Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 31 May 1917, p. 2

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ComdàectbyProfusor fRenrG. BelL. Tihe ofolet of this departmant la to place Aith IMPYlea of eur fotrdera the advice eofian aektIe Odged suthority on ail aubjecta -pertaining te olles Ond Addre* agil questions te Profesmor lHenry CL.101BInl Care of The Wilaon Pubilahidig Company, Llmltsde TO rente, end anewsawltI -appear ln this cooumn -ln the eider ln whist, they art reelved. As #puce la iiiiiid kIt laadv"leallewhers Inmediate reply la neceaaarY that a eternped end addressed envelope be enclosed w1th t"i Ubh7 G Dii. question, wh.n ho i««r wilIi h.MaIId ie. Quetion-M. A. 11"11uee9i taken to tee that the fertiliser doe« wfth grain laat year vas a failure.It not oame ini close contact with th*. ~dnet catch. Wonld yoe reemffefld beans in tii. soil. m uinwlg ami plowiWg the. utubble fer qUestÎo-K.M.-! have &bout 4si9,- PoMtaetis year 1 W" Ildo for0lo teen acres of whest that la badllY kil-1 beau.@viiere pottocagi-ew 1astýye8r? cd la the 10W places and 1 don't wtah1 If w&Aa biMgg rovuh 01 elover. &W 0to ipîow the vîeat up onuccount et1 paanued. p1oWand o M rdci a n ottesexpertations of a bigh pikoneat planed. wan totuerYean uid Do yen & tI, I ould b. ad-i1 ýme*dow te plow under- for- ou i isale tedrag Up theso e wPaces and1 par and will aime have to e 1w lts te Sprlng whst? Conld it aBi .vear'. iotata sand corn graamd foroatsb. arvested'togethor? If5» Plea» 1 tia yeax? tl eweeàe ol epoue Answer:-The land where yoUr Cveread sean wed cld h"b rocure1 s.eding fafled, if plowed np andi enIfad hogwea i n It aehoul how carefully. maured, hoUld gmaki good spring heat jkwe nt or ieahleelo1 potato ground this year. I wouid d- AwOIiter-buckwbenotat r edY b.? vise lni addition to the manuire about Ase;I tj o led e 400 poundis of fertilizer caring 2 to lat. when you read thia answer and 8% ammonia, 8 to 12%/ available, y?'- can securetesedIwuda- phosphorie acid and 1 to 2% petash. vise the sowing of spring wheat where Scatter thie dow» the dillIIreve viien the winter wheat lias kiiled out. It you are planting the Ptatoe. ÀAàle almoat impossible to tell whether good rnethod of application in to drop the spxing wheat and winter wheat -étii ed pioes of ptatOeg and cover cOUld bc harveed togethaor onfot. thern lightly with sol, gand thon dugt This~ wouid depend entireiy on the. the f ertilizer along over the lbill and we"ItbO and whother tiie two wheats drilis and fin iih the covering. This ripe» at the smre lime. in tact, I addition o1 avbilable Plmgntfood W'11l sbould expect tl.em flot to ripen to- give the crop a eti-ong, vigorous start. gether. 'Von aboulA mcv the vimeat at This land would do welI for b0anst once. «Ail thnt is necessry te do &IBO. would be to harrew or disl( up the. Queston-R. ML-I have a piece of grouuid and drill ln the wheat. Per- land that bas bie rua fer yeare with- hape yoU viii b. able to secure sprit out clovez- or manure. This mladdla wheat Beed in your community or f romn quit. andy end contaîna PruUcticaY B'Ue of ther elevatoF men. Unies. no humus. Nov, if 1I abplY 12 geêod YOU are able0 te get fi close at hand It loadae o manure te the acre, which wili be too late to cv It. In sucl would b. the. moat profitable crep for case, either buckwheat or beana vil me te iraise, ern or potatees? 