Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 21 Jun 1917, p. 5

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1- - -~- -- PA~I FIVI WOULD LIKE YOUR Do >'ou know - that if your I's trouble you 1 can fit your I's with proper lens, s80 that they wil cease doing so 1 wiIl refund your money Mfny correc- tdon -is flot sifactory to you. BÀSSETT Jmlr-ad Opiclan là the Stam Wth the Baouy. s"ockt. WHITRV W. C. T. U. PÉRIBITION HOTELS. 'Coler'. leekly prints the follow- -lng# coming f rom a hotel proprietor In the clty of Richmond, Va.: I bave been leokIng orer the statf,- mient for the month of January tbis yrear. and have compared It with Jan- *Uary a year ugo. The reason for tak- Ing that month wvus thut it wus the lat yeai: the Legislature was bore. ýwIth Its attendgnt crewds of langera- on. In making the coniparison 1 was * -deligiÃŽtod tesee that the Increaso for th iis year over the preceding year agI ,gregated $4,000. My business le gi-ow- Ing every month. People are coming' -ln larger numnbers. The los. of the Il- quor revenue Is seen In the increased busines--it la more thun offset. The change ha done me a worid of good In a business way. There ls another thIng -the same element that could be.formerly seen bore ln large num- r:bers, otten comlIng mIet the hotel and raqking thinga disagreeabie iln loud -talk and protanity, appears to have -. orsaken thec it y. 1 hQpe they bave -' gone for geod. LOCAL HAPPEIN6S .Men's straw bats 49e. te $3.OQ ut W. SWalters'. Mr 0M, . S. Johnson was 111 for sev- - - oal day. lat week and was therefere uug#ble te pretido ut Entrande Exase- Inations atClarement. Mr. F. N. Burns ha sold Iiis rosi- --dence on Brook St. south, formerly oc- * ctupied by Mr. E. G. Hazeil, te Pte. - Janaway, et the Military Hospital. -Mr. Neil Yellowlees will le la Whit- by shortly te lune pianos. Orders mur eellotI at A. H. Allin'a drug store.-tf. -Youtbs' sizes kbaki drill panta. ceurts attacbed, regular value $1.50, reducet! -to-gge. Saturday. June 22rd. ut W. à. Waltere'. It Ila ttoce.a .rlv 1<. fbink et the, Thurs- Srnhtlt~ CLEAN-UP DAY. Wedae«ay, June -27Lli, wilil e "Clean-Up Day'- ln Wbltby. Teams for gathering garbuge and refuse wil i inake LIe touads eft ho streets running north and soitth. All refuse te be re- moved mstiL e placed on aide et read 'v. bre it wil le teen, sud must le Ilaa receptacle sudh that It can le easily loaded Jnto LIe wagons. * Je,. W-Hi-ie, Town Clirk. ÂLL SAINTS' CHURCH IMPROVE- MENTS.. Â apeelal meeting ef AUl Saints' Vestry MondigY*nlght autherIzed the Wurdeas to -proeeed witI the instal- latlon eofnee- beating apparatus for wblch the contract, goes to LIe Pease Company. The cleaning and decorat- i ng et the walls and oellng efthîe dcurcI as weill's certain ether ise. prevements whlcI the committee hav- ing the seattor in hand recommended are te le donc. The past.or will o ecupy tIe pulpit, oth services. Page & Sbaw'É Candy la a dandy ef excellenîce and punity. J. E. Willls, druggist and epUcian, agent. 