Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 4 Feb 1915, p. 3

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y4&u 1 epràae nfiIing SYacliro- ter r -establiihing àtr ld positions nies wiha sp,6l Of verY eold but 1VIeBiÈ broke freeh:-groünd and ,dry weather, which bias madle the part o! regiment in the Iorwaoed !§ ground firmier, tendin& to increased mqvçmeit lied ta g c Coss a&1vel '// Mobillty -of!- both the 'în!antxy and span. On their riglit was wliat, ap ' artiltlery 'and filling tlie meni witli peared tý> be a deseirted bayatack, more o!- the exhilaration of land- but as tpiey came in une- witli the k-hand fighting. Nevertiieless Vii. stack a deadily Maxhn fire Poureïd cuntryside ie, stili soit enougli Vo eut f romý it. Both the du'mmyr hay- make thse (ermans in their attack stack and iie occupante beckme a -Ehw-- decidedç preference for the. target f~, our watching artillery, rodan4 tbis explaine how on the but our infantry, nxevertheles, s!- main thorbughfar between Bethune fered sey~eoeeIy by this unexpecteu and La 3asseee sucli agradm massacre strategerk. BESUME BAITU~LOD4E~G' ~. IN ~ABPÀTHIANS Dep:fy-Chairmatn of'Lloydsa....... - Twoý greât bank meetings were held on Wedilesday afternoon, those o! 1:,"> :4¶e% ustoGcInian Forces Are LloydcI' and the Union and Smiths. Seekiiig Vo Bhock Jhssad Each ohaýrman presented a cheering Invasion review cif the trade col the .country. "-Gur commerce." said Sir Felix A despatch from London says: Sehuster, "ie pre-eminent now aind The reneiwal cf hostilities in Galicîn it will lie even more se whent niakes. the battie fine f romn the Car- war le over." HFe praised7theTrea Nursei Cas rying Wounded pathia-ns te the Interior of East osury's nn0w capital 'embargo. "The Too h ispAdNre ft Prussia. one of continuous activity. money at tihe comrnand cf the'Gev v !teFr~AdNre !t Thero lias beeq fighting during the ernmeat' was ample. Fresh %îan carrying a woundMd French soldi past few days at almost. every part operations during the coming helhed been hît by a flyîng piece -of the front, and thse clash ef effea- mfonths seemed hardly te lie proba- - -______ sive, particularly in the Central bie, whi1ý the rnarket ývould ele0y3 ~ Poland regions, :has lie» savere. too gla te welcone furtiher issues n llllIll The battle in East Prusia, on the o! Treasîîiry bille, but sh uld newrIJUJ! Mral wischen -. Lasdehnea iaeý- pro- demande have te lie madle in any ceeds withoùt let-up, and eù the, form there could lie ne doubt that REPORTS FROM 734E'LEI$DINO TRADE Bzura-Rawka fields the engage- response would lie rcady. ' At both CENTRES OF AMERtiCA. miente have been carried on furi- meetings mucli praise was bestowed Breadstuffa. olusly, upc» Lloyd George. The deputy- Toronto, Feb. .-Flour--Mtanitoba firfit Interest centres in3 the Carpa- cisairman of. Lloyd's suggested tha.t flt5 $7 isro. bakr,$67;Onai thians, whcrc the Auàtro-Germans he shoul4 lie macle a duke. whcalt flour, 90 per cent. petents, $6.25 ta havebroght p nw amiesto p-86.40. hav brugh upne ariesVo P _____ __+ _-Wheat-Manitoba No. 1i Northern, 81.54; pose tise Russian invasion of Iun No. 2 et $1.51. and No. 3 at $1.47 1.2, On- gary. Acéording to announcement r Ltarlo whcat, No. 2, 81.34 te 8$1.37, at oet ini Vienna they have - recaptured ITLYS 1 AR PIIEPARATIONS. to 7c. upointed a soine c tise passes uffixelithe Rus-Asraad emn eeîig 5 t, 59 l-2e.2on traek, Toronto. Wctetern sm-ne wer:anholdingnynBstorfnthgCanada