1 ralsed- make a splendid crop. in tact, I cern on siamilar land last year tint would prefer the planting of bene as vent 60 crates to the acre, wlth they can be put ln any time up to the nianure. Would "li grouxmd hold last of June, juat no theY have Urne mosture suficient to grov a good enough to ripen off before fi-est. In, crop of potatoea? this case the grounci should b. thor- Antiwer:-.-Il you have potato seed, oughly disked or harrowed up and by ail meas potatoes voulci be the worked down, alter whIch the beana moat profitable crop for, you to grow may be planted inl rows 21 or 28 ince on the. land in question. I wonld re- apai" A grain drL. with part of the cornmeind adding fertilizer te the man- grain tubes stopped up.offers the. best mre, as per iinswer te M. A. C. ineans of planting the beans., When Under normal conditions you should plaiited thia way soma fertiliser cen not have any trouble frian lack af aimo b. applieci. The b.st way pio-h mosture. If you have ta bu y potato ably la te. stop up the fertiliser tube seed, at present prices it raay b e more directly aver the row ccntaining the - profitable to grow Cor-n, but this you beans but allowing the fertilizer to wili have te decide tram your own mun dojn the tubes on each aide of the local eonditionse U I you seeci it to ane dropping the beana. corn, 1 *OUI ~dn bout 200 Qeto-.B.l:--Inn't it conid- pounds of to. ii acre,.lezrd poor policy te_ plant corn in sipreading t e1oý'&ats$M working it greund that grew augar beeta lhot Into the grouud before you plant the' year, If only a light cmo? There are cor-n. It shouid carry from .2 ta 391, two filde vhich are deaired for corn Ammtila and -8 to 10% phosphorie and biais Orie .i l ad dti thé«- acid. er gzev heets lbot yer, soni about the. Quelon--W. A.C.- would Rbkete mre. lIoth cn and beau require Se eropinion ia regardfs teax' _rihgeoundi. vhich onae wili be-beat t. Ing beans ln bills, planted 28 luches" fUOllw beets? cach vny. D>o yeu think the yield Amanevr:-Regarding boans andi coi-n would h. as geeti as if they vedrftlA. following sugar beets, the, U. 8. De- ed? They could 6e worked both waya partment of Agriculture studi.d 115 a"d kept meh cleaner snd leuseed fanas and found thet, followlng augar wouId 4<>. The, mcila s. high la prie bots, the yied et corn vas inczeased this yeu lt w"uIe Quito a aving 1.'hp 12 -buahelito t119amiand bans 6 the cout oft tbý crop * bushel . Thîs would indicate tliat Anewer-t anâ very' much li favor eliher eorjn or huanse*eu!d b. planted ot pIaeng bonean- fûtbeW hil, especial- in the' grounci that vas in sug1kr boots. lW on landi that la lilcely te be woody Prom these figures w. eught not te or vher. dizease lias been prevalent. jndg. that sugar boots malte the. soil As a rule, tiie yleld wiU b. alinioat &,&rlch iu fe«tillt but rather becuse hîgh aas Ifthçy wire driled. and fi-o- tbey are cmltvated 4uxing tii summez- quently better as diseaseis not 80 Uike- the. soil la put la better tilti for the Plan, IiisbIIsgYacstkm stoe D8. " Use of 15 acee on the abores otf Hut- luglen lake, fu the . Siorra uatloiial toi-et, on