Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 19 Jul 1917, p. 1

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r-~-~ + ~1" j j j 'j; i~1 >4 's 1. R. BLOWe - Whitbyl Bell phone 9. Home phone 1L. commercial schools. The demand for oir graduates.i» far beyond Our SUP0ly. Propt sitance 10 get poaltioni lM as &rIl ofutur tudents wlio boýet.qO competent. Write to-ay for Our lied. nom" Catalogu.e. lucotai.iNi fou mtin Co.Tong- and çhwiebtà1. W. J. illetS, Tê ut omtr Gaada Inmrnt Land Co.. Lmlted Whltby - Onta'I ý8Iatate Dealers, BAtates Kasaged, 00 leeted, Firet Legs. Anranged, fflpertîem bouht *anti celt. lil5emwaapC Iy Ha dOffice. J3rok St. Boit p>no I . i4flhone 70. z4m,.er.Tgom ký CMnsTie.day, July &. la Shaw's goSehoola. Toronto. 'ne work hîto AUtumn Teres rom sep- 4. without any break. Courses «bed ta *Wv' CaWogue. i ilt,.6LW. H. Shaw, Pra...yonge WH&UTIY, ONTARIO0, CANA e#1JsD)AYr j u iy 19, '1917 TOWN TO 'BUY" COAL IF IT CAN -BE SLUgED ThoTTenu CourýciI unnnimeusly de-I clded on Moaday evcnlng te mate -an i attexupt r o neclire a tew cars et ceal fer the purpose et belng prcpared toi reileve te ceai situation lu WhitbyI shouldid become acute next fait o wlnter. lb. action renulted after Mtr. Con- lin. Chairmlan'of Town Property, had suggestvd that lte tewa should bu~y a carioad utofceai fer use lun1the town buiid iii:,.; Reen t) owney suppleme.uted th1e sug- lu tae achedule ef equalized ases& Imeut, th1e figure bclug $1,230.727, Uthe. same an lunt year. The total cuty assessment In somnethlng over nbMO0,- oooU. mle County rate la hlgher this year than m'as autlcipated by th1e Town et Wrbltby whea 1the rte wus struck, wltb. 1the resuit that there will bc somnewhat ef a shortage ln 1the amount levied f rom tat requlred te pay the' rate. On motion ef Messrs. Goedfellow and Downey, Civic Holiday was flxed I<ills ail the Leal Eatîng- Insects with one applica- tion, No mixing. Ready for use dry. A lertilizer as well as a poison. Pure Paris green in 3/4 b., /.IL , 1lb. pkgs. JaE **,WILLIS Druqgist and Opticlan MEDICAL HALL Breek St. a Wbitby. PARESWANTED. Small farine wanted for buyers between the II[gtland Creek and Oshawa.L I you bave small farms to îeIli, let us have description and John Fisher 5à Co@ LUineden Buliding 0 aielalde East, - TORONTO Steak Faimu. Dalpy and Fruit Faims Fet' Sale. Sc-ranton Ceai Eu. #Itoveawilt GeOais A large qugntity -of boit quality -Lump Coal for Threahing now in stock Another car- wifl8ma, arrive. Special price. if taken froni the car. ;'î)RaI wiil b. onaidered by tain corn- liittee. C. P. R. PLANS APPROVEr0. l<lîe Canudian PactleRuliwa4 bu ,lad plans prepared Zr 014oîgt 9in thie second trsck nthefr NWhltbvy nIa- 1191. il W Ill 1we tended f roM mal mtuof ethta.ld Or isoa slderoad as Mr wept asLpe rj id,4 the, pusslug' et longer trains ut tas point. An part efth11e trnck w1it b. in Whitby Ton, .and parutIn1the Town- ship th. plans lad te be uppreved by belh mualcîpalities. The. work lun1the tewn Includes the. wldenlng ef ta. overhead bridge on t11e Ormistoit aide- read. and t11e plans being sutlsfuctery were appreved, aud Mayor Warren uhorized te aigu 1the same. The Tôwasblp et Whltby has'-already al. fixed ltsslgnature. through tb. Reene. Maer Wells. efth11e Whitby Milit-ary Hospital, calied th1e attention eft11el Counchi-, by letter. te 1the rougb condi- tien of the Buse-Line Rond. H. stated that 1the trip frem