Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 May 1917, p. 4

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-- *r~ Ž.:~~< - *~ - - - TA I, M~LY 9~. 1917. _____* Tv- 1.0W ~T1 ro WKSTE mu ONG~ rconvention wats i ie e <xresseàlit. ov 'ly MNI. Parrop-, seconded by ..a thousand -miles above iîîarty poili-.Ir. CGlove14r. uI rasa Ct lias ROYAL.,THEATRE tirt," houg Ilwas oniosedof er-bef'n îaRsed by the 1.egiglaiture of thec tic."tiouli ! asconpoedoflir.Province of Ontario rnaking provisionoi EVERV NfiONTi sonsz holding i.îrong atligiane te for a main highway fron thelcEastern hoth lx.otiial parties. Ais everyone bouadary of the Province bto te West- LIi'yvtUudyIg. knw hr la tnaytigbten ptortioni of the Province. it la bere. m-. ~ know tierelia bee an thng ut y requexted by the Colincil <ef the .na IItursW m ve b.irmon), betwren thc e xopie of flic -own8tiP of East WbltbY that esncb Ati.0n-A i1 0;eidse I'rovice 0f Qîiebec and fliese-of te route May be saelci8ias sat Pa"e* >~~,~ i other Iprotiinceàsof fthe Dominion. Thl#tistrottgh lte Townmlp ofe sat Whit- 100 te &. la iargeiy dite Ie the differeace tIn ian- bY, and that the roa . 02eetr Mt maintained by the Prorfnbe lu accord. S PIJNM auseasg. guage, wbich bits made for miunader- anc. wîlh the provistewofthttoe mud _______________ standing.- The diverse linterestaetofAct.-. -- -ieTseparated partsa(ethLie Defiuin- AnthlIbs Couneil vould recoitiiund WITE NA E S that a imitable ostemx et rfpair aund iton baie aise been 4*~cult .wlwoJi0l.-k<e mm.îia.îySPPISdtlit *Ixe, and neyver befors bala ya atteuipt hiShWay, and that t 1hflulbe r mpove. Wheat. faeU......... 1.5t 2.00 been made on beheif of tltsiicoptF et ment or coestrufflest b. csrrWd oUt es INWb.B.110M0 ..1.0 10 1.90 ail the Prov-inces t st tgeiïla a prn ocesf etdfvCISjSmetta afword- BUsuel.... . ......... L26 te LU2 a setousendavorto udertan suc &e wttb the aEe4 et iraS.: the 81i».. .... .... .. ...5.00 Ité 5.00 a eros ndaerteuidrsuidebmore important couSfruetiolk te b.ue'. reJ.. .... .... .... .. La t0tuS otilier. to sîqootk oui differeneees. isi -erred ae (&r se prsetlcaOIe satilits Peu....... ...2.00 te zoo to ogr.t upen se crai principîe whkeb eouelesim ettk v r Cvd. Eekwhpat...... LUS te lm <bat tWzto&H.ndCIeezrl t,.PAW tr- uc«tedK NtGs .0 .1000o 'eul b.eomwe t milsudwblcth* 15505. 5 ho44 byUr.Nut, te i . lvr....... 0.7t100.0 conld I.yally support. Thîs s awb> lbe notey thee Twseiip 8.11.110that a A1SIk eloer, gOr-bus .. 810te9.00 I gathering vaese ounique. The suprême complat à"b.d b.e »dg«pby lb. U&Y. p«to...... 1400te.15M00 -~~ ~ .Y! - -~~#*àsee o.e UT. &S-t.*a ObawaJuue -oom NS P ilea that a dute.<mltsba" besu erffe tb ts wmtiset a beerdM 'C f 2<WLma... te50.60 slim hast sertit et the <3T*.Oei. .4,<Li5~80 on LIt 4M ee t $b U We4t eia469*........es* l 2 M' u e reue u ittb. soeftuaw «tbleis Df8. Pf lB ..... 40.00 Io0 T.vusIp l l I4e tI.r*y a4 0 s.M te.450 tue.0 URN ÃŽrARESL&r MM 11%fbr b WK f nos.et lUeZ, p« tif# * Or wte A&L. P~04*et"-4..A, S mmeIL IL* Tersst. CÀAD ANPACI1 4ireat Lakes eatushi~ Service Via OW~N SOUNO T5AI~SI~IP NAiOITOSA" ms-~ 5e~.