Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 9 Sep 1915, p. 7

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THE DANGERS 0F OVERCEOWD-ý ING MENS. By A. P. Marshall. ~ Oveircrowding -As tflfather of a' Veck of troubles. Overcrowdiiig makes 'averfat liens, and overfat liens laY volf-shelied eggs, and egg aating lia- bit' follawe. overcrawded floëks will Maout laseiy together at niglit*and .swest, leaving tliem ia a weakened condition, resulting lW sickness. Ove 1r- crowding msa' produces idlers. Idle biens become misehievaus liens, and the disgustiag vice of feather-pullinig li the result. Better- resulte in botli bealth-and egg production came from doceks that have plepty aiof "elbow As the ydung chicks- keep getting larger tlie'y'shouid be moved ta. ram- ter quartera. _It la out oftlie question ta tkeep tliem an lie arne .little brood codps and exped't they will develop dnd 'do 'as well as wliere they are moved ta roomier quartera as they grow, andsliauld aiways be able ta Laid lots af 'exercising conditions ta keep them- ever active and on, the listîs. Perches sliould _be pravided 'for 'thcm as soon -as they begin ta get *a httle size.it 'keeps thèmcleaner, mnd they seem- tdl- do better, as it' avolds, crowding tagether at niglit' csuslng thsm'ta sweat ad catch eold la the cool ai tlie eanly moriing.* jIn placing '-perches tliey sliould be alml on the sarne level in tlie warmest parb aof the house -away fromn drafts, and shauld bc readlly removalel. If the perches are not ah aon I't same level the f owls will figlit for the op- portuxnlty ta roosi an the higliest, and the chances are thatý rnany fowls wil be lnjurcd by' iailiag off the perches. The perches sliould-be in the warmest part af the pen, as tliey aeed the moQt' protection from the cold durlag the night, wlien the fowls are inac- tive. -At thus time theliouse'is u1sual. 1y colder than duriag the day. 'The ,erclies ahouW 4be eaaily removable, ta facilitate cieaéning, disiafecting ad hting mites. Tliey- shouid be go Con ructed that a disinfectant can bE -resdily appiied to ail parts. Tlisî should be aa simple as passible, and made la aucli a'way as ta have, the imahllest aumber ai cracks and cre- *vices,. whic h off er hidiag places foi mites and other vermin. As a genera i-uic, samlliens sliould have aboui si lades af percli space, while th( - larger liens sliould be allowed eigli ladies. - In the winter they huddl' close together, but la the summe' there should be plenty ai room t( mllow tliem ta spread out. Perchet 'mlould be twelve inches spart, -anc not dloser than fiteen inclies ta thg vall or ceiling. Show birds, especial. 1v Leghiorns, or similar typesshoul( be kept at s greater distance fror \walls and ceillngs. Maay good birdi are spahled by brushing their taili ranot thse'w>alls. d ýe it ie le id ne s- Id Ti boys f ront sway work a tyl whsr broui waa'1 boys, w1th gang (Wh Wi A Wl fil Whi Whi e' de be Y( bui lb mi th aii Pr Bi v l la il IH in.etermining the size of a bouse,Y4 consider the number of f ows that are a' to be kept in one pen. As a>rle, r fowlsagre too crowded for economical n production. A flock of fifty liens 0o shouid usually be allowed about five " squarefeet. of floor space per hien. Where the attendant is careful to Y keep the house clean and the floor Pý heavily ittered with straw, less