No. 2et 70c. and No. 3 at 67 1-2e. Wile natrhlding inhe eg. Bs.1ey-Good nsaLting grades, 72 te 74c, Wii, itrlyteRussians, like -Alarmcd. otie the.other heiigerents, 'do not- relils A desp4îtch frein Chiasseo ay Peae-.o 2 quoied at $1.sà te 81i.90. out- givîng up any ground gained, they Austria and Gerniany lare growing s1r N ewAnr!a, 212e 1 -declare that this ise compensatced liy caily ziore a]armed a-t Italian war rail. Toronto freigbt. the !act tlîattheir aggre.eeiveness preparat4,ýns, and are augmenting Buchwleat-No. 2 at 80 te 82e, outoide. has compelledc the Austro-Germans their tro Ps along the Italian front- and shorts at $27 te 828. 1lolled oat.s-Car iots, per bag of 9D Ibo., to postpoe the expedition which iers. Geriiany ie pouring regiments s3 te 83.20. they were prepari ng with tise object from l3avaria inte tise- Tyrol, it be-- o!, crueshing Serbia. Russia hopes ing unclerstood that tise Germari Country Prodiace. tisat- Rou01mania, with lier finiancial" General Staff are controlling aIl Bran and .eorte-Branl, M25Ioe$26 a ton, Position guaranteed. by the -recent Austrian military plans. P jrince 2Battér-ChoIce da,ýry. 24 to, 25c; interier. London ban o! $25,OîO00,000, will .Von ,Buelow, speak ing »"Vo Italiamn coî1de.2 Z9 tu Me; ¶rmera. eparatorz6. ta endle aayinto tise fid1statesmezi during hýs recent mission ,27,10-, ar-n,,4te35: s ,b iin thge ni a&glink bctween 1 to Uç>me; macle it cli;ar thatif arma--li~es 8ta 30e: sterage, 26 te 27e., sua tad Srbis, ente and th e cncent'ation c f lioncy-12 tu 13e per lb. for strained; No. p art y volent confliet troops on tise Austrian lieundaries houlty-onick$2.75 presdze13No.ta25; teck place at àtlanka, tw-e, miles continued the central Empirs Umke. r~, 14 te 16ure; f .4lo9tao20é., north.À>! Sochaszew. In 30 minutes would lie oblig&l 'Î6 detiounce t ise gees 134 ta 1 turkey lrend 9t Il of tise flglttiag at Vise start tise Gcr- reaty o! the Triple Alliance and ta 17 -4 ,o7 for lare.andai 1 mans lest 500 killed i» taking a Rus. eend IValy -an ultimatum, demand- Beane-Prtme. huoheS, $2.65 to 82.75; sian tec f rom whiscis tisy wcre iuig eitheiý guarantees for tise main-_ land-pieked,. 855ta 82.90. trechPotatea-Ontarlos. 65 ite 75o Ver bag. drive» -later by a bayonet charge. tenance o! strict neutrality, or te eut <4 store, 55 to 60o i» car lots New The recent encounters have lie» lie considered an enemy. . Brun ficke. car lots, 60 te 65e per bag favorable te tue -flussians, accord- Ing to Vise ocial report o! the gea- 7rBaonLog t 1 14epe ~eral staff at Petrograd. lb. »nesse lots. Hakmà--Mediuiùm, 16 te 17c; A. Russian officer whohad chargeé MANSUBMARIlNE SUX1K. ý do., hea.vy. 14 1-2 te 15c; reilie. 14 ta 14 1-2c; of a battery co! machine guns at At- AnetherOe - tens- iaeet01r'bnblei ael,2 2 te3.bae, lanka, la- au interview sent from er11cs ttnsViiace Lr-14 tQ Il 12Ze for tierces, and at Petrograd, says that has detacis- of the British.1Il U ta 12e for tube and paile; compound, mntaV ook'their assigned positions A despitoh f rom London Baye: and lay waiting for tise Germans, Tise Daîly Telegrapis has tise fol- BSied Hay and Straw. wisose .trenchea were 2,000 -yards lowing f rom HairWich: A report is De"Ser are paybng ae followe for e-arlot I do1naaih lvâin tda-creteliveries on traek here:-f awa ona sigh elvaion AVday curen lere that another succes straiw je quoted a-t $7.50 tb $8 a ton. 'in break Vth.e nemy's caval.ry appear- hias atteridec! the vigilance o! the car Sote on track liere. an r tewîn yard e îti p~atol hieHay-No, 1 new hay je quoted at. $17 te ,edand odeto wthi 6ôoyard ofBritsh àtro hps in the North $17.50; No. 2 at 815.50 ta $16, and,.No. 3 at the Russian positions, whcre tisey Sea. Tise story is that two destroy- $13.50 te $14. haltcd-. At that moment tise ma- ers when near tise Germa» coast on- chine guns broke into fire, and moet Sunday sghte¶ tise periscope ef a Mpitreal Markets, of tise Germa» horsemen were submarine. It., was apparcntîy tise Montr., Feb. 2-Cern-Amerlos». No. 2 killed, intention of tise l-atter te attaek one No.3, 68 1-4c. No. 2 local white, 60; No -Haif an» iour laVer at least tisree of tise British sis, and acc-ording- do., 69e; No. 4 do., 58c. »arley-lian. fecd. 72 bo 73c; malting si ta 83c. fluckwlieat- reiet f em- ifatya-l the comm-anclerqof tise othcsr des- No. -2, 87 i-2 te 90c. Flour-Mane spring peared <iver tise hilI and st-irted troyer büldly charged tiese ubmar- wheat patents. j1lr-ýtà, 7.60; secondt;, 87.10; building entrencimcnts. Before-- me. The members of tise crew o trong baise'. $6.90, iWînter patent,, t-hey hacl hardly hegtin tise Rus- this -destroyer believe tisat tise SUo ub-i4 ,$750 tra 50.Rolersat, harrele. sians were otut o! tiseir tronches and j !, rible craft was rammed, as hey $6.40 to $6.50; do., ha-ga, 90 'be., $3 to $3.i10 at -thein. Tisree volleys f rom the1 state that cil was aftcrwards sec» ucuillile. ' 3 o $327. MidlNg.2 er830n fIlussian foot soldiers preceded a i on the sifriface of the sec. car lot%.818 te $19 ChesLe--Finest wait. cha-rgé, whicis drovetise Germans erusi, 16 1-8 ta 16 14e; do., eaet erne, 15 7.8 playingyi-th anybodyV1' w .Lae i more viian '*UVIAJ tons, PElOUDACIIIfEVES VICTORY Brillia'nýt Exploits of Daring FPrench Aviator Wh,) Was First, Man to Loopr the Loop -A despatch from Paris says*: Thethemn over, the he -acs of a company heiroisin of the French aviators wi11 of German soldiers. Tlîey scattere<î make a thri]ling chapter of adven- in & directions.- Rlis latest achievement wascdi- ture. Pegoud, who was the first to rcctec a leiw days ago against a loop the Ioop, has Iost none of his captive airship, frorn which the fire audacity. One ofhis latest adveii- of Germa» batteries was directed. turea was rewarded with great eue- Flying at a great height and mak- ces Pre-au'ed with a new machine, ing a wide detour hehind a voil o!f wh'ch 1Wjedt try, lie, loaded it cloudo, Pegoud then flew-straight at with a dozen b=>b and 'set off for the sausage-shaped balloon. Re was the enemy's line«. In previous re-4seen at once, and shots were fired connaissances lie had madle note of at him wildly. He beard the shouts Gtrman amnmunition stores assOln- of the soliers and h>a.rse ýom-. bled on a certain plot o! ground. mande. Little figurea were - run- Tt- was tc> tu.s spot that he s.teered ning about Jike ants clown thérè, his wo.y) fiying- very bihih and talc- and the balloon was hastily drawn ing advintage of a iit so tiiattle earthward, but it was too laite. should act be -bserved.. When he Pegoud. eýwoCped- in magnifleent was near hie goal lie hoVered above volpianes. When lie was less than theplae, ad d>ecedig lower, 50 yards above the airshiy Le flung -droppe.d nne cf the bomba. The. hie bomüb. A duli explosion ioll<>w- effect wa prdi iu.Explosion t'=s mki igaWoo f air ura 1 alte.rexloSion reût Vlie'air 00 that whieh Vthe Frech, aeroplane ro4ed hie machine wae uhaken by thei vi- with quivering plaenes. The. baR o! br12iomn wu-v.s. Stili h. hâd three 'gaswm rent and the Germain air- 6bsb 'eft, and# wwooping, flung .hip eollspoed to e&Wrtb.. $1.43 M-; May, $1.413.8-5 10 82.41 i-. * c -No. 3 yello>w,'71 34 te 72 1-k. Osta-Me.r 3 White. 