Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jun 1917, p. 6

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Conducted by Profeaor Hme - DyG.fO& The o00>0rt of tINa dePOrtinnt 9 *>10 »1ýVIC@of tour ferm resders the *dvloe of sinc m0Ie* 60ged *uthcnlty on ail sUbjecta PertalIg te 0011l1956 Aidrsss ait questl@ifi <o Profeos~ Henry 0. Sf13011 seîs or The Wilson Publlshlcg Company, Limtl" T rentôenmd answers willI appear In tbis Colull lt*, order in wwhlch they are reculvad. Asn epae. lelnimtSd Quesiuon-C. K.-I have a fiel cf aualyzing 2 to-3% ammonia, 8 te 10% about foty acres cf heavy Jatte grass phosphenlc aciti sud 1 % patash. Thia mcd. The land in rnucky. with cI*CY wiIl start yaur corn crop off stroiig tub-soit, 1 would lîke W kuow if buck- end vigorcust just the eme as whole urheat would b. <of any use te subdue: milk gives a vigenous stant ta yoiir the Juite grass on tits aud? i have s valves. good crop of beets on this land getl f Quetion-A.C.- have s 5iv. acre yearsafroe. After the beets 1 hati field which has a heavy Wc about four eatis, but they greur rather toc rank years aid which urss turneti douru andi enti lodgred. thereby killiug eut Part Of planted toi beaus hast yecar. Ou ac- the. seed;ng which caused the. June caunt cf wure worm. 1 dld not plant1 grass ta take a start anti Il han been te oas oro corn this Sprlng. 1 have it lef t in that way ever sine.,,sn that plowed again su ad întend planting ta -It lo ncw alincat a soli June grass'beau., bot soMe of my nelghbons sald sad. Now if you believe that buck- they uraulti take the beau,. WlI wheat would greu ou this land thon 1I they? If no, lathene anythlug I eau would like to know urhst kinti cf buck- do to prevent it? I do not fSud mauyt 'Wheat ta get and how much ta saur nour. Would the dry ureather eff ec per acre. them anyT The sou la a clay loani Ans%%,er:-The soi! that yau descnibe uith a heavy diay bottom. should pr<ducc a rank growth of buck- Auswe:-The wire wonmm urhhch wheiit. The crop, hourevon, is btter, offected your crope lait year feunti suited to a Clay ioam. If yeu seed a sutable hoe.il the seti whhch urss buckNheat on this soil, it sheuld make! plaured under. You are planning cen- sufficent growth to everceme the rectly te plant thislandsutt a cultivateti June graFs, if the~ seed-bed la well pro- cnep this yean, ince thncugh cultiva- pared. In vieN ef the tact that youn tien It mecins possible te get id cf the grain logc 5 badly, 1 weuld adviae wure wenrna. It la impossible for me you to iipply at least 200 i.ounds pen te rzay urbether theo urne wuris wil acre of acid phosphate, which supplies tae the beans arnont this year, hour-1 phosphorus, the kind ot plantfood that evor, thorough tillage of the soi lu givem strength te the straw ef the prepsning the seed-bod will do s great grain. This will give strongth te, the doal te drive thcm out, asu will aIse buckwheat vines and will plump the the. application of 200 ta 400 pounds buckwheat kernels. Silver Hull buck- of fentilizen pen acre. urben seedlngi urbent s considered a good variety a.nd your beaus. The late Prof. Smith1 requires about fIve pecha of seed per of New Jersey, who madle a canefuli -acre. Another good crap ta use under study of theo hf. hhstony of theo uri the conditions