floor h~ ipace Will be necesuary. As a rulej, it ls far better to allow too mueli floor ipace rather than too littie. The lar- ger the pen the Iesse'floor apace wil be required per lien. One hundred hiens w111 thrive in a pen 20 xý20 feet, that'is.four square feet of floor space per lien, but gne lien willot thrivev na pe 2 x2 feet. In alarge pen1 each one has a chance to wander over the entire fiooý. space, thus getting t more exercise. As the number ia thed flock become less, the amount of -floor- T space per lien mnuet increase, and any- one kecping eight or ten hiens should allow at -least ten square feet of floor t space per hien, unless leie prepared c to give spécial attention ta cleaningé and bedding the house. A crowded condition in a poultry house is re- g ponsibie on many farins for laek of winter egg production. The ventilation of a poultry hbouse la very important. A house with tight walle, roof and loor and an open front' will'contain cold, dry and pure ir,-three essentiais for the liealth of the fowls in winter. With such a con- *struction there Will be no drafts but plenty of freili air. Cloth curtains on the front openings can be dropped on cold niglits or during storniy wea- ther, -and a glass window will allow entrance of li-git at ail times-Many cases of colds have been cured hy re- moving. the south side of f the house and allowing sunshine and coid, pure air to enter. Ifens must not freeze, neither do they need to be kept warm. In the summer time a ventilator in the back of the house may be opened. Air entera this and goes up between the studding and rafters through the- hood above the heads of the fowis. This allows circulation of air, tliereby allowing "the warm air to escape in the summer without a draft on the chickens' heade. To shlow for this air passage the back plate'is cut out be- ç tween three studdings. It may be ad- visable ta use ventilatar shafts or other devices to insure ventilation. In fact, maâny bouses that have proved satisfactory in every way have no ventilation schemes whatever nor any * roosting hood. - Dumas Foresaw German Peril. Dumas which lias not been translated-j into Englih.- Now a translation is to be pubiished by Stanley Paul, under the titie, "The Prussia n Terror."1 The ,.te>ry 'vas origi'naiiy published in 'France,. befére the war of 1870, with the titie "La Terreur, Prussienne -a 'Frankfort." Dumas' abject wal -to awskca, France to lier danger fromn the nuie of Prussia miiitarism. Wlien tli. Prisslgns tcrrorized the "ýfree" ýitYof-fanIdrt, afte be tin:hre bug for Candh od4 im sand Lu sng as m4O a bt" wUth ti Ia the tira.ntngf cam às ad St tii A0 Aa part oa ie u',bt" Mt. Hessle 1had 16'0 co ies ntedindgSivei mainiy throu*b' the Y.MCJ er. Oas Tarçta soldier picked ul Iewritt5n'COpy an Mill-b60 "nome~ r 1a ,raceï ai ter the 'battis, aà bt it-bakome, 'not 'knoWing 1 a tot roduet. Mr. Hezz1eWoo t'hat onseo0 hiesSun4ay S oc ta wboa h ad gIv.n a copy,'ine nlofotuasn on that occagion. 'Th le' reproduced by speeil permit TI&Roil Call*. ue-"ýWhen flic rail is eafled up 'Yonder." rda by O. Hezzlewood, Toronto, with apologies ta authar af original). anaMy ingantedCotnthrontl m aner tF i apdal heilroarc bueratieghrinefl air; ar mn the fas in fnry charges aud we're seat ta bear' the brunt, and tise rolla called for.service,- il Ibe therel ,ho.