55 1-2c. Filow sud bran unehang- esno. limtVI the~ ériet 'led. IJ~a la ifl ,fer sel the Bi 1' J V I a British Speelal Aifit* - Car-age - vtIs lni.eG and DogTeasû Caýptaiàn H. Furlier, tet -the 3rd B.attalfon W" els 'Bgimenàt, wvis ew service-m ise Soutl Af ries» Waý, ha eul c cnducting experimente aV Cardijff "and Ba'rryin'the Uise of doge as draft animule, fer lightm- chine guns. He -bas contrived a iigist car-riage ton tise g»», aximuiti<on and' tripod, wlhilevise» the Éuii la in action -the carniage nky lie used for cenveying aummunition, stores, and au forth. - 15», V ice-iaLIiruJaIiL11>iL o W Bates announced -on Wednesday Vo relie! comnittees Vlrongliout ise Un-ited States. Tise commission bure vas apprised o! tise iadequacy o!fVis. food suppby by e camble mnes- sage . fron London, wbich read: T e cm mission le actu-ay sort in tise departmenV for Vise feeding.e! If Catarrh ke.-O use -"Cataîrbozone. i ~nei~eraij ffiers and iine'n* jokt- - carads'i#Were given, and theyinu diatelyj sat doýwn Vo write home Vol d ýGe-rmany. "I amn safe," -va's-the. s8 message on one posteard; 111 vas resctied by the Arethusa. Do y.ou rem.embe-r the nighit -ve vere- dils- cussling hier We are isapÉy and n confortable. ,flankcGocl, my lf ýr bas licennspared." 1 l ise Blue o'hcr'-s Fate. The Are-thu.«a flnîshed off the. iBlueclier with. a couple o!ftirpe- dees. "There came~ a time visen tse 8poor olcI Bluteciser wasV not, worts y any, more p<w-der a-nd sicst from, Viso IIndomitable," a niember -o! ,tlie- crew saisi. -"Tse-r.wae no necdVo -b. extravagant u'ith cur metalnf se. 1 Àhe word vas passé-l -te us on 'the j eos Wc could not miss lier, f or -h wa1ts alVotst o r w - Oùr se od tlmo-est xgtatin tour seconr oido wntribt ns.'r fair ad ateriles it v b- foe ths ad erie st evea b.- tore sis, >ie lied tisu rova te tse lest. W.e Sw 44sem.nliningup- tise taiffrail Fae ' ' ' ten-'n sIV v'as a thýri1Iirii' 'îm"y. UUT NOREWÂRBI Sav.age Ons1aughmthe-UicGerm.a» Infantry Cost Enemüy At'St. John; ýN.B,, there is talk trlg-its>w oe moïniing- until cf recali cf tise coininissioners wlio tWO, ut tise 4aternooný. é favor ed a subsf&ntiariînorease in the Sie Jiad Ère n inracubouseseapes, Chyle, estimhates tis ycar. c Alt4hough lier deeke werc dîenlied DaVid W. Simpseon, withofd wate-r thrown up by ebeàl Chif isiisexpbocled in tise sea close by, menton, lias -bec» appoiated Cifsuc ieselfwsa-oueyud o! Police o! iSt. John, N.B., at a - tfivsaeltlyudm salaryo!$,000. le weighs 5 pouads.Oie cf tie Ger mný officere who a T'wo copper mines on Baie Vcite cnshedisd take aar and rione and Tilt Geve, NfId., which bnh cneaclta h ateinlcu neyer hope to beat Èngla.nd. ccased operations for some tre "On l'andl perisaps," he reniarked, arc now bein-g worked again, owing "but on sea, neyer." to tise great denîand for copper QncaortsGrm»ficî -' sitnee tise war began. were net treatced as prisoners. Tiiéy - . - A 13-year-eld girl o!ifax awr show» into warclrobes, and cIMLacey, was passing an op*en 500» liegan te fraternize with our F ,reacian From Battilfleld. grate, wisen bier elothing took ire. officers. ilShe diec tise next day. Tise cisild's "We feel isenored te ise captured ie Yeonaanry Corps are bere sec» mother wa8 iii in ibed, and hier fa- by tise Aretisusa," oe, offleer stated.i lier from crne o! tise tiênehes, whcre tiser on duty at one' o!tise miliîary " Sle is a %v.