yeu descnibe ureuld b. worm, atrngly recommeuda fertilizens1 rape. This can be sown broadcsst iu as a means of gcttiug id of the wlno U-boat qulckiy submnerged. ,It went teronications. underneath," msid Sir Robert, ".because1 Keep al cali pale, sud the uten- It coulti not imagine [t possible that a t ails with which vnllk cernes lu con. trawlrio would lave the courage o' tact, scrupulasl cien. Scald thezn attsck if it were net armed." wlth hot wator and thon expose them I -. .I ýý t tothe ail,,dunir he sday - Lemmon III. The Purpoe.dof Jhn'. Gwei--Rviewr--Joha 21. 15- 26. Golden Test John 20. 31. or rernedy, and pulvostzed barax la "Subscrber":-1. The urard "Argen- tine" means "milvenet," sud I. a- sociated wlth the Plata River because favor ci lev.atpngUpailii we a the fsrmt lîn't ItT Z. A goOd stylO ai dres for s two-yesr-oid boy is cdark cloreti knickerbockers buttonod 1~ uhite or llght-blue uralat wlth 1arg rours. Rape requin.. about five on worm. Tue wure worm dues net like Sir Robent related heur they learneci Te- Wt i. ai . scalfBtulol tau e-'laa"man ";vLasuth pahs eai utos. Blln utso six pounds et seed per acre il meuru fentilizer, and bouide fertilizer gives ef the siukhng of turo îubmarneu. by T mako a niai succosae hIal 1 oca at.Bt tth e paa en braadcasit, and three pouuds if seuru lunstidotistreugtb ta the. Young gncurng the bodies of th. creur floatiug to the.show, beglu neur tacane for the pro- ginniug asud outi e lGospel John1 tangue. Thum h se vnt tecto rt av-lechao drill. crop sud hence helpa it toeuithatauti surface, aithough five or six dayî apective eutnies. It la ne honor te makes it dean that ho le not wnltiug great South Amianoutytotearaseutbe.Tei Questiôn-A.J.W. :-We expeet to ight iusect sttacki. Fan your cen- laten s neoet wasacinculateti f nom n o uutrlet pol he pi a tbaneod. m Juit as another fonm etocie h adht. edm1efo .0a i the ropot ackti Ie esg e W'-th hnugh urhlch ti lt 1w, 2 eattetsoel le o eîêect a silo 10x32 f cet. Have six sud ditions, I urould advise a fertilzer Germany that the. boat lad returueti animal Just becsuse competition la "fThua' miti the Lord," se Jehn nse a hait acres, about hait of this fieldi luaalyzhirg i te 2% ammonia, 8 ta 12% to pont. lacking. Make yaur entry urthy of forhtheb eternal sanction beindt b Muy1 the pint ereut te the ahI -aaat prr. S sauti ioum anti-the othcr hafi la dy phosphoric aci sud i te 2% petash. the isti iibbon if .1it la lb. cnl>' eue ilu t. andtihebteaehlug ot iesu& liera sun. 8. A panams a a .da-aetr tlsc anc*f loams. W. plouretidouru s heavy June This should ho urorkod thonaughly itita TUE MOPTOITS RYMN 0F RATE. its cdais. le"the Word mad.esh." HuE[re ile d b>' icruhblugwthcrelsda.by;oebigh.lo-h.v grass sud tlmothy sod lust >'ean sund Il thesoeIl beforo y-ou plant lb. beau., Oefre awta rt lf h Pratn rt obn t«tr .R- uras partly covered urltb manure. W. by scstterlng It an lbe surface cf the There is a squire in our town anti claver b and aalla ha>' ho bcd htO 0hM'ýkCW*. Ha»e w. aytbgaphin wUilntfd f -1W oa BmelenorDtbet ladadhroigi nbeen ahie te bnlng a large herd ef te adt th at record? la there any ________________ _____________ have covered it agalu this Wnter anti plowed in n snohgI ' And le la thundenoua wiee, dairy ccws through the wluter lungo