0o THE TORONTO EASTERN- SITUATION. Replies have been recelved by P. Howard Aunes, Serretary et Lhe Cese- mittee at municipalities interested la getting the Toronto Eastern going. lIai the officiais are at present busy ut Ottawa, but when shertly tIe situa- -tien îlot-e permits they '.111 make an appeiniseent 10 nieet tle CesMMittee. Sir Adam e Bok, ln respect efthîe H) - dro Commission. will, atter tbis week, le siilarly disposed. For a clear, dlean and Itight com- plexion use Seelcy's Beauty Ct-cama, the â1ternating metîod of skin and complexion treatment. J. E. Willis, fruggist und opihcian, agent. 0o The liggest possible film attraction will ho seen at île Royal Theatre on Friduy and Saturday, June 29 and 30, as upon that date Surah Bernhardt wiii be.presented by the Peerless Film C'ompany ln "Mothers et France." Thee magnitude efthîe star sud thc magni- tude efthîe production muke this an off eriug ilat ne'* one can afford Le miss. Admission, eveuings 26c.; SaL- ut-day matine, - cblldren 15ec-, adults 2,5c. No war tax. Part proceeda for War Relief Socety. -- Me's blue stnipe overulîs reduced te 98c. per pair ut W. G. Wuitet-s». -ô- METHODIST TABERNACktE. Sunday, June 24th. Rev. A. -H. Foster, paster. Mernlng servIce.-Anthese,'«I Hourd teViet Jeans Sur." Solo, Mr. J. Speclal sermon le Composite Ledgc No. 30, A. F. & A.M., et Whitby. Evenlng service. - Anthese, "The Beautiful City." Duet, -- By Gruce Alone," Miss Drydeni and Mrs. Jackc- son. StrIctly pure Paris Green ln % lb.. 1/ lb. and 1 lb. packages. ,l.E. Williis, ,druggist and! uptIian. - WON'T YOU HEL?. tbe Victonlazi Order by sending'contri- butions et uny id te the rummage sale to e ebld at tie V. -0. N. home en -Baturday, June 23rd, at 2.30 e'clock. Afiernoen tea viii aise le served. Corne and! brlng your tniendi, Mr. and Mrs. t. Thosepson have ljuiL reeelved word f(nom thein daugh. .ter. Olive. that ahe. with a boapital boxes LIat are te le sent ovenseas te unit etf ffty nurses. frosi Jebn*8HeP- the Whltby beys next fait. Any et thé kins Hospital, Bali* tmone, lias arrlved kaitters in owa who vîsh te aend a sa!ely la France. pair of iocks for these Sexes seay louve samne vitî Miss Cormack, who PLAN NOW FOR DOMINION DAY. will le pleased te keep t-hem for pick- Doa't miss the h*ggos eveni ot the ing irith Lhe other gifts laton on. soason ini the garde- a prty te le hait! - ~ ~ at th a e Grange, WhlLby, unden t-he au&- Af ton bavlng leen la the -employ et picea et the WarRelief Society, aiI- -the Grand Trunk as baggageman ut -cd by tbe Wom*ns lS i%.tute Sand the lh"tation in Port Penny for oven 20 Victonimu Order, on Menday, July Znd,- years,-Mn. H. Roeets Wss releasetiand la addition te speeches t!rom prom- supenunnuuted by Lhe company lant ment provincial. anti loc a sekr week. Mr. Robet. bas s.ccepied the thon. vil! b. dancing punth S" Judy position et caretaker et the HigI show, a wishing s'ell, tts5Md Sclool bore. îootlis et ail khuis.Cozne Mantinu -O- îthe tarly. Gaie foct 1c, Mr. Vm. Perey vas greatiy sur- -o--, prlsod on Suturday evenlng laut vIen - Mr. Reilly and 'sonl. o! TOMI0,MÃ"-1 a gI'eat number efth1e niç nib'-ra ef All tored to, Whitby anti apeàt - SundiT Saints' Choir, puld a-surprise v'lsit to wiih Mn. andti li:s, GegFoclr the home and enJoed a social even-.0 Ing ln amres, dancing, etc. Mn. and DOMINION DAT. DOUNOS, 1W PICK' bira. gitnest O'Deii wore ameng tle Patfty, and Mr. O'Dell very klndly gave' A veny attradîlve Programilta185 1& a -piano'redttai. nouaced for t-h.eiesaret-g on DO- - -o-- ininion Day atniiO@ 4 d «009tW Men's black Vieuna clotb nuits. reg. le hbld on- the lavas at - Mr. e." EL111<1- ugr value $20, on u1ç Saturday, jur4e arilson's p A-t PeeI4 04 ,23, at $14.90. %W. I. Walters'. dress on île toptes ef t-h. e- vili b1 -e- gtvea ly lMr. lHartICeyIn. £DW*at, MI', SECOND FINE POP, BEINO DiRUNK. P., oof t1he mut bMUllat hoUl Fred Ba9serow, ef Whitby Town-.spekers Of t-be tiag IO. tuse a éIiIp, was aaumrnned by Chie! Mac. tertltr~, Donald Ilerogt, wM iva GCrotty i ttkcFolle. Ceuni *a Tues-.etflis >Put . MIL IL B, wbna1. Ruee day eyening te answer a -charge et ofofthte Townûdet, Uis proumeto t- t 'beins urunk, - Tblsis u Badgerowa Itend, andt ler. 1h y e- foré 'slcond offence. andi le sawu aesaa tut-bolWe« n ad'.1 115 sud $,2 5. o"esyJustices et tbip best, *ho la thbe ablle » _cc oeh Whlte andi A. M. Ros&, isiiet'. «tUmm-slan vor «O AUTOMOBILE DIUV1Nê. aIG W b5 lttOSt I Yc'u cati. do -all your work *on titis Oil Stove. I Cail at our itore and sce it demonstrated. - F. ~keQp 1n, 167 Yonge st, TOt=tp' aJg0eY* ieoclist for ever t~rety-yeaa~ an e sontulted at 'A. R Mln'a rugstore, Whitby, friday. JU4,p 22nd. Glissesu t right p4ices If ,.equb'ed. DIon't miss seeiag hlm, Sat- 4dutioeguaranteedj. -_1L Children*'s pint drosses reduced te 49r- te lit ages 3 Lu 8 years, ut W. G. Waltors. Mns. Fr Ednlund Starr attenêed the Iana lÙet Lofte Canadian Nat- Terento asat -week. The Guild le a branel efthLe Britishi and Forelgn Sailors' Society. The comiorts are de- voted to over 100 Sallors' Institutes, ineluidlng. Vanceuver, Victoria, Hall- ,fax, Montreal, Quebc St. John, North *SYdney, N.S. The full report wus given Inte al pross et the splendid sup- wprnt gvn othis brancI of patriotie C.B.G. Combination Underwear re- duced te 98e. per suit ut W.G. Walters', Saturday. June 23. 0-o Sarah ]Bernhardt ln ber gi-eatest triumph, "Mothers of France,"' ls dom- riiig te Lhe Royal Theatre on Friday and atuday Jun 29and30. In this tremendous photedruma sIe presents a inessage-Jfrem the mothers ef France te the mothers et -Amnenda. This is the greatest, the most t remendous ten- ture ever filmed in France. hIt a one ef the big tiumphs oethîe motion pic- ture art. See iL. by aIl means, and help the War Relief Society, te whlcb part et the proceeds go. Admission 25c; Saturday axatinee. chIldren 1.5c.; adults 26c. No i-ar tax. PUBLIC MEETING. A publie meeting.,0.-or whlch Mayor Warren w1ll preside, ia te le beld lu, Lhe Tow-n Hall on Wednesday evening next, June 27, at 8 o'clock, Ia the in- terest of the "Soldiers et the SoiF' Movetncut. Everybody is lnvited te attend, but more particularly ail boys, fer wbttm the movement bas been ln- auguirai cd by the Organization eoflBe- sources Committee. Mr. D. R. Pelo.e atho en ea fthe Imovement la this district, und formerly secretary efthél Oshawa Y.M.C.A.. wifl le present te address the meeting, sud there will also be local speakers. Boys are ask- ed Io effet- their services for tarm work durIng the summer, and upon doing se are presenr.ed with a "Farm Service Corps" membership button.1 wbieî becemes their personal pýoperty upon cempletion of their full season's fat-i- service. A gi-cnt deal of Interest la being dlsplayed in tIi. movementi and I I loped there wlll be a large attendance. lotI ot beys and adults. ut the meeting next Wednosday ovening. -a PRESBYTERIAN CHURCIl. Sund.ay, Juno 24th. il a.m. Communion service. 