Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 24 Jun 1915, p. 6

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pushed them to tii halti' lier prophetie n in.$ "T t~ai h it across erc1'mediaiu.s elewc -oud feel -was therj ie Aoiiebni ettied deo' in*e evTsýwic een m ere tahe Coiîti sec It, te dils hew Adolphe hti c>re lffa yh hlm tint sic mhd given her ansver lu persuhomeglie hBedes-lu insm on that cre.,- h ie oltirig hy preferred O "Wcii, socuthyvi athe h e alvtit e her oteye -Wbole ç>nry..untier their centre1t o tbblci utfbrvT, .e-v hal p e atcten etc En ,Ierto ,to jnin< li e y.vrto Ge huI, tey qlpessticnatves e e ticdvi n bleshpeci Adolp1e( Ye nov tiey ot1retentit esndcr vithLce ni hynaburallY lilsinter- t~ costempt. Nov listen, aud I vi11 te"îl pre ti is htisre th0t i e sioud P you vihat thce sheme W' isend uî~te writ l:ueeù a s ene ilvi Sic squattecldevin and ti ed ti justice, a reéns cf-revsrding bier, thc cuti*vile he, firet wth. tic navi since he coulti not give- her .a- sînrée h idea Goliug isti insýpireti, teidltieiirluti mn, vlci hati led hlm, al- be viti iltc8 xit11u c uvly tîcugi selavery vas net supposedt t kindiqd artier cf euthusasii, bic vay b. ceutenanceti, te cempremsevit Kruçer kcpt tiecocuntry bnck freiheicBoer farmer fer a large sum, cf clvlizatien ilu ortier toemake meney, mouey. and-because ho feit iustiuctivaly tint Since tien Azuma had been looked' for al ils cuuniug, a civilizeti coun- upou viti mingleti a sud r A try woulti nettolerate hlm, tint ha by,,th fev EBoers round about and~ could no longer ce ntrel it. Anti Licb, ase svouderful sud supernatural be- tcid ber,, aimdst as if it venea-a faixy ing by bic Kaffirs, a sentiment vulih tale cf wouder, wiat veulti ha banilad0gee ar te eniance Àdolpie's - tcBritish ,possesseti it, hevi ridgs plrtyaogttoani d and railwany viulti b. built, und wovcn n spell -cf ssfety arounti hlm C sehools anti Churcie, anti hov inc, ucih ashmcî nfae il turne oven lier race woulti fare better, attempte te finti eut semething about to aud grevi rici." I lier had faileti. Tint slle vus not a fe Andt tiugi sic listened vîti von- Kaffin ho vas sure, har limbe andte thb dor anti amazameut, fer aIl tint, ut Lchape cf hlie cati vere cnet lu fluer r thebb cuti, aie shoek hha atioulti et tic rici blackness cf lier , "Al that," sic mid "if the Bitish-skin ie;badethe icidea tint sic bld01 cenquar, but 'if net, iitic Boer-i' is auywhite blooti, anti tic Knfirn tolti'FT thie battle, wia1tien?' 1duflerent tales. Seme tint sic mad ci .Yes, h:! lad thougit cf that, anti as coena a caravan cf slaves frcm tic ti sbc saidthetic veds, tItis woutierful ia-' Soudan, tint her parents had beau tl t elligent bciug, hae latigied. 1 kilîcti by ticBoeers, otiers tiat sic :at "The Boeers beat tic Britishi" Tic vas bic daugiten of a çreat chiotdi ides vas absurd. vie m hd been taken prisouer and Anti Azuma swept her. int back-i dict inlup'son. ÃŽ 'Wrds enti forvards shoio'1 xg,bim thic Whcu le ever thoiegit about it al, (h Veldit, the great tracts cf laut i ci' Adolphe Lieb inclinodti te latter o0 tihe flocre huew-no e elli,but vuli e pinion, en account cf tic quiet dig- 'C reitier tic Britishi soldiens,. nor.even