seseiblfeh bas cre t uJoh t .Thr aebos lantn e want te -plant Il fernuliagfe. Heu1 roglorb rliuiinifyuH isbhna rmlbs, ode" he uco t" 1 u aheuid ure drill the corn- sud heur ruchhaagl rai drilnihing l ha, if e- AHo mitasshîniababieh , conditicu, wil faii'ly heavy prcduc- the Spirit led un lu theme tuent>' cen- aîwei îc he>uî have aergraindnihi withpfertilunerridis- A spygîsas te bistOvat5onthon anti witheut much grain, tuiescf Christian tievelopmcut into Ctl u ac s u b seeti~~~~~~~~~~~ prar? oudlpsteue'lulu atah nt Cutaton yAndi takes th. numbens o et ti. rs WI.echrouic tiysetery le proeut more truth ? VWat Johnigave us bais nome com merciai tentilizer; if so haur and fertilisons .are about th OII That pasa befare bis sight, lu a clair' herd, tny washhng the cous' now been Iteti b>' the human cou- A cg~tedfrn etm much snd what analysia urouiti yen ne- thinga; that yeueau do te combat the Tnheunetifi es the owners udders uith a tue per cent. solution et science thraugl tweuîy centuries. t Aslogalbth ebe hc r commend? * ure worm. 1 de nq(tbelicve the dry To appear an Fridsy uight. ceai-tan tilsîntectaut betone allourlug ha& been funther coninmoti by the. strong ant inlugo<iwnlgodn lh liSo hapas Answer:-In pianting corn for siil- ueather has hati vL;ry much effert on the i, « ts u social struggle of tfiat penlati. John's reaaouably ate t cphr agboth drill and check.rour systeme them .Yeu pauy up and do nat swear, Evey heifer cal! killed Means one &firnàon iIe h ui rac e. con-m T he ~~safy c, ychlt~ jth atm rsn etrs arew iiyîtem, hihlyue.reheck- Questin-R- . -We urant tsi Use But go your humble way, less cow. Without any restriction,* iseadnofe unr-aa J toforshep evens'ulgtsdsutrg hnedgaa n i lapaac so ysîerr, ietcuiisting the hilicommercial fertilitse ou ounbeau au lanhdl ueLw ndYU h aitoecleim cwîfr eu ulacefhedvoopet thu It atgh Li. hy ou etod atryco'nuopI sytm los fcliain h ontMu year sud uredoin't knour just heuo Ae ny lIera ta pay eau proceed no far that there-urili 1;e man lIte in net auaytri= bis prinai- voth waym. If the land is flot very rnuch la buit to pM m por SMeSw19«' Sethat yôur contribution a ierloui îhortaïl 6* cattle. Already, ý.pisbut toWsd t, WIth411ai te 'habit andi area] oedcl I tet icdiy odtW wecdy the drill system le satisiactory, best resulaito ut cf bean.l. is h Mya ote. urbio good cous never uree a scarce snd cross-cuX'rents, the difs.andth le eti- 7Oer 5iOtSM c eu hînâ.oeîgcourb spril t in dris aot requires about 1( cuat an lut bIh urlit besua OuWhieh rives ta that aId rascal high. dios lu the streamuef hurnan progrei, ot b. matie tee en.Aul ic hnaCnuy vrtila aate Ihillsiac qre e abu1 and larpintely a lr. huiybakacont uyfiin oflutcprdcto o eye mva banyfouaOulrl. uailm>vle u mllslesgeutsse teoalueiI aîena quarts otear.lnIopatclyly lad.dircetien of lis toachhW. Wîth an anti shanten ffloe hnaqitac iuor eru h m To make sure etftthe germination, Ansurr:-Fen fertiiziug bonen on lhvestock urlîl b. noticeable lu grain lneneaiug number of p&èople outaltie Unles Y-ou intot ake b ab Mifu u nme ae you v-ould dto welte buy the seeti ou day soil, I1urculti advise lb. use cf I do net tlimaI fer cannage, tsnming. Without pleut>' of stock, cf the chancI developlug a clean taith for home Ou, luttcbeig I i-ht aet"pouai-l the