-Wiea tlie rall, etc. sud is armies out ai France, rihen bis Becgian desolatian wc nepair; [en se final muiber's ardered sud tise bugle sounda "Advance," ybsthe o'à Battîs. ielp me te ien bis Ales 'mardi blirougi ?rus- sia witi tise fo lufuIl retreat Fihat aur icants lie kept iram liat- rcd«' ta, aur prayer; cun th ingit'oai. migit la eaded ilaa crushing lait defeat, tnd bie rall h called lu Bcnin,-I'll 1 be blire! an ion mc "lLait Paît" is soundcd and I cross tbic Suent Fond, Vvs a Pilot wia ai "mine fields" - -will .beware; sun "Revýeile" soundu lun. .eaven sud'tise Armiez of tic Lord, Sing tho Hallelujai ciorua,-I'll ble tiare! ro the Gallaut Soîdiers of Canada. Ib insîaid that war la icîl, but lb açs not ioliow that warrions must i endowed wlth icilisi dispositions. 'our present mission is ai sacred as he Crusades ai tise Middle Ages; us>' la msnor e sacred. The abject ai tisi Id Crusaders, Was ta ire".u tise tomb ,fChrist froni bis Ssraceas. Yaur aission lu marce ealted, Not oui>' he ob of ithe fouader, but tic dis- acétive prineipies, ai Chriatianit>' are moailed sud bisreateaad. It's yours ta rave biset bic Gospel ai "Lave -and ;acnifice" la supenion ta "The WilI tô "ower." "Chants ai Rate"l are un-. ribli, s50Earc bhiciresults, viz: Lau- un, Aeracisat and Senlisatabrcities. ?an affor'ds you. enouigismetisoda ai )unisiing bis aggressors witisout via- abing the recognized nules aad witi- )ut you becoming a human dcvii. i lahbicdisciarge ai yaur dut>' lb a yaur fate ta fali, lie assured that e who "aumbana the ver>' haîrs ai aour head" lu coasciaus ai your menit, >nd that a grateful cauntry wiil kecp you Ia memar>' and second ta you bic mead ai luman apprecistian due ta ne whoae life ln conaclouil>' opent for otlieii.", You ma>' quite cansisteabi>' pra>' ion 'aur ao-called sncmy even wh.ilst pressing tise tnigger,- birusting bic bayonet or atrlkiag witli tic aword.. FOIg ALLIES' GREAT DASU. Brltaia Ras Land Trorpedo Ready- Trerrible Bornb. ON THE SUMMIT, Q THE HART- MANNE WEILBMKOPF. Sce~ C6ronrmpoud n atheFront ai ah. ex' li wi de it ba i te: ir i5b fi au 80 ui il rc bi -A "The most hellish thing, ever in- vented." That's the way <iharles J.- P. Lucas, member of the, American Red Cross, describes a "land torpedo" thie Allies are prepariag to use in a drive through Luxcemburg within the next few weeks. Mr. Lucas in in Cleveland, Ohio, juit returned from France. He says the French and their allie# hope to eut off the Germans in Belginin by tlie drive proposed. "Land torpodoes"l are ta be fired trom a mortar. They are tliree feet long. Concealed in a knob at ane end la seveaty-five pounds of lyddite, a most powerful explosive. The ares that can be devastated by the torpedc in aimait inconceivabie, Mr. Lucas Baia. For thus drive the French also have provided a new type of rapid fire 'g3in, Hotchkiss make, capable of 1,000 shots a minute, thougli weighing but sixty pounda'. 