nity cf her bennlng, anti ien easy corn pq bhe Higilanti tro'ps; hati uny idea cf.' commandi over the other servante offci "'Ibcy do not kuev hils country,": ils icuseicîti.o sic saiti, quiettv. "sthey do net- kuow'A atrc ee tdtutmc tic Boer,'ehv licer kuo ecy kep matter vint sic hati been fortemsh ery Uô,h inLe, aey e;biy 'man! pply a proverb if ut nigit aIl catis d rojeliluLi al~-d e very manj arc grey, aIl black vomon anc lu a Y ~nd'wmî,n nt q),hit, -hoti. er1snse aliko. Andi Azuma -uuderstood el hmni ouift e a'ho W, &maila, tiat ha wauted te bc alone, anti crept tb chilt i sIeincant, "viii C&M .auivycrept sway- te vandten forth fi ansd they Will shoot fr ebhi they 1hesfauerinrit besaeç wil eib whx ac cepa "'hava- garcien te listen underis wiumov te e Ho lad sic thetîit cf ail tii. jtie strains cf Adiolphe Lieb's violin, e this voman? Anisic ent te A the ic xquisite music u in lihhe' ticy ivili sny, 'We came. icre frt strove te chase away tic suggastiug vibat r4$,t have you?" 'hdamonswvilci fi nunteti power, andti Yes, Azuma vas igit, viat right 1 danceti before hi. eyes lu vingedt] hai tty-t~,Bitish or ~t Gçrmans s, , i otsfGllg: te coin. and, -take thiir- country? "Tic British govenument viii be c Their wenti,' thnt wva athier bîing, vei'Y gratetul, they vili recegnize lb thc Ittinovr iavloetinnbîigeven if ticy canet abselutely sug- -' ecu teeafraiti te spenti meuey, tee e ." bestial te cure fer impreviug bice Anti he vas hardly avare tint tic counti Y, or tic wlfarceof tItein bre-i music lad n siugîug'mystenîcus veicef Ilîren, buît their country! a singin, mystenieus voice vîlihind i Yet us oee viecunnet at onct e-i ptvrst smsesd reii linquisi ýa navi-.anti deep, ad výer-'teAsg ic ends e1 Azunia, thc fui thougît, lie 4ent on. 1 enAfican Maitcu. "Tic>' wlIlî sayý. te "But ifi e vin, Azuma, viat &en . 'We caine here firet,'siat igitt ýý M1 nt wn - no"- ith Anti a fevi tiys later becaus. hae hacu Yof medn. eet vn, nov, vi awtedtbo finti eut tic truti, because handulcf axi Thre iiib~ looi ecthing matie hlm distruet Go'.- t goeî ywil e, anti i mns iy iiling, 'haesturteti for London, and î go, ou wllib n - ot Azuma sàiti: Si* spoke n'novl .e oes8, hlia dI"If yeu clnet tuke nme yeu viii cYcta .eeing once Mxore tic stranga v e-uk, nih tailuit number-, ani-siglis \iàto vulci te 'avnti saiti," n i a a sandi lad !failen -betvecn tepebbies, "Butd viiisoncm bc talkamîg like oee l s creamu. urenhe- BtIIilso om ak1 sylng afe But it vas bacause sic lad tirevu 'thafwmca yeu vili boec, y. e uf t i feet ina..apassion et Emiges.", at tcBer u tk tcL' I'yeu denet taka Azuma sic laine." I*111 due," thntle ha d bakea her vith No eue but c4 f ber ovu race' timn te London. coul' kuowi iov ic the re~iiltic____ fuiler peve that migit cerne te the - Bofrs bivey conquerati andtihif' 'CHAPTER XVI., woId cnun unielase i Engli It vas peniaps juet ns veil tint a bro ugt.