Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 3 Dec 1914, p. 6

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beeause ftýes Olten ,ueû 4ie âmia!1of theogpsu Wou"d. Witfni e ira agirl 0e! aine7 th,èliftw4-aû-ü-h trof -Mvde Bruin, of As»steadamt whom ad W taken from-i cou-vet as possible I.~WI ' 5,littie pptI»g-onIit$50 haicooy0! our car, w.bse wo-hâd teome fveeh air 84 -We arr'ived in Landen, a littîs - êmme. Hèe, ie had te stop for sme oerty -minutes lu order to ic> «lv the woundàed ioidiers a meai., Out. a* iigw aseh bain éivmiy"one 1gôt'ai pifte ë up a dI ,nd "My iitt.les C0mpaýn;ôüen a»Is*e poided with Opas,. ,laviqg eaz-cz I trod the rail- w ýy Pl itf.orm 'up and dýJ-wùte gt s6ine , zuovemeut forinsy stf lim111 , before us. Ne PoocIfor Five Day.. AIl o! a, sudden I noticed a huge gaffiering in -front o! one ýo! tse laztý 'cr.Iwent tiiere, and mhatîI 8&w - I iio'forget ail mny life. Oh ta I neyer had sema it-! Btireen some - ioînded Frenclinen tiiree severely mounde -Engii soldlérs iay , on Lieir bacs upon seine strair. Tisey loolked iniserabie and cempleteiy mors eut.. Upon information I iras' told that theze men iad tliadno food -for five coatinueus days. Befoire t-h. open docors o! the iuggage van etood bebween tire and- tisrpe hum- dred Gerjuan soldiens- partiy b.- longing te the s lightly meuaded pas- songera., partily te the garnison ef thie village, the. latter evidemtly btP .4niu ordered te giv.eout the. food. And tiiese tire or tisrée iiundred sbIldiers stoo-d thon. yelling and er.ving, jeerin-g and amwearing il tiiese thre. badly wounded English- men mise la there atittendy helpîs ou t-le smail heaps o! dirty strair, --- not havis-g, outen f oxfive days ! Tiien the. boula witb hot .oup met-e brouigit unden their very neses andi- Ii. Germons cried :-"You waut te eatl -Swin., you dirty sine! Beat tliem teO deaith, munder them! Doatii is Wil the.yeau get!" And, -sying thig, tiiey dreir tleir rifles upon the iiungry. helipless aind bleeding humain beingas. . Otisers apat upon their clothes and in their faces. and their general behavior was tht of iunatics, te say nothing wo - vrse. With broken myma, indicat- iag the. apreacii e! deafi, eue Eng- Ilihman abternately loeked upon bis tormentora and tii. eoup. unable te utter a -werd amy more, thougli his eyea stili askôd fer pity anud implor- ed fer mercy mitIs lus terrible aut- lerings. -Tîsrn Ilcada Aay in Agony. Thse other tiro ha-t turued their. ~heads aay and loy amoat unçon- scions, mith oleseti eyes. At las the. firât -one ai-se shut lais ey>s and turned lis face away mti a lok o! wilest despair. Tii. soidiers con- tinued yelliiug and emeariug, apiat- -tia.g and menaicing tihern itii their rafles, uis.gthe mmn v4Am and eb- scene language. Otiiers *ho did net participat-e at -eaet laugiied at tise helplesameso! teheir enernie, and they did uothing te stop their Icos»- raides. 1 st-oded till---motionless stupe- fied, petrified. and fon a long timne iras unable te uttien a syllaible. Tehen, however, I mal-ted up te ai sergeant who stood near and who laugiied. Shiveringover my wsole bedy, I faintly niuttened, ".Smr, whst hampens here is terrible ; La more thon bea-stly, indeed. Are IN -DRY &RUwýST Hair Came Out. Scalp ltched and Ovrqed, - Scales Like Sawdust. -Cuticura Soap and Ointment Healed litSix Weeks. Tise P*as, Mamateba -"Peur yoars "go I bouse te 1ose -MY liais-. It usotte coma eut &DY tins. that I (tembet IL. 1thiuk Ite wuvmsbcuso =y hfsd wofulMetdamdlnff. k.em-dnat. M M s &180 Iltchod sud buruoci ad MY mm w- e a dry esnt. MOIi ppio ed vorl"rmedies bt d aie SeIaq4aned mlbbmsi vek L» . Leekireet. Jume 4,1914. WH BI*OEWR BY~S eKEST 99 oius Ave;, Toret, ont.