'FAMILY FOOD Crisp, Toothsolne, and Requires % - Cooking. ýNi Alittle boy asked is moter to write an accouat of hôw Grape-Nuts She saya Grape-Nuts was 'first brought to lier attention wliere she visited. "1While I was there I used the food regularly. I gained weiglit and felt 50 well iliat when I returned home I began using Grape-Nuts in the famiiy Iregularly. "My littie i8-months-old baby shortly after being weaned was very iii vhile teething. She was sick nine weeks, and ie tried everythlflg. She became 80 emaclated that'it was pain- fui to handie her, and we thouglit we were going to lose lier. One day a happy thouglit urged me to try Grape- Nuts soakçd in a little warm milk. "Well, it woA'kd like a cliarm, and' she beqan taking it regularly, and impyovemneft set in at once.. She grewv weil and round and fat as fast as possible on Grape-Nuts. "Somne tîme ago several of the fam- ily were strickea with,,La Grippe àt the samle timne, and during the worst stages tliey could not relish anything In the, shape of food but Grape-Nuts and oranges, everythlag elsa zas nauseâting. dt w-t u faimous food h as done for bue lt "Thereo a Reaô"." Na me given 'by Canadian Postum CGo.q Windsor; Ont. at Cliarlag Cross, adjoiniag thc Mail Tes Coats More Moue>'. it. Archway, and comprisiag oaiy 641%', Inl a receat issue afi the London square feet, witli a frontsge af 69 (Eng.) "Standard" it wss stated: xinarG's xinlmen$ s e5 W5raif& feet, was sold by.the London County "That prices oi tes have' risen and are Council ta an insurace company for now at their-'hirhestpoint for thirty-' To cure hiccouglis, 1111 a glass witli 545,000 an acre. six years."1. This-riëneicts tlie greatly 'wster, draw a deep bresth, througli It s i ti ciyticsoure ileofincreased coUt ai tes at the gardes the moutli, take a mauthful af water, whchisvsue a $,20,0000, io-whence the ord5spirgnte i liold- the glass before you above your whchisvaud t 1,5000,00 hw' Ts is undoubtcdly casting mor ead as arc so'thst they eau ever, where las.nd can essily daim the traughout tesee t.he rbs omau legls ihu distinction of bcing the -deareat it1hge tutottthe wor d.switOu the,world. For property near the cenl- When a Woman Decides. ,tlirowing your hend bsck, swalIow the $16,50,00 n ace i Smrt Ssiewashurring aîo.gwater, and then breathe out siawly tre of the ity $62000a cei SatSsewshryn aog througli the moutli. not -an unusual price. Partions af the stret ar e pced, when she 1.......... Cannon Street, Qucen Victoria Street, itat te.ar Upper Thanies Street, and St. Mary iWyaeyu ing ladyacumiataflea.s at-HilI, are said to be warth $1 .25 a e"Wiy arreyin such h urryl"of osk- square incli, whule ia Lambard Streetcdleira."Wy,'moftsc aad ingWiliam Stret lnd iasPrafessar Astron Orner." You sur- andKin Wilia Steet> lnd as rised mé- 1 didn't know you wereý been sold for $3 .50 per squarefaot îtrse nsine hh' h freehoki. gintresteliingscience. iy, n s the The tliree acres an which the Bank gresteIII ng ,"utlinSit on ato- ai Englsnd stands wouid realize at aamssy.!"II kaow," sldcSuae is bei low estiniate $5,000,0 ,or tshey"lae peetlis lec tur e il e ortelsd bit of a -bore; but I'm tihr' adjoiaing lias sald at $350 and $400 a i~kosa mcia i de square foot.. about sua-spots. And, you knaw, dear, Land la Carahil was saisi at a pricesI 'ave spet lieaps ai maney and time whicli 'warked out at $12,452,000 an' in tryiag ta get rid ai my freékies. 1 acre, whie some time ago -$5,aa0,0oa simply mustn't miss this splendid was offered and refused for the site chance ai obtaiaiug -a good recipe!", ofa schurch la Austin Friars.____ And ana is, also the architeet aof 2~ H~ Wordà resemrble-sunbeamip'-,- the most ai lis owan misiortunes. irnore- ;they a'Urc: condemùnedthe deeperi ED 6 tliey burix.j xiaros4311Mnoufor salo overywisore. ISE3. 