Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 22 Oct 1914, p. 3

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UOOU JMani WëéoES Ifl thO,5511W 0IU o-botteWt5flm wethe>t1i# rue o'w we IL coula D efoe lhe even-sawber, bu t duug nt tt7 [were gaingte ýý1tYe? O1 uin,~ love fluat ly ie .ftrebtlgr o>. 0meho bad prow n lnto,,the trick out wit- IYOU 00 muzC1, &and yet I am liurting 'you and th aufféring whidi ,love br la hd igtoeJaear ber #Peak. 8h. had'to Pýa..tbrong«h niy love."bri a . waae -Su iiEi1 VS. 31tl~rt~ io o~9o 01M hO T, ed1h ~e r dtoo er ln a sie>'alenow at *hobad'e*or la yod bofore. Ber an o Maaliftt bisdoor jar when ho the trernhling0f ber Il>mpo tepped. sund'ho artoe *e~femu nd _knw hewasexeced o ha homîhtwnWre bck erameJo>'as ge. Curried' eafteig~m go eshow lb.e'wold Uist, mentto vlw hum or ulug eoftly. to herooIf'a*&soh. ce au doýwiliout i. . ~ fùlesoru ackie wtt eueog bigth flOftdIi'ver 'l eai.8h "'-ire trylng ta road. 1ke a rare ray' <ô sun@hîne ln ¶.h<I habby, CHmIeRM. i blaart srnk asokhfi'orn ed aof1ht deDrflng -atmoephere 0f'the boardi4 i <HPTN II his 'andhfrown ea en.à h looked etr bouge, aomething that, ltfted and ste gi--The>'- ,te ot bavj. orunta and a oh.knolt bo.14o 'hilim sd te nOud the yung Mnss pirit, fer lite Wht the weather wu 'with them. ne S un Iwahim the'utor>' of 'ibat eh. bad. don. sund non. taog et.>for hlm. Ho never kfiew shlning and tbe world wa garbed ..in, what 1sf befor làr the futuet e lndeM dntm11he found himieof lnaetlld gro.El ladbt l od*i> R lb.le.hope, thoe exitemoni ae n te sboarder ln the big ehabb>' BiGOM&Ins rmarrînge» blntact, a.1* had corne tOý ad bU.>" etablishment. how wuch ho need the end of the 7.5>". tuition, whicb bad .Yi:out 1 k Iarngolng ta1 o lbe db s beautiful thinge about hlm, nor how bard- been provided for, and lad been very lotyo work 1" Julian said.S, ou. muet l was for hlm te assimilate himself tO much troublod as 1a how she wae to fita>' ho ="Il, theo-restrictionsanud tho -ha.rdehip of a on and work. Ho>' marriage had tolvod Tht>' were 1h. firet ronch wo rd. ho bail cite' clork>s existence. tho problom lIn one direction, but IJC> in epoken to ber, and thoyliurt ver>' Padly. no still retained a ernartneai-lu in isanother, for tue girl msoed the buser life, Sij Enld trieS tao ld lier own. look and '*ore well-cut clothe., and ho the beseons, tbe bard work, th. encourage-. ,ea es,@he saiS, *'*bat do.. l mat- Wae il. object 'of a good deal Of s.dml>'tt ment. Ambition was buruing witbiin u lut er whlch of us works W. are not two1 trop trorn the fempbe vlail.ore;, but le o Et as koenlya. ovs;, but it baS ta ho kept wo are one; sud if filcomelu my wsy-' out uft le'boardiuzg-bouse as fr~Qiieu1ly under. Tbe>' tound two tîn>' roorne lan 1*1 tell yen, I won't bave IL" Bryant au-î, as Ppsslblo. Re boathed the food'and de- Konsîngion, touLiny' te bld a -piano, OVOfl rwered hardi>'. 'I ar nent. going to jet tepted the, peuple, aud ho was Oniy happy if the>' could bave afforded oue. Ail day you gara mouey'1 oppc niIan w bon o ws b hlxsof.longtJllan w as out; each moruing he not golng t l -11 ry wl f. turu horseof lu- Julien wae .generous by ,latûre; ho lhad apent a, fair arnount on, newepaporse to a show person to be stared at sud; bosn devuted to hie mothor, snd had soarcllug througb -the columne 6f .4>'.>- critlclzed, sud got ber bead turned wlth couctçd At, lttle cnet ta bave Lbe armr tisemente, and hamitenîng to answer sncb tpddatr. and tu turu round sud fasce a lite of as he toIt would lie suitabje. stuiS flatte> bt'." ewretar n drudgery for that mollo>". sake; but It Ve-walked minu>miles ta interview ail Enh lagbo uttI>. er brsl Was impossible for ovon one su kinS snd km-de uofpeple, %ndEuiS woubd oit walt- -thl liater.' @h I a o affectionate net te, feel aIt tirneothe fiatil- inc for hlm tu corne home aud whiet ah. O!Jla or"a.si Ians 11>' of tb. sacrifice ho lad made. wie zriigbrfnosu h abl 5r>'>. I thougbt you would liave beun Ortalnly hoe btS reduced the burden of aud prelending ta liersoîf that the wa, leee. (To bo cuntinuod.) dcSbta, liii ver>' lîttie remained; but hie practising. 8h. wae îlways radiant wleu Inother hadt quickly obown hlm uf what ho carne back, no piatter 0oW tlred or dIs.