-" Frei bis-h MY b hpd %?seh evo suad sa-e. Hmme~ o~t eerl but mwu veryCsma tfl 1 undscitIhe smpleS ofJamiso* UtfCaas-oP mut OIntmest Msd tlaç *iéÏi>s dSe afod lais» relief lmMeasedL ooe 1s IbeagIt fms latae vfour m he.aswmeentinsy, iit." gnt) D ur e051t5 -arosagm rýe ïnvîgoratiug -loup t the. trèilnsiiso! these,4hust- ed-and Mnost mi.erable of-men. No .Oie' lad. ProteÏt.ý' hâsatrùuck ,me %sont was the. filt~~4i Ibo "n the4e t.wo -evtuee, huzsid sczIïOdier. in front . of this martyr pit tihère wias notet 03, lsn beigwhe tie4etoput a Opte hêls ee 1e 4vwho imuidfta:. the Not one-nay, net oue. Xanis per- fect! avar oLêeffe ibië amcum- tien I wite clown indhees e z-du, but I'amnsvlling te talc. the moet soiepin oath,,tliat notli,in- my de- ~ci~ii suntrue, that one u vword is exasgrated. And.te aiWw :b Germnan-autiioni- -isé te investi«ete thus malter thor-: ougiiyly I il «giv. the -!eiiownng flearor detaila. :-Tiie scenfieI ii-ý nessed, and trird 'te enb-, sncbh sàcenes cammet be'piètured in, mere words-oceurred ait'tii..rail- wa.y station o! Laniden-eýn Fniday, October 9ï in tue train that arrived there fromeinti.irecétion,6! Brusseis b.tween p c>on. and one à'ltooù. After Chbe train lotartçd &gain and moine soldera eansekitme, as before, I etould net give.any more ansirer. I sait seint and stared ait nctshing, seeing nething but tii. mopstrous sigiit cf theïse thre. mis- erable Englimh soIdiers, iyingupe,' the dirty strair, dazed and almoat starved t<> death, aud'in front of! tiiem tuhs beastly multitude of spit, - ting, swearing and menaicing Ger-1 mans. W çe&.BecauseoftSSc -ne. Tiien ail of a sutden I ibegan te' Mr. I, could not hoid my nerves any longer under control, and final- iy 'wept l-te a littie child, and at iast I gainedthereby a crumb o! comlont, ai grain of solicitude. -But I am iii a.gain thse moment I thint of tises. Englishmen. It Latii. wor-st acene I witnessed yet, and I bave 'been for tire continuons mouthbs amid the most terrible horro!o- this var, omid burned and pilloged villages,. amid ackd teins« whese inhabitants had lest ail hoe. amid firn anti muts and' obrapuiel, de- struétion, devastation and deitis in its meast horrible fors». Befor. our train -lad arnived at Landen àome Gernian soldions9 had teld me alnrady that they eimply murdermd '-ii English wounded tisait feul into their -lande. Soe otiiera iiad d'euied tuis, it is true, or at least said that it had not haippea.d in their regirnents, but one o! thes» told me that by uis compouy alois. no feirer thon tmenty-six Englisis captives had been m-utiiated aud fluauiy murdered, I would net be lieve 'hlm tien, and I actu&liy ask- ecl uhy -ti.> macle tiienselves wmre týia&n'tii.>' veally mena, but after vinat I ha& &«en at Landen, I-no, I viii net draw conclusions. I know that I ianaot -make thse-isole Ger- 'main atsmy reeponsi-bie for the beast- iy conduot o! tii... tiree iiuudred monstees wm idlnot posses tiie semblance cf -sat i. known as miii- tary houer. I on-ly ïhoe. rvently tiat they may be punisieti yet. LIKENE$S 0F BIYJLEFIELDS. Thoge of Te-day to Those of Napo. - leonle Wars. Tic latest <sumber tehand of thse London 'limes in t. quotaitione from Ïite file1 o! a coeury- ago -lias tube folemwing. Tise places -mneZstioned as the Spiiere of eperationa a year beforo tiie Battie o! Watenloceshow remiaibcble akasn.ity te tii. battie- fields of Vie preserit day. "Brusselis, Getober 24.-Tii. foi- iowing La tii. position o!ftii. differ- eut corps tat"feemed- tise army in Belgsurn: 0'ste-ud, - Nieuport, Fur- nes, and Ypres, Mesin sud Cour- rai -lave numer.u, garnisons con- siting o! Engliéii aind Hauov-eniau rco. Ti.he r-plae li Fi-an- der aisGMent, Brugs, and Tile' moud are ise gamn'ioned by Eag-i Idhansd Hassovenlan iriathtIe ad"-1 tion o! BOIWiUM»tM<ops. Tourne>' ha 'âruiac&n of three Eng4Lid tic legie'», sud -SOMne quadroni o! lions. At Mon. sud Obarlere> are' Belgiur nfmantry ad Uauoveniain- drageen, sud Hussars. In the. via-i- lesbetireên thée placesl are , eau-i td tr'oopsi. -f taise sâmie descrip-1 tion. Namiur la -wholly garrniaemed by Duteli troopa. In tii. Intenior tII, Huma-na .61 Crôy aine at Ah,l and thbe Belgium Liglit Herse sth l a strong division of armtluery ýýt M&-1 liines. The Congreve .Roeket Dh~i- si is at Viliýérden. At Louyein are smre b-atioS cf Begins» in- fmntry, -and the.garnison c!-Brus- sesconsiEsaof Englzl guirdi and a corps cf Hors-e Artsllery, sud tlho Belgium regimeut of! Oai'aîneers. MO the" . trops muet b. added tii, gansnat Ant'werp' sud thoee ; iMà ràe etaitcoed at Met-h and &long tiie Maie.86sfar ae Na- mur. Giving Pa Notie'. "I understand that yvou have coui- ed te ast l1'v mv daugiter'. bau'd" "ýOh, ne, uothing like tat." "T1hn- bcâ.ebody, meaffl a sf f seey-imdeed it joan open invitastion te t<h4 zioit b>Q leusfs ieap.n .The caow, nich blood tesi n senisanasd «iv.s isw b.hug d strength is roedâly oroatîéd ->yD. William.' Pink Pille. That if WhY -hs phave cured, ' mre Came ofbodesnes s ad blood disor- de» tIsas eny other meaican. TiiY. have nuie tlscu.aasds"cf gils n wotenn trong, w4U aned- roo,.wituh bright es sudàio. -ergy,-uobe- canie they -uouriéh the body witjh new, rioii, r.d blool, o! sà.ih Her. îs a typsoal 'insbamnee- Mis Lauca.Dempsey, Auburn, N. Y-,' "s.a:"For se"veresiË0 ï, haI wa&a in a. v.ry had o4#» cfiseauitaswiduh nsany e i.e "m>t.oms that acora- paq *- 'amii.I wabs pale and b,,'eodleas,ehadteTrib1s haacii,1 would b. breathe.. '"thtei.leastj exeritien. Haiving tried a number of mediýe . whtlut relief I natur- ý 'ally becax». disceprag.d and bfgan1 te feair tiiit I iras domed te con-i tinued ilînesis.At Zia stage a f~edwhc> isd herel! bien bene- fttdby Dr. William' Pink Pilla urge me te try -themn. I did seo and t 5 kste tIse pilla I amn noir enjoy- iug the best cf heabli, and; feel tsait 1 ca»not re-omrnend tdii.splendid m2oedicine te -igly." Other weak and aiing girls ci» aise obtan ne* hesîtl and etr.ngt'h thr.eugh the use of Dr. Williams' %ik Pille.' You Cam get ii... pilla 1,hrough aùy anedicine dcaler, or they wili be semit by mail puat paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for 82.50 by writing Tiie Dr. Williamns, Medicine Co., Brockvilie, Ont. t COW-CODE USED BY GERNA-NS I Systèns Ias Used By Seouts te Direct the Arniies. r Cnude dramings o! cous o! vany- ing proportions, some in attitudes o! defence, beligerency, or is gnaz- ing positions, worm noticed b>' Frenchi officers durng- the garly day-se!dtiie campai ,gu on the Aisne. The sketches at firat irere cousider- ed tihe simple efforts o! school cil- timon, but the. !requemcy miti icli ths subject appared on mails, 'buildings, bridges an>d in eveny aivailalie place in tise*de-partments cfQise and Somme puzzled Frenchi officers wtio conducted a tiioreugli investigation. Tise>' are nom con- vinced t-hait t-h. system wiais used by German scouts te direct the as-mies that wireete foiloir. Tiser. mas a gieat vaniet>' in the si;.es o! the. draminga and in tiie positions o! the. heaidsanad otiier -prticulars. By cousponing notes aud dates it iras disoovered that theae crude pictunons had a veny la timaite relation msth passing>events- -Certain categories o! the* pictures ooincided in every case iritls the smre developrnents in tiie militar>' openations anti coutinu-ilsgtheir researchee, they disoov.red -ai per- fect syjstem» of -commnication had thus boom organizod, similan te the ayatem. often empioyocl by' gypsies and trompa for indicatimg informa- tion te thiose cif thein con.!reres that coRne after. .The position o! tii. anmmal'shead was.mode te indicate tii. direction in wmicli the French troopa were te b. found, and the size o! t-le animai imdicated the importance o! tiie forces. A ver>' amail cou me-an-t tiat tbe rente iras set verv etreng- 1' guarded; a coi, in a maturai po- sition o! defence imdieated fortifica- tions in the neigbborhood, sud taie uizo o! tic animai indicaited the strengt o! tise, fortifications. A cou witls hea-d naised higi indicated that prudence ma" necessary in ex- pioring tise ueigitboShocd before venturing fantber. CRYINQ CHILDREN' Wien baby cries it às becain.. bo la unuel-sot b-eaue. b.e, I. badl- satunmd as se mamy imagine. Cry- lu La1 tise ira>'the ilttle os'e h» o! tling of his pain. suad the.mis. motiher eau imstaht!>' te-il w-hatail fier little ose - elusp>'b>'hie ery. Whcs baby cries-a great dMIaiveir hLm Bib>". Qî-n Tablets -anà lson ii sc-on bo ha.ppy again. Càoicrning tise Tablets Mn.. Jas, Gaudreýain, N<otre Darne dem Bois, Qu G,%y-s: "My baby osied day and niglst sud 1 mas greaiti>'discon raged. Ibean gingtii. Tablet, and h. mas çeoc happy, healthy su'd fut." The. Tai,- 1ete are s.oid b>' medicine dealers or b>' Mail ait 25 oe-ks.aibox freiDmTThe tir. Williams' Medicinie Co-e Ér viue, Ont. . rok Folîoired Instrueot. .MaTama-jehlny. See that y-ou Sive Ethel thse iion's ahane to! that Johinny-Yes'm. Ethml-Mams»a, tise lsasn't giron me an>'. 'ohuiy-Weli,' thait'e ai-i nigsti. Lions don't cot oranges. ne HNeedeti MoeTisse. "'SAY' bave y-ou' fongotten, that -y<en cireme ai hnndred dollar-s71" "'No, hlotye;gv me titme'." asarde &înM>éaCure, Celds, L- Vbe d&vsil mai>' h. an uns'atisfa-- tovY. bcas, butt-es.ts vgeo 5111 L04110MW, IUVeUffla 5UP JJoe& There are 260taeb.rs and' stu- -4n»o the. AJbe~eon University ,n serice fr~ ontry. their Kin< and coun- '~oaiooti3ge~tof the. Nation- al Rtesrve, oopneoted with the. Lau- 4r detachmn, fhaÀbeu for»ed# Nearly one-iaU !pl the O900Meû wanted for "the ,Réserve Battàlion of the Xorairhire Sea.fosthe, hoai Monieuiër Raymond Poincare, President.41! ÃŽhe French Repu,-Nie,, haî been eilecteèd Lord Reotor o!f Glasgow University. -Ler4 Tullibardine, M.P. 'for Perthshire C6uinty. commander of the &cottish'Horse Brigade, is' on service with hi. troopa. - -The Earl of Home has macle ar- rangements *where-by W Belgian nuns (refu-gees) may tie accoinmod- ated in BothweliiCaîtie. The death ha, oocurred with tragic *uddmeine&o qf Mr. -R. W Hepburn, aso*nt dp$ clerk in the Court of asaiin, dinb-âréb. ,Motherwell'2ûw ,n Ct.unèil have formulated, a 4iusing, aeime on th~e cottage #,ystepi. The total <ost ïï Pstimated at about $77,W00. Clydebank !àdDiutrict Water, Trust are te pýOceed 'with a eheine for the. dispoïai of waste water from the new Bitersa at Cochno. Word has bien receive&- by Mrs. R, M. Souter, Rendre*, of tiie death cf fier huaband, who was weunded at thé. Lattie of the.Ausne. 'A number o!' ciizeus.have decid-, ed te raise, in Ca.nsbualang, a Terri- torial company cf the county bat- talion of the Scottidli Rifles. There has been an increase of- over $150,000 in Greenock Provi- dent Bank funds d-uring the past twelve months. Thle total funds now amount te $4,3W0,000. In the report cf the East Park Home for Infirm Chuldren it was state4I that over $120,000 has been coilectedl towards a new ooýuntry branch. A Noya.Scotia Case of Interest to 1A1l Worn Halifax Senda Out a Message o etlep te Many Peeple. Halifax, N.S., Dec. 15.