Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Oct 1914, p. 6

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gionsatt 4~.u~lie kMi grrow veaker -atid * ï4~ y IOViOOfUêlO~Obu4tus .. Wiat terrilé rer~b-ho*.ý'rou fqdrlîy w.igl>t fell'off friuat 85to 125 whole Gqyqfromit, 1Uk.iaiiothr rel lhIt-ltqtli pouidsq; I lhàd a d Kaisr, 1s 4à tâteDU l<VjL 511*Y Neverýmnr&Ybu do't v o uKï *pipeiated bVolie gôihi- intié a eçîclîs. POO B81 o! Gé'rmany. lessevIIé.i'& euè eOrt ±qot MAl this time Ia bpgtretdy Ti ~~a xperlàet eeueféaI on luit ofnefit.>rm&heafterau a- wîî ieoldonet, No hleop t h ght- I &'neminvaa amr-aua Il *rU 9 .~n te po »* 1 ýÈî o lep t4 pain ad - o! "TIe Mikado." You w i éf &-l fron'uàlo 4.ûuir Isgony vas o sevore. on ooiita.- know what I -em ,tihoefore, when -,tu nelhlig9 edier toNe rag 14on, thedocto,,s decid~d Jwâà sut- 1 niay that he i th. Pooh Bah <>1 eioaie et:han idJlme!'e-vlie" Jering f rom, cance r d! tJi ie steaoh, odem p il jethebUb- fteýs-r. G. C.,Dalig1eUib,ýfrom iiiV- aid ~ ~ tý" ivtdanorto aeo eQurulAlane Anaton. -It laSo 60yowarftil and ýpèé. and dvisd a*, oeraion s anesa-of he.Quadupl AU4nce to,-üting that it aBeeme te -est Up aîy 5j5seetha.t hoe do"a not. bocom Lord eaIu lu a minue Z atycud' M411 01 s oaving my îse. -T e n ul.. ~ e logwtoùt Neirile We al- eused to undergo, snd begani toloo gVery"à le,ÊtàlI-'i egifl.Wý,1 forward t i trydatu ut NO Oie wh'o inçt Uved in C*çr- wyekeop tb C.fam litzue bottle tou- afii a balydmeathe try r. an aîpossably eoansre1 i handy on the aheîf, and urne Il tý eni frind dvied e t ty D. mny rêhnd ichest colds, zsere, throat, coÙge e W ,lam pink Pilla, I had nu fath-over-aliesaof' the Xio. iaçMtotac? aSDa n heak ay medicine aid at fireti refueed, 0Êc61 l tie i1 not thie Al-1-Higha y e Othears l'y Nnllte For. e)ut iy-fniend was ao persietent thai Perion without a re&ison. OJ9 ït. cramp& Itse ffot -10 autonléhlng and. -àalIy I gave i-n aid purchased halfBerli cannot orecti a public ké'un.- vo -beileve lt'1e' botter aid epeedier e. dozen boxes.. By the time thoso ta.in, ai opera houa.,'J an eievated than aîy. othor househoid family ram- wer. gono I 1.1t mucli stroiger and railway station, or a statue vith-. e4y." ii. distrese vas net se seve-re. I ot is ul-high.t approval. Il biâ * £ontinued their use end each sac- omptenco extende tic tthe -uncon-- CHIMEEUHOES. ioodin2g box vrought. a narked t»- id=edtrifles of national ie, vWs prevement ini My condition, tili by uiehi lmhtineusin ounn;ction They Hfave No Windows and Furni. the. titi. I had taken a doemi boxes, vitlithe affain's vhioh ceint. A tr bet sveny pgin and ache hait Ieft me; rafaeru ipeil ihut iel bet iny mtre'ngth increased; my-W* 't hie favore4ng amile; a -rowi t rom The absence cf furniture aid et %as back whère.it vas'betore IwSJ ove vrecks t irrpml.O&-wa esodcnie tebe advscelloz.8, mnitrs e Orl dir-n- vhat voehcild cosidethe haron 111; I had a good appetité egooaandnr-dceetose lt i heotsad coiiplctoly cured. In the yer that aie aid burgc>mssers propose. T-ho ing impression cf any ',is1it te a bave -elapsed since I used the. Pille Kaiser di*poas. Chinese heuse or palace, writes Ata t-winge of t-he trouble lias re- Steel-Gloved Haid. -Mise Violet Masrkham iL! the West- buneT oreD.Wlim'Pn minster. A Chia'ise palace is mer'-. Pla rneTe gm es. ilm' * i "Tirpitz the Etennal," I believe, ly an exterior with Inagiificent PuisÉ ae thne rdte an neionOijeuthi.On11Y atteainnWvho