THTJSDAY, 8EP.TtbMER28, »18.. ____________________________Mi-___W.___Col-__ lot of stocek lneludtng hoirses, nmtleh Ilis lg'ôè' îîô1è.cows, t.welYe head young- cattie, twmity --o- II (-~ registered cota-eold sh.ep, pie, etc. A u mu à t' theeI * s illIN IT T I N >Sale at 1 o'clock. James Blseiop, aue- WA R hitt4te^ruonXauarsis tioneer. a&ay tht it113adviabl toWednesday, October 4.-Auction sale order early te get the beat choice. Cal is e nded to oxe and ail to attend our Sunday School1, of tarm stock and impiements, the S HON~~1aNd ee Our samples. e i. ake w k eteey udya 0property of Mrs. Robt. Hall, lot 2, con. SH O Iltver aY tmebefore hc .t v' una t230 P.m. 1,Pickering Tp., 21/2 miles west of * Chl âtImasi, but if YOU order n oU There i a cIass and a teacher for the boy or girl Whitby Town, on Kingston Road. Sale 1»IIB. ure te get a choice of ail lines. ofhee ersttegayh rdmri rwo nof6 at 1 o'clock. Win. Maw, auctioneer. C. A. Goodfellow & Son. o he er otega ardm no o a f6 ody coe t.-Nr .G bonda.0October9tbor-.r. W. G A 7 J w lThe annuai chtcken Die supper at o vr Lavis will seli by auctian on lot 4, Kinsale Meihodisi Churcît will be held T b ra l u d yS b o con. 3, East Whitby, 22 head of cattie, flext Monday evening, October 2nd. T b r a l 3 n ySe o cansisl lng of two-year-olds, yearlings e Dont mirssIL Also hear Mr. and Mrs. and calves. Alsa tour brood sows and La is G l i d Dyer, of Toronto.itetinr Admis- eleven small pigs, se'.en weeks aid, ôdis oI Flld ion 5c: clilîdren, one________________four-year-oid mare, heav-y draught, Bra ele W Lc -- oewo-year-oid mare heavy draught. At the roguar mieeting oft ie N C to ilheir dest ination. They retturnedd o FOR 'l'lE ETITISI4 RLD CROSS. Sale at one oclock. James Blshop, auc- T. U. it 'was derided ta coud a hale- t)i etroit on Tiiesday night. and ail ex. I)r. M'arren, Mayor, has recelv ed a toer e ,cept Mr. Tatcmnan stayed ove- ri lu tat cmtlaiutanD.~ -.Abt,____________ N ewest clothing and bedding 10 the sufferers cv ;,îîWedesay norior M. i, rtar, fthraniDr.At ion o ti- -Style bav1IL4 ciothInEr for mon, wunamen or Itaeî.nteciin.d W\hltbý (in the(,.." ourecs Commiittee, Toronto, relative For Sale To Rent, Etc. chidr,-n, or heddîng that. tiey can a.mru C1 R. train Wednesday, and> the to th gcncral appeal mwhich te ta be SPCC,, $1 .00 pur-, or Nwoid lîke ta gî'. , May Ieave reniaitder of t hoelart y mere xî(ected nad(, on Octaber 1101iifor contributions pec&l $IllOe thosaine- w ith rs. C. Tod. The iaies te larrive hm li ii l the vcnlng. ~t the rit ish lRed Cross Society. ATD w'ili bc stil'('w second weefk Ii iOcto- IIi purtose out he tripwmas to ilu The lieutenaint-Go' ernar Is advisIng - ' n apprentIeo ta arn shorniaking ber. specct he plant of tie hig Jirm, ta ob- t-ver) Catînc(il atof ei ry- miclpall tadass asor.A yt .W tain thrst-hand Information as ta the îtîd lndadiltin. an atpeai.isbcing Calî.us. R.egulair $18.00 1,rg,,Pnt 1i, J. C llftorthe Md-' mnirts ofthlie cccrn. aud ta g-t re - nade la the 'Mayars aîd R(eoves a.; lcllSPff lt'ti OtaioCo Bttitil labeinfornmation as ta ils inancial ', cil, in artler that stcps may be taken XIAID WANTED. le rie)Isno n lradlot. iemc. 1 etc. At the Cauricil neiiiU ass ocu as exodient ta lay the malter For general housewQork. Apply ta 1 ronchiis and Iarn gitîs, and was In o on '\(ida> nexi th e deputation Mil efore il,.