ùçh tieusantis as sic, liter, od f aveaber content had corne te sinrce cdntimaginae a-y Jaudith atthe tim: e emet ~' anti ke.'11 1 as weil tint sic met his lu surrounti- "An hÀ y loe.tic>' vii say lbt inge vuxci matie fer vcil-being anti ,r'.Iwas ycu, thê ic" ii kili you, bic Beers, jrcstfulnessa anti that sic vus amengst - ,;or peniaps tic Englisi, because you'these vie admincti ici anti liket ieha 'd*jdpet vin." j1 anti thought wel cf iar, andt tnthti ýQtnd vitieut nnsvening lier ncv inferest of dérunning thesa Af- 'Aioipia mad gene eut labo bhc gar-: ricans,"9 as -Lady Giauceurt put lb, Ha v e anteti, te bc alone viti mhd breugit soe vivacity back, soein fifougits, with those fermer eues vivacity anti vibaIýty vulci nesponti- Wh .i ill cung, i ese nevi cd te teunusati in him. Fer tiere - u Is-'trange- veman hmd eveked, vwas n gooti deul cf tic unusetinluhlm. 1 be - uage woman vie mad comae Mc lad net yet grovu veur>' of life, into is ' * e einl oquietîY, 8e , uer even met many -of litsstreager usoeught,- nda yatvue hati brougit:etions. Ticemrobloîn cf great anti bim weiecycudt tntof almoat ay;evar iacaain ealti lad baca h ie, a h ~ant inlu epence ef trcnchery Ite - T4 hlm glk~ aAadcmad ikea s- itkuekeý! t gans Gliu'ztis CERS spent literu, jouruys- w O utmî ýi at n s>' Proiongéai 'faeh,,YearÃ"Wi6r mzd oger, sebne buîlt anti embpeie4 id wltli»sbieVeldt abseif and, rareiy ome Anto eether occasions'Azu- s _hati sald notiinge wben1,.b;'caxn v ent., He hati been tvieuty-flve 'li he finît vient te ata>' viti bic ,ll1ings ucv h. vas.bhirty-4ivei ton, an ier than Judith, vio.,.w-as reénty-fie "vieIl rung -eut, andi hé Ossessed -Omorn f the fréeubueus-cf outh, cf boyhood airnest, aud aIl Its I wsteday he met Judithl, that b tld hîmucif biat 1f. hati reailly C(To be continueli) FISE[ CULTURE IN CA.NADÂ. Lrfielal ]Propagation Necemsar' For Ite.seoking Lake& Artificial fini coultur-e l a necee- t> lu onneetiouvilth emornfe anada's bettfood -and gaine iseo. ' Tiis ldue in tie firistiase 0ever-fish ingi'['en maay of ftir eeding anti #inng grounds lu îe In« sant iivers bave -been indby the carelese deposition )f iu.duetrilanti otiiar vestes. 'hese conditions app>' viti epe- Jal force te such l labo pecies as te vultefisi, oete ie st of te feod fluhes. In 1915, apprexlmn- Lely 281 million vihitefiai f ny icre 1istributeti iu the Great -lakes. Dur- îg the. present-season tiree u'w atchenies are iuncopération. One jf tics., situated nean Keucora, )atario, vas designeti fer thie pro- = ato i viitefisi andhis aa opdt> f 70 million eggs. A sec- utid, at Thunievi, near Belleville, Datario, replace a sualer oue tint hat beau in cipenation iu former 'cars at Newicastle. -lb vii ne- co'modate e'iet million sumn nrout and over 60 million wuhite- flt, andtihVe thirtin luQu'Applle pank, h«s a capaoity et 50 miâlionu eggs. The Kenon a tcliery , be- ever, viilbc useti for pickerci as weli as vultefislx, aithougi Vthe lat-- ter villl be the fish oiiefiy handlcti t1e fry beiug usei- in stockiug tie wnta-nslunVthe Laite cf bla Wcode district. The Goverument I. te, be cois- mned for amoistiug se matenial>' n Vie maintenance cf- Canadas fresi water fishanies. Tire. hava a anuxai value cf -about $4,000,000 and, if wiscly censerveti, are cap- able cf gretat-expansion. Besitiee, in districts suci as Vhe Lake et tie Woods region, krc'pimtg the.va- bers stocked viti gae.asd fend esh ii viiserve te fZrtier enha-nce blei' value as tounit renonts. Cen. ada; is certain te ba visited