hmasever painted beame and a tiled roof ef stun, yid I ovmer lseng oppor- even approxicnately iniposed hie, manyclr.Tedaeseds tuiyi eempigthem te yclr. hedse eds other aufferers, for I feel that wr own wil Of iroa upon t4at.of his comnfert of thiese plaèes as living kt not for t-heiniuse I vould have erIa aster. Prince Bulow uaed houses judged l' oùor standardS been in My grave long ago." to set his own wa~y ocaionaIly be. jumps to the ýoeusi A Chinese What Dr. Wil-iams' Pink PIUll did tveeî aneodotée in a promenade boue h'e oindowe, only trellis for Rev. Mr. oin Pe hv o u~nd the gardeé et the IMperial wonl p astedovew ihapr Te for Nola tesdeoothe advi do . hacellery. But Vthe point re- Chinese eat, sleep and-conduct the for you fains. GerRiany under William IL. business et lite vhenever the tancy fryuiaun.T-hey niot only his ee n-a onrys a ae hm T aen pca cure casesaofettomach trouble, but eeaoe- ieoinseanteste.Tlehveeapia rhematsmparialparlyss, eaoasite admiinistration is concerned. moonis set apart for special pur- nhematsm patil pralsi, haTt Othera have helped buii't it but noie poses. They eat on their 'beds and Pa.lPititiodi, St. Vitua dance, aid yhe p-e-"u it. 1le ntefor etngpr i.ll other troubles that have thein Tii. eliad to -n e hr oetti. p osthe have erlvedatipur engsin in 4 -bad condition of -the Tebn ntetrtl o h oe hyhv iie hti 'blod id ervs. -li Piîs reengine of State is the eteol-gleved knon s the steve -bed, coîsisting Wdlb arud cf the s o bmapreFMe War Lord, of a naised pltfr a heed f ~ol bynioicie duer orb3'maiThat is an<>ther of the AIi-Highesvt the roomi which ie heated vith hot akt 50 cents a box or six boxes for Pro' fiiitteqb h a.ari itrtmteol a 02,50 froin The Dr. Williams, Medi esnaofca iteb h a.aru itrtmti nyvrl tn«e-Ce., Brockville, ont. -Egil newsPaPe-r rea.ders sosie- spotý in the 'house, for there are no tiines think its elplyment is h9avy firePlaces. They have ne beds, only 4'--journalistia irony. The iiuiary beddin-g, and the Emperor would Nu Trouble to Change. rank ut Wlliam II, in peaee and aleep huddled UPi in a quilt on -the -"That ja a beautiful hat." war is that o!' the Obeaténkrieg- stbove in the same way as his hum- 'A Charmuing hat." said the sales. ffherr (fIigheït W&r ILord), blest. subject. 1adv. "but flot auitable to a brun- Kaiser WIlied War. IFOM IO FRIVETn tte. -Now if -yotiIwer-e , only a +. - IFRATO OR.-ENOR blonde." "Imust have that hat.IIi be a - bonde." NMinîruLimeOnt Cures Dandruff. One Thing Leadti to Another. ' Employer - What! I've just igreed to give you every Saturday )fi as a holiday and now you want vn increaiie of salary. F4mrloyee-yef;, ir, so I can en- ;oy my holiday. thig Burning, 1rritated Scalp, Kept Awake at Night. Used CIiraSOÃŽP, and Cuticura Oint- ment§ Now HoadIs Well. 5 ' 8 De Salaberry Bt., Quobec, Que.- 'Âbout six yoMar ga dandruff began to torm on my sclp. 'At frst 1 d1dn-t, notice -It, but My>'l'ar begâi falllngout tradually * -land ittèptmttlng worse. Tho itching a Iurnlng vOta 4eo-bad that 1I eelod and kirtated My scalp. 1 waa kept aaaet WghIt by the irritation - r ew o"ha oUa aid they dld no goadL I th=a t$Ieda, aMI, et Outicura Soap and Oint. Slntdrathed MY haad wfth the lkap and waa'm -wate, andd sppled the. Olntmont. Mfetohe *iritt im my hafr stoppad falhng. i.gçt Oe o f Outlcûr affloan d One box of Ohifaxaq 1. I oaitliud ualngthan for a fow ob*zii and iy hoad lu mow welL" <SF aajà j!ie S Davis, luis 8191 00 1D18 tau'bUUS to CtK unie ai aY- body in the vide world ceuId 'have been respan-siblo -for this m.ad, wan precipitated -by Gernm.ny except Williamn IL T-he lilitary party nay have vished it; -the Navy bas been vating fer it. Buâ the Kaiseir wyl- ed it, because oîiy He-they speil hini vith a capital lettn a.lw-aye'-- could do-se. I believe tabat Herm Doktor von Bethmann-Hollveg, wlo lias been called tii. incarna- tion et pasisionate doctriniainism, un- doubtedly . veuld have pneterred peace. h aM quite sure that the. inoffensive and knightly Herr von J-agow, Secretary of State. for For- eign Attairs-a bridegrootu cf only seven veeks-aigh-ed for the joya of hoeymconù aido neot, fer Armaged- don. But it oeinot be possible that these or any of them lied a word teo iay thaît meally eou-nted. T-ho Kai- ser bias titerfered alvayis in the things et poace. ho Lt conceivable that lie wouid- keep h-i. hiads off i-n the affaira et van? Muzzle Tîken Off. Thle Novoruber atom-et 1908, whicli set his throne racking as - neyer recked betsre, - taughit the Kaiser the perlls 4of. "buttlng in." ' But not for lon.g. T-ho muzzle vhiclî Prince Bulow placed upon him soon grew irksome, aid vheî Prince Bu- fow himseit watt comupelled te rectire the muzzie ve>nt -vith hi. If thle records'of the Germai For- eign, Office ceuld ho sc.anneid 1they wauld unteld ý,a vir tale aIý the intonfo.ring -aetiyity ýôtf William' h.It 'a oie, of -hieýPeýncha&n tt go ovor the eade et Foreign Séie-' taries aid, pà&y ttîtsratou, poli- -tics on bie ov1. ie' . ent Gêtneri ,Liman von Se.ods io uFrkeýy. as hea.d eft ti.reoig ad n -omt Sien e t thëObtU6ioi Àrmyafteru-n- dergroùtd negotiationa vits -tii Germa i militaty attache at ,'Ç!n-, .stntiepe. T-he Government at' Slin wva not even cozisulted. Ul wae not.ified et a fait accompli. - -Moderji Bourb>on. -Tho' Kaisr rank is.- te meon mb~dern- and progr~essive cf mon- r~~ur is aît~ats -have fre- qte tloîM me ina.uIta..emz6d -' Messrs. Pi5eon, Pigeon & Davis, Patent Solicitors, Montreal, report that 52 Canadian Patents vero isued for the veek ending Septem- ~ber 8t.h, 1914, 58 of vhicli vere granted te Alnericans, 14 te> Cana. diane, 9 te reaidents ot Great Bni- tain aid Colonies and i te reaidents o! Foreign Couitries. Ithe U-nited States for the saune veek, 654 were issue.d, 7 et wbich vere gran-ted te Canadiai Inventers. PUSSIES DRAW PENSIONS. ('uts Umed by Gtovemnînentî to FExé terminate Rats. A suggestion madle that the rat nuisance sheuld b. fouglit by meins of armies et cats has alrea.dy heen tried elsevhere. I Hong Kong, for instance, dur- ing the epidemie et rat-.borne - Bu- bonuc plague, sonié, 1ev years batti, many limidrede c f cats -vere isi- ported, and sot te vork te exter- ruinate t-le rodeits. T-hey prov ed, hovever, te ie very poor rat- catchera.- In France, too, cats are usod by the Govèen~ment authonities te pro- tect military stores frum the depre- dation cil rats. and in orderî-te train tliem, aid te ascertain their fit- ness for their werk, tlîey are sentj for a slea voyage. If they are tound equal te killing the rate always teund in the laver heldâ-of vesselss they are given a. similar job ai' shiore. < Malta'aiea lias its Government cits. Tliey are kept in thie groat subterranean reserve Sranaris un- - dem Valetta, and, like t-he pit ponies once thaÇy,,re. taken beiev, they seldein aacend to the surface again. At t1We LOîdan Genenal Post- Office, -a S'Bmilar