Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 7 Jun 1917, p. 2

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t a' s t SIgnpleDle «Whlch MaIesasGoodSubetitte tor au Ice-box, and le Easily Made by the Home Carpeter. - Conducted by Professr Hemry G. Bd.L The objeet oft *11,0department la te place B -t *11 gOrvice -of our farm readers the advlce of un aeitOI Odged suthorlty on *Jilsubjecte i9.rtalnling tZ eois a" . Addroes*il questlins bProfesseor.Henry 0. Bel1.1l Cureofe The Wilson Publlahing Cornpany, Llmto e' k rontoen d uniriwor wilIl ppesi in thi column lnth,* ordor 1ln which th.y ira rec.lved. As space laeîî,nlted It la advisable whers Immedlate r.ply se necessary thug a stampod and addressod învelgpp be enclosed wlth the11e Boenyy G. Beil. question. whot*1e nrwer wlff b. malled direct. Question-F. G. :-We have a fifteen ibeans ln ensilage cora? Does this acteacre fieild of cloier sod manlireti inake the silage a botter feod, andi this witer and spring. The soil in would-you plant them the saute time a goi sandy ieam. My two sono as the corn? 1 thougbt perbaps if the want to raine a bumper crop . NoW beans werç planteti later it wouldc would you advise te drill the f ertilizer make more mosture in the silage. ln with grain drill or corn planter? Please let ime know what Urne to We intendte t check it. Aise how plant for bout resuite. Alse xMyi much fertilizer should we use te the pasture rune short ln latter panrtfcf acre? The land in in god shape. July or Auguat. 1 have twe andc Answer-In order to get a Max- eue-hait acres that 1 would like te uset iznur yield of corn on yeux aandy for this purpose. Would cowpeas loam soii, 1 woulcl advise you to put and oats be a good feed if cut green,1 on 400 pounds of fertilizer per acre. and what tixne lu best te sow thern? 1, would broadcast 300 pounds et this Answer-In many sections good re- by drilling it in with a grain drili be- suits are forthcoming from seeding fore the land is planted to corn. Sow. soy beans wîth corn. Theoretxcally, the other 100 pounds per acre through the mixture should greatly benefit the the fertilizer attachment of the corn balancing ot the ration, since Boy planter., I would advise an analysis bèans are rich in pretein and fat and of fertilizer running from 2 to 3% 1corn is rich in carbe-hydrates. Many ammenia and 8 to 10% phosphoriec farmers get excellent resuite by bog- acld; also 1 % potaah wi11 help, if it je ging dowxx the corn andi aflwing the obtainable.j pige te harveut the soy beans. This S Question-C. O. -I have a pieco balances their ration, as indicated. of rather iight landi that was ln corn The has may ho planteti at the lent year, part of it hati manure. P marne tirne as the cern, if you cultivate plled. If the balance of the field in1 the corn onlyoné way, but the cern- manured thon dlsked and harrowed mon practice in the mlddfe. western tboroughiy, would 1* b. all rlght tei states is te drill the seed lu ut the Bew clver on, provlding itle weii lat cuitivation, or te scatter it b.- lmeti? How much hydruteti lime la tison theo rows andi work it in ut *the needeti per acre? Wouid it ho sdvl.u time of the last cultivation. About ahie te *ow buckwheat andi clover? 1% bushels' of coe etipr acre in ro- Wheu ought the meeing te ho doue? quired. If plsnted as deribeti the Anwer-It tho land te weli man- boes should b. well set snd fairly ured and lmod, thon disketi andi har- woll ripened by tic Urne the cern la te rowed thereughly, It will mako a geeti hocut fer silage. seed-bed for clover. If adding hydrat- Regardiug the short pasturage, 1 cd lime, I would use frem 1,000 te arn wondering if yen are famnilier wlth 1,500 'peuntis per acre. I do not hé- the work on pastures donc by Prof. Ileve that buckwheat would ho a good, Zavitz et Ontario -Agrlcuturai Col- nurse crop for the. clover. The buck- lege. He has obtaineti good results whoat tends te grow vory thlick. It lu from the f olowing mixture: used te umother eut efuch woeds as Oats .......... ........1 Ibs. quiack grass. I wouid-rather prefer Eariy Amber Sugar cane .30 lb s. oats, sprlng wheat or barley. Per- limo ed Clover... 