b>' an within the next fev yaars, and han faie as a "sportsenaa pana4ise"? wiii do mue-i te increase the nuin- ber. HOW ShorP Pg IVas lmîve'ted. To a Massacbniseta mani, Josepi \Valker, la due tic credit of in- venting tice er e -eg. Pravious teo the year 1818 its use 'hati not been kno'wn, anti hic inventor gave a nevi start te the manufacture cf boots a-ad E-hoes. Biiorti>' aftcn Vihé introduction cf tIis invention -orne unscrupuleus parties are said te have triedti t swiyxdle tic unsîxspc-cting by eni- denvoring te seli nicer pegs as a nev in od c ets. Up 1818S boots anîd niecs md been sci tie<, andtthe p-cg, firsb madie by haad , -me lu to ravolubionize the brade.' was, '-hovieven, the- custoin of eh ake-rs vie lived avway- f rom the anufacburing cen- tres te ut-ke their ovin p-ega by baud even as late as 1880, but the machiae-manufacbufred peg ha now sup-exseded thein. Neediese Labor. "What le your r easen fer bclléievg Ia the nebuxur hypothesis?" asked bbc man vite Is alvisys seeking lu- formation. "I do't knev that I eacti>'e be- haeva la lb," rapiied the scîanblst. 1$ut afttr a' mabas gene te bbe >brouble of flndlng eut irbut It Is,, h scems' a shame te centradcllcb lb» 4 mr ur readitiu bae madec 5 la. comnv- ,.?kco orete ACTVI~FWOIEI euarmsues are contracteti ver>'erl vier 1,000,000 cf the 2,750,000 W sMinu MevYork are foreigu boru. Clanadahan three'police*oernen-TG ronte villa bye antid tvavlhci Tiere 'arer 62 pelleevoxien *in th United Satsat bbe pre scunt tiane. Russie fîinis more',vomînfigil ers la van btime than nny oÃŽer ils Kenlownak, B.C., scicol tendier ae put on tire quarbers' p y. lng te a greaten extent than bic« useti te. - iueteen vemen are nov servini as memieru cf counclsisnluEngaxi anti Wales. The average vages of 125,00 vicrlclng vimen lu Chicago arc lcs bilan $6 per veek. The rncviug picburc ceusorsill lu Peunsylvania provities for a vii man oenucr et a saiary of 20#500 yenr. Wemau suffrage leaders lam tii 49%a per cent. of tic tenniter>' cf tb -Unitedi States in suffrage bcrribci7. Two wemen vili be on bic comimil tee tint viii grant pensions aud a loviances to disableti Bnitish soldie: anti sailrs. Alticugi sic in pnsb 80 years age, Mrs. Rebecca Smnith continues1 vcrk ever>' day i a Hageretevi Md., papier miii, 0 f bthe nearly 1,000,000 famillesj the Unitedi States, only i,o00,oÃ"O ce afeord te kcep servants. i Miss Paullîxe Siebentiai, n co-etià bic University' cf Indiana, recentl matie a venld', record vihen il vaultet i sx feet anti one inch. Mangienite, Quccu Mother cf Itai mus n fati of collcctiug gloves ai sicas tint; inve. beca voru bytiutii guisheti sovereiflls cf bic past.- Wcmeu ticket collecters on tl London .railvisys vear becoming ur ýfeorms cf bigit-fitting dark blue a' regulation railvia>'cap vith deep zen. If bbc proposeti constituticon ameudmeut bccmes a lavin Calife nea, ever>' bacielon girl lu the sti bebveen the agas cf 21 anti 30 yull taxeti every ycar. Since bte van began Rusela i given tic Onden cf Saint George eighty vomen, al cf viom senvati tic rankseaithen ýas figiters or vie untier fine as Redi Cross nurses. Mme. Eugenie de -Reus Jaucoulceo prasitieut cf tic Rounianin Womi Suffrage secicty, ha. receivedti higiest ticeeratien possible fer n w ma lu that country, tic Banc Mene ti, firet ciase, la recognition cf h litera'>'anti social vork. A Brave Frenchi Child. The remankable ativauturas cf tvalva-yean-olti bey, Antre Guede ame, on thc batia fieldi bayondti Marne, vere told inluanlatter that AIE antre Millerad, te'French minisi cf van, hue matie public. Wiea tic -troep s vane passi bircugi tic villaga cf Neuilly-( Thalle, littie Antre saidti t hie iitht "I'm geing te feliovi bhc soltiieri Off ha vent, apdtheti régiment ho f leati as seon lu tic thick cf1 figit. Sub-Licutenant Grivaiet tc tic bey untier is protectioin. Durng thc tirea tinys cf tic Bat cf Bouiiiancy tic yeuugstan nentuil b>' tesida cf tic lieutenant ou fting fina; anti veuiti net leave hi aveu theegh thc German artiliery a machina-gun fine avcpt the rai' Lieutenant Giivaiet vas veund anti, still untiar.fine, Antre carriati1 efficcr's everd, revolver, mape, E equipinent wvitheybi 'leeketifer -ambulance. Tic lieutenant vas picked up b>' Rati Cross wadon ant ien ute railîa>' station te take te Itepi train. Antre rau for miles aftar, vehicie, anti suceetiedlin idiug hi self in thc train. Se heaccempar -Grivelet -te Riva Bella, where Ite Yeiiev anîts, mixeti vitIt racla .sauce, ara antan in Brazil. Ever>' man imagines tint ha tPut up a cenvlncing argument, can ha? kon the Farm sh, biltcica during 'oui ementishe f, tic year. 0'Nu'cwtaie iaaffl got to, some of the,1flwhn Mg w ofstem -f 4o 'Tibue1 Maw pe*pMùtlig, tht. abundant'ttid- inox. - i lbigger, 'tikeï",longer cookinti WNIE pensive fruait to, thé ,fathlily to, whlch than thé, - judu1üaV' -dinplig'4se.- To begln'wlth, always serve cher- cherry 'or bard sauces." mwnIrnnhifjsmnÀ f i ries freui, whether they are served W1th - ee* Creamo-Putf vanila, e c~ >~ aU JtU I~ raw or co,,O!1kedj If toqmaty cherries cram iII desuert - glause, andi over aebâigbt tô 'b. disposed 'd white 'eaç4 porion,, popr several table-. theyaro fr.sh, eute-sprlo5spoopqo f %clU1y sauce, mode . y WHÂ[T 15 GOfllG !<-01I , toncne, s è_ lÏiyCý are:4ffl fl . dpo gà La oupfu c f, raulated 5ugWTE SÂTS sweé. 1$ý*tblg es touteanti qual- meltef1wla-double lioller, -ôver' two îty mrt- equlckl br stanig' than cïpltald 't-toùod cherisé. Pour thé dosa cherry. saue e'ir -the. f Qrath- as, soon s dees r annotitis mi o' ieateý i ~b eiel8test Happenings lii Blglepubll - ito fthe- amprtion -of the old thotrglY'- chid. Coàdenseflotr Bs rhme b ,ide ' àqu1ku cat oa Cwîerý Tieêi and lce.-Âdd wik b ee."Bt btas-dlclu soet hëMtolp ý,r1ce or, tapioca leaders. that It l ortoh rmakineg,jjêverthe& pudding f foi a',chç ge KAtapioca Tiifte.n anhu in St. Louis Whow >legs. ThL, Iîddmatie wltb stoneti puddignea4e -without milk, suad eirgs a re'te epo of $252,605,592. chsrrieoýs lu mch piessante - at.j n tes eeteedtaPioca COOloe NXor k n--N,-farph Stone. thw cherfrmea refnujy, wlth- a tc transareney in wàter-ios-deliclous-amlu rshpe adl e shrp 'n nde su ave sU the-,juice1 hnstat hr ie a-elavluhlY that cornes, fromn thein. Sweeenac- atidei, anti. the -puddingitcrug3 New -Ycrk polile carnival will cording*tte s'weetness cf tii. cher- ly chilleti before servi ng,,and tien havei te ou' aviatc>r showing by ry. The . ýýngluh, methot islutc make ,eaton with ýwhtpped i cream. Patrolman MupY. the pie of uàstone& i cherres, wlthout -Cherry Bilad.Dicé, fresh 'Pine. u&c uiscibia a lcw.er criait. E ut a'goôod pie -em3iil apple ani itteti cherries, - serveti on Kan, high sàiool said they hâd ne-, frcm a combinatlca of' two methodu crlsp whlte leèttîuce leaves with a ver seen a saloon bar. -a pi. wlthout a lower crust 'andi dresslng, matieo'f threart foie W.na. a ogt&bid ~"wti pitteticeris -ithondacl cee cf lemon, flavcred with £ng at Atlantic City as a, sanitarium e' of a deep tdiiuh'with cherries arcuud an sait. 'anti paprike, makce a tempting for store employes. lnverted cup-iu whtiè the juice wlll sala& lu cherry seasn. Another9g00t1 Alter the. review,,cf the foot" al kg gather instead of boillng over with salad. lu made by stoping cherries New York, three U.B. submarineo d cruot. Bake browu andi serve colti. anti making- esci cf thèm the- nucleus went on the crippleti list.- )0 Cherry Dumplngs.Here le a re- cf a small bal cf creamy cheese, John Bpcrandeo, cf -Collinerille, es ccipt for gocd cherry dumplings. It whlch has been'mixed with cicpped EL though without bands, ham i. possible to make these çlumplings nut mneats. Serve three or four cf qualifleti as a achool teacher. ~ wth plin isuItdouh, ut usthese balle on each plate, with ciop_ A Minneiegntho - suet doughinl periapu better. ÂllcwltteaniFuhdrSng Ce- lief in Union wa~elf bi i aone ounce cf finely choppeti uet to ries and oranges eau be combînet in lu wunt ech of hie palîlbearers. each cupful cf fleur. To oaci four a very gooti sweet sald. Pittsburg ma.gistrates. ro used te. ~cupfuls of fleur add a teaspoonfukl Au an Appetizer.-Firm, ripe cher- cenivict for gamibting nome Byriaus each cf saIt andi baking powder, ail ftre pikcwt eo uc n playing cardes fer beans. he hnwr n h utwt two sugar eau be servei on their stems Former financier Addichs, once etslîver kulves. Mix with colti milk to as au appetizer. Te hud 'pelutucal power-l i l.ar, at 74, a sif dougi andi roll out ou a board. thoroughly' chilled. a been jaileti for debt. Cut the dcugh in squares and ln the Àe Fruit Dessert.--Chcrries added haxitement over 'the wecduing of centre cf cach pu a pile cf sweeteu- toauy fruit combnticu for dessert her sou oaused te desth of Mr.. cd cherries. Pull up the edges of are geod.. With pineapple aud FMa. Lyman at Burliugtou, Vt. ofthe dough anti form oeaci dumpîîng orange, sweetened, and terved in Borne touriste cuncel'led their pas- to into a balsud steam for about au dessert glasses, with early peacies gsothMneaaas-lecr n, hour. Serve with cherry sauce, diceti aud served inl the same way, or sae ounith iont nhaa s e, ar lcream cr hard sauce.' wtth grapefruit anti bananas they Aried mnitions e England. i inare delicîcus. eued by Uunited States for $252,361 an Chekry' Tarta.-Cherry .tarte are Cherries to Drlnk.