tbe, station te 111e Hiospital by amabulanee was rendered very uncomfortable, ani dinéetimee possibly liarmfui te patients, sud nsk- ed that th1e rend be liptoved, suggest- ing the use ot tb. steain relIer at the. Hospitl. Tihe Chairînan et Streels promised te hake charge ofth11e malter, te use tiie aplit log drag, seme gravel. and probably th1e relier. Mlaye 'Warren reported liaI 1the Grand 'Ttunk Ratlway Co. 1a4 mdi- cated its Intention et repulriug thé sidewaiiç on bolh isidceotet lir rock Street bridge. The repaît' gan~t -aii b. liere about th1e ehd er the Month aud thee local agent 1du ked storrln. atructienis as te what m'as te@ulred. Mr. Whitney premlsed te sec 1the agent and luinmhlm et what shoutld be doue. NIGOIITWATCiI OSI' I(liwEt. The CemmnIttee on1 Applications re.1 perted oun1the request ef J. Y. Patter- son, nightwatchman, for aunltrese; làt salary ftrom $30 te $45 a nienth. The. committee recemmeuded an In-' crease to"$40. -the report belng ad- opted. Appltcatiotns had been requeeiled for the p-siitn et Bugineer of tlieFlirt Brigade . Te Pire and Uglît, Coin. aîit.u-r receivod oniy ene, Damoelr, tram Mr. John Stanlici. Ho 'sth#rofo,, appointed te thse position at a aX7r. of $110) per'anun. luisdutli;. esin meuclng Juiy lut, firernwbh itme he #Us been actingztempairlrlly Ibo De. et -a -rcent iteriew 'wobh Ottf A= »e yadouaio oetu ,,.ana.ininiaiia em 1h" Faithfuily, F. Hew.%Aiw AccS. Secretary bommhtee ef Mualcipalties. Hydre Electric Power Commission et Oittarte. OMce of 11e Chaîrman, Toront..July 12, 1917. Municipalltien. Wbitby, Ont. Dear Sir.- tanulu rëecelpt Of Yeur communication of Juiy 61b, In whicb yen asic that 1 stite in writing 1the ability oeth11e Commission tle delinet power te eperate th1e Toronto Essîcru Railway contretled by ta. Mackenzie- Mann iinterests. ln repiy i may say that the Commis- sion are'in a position te supply suiSt- dient power te operate tbis raii-way a t Whitby or Onhawa under the stand- ard coutract et th. Commissqion cener- ing t11e supply et power te trallways. As yeu wiil ne doubt reculi. duriug eut recent Interview I retcrred yeu te th1e coutract whicli is in existence at thie present liai. betwcen 1te Qrand Trunk Raiway sud 1the Commission fer th1e operation et the street railway lu 1the Murielpality et Oshawa. 1 shali b. pleased te turnish yen with turiber Intorma.tion in Ibis con- nection sbould it be necessary. leours truiy. A. fluet, Chairman. Death of H. . Bdlins. À weli.kaown fermer rêuîdebat et Whiîby pnssed mway aI Ridget.wU. Ont., on Wedneaday, July 411, ln tii person ef Henry J. Bllina,.aged 58 yeurs. Mr. aBlings,'asbora and ed- ucated la WbItby, being 1the son of Lawyer Bihinga. Wbea a Young insU, 11e entered tie service oftble Molaeus B&uIk. aud mas loeaied ut vrilons times lu MonreaiTorouto, Leî4don. Henal, Forest and Rldgelewa. About to yeflanugo 1Mr. Binlgam'asu nan >ufrlnîg_ à paralytatSoka. BSine lit ime be bas fro.confiaed te is 'd, wa iululs* t t'ather t% id t» -kts- dutes.as « asaeft t t 1e Mol. *s ip tranci u-'t Jndgetown, Ue ml. eetved'ail,111..care liai hlsmlt u si~ lo osI bestow upei blisa, but re- eov.ry vuasloDoWblanb séduth ru "nvea bits autorisas on Jnl 4h- Xr. l1Ia u sa YTur n WP< ma»s,-sud was hbly .teea'ed taa&be- l9VO, by *Il i#ma00» bitao*Qt isna. &idm -bd* Ws welow le $.t jfl' g.