7 lb. haps' baricy la the bout nurse crop, since it ripons early, ie ehailow îooted Toa........8lbs and lu removed xrire quickly trom the oa........8Im ground, so -thât the clever han a bot- Ho advises sorwing this early in ter chance te grew. The umaîl gri May. Theoaote and the Early Amher andi clover ehouiti ho sown as soon, X ,ugar cane can ho drilicd througb thei the*grount -eau ho. prepared in- the, grain drill anti-the elqver scod can b spriug. In ordor te beip hboth the sewn through the clever scoti attacb- ernali grain andi the clovor catch, since 'ment et the drill. At Guelph they your seedlng muet neccssarily be late, found tis mixture rcady for cattle 1 weuld ativise appling frorn 200 te pesture lato in June. It carricd mert 250 pounde ef fertilizer carrying 2 te than oe e aber te the acre. In 1911 8% ammenia and 8 te 10% phospheric it wss succesufiiy used for milk aciti. This will act lke whoic milk cewe. té h t yeung caif . lb will give the If yon wish te grew a, etop te eut Infant grain, sud clever plants eaclly green, I wouid advlie yen to) mlx pa digestible planttooti and will greatly and oats,- bushel et ach. This &Bulet hoth crepi. mikes a good i rcb groin lhay sud glves Question-W. M. :-What le your satlsfactory recuite.- Sow this just drvielu regarde te piautlg s»y as seon as u ena prepare tbc greund. s chubby baud. The toacher was spoaklng agate, sud ber words set Ada bblnld"j -Now, girls, you bave anseorod well to-day, andi 1 wsnt te knew whe will promise te remomibor the loion dur- Wh.Ie Duty of Cido ap heee he eau?" - ,à chiid shoçld slways cay wbat'5 rui Up wcnt Mac bhaud wilàthebcrint Andiopiak when ho luespken te, *nd ber oyez turneti again te the lit- An b aVo muuerly a= ale; tic strangr, wboae nsme, ahe b.d dis At laut as for as ha le able. covereti, wass Jsey Burns. I dont n'b anxiety about bbc flock. j iTit ~i~ aisevo u~ soornelcuos that In upite oet ti )y, r in fe tito the prfl c its. o pue i ".- Ii gthe men who bot orcet i hm te,4preâd etfC ritla ly ve i y,1 ic pofit. ' '"~ de what ho knew wue an outrage on'earth turIng fies. lu om yeaza ti Provido s 18mb creep se the lanmbs 1Ver»e 16. Tii.Evaugelist laye tic justice. It wasstho eci et ofVrs vehtonansWalbcaye eau ho ted au extra ration ef grainÎ wboie respousibilîty on the Jowe. Tiey, 5mti em"sn e alt eo. 1ewi.Rrinl~a uo.bu I bae mt rpudatei bloa 11A2~1 26. lb le net quito certain, though, study for bboee who bave tiu te pu by th muelvs gr w te c - lisrn tic Emjwrr Ti~riua le ~ probable, that tere are four w m u e . kTab le the lmr poft xnd tenl es -i iY wl Wn 0Piao entioneti bore. Tiere may bave Snayl toChIeII Sbat ketbl cscti mre roitani ieband ;over theîr Kîng totentn more ln heeoeav:Jeun I .3... is tbe ch.ieu bbab th that.