________ uallîy the vas mie, Ber grief for hie piniteS or cross le migbt be; mIe b.d the fshridon over~whelming et fBrat, '3o knack cf making an>' littie place bopie tat l t dboon a ehock beyeud descrip- and her Lin>' siLlng-roorn wns 50 proUy'. BATTLES WITH TWO NAMES. tion te the ýroung man when une day le Sornehow there, wae always a flower lU bad -a ilttle Jette>' fron hie utothercelm- gIve perfuÛte sud color, a gift more oflen 17 Iluarabins hlm Ibat eh. wstemarried than net fror thbe greengr ocr round the Op)posiag Arinie Name l'hein Fromi *agalu, corner; aud uo was go re#ouretul. She Of courise,.te h aSan excuse for sucb turneS lualber irnaàli ouseteping duties Soule Landmnark. conduct, luslstlng that this action Ofý with a zest whlch surprineS hersell, aud Iel-1 had been brougbt about because ah.eoh. worrled ber brai.ln sacorcled ber Newspaper readers have noticed il5 not wlsh lu romain a burden on ber bands iuveuîlng sud cooking r Oiginal tllait iu tlhe deap~cc ifrn boy; but te. rudently eocaped aU un- 'diehes for ber lusband. mtce difrn cornfortable scoute b>' rernovtug herselif lu "Waî do you thiuk we have for supper uames are soinetàmes given lu thea a conuiderable distance.o bail adnarried to-nlgh?"'she would c>'>. "Sprats a la mebte.FrempeIed- s men ber Interlur lu positioný but p.ppa' EniS." suebfl .Freape h e rentl>' possenoed ot a goud dea O f mono>'.-Or perlapsitI wae a "crerne Chopin," spatches from France' spoke of the "Wshal] l iveabroad," &he had writteu. composeS cf an ege beaten up with sugar:Btte !Haewh'ea AeG - "Ihope. dalIing, that you will write ta or perhap.ethe wouid veuture lu give hlmBUeo HAm hrastýGr Me as often se-you eau." a tun>' uncl of asparagus. He wass ia eepthsaledteoan n Hie mthera marriage signifiedseuore- tireS, pou>'Julien nud I. soomed Lu have mndsace aldte&meen thing more than a ehuck Lu Julan Bry. 50 îîtt'e appoîlte._ gagemnent t.he Betie o! Diest. That gnt-bt loft i hl quit. sleote. HI. rois- Little-- rîs. Bryant obnt ber, eyes resc,* la not Unu-sUu.; iuany ci t-he world's lions had heen eatraugred at the limte ut intel>' lu theounI buto vident shndow thal ateshv w lia fatber's deatb; as a mater ut tact, was talliug on the beluved face. Sbe was Most famou-sbte hv w tle>' lad carefuillv aloof, noî wish.ug t go 5 délicate lu ber cumpréhensive seul- nemes. ho luvolved l ln-te pocuulary dîffîcultîe; ,patby, so cbeeriug, anSdsoéstili laugheS " Ai lb. oun>' une wbo baS shawu hlm pracul- lIaI brîgîl, fainatiug laugb whlch, if .LLus the atle of vvaterlîo 1 cal kîndue.. lad beeu lIns. Maruoce, wloiu t did nul corne quit. gouspuntaneous wae knvwn by that naine only amrong lad marrieS. an eldori>' laIt-brother Of a tact known cul>' tu horseif. At lat ie mot.bor't, s -man who wuuld lave been she nover resteS 1111 tle lad ,,,pt ' ,awa Englisl - spenang peoples. The ve>tih uJllnld eboaalee something uofthîe sbaduw, sud broutht F reneil alI it thie fattie of La BelI MbsLme. The late MIr. Maruock lad heen emîles inelead. Neverthleoess dospite ber'Ailece s great'oufforer. aud ladljuever been at 11111e ecunumles, 'le>' great care and ber AlkC.,Te battie that de-cide.d ab offifce, but -ob. ad roised Ils wîfe's braver>', the situation was becomiug the war betwe- Prusýiit. and Aus- sterestIn J ullan, aud tle yuung man graduall>'mr difficuit. The mono>'1 bad- bcen vçry grateful lu 1er for givtug weut no torrii>' 4ulckly I ButS haleS tria iu 1866 is kuown ajnong the hlm a start. 1 askinir for mo feetoling whbch com- Germ-ains as the Battie of Kouig- 4 IL was o levitable ihAt le anS BuiS municated lit -orYaut, for le abways should drif t imb lappe* comradeabbp. ffureeled the weekl al4çwance b>' a date gratZ. lu the war o! 1870, beitween1 I'hey met one vol'> wet cvpnlîe'Ien u -or an sd -radua yv lb. summer wauedG liait ,elnuL uu oly a. dis u nation Lu aud the $1,250 dwiuiaîed, sud IL was nul Germa.ny andFrneth ete- f nçc tle rain, but cfflncious ut a certain untîl the cari>' autûmu 'lIat Julian Bry.' gagemeail that the Geîinans cati the foolioh neaof soepilingmoue>' for fou sutnt ounuS hiefiret thance, work lu the Bat-île ci Gravelotte la opoken of by outoide wheu ho could oblain lt lu the office:- u a uew compa>'. homse lad decided to romain ai home. The salary was Juet baîf wlat ho lad the Frene-b as the Battle o! St. Ie hat gone down tu Sinner bale, re- been laviug heou>', but le accepteS lt .olvlng lua retire ro hie uwn roum agaiu cagferl>', and 111e carriod ibem up la rvt almoal lmxedlately; but lie plana lad CIhrstmas; thon tle new cumpau>' closeS Tha samne thing was common in heeu allered. Soto une clos e isbte, ils doore, and bo tounuS îmsel once againtAeA rca CiiWr.Tebt- Loou, snd as lelad entered île dlulug- wlîbouuîoccupation. teA eia ii a.Tebt room, the clear, f reel. euchantiln volée. ILseemed lu hlm ibhat he wabked île île tbat is knowu lunlthe No'rlh as wlîh the sunu>' 1111e ring bu iL wb I-Iwaseontre citel>'luthese daYs. sud as Sisap. h bti !Bl u oi o su tseclusting tLu hlm came ta his oare. polulmeul sfic>' dluappoîntrnt îcarne t h lu fBl unwudnî SThe dînner wae colS aud nul ver>' Sp- îim. there grew up abcwl>' iu lie mînti be recognized by niost southerners Detieinir, but, île>' sat aud shared It Lu- the ugl>' suspicion Ibai sume une oÈ moune- d> tri it r;ad h L aked sud tht>' made5, hing was wurklng agaluat hlm, for man>' u drt unle. In te Sou>th il rina h r1 l oIS hlm lIai eohmlias a ime whcn, le was Jus: lu lunch ut a 15 invariably called lte Batüte o! qulte alune. berth the chance ilîppeS ihrougl bi& a isas S hebfl ha h 111 came uver tu Engband," sbe saiS, fingers for nu satîstacuor>' reneun, anS ho ansa. S Viebtelrath agalnotthe wlsh utfni>'aunt,îlnlu act. ahé tounS t given ta sumeune else. Federal generals, called lthe Battie was ver>' augr>', sud proplesied ail sorte. Jullan Bry'ant dIS nul reby merel ou - et dreadtul thînge lIaI wene le lappon bis educatlunal qulttete gîve>ouîom Pittsburg Landing was by tie 'lume;butI ontmea lubea filue.work. Lunz fr tu>.ilge lad corne lu Confederates called thie Battie o! lI mean te do well, and lu make a place ibis pilcb, be baS Secided (keepin Shol. At for myoît ove>' 1er.matter. bowever, outirel>' te îlmeeî?lI ha"tilo tetam is; caied in tlie And IL was nuL ver>' loug hou>' Julan it le coulS nul use bis brainule would Sc>uth the Batth. o! Sbarpsburg. confeossd, talilmself lIaI t-be place @Ie luru te sud use lis bands.. intenSeS tu make wae sîroad>' found lu But bore agfatu le taileS, tle belpîtes- 'The ren.son feor 'bis is VialVite bis heart, lu Ils ver>' beart ut bearts. He noms ut hie own atrengl seemed te mock oppo'sing arinies alawys name the loveS ber as le lad nul known ih Wa lLrm; ferle counld get uothiug tu du! posible that any cune humait croaturo Once. uuknown -t'O lis wlte, le- wrole to batlle f rom some èp roininent geo gr&- counidlove anoller. - ie mollo>'. Re 515 net ask frbrmny hcllnmrada ylo Back lu the old da>'s when lhe baS boon although lemi li 1tin ail nuate have a adnaran sbhylo with -lie régimnt, hoe lad firteS, and doue su. for laybe not clargedblM«0.l t ahAe fiead fr011 differeinit pointe o! SauceS, sud palS court aX tl. others lad 'with tihe responsibilîty et hor innumer. ethyntr.lyeUeo ilr doue; but blé learî lad noe~r been tone.h- &jget Sebta le would bave tounuS bmlf vete e ml eteo ifr oS; anS nuw l yielSe oeinsoîfl ne grest lu a ver>' Siferoent position uow; but ho ent nameas. Thus, ael Wabterloo, tAie resmlgw. od.es. ad passion for phla could not briug bjunIf ta aek front ler'; bil okit nls an rt >'girl, with the sweet eyessaud Lb.he houI>' putbIls uifficultîes lu front autteok UEgih m fm = lpyaugh and tle délicate, f ragrant bier anuS aked ber for ber aSylce. H. lb.e littIe village where Welàing6on LuStu 11e' mrriS wtbuî ~ thought Lt possible lIaI tbrou.gh ler bub syne'soset, soarred ingthlut aIeadul bond thîe migîl lave beon ahi. te hwnmade hi. final headquaritéra, and abm but apnstei Sln ng tead oz lirm ornewa>' lu which te caru iliving. iwheuce lie sent lu Englaind the first the bu hppiess Srugle ho-e mgb t- wre*as aong urne hou>'.hlereceived and t- irt bo. work îlèe' ihighit be and muet e anelier sud thu île>'. ca-me a Jette>' ver>' epachthstenicuneed his vie- but happinesâ thens shounîd h..Pur BuIS mueb nuderlîn-ed aud ver>' affectiuuate;, tory. Se in 1866 the hee.dquariera Bryant was sometbing botter tiaqx be1ug lu whlclj, hbuwever, bis molle>' declareS rus preti>' or- attractive or heautitul. Un wae Ihat Il was quit. ont of ber power ta d.o! tlhe ru an army wai near thieI patcl lrllaqalt'htSusvise lirn or to b. cf au>' use aI aUl. She village o! Sadowa; wbereas that. of noilwa>'s assimIla. ilsedt- wilb the art- Seplurod bIs -'marriage lu the tend>' t ibia lotie nature. way posible, sud recmmness4iln o the Aust ans was near tihe villaget $he IL lias who planned ouL ever>thin 1>'> anS see'biat -le could do for hîmoîf o! Koniggratz. At Gravelotte, the, andaw île Sifficubtios sud smuutheâ with lis fat-le>". people. As île Bry'u itevi.aeo uinm aaan lhIns sway., wlu"bult csttea nue t fair farfl>' was pruverbisl pour tlibis mugae ftéat ae a a but ozndeduo oe, anS lu dreamed gestion was ut 11111e veluetolu hm; nr- g:Important i h ena o~tle'a1gilng.-îhl sheivouiddu lu li , JullandiS approacl lisvainpot mako loraeoifworubyfutiisminuwlo 155 relatione, oui>'. Icwever. lu meet wîîbz-e- lunes; ou the aide o!flthe Frenuch, lthe r chosen bar,,sud libo lad broxigîl siili newed dlsspipoiutrn.nt, maS, muore bitter haulet o! St. Privait was the key lu wonders.'sncb blîlherto unkuowu Joy i11510 y unseuglt andScenteulloosadvice. if ber existence. numetimes tle question troubleS Znid their batlle formation. As long as t Eefoue ho reachod bomne that mémorable Bry'ant as k> buyw' ber, hueband maiaged lhey lield filal, tliey were invinci-c eveniug Julian Bryaut baS reeolved t-lt aI e ep thinge 9011119,aIe neveynpokeuor le wuuld nutll-leLis lfe wlat lad lisp- ibis; tbore waa between tIbm lIai Most ble ; but wluen tAie Gernuans ailed f peued: but ber aympathy a ne Per-,>rare sud yet meut ezquisîtes>mal ititreeaaddrv tbm ut l>netory t ¶' 1 er love was s anetio lve butnterea nddrvetei ut ne lhlu . u maguethowhich sosse elips lu crucia omen tsh aywu oi that bpfore ,t e> aS _beon »u lv btgraduali>' BIS began to do thrl; h a a o -Fnidi Prysut took heroelt aay tram fier 5î'aj .rai! ~'~""a ~ '~':- is a h'avNv I+teel slide, whieh lushaudea arme anS moveS tu the %indow. SYI)i;l ial-n ok-c5 .at her a 11111e em- holda iýhf balli-on captive. Fru-m "ýPerla-ps." clu cafS, lu a iuw voîi<e. dc~ylienn "pe'lp MILmeas aselhngele. *ui w,',,Iiin; fi')oi- "Iv. e"s- d îiesr o aln sqteel enl c aîl i omau liard. yau thin ihole ii: , d 'îîl la îoîîly lift. MY Pi.- cable. %vwil p1 bèrits the bal-onc nu senrieiî. I know éch>e not yî'un g -ple1:éin- - it",ixîolt i'.. nid itsiii iinpiv icuraou1 but, Jîlan, .1 îsndorslaiid wh>' sh. i s -j~ t, 1'v ;îîd gel a 'ri f . oi, t<) s ,rao t ien-five fe-et nbovel i doue llia--,wbsy tîle nnuI lu le su o " îe Mi)Vg ui- lîey arm, ' li ad !o -tilt 'ail, but 'liîî!ds it fil'Mlv lu 1!a. lu youn-- ..Yeu wo're lu IP su mu11el Tulier dl'o-1 iri î'wti 11Couie a,,d ec e. i' iîsp'd't'f r, al ho i ptrbaw; yon were luelring lier Pouietb 11w ,>,,L vo i-* J'Vfi go'Laflret.toc). a - Iailoî"î1) is n whic'l al ber moud' liail lever be:tilt' 1111 011V îerietiii ':c 'top out he ,,h'. t e-îlt aî'capable Of 1hol1ding toIn Juil50l Bryatu ).l !ltli '.îi wo;-k zi ite edlllr'i-iz uf bshais'. ' îîiîî'lî a..1î'r I iiand'1Ci don'i1 uo- 'aitîh Ji-atiig devie, "Efid. dearpiol. durilt l lioîseîîe.' 1110)tiI yb-.dy iî"ia Ucgn tiiiInlugoing iup 'liemei ig 1!>iiith'e bai- eaid a- litle irriitail>' -,lîikr0 "it int-noneene l'in getting ai the Ir was }1-nid»e'tuito 10e ecu no~w. bn s Mfed, u f cv u r~ , v t-he hy- ti iruîlI Juilian, ou îuis lave gtveli lier 1"*Jlow long duou uicico"asked lite rgngsi oîis sou*ha lîfow*: nu wuîider îeoheliate e e. Jaulksuu. do lîsattero i -ti.! Dou'i yuen reieiniser xli oîwr 1 ls anelt îtaawife'îcheeîshow strongly t-le wiud :05v b lw vea uolîw :aw int Ite cailed lu am elIe cuzîleased tbat elle nover toucbied Lu g sud how desperateli- -te bpiwe' inquire andthie floiuw-re,410îa .itont and t10iio'P.-!Ith cptv tise fruit; thoise buvty tllowero irmliil yul:it :, ji(r g1rl Scolbed 'ber EobanI>t. may tug atit-s steel caible, il cannût- always iglii oti-aiglî n up te ' r cxm 'bIeall it fuitivel>' erlmilual. t3eesaiS:e wy btrutaceddrcl 'lerO Wa43îu a ilo eio'teuierit -when i)'ut l'o awayî3 tIh e si: when girls ea wi;u is- seddrcl ilfrq. ar #.tne u in he oonmatrry tliey giu'u tP everVthing. 1Soul uover tlie gîiiding steel rail. OllI îîies'iî. ide'tad" k no-v ~J~y~ juanîd E llke but 1 01 truontj Jiliau iook ier iiiIiia amin: aan t'ait bCî1, -!p eein 'â ïou ve nia-de a foui iîacîîng tLbe t-up:f ýjotai s "1'qii lfo i lii "ho 9euS "anlti )uu -If y-atoll fWby, nxy' Seat. Vil tell yan thie balloon 15 sbipl nhrd s'i arc:îikii ii ',aiîîe'. lt-ci;elar. n - w'î-sght ::ow. iýey expecled yl bue carry -tire lime arritil iiecnjk ijz dliogt) a hzje-, 31ui vo vrïl.îgbue o-Yeàsih a e t 'arivs for begiuniug tisec fa, a 1,11 'î' re.iturr. If wy:jtî lubei: a grot-pianisi '.ith yeux>peniozial- dsot liý er î' fo"ei'r doivîg Ilinîge for Iity a-nd YOUr teilmperament. It' lent tue> nie Il'w:,: i :x:îoyuîyinuhen" ite î'î'e:îasil la. You u .tathl-uk abou' This is anethierproilem easy of + " ll i 4 a.' vntov .