-stioîi by tlii.proposition to buy twe 1fe-r Menda;.' August Gth, and Mayor cars, o:i - et which could be storeil un- Warren was auitiorized te Issue a pro- tii nus' Iinter. ' clamation te that effect. The next 51 r. 'ssjlin nus bcartily ln faver oet regular meeting et the Council wIll, buiît-. twocars or more, if Possible. therefoe. b. belci on AugilSt 7. la ord, 'r Lu sateguard the interebtz of The ý5trets Committee reteind- the ci!':,efln some smali wa-. cd lte passlg ef these acceunts: MNr. "fbitney did net think tliat it J. MeacCarl .... .... .. .... $39.00 wo:rld :)e fair te liuterfere or conpetel Johin Gimblet ........ .. ..59.40 wi é business efth11e regular ceail P. Sullivan..... .... .. .... .50 dealer -i tewn just non', but h. would 1 E. R. Blow ....... .... .... 17.22 be la it-or et the suggestion if il was F. E. oles ....... .. .... 60.40 thp 1" ,,ntio e ho hld thse eai until th1e R J Underwoed ....... ...- 6.25 tali 4): winter. J_ Miiiyre ......... ...... 2.56 NIr Goodfellow agreed with Mr. M. J. AlIlia..... .... .. .... 2.70 Wi' y that a fair ameunt ef ceai A. H. \lin ... .....500 is ce inig lu te towîi now, and that th1e r-îai -rs shouid net be lntefrfered with, but -dcl lhink it wouid be wise te Toronto Eastern Railway. pur..sse sevei-al car& fer distibutîîion M'Disney was et like opinion as The correspondence herewitit pub- to t sechirlîg of several cars of ceai. 1 iIlshed is expianntory et the action but Fheught il would be ail right le takiea in regard te the effort te have st,11 t as sôen as obtained. the. Toronto Eastern operated. :-eDôwney. bewever, said the ln- l WhIitby, Juiy 17. 1917. tei" on et bis suggestion was tu keepW. H. Muoe..Esq., IL.ý ceai tîxtil the wlnter te supPlY Secretary Mackenzie-Mann Ce-. tarîtAes nito are abl. te buy only a Toronto, Ont. ti r se at a Une. Thetmant who t-an Dear Sir-Ini accerdance with 1the pi' ln bis wbole winter sîîpply non 15isîrltin tLt imne u ni)- the one wli ne*ds tW be assisted, comnîittee. Aid. Brooks, et Oshawit. 1), IIs those w'bo 'hane net thte meana atfter han lng bad an Interview with té) huy a large quatitty at once Who Yeu-* INîr. J. H. Dowuey. Reeveofe Whlt- ..; reqt-Îr4- teobe aafeguarded next "by hbeing present. 1I address-ed Sir m , er. IAdani 3eek li regard te implementlng \iessrs. Bateman and Dudley ac- tinu writing his promise leo "ir deputs- qi,'csced aise inthilei rposîion to pur- tien that waîîed on hilm that day, and e.s.ceai. . amrn lureceipt oethie foliowinig repiy The suggestion was Ihen made that whîcîî I take very great pleanure. lu a:, amoulît îp te five cars b. bougbt, ah once transuitîng te you, express- a: 1l 1h wàs embodied ln Ibis motion. ing wnhat 1 believe la the general de- %N!tcli carried unanimously: sire et the municipalitlen lntercsted "it he Mayor. Reeve and Chair- that Yeu may b. abi. very shortly te nrin et Teown Property (M'%r. Contin- complet. and operate tae rend be- b a cemmiitep empewered to purehase tu-cen Whitby and Bowmuanville. anti clai up te fine cars. and te act- as utth11e -ery earilest practicable opper- C'ey deem wise In the matter.- îîîiîy carry through the Toronto Suitable storagi' or meanus t dis- airasufa peetd C. A. GQO1JFELLOW & SON, Publishers QUZ4LJTY and ==cali on-- AluT,, Lawler The Grocer WHITBY Phones:-BeII,. 