt- EN TIRE B NDIf VILL lRE JEOTED ro by. -f NVMj AATMUTREMI.Nl-.4 T RIO FAlit. 1- Seme Idea et the- extent of tht- work TO RENT. É!ff the Departillent of Militia lu war Five-roomed flat. Bathroom, water fî tmes may be gleamned (rom the- tact a.nd electrlc attachments. Apply to E. ethat ci-tr 7,000 different articles enter R. Bîow, WhitbY, Ont, Bell phone 9, e Into the equipment of Canadian at-mies Home phone 14. _f YIn th1e field, nearly ail of whict are MI AVD Jmanufaclured, la whole or in part, In MI ANPD Canada- The Canadian National Exhi- For gent-rai housewerk. Good wages. bition hae arranged for a glgantic dis- ApItly P. R. box 460, Whltby, Ont, :31ay et this equipment, and in order FARMS TO RENT. to adequateîy do justice Io il au en- tire structure, the Edtîcationnl Bulld- Tht-te fat-ms of 100, 150 and 200 Ing, w-i be devoted 10 lite exhibît, acres respectiveîy, te t-eut, Ail sentit cf which wiîî Include eveî-ythlng o! In- and Close te Oshawa. Flrst.class soi terest froin hospital equlpmeut 10 th.: and buildings. Good state ef cultiva- latest type et Pom Pain gtn Just now it ion. PoÏsession le pîeîv after pt-es- ceming Into general use Iu France.,t-nlcop. tfull Possession April 1, 1918. Tht-te will aise be a fre- display of!iAPPlY te G. D. Contint, Oshtawa, Ont. mevin; pîctures sitowîng te manuftac- Dated August 8, 1917. _f titre et Canadian 'War Equipment. _______________ DISTRICT DOINGS, IEVNDATG F. H. Morris, formerly of Bo~wman- Tht- liverY aud Cartage business, for- .,ville. xvon tht- prote-ssienal rifle shoot- merly conducted by .Mr. John Gimblet, ing champlenship et Alberta recentîy.j has bt-en puî-chased by H 1e was a member o!flthe Bisley teain LESLIE MAOORE a (t-w years tige. who wiII continue it at tht- saine loca- Sueuffeille is et-tct in- a new scitool, tien. Dundas St, w-est, L wh.ieh has bt-en delayed owing 10 dit- Ail orders for cartage or lean.Ilng' fclcty In securiug brick. prompîly and safisfactorily attended A smail bînre 'vas dlscovered in thét- . AUTO -FOR HIRE. Phone 65 boler roem oethlie Carnegie Milîs at Pot-t Perry, but was dbslingulsbed be- fore muicit iari w-as doe. An explosiont in the- arsenal at Lini-1 AUTO SERVICE say klIed ont- man and injured two ____ others.Pate lbn.srIeofaofr obr Gordon, for niRny years a atlee wisorbvig s-vicd et uto for tnceillor ef Thorah Township, is cale witt1 & ù 1 3 O 1 9 ?, ta l. éb i M s "W . JL Melzityre, -a deughlter. DEATHS. *HoMPSON.-At 712 Mazning Ave., Toronto, un Wednesday, August 14 1917, -Jajiet Corbett, widow Ã"f- theé- late Wm. 'Thompsen. aged 81 years.1 DeLONG-At Brooklin, on Monday, August 6, 1917, Jessie Colby, beloved wife of John DeLOng, -aged 50 years. WANTED- At once, a Smart, neat girl lot dining' rooni. $16 .00.1 Apply Mrs. 1. Beckerson,! IUnion lHotel, Caiedonia. To) Rent, orSJe tc. - TORE TO REN-qT. A. B. EDWRDS Bell phone 57r3 Wbltby. FÉPMS ofAi Sizos Wanted By the lansoît Farm SeiIg C., Oshawaa We make a specialty of land selling. List your place with us for good, re- suifs. Oflice, 8 Bond St. WeSt, Oshawa. Phone 649. Cet Voni' CORl Where you are sure it will b. Cloan and Bright Our mol à. well vmzed. We guaratee- prompt de- livery and good service. Telepisone No. 182 F. E ui 1Ip . WBEaUAV£EBls TUE LKDING dOTICA2%4; ofT Mtovo 1ITWE)STY YrAWIÀt --o- - Persona]jMetion, Master George Barran le vilsitimg bis sîsterÉ lu Gut-lpht. - q Mr. «%Vm. Newport, of teranto, was lu town on Tufesday. Mr. F. C. Smitht, of Toronto, was ln town over the- week-end. jMrs. F'oy. oeT 'oronto. isbvmisting ber brotber, Mr. A. Bande]. Miss Marjoiet R ib4% Tis week for