Ç*I usidatebe I - PATi~ iinam - ~crop lilis 3eegr thereýw11 oI e ,potatoeiî*atmliand purpeou e ft be convention lu i* IUI1 I1s to- lurtV'. this rail. it.. ta ut. a qu-ee.Mubodled In *thte re»Isolona -whlch M~ ~ ~ R M - iifte plangtç> ôï etIbs .fod may were- paÉ%ed-resOlU tOiie whrth every IflL1tUa Thelî caanpatgn to ralise $6.000 for-te tot be overâoa'e. Tlhére are titose tritel oyal Canadlan, eùt whatever poUitical"' Ouitarlo IAttieB' ulegirv -as îibt the thInk that It mia: tbe Enfer tu plat -arpsoi eal eedre m bInfo er endorsed by Canadians generally'D'M success that was hopcd. oiing -partiy b Vorcr ta oatoL.-i a-", I o Ioth iinclt-mèiucy o ite wrather on more tIilkeIy thlit-t grains of atlt wouid gi-ie the Govrntent such an Wednesday. the- second day of the kinda wililbe a good Prie@,. Whelwag l tDiaf pPort anid strength (hat à canvass. The respotîse. iîowever, was potatoes, nol betang a crop that ean bel tihey would feel froc te adopt sncb Foit Wr.tObOh nn iflil He Sfdod ai ituas eiieouragiîig as was expected. kept. and witb difilcîlt * exported. aggressive measurées as would casure Io55~ UC ~ 1 Thileitl-ds cote to cotisider wheter itu nay be a drug on te market and con- 1 the fufl.-t realizatton of Canada's part Te Tako £lFrft.a4ISJ i wouidtitot even now be vise Io îaake seciiitl 1w ln PrIce. However, as Uni thoe winîing of the.' iar. Theo senti- at HesW nonie oher arrangement for ading none ca foreee the future. one per- uxiit of thie Convention %%snt ia 594 C'iA m pu nStMOTRA thé C(ollego. The towîî reCeives $1200 8nSguefsa May be as good as anoth. one was French-Caanadian, anlother an 'fror tivo years, I was a miserable i yen-rly tliw-sie nduoligitI rates froint er s. and te growers of PotatoÉs may Engltslt.Ctinadiani another an Insh-ufférer from Rheumatisrn and Stoinach titis insttution. antdil woîld require betelucky -one nxt fti and w < . aibtltat one and ailwrl rul.- îîfrqet izseis a i en sin of lese rntes for only ett u n n u e .Canadans final Inasu aîd a w ere ttand wisîen 1 took food, fit retched ic flir y.-ars 10 reasitue te suail ssked httewnngotewawgte and sicepy. I - suffened from Rbeu- tju for ron th ton. eretheColege Opposition 10 lite Governnnent's pro-, stîPreate dut> bt-fore thc Empire ait malistu dreadfully, with pains in my forfroti itetowî.Wen th Coleg îosed conscriptiotn measure tomes not 1 the preacant lime. WVitn those - loyal bark and. joint.%, and my liands swolîen. wý Ji) le cîosed, te ininicipattywould â tfonte r-- l luse this yeîînly suai. and il woiild be aln rî iePqvftie, of. Quebec or and patriotie Yiewss are presenbed 1Io A frieud jadvised "Fruit-a-tivcs" aad far o lme I fo fou ye;f ramin mongst the lire-brandsanatd fan- the Gev ernmetealSir Robent Bo4ten from te outaet, they did me good. ihan fort-ver. W%-ltîha-e-lio Idea îîow-aa atica of the- French-spoaklnig peuplei, and his Cabinet flsctatisedtAfer the/irst box, Ifeit I antsgeUiMg t hut Is quît.