-Whem Inter- viewed st user lips. at 194 Argyle St., Mrs. Haverstock mvas qulte îlllimg te taik of lier n pcùliarly unfortunate case. "I iras almmys 'bine'adde pressed, fiait ireak, languld ond utteni>' 'unfit for any work. -- My stesiacs mas ée dlsordered that I had neotppetite. What 1i d est dlsagred. I suffer.d greotiy frein dhzzlneuae nt alck Simd- achemut tegre4 ,â meryeus bneaktewn. UpQIs My 4drug taneeosusendatlon I uséd Dir. ïaintbona ella. ,,I toit bettes- o tue. Ever>' day I1 Impreved. ln six w-eýc I iras oaireil wman, cnred --cempietel>' atter difler- mat physlélaùs'liad failed te ielp' me. -It la for tiss- easôn tisatI strousgly urèe sufferers mitis steracis or diges- tive troubles 'te use Dr. Hamltons Pilla.'" Dr. Has»iitea'a Pilla strengthen the stos»ach, Impreve digestion, sts-ength- mn tise nerras uand restere debilitatet systerna te heêait. By cliassng t he blood et lougýstand1ng Impurities, iiy bringiug tise systes» te a higli point et viger, they effectual>' chose away meaninesa, depresalen ont disease. Geet fer young or oit, tes- men, fer memen, fer cisildren. Ail dealers seii Dr. Ham»ilton'a Pilla et Mandrake and Buttornut. GERMAN 3MACHINE TOOLS. i4nîitimantfaeturers Are Alter tii. Trade. - Iu -mosit o! tise fore-igu martels in whicoh Gemmany dec. muoeh busines Lin maohine-toels ethe chie! avttrac- tion ta che-apuceis. Thia is thie case ini ma--tete o!f so d.iv-ers-e iacha-aet-r as3 Deamark, Rus-ia ian-d the Argen- tine. LIs eue or itwe valisa-hie ma-r- kets, suci as Australà and Japan, me have tii.ýlanger buisinoess, but a go'cd des-i ofsVite more elementa-> wcrt cas bc donc ou a cbeap clasa of inaeli-ne, wbicli, if me mate it at ail, is certaimi>' mot propail>' ma-r: ko-ted, or our business wouni li e lang;err1nii tics.ceutines miere c16êapnees vissa-prime -onsideratieu, ssys a SScoh papen. We bave on -6t4.- ocasotisrefe-rred tte iseil- nin « sit6m9ntievalue o!fapro g.ressive attitude l-tss1nc.cs Germny 'frequently -*3ts aboit, studyi-ng a mnairket lin a ver>'- xupth- odica ma>',ensd lieore &attptiý te send gýoàs .fiuds - eut e*aatv-y Wb:ait miii suit it. ', AIl tibia çets Ã" omeïdenabie,- arnount o! mneÏMy>, +Vhioii mùast-be sp-eut belon. an>' rpe- turne oa nb. expected. lu tse u ne-suiemaivaut the. trouble. If iÃœ -n-peosu7ed thlat a larger Commsvo4 lid &edrty 1ieaviîngtbi UniT-ted sta, ,p -for Sou'tb.A» nca rti. urp>e, c!~ ~ pe etfliogt T iaktshle 'ûrboý nu-ppied !Ioù l.rau.Wo uht ttakea~c ~ tp ndoni>'in,Sout Amélca, but l 6a~ oiar nearnisone.lit e i atal to sué' cees, and, wlher clý one 1y' Bras.ii&- dividueslly or in ec'nsmtiom,;,.,if gond Ï-a te bileu it musE o iiei- "Father, don't men - cAll - théi - selvns Baecrs bre -tey ie .manriedi" "!tes$-iny'boy1" "And' d "E"ueh 1 It saifit fîor lit- was lna or Cale4 thnk 01 used It preelati lino ou: by. M: of a fil that,tuq abiout *Yi BlUITA N'](rv>ilino lu thelipuse; ,-1 bie~v tfor t gi4tpboe a- i!p ,0s aValu. as a fomlly' rensody ri v*me $4Ê7. ,f gau--Pt. irýq# qulckly. If it;le earache,, 'e o4puts pt,.os ~( i o' ealwâya M:iy- stànd- %y husband. once cured - huiiîf lighttul taci c sum~eb soe, snd 'fo ndredailmonte t large fnlyNervi- lar tte -ave LIN 18 XINING AN ABKY. Ten Daysi Drili, Then. Weedlng Oùt, A Britsh officer _thus desonibes tse pr-os..of building up . "Kiutehe- Tise-v' '5 my" Ilie recruit beglus mih eight n.beiSe.re brakfgat, ith-ree>, unhhe fore-upea, tre.ster; e nsd eue àSter .