Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 1 Oct 1914, p. 5

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make' J.- '- j fron. froim ships. thard. lred. BY c' 'ADA I 't- r- bo>rs the proper thing in tb~ typ. Aitron g.d penuda ble watch ai a*jeason- anIe rîe WBE;CAM INTEREST -YOU. if you are thinking cf a ',watcb, ne matter whaî kind. w. ha've nover before been ableto sel] such gcod watch- .-s for Be littie money. Jowëoor md raduati0ptiolan Oppemite Poit Office 7 hIbOnt, W. C. T. UJ -DRANK HIMSELF TO DEATH. -David Hanainan, o! 124 Macbar Av- enue, died la St. Joseph's Hospital, yostsrday afternoon froni heant dis- enes caused by excessive driaking o! alcôhol. This ta the third case -which bas recently corne before the notice o! the- public, the second àccurring pn Wedaesday nlght when James Smith wam dlscovered lying on 4h. -floor ia a bouse la Brent Park, following 3 days heavy drinklng. Hanninan came to Port Arthur, threà or four menthe ago froni Mas- sachusette and one moath ago was adritted into the hospital whiere ho dled. Excessive drinklag badý caused - 1aays4e o! the body, andi 14 was' "-tl9 whicb made worse 4he heant trouble andI bastmned-death.- Port !Arthur Chronicle, ~ -. ---. Local Kôppeangs . Business ae usual. WALTER BUNN carpeahler. ?~ * Division - Court will be' hehd on Fr1- ý9ay,, imomnng, October Zad1 at 10 o'- clock la tue -Court lHouse. Il your eyos are taihing have them prep.rly ited and fitsd by J. E. IViJls, druggist and opticlan.' -POSITION WANTED. Position waated as housekeeper by 'cmpetoni vomn of wido Szpailce. Apply. care Gazette oMfie, T'eReB . A. ýEaccbnmn, 1. A., B. D., will occupyo the pulpit of St. lAadrowe Cburch at botb servicSu on -Sunday nex,.-October 4th. * ALL SAINTS' OH-UÀCH.' 'lh. Harvet '.t1val ef AU Saints' Church wIl be hold on Thanhoegivng Suiiday, October 114h. F. A. PORSYTHE APPOINT IED. Esmex, Septonaber 27-F. 'A. Fer- 'ythe, B.S.A., of Claremont, Ont, .TEA CHEWINSTÏ TUTN DVELOPIN8 and PRIXNI Thle fifteenth annilal znetng'of the fraaer SOuth Ontario Tëanhers' ilnstitute attended to pomptlY- wil'bé--held in whli yHlgl, Soh.oo on Thursday, and FrIday, October 8 ard9. A splenidd progrg'm'bas been Su i prepalrod for the two, days. Dr. John. Waugh, ChielfInispector ,of Public VWI*uon Sohools, wtil b. Preseitasguest o0 . thé Insitute. X XX X X X XX prograni of slnglng given atthr- XX cent patriotie service wîlbe repeat-. X Se. Hydro-Eleotrie By-Laws x d xon 'Pages 9, alid 3 o1 thbs, Issue. X d X Ixito^rm yourself wlth regard to X X them. - X What? Why, waiting for Qeo. R. x Guy to present bis famous-minstrelS XXXXXXX .XjZXXXr],,at thie Whitby Musio Hall, P'riday î'P-r ucs bc, aman$. Sale iprice .98me under R1.5.U.1 114, ÇhaPtei Iat M. W., Collins'., f l ,ý184, of all , hiq otai., credfts,,an Support, the.PattbotieCod0mc.t to 8080te to"J.. axton, of, the Tow, be held nert !nbursday, October $t of WVhtby, -tu tble Cpiiýty 01 Ontarlio ln the Musfe Hall, Whtby. shéiff, fûr the gezieral benefito Havlig purchased frosu o! fthe beA meeting of the- creditors will b, leadlig rmanufaturers of ladIes' an4 d at the Sherlff's offce, 'ln ti malds' ready-tot.wear coat,:. at - a Town *of, Whltby, on Saturd'ay, thi great, sacrifice ln price, we,ýilIl have Ord day of! October.,1914, at the hou] on sale Saturday, October -8, oneo of 01thre'e o'cock fn' the 'afternoon, tc the largeot assortmonts of new and1 ~ev a tement -o! 'affý1rs, ai up-to-cltg C~ ali tjs ,seasonu, !polnt Iuüetors and for th'orderin cadet, AliS,.-blue and t=a,buckle cloth, rdtr r eurdt i iê th. regular, prices ,$12 to $15, Satur-!1 caimé> wltli theAssignee or bisSo- da sleprce$991. orchdc. è l. licitor wfth proofs and'.particulars, -- veing Otober 2nd. Last year the -+0 efree dayo! sald- meetig. GOD SAVE îTHE KING atraction. proved to be one o! the 2 orsfrsae Qutfahy And notice ls fitrther given thal 2 hosesforsal. Quet amiy 1alter 4he 154h day o! October, 1914, 84th ntari Roîtent. big winners througbout 4the country, driver anid colt 2 yearS- old, at rol- the Assi ne wlll proçcef to distrlb- 844h O£ wntar to MeImt.u and Mr. Guy bas a.dded a la2rge nuin- sonable price. Apply M.W. Collins. yt. the a.sets of! the'estate amongsî R.rn4swatd 51th pacsber o! big vaudeville acte which will t-4.....n o! 'those wbo Tolunteerud for* over- inke 14botter than ever. Watch for FOR SALE. « te parties 'entltled thereoain Mu Aplya te évni a eregard ohly to the dlaima o! WhIch mes bevic - ppl tatheevelngthe grand strect paade on tbe main Frame cottage, hall acre lotieSOnI. notic hal blavebe forgivea at the Armourbes, or to street at noon. Reserved seats flOW fruit trocs, corner Byron and B3urns 1htb lIntb al o h s Geo.ý W.P. EvezýY, Ucut. on sale at Aliin's drug store. streets. For terme and other intor- sets or any, part thereof so dlstrib- . C.«"B" Co.'y 54th Regt. ~ . mation apply to John A. Hay, Roy-1ue eayprjno esn hs An ucbo sleo!catl ws eh Seats for the Patrbotic Concert on ah Hoteh, Witby. i daims hie shahl not then have had Aat tWhitfo u se on aturdawas a!- October 8th, niay b. reserved at ---notice. ternoon hatHouen ar aeput Willis' drug store on and alter' Sat- FOR SALE. J. P. PAXTON, -up 30 feeders for auction. A goocl' urday o! tuîs ieek. Faebidn 0x2,bigbmd Assigne., Witby, Ont. crowd of bidders attended, and' auc- 0 -- . ing 16 x 16, a quantity o! lumber and W.- E. N. SINCLAIR, tioneer James, Biebop disposed o! the HOT PORK AND BEANS. Witbb ox 299y e . S artes oiio o sin t ber pl oxi9 S. Cruhes O shaw Or snaro- cattie ln short ordei. The prices ob- Several bundred people sampled 4he. r Os hiby haa, n arlof tained were fair, even in some cases pork and beans providîed b>y the Dtda hty h 2ddyo higli. T-he animale were sohd mo4thy ladies o! 4h. Tabernacle laçt Fr ULCMETN.Speibr-94 la pirs r tors.day evenlag. The pork aud beaus This <Thursday) afternoon at 2.30 - + ~were steaming hot, stud witb ie tim o'chock a meeting will be beld in tbe - George R. Guy, the Kling o!c Min- sices o! buttored bread, made a fcast Council Chamber, Whitby, for the Misceiianeous Adveirts turels with Guy onofthlers' amous for a king. O1 course there were purpose of discussing the good roads M stres, wth a roe ihtd a the other edibles, dainty and appetîzïng, project. The meeting le a result o! FOR SALE. Witby MuutcèH-arebll, Friy teenigaIl served by a bevy of busy ladies, 4 he several conferencos held la var-' A good work borse, alec miîch cow Ocitbyr2nM r.i GlluFdy een bg, alded by two young men. Al ter su- loue phaces with respect to tue pro-,adWe lf6mnteo.ApI per, Rer. Dr. Haroinuy>li4sabsence 0 ject o! improving the Kingston Road 1andW.HfrTal, Jeoth. old.Pp. fore 4h. publié -for the paït 41 yea.rs, parsto .D HreSxmt, 1'okthe aschai.oTf.betweea Toronto and Oshawa. W.A. andW.PH.t erRaylJc."o! .P.R a record no Qther minstrel man in thie pormwihfloecnido MeLean, Chairman of the Gooand Pr er Riwy-~ knwsho t etet1n ou togantwhme,"O Cnda, " aniid ofRonds and Hlghways Cornrission,and HOUSE FOR SALE. know howte etertin y;u. "Rule Britannia," by the choir ; an AId. eccarthy, of Toronto, wil e New tram. house, l4 toreys, sl:ç Pulitvesev a es la teReeD of P-piece bath, furnace, electtte Tii. h3oardolosby M.ssREvaiBhla rsov-ut evsand ('ouncillors o!Eas~t r . pphP Thlaedubli te ewsrack Bonrdh% b-cal solos b isEaBl n r.Sa DeP t ppyJ.H.JMErh ple brany th e . l on news papintersi- G. A. MeLean ; a vocal duet bY Miss. Whitby and West Whitby and Scar- tf.. A E, bt rs, ~~es Nicholson and Llntner, and sever-Ohow, te arsadCnile, oi b: FORSAE that should be o!frnuch interest, es-ah delghtful recitations by Miss Cor-' hwadrjoettie rmti O AE Te Bnlltshely, Iior!ondn, . ona Garnham, o! the'O.L.C. The re- dillerent municipalities througb which Nwppradjbpitn ln TheBriishWeelyof ondn, heceipts o! th. evenxng amounteii to theKingston Road'runs. This pro- lin te citP ofer0anjbriatlng planor Weekly Scotrnan, of Edinburgh, and $10.0. ect promises to he a big one, and i ale ai $1,000 below actual valus- the Duhlia Weekly'Freeman are the te o esofWibyaeaskod toit..Snln yeetn ahn papers eerdt.I.diinTo show as «nueh enthusiagni as have included. Plant nearhy aew. Price ronto dally papens are alun to be l3argains ln Ladies' and 1Malds' the residerîts (if Pickering, Oshawa,$8,80 Good tret igtpry found la the LIbrary, asl'wcll as oth- coats at W. G. Walters, Saturday,, and other places, Corne and hear' teris ofrwl tlat nit par er valuable'sheets.Ot3.-e h .th aersisd. wire, The e 4 OfcWstrous, Tii. show put on hy Guy Brothers' SENT HOME TO PETERBORO., earnbstndlwtpie z -j Famous Minstrels this season has Last April Herbent C. McAvoy, a'inRopnatIIng W.be ollan s'lo stor.BORodNTD neyer been equalld in thds part of man o! about forty years o! age, wasth onr eoo vrtigfoi!udl aal ecutyl A youn£ mamnied, w rnn with 8 street te stage tlîis season ieflCW, most pitiable conldition. His feet 'YOUTHFUL ADVENTtRERS. chldreii, aged respectively, 5 years, 2 except the narne. Every man an act, . 're in badfIape and lie was un-J years and 8 weeks, wishes board and or ndevoy cta fatre.So 1- aleto aî Nt bîn a esde the youag boys ofthme town cee two roonis in pnivate borne ln Whit- on da eve ning faturth eoWhit'byo!te Cou .Noty, could dn to-brated royally on Thursday a! ternoon by or juut outuide the towa. Would Mus i al, (>cn tobr tndheaWt of mthed toutyie. Houd e t ege :last, on the occasion o! the ball- pay $10 to $12 per week. State ao- M u si H a l ', O c t b e r 2 n d S e t s n m i t e d t e h e o d s o f R ef g e o r h o lid a y t a k e n b y t h e g r o c r y s t o r e s . c o m m o d a t i o n . I f s a t 4i a c t o r y .w o u ld sale at Allin's drug store. 'the Hlospital and was therefore tak- r en- mto the County Gaol, where lie bas i he boys secured a revolver froma remaJn until May, -1915, Address Box OSHA A SAGE UIT. sice een are for On~ u ssorne source, and drove out lato the lo, Gazette Office, Whltby. OS AW TA E U TS s n e ee ar d o . n h rs ay1country. They espied soins espectahly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ jMr, Jeu. Houlden, wbo for years McA voy was ready te leave, and fine 'chickens la a fanm yard, and - bas oonduct.d a stage lice betWeencamne before .Judge McGillivray. Hle wîthout any hesitation they bagged -Oshawa and 1% ltby, bas dodided to eaid bis homo wns. la Peterboro, and thre. it was even reported tint give up business, and acerdlngly the whcn asked how lie would reachit1, _1________:_==____ tripe of the stage hetween 4he two aald lie would wni9k. IHie Honoir FR SH OL4 towne have be0fi otnud pt granted hlm an order for a railway W oM».ru uu FRIDAY- AND 8ATORDAY urday lagt beng the aset day o p ticket to Peterboro, but at thisth W m mh erttn.Fo ambrttînouiu taewily McAvoy said he did not want = dýo pwrtç d upeho iesio AFTERNOON8 line witlhl b.mtaMe, until the To- togo to Petorboro ; ho wished to and circulaticn. Salowkal, _iple,7 rono-aeer he climece. a-go out West, where he had sorne facial blemuishos and depression <is- Try "Motoaif's" 'Chooates la yincars of a lawyer, Hie Hon- appoaSte h.seemhe4en deed, reports arc current that the rnnyceansed and the blood purified by 'ln Bulk iret-trnp between Whltby and Bow- or, however, could not sec his way 11ECEP AL manvllo la a h mad ths wok, ean to graating MckTvoy transpor- ECEA DIL manvlle le e b mae ths wektation to the West, and' ho was fore-NOEMD CA S but se f ar no offlciaI annouacement d to be content with a train tp B EE V jS-ÀSEIL bas -been made. CHAISeeboo -+ a h WOMEN'S INSTITUTE NOTES. SD IWiG.WIQes atnowthela Dr. Fred'E. Watts, o! Toronto, ltu eW .Wles ldwdipa I b v~.u~ U bi ifoml al t ii ldis of ladies' and maide' coate on sale, Ta l L a hiSnomltl etelde ftefaturday, October S. Ai. one prîce, ~Â Q1 Witby braacb o! the Wornen's Insti- $9.90.,_______________ tute on Friday afternoon hast, spoke ___________________Ift. MJV about the different formanot external Sa]e Registeir. -I hemorrhage, and the simphest formie of. arreatiag bleediag, and told cf the I__ varietlfes f fr;.tll,..m -A M VI- LU. J£moauu applaca- %ilon cf ipints. H. gave rý démon- stration of- 'the application of tho1 St. Johns triaagul&X bandage, and the method of applying artlnci ai Tee- plIratton hIi case of a pero apparent>. iy drowned. Several ladies of Pick- ering brsuich were present. 04 Beilin and tlrban, wlthout a deubt, the' greatSt dancing team ever seee tn Whttby. They doms direct trom the New iYork Hippodrome. one 01 the highest;malarled acts carried on o aight stands. -This ast alone Io wcrth th price O! admission, and bas beensl,'eelally eagaged by Mmr. Guy for Guy Brother.' tamous Min- stroîs this season., Whitby Opera House, Frîday evening, October 2nd. bas been appointed Govemmmet Agri-l-'o- cultural Represetative iia Ee "PEACE, PE FECT PEACE."1 Ceunty, suceeding, W.E.J. Edwards, 'preident e WIIs a, o! the Un Ite who bas JoIaed the staf! of liasMidlîr Stalee, bas eroc eSuaday, Oo- ,igan,' Agricultural College. lober 4# a' day e prayer for peao -4--througlaout the - ted Statos. - He Sead your orders -to,,W. R. Taylor bas aise sent aïeuet that Cana- fer tematoos, onlonu, CUCUMbert, etc. 4lans mlfght join with their bnethren for pckling--plcked tresh »dsily., Gar- across the lime. dens it Junotion ot C, P.R. and Fort 1lanComphiance with tiisrequest, Pemry railway.-17. - at the Baptist ,hurch. on Sunday e - non tthe serv.ices willbave special Our stock-of hair brushes ls comn- rfeorence t6 eac. Speclal payer plete, The best value' over eilered j*wi-l ho offered ithatpes aim M accu froni 25c. te $5. J. E. Wllis, drug- takre thbe, place et ,strife, and aI 4the S1't and optician. ;-*Ïenlng srvice a large Pari Of ihe oearay,, uctuuer Brd.- AU011on sale cf 85 feeders and 35 yearlings, property o! J. J. Fitzpatnlck, at Baniel's Hotel, ' Whitby. Sale at 1.30 p.m. sharp. Wm. MAw, auctionL- Tuýesday, October G.- AuctLon sal of plane, Happy Thaught Range, tur- nilure and ciber articles aitheb Preebyterian Mans, Wlitiy. - Sale at 1.80 e'check sharp. Ternis cash; WIiI Maw, auctioneer. Wednesday, Octiober 7.-Greab ana?- tion sale o! hlgh grade borses, cal- 41., hlgs, 4h. property ef Charles Lavery, lot 28, con. 4, Whltby Town- ship., Salé at one o'clock uharp.. lvii. Maw, auctioneer. Tuesd4y, - OctobsZ.1S -Auâtion sale of ftarai etooékipouints and houser: hcld turaltume, 4'he-property o! Wizi Hîoar,* lot,23, rear 'con. 8, -Whitby, Mile Vogt Oft Mytle. 'Sale £At one o'clo*. -Wm. 1wauloer sale o! 'farm so l-n mplemeata, the -property,,o! Ge .Jouet, lot ilage.'aSaeleI' oiock. William atauctilonee. Thursday,-- October 1. xesv aiction sale ,o!f rm'etook, Impie- monté, hay, usaln, and rootu, 4h.b PrOperty. et' 0eoýgo JarTyloi 64te don. gr Picloerlng 'Tbwnahip, j mile IWst 01 .Balsa ù-SalIe 'àC onee'- l~kSharp-. Wm. 'Matr, guctioneer. ANSOUSCEe J , REMO VAL to his New and Handsomeiy .Appoi»ted Optical Parlors ini the New Dominidn Banit buil1d- ing, 70O YONGE STREET*' Conmer Klng' St., T oronto. COLONIST FARI3S, (ONIE-WAY SECOND.43LS)' From al Stations in Ontario'to certain points in ALBERTA IRITISN COLUNOSIA' ARIZONA - CALIFORNIA COLORADO 1IDAHO MONTANA NEY40À Ã"RE80N TEXAS UTAN, vASMNOTON, Ete On, Sale Sept. 24 to OCt. 8 inclusive. Yul partcuisrs from agents or write IL Z. ..wousonj.Ag"t$, ho se, yndU7 ,or lare t fh tidîày of Oetober, 1914, H jow long ago? id their names and addresses, and a fi Thre bave been rnany imitatons'of li rn 0 decito ! a m the na- -Semi-readty 1tailoring. hIn faci, Wif otby tueo!the andcurltis, I nblMan asks ina ready;mnade shop for. ~.s y tetnanda Seràl-ready> suit lie seldom mneets ýFurther take noÏice that a! ter the 1 with the Ijrank s.tatezùent that ,we be2th day of- October, 1914, the ad 1,bAve notgot i," but often encounters ,he Ex cu tor ' wlll prose.d '.to dlstrlbute a play upbn the word. e 4h esate of he eessedamong -[ Witbîn the pasyt ieven years the r the Parties entitled thereto, havlng. genuine semi-ready tailorng has ben'. o rogrd ony to h. d i o thlhé, pctfectced and broughit 'to such 'à ,P l4e sah Iithen have, notlce n tequality -stiandard- that lits fir'st sp'où g adExecdtor Rhal) noit hoIhable fo f ors *would' not know 14v " 'Wé 'âe the aldasiae o anypar theeofnot satisied, and we neyer wilL~e Ir to any person f whose caim heo sald the President of the Company,, 3. shah! flot then have reevednotice. "Each season we strive for 50xnb< , ANTON BANDEL, * thlng hlgberand. botter." ' )rEXecutor, by "The Semli-ready' tailorlng of tô- b .1. E,. FAREWELL, day W, weill worthy of a trial -by the bis Solicitor. -most' skgptical mai o! meticulous de - Dated theU2nd day of Septeniber, sires An- good cohs And our $20 1914. 'suit lu bettor tailoredthan mouft $25 * 14, and $30 suits m ade In the oId retail 9 ---- ---- » w ay."9 b Cleaning, dyelng,. pressing and ro- d -, ONUIMIENTS Pairing. at uaoderate prIces. ofa&l Dealgis and liaterial kop(ià Stock. 1 > vil Pyeyot t «l e. doora Mlce urphy woo&Waoforu e you4iIf. 1 d*oSouth Royal Notel, Iviitby, Ont rio eplo 0 9 osoquently wu « le. er eut, ?ieà yen wll ce t ft qoIj flsr&o lY save by purchaeiag from ne. Acatil soIicLt.d.' O F CANADA. Office sudWorke tOpposite Standard Bsak, Whltby, Ont You cannot do botter than attend the BRITISH AMERIGAN COLLEGE 'Yonge and Mcll94t, Torolito, for a Bail. nome or Shorthand Course. Fall Terrn le now vo ou to write for partienUs. W.WnhpPrincipal. James &Walker Pump manuacturers Su.ceuors$o B. W. Evans &hop Dutîdas- Street, Whltby, Tbree doors west or Whltby Ijouse. W. are pr.pared to install wood or iron punjî on short notice, aISoo ttend te aIl kinde of repairfrîg. Agents for the. Ontario wind mii], a]go gaeo]ine engin... Phones-Bei] 50, Imd. 20, Scranton Ceai Chestnut and Stove per ton $7.01J Egg per ton A Ciroalur tonl shds50 25n 7.231 Aert Hror oleu. id e per".Th tne baghest qualîty. E. R. BLOW, imprognabi. 8tragth,Maiu Banit, finomparabie Dividends, -Mi8Num Net Soit. For ras*@ sud fuil Information apply to V. J. DUFF, MB.,A. E DONOVAN, apecil '4p. Qusen dt Vistoriaa tm., Myrtiel Toronto, bMgr. Th Mutual Lfee'Isroo Go EWHN 119CRANTON guarantees the - ,Whi;by A New Issue ofour Ofic. !l Telephone Directot-y is now beîng ptepared and-thel -copy wi l Cose within týhe lnext-few days.- Orderifor New Cmnnotlons, Changes of name or addtess, should bc repoitcd to us at once. Tho 6611 Tolophono Oorn-paey I OF CAN4A»rA saved its policy_,holders $roo,ooo in its first ten years--o! business by selling themn without.profitt pohicies, and haviag aIl premiàms paid direct, to head office without 'c9mmi$Ssionu. Premiums col. lectcd were $389,ooo, instead o! $489,- o0o. Fourteen other Canadiali com-. parties- received $19,499,605' in their firat ten years, mainiy for with-profits policies, and paid in -profits to, policy holders $91,55o. Their combined ac.. cumulated. surpias over. sharebolders' contributions was $7,0 at the end cf thein firat ten years. