Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Feb 1916, p. 1

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- Vol. 53-Ne. 81. WHIBYONT&RO  Y, PI.FkRUARY 16 C A. I~4iorn~row & Coipound Syrup of HYPOPHOISPHITES A Sîrengihenit' orating Bloo'l BuUdei Toni Bulde ip tI Cures tiin d Nervous h Nerv'ous PrI Steeples A.reliable rosi, La(Jri $1per NIEDICAI Brock St. d ag and Invig-. ,tonlie, r and lNerve lie- ,e systett,_ ,watery blood, head 'Lehe, rotitratioli, acs, etc torative aîter ippri. boutle VILLIS dà epticlan L HALL aWhltby. TUE*iOUSE 0F QUALITY The Dealer wth the Coul end t le $erv ive "Scranton Goal" The Standard lUrepamtî>r. perfetit-Rw'. .îî. neat. Lue in vaeh-brigtit, clean, free Lurii'g, (-111k- erlese A 1 i îis- Grata, foi large f itiaî-eq EU and steve sîze for funiceq asud large bestera. Chutnut and Pha fur range atit' mimaitlOoook toveq. Blueu rasa Cannei Loi griles.and tilrepl1et ce q Moengabela Youghio- basy, lumlp î(mal tfor lihilil, the leadiîîg îoaý Ilr threahtnà' Iburpbones. emesCrem @~1r1idtniIîig coai Ali %liese vus1I are the higlicot stand-ird <of î(litity, Out deivery qervice 1te 1,romitt an4 rdcarPmInt a# yen want tl-îeîa- ---lw estyouîîeedthpeîî. WVe respeittiiy -lieit~ your patroniage. Ei R, BLOW,9 Wkiîbf leli phono 9. nom* phono 1Il SRAWIS BUSINESS SCHOOILS Toronto. Canada, give thorough courues WhiCh glVb good caloxted oflce appoint- uieat mit.F catalogue exDlains. Enter J. HOWELL JAZMES Carpenter. Wd adonra. rIffl'dria b.d estimates furaishel 1*.b dore asud trame&. ftgemat er Brantford Reelimg Box 467, wiIIT 13Y phon 49 *E.rrtage Ltoenses. A. H. ALLUN. fasuer of Marriage Licenses Corner drugstore. Whitby. NoWltemsesrequtred. Tb#limiter Cnida lm foument à Laid Co. Limuird Wh~by -Ontarlo lei Ste Deaàle-fA. Entatens Managed, ~"Eet CoI.ted Fit Lon, Arranged, * Propertien'bonghitatd muid. ?Wrtermo spp ly Ilead Office, Brook St. D8ll ->hone loi3 md. l'boue 7u. aeru Waoed rumI of two hutndred acres or ~ ior ithgood bush, wanted to ".j, hae, or wiIl purebase good .17*of bush land. If you bave to et! write FON ISHIER & eoe IC ILumsden Buildng TORONTO . liait & hi; UVEEY.-8ALE - aassms ~ramw ICK ST.WSSETSV. IRECOUNT 0OF LOCAL ONTAOOUTY -ýCOUNeIL-1 OPTl>r4BALOTScO XMPLETES >ITS -BUSNS Drys Lose Thtee, Wets Make Gain of Two. 'z<e~icsiisouIpratMtes The recoutît ot ballots cast ln tue re- whlch the wets galned. This result WDEDA'4 ~IN . 1 rs' s. Grpirn uiok rmthe fam- cent local option voting w-as made last nu doubt pleased the latter, wbile ItI Between ttv'e-ad ti'Tee ocock com- tnpit amrh ad Friay oriin bybisHoor udg dd nf. lat te frme. ittes etfortfti«t- we f mt e1 not otsubjeet tW as iMany calis up- Frda mrîlg y îsHno Jdg lfolate the fvisormer. 2amitho-'tes Lmefor e l eatuno mt-jon tu.em. for varlous caufssUas were Thereul ws ginfo te wes"ed an Inaccuracy. The returns had When tue War4e, 8sused the hartowfl51ople. - UWTB s hoûld fa-ror a o ,%oballots aals for the "drys"j been 61 for, 59 against. The reccunt the report of thé orof PublieCutylv.Mytanrshegin ofthree. made Il 62 for, 58 againsL Schoola for Norteh OTq!sýï* was read by littie to the Patriotie Fubd; others r EN. Sinclair, of Oshawa. rep- i In polling sub-division No. 3 the the Clerk and referr4. tDcomnItee on. nothing aI ail. He w». heartily ln re.sited th-e Local Option Ccmumittee. drys loat a hallot whlch had been Educatlon. faore the Cont Cxmilmain MmJsHvrsn U-aperdfrcounted for themn--one market! "for M is Honor Judge %elr.re e- Cole Gran e ume pwa ithe' lict'nseholders. dlean" in the upper space. This shculd sent aI four o'cIoçkV 'to expli Cl Girsntensmmdupwa The ' lrotîittors of thet- hrêe hotels have been rejected b>' the D.R.O.. and equalization report., h i had been sald, and Ihanked the War- n cm.