-teai. For ti.frat eir lwieeka t-he,wokonitetrlyf hndlngo! tberifle, sud, above ai,19 pbyiel tranig.Ten daiys o!fii Wse on>t ïtbs unfit -and -the 9lg garde, aand effect ai vaet .improve- nient -in ihe demeanor of thosîe fit- ted te setan)d Vthe strain. Ohesas ex- pand, lieada corne up, ashoulderýs 9-quare eut, aud die bodies move with a rhytuhm. The sisop-ýwaàker, the ideai ofe! oa. and-grec., beginïs tei eara't hle çau't di-stinguish his riglit baud frm bis ieft irhen aaked te dlo se mithout warning; thse man wiio fou-nd the. scythe an easy irea- peu te wield, findsthait the simple- -lcoking bayon-et la fan tee much for bum; the fluent speaker in tii. local deba-ting society findi tuait it is b.- yond his art- to, expiais hoir te form. fours. But gradiialiy me pull Ãœhrough and pass on te the band- li-ng ! t-h-e rifle -as a weapon ef war. Tii. air-gun, onthusi.aet tarts hbore feul o! confidence, until h. finds -himscif placed in t-le "awkward squad" for furtiier ainsing instruc- tion. The m-an who weuld be in- sîiited if he were told, that -he couid flot tell tise time, find-s that "six o'clock on thse bull" takes a lot cf finding. The first essay on the miniature range la aise, usuiLy soxnething of a disappointme-nit. Bu-t careful i- divid-ual instruction morks monde.rs, and the. me-n are gradually- get rend-y for field 'training. AUi tis tirne tiie moult o! developing mua- cles and expan&ng chest. b4s gon. et-eadily on and the marches have becorne Icager. The l-aibttalion nom singse i.naigIc fitraina of "It'a a Long Way te tip- per.ary," and "'Hule! -Whe's Your Lady Fniend 1" as àt swings &long du»ty reads.Intla -et, the.authers and composere oft tise. bali4ds,, aiçied by the, forgetten genius- mbc,ý invenited 41he mo-uth-er-gaiu, have ,clou,. muc oli te lpin this.trai-ning of oun neir so!diers. Se nom off we ge> inu'higli spirits to, apend long heurs i-n an iattak on more on les impregnm.ble position-a lheidby ima.- gina-ry Germnains, ire are fin*ly driven out at te bayonet's peint. A-s the weeks-roil on t#see praieti-ces wil-l be oarried -ou-t s-n heaivier equipment, end - l lar-ger bedies, tili fmnailyour New A-rmy i-s capa- b-le of going on manoeuvres a-nd marchi-ng alIl nigmht te 'at-ta&ct at dawm, on of diggi-ng a&l i-igltit n pre-paratien for tiie ett.ack wbicli is lîou-r-iy expected. By t-bis timo te nié» wmil have been trsained ina tii. use o! bal arn- munition, of irbcIs it is te be hopedi the. Government wiil- not be nig- gardiy - Jssst LiteMaainiia's. An attractive littie girl at oa-part>' was beim.g questloned àbout a doll ah. sati jnst re-oeived fo-r lier birtii- day. Tii. iotiser mas beaming-îith deligit ait thbe attention her dangh- tes- iras reçeiviu-g, miven tii. littie girl said, "Wby, de ouen a, tii. hair on ns>' cl'z b-ati cemes off luat lite ma&mma's1" Remords of Mes-lt. - Wlen a mon deBtroys CO,000 liro. thiey give 'hlm a dutedos»." 'Weld 7" 'Anà~- .en a usas ssres 600lires thjey gire.himmapi emdal, Mînards Liniment cures Dlpllthsrm. Bebbie-'Dou't yen feel tined, Mm. BLýble 7" Guest-No, Bdbbie. Wisy do' yen 'skt1" Bcblbie- <"'Cause Pa said he =met.you _lat nigl sud e ese corrysng os sm- fui Idad;'" - 10p.m. instead e! il, p.m. A -recruit te Lord 'Kitchienerl'a ar=ý - whô cernes fr-om» Godalanu beau. thi enaie of!Juldus>e suar., -A înew 21 note, will dsorty b. ,in ié .1a ndî o! th ii. puluie and is a vet iniçvovment, on the firat is- sue, *Six patrol women are to b. .4p- poinwedab Portsmouth, wuer. tbey wilIi jvork. lu conjunetion -withAtbe, policeforce. Ordonna fer khaki clotiiing te tIth. amounitcf*12,0,fo Rusa troa, have -been .oifered' te -firme iu L.ds and West'llidiug .A vmviaed list -of the 'ùumber, o! raiwmay men mie have joined -the. colorseshows t4aMt24 railway, sys- t.ms» 'have Vntrýibuted 54,270. men, . The Aiiialmbra Theatre iu London is ofering two.privaîte boxez nie'tly 'for the.' use of conv alescent weunded soldiera 'homie fros tiie front. JIt ýifs ?tated, that at thbe patriotie concert ait the. AIbert- Hall, London, K'Iýing~George joined .beartily in the, Chorus ol "It's a Long Way lte Tipý- Twe inniates of Bath Workhouse for smre years have been. a Mv. Pickwick and Sam' Weller. Mr. Weller hais just died and Mr. Pick- wick lies seriousiy ill. Lord John -Spencer Caivendis.h, D.;S.O., brother etftii. Duke o! De.