whlch -ho -establl a cmp ho protide aumme- outin*a fer .11,000 ohoôl çhlldraiz aWdthelupns neaules a pôèrt-don of lb. O"0efot la Ceuneetten wftu tue t"eguIar M.. g..a course tlu woedraft muid top- eral uotly j.cjts. Tii teonts -visit tue nearby Forest Service range etations sad lookout lwo a, d tw tii e Overmmzta*"itim d tfr r --t A Qaailn et Te" - lhnh la lb. promet eul.4' tii. lI~5I - Lu Angus.0vas te li * 'lCity in CaUlrnII te tabilsia vaction camp lu the. nationa l f.O..li.A trac-t -of 1usd I h* eAoiate fonmt bas bue i-eutsd, mm"da largecamp bull, osaI- la-g about *8,000.-- Tus came cousnt ot a logaat M om e de, 48 -fumui- Àà ten-dWy trip cmn b. imadet a- cosl viicb e v thle meacb e Prctin- ,ailse toueslst o! *dty bav beu bo= - tiM actIons hi "amal -huiow. fer ii. pichetiMW dw Ia.us&imlah uà" e me 'ur.I -oaoCultue Tôuao eed-oz' ibxs uh ln.I lumai-c wUlk-pyodiç.e PlanW tbat Win1 frutt me eaon. Pat rce. te bu set eut en h. purcliased' froui seedemen. - -Ip buying plants select stroug, mit*idy planta avolding the taldrwn epecimena tint are ire- quentiy offored. Where tamU, rpindiY plants oftomatees muet b. uned pinci eff the top. Tàswillcheck the up- igit gren'lh lmpoerr-iy a-ad give the plants an opportuntty ai becominz at-ante- Il alue causes ticun te braikL. Thore a-r-e several systems for gio-v lng tomatoes. Sanie prefer the. one stem eystem; ano or tva stems only are trained to a long stake. Thia keeps tue-fruit off the grounc a-nd- lets the. sunlight sud air reach a-Il sides of the plante. - / Auiotbei systemin hta set the plants under trellises ma-de by ruftnint na- r-ev st-tpe ai vooc along sta-kes a-bout tvo andi a halItfoot abe.the surfa-ce efthie grounti. Tva t-lps are r-un about tvu teet a-part, b-aced w it crase sections ver-y tva foot te o or a 1-gici rame or ti-ellia. Tie toma- plaritta are set out under tue mididle o! tbis framework a-rd. tx-ained up througb tue centre. the fr-a-me aupport- ing the. plants viien tiey are la-der wiilx fruit. Ancuthex methad is ta mnake a trellis the ghape of a funnel, settin! thig over ca-ch piant- A bm.rrel hoc?.: on, supports id another tai-m ci the sa-ue plan. Wben greva on e large sca-le field culture is th. system practised - Tue planta are set out in long, straîght i-owe, cultivated by herse, and the. vines are given no support. This systeun msy h. used alinlusunal gar- dons - Boa-ns a Valua-hie Cr-op. Bene have a Ivo-folci value. Ticy ra-nk aznarg tie valua-île foeda, con- taining a higlier per-centage of protein tua-n vieat or-oants, anrd even mca-t. Beau. arce ai0otfvalue fi-rn a 5011 cultur-al aspectas. tbey 4.îcng te a- mont inmportanut cia-se o! agrculturai plants termeA legumes, Zvic are cap- able of taklng up indlrectly the fi-cc nitragen -of tue air andi stor-lng il in tubercles on thie i-o systeini aithc plants ini a available toim of plant foodi for futur. crapu. The la-st veek of Ma-y or the. fr-st weckinir June i. usually the mast suila-be lime for plantlng, although the lime et piauting ma-y vary slightly a-cei-ding to district andi seasanè but should, ual b. clelayec a-item- thc soil ha-a became var-m a-nd dry. Sanie oathti best yiclding varichies of fied bears are Pear-ce'e Improveci Tree. 8ehoflolti Peî, *Mediumn or Na-vy, Common White Pea a-nd n'hite Wonder. Theso vieties require iromu 112 ta 115 days in vhich ta reach the propor stage of maturity for liar-vesting . Ater pla-tîng, but bei are the plants appear, .mdic illiiiuually .b. fi-rn tire. ta six cia-s, dependine largely upan the.ventiez-, it in a-visa-bic te bauon' tue soi l fghtly viti anl-t- toah liai-i-avor- ove» a-ligit arnooti- ing ba-r-av. This operation whll break tii. crust, destx-oy veeds,, bnp va-rn- the sou eýndstimula-to apidr germ-ination io! the.seed a-nd gi-cytu - et the. plante. As s00fl as possible, aiter the boas. are up, a-rd ca-n 6e een iu th.e rav.tue -single - aud tvA-r-on' cultlvaters a-ioulA b. ubed. Il ahoulci b. the. atm et every grover te keep tue soil stirreci en the surface. Thus as promptly. ns practîca-ble after ca-ch rln anud iu lime te prevent lthe rn- Ing of a crut ell. ol sieëlid be stirréd by aieansou tue cultivator. Tii. n'ai-hoo culttvation'aise siouiti be kept veil in band early lu the. «» se tnat 1111e t1livalion noed be gi-n aller the bMoaomulagstag .1grovth hho aeun wIVeS OUT OF TUE OIINARY. A Stseam of lak fa Orne ofet icFica -FOOflSHORTACKSUCGESTIOMS The, FoOd Value of Buckwheat iHigh, As Il la Both a Flesh Pro- duperaxid a Heat and Energy Pi-oducer. Bp Henry G. Bell, Agrunomiet.- Buckviat pancakos may f ai-nia-veicome substitut. for ircaida-t viiest cereal andA bm-oa oat, wvilevient r-anges araund the. $2.80 a bushol mark. Buckn'heat cba-ra-cteristie st-ongly recomrnend lts ci-ep for cereal pro- ductian Bnckn'heaîtaà a dry grain ici can b. store. After vicat, car-n a-rd rye, huckvheat certains a- maxinmm aifoodinl a minimum oi volume. Buckvheat lu esreug In botýiilcali praducer and in energy a-nd liet pr-o- Aoc-r. It compares vith n'hea-t as iollovis: Percent. Percent."Rae"-.Eg budbepe ae n 9dsa Percent- Pratein Carbo-Dr knae Croz> (Fiemh Pro- Hydrates. Fats Fibre A5h "edr:î gsaol .pe ae n pdse.Dysi a~ Water ducer). (Ient mund served in vater glass' during Mai-ch, fully, apply ta the. spots an ointflien4 der). ro April, May and June, vien tbey are made cfi1 ounce sesp luiniment anti 1 Buckvhsat 14 9.0 58.7 1.5 15.0 1.8 cheapest. 2. Protbct the young ounce ether weUlmxed, aall iWt té Wheat 14.4 13.0 ( 66.4 1.6 8.0 1.7 Cucumlber plants from the. striped remain on durlng the. nlght. Waah beeti. by covering thie'i itu vire net- off in tue marnlng vith varm, vatei Buckwheat yields f rom 10 to 40 butqhels per acre. tig pa lhBedeu.rPlt n in.wticl. Cniue tht. Bnckvlieat requrres frein 8 ta 5 bushels of seeci te the acre. tn.Srywt «uxannt n is ihcl. Cni Buckwheat nuits poor, light, dry land. It produces larger yields where af lead as soon as thi plants appeau-; treatment until the blackiieadm ha've acidittenai tortiiuty t. zupplied, .200 pounds per acre of fertilzer supîy- airain at tue appearance of tue tuirdt diaapp.ared. Ta contet the. POret in? 0118per cent. mmonia. 8 to 10 per Cent phoophOfie acid, gives good re.lsanJetrdim bir.