staff of cato- i. - -ma aUe.Iiehî duty te pro- tect-the mals -frei rats,,aid when- -pat work they are pensioned off, juïti like othor Government om- plC-eee. Niehola. vontured oi t érablu rg. Later h..e fewi aùd fugitive Italy and G4vm .y. re turn ttho rlA check by the MM"se of stolypin. isince thon Nichc Imore cie. hêrmit th the Ronianoif terçeni bra.ted las.t yeor on àtttociat' a fnIi*ae heads of menacingr oven thie Iotxor car t< Palace have been Tiearkoce Solo beom more aa intery of who are ailowed sm4 tion wlith the. outaid Who keep their, me AngerS the Diplomats. ,Diplomate, higli officiaIs, aid the chiots et the army regard the. imper- iai seclusion es a scandal. Angrieet et &Il are the difflomats. Some <of thew have, been tin St. Petersburg a viiolo decade, and during that de- cade there have been oniy tvo court en'itini'A.ents. Thle levees, draw- i.ig-roomsi, and court balla have en- tirely- ceased. &t, Peterîburg, once euro>pe'a livelie"!".cityl je nov the. dullotBis noJ"ijçs w tOufficial positions ha 't've ie - to living in Moscov as the. livelier tovi. Th-luale reflected in the reports et the police building department, vdîich show tliat since 1905 thene have been seven -turnes as many lange villas and geod-cla.ss &part- ment hou"es put up in Moscov as in St. Pe-tersburg. -Higli politics are enioustiy affected. Under Alexan- dem III. and hie predecessrs the. toreigi diplomate lhad, opportunitea of talkldng -te tthe Czar ovomy weo-k: aid Bismxarck, viien Ambassador ut St. Petersburg, çarried on hie noo important nezotiaétlois vth Alex- aider Il. direçt, 6uch pi thiung je nu longer possible. Mi;niuteru ê415,Q,-havc cauze of Som. p3laint. T-vice during the, present reign their opportunitie.5 oftplking tolitiea ,-ith t-le autocrat have been- eurtaiied. Up to 1905 every Minis-, oer haci oie week-ly audience, when the Czar -v;as, at St. Peterabirg or Mt -ether et hie ouburban palaces, ve as tunther aummoned for se- cial audiences two or three tumes a ioith, anid fie ied the riglit, w-heî afaire vere pressing, te demaaid special audiences . Atter 1905 the f4E ~ Iyo~vr4 teS hopUbestb iS hB&rcit~tREAD THIS VBRtY CÀREF-ULLY. _mrew n my .fiee vers:net only, mortifyIng th yu Iyhi.s z.my feelings,'but *eibausé 1Ithoughvi'y Lere <>t j 1 i rygin os~,nvrlaki9.j~ ýýe ber- dospo#4ýùt_ 'ru»ý ;y- çt t - , f,vty'-adktllt îly twii out of f1tthiemhî.bnft t h le n t i q S t . p Y Ié - ~Itr t u t - b it e U 7 -. h a udeef t A ,n~~~da 8Ofl e, q~ o.Dr. a'lfmtoî's ls he tours Ëhog -t#tey hapirelde eaelwng This qualified I would ntle*tiu hm*aee Id -gt £ bad t1el~ h.ot -tnSD.Hm 3in t n * to utP Bllsby thefr r ud yet ioaï-hini 1charatereta womari'a nature. Thoy )la.s basa been, neyer one gr!ped me, yet thoY estal'- an ver ~Ilshed regularity. MyapDpte grew tefl8ry W"S olé- rIngs uuder iy eyes disampared and ~y a. 1ew thou- tc,-day ay- skia la as clear and un- )jectb saw tiheir wrlnRkled'as w*ben I was w gkI. Dr.' d fiece over.,the liamiltoîla Pilla did-it ail," :udo, ~W The' above - stralghttorward letter urarud tài. from Mns. J., Y. Todd, wil of a woell., known millor ln RoýerwvIlIe, la piroof craieand sifflaentthat Dr. liailtones Pil arp nes more amd a wonderful womnî' medicIne. Use gloomly peoople-, no other pill but.Dr. HIamtltoî's, 25c. 161l commnunie.