7 p-m. A service of song and music witî -a shîortuddress b>- LIe minister. The musical pregram will inelude: Anthem, -Oh Worsbip the King" (H. E. Nichol) -LIe choir. Duel. týTarry With Me," MisasC Nicholson and Mr. W. D. Dykes. Song, "The Touch ef Hi. Hand Ia Mine," Mr. W. J. H. Richardson. Antbese, -lonsider and Hear Me" Psalrn XIII. (Carl Pftueger), the choir. Organ solo, "Ave Maria; Otello" (Verdi). Mr. A. T. Craig. Duet, "Hold Thou M1%y Hand." Miss K. Nicholson and Mr. Dvkes. Song. **Be Ye Fulîliful Unt.o Death" St.i Paul (Mendelasoha),, Mr. T. 3 Jones. Authiem, "Just For To-Day" (AsI. tord), Lhe choir. Amen <Stainer> - UNION SUNDAY SCHOOL PICNIC. TheSundur Seboola ofth(e Meîl- odisi,, Preshyterian, Buptiot, St. John's Anglican and Almonds Chut-des have unibed te bold a easemoîl plenlo Ihis yean. Tee railway cosepanies rotfus- la& te carry excut-sions ibis ycar, the1 sehools vene confrontedi with the lie- essity et arranglng their picalos ut home, sud the Ides et a union pucaic. ai tle Town Park wuascacived, TMe date chesen la Wodneaday. July 111h, wben the wcekly hait holiday takes place. Ilus uffording au epportunity for a large number of People te le present. Cominittees have 100h ap- poInted te take charge ot arrange- moents. A Sports Cosemittce ill draw up a prograin et gaines, and basdsome prises vii le offéred fon eomDetltion. There wilhl e classes for al the ache). art fthe sebools.# A splendid ipro gram la being arranged. and overy- body luaamureof agoodttrne.No ad-mson vl ho ebaraed to the Pub- lic. Keep hua date ln midciFurtber pateulars vil) e given liter. bieas Tweed suiLs, negular valuet M).f1e te 814.0on amie Satinday1 June Zird. at $9.90. W. 0. W+ltee'. DEATH 0iF MISS SXMf Mdiss Mry A. Smiiba * I.ms ,resI dent of Port WhItby, pousaiad a s Ttiursday lain, Juie 14Mh, sMtr"Oi nous.trm asemia-- whibtd tmi ever »Me montIs.MIés OumtbvuS dausher ortht-e la. Jaues $WU&t-*.a wuS very wkdey knewaMilm ber.' bece etorber Ioog rie4cae. #i bmnArtbar SrnI1bav.eoeeUd Iel relMOs onMDQ*tU Str**"M lad Xrs. j* tm, «OBumtSan brotherassIn iter et t-be ia*,e liaS sud the fumera el e s 0* S51.itda iy &U»owIr hi >Mr, Y.V-0 2,,wis,.. tsuttnsearg tet Jb1** $buuudat f1-;bt ssr* A 19MI unt' WMas lalu S.. Jobu*o'S e.s7,, for Me.Nair, largely basing their whole defence on this dlaim that ln refusing Me-NaIr's car Mr. Downey bad eancel- Ie4 the order. Iudge Ruddy bas not yet given bis detision ln the case. Men's black, grey, and naturai ahades ail wool cashmnere socks, 35e. to 50c. Per pair at W. Q. Walter$'. CANADIAN WAR CGlNTNGENT ASSOCIATION. Mi-s. E. Edmund Sftrr la ln Toronto attendlng the C.W.C.Aji mcting, and reports as teilows: The foilowIng arrangements bave been made by Ille Executire ef the Canadian War Contingent Asesola&tion ln Canada. Sallor. Ecomforts. It la 'very desir- able that there sbould be on band a stock of sailors' comforts wbIch can be used when neceusity arises for men ln the Navy and the Mercantile Marine. The special needs are as follows- Socks, any coler ançI size, trom those suitable for boys of ffteen and up- wards; muMers, 1% te 2 yards long,! any celer; woollen caps wblhI can l Pulled down- over the ears; woollen gleves or mittepis; fruit of candieÈ; mnondy ?o buy any of the above. 