( people, sa that no lime will Mrs. A. T. Lawler, Whitby-. -if. ('onnatîaht î-islital for over ilirev dotîbi-as inakvi-lis report. be îost lu îuaklng plans ta sectire as OLT w eeks, w bore hoew-as -cii cared tor. ---0- zcerous a response as possible ta theTOL . Jtff" wislhes ta be remoembered toalal Our ncwm nap of Ontario Coîtnty W i' aio the Nltherland for assistance. October 15th, north hait af house atý bis friends. and w',riîes that the socks -m' lntg eha -dNdnaa Ev-ny- Th(, nianner Ilu which the contribu- corner Centre and MNary streets. Seven senttheere very accpt be, bmg ath onewh ees itI s i moso iwth it. Mail- tions imay ho rmade is ta be declded, ofmoains, modemn canveniences. Appiy ta Atth reet rie ,te w armn and sait. ed mo anY address on rcct-ipm aifS50'. courre, by eaclî cammunit>'. J. F. Pirie. -13. watch wvould seli for $3-0.0o,-0-1 Motînmed on canvasa w ith roileis. $1. C. -The imnpartant thing," says Dr. HOUSE TO TiENT. OSHANVA MA.N DROPS DEAD. A. Goodtellom Son. Aihatm la sta secure the earnest Ca- iero dhus:btuna, 0opertition of ail organlzed bodies lu the Fv amdhts:bttînc,- This is an exceptional 01Mody evening, NI r. l .. 1'N AT HOSPITAL FAIIM town, cspecilty those which have been FOi (esAr l E o . ran opporunityto seure ahigh Oshawadrapped dead on StincoeSm On Wednesday aftennoon iast a large The Lieutenant-Groverimeut bas is- Abu 0cckn. ppytMr. gradewtch at a very 10W supper. as was liswali to Mr., barni on tue, oid WIliis farm. uow the!stîed a proclamation naming Octaber Dobbs, Dundas St. west. wro- as olui tsa Ilîer .ndMr. .property af the Ontariootiot ernment, Iglth as the- day Oin ilhich the collection p rice. oral cari age b)usinesstlu Oshawa fotas dtroe.dbyfrtIcldn h shah i bcrmade for the British Red FOR SALE. Iet-lv ers n usre on one.s ha% and grain. One af the Cross. and be bas appealed ta ttie Souvenir Range, No. 9-, gaad. Apply t'nyfv er.adla evdOlpte tihie hosîltal m-as burping Mayacr- af every town and ciuy. and the at Gazette office. -h-T0 Cucl.weeds near the building. and the very lio-ves of every manicipalIt> - ta fur- O AE For reai ofr tyapiro r high wlnd that w-as biowîiîg carrled ther the organization ot a campaign forFO SAE cotot rya ai o D.the haines ncross ta a corner of the the collection ofthte lande. Farm lu the Township of Reacli, near BASSE T - . Ileed's ctîsluon sale chos, mens and ba ru. Vhen tht- ire w-as firsi dis- The natter xill ho laid betore the Port Perry, contalning 96 acres lu first- wmons. at, M. W '. ollis'. covered fitlad galned sucb headw-ay Towvn Counicil an Monday evcning class state ot cultivation. Hanse and la T~ BockWit Th Bacon'liat checking Il was Impossible. Very ncxt. and tPe Mayor aa.4s for assist- bank barn. For particulars apply 10 InTeBokW hTeBloY OMM13ER< 0F' THF V. O. N. siîortl> the -hle barnu was lu flaines. ance' and ca-operation on - PIe part ai the Toronto General Trusts Corpora- SA NAIIITAN COMMIT'1EF. sud the mwind fanned the mass into a ail local organizations when the calltion, Toronto. -3 Brook St. South Mr% h SieLaidtaw- cordi&lly invites heferceiy burning plile. Fortunately the is muade. FOR SALE OR RENT. rnomberé,is of 'lie V. O N. Samaritan barn ',as ai a distance tram amy othen -O0 Canimittoî- ta attend a Thimbie Tea buildIngs. and the brick bouse directly DEATHIS. 