- pr box. Ail dealers or The Catarrh. le world and ozone Co., Kingston, Ontarlo. uths di8creetly 1Vlil MennEnornnous' 0Thae.Savlng fer Veesels. Nov that barges are goi-ng right th-nough tihe Panama Canal trem the Atlan-tic te the Pacific, aid nov that 1915, -vhoi the officiai inaugu- ration ia te take place, draws near, a tew figures ot venden-mont viii ho cf intenest, saya London An-avers. The to>tal leng.h o ett. canal i omily 60 mues, but îR vil mean a evig ini distance for vouselu goi-ng from New Yorrcto enaiFrancisco et ne fewer than 9,540 miles, for round Cape Hemn the route is 14,- 840 miles, aid through the Canal 5,300 miles. Frein ether partea cf the vorld enorrieus tî-me-savîng, toe, vilIl be effected.t A veasel leaving Liverpool for Uon Francisco, and gei-ng f nom the Mer- sey throigli the canal, viii only have te cover 7,857 miles, againet 15,250 round the. Hori-a, saving et neaniy SO'per ce nt., or 7,393 mile. T-he titi. of the paaaage through the- Canal is put e t a8_te 10 houri, aid through the seri.es pl, wanderf il locks ait a houri. The. total number o1 men ennsloyed on tlie hisitcric work iiae been 40,000. ethier figures are equally astou-ncing, inelud-ing the, estimated total cost ofet *7- 000,000. -NEW C.P.]R. 1UNK. Weekly Viella ('tut Short. Dunîng the lasrtvyoar the-weekly visits bave been eût tshort. On the -days appoiited for audienme the Czar's aide-de-camp teleph<ones ta the Minuýtera&' quartera, asking if there isamaythung pressing, a", id net, -the audience may be, delayed or a merioraîdumninay lie submtit- ted, on the margin ot whiah -the Czar viii write his vieva. AIl hs is t-bée rsult ot Niciolas' nov cire- nic dl-alike -et seeing the. humai face. When Minister et Educatieln Sasos went ta T-sarkoo Solo, immedidatcly a.ter the restaurant .- scandaI, in whicl'he.wvas.ptbliciy boxed by tvo youîg sien, -hç vas net re-ceived. Sasso, -thouglit thi8 ws ah-ut to e- sigi. - I resl-it-y, it meiant that Nicholas-va-siin one' of his anti- humaimeeodas. Even Premnier Gore- mykin va-s !-ometin7os4itied îay. Whien Witte vu-s'Premie r ho had audienceit;tlireetimeà a week, ad Stolypin htd, tave eek a audiences. Nov the hÊead -e the Government contents hieif 'wiith oee ekly. p ci tý ti a/ E ci a: SI .w Sella-Her ào -peaka :fer itelf. 8tlm-YS, aid ltisvem pa' talk.l ë -pli Tho nov Lakte Shor-e lineofe the C.P.R. lias been used for pas- senger traffic aince -June 29. A. treight business le also being ca.rnied on. T-hie nov lino gives pracetially a nov route ibýtween Moitreal -and Toronte, aid gre-atly tacilitates in ha-ndiing the'enensieus traffic, pas- songer aid freiglit, whicii passes thnoiiglî this torritory. T-ho work was comsnenced a-bout tva years ago, aid entailed a cost et nearly tivelve, millions of dollars. Th-at i-t yul crea-te new business ie confi. de-ntly believed; but a con-ideration whic i is net di-rectly aseociatod witli profits, yet is noît aluien therete,- le t-bat by the duplication of -fhe traeks bliere, te set up 'a doser carumunuca- bion betveen thie two great centres o~f population in the Dominion. Investigations show that the 'brain cf the famous M. Berti-llon, ite head of' the I1dentification De- partmnent i the 1:tttr tPo- lice in Paris, watt considenablv above the-average in veight, Sucli brilliant -men as Biemarck, Cuvier, Kant and Tiîrgenief aIse pessessed brama lai-r-beyond the portion il- lotted to oudinary mrotais. Tur- genief po-aEis sed oeeoet-the heaviest brames on record. ApparentIv. therc-f<rè, that pectîliai- grey -mat- ter -knovn as bîain playe a very important part in the ïaecc-Es