1 Many of the men and boys ln the l navy are n'ew recruits. Soine of them, are our Canadian boys. unaccustomed îte the cold of the North Atlantic. -The NlerRagàtlle Marine eugbt flot t0 be forgotten. On It Great. BrItain and her Allies depend for troops. muni- tions, food, etc., A conifort bag for each mean weuld le a sigît recogni- tion froin tIc women of our country! of what we oa-e the merchant marine. The bag sbeuld le of navy blue duck, 12 Inches long by 10 bIches wide, wlth1 a double draw string ef white tape. On one aide near the top atitch a white label 414 indes'long 4y' 4 inches wide. Contenta-asocka, miaffer. hand- kerchiefs, bier pipe, dlay pipe, amali book, writing jiad and pencil. bouse- wlfe, etc. Goodz should be sent by freiglit ad-, dressed "Red Cross Warebouse, Pier No. 2. Halifax," and. be distlnctly! marked *'Sallors' Com!orts." Mrs. W. J. Armitage, Spring Gar-- den Road, Halifax, ls convenor of t4e cemmlttee, and any contributions or communications sbould be sent te ber. BIRTES. BRADLEY.-At. Whitby, on Wý%ednos- day, June 2th. .1917. te Mr. and Mn. Wm. Bru<ley. twisens. Jiine 7, 1917, fo Mr, ahd M O F'uso, -a son. Ma e miss Kate WaiFght Pupiti prepared for Toronto Conser- vatory or UnIversity Examinations.- Reisidence at Mm. Artîur Richard- sonna, Byron St-, Whitby. Phone 20L. CUAL DEALIS m~ AIE ITu SUSIN 0IF CMAL640W !J abolit store# A. B. EDWAIIUa Bell phono 57r3 WhiWtby. mat. ERNEST O'DELL (T.AO,..A, tGO. BabyDssvesthe os As warmn wea ther approaches special care mnust be exercised in feeding the baby and c therwise providing for his health and cc.mfort. We. handie ail of the geod BABY FOODS and turn the stock ofte~n so that we a1ways have a fresh supply. We always carry a complete stock of BABY POWDERSe TEETHINO RINGS, NOHRSINS BOULES, SOAPSI BRUSHES, and Othor Roquisitos lkre take great pains in preparing medi.cine for the littie folks. WIi ITFI 1E LD'S- DRQUG and STAY"ONERV STORE WRITBY, ONTARIO * Sole Agent for 8tu#erick Patterns Sole Agent fer Nyal Preparation.a Legbve your order for Piano Tuning with n. Send the Gazette and Chronie to your -absent ftietd it's as goQd as a ketter front home to hint. rWest, x W4say at , Julie 8Lth M.Foleyç!"a a native -oftWhltby, having been' oru ere- 66 years ugo.- He grw up Into -young maahood lu this neighborhood, and Was later ern- ployed on theo C.P.U. at 31Mertk H was marrled te a Miss Furlong. and thon meved wdo te Britlsh Çoumbia, where ho builif the C.P.R Une Into- Ârrowhead.- At Arrïowhead M~r. Poley bulit a hotel, whIch ho conductedfer some tâme, seliing out and moêlng east on the death of Mr&- Foley. Luter lie wai married- to Miss HamaiIton, tf Plckering, who. sjav1ye& hlm 7#itâ three clfldren. Mary. Peter and Agnes. ser vrai Year Mr. Foley lIveci re- tired in TËoront and for the last four years bas livedin Whltby, havlng pur- chased the old Clendennting bomestead on Dundas Street- west. Mr. Foley, durIng his residence In Whbitby, made a host offtriends, and was filgbly esteemed and