car and test tie ears fer germina. tram 200 te 600 pouncis per acre et I amrnont quick te hate, scil 'fentiiity ientiiffIcult ta malutalu lu lb. leadecrship af Jeans, it Ji no ute they ane big eag.Mr oe'sn tLgGog U- tien. This ren b. donc by takpg eut fertiizer gnalyzing 2 te< 3% .mona But tuis lanurat I'd lke te do an.d high pric.a for fooatufis comiug lime for the people lu thc chunch i t enno bix kernels f roni ach ear, ture fram 8 te lO%Phaaphoric acitind1to2 To that uise magistat- frein the mii aie more iikeiy. It je question the pnacticability efthlc er- u1csnu isler. wl l iter ...l.Pic tWls the tip, middle and, butt, -numhening Ipotash. This shouid ho worked ther. Ad lSta e mbehsurprism, apparent thatprouctieaima-nuith doueo a î te out *hal e>' muinat 1wble amaeio. udedyas.iI the car nnd plàcing the kerneis on a eughly mie othe soil whon you are pr. Adtk n > upIe eke I rdcieaias-u l devl? athaitl that shaofti-umplt- @ ou arco n rt rlalmulaiet tr fthsa'mn ane o sqaeof biotting paper or cloth, nuis- parng thoseeti-heet lI east auti in l hvehis n tatbramble bs anis&4" _______uril tu. f<eu t h e a iiwa teuolmne u4îlidl eal ol u square u'eok A ove ly~~~~ Whoapoftelipies vil hsix monhatoinv iealpnbblt n ttetm hoing the square lte same number sas ote tn tays proviens ta plantiug. Adscac otbthhmoy.- Gwecuti: "Ia there au>tbigIaS bad torestoti i devloilu#falthfer 1th& alpsc.n afirshalg th a. Place the cioth in a pan or eau ho spread with s lime upreader or M. £ aisheli. 2. Wl>' bpad owef mn a eloat. Jh wss et l-lmsoto onI rî oBl >arnnt.t enu> tnel large plate whene yucnkepl you v ri rllwt etlzr Woodti bepresenveti tram the to -go?" Breuda: "Ye@& Gctting ha wauted waà no mena reptîtien <d eep the litteli ta r blt Dcon> rte tpe damp anlumadiside et a week dniling attachmient, it nl l otaappl>' urg n- ordu. lNe uas net tryicn iy1 te anti bave a gose bck-o nut f ét reee I ne lhq kennels should have germinated ti itlaI uay. The important point la ravaesofinsct. y-the injection etf'r«>' for comPauy- antid aiu Imeuftesuent te an hlstonlesi rt wcel ou lIeu baa.h îp. Wht-olye aufficientiy te tell yau whethen the ear te se liaI the fertiliser hi eveul>' dis-tretno b<<>ci anti stop there For hlm lb. purpoo If y>u urant t e b aia rw ae1k ha? Ii iat is strorig, wcak or dead. Take the tnihuteti and tharoughhy workedi Int o ieth aliuss liaI peopleo mîgîl hae jive lieni eatî sataln ip e! muedium and trong cars andi abolI theBoeil. it ila icI avallablç plant- , ~get rid of the wateo tf the body b'yl ie. Unleas failli transforma lits, _____________________________ them eut tegether and discard the food if itlis wurket i nta lie mil vibees / m~èW ~enus o e l uresgan sd lierccre Mt au, but a mae.imitatio.Ta-<hs7 ear that shw vry w8k or deati it can dissolve so that the plants can bî.i1 JJf j'Y ) svon turnes aifaitut a# , inivida s iu s oil th e odliE GR A C U E kenl.I ol ueypay you ta mnake use of it. Il i. sot bout practice sweatliug anima6s V-taity ed Jea steachingu. W.*,n fertilize your cern. For tiehspurpesre te drillthe fertilizon in with lie benne. Darnp. sud tfillIare l*. two primie For vl4er gn.e ~f.edthere la potl- no Me."aplaus.for bis ««dtw ', 1 I wouid recommend the. use af 2010 te Bncadcasting han boen tounti'tc give causes et tilseame &menu poultr>'. 