- vonahire, of the. lit Life Guards. haa -been killed iu action. He - was only Viirty-nine 'yeare of age. Iu order te keep as vnany men as possible empioyed duning the wai, t-he Czveruiment has hurried for- wàrd the contract for the construc- tion of the new Post Office tube. . Anxong the. great historie build- ings whch -have irtsu-red agai-netb possible damage f rom Zeppelin bomba is Westminster Abbey. The sum for whici it is insured is $755, 000. The war is cost-in-g tiie country aboutý-$sri a second, or about U~,- 000,000 a day, according te Mr. Sidney Webb, Professer ef Adniin- ie.ration in the University of Lon- dion, Lord Kitchener has appealed te the public asking everyone to avoid treating soldiers to drink and te give them every assistance in re- sisting.- temptations 'which a re Piaced before thes». Spealcing recen tly at Torquay, Lord Leit.h, of FEyvie, said we -had now rea-ched a ipoint when the Gov- e1rnment had rec>Qgnized the neces- sity of xnaking a wholesale sweep of alien eniemies. During the week end, seven hos- pitai ships arrive-d iri &u.tham Pton. They brouglit home about 2,6» in- vmlid -and ïvounded 'troops, who have ibeen sent te -hospitais in vari- eus pa.rts cf the country. 'Writing from, the front, aîprivate of the lat Dorset says: 'JS9me have worn thir *ýhirts ever inoe they 7have 'be.en bore. If you could man- age te send a few, Tommy would look upon it asapodeend. j5,000 OUT 0F WORK 1 Net men, but cebe Ihat wero put out of bueinew Inaet weeik b - Putnam's Cern Extraclor. No corn can live If treated by Putnam'e. It Ie @aie, painIcca andfqure. Ueeo nly Putnam'e, 2*c. at a.1l dealer,,. The Rid's ùegisnent. M rs. elund-arby-,My siste r Ka t2 w-ho married the En.glishiman writes me that -lier -boy is going t4) igit Mrs. Ka.wler-Delar me I.,thé rather youn.g 1 ,Mr.s. fl'lunder'by-Well1, yee; but, *vou Seo, he',s goin.g to join the in- lant-ry. ilinsrd'a LinimentCeo., Ltmited. (Ientiemnen,--Lawt -wlnter 1 rocelved igreat bânofit f rom the use -of MINAftDS LiN1 MENT Iu a sovere attack of La Grippe, and I have fre4uentlyl preved Jt te beý very effective in c2ases cf Inflsamation,. Youre, W. A. IIUJTCHINS.qg r IVeather .Repprts Forbldden. The. pýbliça4in,. of weather re-, ports lias een1o;výiddep -by tIi. Frenchi gqvernnieit, .preumab y for' Imilitary reae'ons. Her~ooe.o oaigts and zuoterologic&l conditions throug-hout France. in the «É>àglioh .9gnlsqth.rn Eurppe aa4d tue Mlediterraneap2.-1&hve bepp pu-bliah- ed dily. -Tus ap snlude, o coure ,iforiaitig,usefül t.o' mar- iners. X L ýned e bti.gov erniuent his in min tihepqie uee o! thisinformation ny GeraPet jÂu ioth naval and milita#y Ope;a., .rT~~e rafq -t ahave playçd In ths~Igin eoast'batt*s'isrcalled lu à ila onnçctîo»i. "y Wrer of thg "ÉovemmieiAt," .reaçot.a- only àuel theràel o give i tom-'ý perature of Paris."l "Iev aJiù ?3v nav~~ss PARUS FOR SAL OAW Era ,Y, obiM 0 o bon t;TCronto. J<.