- " a-t-1vanMi Àme and foe e memimes iif yuu l tton. .1 tank' tînder lire cgri- Lhi ill, but ta'e aie mniromaucet- t" Jcaoispore an hun. p ~ " yot i aiS nuîhlng lu t lier I u2band îent fil led with waher, anid the entire a!- cj lnft er. ho a. i isth eeting 'with Sýbil Jackson. - fael Wih u 'sî<ls>~ Icusd t'idîtthiltaItar djreei flqt mSîe o fa'r1>i-Ldragge.d down-hi1 by weigirt t '*tletimo. :-irl lia-I vartid, ell c udlacoa>'-afgan y.fc i nreq force 'as mevuenti 'fîel 'tkat t. e-flttg Mâ nlnyof 145 geuiniuea. afantrymen,.liedtue u rg is one -of the, nly .twe. Europe now -ruied b Neoeign",tlïe . ther 4ing -- . .. .. . ... Duehes of Luxemhurg. eig lthe Grand Ducheas o! Luxemn- burg, a lire youngeel lu Europe. Site suceeded to te throne lu Marci, 1912, on te deah of ir fable>', William III., Grand Duke o! Luxemburg, beiug thon vîthin Ivo montAis o! ber eighleentb birtt- day. Serions aud 'grave bey-ond ir years, lthe Grand Ducitesa reminds une-very mauch o!f'the laie Quen Victoria, vite ascended ltetron. o! Engiand viren she vas aigirteen, sud vir e aemed lu deveiop ailmosi al once mb -a grave aud tougilful wvosau. Li-ke Quoen Victoria, Vte Grand Ducitaaa o! Luxemnburg takes ir> dalles vary seriously, aud since site- became raie>' ias made an extensive ehady -of internatiocnal poliVics anrd Mal talconcera tire velfare o! tire miniature State ove>' vhid -sire reigua. Iu aphte o!ir>'youtit, alle has gone lir-roîsgh attuorougi course o! poiialI-eluree u-nder tue guid- auce o! Dr. - Eyssetn, te vele-ran Sta.te Minister, aind titose viro have' bad occasion lu di"sous politieal matters vitit ir>'have beea iazed at bar keen grasp o! polities aud in- tearnaionai affauirs. A Queen of Chsrity. Furitermore, site taias lte keen- e-at interet lu evarythiug liaI cou- tribales to lte veitare o!flte poorer iseso! Luxeinbue-g. Her çhiratiy is proverbial, olnd tuer. je a eaiig in te Grand Duehy tuai "dite would glàdèyrunin irerseif lu malciug .îliere omfortible." lu addition lu holding lthe reins oif pover in te govenue-nI o! ar biny kiugdom, tue Grand Duceess lias conîriof o! er immense fortune, Worthir, > laestimated, close apon ten million pounds, viticl maires lie> quite 'ludependeut o!flte Qivil List oif $40,000. This ruouey, il migit ble mntioued, va-s namassed for -the most part by the Dukes o! Naseau witefi tirey vere driven into Aus- trisn exile, Vhroagh 'the prosperily of Wiesbaden, once tue gambler'ei tiaradise, and ota>' places o! a aluni- a>' nature. ITue fortune je inve«ted in securities lu vast estato. iu Aus- trUa, Hungary, sud Germany, lie- sides Luxemburg iteeli. -Luxemburg is virta3ly an sale-. cratie se'vereiguty, as te Legisla- ture oniy mneels for four monthn lu ire year, and is almouf, bat nul laite, under lthe coniplete con-Irol of tiré girl Iuches. O! course, rumur La baèy fiudiug a fitting mate for lAis youug raie>', and up toulire preaeint, alîbougt nany other princes, u.uclîîdlug a son of King George, have been men- lioued, lthe favorite seanis to e e ne, of tire younge- sous o!flte Kaiser. But tu-e Duches La -aegirl vhu vii breook nu interfereuce .vitihtir>' s- fdirs., sud viii nmarry wvhom aish ldeases. At present sire sens per- feetly beart-free. ler leîîliar Naine. The lady vas ialkiug lu au aid friend aibout tue nuarriage -of ber dsuigitter tla a ealthy' man."I un- ierat-and," said te friend, "titat Madge bas married very weil.ý" 'Qih, yes," remarked Flue graiied mother, "very veli, indeed." "But îe hais suc a, peclar nase. Friz- zle-wigfrle, wasn't il 1" ilYesi> 'That'a perfectly itorrid, dou't you thmnk?," I"Weli," itesitated tAie mo- bber, "il daesn't sund very melod- [oas. possibly; -but if le perfectiy besustiful uon a cheque.' Ris Rcply Gentleman, riding oin a jauuting. ar (witicb La jasI pssing a man- àio.n), tu driver-"Wbo lives titeie, Pail?" "0dm-h! sure il's Mr. 'Fllalert-bat ires Jade." "An' xiat did be dit of, Pal 7" (iFaith, bein, ire died o! a Tuesday." "AuJ qyr long lias ho -been Jead 1" "'Sure. yer banor if lied lived tlI u-morrow iîe'd bave been dade a ,rlnight." I&? ai4qý#thé, 0vies of the ,worl, ~ y Lndon, Amawer8. .,We ireý prettyr. well acquàinte4, with.the twolve-inchgun-hat with whiich. our,' 'Drno-nghte are- arm-1 -ed.