1db- lng botter than lawn clîppluga.- The but a falt that- uwll tnanstora hil t lcoar sWi s1.Mltr as ed u 800 pounds per acre of a tertilizen boit neulti. nu nahi siessuebreeder, bu>' foula, gris a bould b.gatber'ed a na s n $pntzicweuaescalhvu. l _____________________as a nul., keaplng la geod beath. cut, sud &prendi eut ou a shedtwW . ba do i ro e tsf? an Wol*Helis ileiac Piltby dnking vessela breeti untéier- bath st uad air ceaustirike IL. Atall5ip>'botifaunis______ lie cuti et tlt, but o et eanal lire A ' , l & Long-leggod draftm are net what lb. able gense about as quickly r n u>- socs as lllaIeogghl>'dry 1h mbeulti that i>oglu; bore send now, 'Theklnd, n oà market demande. Dou't breet that thing, germa oten hIil n tahe acuz b. raked Oansd rekad lu barrela fon et living ho vata lW'thé kindti t 14Àdhu hh hypeciulos Toal oprietti n * characteriutic hto the Young animais. that la aleuredti t accuanulate. thc ululer. Carm muet b. taken lIaI Jeu»,a-- tl andi shouret. lu Ida <bey be sont, as ll rle. i'et ieehepriis~ -Select a leu-set aine. K..p lhe bo"sestboroughly veutil. il does net dry ted muchri, n Il n epistdes ha makes il céair that Itle- af-Romans, IL,1.utr* ro t mnto o Bruîmes oet he heel uilil e ldicatot Let -the mare rosI loverai veuae d *lduiIg lb. menth, ton Jw ban ls« ,.its atreuglb sud bles.ch out cou- pure sud bnotely- ite. Thome urla1comploesandmtaatr enl hablgottetaae by lameneas, touderues upon pressure after foaling. Start gnaduahi>' uhen "son.ver>' bot tidantM i ugbts. slicrably. Il abeuid, bourever, le poestarleel ot nid e the igi cf the. quarter cf 1.siuul> l'ptighnt rr gI.June le a gocti mentI for capofflzlng pertoctly cuSti betore stoning tva>',,love thon' brellions marelrm& Tuoae& w*ks1'of attL, al lIpis11W>setpie oci u- Insde l svee soe, shru lahAftiler to woudbrshngli . ong oeri. wr lmi'hatsudpol ~nloe do ntr uha d*they~~nrmtlm an u ie al.ourovl e I~b'fI forin threurli e ouerne pue in- hereedandhobrt u epsite ~Tokeep lu goodih...Ilh. a ber, lu lu tedlng, sosk lb.grisa lu lI- n>'pofa.. 3l n aont Acceniplishmeutc ullg<a o u lv o o nFu ei pressei when the heclinh presmeti. neut fer the. nighl. popcit.ien t IluI, requiras airno a «t'ne for abcut Iwv' oire e .1b'. ohn that 4rnM" Who do..netlv1tlgo au ufn au beovern lalt., ha ofta 4i luieh1 nvea tinisu lie umount cf treul air teen heurs, mter uhicl eit mlx i he. hlmbrothier canuot paslly love Goti. loti itheutpre*evau fot ftemr olerhnslh~ps Remove shoe, pare 1he sole et the Dîgîntectlng the stables vti eaI- t arorse eDs&. The heruse vntIMa&*or equmeseqt the v«tu and TisI.le to b. ne Vais. MOUehtte: le11popc* nlge n.~avro as~1tcaut, » quarter weIl douru te expose thecocrn tan <ips viii go a long umy 'Icuard thraj1ihuaiskin. but lthe fowi muitetodin la bs 1»' jl!..to le ttiit*d l luita. I lslaeveal obi a n ssn ltvrsdascslmJacm anti aiiew escapeofe pus If thene be pnotoctlng the hanses train fliles.g goas fia « 0 ocwt e ih any. appiy het paultices unhi sereneas Cican lIe stables overy day- in hot -I0flteé &eaiy» U ue uitibnc leth rn o eohtc IUr duappeans, thon gel shod i wth as bath- urether. 'R g niiw .