--Boil four cup- f rauci iu oustemi undervhàluatious. delîcicus, toc. To make thern, bakel fuis cf sugar with two quarts cf Wa- AIter 20 ycars iu Bing Bing the at tart ehelîs cf pie cruet, moderately ter for five minutes sud then pour aleioJnEwm h.be " îy rîch. Stew sweeteued, pitted cherries over two -quarts cf cherries _that have eae4;bwi1a.muýj r lie just eucugh te ccok them through. been pitteti aud forceti through vege- r ;Rewsanudrr Just beforo serviug put tie cherries table press. Add the juice cf two , fjffbc, c JasaavulE lu the tant shelîs and top caci tart lemous aud cill theroughly. Serve l'a.,..bas eompleted'his forty-econd y with a spoonful of whipped cream. with cracked !ce for a refreshing9 beyv- termni âspublic sohool tesoher. I- Cherry Sauce.-Cream a table- eragc. . Wode, ,c Pangb4urn;Q ar spoonful cf butter wlth a tablespoon- .Cherry Whip.--Pit soute ripe, red whiwieet a«50cn1c as bateB7and % h.fuI cf cornsturch audlient until cherries andi sweeten the juice. Atit rattle.n.e, walke tOyrds n ,h slight~ brown. Then add two cup- the cherries u uqates esif¶diei. ýn 'euls if stoueti cherries, a cupful cf ly beaten eggs, sweetened te taste.I Chas. Frohmnan, play producer, vi 'sugar sud a cupful of viater. Sim- Put two or- tiree tablespeenfuls cf I lst oun te -Lueitania, wâs once a mer until tic cherries are cooketi the juice lu the bottom of oaci des- newsbey on Philadelila streets. riaî soft. Rub throvgh n fine sieve sud sert glass anti pile the whip on top. A hobe tç>ltiCihicago- judges tiiat, . - . - - ~. thc city could 'net bc prosperous as ote totecw itlteKie' ag-cigar cunds nov blrovin sway arc at t, h ONw nl h Kisr dug-shorter than usuel. îl UULI IftKL e urit i-e toyasuo The convicts cf West 'Virginie One of the Oldest- Members. peun, a.t, Meuncleville, 1,227 iu nuni- as e Austrian Emperer is eue cof ber, arc to have Saturday haif heli' te in LUSITANIA INCID)ENT CAUSED jthe three eldest membens cf the or- tisys iu sumurer. ~rc REMVAL0F IGH NAES. der, having hadtheti houer ceuferreti Mrs. B. Vaudeveer dlaimà te poil. are RMOVALOF EGHT NMES- upon hlm in, 1867, the samne year luin %es tie axe witih »-wich Abrahatu 00, mite tthe ortier. The senior mcm- at Mont.gomery, Mo. katic er Crowu Prince, anti Certain of1 ber cf the entier in Prince Christian Ilmest every fariner in Ment- - ThitAshetsReoet r io f Schleswýig-Holstein, who wus matie goniery County, Alabama, ha-s stop' vo hi soitsRmvdFod 1K.G. in 1866. peti vork to look for a hoard cf e- the Order cf the Garter. . The dates ut'whýph tice ther mcm- train robbers' buricd gcld.* her Thpulehdbe alnfote bers now struck off the rell receiveti A dying message, vas sent f nom- The ubli hu bee calingfer thei houer are: Ther Geman Emperor, Margate, Enig., te hi. siater -at removal cf tic numes cf the Kaiser,~ 1877; the King cf Wurtemburg, Huibbell, Mici., by Herbert Tho- te Crown Prince, anti certain cf 1904; the Germun Crowu Prince, mes with the Canadien contingent. thelr associates frem the roll cf the 191HheGadDkec isse, A Penusylvania mauveas f recci cf a knights of the Order cf the Garter 1892; Prince Henry of Prussia, 1889;* a white islavery charge benaus'e ho by fer many menthe vithout effect, but th Duke cf Saxe-Coburg, 1902; the conveyed hie victim inute the State tic tic destruction cf the. Lusitania ac- Duke cf Cumbcriauti, 1878. by auto aud not byl rail' ex- complishcd what coltimns cf prctest - ;ter lu the newspapcrs lad faileti te ne- ~ - cemplisi. jO1 