et mankind. We are apt teucItr a lai]- uro as "lacking inu brains." Con- -tradictoî-y ta this, iovever, je the tact.that mon vhose geniua lias moved the. vorld, aid vhose brains yull ho remenibered for ail tume, have -been the ovuere cf -brama tanr beiow the average in- veiglit. T-ho :'bnains et Descartes, 'Stelly, aid Schumanp for instance, eighed .8osierbly beJiÈv the normal D Nollg Coulant - heggie--C'an iothung, indûce ,you te chnge Your mind,-aid nirry 1 toe cilai d e beI-re it-rerîhee thei 'okst.;For tty , Y'iàr8," frb>M ?,i4W to1900, oiily' tireé _liràffès ýw.i ëbrôütght id Eunc&ë. During the present century 'the supply haà hleezi larger, o*ing to bhei opening thieSud an. meM4, 18 wÃ"?th et l.aât $1000 ,aid needs two mon ilt& look - after it. Oieý that as sent froin DelagMa 1#&Y te thé, London.Zoo, vas elevený lé"e hiÈhý aid wu Paded in a hlig- box ton foot &iigh, with en, opening in the. tp for tihe 14ingtýhy cèeîaturo, te put iteho d out. 8oixiething like $20worthotf foddoi' wes- mhiWppe fr-ite consuln2ptýio.nnthe-v>ge, andwhien -it vas lided the, box'wa% fvund' lo be t,0Q: big to go Vbtôugh, the raîiW.y -tunnel*.. Every- bridge and tunnel Was measure,d, th;î the box vas e duoed tO ei5ht feet, teleecoping Mr, oeraff., but lie arrived -sifly in London. noie the wovrse foi hisý eraniped jourîoy. A big elp'ant i5 an awkwardi ai.' mai to haidie, e;Fpecial ly te go-t abcard -ehip. Elephants, as a rule, hate ships. When B'arnum. bought- tihe faixous Jumb-bfor $10,000, it, took &.bout a week te pereuade him. to enter the box in which ha was eventually rhipped. Beît Regarlds to SScience. "Science attaeks, the sandwich," je a headline. Here's hoping it hie botter liek with it than we have haci with- some purchased et rail. way lunch couniters. Hard, Soft, or Blkcdtng? No matter -what kiàd or whera loeaitd. any egon Io proniptly cured by Putnam's- Corn Extractor: belng îpureiy veretable it causes no pain. Guarante. -wlth every bottleof t Putnam'.*" uene no other, 2kc. t aIl dealers. Battle Wltbout Powder. "Pa, what 1.s a militant suff rag ette V' "A miliLàan, suff ragette, son, is a woman who 'wants to vote go badly tht she forgets tu opcwder her nose."- Minard'e Liniment Co, LiwLW-d. genta.-Â customer of aura eured a. Vary bad CaDe of di-tem2 Inja a. nable bor 3e li teus eft MU1D LflIINNT. Youre ru, 1 ~~Vl?»INDIE FRERLES. A liard lump 'onfiig. lier DadL-Does that yoting mian you' ve been keepingréonipanywîit h intend to get~ married or t,4- re- main single? Daughter-4 think hv %ý on (i- fence. papa. 1)ad-Then thmow hlljni'e Minards LiimMent for saleaeverywnoroi 3Iigh l live fhuuoilîm. A.fter the bride had nc.d ail the fresh vegetables In thé sttwe,1 punched a few, and inquirel prices ail round, she said to the patient clerk-' Thiese tozates are ut twice as dear as. those 'across die street. Why is itî1"'Ali, Yes, madamn, to be sure; but, ycu kno w-,- as I seer you are a judge, these'+-- and, the grocer smiled-Ltliese are hand-picked." 0 f course," she said fiatily. blushing, ' 'why, 1 mlglit have known. Give me a bushel, plea.ae." j These Honeat, Ie RAMSAY PAINT'y conubination of appravcd 'ras- um znatqlals re. eYoeur sngood Ji is suireriarta àgues-aork and'"hi SpectlRasa.foQrourne7xtb. R=myfiù . Sz)lide ervic ro "ft look$ s "But Who DuIcie. * on] -kncw ichere 8,careely sos« U PRIEON. PtGEON A DAMI luis t. Jsusï et., .