-'i.vÎooênî.. merin.sel-erî aIei*lt.thnoi e& at frlmni.R-.1 e aih<mhredui ersoe etren h. atihof ~ Condition in a hersene nmanliet 5 W M8555W555Tbe« lvea muntet W ilied turtli e li nicailssdoeale ah tnçpacn<a rp pressure mpon the quarter of the wall. b>' k«etcs ton work. bnlghlnes t ________ insoW * e w*s sd Mýt .lfl tIn A63rim.~seuê i.a4h1 When brecding the marc. es, y e lu loo o aot.A sz iwâp4 nrd iiie -Wh"iu le egulsi 9 saole ax u ats aae. zuinti that it pays te bhave ou. breeti lucapaele d biecrottntet col. A larea MebMb et * Ut M£VInof131U N 18is Ue ieuzsC I4" i - P *7 rit breedmng la possible ubere tanies w= pîymisatin i4 ' aradi. J* 15 hithei w>êio lins i e- lat or'wsm4 tçt cooperale te pretince the besotaut ofltin Iecltt tomaene> eoli th"s.d Tul#. c l h. sowd itis Iuovai > qTltl l.no > oalg2w*7*rc p comb iyrbetieIcgea.t rg et ue iatatitien. patly nik eut th*sude uddmoelera .l ettes aceua AyS elr' 1b wlSî !Xonoý.Jan'stri et.Pas ia!> 5g5 and V> 4<fewII Neither -aelu lfa i èteedI ot ureather lot tIc mare rw aisifd bp»Ue es r tlom *9 »MIe* 0< Y ývât14* lIXOfteO 0< l IU mwas uemea«tts.WI " rc .wben the colt follouri the cultîvaton. ffl and *0 dfeuhmiotutas lietora lb. oelt 1 t Ket thec ol ponnet Inluasroomy, ucîl- asuds. IWeIrornMpltesbi ee ae of e an th le to posé *»b&tW t tob " fr D pssldrdb1y , lva llghted and veutîltatd box tall. Do Cihl010 "*teiftàm éw >a Ou.~c~i> b.h. ,es, hnew i mê h . t, ypsv. U té b tê hi. 45* ô'Wl-1 noi keep 11cm spart ton a hal day- herse bm.diatIy atfen fdlngr. AI am resreto e b nbs!eu> '1.m ..meblesu anImb. Set- ït in III :re , -s lai h mI* t a e f r t t m .l b . r e s uy q it e I m l l et bCO Q & n b T h e t e ' U n I t t l ~ p 4 t . « g e l i o « M e u r .5 < a e b e n e l c u e , t *M ~uI-e ehec y ep *tmugho»" 0w,» rock ln m,*@aun&>' thepdesqu azd euf feoie tin - =day-soentue o. eka. Covoe *1. - D'en par vun14- ans oel~tu *-là the- r lu esorm. A cament Ial, " uni e1pict rih"i> w ttel tw*a thw plA e: 5* 'ffibi MIutm or, i"t% voire lnebet a «Wlb.grentid m uppr&kue anti saslesacd ,*i --eu- z uif ea 'Il tbelWU a d o l v1 at, saves l "0. VI " 1.0'l A good pasture le a pige paradise. lb. r&t bth# &b.>pi» b<oft or Waf a< - *dffs ifninterg4te""s.I>'.I ité if 'Yen vaut te get faimvaine for ar. e adetvl th"by-are abouzt six vitio ls a nd t» aheff*Sl Ùyour sKimlkt wMben d bOttcmllt, or dL M , ..a em ni-Iê - -i' 1- lew.epîga IsutilO Lt or yeu. ,-jyfuseeef_____a .- lia loeshlas cSiy- lteer'mprokit. ,E# grewlni 1h. h é ue lw j.»ro. or* proil, tee., If tb. corndmoveutMW Sema e for the b. lg. Forlage lelpe le gPt'hë lfîn selmui os h*b.levid <est. '1 Put ltmeilt-twdar vlan lb.pis eau b.lp tbemuslvss,- Lot tem d lia veork uutll maritiotlbâa. dis anti ns>' b« m and- àe. ean l, à'Int r!l no"u eHet - 1 bonld sd - i - "~~- -"i. i-k-' - 4rnch eIder than site, (I have--known . many littie girls in my dayl sute.,- 4 mustsay 1nvu kew one witIhwborg I would rather play than with. you, Dilly, rny dear. If it Were possible, my friei<ds aud I would rise front aur pasteboakdis and loin you in smre t 1 j~ 4 The nais, Mouth. games, but we are bard workers, bardl This la the best cf aU the mouths, wcrkerm. We must always be busy 01 For school in enditsoan; lun bocks and. paperq. Did you ever Mthers and dsagchters of ait cson are e@rdI5iIT Ilnvtted te 1rtCtO$bS And that le where itgets its narne- think huw very, very rnany tiues we *prrefstntaI ny IIb uilhdwt e@ yslO'adl cf