- present ln person. and the shop wvas properly rejected by His Honor. In the dlMcussion 'Wblecb followed, ob-den and Couneil -for the ýcouteoeis lîc.-nsee Nvas represented by hie son. The ot.her two divisions showed nu jeoti-on Was talcen bY*êrsettve fhearlng given, the deputation. The Local Option Conmmlttee was rep- change froin the retumna. 1 Whitby anîd PlckerInuý1 oWnshIps as lu ('OtLNCILLOU-i ltXPitEs THEMSFLVEtI. r'-senîted 1», the secretary and several The net result. of the recount uft(ho the Judge's ass"esmi !theemn- Mr. Muson was pleased with wbat ot Ler niembers.% The presideni was hnllots was a luss of four and a gain uf cipalîties. t he deputation had said. Il was a occtîpled wiîl Couint>' Council duties. une for the drys-înaking a net lues M r. D.. Holllday, 4%- Whitb)Y Town- t pleasure to hlm to be une ut the Coun- The lîrocedtîre of the recount w-as am of three; and a gain of ihree and a ship, and Reeve.R edlsputed the ty to accode te tho request ut the dejtu- follunS: tuas of one for the wets. maklng a net faîrness ut the- Ineréaeua ftfl ofitt1u tation. Hof then moved, seconded by 1'pon- the~ openingt of the ballot box gaini of îwo. tbat Townàhtp. Tht#; "rgued that lnt Mr. 'Gerow, "That the request ut the *by Ton n Cterk Josepîh White (the local The figures, therefore. stand-for lo- the old assessment"ý,t'4ýtwo, Whitby. deputation re the Cana4ian Patrtotic option ballots %veme taken out, -one; cal option 328: againet local option townships were abouton.an equal as- Fund bo granted, and that ways and îoliii suib-division at a timne, begin-, 225-a lack of à 4-.5 votes ut the tbrou- sessment The Ji s dint tnrieasas eans of raising money ho referred te nInn with No. 1 Ififthis reqtirpd: or a total lack cf teil Whitby $392,85ve "t Whtby. The the Finance Committee.", Hts Honor- finsi exanined the backs. ballots to carry local option. Judge bazed bis trseupon the,as- Continuing Mr. Maso» ad:-"We of the- hallbIs lu se,- If they aIl bore' The scmuitiny of the rejected ballots sumption Ihat pro..frm Whitby Y1P, have got the me», we have got tho mu- *tlkt. initials of thte fl RO. Thev were showed tlîat ln No. i there was one bad beu» inflated b ihÀe-building cf aillons, now we wantthe Woney. It la *found tb ht correct ln titis respect., mamkvd "for" in the uipper epiacu, and the Toronîto Efte .,-, nd by a bOuIÜ cur duty to sou (bat those ieft behind« Nt-,î. the face was examtned. Coun- miii.narked wlth a number of crosses b>- Toronto eleltedaes Whitby by the soldlers are nu! in need. The so-I ror b)0111sîdes helping His Honor one uom 1 the -e or taiigled togpther. ropresentatlves argt.î«4hAt 'propertles 25 members uf Cutîncil reprosent an *In tItis. As His Hotior called out A lirief discuission as tu these look in Eat WhItby sêIUIII1 thQ-'*Wrge asssoment of $25,000,000, with pran- 'l'or' or'gint several persons fflace. and iliey n-crei' lad aside for town ut Osbawaon x- Rlgstun ROfl ticaily nu dobenlure deht. We are -in a naricdýç down tiei>' reanît. As titese ail furtiîîr consîderation. There were and In Cedar Dale, were more valuable financial condition tu ifake this grantI itzre'-d. and as the cotint of ballots cor- also four blank ballots. than land$ aiagn-the Kingston Ruad and should do su." i-spunded to the totals of these figures, In No. 3 there n'as une ballot marked or the lake Ini Whithy- Towuùshlp, and Mr. J. H. Downey took pleasure, he Iliere could be no dotibt as Io lte cor- in Loth spaces. and one bbank ballot. (bhat as East Whltby aiso conlained sald, in supporting the motion. r-ecine-s of the tbnding. flNo. 4, there were tour blanks; in 111000 acres mure thauWlbyTw- Mckno'uCnigc, a ru A siîrlpris.