*JOD (Ù Pfays For Itselt in Two Whtrs With TýWvntyCo9w DafryHovr rZ engbh et the pg wben f ar- tùo Get It-Wher to Put It o eers pesxly the greateut et- feet on the ulbUimate econorny.et prô- If: thore Ju anytblng s farmer -ls inforceti, andtiheb doors mu3t ho air- tinction. »6 justîfit- in golug into tiebt for it is a tlgbt. Second eniy te this peint lu Import-- Mothere and deughtrs eofmli ages 9 eille. No impiement wlU psy fer lb- There are fivo dude etf silos on tue ance-le the influence et wistiom in tho d4partment Initiais eniy will be .pu soif so qnlckly as Uic silo. The quel- market, thoe matie et wood, soud-ce- footin$ ansd management et the suuok- enswor ne a means et identification,1 toWiI1 it p ?lisnonge r debut- ment, cernent blocke, hoilow tile ant ing Undth weaned pig. siVen In esch letter. Write on on. *Id abe, ih aiyo psywlner wslo. oe odigrsaerna nti ialiled directif stampsd and sddresaed lb wlil psy for itself iu twe wintors' The .woeti silo was& the -Irst cern- Moegoiitrsaerne-ai Addr.ss &il oorrcspondcnce for *1111 teeding. The only questions newa- rnercially introducoti anti has been more swlne-teeders I>affled anti dis- Woodbin. Ave, Toronto. days are, How cau I got eue? Wbab greatiy improveti. Iu seiectlng coragetiby Iniproper feedusuad ---- klad ubalI get?7 Where shall I Put a woo.ti slo, the wrlber weulti go te the teedig ant i i-ativiseti metiiodseat the J. L. G. :-1. lb takes a suhmarine jti lb, anti hnw ubail I pay'for lb? expeuse et baving tbe staves ra na&l e. timninti hnpsshydrfrom three te eight minutes te sub-O Wideawake fruit t- aimers have eue pioce. This costu a littie more. 111g auy ether phase et bbc piWs ex- mre h eodfrsbegde tounti that dairyiug filleti a unique anti Cernent silos, andi silos matie of bol- lstence. rumere. The ecrdas or su12merged e profitable place la their farrng sys- low cernent blocks have bocu useti, but Teach the litter toeaet tbre weeks Generaliy ton rmiles an heur is the d tom. Anti modern dairyiug lu net do net as.eeni te b. growlug lu favor.. before weaning. beut underwater speei. 2Z A forestry d profitably possible without a silo. Every silo, however, ne matter et what For bout resuits milk products are- regimni l composeti et lumbermen I An rcre et cari!- made jute geeti materil it is contructed, shouiti have practlcally a necessity, with mitdil- who cut timber andi prepare ..'fer silage bas about ferty per cent. great- a Boud fouudatiofl etf rnasenry or ce- lagu. egnesfrtebidn fbigs r feeding value than wheu ed as ment, prf erably cemet. A few antfuls et dry grain scat- eiersfr ehsuppuiof bridges, t cib corn anti dry fotider. tered inl the botidingig mures the pige The River Isonzo, a short Austrian Cows neeti succulent feeti duriag taking exorcise. Avelti overfeediug, stream, ut acrosu the Austr- the wintor monthusud silage furnishes anti make exercise uecessary. 0-la orerasndban 9t lt lu convenient, econornical f orm. Gradually increase mititiingu until alug bbordte-rnt lu th i s ecut Steers andi lambu make fauter anti weaniag. If sklrn-milk la availuble, It empties Iuto the Quit et Trieste and cheaper gains when silage is part et anti two litters por year are anticipat- the. Adriatlc Sen. the ratieo. eti, wean ut six weeks et ugo; other- 'Houaekeeper" :-llouey lu a very There lu a further urgent reasen wise wean at eight weeks. for erecting a silo this season-the Rape maiies excellent forage ffr cluaben ood. It ia sea elal ofed prices et ah tfeedu are unusually high ~hegu. _ Anti rape, sewn on laund kept sfer, chiieofhe etiactgrat he1o anti the saving witb silage is con- under cdean cultivatior. until July, wiuli sufabceauseofthe tact tattheu- equeutly greater than ever before. asslut lu landi cîoaniug. skacesufaeth a le b, ie dlagr The iret silos huilt were et the 0 lu proportion thaun tet o the admit. pib type, du.g lu the grounti. It wasTH UNKNOWN -.NIY hsmaztatcide" oisls sodnfoud tat te esilge 'n teseheat rapldly, anti therefore they neeti pib silos rapidly becarne roldy sud unsultable for feei. Ue silos first War Situation at the Ptesent Moment a great deul et engar which produces censtructeti ahovo grounti were ef One of Grave Danger. sugar lu its meut digestible terni, anti wood, boing square lu shape or eight etr uetecruainu ne aiieti; but tbey were net a sùccesu ou The darkest heur, lb bas been mid, etr notecruainn ne accoant et the air pockets lu the cern- lu juet hefere the dawn. There ià ne Hoaey aIme containu minerais noces- ers, whicb causeti the silage te upoil. douht that we are aow living through sar for the huinan body, on.et thes lb was net until the round stave silos, the very darkest heur ince the he- bciig iren. with boopu that coulti ho tightened or ginaing et tbe war. Ib lu devoubly "Lucy":-1 Spread a thin film ef leoseneti as the sile gwelIed or srunk, hopeti that the aid proverb will again butter over cheese that je te b.e put1 were pub ou the market, that silos ho- A Modernu silo. asserb itu virtue andti tit a dawn wl away sud lb wlll net dry or crack. 2.1 came s practicai success. soon b. seen iu Russia. .Lengtben ti. sblbcb on yonr sew1ng- The cxpeuse ot wo,-d siles depeutie 6evçn or eigbt years ago silos b.- 'Thi fate et Ruesia la sblîl unque;- nmachineuo tt fulleat . citent antij on the sort et wood useti. gan te he made ut bollow ile, anti are iouahly li bbc balance What Rusasastitch the part te ho uhirreti. kdjust A silo bu foot lu diameter lu the tadily gaining in populant4. The wiîl ultîrnately de is atiii au unknowu yonr gathors by pulling tho lower heet s. for frorn bwcive te fourteen manufacturers dlaim tbey Wil1 luet for quantiby, ant inl burdened i wtb peT- thi-cat, anti your gathers wlll bo peT- heati et cattie, as eueugb ullage li generatioxis, are wlati anti rQîturc tente et the meat tremendous poen- fectly eveb. 8. For mothe arounti taken eut eacb day te kcep lb fresb. proot anti fireproof. tility. Germany's eue an~d only hope This lu a very important, peint. A Motal uilos are boing buiit anti ex- et vlctory lieu lu mukiug a separuto silo bweuty foot in diameter woulti re- teusively exploibed inluthe Unitedt enei hRussasanti It is evitient gire a bord et trom thirty'-five te States, boing put n u scions al t ltb IfIJIi>lnevr éipirof ~rty beuti et cattlu toe eueougb off boîted togebier, the joints laing fiîîed ber efforts lu tiiat direction. It muet c e ach day te keep the silage tresh. A Up witb suitabie pasto.- The mnu- b. admitteti that bbc. Russian pensant T'he ubade prohlcmin aone that muet silo ten teet in dîsmeter andti birty facturera dlaim tbc Work et erecbing buti ne cholce lu the rnaking et this bc selvot Inl the near futurc. The. teet higiz la thehet size for thc these silos lesos simple that a tarmor wsr, anti bus accordingly shewu a tisys will ceeu hi bore wbou the. miti- umall-slzed bord . Thià will belti witb ordlLary jutigmont cea put tiem palpable indiffercace te tthe effective day sun eau do à lot dt damage te ferby-ulx tenuofe nsilage, enougb fori the milge e opote ant recte itprosecublon et the war since the stock oxposedti t 1*. !ven lu June doyven cows, each getting torty poundu h iolcmlt n rcei power et Govrumeut passeti into fls tio-re arcetisys wVhen à ettle shado la a day, for 200 tisys, anti aliowing sorne romusts t'.e action et bout anti coiti, the hauds. neetid. This le probably more the Thrloe aelwlyesnia otre i.laei keep ell; bu-tgt, end The truth la, ]Rusasa at leaut, lu tom- case with cbicke than lb là wltb growu Theabslutly ssetia feturs te ilae wll eepwel; bt tere'lporarily eut et the war; F'rancc ai- fowis; but, nevsrbbeles, tioy ail nooti about a gooti silo are: The walis nmut neotiouht that the. silo eft bil e h ui tbr ,orsl. Trocs fumnisi thé meut ceelini r be air anti moieture proof, tbe imuer suloulti bo kept pusuotmprcntrl t xthe ndo e rsucs;W r te aen &>iae uziti were lb b. atoula'yGratb tansbmgging wltb a tub.. 'bIeW" i ri rentaviai e erface muet he umoothan perpendi- insitie, wh r n ight eatnwh marine bleekade net yeb mastèeot antid canoplos shoulti be crecteti, matie by eculai-, the wal muet ho six egly re- rusb. dtily bocornng more serious,--thi5 lue driving sbakcs lu the grount anti co- __________________the picture* et Uic war situation -as Theing bbc t e w ltbiap.f orth TWO TIROUSAND YE.ARS OLD. it 110w existe. Germany rnay yeb oes' i. eodbutka etipmut be taknnrle -- ~~~~~~~~~~cape that deteat whicb la essential te nfoiou aeme otbuta the resterabloxi et justice anti demo- wll es.r o vrW loefdte leArtaîicijaiLeg Which Compares W.) rcylll wrtwat h vnîa ion ut e their uppetitos sud becoues A litbleo eh cake atitedti te bsum With Modemn Production. ofe international 1mw. Anti if Ger- Tho heu. out-on rangi muet b. lok- It milk wilh make an excellent aubtitute There le presorve i ni the Royal Col- mauy ecapes to-day, the danger for cd .tter.- They are spt to bIde tbelr s for fat lu the caltes food atter the loeo.ugen, odn htl us to-rnorrow wil ho beonti presn eu te ncorne out-of-the-wsy place, .wbolo milk bau hoen cut off . ihpolog theurge rlens Ludnwat i, estimation. 1 and in eonQuenomany eggs are lest 3 Milk warm trom tie separater, w t profyabc ory mcaleu.Tiseon Thore lu a very general notion ilujor nevor fount until bhey have 1lçet a littio fiaxeeeti Jclly adtdotesupply etn ta riiillg hsr-Canadas sud bis Unitd StMtethat thoîr vale eai-o e bchidaeu ticextacotihuberat at ss cet),rnrkabie 11mb la censiderahiy over Germany muet soon surrendor bocanse. ie l.te anideraltebetifoa(leu ),.20 0yearc ltbofn oc uert- tstarvablon. This le possible, but S The omitfooteing pais ehoulti b. kopt cd inlu58 frorn -asteMb at Capa, unlllcely. If Gcrmany eau Ilut I DU «, ean à@ the MUlbpill. Ote f»e- wbleh was huit Iclaut as te am bckthrogh tic neattwo, we~qtbs, abe wil MT UIA Fr Iau , luE et &tale or »Ur sllk wilU otten me 800 B.C. Tot-for boauty et shapeb bet g hog1uuymni ~- r. cause serioneslidgestioni antisSeurs. 1 sud carefüllnioss e constructioni it more, because the. new bgrvest will b.- Lb Ib lu botter for a caif te misse a righlî vie with lihuY Of thOse turneti gin te cor nl,, sud, wbethor lbeb sut- In Whlch We ComUccmorate the Ilfot ha t bvesfotig t ou ot oda. b e ate it icelet.-icen franthr ca- o nt if. . ill - the Cli To N Terbinu, I wanb yen te promnle tuat' il yeudecddîto «ltstýyouWll teUiIl1 aIl about i witiout tielay.'#- "ewbat tfrers 411 want te spoab to the generai, e, that bc wori'b lot yeforg» yoUr oe ibouand ti s in~t Witb yeU. Y90 lcnow, Oimrdé)' go' ce areIes8l' fl~gsmectjom of Cbrht sud Qbey'. m.s godoc. We-arW-te tbink-, of Go. .lq ; but;o hi«J~ day, ou- tbougbti v.'pealcU iéd te oveHm T sÊivnus SOI imany bleaingà sud miove ail tiatin-% i islnisle bliculng or'.u-, W71 , atbreugb jeaseChist. HOW ,ne G f eemu te n on-Bumayl t, ird. The. Lord'& day la- tbub. Iday hooase it la a rmutday. Ieta net idilenece, - Yesét lunet quibting llfiese busy crer ýt Se tis day bringq rdelose fTorImIIý..4 1- brougbs a pf py ng tof up4Ob. IW. try te te se tie Mauter iti - nr comoe me BM erizîg o ul W. thMnl nw -thoughý&, ad~ ê if1 churei Inbea4Oet geln to the ofloc Ifieldi or mtll, anti we rest *,iew. *of book at troptii. taily lt fir the.Bible. RHi wbe bas le fiet lb can bartily-altai wiaL Scomos fi-m sueh a change Tè IChrist in rieing fre ioït'h ea4 )f firut day establmedt a yotsurer 9 as ne mati levothe nuw w s'w - ant oencti b«ete.treuýblet bu ai Vision oet got hings nver fa >r eefi.at otob Auring nigbbs lantthe foi&, sud tmom 1.Bain h rosTslaa-atlaMauryetltliu er. n -ent téwIL Ate ev.obervt Fub.Ikiwcm4 raina or colti vints. ull armouize& witb Mary j&, 21 by Ti culteebe mks brsk e'bthtsyaniteemi b . came -e Po tL1kà -ne,« aboulti ho tippet. borton. lb vus obeervet earlil r e-tu ii. mareste s lm uit a rre 4b utaiet a te r In Id" satuty t8daya ftofehm m eonte tbpliob Dock thc latube wàu h"l Q cfl Ut» eueTt Studies that be bat wU-mbt.aie r vas aboueftotber1 bAsJubi Matet' tt a idfioi-ugfr f. cê j et 70wig. as tiere vili hÉle»a aoek anti jpîgh wOrni#Ut bishbody witli ov«r.JUO à kW Mayof ayhelgnohr ~' ilydotin orbth ictIIè p llo Laof bIotd. But Mn e*Koop t stwu et oe«Me uté th retgmt a i. i. nie tht pxe euw t 19 boti4 fed SSuer Uic veunti viii tam, a myceounits for to iai. rapna «Vce a, thri' close vatch tthe-b. beling bah.lho.' <id.fo n a60", su0tiu o OSo e. <li(ai-k 15. 40). 111WiitU mndpUbliC MI , t l oby tS4p rt )0!â Mori t iîk pEf t«ý.tkswd.l'- g a" aug ti 26. M .nan-*ie reueu&Mng su ï ay. Grsdum-*Mi s * a nt,:butte;711 ,- - W~l pisc i ocehb i iraet"tea uthae omrwtul w o.i. ' ""' e9t fi-ut iee, ~ Et"4 sm0ltgeopflbheu sd a -entflsbame ). toti e1da o&- we a -'U- -Uý,. caivaria: lb W55 'ptmeu &yuMai àiilaoe.t* IdS ntouwt h JlJbw,'se invra 0 nieea t(e n m r) p1 floï he ethi PT8d t»%o'.olo e &r, k. ii.cmcmen a flauuag 27. eps g.r ws "tly lithoe Slp n sud ali "lin f«anti <te a4ôcsMcomplet. .xtet aw le «««W ggt.tby Mark MU. ad0 .uut btuekîp asth. C2riUs tu Ltue4ipti siebe.avla Mmue <, q la mma.s, GaÇ«40» noô * t t amd. ]R« 0" Iti&s &W of r<ut, I~I1 i ~q ami ahast umyeiilg omsrse~ 18.Tic intefoc blsb ted bOa ht tii *goa tfhe j ~ ~ ocnao*w .Ide"# *. tet. pkattn lai* 2.41. rt s*tktot Sfr d y - ttrlwSL It la -the -Baty abm*141*dWS terni. 1.e ýt1 jeu;",f Ot lot aûa.o__ «i», te*b t euiua tws*II «m - As ,iesIeeedMvlsit504Ia are crdilly nvl t te rIte to1b ti. bilshd wth ah qustioffi m"d bMut fulli asmo end addr055 mne de' of paper only., AnBWers!- w11' bW 1envelope la enclosid. a departmeat te M rs. -Holen L Lhý ete et a clarpet, a bot iron le 5ai excellet -exterminr'bor. ,Dalupen. tbo1 tge ot bbc carp ot anti iro nl w eot iron. If et velvet or Brnussels Lold tic ran close tec carpet, b-ut do net press lbtidown. ITho tstealt wil) kill ahi maths, ant i wthOut thé, lest injury te tie carpet. ~4, WIiSf seàing jelly', et paiaffin lu an ol teapt or teastueepr. It is the satisactory way et pourilizth bbc t over the jolly wben ealig l. Noà rps wll behospilleti upon tbe table. "Mary' -To remove uals- causie& by haatilng resB fruit, efore wasi"3 ung rub tic ads wti halt a leroIj ®r take a stalk et hubarb, Peel ani bruisean su b bbc anda witb ILb "Botani" -Te national flowo1rS of the alliesre, 10 ar s knoW.l Englaud, rose;- Scolant, tistle; Ire-' lant, sarrock, Wales, bok; Canad, maple les; Australs, feri; Frac$' lily; Japan, cbnysanbbomuin; Ita1yé lily. There linrno florai national Ofll blem accepteti by the other alles, Bus-' ni, Begiun,, Sebia, Runania, Mont4-!, nW~o, Portugal, United States anti S. B. -Te make Hollndaise sauJ0 for fisb put 2 tablecpeonfiis et but,-I itm anti 4 tableepeefl f tvinepi-14 1a saucepMi, bring te a bell, atitiyelkf enon egg, Cook bibI thlck, remove s7 seasn wlbb % teasioonifll sea sda tiasi et pipper. A course lu Doettie Sciencewil sortly commence ln tihe Buecbodýl Doparbrncnt. if you Clip eut theii. I sos 'au tbcy appeai- anti pate lunà scrap-bok, yen will hae the cer-i plate sertes for future rference. 9- ~1 i -I dl I 1- t -, à 1 ket a4 egg thâ a bien ufound i oti doors; jet the cok lu youm own kitcheî test iti quajluty. A moe profitable aide-Uine thanbu keys for t aner eau hardi y foniltifer Ibo" etut on grain stock aimi. JmpropOl tedig, 6 bineti witb clou confinement, bas tfe ase t=e nyfaltes u n ef ralclng. Given fie. range o 7i1 pick Up thoir own living. Ono llgh foot purday for the. purposeofet lu' duclug thcm te corne In at night-

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