une! ltto-ar usti n aday Itha ord, nswar as a moani et ldouïtiflcat@fl, but full csms and add 08 elle e "The daisy month o ueI etesaegdndyIîwrs ven n le ssclatter. wrIte On en* side ef pape" *nly. AhSwIrs -words, words, until there ia seldom mUild direct If .tamped ad SddIsised enveOIpe s18enColossU mon 68us O-M-E--H auy vent for us. W. s)iuld 1ke te Addr.aa ail corresponldance5for thh i*partMeit te lre.MM 1elM "O0-M-E-fl" Dlly said the let- tell you the word ycuire trying te WVodblae Av*, Torontb. tors oiver and jover te herseif, "0 dearl make cf us, but that wculd ho agaiust I can neyer make you spoli anything," the rules. Instead, we shall tell ycu L. T. :-Fer household use, the. Most is put in the wator te set the colon. 5 she thought, as she lolced down at the smre of the sories we make iu bocks.",i effective and least dangerouw, cf fly It is saici that the juice of an cI1110I black letters ou their squares cf yel- The big O began at anco with Old Poisons la theaune.to..flvc pcr ce#t. solu- 1wlll remave scorch marks fromuikn low cardboard. "'Aunt Momnah aaid Mather Hubbard, told in a new anid tion of fornialdehyde. To a pint ai 6. An invitation ta a church wedding. 111I put yen tegethër ight yau'd mlake wondenfui way; thon the bia M tel- Wàter add three teaspanfuls ef cern- need not be aicknoWledged Unleo un In- a word, but Ive twisted you and turn- lawed with a delightful tale af the mnezwial formaldehyde. It in flot ex- vitation ta the breakfast or recepticli ed yau aud yen wan't speil a thingi ganden af Mary, Mary, Quito Cen. pensive, and canhe. baught at any le included. Wedding iliverp linon, 'Of course if you didn't have to make a trary. The E had been used go often drug store. Take one or more thin, and ail gifts intended 'for tho 'bride feur-letter word, I cculd spellr 'hem' in the stcry cf Tho Old Woman Whe table tumblers andi fil each oeeof hculd be manked witb the. initiaisl sud 'me' aud 'ho,' but 1 can't thiuk Lived in a Shoe that be kuew the themn haif full, or more, of the solu- the bride's maideu usame. MaWo-General J.- J. Pesabing what you cati ho when I have to use naines ai ail ai the oid womnan's chil- tion. Cut a piece of biotting paper Mrs. T.-:-1. To dlean a greawsy r- Who ihl ead he rat menian ~ailthe ettes!"dr, and ho repested-them s atinto circular form, lightly amaller pet, mixtg hr1iiu .dcern Whoditio a teFore to be ent x-1Diiy uras bending over a beautiful, thatDlyluhdmriy tte than an ardi.nary saucer. Place the meai, heat it and altI hccyoe Prance. ob set o shilling M&hogi.iy table in a room very lait the H told Diii aIl about blotting paper in the saucer an»then the carpet; thon cover with gazoline ,jvr h acr vrtetmlr and nub bard until the gslfoci ncom al e r stîli, eve ndhe she Diîîy w> lmJaciu ndug ithat eheir . To lc athudrtoa apcoh h a sol iely Turc Submar n Re t ei u k Aters.1w iu it, and now that h. was gone lokig dcw u into ikm cool deptha edge of the tum bler. That urli break doue gzlu ineoe , s ti. dg r e t Be Stories net hitherto published of She thought ai the naisy nursery atî there was Aunt Hannah lifting Dilly's, colato slowly iuta the blottlng paper, line bas been applied. if it 1infloý lively encounters betweeu Britiah home, adhwse se h ee-edfottetbe hr thdadtke ttosg htteIisposuible