47; Independent, 470 *ElAIR 5-T -OYMNASIUM The regular mélrtleBoard of airo. e repatilnet the gymnacli.m Education wns *1 ýon Wedneaday Tô te in lie Agricultutai grant the evening ef at we«...Iluthe. absence Board wus eonxpelled te prend.e ac- et the, chairnmn, i('Powell wns s -o.im tien. and the repaît ef the 'oted t e1ecar hh she filled ad- nid bu Iding wns the easiest way. Me mirisy.faver meNlng the gymnnuslum frre.n trhe Scctetary rmnd a4èter Item Miss the coe et ihere It new stands tethie Guthie regardlee~tlut action of the rear eflthte lot lminediately behiîîd the, Board lu tcleaalagbt.roithe 1estaff. >-ctxeel, 1 and baving the,-repairs macle.1 She ftth11e mate .'ery kenly, and eyen t11eugh the cost were a thoîisand i was net able to sec 1h01 the Board ws dolais. The te.mpval efth11e old m Juatlfied la the conelu% on they had ar- froam hie corner of the grounds would' rived ut. b. e l considerable to the Board Principal G. S. Jôbàson applled for and te 111e ratepsyers. an Increase iu saLary-the amount net 'Mr. ýIng, Mr. Jackson Mr. Vanvai- belng stated. e kenbur*h and others agreed that the. The Finance Comm.ttee presenteti a Board tve-uid net be justlfied ln gi. report tecommendlidg ýpaypacnt d« ac- u o iit ih a nw wlng. IMr. Jack- conut, ment et whlçkr were te teach- Gon î.oilnted eut that If the rosi le ers fer presidIng at exuitions. buihld a1 new wlng ut present would be The Scheol Munageient Commnittee ut least 1$2,000 more than utter - the teported ln fayot of t4l engagement et waz * as ýstnted by Mr. Rewe, who drew Miss 'Huttea. etof(wea-Sound. to fil 11te sketch oeth11e new wing, tb. Boari the position as primaryùteuher vacat- could epend a theusand dollars te re- et by Miss Mînte. Th.; repaort pased. pailr thé gym.. and stili b. meney a- Tihe Sehool Poet~COmmitte lead. efen. if the building had te 1w commenderi ce rain'(reair te' the abandoîýed If a new wlng were built Dundas Street and Henyy Stretbu id- ayns~ne Ings. ws ntutd t A motion te abandon the iden of The ecrtary2'~tld.ngi n.new wing and te go 3n le notify Gee. M. Hendry. "Ce. tant unless a dIscuýsion et repairs te the gym. the tops ef the tabic, lun1the science carrltd unanimously. hcn it was learned that the cost reom wcre Immediately repaired tu.etofre-io ai ef lhe gym had been ezsti- tables would be threwa eut and the nated a 1,t250, neo ot'er member ntf 11w Ce.askd t teuruailmeues aidBoard sijtpported MIr. Gfoedfeiiow's Me- thereon.tion, îvhýclîwas defeated. The Chairman et the,,,roperty Cem- 1It hadl been prepesete place a mittee reported. having tecelved îwofotdiýn uer heblig.I tendE for 1h. prvij1e accmma mnuv-i. a»nd when 1the decîsIon 10 leave building, se as to e ltuleiî nuwer iltawaozaced tionfortheAgricull.uW lDepartment.. tebî lin hr tIswszahd n~e tenders were frein R J. Under-' t a reed te omit the foundation. weod and T. G. Devere1jt& Son. Iisl knqcked off another $200 of 1the c'4ixnateil ceaI. In presentlng thc tender Mr. M1aI1- -A disctasnion ensued ns te wbcther ISOU argued that ln t>Ia opinion the al the lxrprevements suggesteô lanthe cent was tee greuîte 4 *e undertaken, askctch sqtbmitted were necessary. The and rather reeemniendkd the eteetion malter wa finaliy referred back te the ef a new wing te 1the Ilig11 Sehool ut ri-eperi y ommittee wlîh instruction. an estimateti cent ef abktt $7,000. The c t, lookii4te the malter further, and te etimnates for repaira hçil been over a st-tare pr ves upon th1e mor'k as reqîtir- thousand dollars. .nit g rêmoval. foindtien. and Mc. Geodfellow tok;trong grouasnc c th è1inatters as niight be found àgainst 1the ereetion ef.lIta propOsed roý (ssentili wing. He urgued that neither te Practe*kiiy ail the membera 100k Town Counciliuer tfii.rutepayera part ln 1hý discussion, wMelh was vety would vote th1e reqtllrtâdmouey. and frank an~ open. and duting which fer hirnsel.t h. weuld oppose uny snçtî neyerai o ler matera were teuched ;arge expen4iturç tbp*tvido acenl. upon, thoi, of couta., fot quitie lii riedatien fur the. Agriçtnra1.Depart- eorder. Hý,*ever, the discussion open- ment. Bettert t.git*e*#ptle depiUrt- ced Up ati leant euoe very lmp ment'than te lueur -n.au e 1nemutr ~1ihmyb. d 't a lu providing for I ilà.. odiii.howeer. gain. - Phoute 151,o ý' S't kt 'y i wa~awmso NuUwUe~ i 1~ VeX. 5~-No 3 *1 I n:. Forayth <hon.>. Ethel Eniiac i.iIlftfla l, m Hortop, Lloyd Jobaiston. na Mabel McCleUme., Geo. E. x - g PeuI PhIlp, .Robert Rawson, Ethel Sot #berger, Ambrose Timbers, loyd w n announced the lùaIô! pu -Year. It in unclerstood that onr-rea y candidates IWhltby talled. and":that lni other- centres the number et faiX- Inelerne4t weather ha been respon- ures wus equally amati, sib e Ctrd4npening a numWer ot "ocal Winneris oftthe Whitby Town Schol-1 eveitta lat y. until people bave corne arsh1i>s were: Margaret Kinnear,, Dot- to regard flue day u th1e exception othy James and LlzUJe MattImoe. rather tha#i the ruIe. Wheu, Uere. County Sebolarships were won by fore,.1the tatn geitly luterfered wlthI Mary Forsythe. Claremont. snd Joe th1e earde# party under th1e auspicesi Long, S. S. No. 1, Whitby. Uf 1 C lcWoznen'a League on The suceeaful candidates -were: - Tuesay teewas no surprise, u WHfI 10H8'OL M .ch d Dtqolntment, Not 1to beout- doue. lo* vr. the- ladies quicklyi Luther Bradley, Euulce Beatty, Mary tranair th1e acene oft hele stitlteï Dewan, Jos. GIroux, LUMian Qiroux. 1 te lie to hall, and tlxe affair -pro- Ralph, Goldrlng, Katie lfarlock,Norma Ceeeiiei Henderson..- Dorothy James (honorae,.I Tables re set la tb haml and u Eileen Jermyn, Harry Jermyii,, elen irws tirc s11 rs aI Jaksn.MagaetKiner hoo- ) the town c had beeomne too wet Joseph Lýong <honora>. DuUnMloxt- for cm~.Tise erowd waz uimdoubt- tyre, Olive McMllaUn, Miie MMafthe'ws.flj 8 au Il tePark had been Lizzi. MattImoe (honora). Willa us r, la apite oft Iis;lhaniclap Nickle, Mlhlred O'Boyle. Baàll OCou.11ejn-< Wî te 4ra h n nor. RGoy Pirle (honore). Ralpb ReI tire even ._ noLds. Helena REicbardson. Harold êter su et ad been serfed a Seldon, Youale Tod, EtheI 'Wblte, Ed- splendid roran s put oé- te ward WlUls. wh'hae fsldiers from.thei Mi Charlie Rosm <te.), Wilma VaR.t,ldîyK tailasgely cotrlbùted Ma (tee>. »we l a M Eek sa" Mia. Ry.-oet! PlckerIn&ý 4 Mlle. Ro&eMj de la P~red Iresonx. Dora Mtchel.l Idle RBallr. ?routo; VPoUowlng the .Micheil, Frank WIodhouae. prograus a, ewuaëoy PIeKEauao. Deapite h'fief ths.t the adjo*=n- EllaDadero. ~ ~ M mentfron th* epark othe bail nesi& Clark. Bernard Cerbettaid adereapluLb ated Platon Ltti -tube.Margaret Wult- -for t.het rk, nud lu a&lMtirh ad them «ýUnourotprdvidlu fort tio - lu ut aCee 83 , -ofiiiret05-elau - I Y 't "1-q 4~ ( laI -~ ns ira auà ,b. Our, stock rumer Fowear include3 the .-very unips and Oxfordsl in Vici Kid& Patent Leather, Gun Metal and Dark Brown Caif. SSee aur Une of, with high or 1-W h letwith leath er, or rubber soles î- nd--heeIs- Our iieiof PLUT OT OUTINC U for Men, Women and Clifldren is complote. --- - - - - - - - - - -, wi

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