respected. lest wlnter le sufferod a serlous 111- noss, whIcb for a tale threatoned bis lIfe, but ke regalned strength suffi- ciently te be about town again. Witb- In recent weeks, however, le became il1 again, death finsily resulting on Wednesday iast. The funeral wa&s held on Satnrday rnornlng, June 16t1, frose bis late rosi- dence te St. John's R.C. Church, iýhere requiem mass wau heid by Rey. Father W. J. Ryan. The remas were taken te Toronto on' the 10.08 G.T.R. train, Interment being made In the cityt Th@ many frienda et Mrs. Foley and lier cbtldren sympathize deeply with t1cm ln the death of a living husband and father. The lest and newest sections, and higbeat peaka are seen f rom the trans- continental trains ot the Canadian Nortler» Rallway learing Toronto every* Monday. Wednesday and Fri-. day. For attractive booklets, througb tiekets. and fullIinformmsion, apply te W. J. H. Richardson, Town Agent.-62. To Rent, for Sale, Etc. FOR SA1L Good' work herse cbeap. Apply at Gazette office. TO RENT. Fjve-roomed flat. Batbroomn, water and eleetrie attacbmnents. Apply te E. R. Blow, Whitby, Ont. Bel] phone 9, Home phone 14;-t HOUSE TO RENT. Seven room, brick bouse, ail conven- lonces, bath- roose, electrie ligbt and fixtures, and furnace. Low rentai. Ai> piy te M. W. coais ae store. -t!. FOR SALE. Six town letîs fronting on Cbestnut street, *West of Brock street, lu the nortb ward, opposite the residence eof Jes. White, Esq. Apply te W. New- port, 138 Silver Blrch- Ave., Toronto. Ont -52, IIOUSE, TO RENT. Northi of C. P. R..G6rMoina, 3 Dieeo bath. fumnage, open -«rate in living room, tewn water and light. Reni $12 per mnontb. Apply Greater Canada Ilm- provement and Land Co., Ltd., Wbitbyt Ont. -f AUTO SERVICE Parties wlsblag services ef auto fer atternoon or eveaing should comMuni- cate with LOW FARES TO WESTERN CANADA. If you are going West, tuke advun- Luge ot tle bow Homeseekers' Excur- lon Fat-es offered by the Canadien Nortbera Railway, geod leavlng To- . rentoeovcry Menduyý. %r literature and ail Information apply to W. J. EL Richarndson, Town Agent. -52 OXLY A ÃŽloy BUT Ifl5llsiFf. 9 Just as île Blin was 6inkiag te rosi PICKERING. sud the lwiltgît ceming on. they B. R. Atmore, V.S., et Pai-khlhl, ias bi-ouglît Normun la trose a blctod dyed declded te locate in Pickering for the. field. Ho lad teugît bis flrst an" lusi rcieo i rfsin n a baiLle. They carried hlm back fi-ost e pacle af bis profesion, sud bck thle flnlng Une tram a hell et shrapnellesdarseatIDiigln c. fit-e. Ho lad volunteered a ferlern Rev. J. D. Dowvn. et Omemee, ha hope, and lad tried te eut LIe wl-es- -been appointed by the Statlening Cern- lis face was fuir, Lhe smîle on, bis lips seittee ofthîe Bay et Quinto Conteri.- glowed with tIe courage, vithin. if once to taike charge oftthe Pickcring Britain lived, and ho lived «r 4!ed, circuit. IL wu8 alL th same to lise. -,P. C. Brown, Gý T. R. Agent, bus Ho sald'to the nurse. 1* got It et lat, boen off duty foi- several days ouring but tell thom I*se glud 1I came; tell te Ilineas brought on by un excessive tîern 1 swore w1tl my dying breatfi, umount et wet-k. Pickering station la I'd' do what I diii ugain. Please mise said te le one ofthîe -beavlest stions my bead, liko mother weuld do, tell along the lIno. b~er you Look ber place: TelI .1er I After lingening ulong île-ruilway - sidd yen did ivhat Yeu could'for, me. for nearly two menthe, Mr. McEnteee's 01, for one look ai ber face. Telillier furnîiture annîved trom Detrolt on for me, ber boy loved ber WU God Monday.