(nderfiil boat, and her e! shrapnel. camps.- faine is great in Germany." -Mrs. N. T. Lcfilanc, o! Windsor, ",War is war," said another. Duluth. Feb. 2.-Wheat-No. 1 hard, N .S., in forwarding aý package o! "Eitiser- yôu sink us or w. siak 843 i-2* No. 1 Nortiîern, 81.42 1-2; No. 2 clothing te the Belgians, placcd lier Yu. " Nerher», $1.40 1-2; May, 81*.43 1-8. Lin- card in. a poeket of one of the gar- ",Well, I arn glati it je ail over," seed--Cab, 81.91 3-4; Mlay, $1.9234. ments. Tise Ceutntese o! Fieder- said a tisird; "it lias 'beenl a terrible Live Stock- Markes. !erke found tise card and sent' a t'me.' Toronto, Feb. 2.-lOutchere' ateers and* letter'o! thanks Vo Mrs. LeBlane. "I -siudd.er whea I thi»k cf-the heifera changed handa aI 86.50 te $7.50. A short time ago tise fsnding of a fate zwaiting seme e!f our comtradcs From $6 te 86.50 was psid for beet cowe. $5 te $6 for cominon to good. Cannersa suâjbeulder containing .$160 worth o! cutters eo]d aI good steady rateeýs. B Iold # at ely .. asdcn HRAEO AO bulle brought $6 te $6.75. Stocisers, $61oI -Wvcly ..,cueen- SOTG, FLBR $6.50 for goed sud $5 to $6 for inferior. siderab le interest. Since thie», - Milliers eold ai $85' to $100 for better lieulders have be found inth' The Q<u estion Beeoîuîing More Acute claeï3es. Calves heiliteady. SSieep sud; t 1ts Iambe "od 51 uncebsngcd prices Ilog same-vieinity y -h same party and nBian sold at $8 off cars, $7.75 fed and -watcred , in ail tisey have yiclded him.$600 or l rtls sud $7.40 f.e.b. country-poitits. . cpti o odney Montreal. Feb. . fow goud staemsaold $70.. epee rmLno as ut 87.50 sud Ule oei grades at from t-bat At Fredericton, N.B., the Pa.- Reports froni varions parts o! tise day» te $6, wiie-bîtchers,' covebrougbt 1îtrunryiotie heinrasn from 85 te 86.50. sund bulle, !rom $5 to 86.50 roi Fund le aiding 77 families atcury nice tse nraig per 100 Ibe. Outarie lambs isold at $8 to a cost ef $700 a mentis. The Mets- sertage o! lalior. At a meeting cf $8.25 aud Quebe ai$7.50 te 87.75. per 100i odist 'Church at Fredericton, N.B., tise Birmingisam Clîamlieî-o! Coin- peunds. and oshe4p irou.-iî; $1s5te $5.50, Tho mretec-iia Ei demnund for cali.* wio good at prbetow wll iristal an electric apparatus mecetsecsîma dtise ques- ranghsg fri.nn $5 to $12 ewcl, as toàize and for tise tise of wisieh it is clainied tion was becomring more acute. Ma»3. quality. 110-as 5.i<Iut $8.40 te 8$8.50 por ' îî iud mly huansmr iundred pou;îdb, weighed off cars., that dca! persens in the congrega- m-firî thoue mpn o taiseade morn tion ,vil be ble e herI Ianelly, one firm alone requires -a SN'.\11-111 50 OFFICERS. Recently tise Moncton, N.B., City tosnd mn epr-t h Ceuncil n assed a by-law ipsîga teusand rinie. rromt ih ni- Faet9 llve;led ly oeîîîîetax o! $25 peryear..on insurance tpcGurasfeitsirni com1panies coing business in -the nrYsutertint ieais un-che b ca Foîmnd on I)pcFd Gerustan. Cty Now tise insurance me»nyetcranrparwrlcas Ad&ath ro ýL;ndýý sys- hratn o rise'hcîy. iseso.pé ecannot procure Vhe assistance o A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~- dsctlfsmLnc ey:lret»V aetierrts6pc asual laliorers. ail in tise district The Mancisester (iuardia'n reports cent. if tise uiew tax ie collected.'lieing now cmployed. tise rcmarkalile speech delivercd by Tise new Council will tisink tisé mat- Lieut.