77 acres, lot 28, con. 4; possession In on Tbnrsday. September 2tb, ai the 1mo thc oaqi mwas saved owing ta tPe wind (CORRELL-Died ai wounds, at thie t October, 1916. Some plowIng doue. C. VloinOrden Harine. tromn 1 to 5 _'hclng troru the soutbwest. Ail that Sotthera Gc-neral ITosPital. Binmiig- W. Smith, Byron St., Whitby. -t!. W.C .U 'irtoiaUn t work and sevpral mat-! cotitdhé, donc was ta ear the ground bam. England. on Septembel 23rd, WANTED. tors of Iînpormanîe are in Pc laid be- l mmedlately adjacent ta the barn in 1916, Pri'-ate Poli. Jackson Correll tare the mombers. order ta preveut the fiames tram catch- "B" Ca., 5tb C.M.R.. .E.F., aged 25 o 100 car loads af elm, either G. T. R. PREVENTING l\SA\ITY. îng onto the dry- stuhble af the field. ears.C.PR.pit.Wbaeodrfr "ully 11 per cent., ai ait ANOof 'liThe barn oontained a large qiîauiity of WOOD-At lot q4. con. 3. Whitbyv Tp., a'-'y quantihy af elm, elther eut or by th disi ot he one-igh rth e PORKAN BEAN 1StPPER. îîay raid ta have been 75 tons. and a on Tbursday. Septetnber 219t, 1916, the tree. WiIl pay htgbest prices. Caîl, Insane, are due directly ta aloobol. and A splendid suppor was provided for gra - lo rialo hc a ae od gd7 eas write or phone Joseph Heard & Sons, In an Indefinite nunher oa i-oher psy a large crowd by the ladies af the Meth b red eaThi! graiaileidlc asfmeoodagd76yarWhitby.-14. -choses the ure af alcatiol la an Import- odist Tabernîacle on Friday oveniug ton the flarnes and burned for battrs.___________________ -ant caîtributIng factor-. lasi. at their snnai park aud beau Il was necessary ta keep men an the SAL.E REGISTER- "You eau Individtîaily bell) prevenu supper. The large tables In the echoot watcb for a ronsidtêrable trne. Monday. Oclober 9,-Auctimn sale a! o! the mare extensive evils resultiug order ta aceommodate nt aupptor those '-ertv ai Thomas A. Wilsan, lot 11, con. tram the wide-spread use ai alcohol. bv wuha were lu atiendance. Aiter ail hnd The demnand for Xmaîs cardis will he 2. Pickering Township. Sale at Due discouraging Its use lu yotîr owu been served. a pragram vwae givoii In langer than e'.er tbis year. C'aliland 'clock sharp. Wvm. Maw, auctton'ter. homnes and among the hersons ai yaur the auditorium ai the churcli. coiteist- êec aur ramples now, and gel one af -14. l M a II acquainauce: b tncrse ng ofîtm iaa solos. selectIons by the choir and your Christma.s prablemig eut ai the Tuesday. October 3rd.-W. Gls.spell ber ainthos;yle rfhfwl ig ,tertesy talent train Oulà ,rio Ladies' College. vay early. Oniernow for delivery any will soit hy auction on the Henry farru, OD berno corae, no thpolgetcly.cliies-o--lime. C. A.. Çoodteliow & Son, the Taunton, lot 35, con. 6, Darlingtoti. a the social drink: by teaching your Kinsale chick en pie, supper wlll Pc Gazaette and . bronicle. quantity of ts.rm Implements and a fine _yugpeople eariy ta avoid aleahol &a held on Manda> evening. October 2nd. *you do ta avoid indigestible food or 10 and s therni To te. areon th. play wlth matches, aud by teachina g ru and s yeoforn.Cae ouhg --- lhem fot ta 'treat' or be treatd. rga asEitWnp.Cnéalg "If you support vith your votes. lu- aud have a gaod turne. Adultem, 25c;en -e d T d rn -flunceand the bacingtho"ýh"chilitren. 