- awalied ail parties, in No. 5 the same. ehip thu values ufth_*. twô Municipal- to be a mnember cf CouncIl to give bis- thile tir-t ollnc sîii-division. Tlhe me- lit consideration of the ladt thatities were approximëtely equal. voice sud vote In.favornut the motion-' tutis of the- Flepîîruv Relunring ODet-r iltere htid bêen a gain for the wets, 1Mr. Gerow, uf Port-.Perry, eould flot. Gerow-"If wo had the Germans at, ca'.- hii- oe as Si' for. 161 against. lte rejected ballots were not further imake out why the t*nof Uxbridge. OUr back door ive wuuld net ho long in It Tii> ro-count nad&the( cvote 94 for, 64 dvalt n ýitti, as the- flital resufl w-ould w'ith a larger populi n.-Should ho as- voting more than the sixty thousand aýa1;itrThe dr'.s lost thet- hret- votes ni)t have been affccted. sesused for les than thiè.Village o! Port dollars asked for."* ___________________ ____ __________ IPerry. Uxbridge hast#a pop1ulation ut When the motion was put there wa». ______________________ - I1.6.18: Port Perry I,1te-«Ccordlng to not a dissenting volce to the shoul ut t ho 1915 ROUl. The 18-4 equalizalion "'Carrieê." W H TB C) B IA QU % Tt . was-Uxbridge, $554,56; Port Perry, Rowe-Mason moved that a vote ut $477.645. Now Port PýrrY'u-aséument Ihanke be exîended to Hi»~Honor Judge' WI-IITBY TO,09moe Da-,xbide.me HEADQorUARaleanTefiieRSer 0F NEW 18 'b-d WATTr ALI0N Ts e $disc 0smo r a S ee bm Uxhe Mcelne f i abie ad eficent oef _________Couneil remainéd tin.êsson until near- the Counly. 1 y 7 o'c>uck. Macknnon- "That motion slioyuld' r,% IVE e Lounci Want Queen's Motel Ulosed. \ s-ciral Ilmeting or Town Council ment b>' which 'thie assignee wvas to %vas caMtf for Thirsda>'evenlng last, operate the botel contemplated only and (11 o most Important questions were running out the stock ut liquors then ricait w îîh. on hand. The continued operation has' Col.Corkbtîrli addressed the Coun- given rîse to theÉ beliet that new sup- cil. stating thai lie would like t0 make pilies were being added. Tu this the hili 1w ieidqîarlers of the 182nd Councili 10k strong objection, and the Bat talion The- bat talion would re- following motion carried unanlmonaly: qtiti'>- quite tù'tnshr- acconmmodation Conln-Goldrlng -That this Council for the t- nitcs. store rooms. etc., and respectfaiiy aak the Board of License bfllets w otîId probably be reqtîlred for Conissiuners uf Ontario to close up Sio tuen for a péried of four months. the hôtel known as the Queensa Rotel, The tutnbers of ('ouncil took kindly and tat the license for said hotel be o -the propoosai tihai the corporation immedlately cancelled. aud tbat a copy shottId suppiy the.requirod accommoda- of utÉthl resolticu ho ferws.rfftet the t Ion. and gave Col. Cockburn the assur- Board of License Conunîssioners. ance ilhat somt-where and somehow the Mr. A. E. Bell, proprietor of the bowl- necesqary rooms wuuld Lie found. Ing alley which was recently burned, The- <iîty of inding the needed ac- asked permission of Council to uperate comnmodat ion ivaS turned over to the a shooting gallery tu the premises. Town Property Commniteée. The alleys have been so badly damagei Objection wa.s raised to the con- ln w nier that the expense of repair tinui&d use of the Queens aHotel under would be heavy. Mr. Bell promlsed pres.