COLT DI STEM PE R ng Siertly nfter the- terrible net cf il'Cnb ade eycsl.T ek- re cured and ail ,en- the pirates; lu the chupel cf Bt. o ~ thers In sainie stable, ,ne ma ter how "exposcd," kept from er, George ut Windsor egit bannera b1O having tedsusb s ng SPOEN'5 nigum ISDV- :,rTZwWEx COMPOUN».Gr e on the tongui or In feed, .8110 Were brougit devu frem their higi ji Acta coi the blood and, expel$ germscf ail forma of dia- fol. places above tic stalle of the knightm. fie. - ~ rrey vrk nformre s ooIn al )r ý -. 1.ii 19 gistsan harness deaiers. Our _neBoke gives every- Sis icels, cut hic emordi baît anti broke! ius swet'd ever lis icati. as During tic six centuries frein thc cai rter's feundation uitil tItis ycaî'l cal>' binca kuigits have been expel-: but ld 0f tic elgit expelleti knights bye ara mambers cf tic British Royal family ani. nil tic cigit ara, of Gar- ma or Austrian impanial or neyai, Jbleeti., G Tic- Duka cf Saxe-Cebourg anti joh, ti a ngrantisen cf Quccu Vie- benla, h-isfather beiug tic Duke cf ýlbaui,-b tc Queen's fourbi son. Born =Zi iu 1884 lthe young fluke succeedeti is ýdy uncIe ou bus bliroie >cf the Germian prnndpality. The- immediate baIret if,l theDPukf f Ceziiaii5t anti Prince 60 years ago Grandiathexr got- an individual sugarpackae- "Ye Olde Sugar Loafe"madebyJohn Redpath, iiiwhat was thenî CanacWas onlg Sugar Refinery., Now, at less than hall ths gctsamuchimproved artic first )uble. 't& I i '1< J> -e 4 -l '-i e that the biceci and nerves ar to xneet the demand upen thei is. proof of the great value Williams'-Pink Pis ini case kind. Mis.,Âlfred Sochner, Y< i utinville, <Ont.,- ays: _"C year-oid daughter, Violet, vciry -everely from *St. Vitu The trouble came on se HradIu Wei were net alarmed until. it ber legs and arms, which woul and jerk te suc' h anf extent. 2euld scarcely walk and ceuld xnything in her.hands ' nteadi suffered fer abeoit five month we begap giving her Dr. N Pink Pille, but she had piot taç leng before we feund that tii the right médieine, and after taken nine bexes she rad full ered hér *fermer health and E ^1 cati -strengly reçonund « liams' Pink-Pills te ÃŽevery par _Lng a child suffering frem i dance er any ferm ef nervouw in troubl es of this kind i medîne has met -with such si Dr. Williams' Pink Pilli, Yot :hese Pills thro' ghçany -nediè t. or by mail at 50 cents a b )oxes for $2.50 from -heThe iams' Medicie Ce., Brockvill L4een Deceived.- "Unicle. wby didl you neyer '41 neyerfound a girl.wli hnve me." ', "Semebody's been feeling y sex ishit -that particular." L.0W FAIMS TO THEK CALIFOI POSITIONS VIA CHICAGO &If WESTERN RY, Four uqlendid-dai!y traino froe paggenger Terminal. Chicago ta ciseo.-Las Angreles and San Dieg cf Scenlc and Direct Routes tii best of tbe-Wetqt. Siometbiînx th"e wa . Double track. Auton triIaf y soenala ail the wai ,Plan po :trip and furnlsh fo tuil pari iulare B. H. Benneli Yone 'St., Toronto, Ontario.- 'Intrinuically, Vcoi',-r wcrth only a few pene.> -'xx 6 iùust -bie safe musl sanitarmy City Dai the 'bene, Toronto'i The mon a ,MbnJý4ô vas two ,V.(Oont'd.) look.y m lik a child. x . mat war,"i lod. '. blood." W 1 tb e fe

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