20c. are conducting a sensible educat louai rh aches~ propaganda, those who are promoîlng ST. JOHN'.-, tNNIVYRSATIY Industrial Insurance aud employer%' SERV ICES. odadceprt n ut or liability laws, and those employers -wbo Sunday. Seltom.ber 241h, mastheoc- odad cepe ia refuse to engage vorknien wha drink. caBion ofithec anniversary services ai plumes. em a Okn w r, yaou wtll help. You may need ta re- St. John's Cbîirch, Part W'hitby. Rev ______aloinl Into the city or tow'-n treasury fon Il- cupied the puipit. aud preached very $ ' - e re el iurhyn e pays irutressive se-rmnts. Special music ut p .o you ipurchase a G fo te ecsar adiina pliepro- vas rendered PYth choir. The attend- S u narto $ 000 tectlon, court expenses. accidentis. aud suce at botb services ws.s large. andt nation of these twc - njury te pensons and property, nuup- the contributions were as usuel ver> Best Granulated Sugar, 12Tr u r'NTeae s li portaIjal-,reo-a4oic, 1-- bu'rgecrîi'.TP nnirs.rY %w-as ancW A n p czli -sho IiT1--lVak1! t1 1u,11,..! ,,t r , - 1 W nl-rnuwi ~ * ~ m rn t.lîi1 :', i ît- :tti l 11\\0urm- %-lt -il .\ Inl - ad 1 , I -1.11--î'î vîti .I F RoalB oe, W I IINclt-h ýAi- 4aTi.r u il--ai x,îiî.amiîaî-'î"~~- TD'AIPM. ÇA.IPFlP IANfl FOlR TAXESS. q, P.T h m.R -a-- i - - j i m - i-t miii i I i t.î-ari~î : lii o -i. .1 i. - i .i.. Z-lIta i i - i- et ~-lt - iii St .1.. '. - - i -.. it - aif<ti, - t' rni-i itA.' - - h -~ lii et1 r ti at filt-lt, il.. - : i -.. - a t ie i. i r'- i ~ ' ~îm t . l'i - -m i ati 4c. ,- r - i--- e i a 1;t 1iiva1i- %îl . i a, , h- - . ~p~-- ~-m -. p.I h. r. tund Y'>1 1 taa rrî Il t aihai .î..~mi tIttd p m- i '.ia 'ti îts ' ') , % f ( , -I -'a 'a- a a-i ttI w i ti i î ý 1 sfn a~ l -1: Of for.-. i. - - I -1. ti'r i -lcE I o 1\T T E - b '0if Nu 1 IlR& îd i.- h.-I i. f !!,)\-aF .î,îre ofeaiail W tisthy t<my A I."' -r- i ~ ~ . -fr î- lti 'h i;lii~mi im onti. uid nq'as(a l niîilt -- 4ý r fii-iiîe îç1tutl)- i.eî i v ta i ,1 1. ii il Ont I ilbde Si -i. i- -,iî.- itt. tth tati rest cilass; te Iiir tttîo t îe ed Ps -i iî il 1t' r i i > iîiîî n'oi. ca- igo thi- haym. ln t1f rit-ti i 4'.r tt lt trot. î.nd uben t i-P4 s 1.ti itttmili t ,-,of! iti,'Victoriamn oft.- ivis wilh dceetid. i ruof 4, i h- . . i, dIliii t M tfue donaittîsîz4c Asd il S-Ilti"ti- bys <'iti it nd- )ti ioa.îa.<i- area o b100clrd 4aller, a L'tu-t aialtO~t hi-r u .-l. ai 7 at-i î;tli(ir!X. ThP- ..t:'<'> will ho requirrd. pnatioDfl5 itetv 11o-1rd wi ii i ' i ut 8,30. A fitulatd-wl %oacnWCd ekiy. anc. Is tir-lttl'- n-quisd. o.x-.& SCOUING TRIP. Tli'e e mbm 09o!the eva 'wuCTOUA.4l neeve Dowtsy andUfagm" J. W, DU#- inan and F. >B. Aiuwa. Md8Wet5) 1uib une» men eof tise towu fr!1WbIisI CM sunday ,somnut b7 ie04 JR train 1t ni"aip o ith »U*li wbi the ptt' ao! okligwue thePt= of te .Nbs a tairs O wlulcb Io6e6*I(B* ô kmq 1tg34â1'i. by., The parti ars'ived i bu PUMiism sandi .mrau& eathnt wocx - - a- t ,: v a ai. i iitîdir 1th, - iatd motthe - Wardeîî andIlite Stal of tue i - ii,. hat-.;.ut t.:ar-- daa..- t .,,tLh day aof e.1pt..m r. 1.416, - . t - i- -t lts aî - .tilt teiti i'-ii t4 ei ?, 1lp u fni r - n- -f - . 'r,-, .ît-i a,. tir .ai-i forth. 1 hereby gîte niles îx.îm ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~(g1 -;,,--,rit în' tîx;îi ua-e '- ie ' iaid, 1 ibsal, l atuopltuevi t~~~~n 1i tt .