î 'lns ti.fcvtialii aohla nuis. hisshould be driiled i wien the buckwheat 1~~y or braed- berin to foi-m i-mners. Se. tint thel eau de Colog»e. PreQuentlY pimplêl casted and worked luto thc seodbed bY dislcing auilha*rrowing.w ou can ini- spray irrikels undler the. leaveswevo appear with the blachheads, and yheni ci-ese the effectivenesof higli-priced tai-n labor hy fertilizing tue buck- as an top. P<,i-tue cabbage Warin, titis àithtéi.case mal an ointmellt of vieat - A yield of 20 ta @0 bushels per acre uses the. labai- muci mare dust vith tobaoco dust, pyi-ethruma, the foflowi-ng ingredients, 2 gTiorn profitsbly than a yield df 10 busheis per acre. hellebere or spray with arsenate ci bgta jiaptiiol, 20 grams suijuutprew Fiiialy, buckwheat shauld h. scvn iator than coi-n and tiemmll graine. lead or powder vith dry ai-senate. cipitate, 20 grains patash soap. Mi* It t. therefre au excellent trop for "lffllng i" where other crops ft.tl. "Enquirer-_Balfour le pronounced thoroughly and apply te the piinpleos Buclcvheat li. quateci in Chicago a-t $320 peur. bumbel. Bal-.s in beance-faor. It ls very 'at night. This prepai-atian may be Buckvheat Strong Points.badt ovyteeatpoona- ednth m ieasheIak Strong food in compact volume. Foodi suited ta storage, therefare, hr acne u xc rnucn ue tti an it stebak valuable for- export. Thi-ives on comparattvely poar suil. Ml~ uc tidin of JaffXe by phonetica. but the j head ointznent. Do not be discour' and reasonably large returns, Ma epate ae- tha lhe i-pa ioft and the, re le hax-dly soundeci ageci if yen se. nipi-vemuent ti hence can b. usoci ta fil in "viiere other crops fait." Buckvlieut matures et ail; It isa alnait as thaugh ut n'asyu.côpxlnati eessipby iu le3ss.thamu100 day.. vxitten Joif , wit-i'the ifs a moe Iso~mmetimies requires montus ta gel _____________________________________________breati - Viviani la pronouncec rid of pimples andi binekiends. of nercrialainm.ntsudof hirt- Vv-e-.n-. 'P.ipeed"-l. A felon ie an ti.ý thi e er cealnt f aen an firty J D V:-Tiie fallowing are the fection et tic tissu. arounci the.finger thre pr cnt f vselne ndthee- ate atwhih te sverl ntios e- nil. Theconstant application O! A fqcontains thirty-three and' un- tud t t ueiiurrI aios evt cdressing, equal parts af aicahl Market lu June- tfoç ercenropofn War' . anA vater, may cheek IL. If#it pi-o- thid ercen. f ea-ury.1914, July 28, Austria and Soi-bis; gossnsreq-soi ocnutd- - Ail routéra, oltihéna, early broul. iAtgust 1, Germauy and Ruauia; Au. asUteinfctin my cusé geant iU ers. gi-cen dueks. ~gueot 8. France; Augtet4, Belium a hi 2. WorMy Caeaceteserc-< Dunlng the IOnt week lu June, kil!' ble. 27 u U-. Dian;Aga 8 otos . gaatie in ecndhalso impa' off, dispose o oai- 0f remve i-rum thre -ýAsut2.Jpn oebr5 tenrn. oÏno h . c- flock, the maie hinds mfter the breed. Gîve each valf a chance to drink wk TAu st2.Jpo;Nvmerke oniimtono ieetmc.5 lng sesson - Their presence in thre ter at icast tvice encb day - 1o15, May 23, Ita-Iy; June , Sa Grieu nsad gren'votetablosliare tbId fokafter thus date causes a lus of a What the cxeam sepai-ator ha. dons Marine;i October -140 »uîgar .bout souurce afi ran frtoi- b ui i b» million dollars a year te Canadian for-faimers In the vay of impi-aveci 1916, Mai-ch 8, Roaxtuga; Auguet 28ý , Th e&solbaeartfoq tai-mers thz-ough the sale et PariallY; and labar-snving niethois af cr-eainng. Rima-nia - r-ading and fri-an a-lI knde etf in< ncbtdand bad eus, lu the preduce, mili4, the milk machine n'îll do in miliii 1917, April 