-. Mamiseal - Z' nusuai business cndi. Z~itians are forcing ]muge a.mufecturers 10 sacrifice stocks in arder ta keep theïr m ille ruaing. Té thé ler! buy r iis rp e. 'senti au unprecedented eèpportunit toe.Teecaceo oly e gilil' Iima-when ihay do icome it pays 10 sect qulck.- àW6L LBOARD WallBosrd tatasia Plae o Cnt -both lath and flaster. It gives - a iished weiwithout furt &2 Squar o.NoWj 11r, ta special itica - RO-GFING Lawest pnices on acord. *Cast, Genuine Asphait Fait ofig cà >l 100 pa ent, saturation.con-E' las-0 rolis i of 1 ura vlhna is anient. PLE BUILDING PAPEIR A great snaP et hiserice C nt hash. sai plîtfuly a mU;U400 this price. SAM,LE FR E. w35SQ.Ft ('I1lax of a (iiuldv Wlirl. "W oll,' m used s x- a - d Harry, as le as beiig buttoned inte a ciegi whiite suit, "tis lhas been an exciting- eci, hasit i.- ,mother7 Mondav weent o the' Zo0,, Wednesdav h lst- a to'oth- Thîîrsday vas Llysbirthd.ij partv. Fiday h was sick. yrecter-t I hed my hhir cult, îînd nç)w here,ÃŽ arn rshiiig off t-(, Smnndat- Seho0l t YOUROW R GîT ltL1.!t T-jy Muc-4e EBiiemetà for Red. %Vea k. xaterY Eye iud Grnîulatrd Evelts" No SnnrL!Inr .,s Eýy-- om fort. *- iWV r te for Bfo io ,i e - vec E x cç e p t o r- t he i t-r s a r ~ great many -ien wii!dii' lie heau-d of. Minard" Liniment Relusses Neura!t,,. drIes I,,.-e ' r eth cite ule is an absolurteil-ee slty for gaod heéalth b l. I,t î!id waste matter (rrnthe foo>d li- ecliecta thore la got nid af a tI as! oic. a day, idecays an f-d thr le' e . boyau singbliausne-ss, iuidi. gestion aid- sidit hcacres. Saits aid other harsh mniiral purg.Itives Irritate tlîe deidate lihnig'of the bowel. Dr., Morse's 1liliîîîRoot the bowels efféctbvefy'vliu tk hning, eîCkening'6r gri lg.. iJse xxu i eauà RK,t P,&1 -1are the bulwarlc Of RAMSAY. QA L.1TY- lest nc ,urate and thorotîgh liintcus s-ii tell >-Ou né bttr you tirai scienltifie machine mixing- =ntrs b, 1eh-we ( are quitu mhio ha@ - ciock tg 0 oStai -Dulcie w.. det ',Do yi Mr - eor- -ai the e day6 ax unpleau y-ou for 1.o-w V 1- minir She di ie @Pl tht -anc je-ced the ti frecuenm.col prettfen ilie At thre end abamdoned i and t heu took s-ho bwprenedt him; o;he auiert~ either Prl-mroa had learred o i' 'am 6ure I t'couïe of lt,' e h ave takien be blenty a0 opp i poterplea "-w as 'iolen? ael.e4 laid wiven me booikM bot the do net Tes t'd s-as tao be for d miutred Mar eaid tihe d>ctýOr. - Mray suit bae e èn -inl Will bad flot di Il do- not *'aw about'tire WIU -: _&ifair. aird %f tongue about it -bouse!" poîrrted. eifter The hopee ehoie tered citb ber f.,runnb ofcornfa fi!f bafrthat were Ic-atïng BI in London. , -Tbank goodu iothitia c-reaturf ta either of tben Sbe .'e-oured b. i-le ,ould seerve repi- tale OIeM ;nto affect. TI, ruaflcY in p1enty~ i year. Priurrope ake -barge of their .-aid she did n: Ï. pests. tbey dcci Sud_ Ite a fur~ tie -wintor. -The furnlabad ho- h1e srote ing lie:0Ithre 1,daking for- 'of iRat. Pii brother -hi brea ~What on car tu Landon for?* \feront air. prosillid b4 ,iot tee vhy 111 tbere now--oerPO be icit extreit teifint a fltsAfoi ileritt grunit , 1i u p pt e io-w:. teo?" ho Ëe riat cbýrug4 ctanged ibe iu sie ieirilled*i Ilhe ieitte. ai, lite Dulcisexpi iug oiey fre îo .'bop. buYung Lild heunre i5 iocqutred an - wandrobe. Sire -evhied f wai no one te- P»irnrose cbidie travagant. yet there was no re~ now purobhaée 1t Ilenicd ther for anuiounced ul. ]et us go shoot andî<l]1 for P fully dccciii -14) aek bert a. norves e

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