- and Inyseit îînderatand. lMra. John Leslie. et Toronto. tor. "Send lier sey love and tell lier I1rnerly. et P-ickering, dieO on Wednes- dieg for ber sud sey native ]ad. Tell d ay morning luat ier a few heurs' île boys fon me I arn giad i camne bore, Illneu ftrom heurt trouble, sud 1 did the lest 1 could. Aak some0 lad te corne and take my place. If CAEOT someone don'i, well, iLe abouit!. Give CAEOT 11cm ibis message for me, deur nurse. The Police Trusteos have dcided*to Tell these h ain gîso I came, Brtul'i construct ibis yean about 2400 square buq need ct ber sons, needseVeery one foot cf cernent wallcs on the village whp la game." atre.. -i Niorman -wa laid away ý,n lîalti Miss Clara Neale lia returued boiro abeaud. undenteath the aun-klius d ,'aftr undergelng sua openaion for ap-,. fer ast as the-.-esper» bel rang- eut is pendlcîîil a.the Guelph General Hoa- soul vus watted to Got!. vIPIU PTr. Ret4oci tBAILKv John Miller returned on Saturday - 2n an, B.,I. Frace.fro Clivage, where lhe was uattending a stock sale, sud ut -whIel ho diaposed Personai Meifoi ef mone caille, MIss lazzie Mevat las lien making M.O.R rsafmetreln a visit la Toronto. h .a-Bre ome rvln C. A. Goodtellew attended the Proa froiglit agent for the C.rP. R., with Convention la Toronto on Tbursday beadPaYtel at Montreai, -hm b"oi snd Fniday lut. - appoiii.ted reuent treilgbt- ageîiit -ai Mr. and Mis. Oto Eliotti sud child-Oshawa, te sueeed Mv.,P.Ã"t. Svli . resu ane leré trom the Nortb Wesi, vis- wbe wuasppolntqed: Chiot DesPatczer, tng witlu i' ises £Uîioît tToot lsfa Mm. E. Atkinson, of Bensr, hu i -lant fflday, at-r UM..George. '##Il ln tg"wu fr ibe paut wek o*ing te returned froin la weddlns trip,- bis the Ûlneas andi deuil et ber ait4r, evrkezfit-h. evoe'a is Smith. tory presenteii hlmiwt-it Olauueimm - bim 'John Coo6,er and ber sier, chair aMd ick Mim Gray. of Noeeale, art[,yiaitiug _ Judgod hy thé ret0a eoft ber Pen-- relatives lu Bmokliau sud (ýoumbuS ny Banks tor Ca4sdb, -Oshaws bas ti week. ' surpwsbothei entrai record oe-t Inf Mn. larbu F. Garretedi"trau 'idtor t-h.e onthe oft March-, and- Apnil. propretot - 99 t4IcDildsenf' (OUI(') 'Tb remiirna bc thle averap êi Les<er, vie w»as i att.udian$.k ai tIhémtItydepcos1te fer these twremýýntÈ&s - rZ~Ms Cuyvemiolà -'sTermitimajt weeleper *puüpl atteudlng AMbedt OtSbé fa gpondmga a coupow *kdf cati le tojua&ve Itn48e: Ceàt"',t-, Kln L vWhtt-ng, relatives la TerouteW Wbltbyr, 1U3.; Mary, 3ie.; - 6scomÈ, aie. ;ÀA- sUU.,,aw F (iEO. M. RICE, Whltby Everythlng lu- Hardware at Lowest Price16 RUSSELL BAILEY TELLS «P HIS BROTHER'S DEATII. Pie. Russell Balley, et Whiîb>,bas sent te bis tLer and motber a patl- clic lbiter tellIng et the deatl of hW[ brother Norman, whe vas killed la action lat mentI. Il foliows: May 5, 1917. Dean Father and Mother: CTINC AN >; Ilote]. ilay t<. 1 l l,l nager Onmae TRE nîghte. Future. t4irnager. fMý

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