- "Quite - recez*ibly a. i8.5-inoh 'gun w. introdueed,> thùugh ifs per- lermances have ibeen kept ; seret., Next:cànmê the talkeo! afi! te"-inch I gun,- and 'Stijl later of, peirhps, Ieven 'a lar'ger. Thle vtleaitasi.nvlWJ far ar~'lu.bit~frst, it bard,,-and. keep onaiibin.g, a<:ovrding b -Ad- mirai 6ir PercyScott, thie greatest, authority in tihe.world upo n naval gunnery. It is our proud satisfaction as a natdon tha, our Navy contains the finest gunners in the. world. That aw'ful impleinent c! war, the 13.5-inIch gun. is seventeen yards long and will Strike, a ýblow of over 80,000 foot-tons at a cost approacli- ing f750 each time il is fired. The shot is the height of a tlu man, about eight tirnes hi.. weigllt, lias a, circum.ference gres.ter than the man around his chest, and has a inar- veilous penetrating power. At Thirteen Miles. Quttside officiai. circles Lb is net knovu yel ývhal the exasct pove.r is, bu-t Ihe existiug hveive-ineit guns wiii penetrate eight luches o! ars- or aI titirteen miles. The. ghelio! tue 13.5-incit gun, hoveve? 'weigha ne foyer titan 1,2501b,, v-hile the veigmi o!fthre.gun is Vvonity tons mure than its predecessur, lte range e!f îre beiug considerably ove>' a mile grealer titan tAiat o!flte Iveive-inch gar, Tite advance o!ftae science oi gun- nery, sud lte aecuracy viitt whicmh au-r gunners. worm, uuay :be gabier- ed f rom lte Inet tuaI nov vo have a higiter pereentage -o! bits ait 8,000 yards than vo bad a fev years ago aI 1,000 yards. At a receul trial o! une o! ou> ' balileships, six sbuW- vere fired ait a range o! uearly five miles, lie barget boing about une- tenih-t-ho size oi a ba.bleship. Four r' tirese sirota, veut direcily through i-be targe-t, viile te otiers rico- chelted titrougl iti. Thte reader vili get tome notion of lte diffiemutios in tue vay o! bit- ting a targelt ai range of fiteen miles-a range well vithin bte power o!fte nev gun--the shot muai, te counteraet lte effect o! graviiv. reacit a heigit-o! 22,000 fe-t, whichit 18aicousiderably alti- tude than thie moaI lo!tty sumnmni lu the Alps. Ove>'theflic is snd Far Away. Aititougi thVe gunner titus bas te shout ove>' high mounlaina, lie must de il lu su-cit a manner Ihait -lhe ahol wiii drop ab lte other aide on- lihe exact spot viiera il viii do niosi daimage.' Quite a commun range for naval guuuery i. five nulles, the distan >ce being covered by the sheli in twelve secende.- Witen al hhese facta have Ïbeen lairen inb cousideration, ashow- ance hais luei.ruade for lte facb tal lteve.ssel froua which the shot i. fired and also thse slip aimed ai are couslautly mioviug, having a certain amcuni cf roll. TIva mien are engagedin lutrainiug tire gun,-each looking lhrougit a speciaui lelescope. One main holda a viteel, bywvihllte horizontal diTecti-on o!flte nis, cantralied, -ville tire el-ber ÃŽe's a simils> viseel for eoutrollink ithe elevation. By long practice, hese meu vorir tire gun praciealy iu lie same ,msnuer as if a singie brain vere controlimg il. NaturallY, lhe iDtirnation o!flte aecur-acyr o!fîre 18 cc'nveyed if thé euensy'e olip catchefs fine. Te oh- bain ire 'test reaIte, bovever, ft fa necessarTy tisai an eairlier intima- tion sitould lie conveyed. Tis is ,wiere 011> Navy scores, for it pu0s- sesses ai metbud o! ascertainiug vitit accuracy vitetier lhe o.n.my ia bit or nul, a meltaod ri:ieh fa kept perfecbly secret.t The abave shtows lte enormous difficaîlties lu the vay of aceurahte firing viit big gans ait ses, sud thte greal science it bais becomie. ANTI1PA1NGA-PATRIOT. Bouc Affaira Are Conducted ln Eng- Iand Durlng s War Crisis, An amusing alcsry tuait ilusralea thie peremptc-ry way l i clliAiffailm aire condui' ted during a vrar criai.' oumies frein England Vu lite New York Tciegram.0 A ge-uleunan viro lives atSentr- amplon sud viaovons a speedy. power boal wrurte to bthe commander s-t Purtno-tt-h, offe>'iug iis boat for the service o!A-is ouataty. lu re- ply, h-o vas ausiderably aurp>'ised te reeîve a sletter "lYoar offer cf power buatlu Hia Majesty'a gçtverumenl la receisred aud bas been nioVbeS. It viii not lie neuessarY for you 'to, maire a formai transe', -- Aeca la«.alire.ady in ,,se, by B'sMàjesty's'nval forees. DifficulhtY 'lias been excperienced lu geîîing, tos- ne-n.wlio Uide-raudï runnfiig Ici>' p>opearly, 'and y-ou couid rende' yîqur coan-hry servjice by raturniuîg sud operating 'ler foir