-nt conditions. The Quees s laj make the shooting gallery perfectly being mun hy the assignee uf the estate safe. and to conduet it respectably. of Mrs. Mary Wilson, who recently As Mr. Bell had pald his bowling made an assignment for the benelit uft alle-y license tee fer the year, he wu. ber erediturs. 1 granied permission to uperate the gal It was supposed tbat the arrange- lery under the @Jley lcense. Memorial Wiadow Dedie cated 6v Iishobe Ho, the Bible il Cuité to Ive«y J&ti4IB. AIl Sainte" Chtu'ch. Whitby. w». '1OLD BY REV. W. E. HASSARD. dotîbly hoîtored o» Sunday tnornlng, For an hudr -or more on Titursdmy at. iln Ibm! a memoriai window vas evenîng last lu tuenmuîsic bail. Rev. presemted tou1i,.and tuaI Blstiup W.'.Hossard. une outhlie District Sec- Sweeney, Bishop or the [Miocese, vas relaries ofthte Ulaper Canada Bible So. lresent tu dudicate IL. The wiiidow ciety. told about 1he many ways lu was the *gif t out ?iL. James nutledge. whicb tue Bible Io dislributed all over lte world. llluztatn hlsi lecture witit torsnerly of Whitby, nov ut Newbulrg, munt interestlng luntin vieva. Mr. N.Y., lu perpey-uate Ihe'mernory ot ber Hassard beaaouthe jotîruey Iu Pales. late h ushand.. wbo dled lu Becembe'. tino. and ahowed viewa uttheb. work"et 1914, and vito w». for- oisjy yuni'sathe colporteurs et thte Brillahimd.F>r. prointnent citizen of! WhllbY -sud a elgu Bible Society on fite Sea et Cal- Warden of Ail Saints', liee. tu 'oJeramn. ita. i»ait The wiidow, Viticit wu pom d tKjore. lpaij. Mofgllm, Java, Newv tus nortu-vesl corner of the citurc1is aZes-%*aad Australa, Â!rricg 'Bypt.1 excoedingby haudsorpe. Is cola are vef g *ï, >ya#*Uaiwt the 0.14 Coao,.! sott and A'ch. aud l th ealp'ýatmnt« esSouh tit lc$4 IlOtyAud ta, Conadla the text Inertbed benestu1t IL uker j j eopisye fthe t. I#sUsw- 24 :29--M And they coualain.d bie 0 W 1Ay R -M umeoe as lte sayt», ibid. wftit usi fer Wt, o twutrd ovulm dSitu- elliIly» t«'$ [evening and lbe day la far sp.nt.» i'he aiOng ii agzîlesussers fiestI4 wo mnsare repremete4 arrivluaI g al Uun.nes mte hoen.after tue -u'mk te> Emmus iand a - ,moteod~ees. ad the 'riu titoy are inviting Christ to enter sMd MM 01et t spotaum , peculiar te tfi. remaln 'li bte= . Te arthtu-t lte I&î a trw'rI&t e work vj ftm design la ota M l dasbeWS idue VO. o. w duel of lte 10>. oaaluIC. i. p,.> lIed, 01 Torento. Tbe thon. ait u *anRsoés ",ba £bistmwre colortag combine ta mâ*o piI> »S q»u-or aw be4o » -wa Iy e V» tmprmsion on the. obaew. ...m ais $#e!t-e Blabop gwéeeaeYssaI 1w If e> eu otOý ý tmw,ý tu-. Rev. 1IL W. Ailert. & su JOd».0tomtRuo=ýtuý YIMe., oedueW lah tmPruaele 4 W*aiprbo 40te os t lealton se*vioe5 Mud b lait b. p atu$dis, WO ýeuw , ow lte »noe.go teck as 'hlot lb. S,<iu wet db«*WIo-t. verbe uMrMbd « iteinmerulvi- g Md 10w. - .o-o. theme ofthlie wIadoW5 su4a Mau -~ISIftiO~ tuW t apou "0: meorluitu-eil lmM ---lL-- ùoM stand tI ithé work la complote" THURSDÂY I&ORNING. J.li. Dowuey agreeG wltb. these sen- Amunget tic oommtmtcations rcad. timenîs, and an, approvlng word froni by (bu Clerk waa.one froi C. F. Mac-, Clsirk Far'ewell- reaulted Ini (ho with-' Grotty, clleçtor 0f, 'Taxes. wlhitb-, drawal ut the motion. Town, enclosing an aSouat for- $26.6.0 - YL T!1>U,' R4O Yt taxes on seweragc assMsmeilt for Ceun- T rpr tte Plta omt ty Property. The acedunt Wàa accosa- tee recummnended the aeceeplane ut ,the Panled hy an in-timatiepi'that t! the ac- tender ut C.A. Goodfellow & Son- for cotînt vas net id ,bY 'y aiiuary 29.' the Caunty prlaitlng fa-r the fluit three sewer cunneetion *ItIÏ the House, o years at lte eane rate as 1aI cottact. Refuge would be euVt f, "d an te.. There w». no other tender. thu ameutI. ' îy-papers for advcrtîslng, »algA. 9 Mr. Dobsu»Ï.' Reeve iot 11each. - onc, ril teCono.ty p1.f ferred to thé recet ~~ uthe'Honse 1 - eony-a'stpfr ic1aî iiu of Refuge ot Mr.!'» lual. ditttg a teto- &?'ac d&-'~ ir n de.