-s-"I Art. înîi)t -4-d o ?m- *:tIl,, pîîîît.:ic tion. lte aaid lands. r n -ite-.t -r i f IftIltMîaà :- 1"-nt. cîs.-týn or h en Iti aces, ttht.- Count leuse, ;a. P Y - (et a. loiî'- I -lhîtî. -- ija1..r 2ît.14115,ai the.. lotir af two -- ta. - t.i. ..ti. it.a.u-a. i - I - i s i i a't s Tohal t - -. I ta.s-. $G','.i'J r-. i 1<2 - 5 t4~8 J -.t ~-.--itiîî' ..'- î:.'~sr '~îirnîîv. i w .5 r' e .i. -' Cî.- s lutat.l - il -- :3 1258 i W S~.ti i 1 V. ili'îItY. te~ ±Lt) 'jcîw~,. îîîp or M Ait A w Acn'a Tai,. îcîiîs E. 'rrî,-rs Oîf>-.--. i tîtd.s. t-'.ui.iitr-Iiitr u:ttŽ. îu~l~2 it'dý or Uuplat'd. i V n pa.t'd. pat'd. or U-npt'd. Pai'd. or Utipttt*4. ';'Qua aS' os LnPet'4. S-. s- - --- - on OU Vou can have it set up $3 Open yourmail ordei equal the value. Puy your !aotwear nt Ni. W. Coltine'. TPe t-roliment o! tlite Wttitby Higit Schootl uie roacltod t-le 100 mark. Thisi se-,nu lucrùesofo 15 per cent ov'..r thbe enm'ollmnut tthie canrespogding Urne '. aet y-ar, and le a fi'tntîr troof ofte growio«, mpularlty o! Wlîttby's fine Now fis Soaur chance to e gt a gaod xnap ai Ontario County st a law rate. 60 - l im. 11pper. $1 on canvtm ifi tti rol-. e rs. malhed toa ny aduiress on re<tî'Jjt of price. C. A. GooadfehIlow & Son. PAGE vFive FOUNTAIN PENS PREMIER FOUNTAIN PENS. NEW STYLE* Much superior in every respect to any Fouintain Peng hitherto offered at similar figures. In material and skilled workmanship they are perfect, and are designed to meet the popular demand for modern high-grado Fountain Pens at reasonable prices. The Holders, which are of modern pattern, have a good ink capacity. The Pen Points are ail warranted 14k solid gold, and are carefully selected with a view ta smoothness and lexiLility. Every pen fully guaranteed to give satisfaction or rnoncy refunded. Prices $1.25, 1.50, 2.00. WHl ITFI E LD'S DRIJG and STATIONERY STORE WHITBYO ONTARIO Sole Agent for Butterlck Patterns Sole Agent for Nyal Preparations BIJL Our consi inciuding tulil drops, etc., ari See LS foi Phone 224 .BSi BU LB40 gnment of bulbs, direct froî )S, hyacinths, freezia, crocu. ,e ail true to name and color. ýr Carter's Lawn Seed. Lewington Florlst A*- A. ROBINSON Undertaker and furniture dealer. Bell and Independent p"nes. Day or night 3ROOKLIN, ONT. ERFIJL A HLlnd ses, snow- WHITBV C. *JOHNS Carpenter and Contracting Builder. Plans- prepared. and estimlateB f»f nished. Bnock St., South a! Post Office, Whit- by, Ont. Phone 131. VALUES 9 STOVES 4 ýai stove v alue when you see it. You4 what quality in a stove means. When -urnýY stove'from us you get a combi-4 o things.. ig more stoves than at any year in our gi ve you a real .quality stove at a pr -ice d rer house. Look these values over. The -Prince, $1 8.00 This wv;nderful littie stove set right up in your ho huse for $i8.oo. Do you know of any mail- order !price that equals this? We supply you with the first pipe and set it up complete for you. ýg Steel Range - ti IIooî'. P. complete, on your floor for - ý8.5O .r catalogue anîd sec if you cati Globe têé auce of boat. XVc have-tbhe3 ini t ?kÇ. 10,la and 14«,,The . +s stü'ktIr Gkb~i Stové'încui dýý LFAE TM MMS STATIN. 1048 .m..Umm~ai $1 PtP. t r m ed., Ps ,lv . uuW»5V4sseuw* - --I 'p là . - Y- "f s y-I j, 1' mommumm 1 m