~v.bA*0u1 ~oboIs.et., -lorente MMo. Ons.. Matchlnory For Sale Engi né, ahafting, belting, pulleys, etc., fr6m large f aôtory. for sale. Wjxeeiock engine, 18 by 42, complet. with cylinider Iras., My whed, bear- ingog, etc., ail in good c>ondition. Shaftin-g fro«n one, inch -to three inoahes, pulieys thirty inches etO .ffyinchbes, beiting six inches t tweive inches. Will soul entire i' »n part. OIFFER REFUSE». B.. Frank Wilson & Sonsý, 73 Adélaide Street West, Toronto. A Great Deusani., A countrynuan wmile un.Pgxisrno tice-d a .le'p -witl emipty shelves an- -iidoirs. H.e walted in -and - the propnieter, with a stuapid look "Sir, hat goods do jy-ou -sell Wishing te amuse hm a-f.t tii oeuntrymsan'a- eïpense thé ahop. keepen ne-piied, '"I sel1 asseï liead-s. " 'Ah,'" èommnented Vii countryman, "you anusb have -à- great demand for tiiem,- ibecaul 1 se.enly one lef t in the s-bp" - A WARM WI#4TER. June wsathaer prevails !u Californs. cthe ides.l Wlnterlng place. îéached coinfer-, ably sud canYon ently by tbhe(lbicagc aud Nerth Western Ry. Fouir splendid trains datly f rom ' the new n on ogr terminal'Chicago-The Ovenland Limited. faitoet train to San Francleco. the Les Angeles Limited, three d4ay. te Land et Saunshine, the lamons San Fran. cieco Llmulted aud the C3iifornia -'Mail. Illustrated4-flders descrlbing the-irens Galfornia Expoiitions. saudtsiso givint rate&s sud -fanll articulars.'wll be mail., prematy on application te B. B. 1Bennett, Generol' Agent Chicago & Noth Wester ER., 46 Yonne St.. Toronto, Ont. It was Josh Biilings who said ht had ' een -sorne wful bad throa diseases coinpletel.y cured in thret days :by -.imply joining a , temper ance aociety."l TOUR, OWN ]PRUÇONST WILL .TELL YOI Try Murine.7e Remedy Ior.Rd. Weak. Water Eyez aùd otranula<d eelIdà; NÃ" o mrtng-: J" usBye Comfort. Write for Book of the Eyi by mael.ree. Mur.neZ7e BRemedïCo., Chicago A :long face gets a short welcomt f rom the 'busy man. Minarde Liniment Cures Canot in Cous. Mrs. Barnes-"I don't Ibelieve -in these faith cures Ibrought about by the iaying on ai hands." Mrs. Browa-"Weli, I do; I cured my iittdle boy of the cigarette.habit in that wâay." ~hapepeed Hands -Qu'ckiy eald C- HAPPED hands and ,.elips always corne Vv:h cold weathms-. but CAMPHOR. icE b s ure aind -speedy' àCIdlen esWiaHîeileed 'tiVami.inel" Camphor Ice for their rough and smart-' (n'wb., and tin-a-t ds-ug Ourw~ llltrated Ib6ok ýt9 r7apI Z 1- id Ad OWi1ec with s place: .The- m amèuth it delicate froin Lady sut to dint iy that nilg 1 do b ,do! lt nei n sugland eeks tu'Mne. larelh senten ýence during ,l te ber. I,* alwayîý amn-riage ' waé cursi, I dlU ad -nLP - JuLan to- -:' bundred pe Cen en te it with sus mo- d said - --were tse ba4. ciasary te le ber afidrese ý been sent on e aeut said ha e - c-nneoss thinu sii."r --cating manne ë ct for- yoe: * r Juet said noiw 1 asr, sue v And. those, tbey net gtve -Mr. Téuderten Julian- toit e fully. Rie disi dresëe, feeling, ga-eatest satiol bis hauds 1 - Iroat and aM *She-must lit ber letter..' A tise .phase J - ~Atee a-il, - 0' - eunk but mi Lady Ellen 1w .u1g-morwhen r- amrn oglac ' 1lo- o eked ri âe.bail s trick on oee-ade; nt à very' simple an be fseiaewheme à sevin; but Mie "My cousin la -town, after ai -Yeiangeot boy, t thbotoier nikht bave askid twi e will like; -aud t .. singe -awfully -w happy. Mr. Bry, cerne baek sand j - - I sbould like me.-Lady Ellîni Bfise eriled at South Afnica at -yen, Ms-. Bs-yau- later.- .Julian @book 1 "Ne; Z bad on) 1 sbould hZV4 lu "Do you kuow loinyonr face -irardlntakSera thouUasene wai don: t e Ievunds sabisie tmi. e -]n. iand trnes; lhittslat omp a« TheIt 4e1veuugd hip. , mas sae âme. sncbos Ieeaaed te ee litleinu-oertise g lin ad spoenesJ biapey.siXe ws e - ind egnbeba-diu cse, hon - lecyen Beev1esdt tirnesa ]enu'tyen lie bsa udLady Ellun hs lhe e"aaae- eeli -ai t te s aona y thatb. ca *err f i oey md b à -ea. cI kte b«i the sald aadeladg lonc.t lnghecar hont mad i I e lie kbim o mes WbOeeerste t- te Julian.- Itynbavé no Bryant,~ eh, eaid, ARCHMIVE.S 0F ONTAI TORONTO liv4w

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