6, Unitedi States e! gardenlng mfdalo eat y onD 0f uc t- wMich i larzketed. LAiIl cIA hens' mg-cava, vhtch leaone ai tue moat Arnerica; April 7. Cuba.. drempîcymand It ii b.fQrm QIbenê' éhould alun ho marketed at tins date. troUblesomo jobs on a dairy tarin. A. J. L.:-1. In tue partly shadd ficial. ____ W. IR. Johrstone et Moes.Jav, location yen descibe, yen siionîcibe "Hausevf." :-Onians 'anA va-tort Tue propex- wa-y ta cari-y a fovlinli Sask., who uses a tii-ce-unît milklng able te grow leVuce, eariy or late ca-b. wiîl remove the. pmell ef paint fromaà ta place it under tue armn, the lienci machine, aya tint tva mon can r-un bane, cauliflaver. or apinach. Do net room. Suice several onions, pui painting ta the, ear, and the f cet helci1 machine, veigli milk andi trip twenty try beans, eggplants, corn, temates. tiiez in n pail of vatèr andtnd thé, firmly by the bandi. In tuis way the cave per haur. He useci the machine 2. Dahlia rots neec vax-m mail andi pail ln the cioscd roem over niglt. bird cari be carried for miles without on thirty cava the firet morning. vax-m veatiier, go0 ti s ual safe ta W. A.;-Probably the rcàson baby' the lea-st discam!ort te it ao- the per- . eto h hl ed osntln them et ti tii»e. cies vhen you UIft hlm isn ht, yen son carry ig it. give the needfuî information; tuisf "Sciiooî Girl» :-Tuc cause of the go-. hurt iim by not lifting hum -ProperlY;ý I toi-mer yea-m, tiecocminon prac- matter et cav-teating is n strict ques- callod Ubla<cklieada', t the ciagging o! In lifting e baby, grasp ti.- ciothing' tise was to carry poultry by the leg,, tion of judivîduai capacity. -, the pores with duel and Sease, which just below thé. fout with your right4 heaci hariging dovnward. This va-m a Siicty paix-uns oftwtv creanieshin hardens.a-nd pita tue face vith tiny hanci, slip tue le t band under the baby bad mode and one that neyer was used Prince Edward Island avergged 884 black spocks - Thé, iret stop -s e t ram belon' upward.until-the head li by regular poultryrnen. When the pounds of fat per lierc, a-fter twa tharougiily clearise tue shin. Every reacheci, supporitng vlth lie'band bond la ianging dovnward ticre la no- yeusofa cov-testirig these sixty lUrdi-ergit va-eh tioroughly v-th var-m a-nd lifting the. culA -on the left exm*. thing te prevent a rush of'blood ta il, aver-aged 955 peurics of fa-t; tbis in a-________________ arid it jse iitef tint ma-ny caseis of gain ai seventy-ane pauncis Qt fat per- vertigo ca-n b. tra-ced ta such nets O!fierd, or eght per cent. DEAF MUTES MAKE GOOD. a-rd heur attonttop nover being divid-- carel-ssness. Wien v. consider tha-t asfive-dollar cd, by conversaliOn, their outputlee But still more cruel in lifting the ca-if may grow nto ba- indreci-dollar They are Suoees.fully Empioyed lI h etfne neuli ouet body-uggie v ingslium hncl-e itl a w , te r seostasn t French Munitron Factex-les. that ofthte best mechandes. Thcy are malglewntr h enatic ora atath btce- --even more attentive ta dangez: thanorJý. vex-y easy Too many fammert dohuacorealife The intensive production af muni- du-ymu tic vings and thus pra-nly Toayfamrbd ntralz _os nFrne wt isenros e drymn jure the bird.