Ruis majest ys n&vy. - Aiud t r ~I~*'i -sÃ" muai pleased aI 'tic way.iris or-atit ad been oom- mu-ndeered' tint ire u'olanbearad, ,ind is no w *auassistant enguine* ferignaval officirs about-lunVire crafî lie used lu owu--and anjoying 'Lt. thec Home- Old'.fahloned Gingerbrcad. Thore was probably une original method o!frnaking this deleelable, avweet, dark îbread, or plain cake- -whiebever,.you may eall it. But Ihere have 'licou devised.su many variations un -tlie une original me- tibhod tuat il la almost losi in ob- scurily. Thec OId-fashloned Klnd. -- Here is an. old fammily receipi, for- ginger- -bread that bas 'been t>'ied a.nd nul fouud wanting by severaP" genera- tions; One 'haUf cupful o! sugar, one 'ha-! cupful molasses, une hb'al! cîîpful o! aveet milit, ouaebail! -lea- a poonful o! soda dissolved lu 'one ta;blespoQùiful aher, une table- spoonful 'Lof butter or lard, moi-ted sligbtlY, ýne heaspoonful o! grud ginger, une leaspoonful o! ground sugar, one teazpouinful o! cinna- mou, one hli!teaspo-onful o! bak- lu-g powder, îi-2 eup'fuis o!f four, one beston egg. Si!i lite dry lu- gredienis together iu'Vo sbovi. Add molasses, mik asTd sirorteniug. Beat -well. Then add te egg. Bake siowly lu a lus!, lu a fiat pan or lu sm-ail patty-eake pans. With More Eggs.-?-Here is s ro- ceiut for a sponge gingerbread liai usez more eggs in comparison lu the b'ther ingredients: Que cupluli o! sugar, oue cupful o!fnmolasses, euoe cupful o! milk, tlbree cupfuls o! flou>', ivo tablespoonfuis o! baking powder, oee al! teaspoonful -o! ssii, tbree voli boston cggs. Called Molasses Cake.-This is anuiher faily receipi, tiai 'g«oos under the name o! molasses -cake. It is richer than either osf tire otte> recipes given: Oaa bai-f eupful -o! bulle>', eue hait cuplul of sugar. two beaton eggs, two cupluls cf flour, une iraif teaspoonful oncit of cinnamun, aillspiceesnd cloves, -offq hli cuplul o! mulk, une- cupitil bl molasses, one leaspoonful o! soda, une hall cupfui o!f boiling vaier. Creani tue butter and augar sud a-dd thie eggs and molasses. Sîf i lire spices and focur together and add, aleruateîlywi.tli tue miuik. Thon dissolve tue sod in -the boll- ing water sud add lasi. - Without Eggs.-Titere are sume very good reco-ipis for 'ginger-brkad withoul eg-gs, and bore i. *one : Qne cupful molasaes, one cupful of! su- gar, une hiall- eupf il o!butter or lard, one cupui 0f boiiing-,water, une fuil leaspooinfui o! soda, une teaq>ounful o! ginger, une hli! tes- spuoniul o!folnnmon, feux' cipf nia o! fleu.r. DissolvebAie soda' lu a: tsblespuontfuiolthe boi-liug wsier aud acld te the molasses. Tlîen "cd thie tiortening, znelted, the rosI o! the boi'liug'water and lAie flour, naixed vithlitue spices. Beat until smoothitandbakte. Ginger Sponge Cake. - Some- tumes. 'brovn sugar is used lu gin- gerbread, as ýit hin titis receipi: Two cupluls o! browu augar, four eggs, eue -Dînt o! flou>', 1-g tesa- speonfuls baking powder, due ea- spouil ful ! atraot o! lemun 'n tenspoon-ful o! pinger, g round or 'exiratiivutirds euiul of eold water. ]Bes tte'eggs snd thon add tire amga>' and ibeat -for ten minutes. Then add, ilternately, the vwater and bte flou>', with thre apices. Add tue extract aud inu untiil sunuoth. flaie £or about bai! au hour. -Broyn Sugar Mothsises, - The fure-goiug reeeipt used ' irovu sa- ga>', but nu molasses. Titis receipi calis for 'butAi these ingredienis. Que cup!ul ef-butter, une eup! ni o! brownsaga>', one cu-pful o! milk, one li cupful o! molasses, 1%2 plut. o! fler, 1V4. teasp-oon-s o! bsk- ta<blespucfu o aliug te rau add to litour eream. Ti nad bite creamsud .tbè flour ho lImte cake butter. flakireîn a.ioug'cake. - Arce1'ou IRonseean-ing? j Firsî -of al lie titorugh. And secoudly, do't make a fol-Lob c(ii lie process aud a slave o! yourself. * Taire Ycur ioase-cieanirg aiyJ and sile. Rest 'be;&wreno~n.i .you finui-ah that ppalliîvg sitoc'ooiî -f 1 ait 2 o'cioek neýxt -Tues hxb"oru- sible sud rosI durnug the reai:ci::Jrlc Late lasI Maïyte advertising -huwardsnumoîtberu aud - ea&terii France began to bc, duscuraed vilir brillaly colored posters o! "Bou-illon Cubes," whiebý purpaie ho be a nov Germam pre-pa-rýation for nuaiigbeef tea ,No '>nec11, a-ny suspicion lirai bie postera werc nul exactly w-al tb ey pýetaed c1te- lie unit!l aler w-sriad bison declar- ed, and tre Garni-a-n lroocp- lîad bis- .gun lu overrun Belgia-n. Then lunlthe fightingr-îd(har lortîl, bthe Freuncr aa-î iîedilCo- ma'n office r. lunvirose "potakot tiey !ouud a code houk il-at, pnec>'te-tibai-'ý bta 'Boahiioa Cube.