a 'lait iln Antigonisif. N. S Mr. Jas. Lowens, cf 91mTonte. han bot-a vlslting relatives mn ;own. .Mr. ,Fred -Ward, o! Toronto, hag bt-en holidaing with his, parentsht-rt-. Mrs. Ben Ft-ast-r, of Toroato, visited with relatives lu town this week. lirs. Camrnton, et St. Catha.rlnes, bas been visliug. witb MIrs. F. G. Erskln-e. Mt-s. Doughty and Miss Davisen, of Toronto, are vlsiting wltb Mrs, Tl. D. Ht-udt-tson. Miss Wllma Johnaon bas returned fret» Kedron, wtt-te site tas bt-en for some months. :1 Mir. D.M. Robinson. o! Oshawa, speat the week-end with ht-r sibter, Mrs, T. D. Ilenderson, Misses Viola and Doretity Sille, ef Toronto, Yiere holiday visitera with triends In Whitby. Mms W. A. Headersots and Miss, 'Fern- Henderson ame vlÈItIng in Ux- 'bridge and Goodiwood. Miss Marie! Walters returned lust week frotMiUbrîoký wtt-i-e alt has Mieen vietins tor tW9 0q* MJr.'W. Z R fooke sud vnlj, at To. rento, spent tht- holiday àt the honme ef Mr. and Mm,,. %lcx, Winn Rer. A. Z. and Mrs. Meintyr and childi-ca, of Toronto, have been visIt. Ing at lte home cit Dr.- Adam&s -Mm, Chu. Stevenson, o! Toronto, sDent the <ook-end wlth Mr. and Mm,. A. BandeL. at the- Wbltby Bouse. MV. snd Mm .MeYauglsîom. Gnelph,. spont la« week with thet- latter* par- ents, Mr. snd Mm . Gorge Bairets. Mr. and ?m UsEW. £"= smeored te Jaekson's Paint where tht-y "lait. ed frienrda from Satundy te 'ruosday. Mr-. and Mr& .and >MMa LeIt, oet Toroento, <ptniSundaY sdMadayat lte homeo0f Mu,,. Aniser Richardaou. 11ev. R. W, and Mvii. Alleu and, dauthter, Margaret, bavhte retnuedj f rom a Jmnth's vacattaai Boboay-] Mi-.. Frasuk Henry, of tUioo4eyaliPIy- injj Corpti. Ridley Park. \*orth Toron-. tg~. *peut thse woê.-d with ii s~ t,a , )Mro. AI*X. wiIiu Dwl* pSL :1 .Mr-. and Mvap 'T. J. MWtouaz8Ur- antifl *W&e. "oitmuMbn lt from <cltagn *Mia~lfIu fh F.E1 THE MICHIGA24 SPECIAL. Lt-ve Tronto 11.30 P.u., daliy, ar.- Convenlent zifght train for Detroit rive Detroit 7.50 a-., and Chicago 3 and Chicago. ' p.i. Electrie Uighled Standard Sleep- t-r le oPerated t-o Detroit. Fut-tht-r par- Particular attention le calied te lite riculars lrom auy Canadian Pacifie court-nient night train operated v ia Ticket Agent, or W. B. Howard, Dis- thue Canadian Pacic-M ichigan Cen- fneft Passenger Agent, Toronto, OnL trai route te Detroit and Chticago. -6. LABOREPeSWANTrED qR R HE WESTERN 1HARVEST $12,00 TO WINNIPEG Pis Hait a Cent pet-4iîle Bt-yond Retnrn, HaIt a Cent per Mile tWinnipeg plus $1800 SPECIÂL THROU7dH TRAINS M~E BEST 0F EQUýPMENT AND LUNCH COUNTÉR CARS. Sp.cdal Accoumodau4 for Womem Cali on W. J. . RiehardiE or wite General ?asseDgeg Dept. Phono 70 WHITRY, ONTARIO T'y Oua' Nut Coke. Botter than Coal for Summer Use., UEWEN.TRA out Ille FUNELL iJETR and EISALUERS ietHearse and Fune'ral quipmentoutuide City, of oront.. largî stc f caikett% and * ~ehl- 9, O Day o mi-aNo. 5 e * for~ickFolks» The poor unfortunatee whpD are eonpelled to stay indoorB during the wqrm season should be provided with every possible convenience which inay promote comfort. Our stock contains a1 great nqmber of aide, whieh wilI lessen sufteriDg and, make sicknes more Jearable.: INVALID CDSIIomiS, SICK FEEDERS, ICE BASO,' BANDAGES, GAUZESi INVALIO 10008s ETC. WVe also have everythig that will lessen the labor for the attendant@ and aid the work of the physician. WI IEI12LD'S DRUG and STATUONERY STORE WHiTBY. ONTARE) Sole Agent top Butteplck Patterns Sole Agent for Nyal Preparation.. Leave your order for Piano Tuaiig with un. t 'i cou k.1 '/ e---.-> y £ s, 1 . nq Age'ntï

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