- pe 'nn' ~the feeding value oat aldm milk. ~teyqirents n.Frandit ls riai-m ouse -______ Peultry reughly handîlels. canfi-l nkhtcu efth-s en uira e futu re a h e-nd a-bala pnc - , ~ ~ ~ ovda uhlarger qnsntity of milk uà&e ftr orti ea n1duml A raed nogthcen h. b oil is1 dcne xi teirattndat, -rdlue otshoulci be ted. As a result, the calves wbo, hefore the, var,wec xlue" ric btec-a ef-boin confidence in e 4ehnnery oftn ha-s a- ieo enoefc.fric factory ver-k. Nov huridrecis ai tue egg - ba&fec«t - d -4 egt crop. Beidea, - ______the armkighossuprtot any methac tua-t points tue lea-at bit atomobies akndme-oadpinsfr te ofian peple thtey have toward m, elty should not ho 'permit- liiPodIl heF-n. arry. They iearn-even quieker by f ed the hungry 'Wboil toy lmiv'@ Ql% ted Gttlee" n avirue hateve W m souidn't a tai-mer r-aI.. ftah aigît than do many vci-kmen by car, tbe Iiiuigl!y han' te. niai. a-nmelet. heu. appreciato. e ela bces iOpoe Thc ma-mb for the- chicks ma-y con- i frs ater auppiy and reasonabie *,mju iat of equal Parts of bran, middhngafl spa-ce for a pond, au aatonishing snd cornameal, and hlaItpart -of eef quanttty may be haAinte tvc ai-tlree THE WiuR -AND i 1.i~ scrap, but the. Composition ie mare or yeaez& legs dependent on tue feeda lia-t are I, mont a-va-lia-hIe.-ae tne y~ Manral Value of Clover. A More Reverent, À More luit AMûre HU&a éý,AMârUnOI% PulleUta iarIr tae b o Chemtca-lly, pliysically andi bioiic- s uaiyW! ieg rmteWrdwd .mIt fe.ding Auring the.Air-st ton' veeka ai; ally the grawth and turuing under of ahH wt MEmreFo teW rl** theur livea vill, pr-ove a decided dis- claver improves the salI, and vs have appeintment tram the tand'point of been enabled ta demonstrat*- over and their egg produtioni over a-gain tiat a ci-cp cf cever in the %God inl ouz- refuge sand trength, a ef lite'. pr-oms, tue feeling of màp-ý The mont effective methoâ for body rotation bas a manurial effeet equal very prenent help iu trouble. There- heiplesanuseanad the i-oacuig:' ont. 11>1 tieo ebns la th. application oet a en application o! fa-irnmenure of fore,'viil v o uafear, tiaugli the a Gi-ester lia- n uslt-a-this,itl1I-, diluton of eltuer mérral oiutmnent tKt fitteen tons per aere.-'rank T. earth do chante Nations were mean suc-h a viviti PnMifirat1 hnd1il- or bIne ointmeut. Mercurial aiutmenti Shutt,%Domninion Expex-imentai Fa-mm. lu tumult, ki*gdoms vere moyed, the pression of, reallby that -men *wiI Coti itprcn.o eal550m ýte-wal e centane nty pt een ez eta-lk îLord et Boats ia viti us -~ tum m u oîiWa-r Ch"uec mercury. Blue ointmnent leu a mix- ProsperitY gives us triend a-nd a-d- He makeh "r te cea-se, unte tue encis disàlinéd, ma-de '"riotus, maierever - bure coinsaitnz etslxty-seveu per cent. veraity proves tueni. oethte earth i Ho breaketh tue bon' ont. - Thes',will have had a new-TO _____________________ ____________________-"d cutteohheh.pear iu sunider. * C atien ftue msaning of lth record.ttii.y al oraeok lu and Le t , anti kon' tua-t 1am 0&4,- Go.' fi hh a e. V»rlsFerty-slxth 1'sabm -IMnsvn' eueQIGot i Il be i9Ti «au 81 tb.t'u &»Y 80 b oorteew. 1 01 dwdd'KIin pu ~ t. t Steak etNaturThe tii. lstCrhierla "thé gIs *n lva s nlubuu'th ne W1ebum o thiaaar-a " Â,1ub fetr t e Otàliv e a,~ JemeOOt M _Fe u Uu11%àm 31- e

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