~ Judge McIult-theintorlu- ceased had loft somo mopey ln the cil ltaI' bs, report .w». flot as r-OoU~ Wh itby Ban k, aufflelent lu- zaw-expenses valuation, for h. blleve Il t b hou in H. ut 'R. and, o!f aneral., The prom- excess of the value. ,It vas se~ equali.ý erty ln Reach consstasou a amui houa.1 zatton;, leaving tg lite Council tue d«tx sud lot, and a daughter-in-law., o! the of saylng *batahelbassmeuet ehpuld deceaaed Mrs. Hogartht desfred- »oc b. 1- cupy (bu collage If site côuld get lte Warren Dearboru and Dean Rundiet perieision ut Council se te do. w ere appolnted Commessioansfut he, CleTit Farewoll staled (bat lte prop"îHouseuf.-Refuge. erty, together wlth tue maney in the'" bank, hast be» by a ludgea COrder, - FRItlAY, JANUÂRY 28. vested ln-,he Couuty of.Ontarle. There The iuorning sesionw-va largeiy c- seemed tu be n# reaaon-why the daugb- étiplel wtt.h lb. presenlIhea]nd disp>os-, tcr-in-law abould nuoccupy Uic bouse, ing of, Cummittee Repwo.. peuding lte dispoisi et the property te jDr. MeGillivny, 'Surge ofo! lb. the heirs. and the Prepefty Committee Houa. et Refuge. gduresd lte Counc!! w». reqnesledtle make an order Iu Ihat iu rcerene te iepeebelaue;,e eftect. IIoueof Refugée of: aeletkb~ THURSDAY AFFTENOON. **"The Consuei have duue.a gool day';1 work," w».uichevetViprtl* ftitnim- bers of a large delegaionw*cfi sI upon lte Conuacil this attenoon, lTe action ut Couacg-l hh mcrted titis pi-aise Was their yvot he t~MM of $60.00l th eCana4fn pamtriolo und.ï The deputatlen wbicb p)reeuetue! requcat for . ,uty ad onlacde Meurs, . JP . qrerson. Dr. 94t W~ . W. Grierses and T. B. MitChel. repre. sentlng tlie Oshawa PatrlotieConunIt- -tee; Pr. Warren. 8. P. Terry and C.A. . Good!eilow. r-ptnpeufgte. Whtly- pmtriotcComnuttee; Moadoà W. LU Paru-lansd B. Jêe te, tpo«t Pet: -W. 9. Oriatou -sad Win. ifaniuten. et fitbridIe IWmatey et-' lu frein Oshawa, HeL stronglyobjected te Mo iwne'tiere Coi l'rwU ie m.retenue. ta Pc oretonhefli'se the prow nnets-an tm.. O TheCQuctIli. lite rlvlBgaette. vlewtn the"Wtheby C e mIlUi .a2 The,.Trasnrer>a »el&of, loi% fore taxas oeopied lte attention of tmeumî beric <Oe»sntilti a!moslt tree 4>- A. D#andel-waas pu4d$0. tor twýpMme' c - HEAD OFFPICE *TORONTO - .~DEPO Iip IIED SUBJPf - Savigs Bank D-epouits bea in-tereot £s'rD to; - ighouït curred raâtes. W HI1T-B Y BR-AN-OrcH. THE DOII -Do -Your Baning 1 il If yuu live mi g distance from ILbmanoh et liteDonin e' k Deposits may be made-cash wlÏhdramw-orany- other Baaltsg Businitas may ho iransacted byý mai, faut sieuns ii n t h oua macle a spectal tt to 1v» for the-purpm.- WHITBY BRANOH: S. D. TERRY, Manar. OSHAWA A. H. BLACK.' S-ee cur. bargains iWomen's. M-issesd Children'a Shloe at greatly reducèdý prices. Ou r stock'is complote in Meà*s-and iaoys' hcv Stub Proof Ruhbere, Feit and, Feit L,ined 1Bots-- Moccasins, Overshoes, etc. Mè:Pherson's Lightnitvg 'Hirgch Hockey' for Men, Women. and, Childirëe. - . i . the mn f y r l 01Ur Ntôýf China- and Glassware at a-speia Cawsh ,Prke. If you are iii eed teyou*rna hi., r- 'y j Ili1 - - - - - - a 0 a a 0 a 0 F

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