5 t~tManflDd' you not tel1 hm Zam.Euk Io m I ahhoarse coud hardly speakIl" bal .se0ceu IN ootman-"Certainly, air! But he minetailpoison assured me lie wauld oniy ask ques- tions which you could answer by a nod or a shake of the liead." Great Ma-"ýTefl tell him I have a stiff necki" -- 7i-&--o à ici;; 139, rot au mode from-pfire bar- No»isýaitats-no mi. rinest bealer 1 crei gt Prpâdt an ailway Stto i LV lffEDs, MÃ"TOE FI(;s. ' TIIEGIDLEYBOAT CO.IMIEPNTAG 'Ai o tr f( fg el ARCHIVES Or1'NTARIO I' .1 -.resrl- ~- whs siuld be dane lu case unued II LU; IF'-RLLE' rauglithewds-a ra ey bultcets prcscutcd 'for refuu4 ta agent 6ne'aplcaionICLLiBai)4e5 n. oefet-a t op dï-ai ea mutan . - before.-the train 'starti; , to agent or pevnpýtlereSj>sutrid ' 'n~ths -arnwhici wawalkd tetic ummi '~ ,~ ~ # ~general office aftet' train'departe; tleice_~ tHa,.irtranaasWeilerkopf. I will "Sa-mre or'mre iollowiug day; i thie larg ,ajtr ai-otsf ree from- ants. Ïplain this moat Important posltla " â/ h ~'case ai- pass1engar, tickets; in- tic case rlt<>a nO - troubplo'wh trai priep i morne detailas I arn specifcally 'ai- ,f<~' " -.ê~.. ~of sleepiiig.,cartickets; in-thfliccase a oalitfo,~~*kXrh~,Na wed té do by thse Freacciesorahip. ' - parlor car 'tickets; lu" thse case Of~ <" *~'~d' Th atpart ai the rao ve 'eteamsnhip,,tickets. The anawer whiièh c; ~atU#II~~i oedAaEnfïe",ffen,-t m- f 'ici ail supplies.are carried-ls un- -'thse railways rec'eived waes as.foUaows. err of-thai'ticGanman artillery, 'but'. There can be n firouud aitie tax la not unýtil, oua readlies tic very Iffi'uder any ,clrcurnstaucei.- Once fie' aceo aitic rauud knab, wbich la the '...ticket' la soi ad tic tax colact ed, lb artranai Weilerkopf, that oa na- - laas thougl itlbwere lu the. Dominiaon!"~" ers. tise boyau. -c off ersansd nothiÏg but an act ai Par- -- - m 't.- We iindiaely ateBdiament can get it. out'agin.,- Itwas . omujKlu. Weimeiaey nerdtihe.front MW [ns tranches. Lkig nraughaa explained by tise Dominion autisonlbleir lede peephle, I saw tise German that-.lu order ta prevent thecocafusiaftit 'rônt trench oaly tea yards away. I tat would arise la applyiuglteralrw~ A~'SEU UINS OOL ýsked at once liow 1iscould remain tsemillions, ai tax stamps tisat woulg ....2..,LLI W '2.... ýo close, why mines werc jt exploded havea been rsquiredon railway tieket aderneath- cc otlier's fenclics. '~ -- and the corîsequentdifficulties wih'l UMM "Solid rock'," said the afficer. That -wauld have ensued owiag ta delay lin ana-Ch"ro t~,£.t.NO 9 tic expianatiosi; it la only an solid affixiag and cancellatiQa aif stampls, W. place zuany Xgrduates lu- positions. -ock tliat sucli positions ai this eau tie présent mctliad had'been adopte xâ, Writ@ to-day oClagCaod. )e found. 1.1uiUtto principal, 734 iTn go stre6 eounderrdCt.'EEG have reasoaably expected s rcfund Mi -From Tihe Rochester Hera.- a îtamp tiat had basa affixed ý rm Odd 'bulleti wied contîauaily ________________________________ canicelled, if ticket were, rfundeig l Highest 'Cà )verhead; twa shella cxploded lu tic osoas oreudmybe ext- >peu opace behiad s wingrat oeco- LONDON'S -D----STREETS. 