te do thie work lu theOIMnOD tnawlers and Gernian subrnarines in'there! But Billy had meaales, and, f alea when she went te eleep! Aunt eau drink from t hs solutionu Rt- use ouly the powdor, allawint it t, the North Sos were telti by Robent Dilly must stay at Aunt Hannlab's 'Iannah's Jowolod -band tuned the lot- tracts flics, sud utually kili themn with- stand for sovenal days, thon reinoVO Lowry and athers at the recent mneet- until ho was welL. ters about until a beautiful word lay lu turc or thnee minutes., sud nepeat the treatliet untl th. ing of the Mission te National Ses- 0 ->f-E--H the lettens mtared up at before Dillys wouderng gaze. "Reader:-l. When a persan ro- grease bas disappesred. 2. Tii. re< mnen. One traurler, Sir Robent said,! hon, sud she leeketi back at them lu ha-."yes, Billy ha well, andi yeu ahail go marks, 1I am very glatiIbave met yeu. paint marks may be removod tram became such a terreir te U-boats that' wildeniuont, for sonàehow thoy aeemed to-mercw," saiti Aunt Haunah. Miss B-," aften haviug- fn lntroduc- your dairk blue wol suit by rubblng four cf them lay lu wait andi eveutu- te hae speaking te hon lu tiuy frieudly Dhly imileti, for the word Aunt cd ta yen, nempend by saytug, 111 am the spots wlth alcehol. ally dostroyeti it. On eue occasion, veicea. Hanuah hati gtveu hon was a une the pleasuno las mutual"; on, 1' l l"-1 No matten heur canmf'4. this tnawler aruet with two light guns The big round O spoke first, rnak- H-O-M-E. What friends tiioso arn glad te kuow you. " Thor n. o neue la wheu sewlng, etten en oil sPoý was attacked by a submarne. One îng Dilly a fuuuy lhttlo bcw. "My dean letton. had came ta o 41ne phrase for sud eoccasiona. 2. To gets on a dreas whlle making, if the shot weut thnough the dock bouse, Diliy," he began, jutt as if he wene rroetr pl upnieo eo ahn a eetybe ie. A anather smasheti the wheol, "but the. moue, folloreti by soap andi uater. 8. youn fabnie lis alk, caver àt thiek1Y. skipper went oit steorng with broken- _______________ Almond meal la au excellent substîtute with powdered starch anti bave f&i spokesq.5 Another shot carrietid awa<ge <y for saap for use on the face. 4. To tWeuty-four heurs. Aton the stSI'ch the cook's galley, but thoe- trawler's V i Fj" 1 T Z destroy roaches, dhp asuces of patate in han beon brusheti off the stain will ua01 gunnr bi th subarin, wich henarsenic mnixed with sugan.- Gather bo noticeable.- had enough of it sud went under. Breeti the best te the beat. up every marulng anti drap Into bell- MrL. D. P.:-1. Thon. la nathinif Anether unarmeti traurler 5aW a Ralse the calves; quit oathug veal. ________________ igwntotr, as aome ef the insecte may that will take the. taeejo leeks frein submsnine ou the North Ses sud made Type la not the neal test of a cow'i stîll RI lv. But nover sUeur pal- enani an butter. The beit Way -10 daa fr I wththoneui tht hevalue. The scales and tester are bot- INTERNATIONAL LESSON son te4Iie arounti if thon. arï chhltinen nat te sUeur the COWs ta grae Ilà a dashfor I with he reult tat the TVtwý* filin th ha n . Parie an u ..la.,.nIk. à*bd,,îe.am It laan Arguenet in nes cil la ln bu thé ove ti l Tl of to b*e te -'14 k t Ur - m th th ln, th PL; lis où fit 'loi fin

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