% poatewrs -were rily elevmi-1'Iy d0i1i4ncasc giving ee'tViiiîvufm - Vo an iuv',ading a;r-my'. .-N ar', eve'y pauste.>'dtffa-red, frOT'il Lue Otîe:'s a some de-taài of ooloring or iii tht wurds ît bore. Fo- exaniibe, liE ',S Ru-er 10 Pfcîîîîig' o<n 4tIposter mciialt ma0ked ibatfe.-los 4,ren trenrýin]mrts a mile and a hal'colb îf i-his e',l"-'T "eier '2oPeu -min'ed about Ai n. -0 ber 'rdm gave inf.4îîîsî'itî a.îs lw io ber of, horss thas- coadd ire seizedhl thýe possibility of getting fnOd sup-, Plies, cor-the. coaii<m Àcno! the roadd. aud b:-ways iu tre :eigàbai'huod. Tire Fi-c soldie.rs wore tonq .sel tsi w'csrk-ltes-r dowmn enet-y suuW poster t-bey saw. Su thcey have uoý bie-en, of a.s nuich va-lue, Vo the-ilu-; 'aidens s' ýtliry expctcdthe-m th :be' j it la a':iîr'esin facb Vhs-bt thé a<lver-tigiiig slpacu for .tre poste "ai.c-i wik~a d paid for in, 5prî 1g. ssnd l ie co-nî-acts e-rete r'în for a, îyear. T,.ntvas îwyo0 ~in'e totsiasb-et-ro'wa,wla8sd diîr<, andulorotham,.nmt-tle~ j"..e thc etiLsfuio -d!Princa ARCHIVES 0F ONTARIO a TORONTO, t-" ~ j o! the day, Don'tbegin tlit'IaIi, bedruiom'and losle aillyoise, and loin- per *by 6 o'eloek. Tpke thlings' 55fle l'y. You owa Il b -y oufeief tlu'Cou- - duel the work oa*thÏ&lime in'an- - ficienit, 'inildmanne>'. -Begil i tis year lu llirow away the absolutely -ne-edleîsselîrtaint aind garments tiraI are crowding the 4toîae rooni. There is..p slogan inl motbhumes ;tlat ,nolJhingnmust' be dls-.ardçd, "it viii corneinu good som'e dav," i3ayslthe average vuo-'- man., Why, Dot make lthe curtains, the oli suits, the old-ilein colne--in" jgood no*?' Give them utu.ainby of te org-auized sucietios for aiding the pour. It i. criminailut -hold îb ack 1 tirat vhih la unusued iu y-ou>' home sud wbieit canlieip a less fortunate une. Thmu-k thai ove>'. And now tuat yon have cleared- ui thee-nnecessarv things, inves- tigale lire paints, shelves and fix- hures o! tue home, A wonian with p, eau o! fresb paint, a bî-usb sud lthe house-eieaning spirit, can do wunders. Makerwbite painit whilel', give a glussy ceIt'lu the water- stiodwiudow-siils, iecoior 1h. sheiveB. Af te>' soap and- Watei there is notinmg su rejuvenating as !re4hrpaint. TihsaWorthî Knowing. Obsiunate whitewasb stains -may be roînuved with a fev drops o! hot- viuegflr. - Rab alcoliol si-ains off wood -- nsediateiy w'itb' a cioth dipped -in vaseline. Borax wiii take off tue balliez stainsnmade by shues on iighh-color- ed stockinga. Iustead of-boiiing, beèrouis rost- iteïm in the.uven. The flavor wiii 'be mu-la mproved. Il 'bacon is, soaked in wa:ter for à leow minutes ibefore f ryiug it wilf preveult te fat fron ruiniiig. 1 A good way tou8es old uuder-wear la lu eut theni in snîbares aind sewi togelther and mako a ba-ting for', qulilt or ligiri-weighh couifori. Tfiisý is'fine, aud saves tue pnice of bai- ting. Afiefý-uie, ail puddinug eluthi- and jeily bags should bu washed iu very h ot warter, and viten they býave been: weil rin-sed, liung up te dry where tliey are oxposed to a good dnaft.. Before using tes spa'ead it on a- sheet o! pape>' and place lu a wa>'m -lot 1hutý-oven for tep or fif-teen minutes. - Il sili gi'eatyiy nipro.'e- the flavor anid l't wLliaiso go -nsc'h Luriher. Great saving can be effecte-c iii thie use of nuetal pobish if Lt rnlixed wiltLpa'zaffiu 0U. A Lin -cf poash, and aïbout 'four. egg cupfuis of thleý ,cu shaken logetAier wi l ast for mon-tirs, besides 'being n:ici clearner- bu use. Few est etioniýgli, î-ege-t-abics -and fruits. Lazy livers are-ounbtholun-J crosse, Diwbetes, Bright's, dises, rLeîumatisq n d kindred -troubîlesi caused by dietetie-errurs are gui- tiug lu hi' commuon diseiases. Woxnen as a ride cpt too Tai stareh mixed 'wit!h s:igar- and eouk- cd 'butter. Men est bu ruuch rueât, sud auoteverybody esa tu ob tigi- ly seasoned food and more than tVhs. st-emach eau assinuilate. A quautity of anything induceai prodigality. Try il y-urself sud tee, 'but tome staple tI.hings ansube -boughteuii b-alk mucli eheapor sud bette>', aîîdd b- nul eteriorate witb, keepiug. GFRM «NY*S SPY *POS'TEflS. Put p In Frunc T wo OP- Tlirec Mfontlis Before tlie Iur. I il

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