- as stroîîgty.entrenched la of b-lng an enent* ileUnit- 'îy 'on ea- U Iand 1 can truihuîliy say tliat ln .1getfll oidi Ontario. The OoG neilie beon tion w-a itg lls tatincitest sort of frit-ad. 4 uth t im". LtheouSLARiie. di c,-ived by the ratepaygtri. t in viom Ji______ îînîiîîtî - aIu~sîiîîie.1>1 lt~Ideltig-d si-ltproteste f. ntrganiza- ---- bx6fr$.O, IaiS z, -c r.mî tngs Žû ~adIonts and înad-s tunions 'of ail sorts bBrooklin Sprifog F230?.tria uit- 3c fin ril, pil .m uldIle ç()llg o 1li, as w-ell sfromt ladS'. luaIs l;ints alll B1utO prn al. _ttI taeqrnpota yFut <ullt.-a.tic) nue ,.loutd take long t e-_tier îrô%. Iîcee. Oîîe tan 1réâdIl linl. (Con tliîd f roma page 1 alve .4ia d, Ott-awa.« hIc n îil 1 '#t-firlt -ùe. dirstiand tit farat.-rs may fi-ar iosiing non, Ntyrile -station; 3rd, Franki Wen--_____ niore of their niuei-nîizt-d and rorely. dliI. 1Port Perrl-y. Il. 1. itstm yî tt aern il-îded lit-IL, tand til n.i-eded Indus- SIti-cial. Gft*.turneiflu! complet-e. - .îîaboîî ite aiyti- leni- have rhow A Jou iih ui t%%fi gie tris and voca ions mai-lia% a ' itu 9. R. R. Nlel£llglllln. Oshawa; 2nd, tail a u dle eian i v i n c n ed o A ltirtiioti oitfliui.<s iî-dt-c<-Ines advoctins arlise stt-Jo. tVu-d. pont Penn>, R. R. 4. 11tPhem ineess vîtit gloy an t îîl4, IliaIatm ctizcns lisvetitigli l t.- OMrdr<ud. Bitl il sitotid lit-cotteid-er-CLASS 5. PONIES IN H.&RNESS. tgremt? eleve wtac, otr, îist. are ..gr,-ner tînoduetùtiost"sirit. MuIal3 - (-l tai ita uking a se-i-ction ot mon Pony betw-e-it 33iý and 12 haildï. gI no soidieluahIii o. oI w-ho aren tsiMis M7ny D~-dniitrokîtt: itd ne> up ian te saine clas -s lte boys l plillitd ftIlle tirl4.- bu e e ;uosî.d u it Ile ttitho ouditriosIîvoy c at-ooHarold Horttshnw-, Greta Ris-r; 3ird. from Cuaa fieei n tat fr i - i i u ttth eir c u ts v o c a i o n s o f N G i - is . Osh a m t a . a aaIf h r s a n o a t o î,lati a tt.fare a poin ars 1. ie11%lon tht- wbole front sshich lte otitersrt and i tut oatluale tuppi-al w lbe piantitîs coseit. Th.g-Éare, us .-A'epyonekîiowsr. White. Brooklin. ]I q frnttt J f i amitthe ne i hwln Lvui. ie-oî ruin ilparis of te î-îcaîlis aoe ut- cîl e tu - MrLéaiîgilia peciai for boYs. Drafi hnebad.1ha' en1rsa ]y aolihed%%-Illoll lle ounry ir 'oit bora la 11915or 1416. lis. .jas. tj m ha a lime oven bee rve 1>tlit(- t re itacunt o btare îDuxîste iîtu ii-citlmis MWNynîie; Zng, Fan Wlsn oal fim e aihc rI er rdo biitg work-d îînd îuanted wît i t îg itetm. mOt-eu hene *ire ttonsands Brookîtui: 3rd, Gordon Whte. M>rtIe tOis A asthely thr 1onst. ei.'o- tîlîîi.%toîd tosocle ioo fedtal înigh te iurved filiCL.ASS. C TTLE. HRTO,,,s.da litnnw-d ail day: lbere milt hwbae iscûIit f %&Ithit un tht- eaotro it.- I >gst- <A . sORHO-s1wn six ticies of h, and to-day I sais __________________E___Lti H (l -teit e) iz.IFd nces ti-lîchre ithe roada itad to te dtugI T H E L - U P C o tu t h e u u it h t u t ttt ê t u i- sv e m t n u-9 1 B u lo l i . 2* U Z . - , W A r d e .~o f t e , d r l f t a . C a ta Y ot i I m a g il n e ~~ ~ ~ p lrns lut tht-agted r10 ls trnliroîl.thatIlu i te middle of Apnit -lm Situ> * Pesonsso ngagd coaldwilt nOdvant- t11,111 1Y-par. 1.