-General Sir Henry MeKin- Ver over. -- 4 non -at a dinner,in!lMancliester on, That tise blster industry was IE TU BLG 3,8 Menday. Gène«D- McKinnon re-_ killed whcn Vise farst gun o!fVise war -D! u >EG4S lated a îstory told to liim by a rela- was fired is the 'ttatement of Fred. ive whose company in tise trenohes MeGee, aprominent lobster packcr Germans sentenîce Balroness Decal- was mlicis treub led by asniper, who of! Port Elgin. Once tiser. werc 10,- waei-t, Says Dèspateh. - was d witli difficulty. He was 000 fisisermen aV work, and Vhcyr.- A despatei f rom Amsterdam'. says: sisot* i. v and vise» bis boedy was ccivccl $2;ooO,Ooo for Vliîr la bors. According -Vo a message frsmý Liege, reached an order'vas found on han lIn 1913 fl4bsteres s*d at $93 per case, Barones Decalwacrt, açeused of dcputing hi-m Vte nipe British ?ffi-, now tise price is- $10 pçr case, and hclpiag ficîgians Vo reaéh .K'i j Al- crs. He lied on! hie body, parVîcu- Vis. ncw catch» la said Voelic going bert's army, ha. lieeti'sentenced Vfo- lare sbowing he lied killed 'no feswer bcgging. three, yeàrs' inp risonmeënt- by> Vthe tisa» 50 efficers, ansIit vas app&r- Tise Alsatian, crack liner o!fVise Germens. enty a rue e Ui GemanWarAllan fleet, recentily comznandecred The sanie despateli says. Visat Sig- OieItwen iew dim r ahd b1erb» th Admiralty, isas been macle nor Crefi, -tise1 Italian Consul at sciized ndh airaed a&Tisenr lagship o!fVthe Britisis mercantileLiege, à istili detained où tise same was requircd teo staVe tue exact- cruiser squa-dron, under the cern hre position visere tise officer was kiliedsI maad of Admirâl de ýChair.. Tise __ and give particulars about bis regi- big passen$er liner. has lice» flittcd ment, and se on, and ne dlaim wa witis eigist six-iachis gns and a nuni- NO C7AUSE FOR ALARM. allewed until it was tested by re- ber- o! quick-flring guns, and is, now ference VO casualty liste in tue ic ading tise f ormidable, ficct*of arn- Treaty Riglits of Other Nations.Are tisi newspapers. In tise case ol cd mcrcliaptmea i» the Britishs re- -Not* 3lesaeed 1y lapa»., buis particular sniper only 25 dlaims serve. were allowed, for-each o! whici b. Tise U.S. during 1914 bougist A espatfReis romTisday. se- Fiad received a revard o! 50 marks *491,273.43 wortlio! or ecads en Offcernbas ispse ntae- ($1250).fro Price dwar Isand.Thetiations 'between Japan -and China, -~ , largest items were 8276,779.0worth in which iV is declared Visat tise. OET TUE VICTOIRTA CBSS. o! canned lolisters, $32,820.70wortis diplomatic exolhanges "contai»- o! egge, fresis cream '$11,177.27, notising, o! a nature Vo -disturli the eured lie! 8$10,6è9.73, wool $14,- territorial integr-ityelof China, or rwvo IndIin Solulieî-s Il lu the Coret- 743.2-5, hicles $26,915.69, and about anything conflicting witis.tise - cd Prize. $âo,eoo vortis of fish. There was spiseres o! inilue-ncelýowovenjoycd- A depatis rei Lonon ays I~an incîrease o! $15,165.16 over 1913. by aViser pôwers in China.". - s efficially cnnotinced that up Vo Tise U.Sý. biîys fotiî-fiftiss o! ail tise ,he present tw-o Indian sîiîdiers PE .eprs have gaincd tise Victor~ia Cioýs. Tise -UT O fi, a Sepoy i» the i29th Balucisis, macisine gui» section, whicis feught "D o'- vr te tise last and inflicted immense Does y,»IoyWashington,"ri es-seson-tise cnemy. The second is solcînnly inquired good o.