'teribe uan, 0 aso a u d ma e ries aidf or not itwenty-five yards away; an- e gV anfS Icete4 d teG INe nue tien expioded rat tic very basa ai tic Order ofI 'Liglits Out"1 Causes In.a- : aand d pt.I te unua e a t recaagtc etngleifents, crease of Cagualties. of Vu.L.g. - f udc uan. of tice iwaordteaci ai, purehaîsg heoetathetiktlacodnf vihnonly a ,fw feet -of us, tice U Ie UIeII vtihtic Tax At iî a complpted ta lrmoiante, an dtsagr ebe, idie hv as ild n ,00iJjd nCR be C rdtax la eonceracd, and under no cia' wé are the largeît buyera of 'or tice rtillery ai bath ansleas selhe streets af London aincetic pre- thelaleowstadhs GineninAecaadhvte ach others' front-lins trenelies ten sent war -began. This lias been duc Do't give up! Yrou eau be cured cudi oreudd omai o rietein clen " ndrhit. We tce< yards spart îrom positions penimpa entirel>' ta tic dankening ai thse cen- and made wcl again. That bacit- iudi tic taxpassbed. s a4eca r threfresy ymndýo.u.it ie cash B,000 yàado .away. tre pi tiec ity, wliich thse War Office ache and draggîng wearnaess can be wud ohave taxbepossed b>'palîci- pthres.If ayyou 'hea'ild oras We matared later ta the headquar- supposcd would gq d tise citizens stopped for ail tume. Thuse sisnp pie.I ol ido ters of a régiment, and licre w--u aw agi. the paru Of Zeppelins. On ance attacks whca bciidiag ovor, and that me Kvc sisn, refo u thie bsglnniag ai a remankable unden- Occasion ai tie Genînan airerait droy- I lameness la tise marning cain aisa be ELEDRSSY'. ltat p ne at, o fr ii Oayu grouad city. The tronches and chani- ping a bonb eaven a remate section aif ovenconie. Every riche sud pain due WHA RTSHLhES A. aetand e 16t rshlrnit youu o bed ar wito veyarod suaiporth Londoen, te ly to aieexdtsudtiojneof u ickly once you start to use Dr. Nothing counits exccpt ta save the highest offer. overled ihlevywo uprawa u ie> a tceticin a aiitan's Pilla, a marvelous remcdy national liie.-.Lord Haldane. - ,n e fnfiepaca- putnsaor.eicslctTchtis igit..I on sg mdaimos >'it irage Thsisro spreoorprfi,,u frbutd luteù oBo Here -also wè îaw anc ai those sad Paria, whiei liai not'been danken- healingz effeet upon thc kidac>' and D vdButiý r 1,ti 'img aie eetne w d and whiei lias inequentiy besa vis- lvr twi thtat dragging pain equalit>' ai sacrifice.-Mr. MeKenna.0. gra'é rvisd cmereiwonsc. lverStant, aiticl Victory will came, but it will nat .162 W. 27th St., NewYorc, U.S.A.- grefiower stnewa-which ons secs itd by Gansan air shipi, has not ouf-i-nathc loins growiîî m.Sttth 50 aibsa aetich front. fcred one-hundrcdth part of bis cas- cura to- day.Delay wilman sweiled came ai itscîf. Wc have gat ta wifl ________________ Wewle tagttruhteusities that tic ban on electnic iglits ankica and ibiapncmai b u i hole nation lias got ta> We twakd Astkrca ndg t t herougli tic Lodon pains lu thc muscles sud joints and win it.-Mr. Bonar Law. woods a er Athrci, andnatrti liascaufe'la Lyofndon. Thexplana..other painful symptama as well. Il If we lbac bia war, not oniy is thSe How tise Wonid Sleeps. furtier edge i emninatytina adt'a radiul nighl ila you are aiwasa incd, have continu- possibility ai ,votes for women- gaingr' atpap1aep n hirads opensd fine, as ýtic>'closel>' watci simpi>' that Lord Kitchener thinka oua licadache, dizzy spolia ad P od isppar bt ls vte.fr ca osthtipeorlkses dran, up.Else- ticse woods, sud bic buliets hammen darnassa hings wan home ta the pop- bofone bic cyca, or nînging noises in tw i be arthia ai oticest.