-t. RoUi. Duif sýoit, P-ne e ete o d-aig 1jrésmntle. eh 7Witietoîîa dotibi Otu-rsOrg, -m lieb. dat-. -ut -rÈsarcm ltiti- N%'.ï- t - b at, BW. A. D; rdn td, o s-t-n li.,ere as e thle we aîîer. B i i tud-s t!lelntîle wtpetse titi t e. W. NVbet>biokl.-n roiî;3 onw-f re Off to a ghind itant titis yeir - aIlOte lM Isp . I l msi- tht s can t r - h î iso M 3 A r ; dno k i c r S. . A 8)it s ' e î- n i ro tt* t is a i <l - - D ri0 C su, : yn . s . ud o Ser l i, . i1 iàd scim e d rea ni a f iw n ig iis go . j s;rtlw Ii e tuti pnîý*tsat's tsucn-ln>e: a . lbI ui % Sit. y In;1dreauned I was back lu Toronto hîty- Htle,2,îas t-.W .D'.n ng IaY"t-f an oltttt of ciotitîs. etc. ilt senlittlot Ii. ('itclu atid > cas( o es tP e nd.irubt 1tffc o. We-wns on Sattirday andO I d.cided bo par- litRn o t lie asii-eouit' oflit Hut.r, ><nr.la .4A.Dri-don;ado Venge Sureettail lte afternoon, as sice.Ht- bas siiirkted lusduty lia- 2ad. W. A. Drydiit; 3nd, Robt. Duif Son.i woîîîo ni nta usa any peuople 1 der te sohîîtaray s>siem, nd aow lieSn.jk-aow. Sorne 'dreani, oh? Heifler ('aitf. lat. W. A. Dr>dî-n: 2n0, Vtrapesla. e ytarvd - looking fratiticaily for some bol. E. W. NW'.bber, Brooklîta: ndNiF upriappeg hewtiii t along en. into lîilhlie can crawl te escape tile Batt Y, Brookliln Iutar as ey itelookoti or&unbo - ~ , graîl i' iteselctîe mm ollit coru- Speial HtrdI nait- and 3 ternaite, front Tornto wiiicli1im'as ads-lsed tîry. It ta. 10 to e opcd <lut t Ibe GÃ"v. Di-' e ar.18aW. A, Dryden. t oetieaoiadt-tsn. Coi. y -as and oser, la!, Robt. now t 1 aven't gis-en ),ouaîîy reai l ils convsictions la titis Mialter. DutiT Son, NI>rie; ?nd, Roy HaLJ, rnewei. as tht-ne wasn't r.nyliita mucit Y ~ ,-...-~ liookîut.1 couild write abouti. Arn f(ecitg fine e a e s ~ teen or boýiter cal'.lI.V F. Bat- tht-s.- Oys, and not g.-ltinug iitî y ait> \$t A t>. Unookîla: ~2nd. Iloy Hall, Brooklit. ni-lana. Tt oscul .1yu Ti. ainl 'A'ncito i-i LS . IA PURPOSE, CA'PTLE hutte ua fiue apptlite. Hope you.are -4t ft - - lu ia ntrniaI last week wi%%ont- u)t Ille Dual îîîuîose cow. lI o al i el atoat unique gatiteninga t-uer couive-né 3noîndYîrloit ln Cnada Il n'as nù a cnvenion W. MclgAugl lin speCial for 1boys. Yu CloIi .so. Y - - --~ in tuunada.it sas ul onvelioti e.- atono oler iintr 18 nontit, ___- - <il iofîerns îantitgutistic îîliîicatil 1tIo . W,. F.Baî.ro-ln -t Ri. Itl- tresutn Domniio o Gdsenim.-il. Il utff & Son. Niyrle;. 3rd Roy Hall. GV~NiN~ F1iLSMS - r\tLl, grelttrane- w-as takoîtitîtatno i. lrnokitu. Gpty IMN OFIE TAX.I J ack Of an)>sont should te uid.-utOu upoge MAtINCONIE hAnd.ou BIAS FILLED CORSETS ti-Gsrîtîîl Pi ts-vthe ite EAS'I' wHi'lly COUNCIL. vcry NleGillivrdyctatne dnty lîottiiiçly Ilîit cut Itdie cre o a ies li es-td-týlstI ad -Viefean- itat tit Couticilitiit-i titis day. lit-tve Dean- - last, eseuicaIly 3portant lu lis bt-ar- Cit,î u-t.<iîtmrc atu..nîitL pirt Al tllegritling ssts desigiied tao<iganiz. bora lu Itie,-chatir. uinters ali]lires- 1119 uîpoa tht tireceipts of lte City laei t-elof cor.cls 1t-unuit ny figure. a îiid party on to knock te Iîuty ln Mit\nuttis n-ad antd adoîîî.-i. Coni- lot Tonofito, witeîîleddd ta 1.-tîat utles tîicatiotîs read froni IleiiRt-source Jitdge MNorsoln,e-t te Cotnîly Cournt cf RRSE.1TS M&DF TOORDER poer il-.-Dotlnqt Heotîebi amiît., sta W. A Lait. York County, -wan lhable te psy an ln- i ustoi t- .d mcltiuflitî ut c hîa n on.-pPerm, ttecovntiiOn 1)-'1)11Y !.inlater Public Higliways: G. -cont azc %B8 Wuîcdt.uu5 OwlAsvîîuî ctitn-y gioned, and Ilit atier. TII.;lia3ecîor cf Prisons raOd Char-. 'rTe case hg$ been uaagi- t ine ton DIASJCO SE S LMIT D nii. bref efuenr wat iudete tis: I-I>tro-Eiettrie; G. 1D. Coi-ant: oven a year. Jndge Morson nt'fused ln 39BIAIS~ ST. SLIMITE ii r-ft-irî-ewiuid t l .~Hitchinson. agent G.TR.. ()ah- idelberaliOns. (1 let tccontnany, te îas-a.- - -- --- ýR'S GRiM GRtP FIT1ST FELT AT THE BE11T. il raritil cra tate airfluebtip Focod shoiaue la ce-rtin. Normal lucre ltnc bon lrt-ii-ns-e l lia atiflnt for two ye-sr. Tht-r- ta tow but ceiglit rntilsu tppîy on lîtnd, sud tht- Onaft us-tii soon Cali W06(iOnuen front the produtilve pîtrautis, isio w-iil stifl havse te te ted and ciotiîcd. lan tht- face ot ibea. coniditions tite teeewaste of foodBtuiçse-r.& ln lthe Ãœianutfacture of litoxicante bas a- notiacd a stt-rn protest. Leaders of 'ublic tboutgbt ln everY Part Of titi nation bave poutred ln telegramas, lt-- Iers and memoriais. A committee on Wanitrmo Proihibtiîon bas been ont-an- izpd. with Profeousor Irving Fisiter. lthe poliesI a etnottt of Yale. su ils houud: and (Cbarles W. Eliot, rurealdezlt enter Itts of Harvard. as. viet--presideuit. ando liaciudiug ln lis4 meintwrsutip manyl monn wbo have hihh.rto oppos.-d tht- Prohibit ion projîaginda. But now Il Itg a case of nect-s;Il!. Elevetn milliont bcaves a day lamlthe amotint of food v'aluecs gotng huate tiantiactureai' liqîtors. Titis ialos Il nquiesiion of lite anid .-ait--a queteaion of food ori staniat ioî. '7plt fotlosinin an.- exci-nîlts front tolegramas, sanie of silict liave bteet sent te the Preatdt-tît. ait- ottit-na It thc Cormiltt-.- oitWarttîtie lînobi. liton. E. J. Suackpoie, Harrisbturtg T.-l - grapit.-Every constderat ion instilIcs-; action by Cangre-se to titis e-nd, ias u stwar mucasutre. .Iaties Sclternterlion. Detroit Tintes -W ail] motus nake the -total t-Iital- lrnuci rlrija% . -, 1 i ý . - . ý -., 1 - - 1 BAS S'ETTS I e . S - t antion of lunor traffe and is çillitit fil- .xt iATriESEc. le% the. foreinost featitre of nationatl John D. Rockfeller, Jr., New York. 'ATTRACTIVE TRPS preparedn<iss. "Trust -in Uod and IIeeC -National prohibiti:flwotld saY CISO AKAES H.A. N'an Valketiburg, philadeIphia ~ Cncnev ALOONQLJIN 0AI1I(North Americlin.- rrohibition of W oran ad f-e chi ateli îoward MAANETAWAN RIVER <por tnlcwSve rin, Isurea. airn Par)ln and Orendorif Co., Canton. LA F OFpVSjowra nd c e. a e bgri n i tre itif8~ - e d rnational prohibition ee- LAKE0F SVS .owc an rîmve urde trm trnsiselétiaî for preservtitiofl of ce~reais for KAWARTHA LAMES jortation facilities. 1 food, and imptratlve to the weifare ot GIEOR61AN BAV Clark Howell. Atlanta ConuîtitutQfl, 1ndustuýy. gtouci trip tourist ticketR now on sale -Prohibition or limitation pt liq-tor With the leaders la United Stpe frani statbons in Ontario at very low -sntîtily, As wiir ,mergî'ncy, iwould serve taking titis stmeg stand and ilrglnl; taret%, wltilîlîl>eral $top overs. -saue good purîtose liere as ia Eur- action. why sliould not the esme ftePs <ETYOU TIKET IlABVNCI l9pan cousitries. be takeni In Canada Io consemrve OUf 'W. A, Evans, Health Otlic.ý Chicag~o grain for food. serLb and full &.ttii)parikîutarli at Ml Tribune. -Prohibitltinas . n ea- Grand Tnfk tiket office.u or w rite C. X. tloniins tlitt ài 'Aengsr Agent, *fontînto. onit. ture for food econogmy-.aad b*nlllî con- Pte. C. G. X'enig, of, Cartwrjglt, Be. STitPLI0UtttiN. gnii. dit tons. i-; a prisoner lu Gennmtiy. nesd sept '.N stoci1 hate Speg day., T 'l~ori on oCe and Ger ibl I t' - t- cet Vour Goal Maore you are aura it will b. loan and 8Sight Our oui lu welI ucreened. W. guarantèe prompt de- livery and good service. Telephome No. 182 ~~~v- TT tAIk@ bIiehpford sav.s &bu"yrnf! Plati ly his incomie tux te the Ctuf Ta-1 me op thLe groun<1 iat mrel~rentI 9citilïs -areàxemnt. Pollot-ing bis ils lui Torointo rused ta pe~ their icorne tax, awaîtîng ta jecIsIon ot< (he co.it acase- whict wa" varriedto the ourts b4 lthe cty. j Thîe case «%vas brought before Judge IcGfllvray ]amt ýcar, but1-Us H01101r tthe trne lheid bat lie had no power creverce a decision la tuie case. àndj efused to make an award' The cas,- -a carrted to te Appeliate Division tQagoode Hall, Toronto, and was r- erred back ta Judge McG;lllivrtiy by bt Court. His Honor deait with the cae again M Priday, Mr. Poley. ofthlie City Sa- citor's office, appearing for thie plai- ifis and R. A. Reid for bthe defeadant, iudge Morsoil. 'Tle decision reached by His Honor -as; as above. tit Judge Mortien w-as labIe for paytnent of bis Incortie lax. 126.98, and niso costs oi the Court- Thtis mîiii mean a large- retun l lie City of Toronto. as the total of the Icorne taxes îvitlîheld p.uding titis deciiton w". qutte large. E ISaturday 5SpeCiaC i IGIrafonol-as This. Splenmdid - )N'( wilililtake ordlers (40 0111v) for the Gao utla iilitistrated lucrv,. wjh, ias sledOak ~1 ~ibinet.couit-ainiig ef ul motuilarge sound eljamrtbî.,îî-.îurll aves andtliir Colulni- Sbia feictîres. siua-9: B<ntjil tone arn, IRW lr(prPdulcer, 8peeI regîilator, i4art and stop B devitec. ete. This ( Orafotitula rmav lue 1hoUghlt l Saturday witlhout any d(own paynieiit on these 1 SPurchase 5îRecords fi and Grafonôla WÃŽIl b. jj Sent Home at Once andc You Can Pay for It After SPi se recordaý--w-ilh gls'e son ton seIertttot5-will cesI only $4.26. The G(iaf'c*ola, witch aie aildeiver 10 you at onice, iaay be pald for la s3umus of $1 weekly mter YOU get It borne. This oflur iP fiwur eday on_,, and shouýtld bc taken advattage (J ase early in thr day as possible, as the 'L ,iiî-tt-d fP,,r Ghinulilas been fan in excess of thte supplt for n iany mionths past. R. M. BASSETTI Jeouler ami Optiolan, WHIT81 ONT. do- r- 'i WA f 'or 1 a

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