-d Pareon Many PersOns Will er A! tise 39tis Gakhwalis, and von dis- Bageter, "take dii 'coma», Gladys d'd -p ,inctie» vise» part o! the Britisis Gugglee, te be yo' iawful wedded « iedFo rAenjise-s vre ccupid b4,ie1-e- wi!e 1".', ureWhy Bobby, you ýseI:ûsh liteboy. Wy diln't you Pgiveý yo-ur sister a piece'of ybur apple ?" floûbby-I gave hcr the s-eeds. Sue can plant 'em and have a whole or- -chazrd. IN BFLGIUM ish If Needs- Are lNJ0I Pro Promptly' des;titute Beigian-s,: 21 000 tons for February, 25,000 tons for Marci, andc 3oJ0,00ons àèfoir Apruil.. Tise en-- foicod transfer ojf-food f rom tue de- yertment for provisioaing Vies. vise eCn Stijl pay something for rations duri -ùisîcomnthe le bound toeat nte t provieioaig capacity Seri- ccuely. "Tiser. are nov î1,400;ooo0 desti- tut., andVise actual cost.o! aainin- istering and supplying tise canteens for tise cestitute nov is $2,800,000 per moatis. The number cf tise des- ~~iR Yoti Hawlg '-The Quiekesi .Cure Catarrisozone. IV contaîns tise riicet ANotiAng' Known.'So Sure For plne-baliuams and Vise greateat isealers Throat' Weakness, Bron- 1nv. ai !CtrlooeIsat chiai Trouble, &è. ly cieltes over thse area thalae - afflicted vitis catarrh. Relifef la ln- No octr atem ts o-dy V cue a stant-sufferlng stops at once-gerMis gNoine ca empctÉ'-arrx o urecaila red sroe- 4 ey taint, of disease excle byase ihaati o.on metaisd. eove Thlnk IV over serlouslY. excet -by be AbaltIo, mthod. Hre s aremedy tilat cears the Stomacis dosing isas bec» ciscarded tisroat, reliesves hoarsienesi, cought'ng beeaVse uselese- medicine .se taken and bad breats. - IrrltiLtlng phlegm la affects onlb>'tise etomacis-never reacli- eîeared out, lnflamned broachiai tubes es tise seat cf catarris. - are - heaSed,, throat a nd voice are Thse advanced physician recognizes strengtisened. tisat enly air ca» be sent , Ilt9tise Catarrhozoae la pleasant and cer- Sunga and brcnhial tubes. PF111 thI tain. You-breathe CatarrhozOie-you aair vîth hiealiag medicaments adyPn don't take IV. - Large- 11.00. slze lao soive tise probiem. No; combinattea Iguarf-nteed; a1 maller see500.1 and "tril, bf antiseptica li se00auccesful as j ize 25c, at ail dealers everyvisero. I--s--J AÀRCHIVES 0F ONTARIO, A despate f rom Paris says: Tise- severe flghting whirh began in -the - vicinity o.! Cra-onne., norVis o!-tise Aisne, cost tise Germa» e-ariy six Visousi.nd 'me»," aeeerçling te tise Frencis estinsate as iveýn inïbe effi- cial commiuniques issucd liy tise-- * Wr Office. Tises. eachse, added Voa tue heéavy casualties încurred by-- tise enëmy intise Wceuvre, the Vots- ges', at La Bnssec ,and 'east 'àf Ypres, make a'Votai tise-t le believed t-o b. more tisa» 20,000. And it ie peintecl -out isere tse-V Vhis hlge 'price ILssh brought Viie Ka.iser's troýposinothing wha.Vaoever in tise way et. revard. TiselaVeaVt reports received I>y tise xniJitarq authoritie indicate tuat hiotilities -have slaekened, whleli vWas Vo [lie expected - after tisese- ex- treffe efforts. TI tact the laest-re- -port 'o! tue Wa Offce eys Vie-ton Vise aigght of 3Juary 27 -tiire was pot a eSingle iiïanVry attack biY the- G m ans, lh4ugh .evere artillery actions are nounced in Flanders, alcng Vise Aisne, intise-Argonn-e andI It vas a desire un, the part o! the Germi». Vo vommenorae' 'tise SOtis birthday of Vis' Kaiser witli fome Zitevorthy tee-V of arms that was, respopsi-blev-for tis-elaauelter -o! tvenity i cuousand o!-tiseur best troupe » îre,<aye, accor-din-'Vo tise neye - sent fromi tii. front by Gen., Joff re.

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