-or menpissat alwss, sd hrses commoly tirougli tise tes-angd b ular md sud ado stirnulatea recruit- bhe ears,-tieae arecomrn Yiii- P ani t herat. ' M splieptstaw'and n p dswi boyau, wc made our way directi gl afria bsn fada c-toma that warn u >"îuaihbis%ÃŽ7 a urt ta ic rot hes.peins ti Lndo gaî'aonlioesnead ai Dr. Hamilbon's Pilla oî q 'In- lb la bic dut>'. aiever>' Firat Lard' exception ai owls sud tic hsanging to te fontlinï. elis, te Lndo gayIsn hpesdrake and Butternut. Soid la 25e.oaithe Admirait>' ta mauntain thc ficet parrabà ai India, aicsp witli their lb was cuniaus to watch Altkirch, same Gennian warcraft will dams bila boxes b>' ail dealers la madicine.' - et ail times in a abats of in stant ýn1Ï heads turned taiiward avn Y ba1t aili and quieb la bis aitennoon .suai. way, and if tic>' do lb la bliaugit thce._______ac mNt amut could ere sTeaton, baui poruge pants i-ai rng mtedowat A BIT 0F BRITISH PLUCK. Asquith. e rs between tic win sund bis body., man> alat e ters Th toa scin stateie oins wil nia thm dwn.Tic Gaverament still hoid tiat tie Starks, gulis, and other long-ieggad cd qthe uamaged, qui- te uaafec c ; the iur ie boare not a i-; French Geacral Hoaorad tie Despatci practicas ai German aubmarnlis arc birds, îlecp standing on anc leg. ryta expose bie murdanous résults aiRier not ony lapflagrant breach ai tic iaws' Ducits slecp ou opeirwiitr. Ta avoid" by ti wr titofvEr>'ae. fca; ioufoiisan a uxpsRVe.a ar, but are mea, eowardly, and driftiag siorcwsnd thsy'keýeppaddliugý AnOte iEcp. - their polie>' ai liglits out. But bie>' There lsas prctby itie atol'>'con- brutal,.-Mr. Balfour. wibi oas foot, thus maklag. .tism - We continuai blirougli tlîe tnenclieî are approximatel>' aceurate, sud have cernng a f ew mabor-cycliat despateli- Wc,,hold.,oul i>'tby-five 'miles Oi mov6,e,-lu a. circde. - Slobhs- slsep 'hÃŽige - witi thuikrwo uî im ee eue ut, Iollowing,,man- nidans wio wsre trying ta get a de- battis front, as against more tissu iag b>' their four test, tic head tucit- rt 'poneýscounctlat tire. ousa- Iuer: ' ' -he - ts n a u slýateh thýrdu gh toa s'certain, French 800 miles ield by tic French, bruË cd la bctwpeutheirfarelegs. Foxes rat pont, 8 tht iar woldai- la 91, wti Is lîitsonsa s-generai. Thoug inlu saiet>'tieml- thise thlrty-five miles are, tieen= and walves slcep' curlesi up, ticir way ' be au oubiet ai escape. The>' ual, 579 pensons were kiiled l iese slves, bis ground aven whieli tie of bisa position.-Ben Tillett. aeadtesosaibirftcle werc fine treacica, wibi wood fonr, streets ai London b>' iorsc-drawu, message îad ta be taken wss swept _____n,_holsofter et ls uader which s gubten rau, btsa carti ait and motor-drawn validles and b>' bi- b>' a nain ai shrapnel, and bic, first 1ttais le, anakea, d yfhiai shy etraide ieid back b>' - saplinga cycles, and 18,944 pensons were marc inu, aiter a iurried iarewell ta ii B>' rubbing tIse breast ai a fowl tile. Raesr cyakepend ih f twledtaetir ik wikcwok.A or leas seriausi>' injursd. The Home,.inienda, jumpcd on is machise and witli lemon-juica befors bailiug, your citÉlwass "riaing"l beiow ýgraund. Office lias juat given out tic Officiai: dasled fan bie danger zone. Ha w85 will be able ta sead it ta table witi a p 4t ry iaw score yards tier. was a fguresfo 1914, whiic show tint acnarly trougi when a placca ai snow-whité appearane. ~7 Z~ LJO N .. jEIPOS!TZON 'u "Vl OICAGOa pai ai waben, witi a battis of hypo- last yean 637 pensons wereJcilled as rapnel___________billet,_and____came îulphibe ai soda, ta use against as- 25,239 more or licasaeiausiy hurt inhapn oun d te te gbutd liTe cnet ' -gnOTs.WzUTNNN X»AILW4T." phy headgaeslonghreltaa %tisetaccdgtsrFurnd.ndd Thepe dnextrln plylaiggae. a ieaisa steb ciens1 man on tise Uit started witi a dupli- o 4fr the New Passenger Ternn-C- stanîblL . Thee fgurs sow tat n 114 ate deapabch, but lis was lesa lucky> Minand's Li nient Ca., Limibed. caga tai san'Francisca,"LasAgeead At Danuemanie W5 55V1 tic general blicre were 58 mors detis and 6,2951 tiabic other, sud lis cama dowu Dean Sirs,-I isad a Bieediag Tu- San Dag.Chia iscanie and direct ai division. "The oni>' wm> to wiii more non-fatal injuries tisa lu 1913,1 heavil>' before lie had gane a quarter mor n anMy face ion a long bume and routeshlrgt e as ail th e ay Duet bila war," hae said, 'la ta kill cnough1 and 1913 was' s typicai year, ratier 1 of a mile. The third man jumped on tricd a numben ai", rae ici witisout' trace. autômatie electrie safety signais Germans."- higier tiabic average. But tic W5 rq i siie a ong "shl-out," au>' goad isesults.' I was eadvlsed ta i ail thse way. Lét us plan your trip and r' his machine, and goi 1.fuynish folders sand, ful'~telr.Ai An acting bigadien-genenal ai AI- did not commence until Auguist 4, and md iog u dhvrdisd-tr>' MINARDS LIIMNT ad fr Irres bookiet "ItIncraries af nome of pnChser odme tiat gaiet>' bic liglibi were not pub out - oc.I t ieFec usiaïg aevenal bottles it made a com-1 the Forty Ways andbfors ta -thé Cali- isine Clisaseuns bold ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ oce.spatch t h rnhgenaral. Juitpste ue-sdl eid'~ psd onaEpstos"I iis o an plssm were liii watchworda: The increas la accidents aven 1913,1 as lis was turaing away ths radpe ad aitgeir.ed n onan*d moniie" B. 1!. Bcnnett.GAeu4 that as evenybod>' kuew tic wan lb ma>' le saisi>' asaumed, baok place ý man stoppai hlm, sud, baking tic nib- DAVID HENDERSON. 'fange Street, Toronto, Ont. wouidisît avant eyars (until ctirel>' in tise pernofa four sud a1 bon ai tise Medaille Militaire iram liii Belleisie Station, Kiaga Ca., N.B., tiers were no mors childrea> anc had issu moatis, dating irom ucnar tise brcast, pinaed it on ta bic motor c>'- Sept. 17, 1904. Anotier disagrecabie biing about béat enjo>' lb; and that lanliii opinion middle ai Auguat, whan tise siectrie ciisb's tunie, tlsus preaeating him witis tis a cticr-peoplc are alwaya want- a îad man was s dead man. lighta were ordared out, ta tise end ai ans ai bic higist honors of tic-î.n otakaoti. 1tic ycar. Assumîag bhs same ratio French Army, igt al bu t CHILDHOOD DANGERS. of accidents eauscd b>' bad ligliting A Horrible Thougit nn.' nmn ue aduf ion tise finît tires motis ai tic pro- iTise phrase "Pigeon Englisi" ia ssid 11I sec bis Germans have a gun - Nosmtaita idct aya en Yiw riv tsprxi telyt be derived £rom "Business Eng- tiat will shoot 27 miles." tibscuom a mn> lrg 1 oedm topas twitia temtattofen-tbre ar, ie at ol iv avcd. mat lia, >ien"o pdi, ar- " a' erbe'Ja mgn tuon.Tic ittî alîent >' ~ ~ ~ be t nocd, anno liesentng tc Chassepronnciaian iT-+t ivableta lappe iflamethel anusctur micad emloyes lairabo . 1 1 1 1

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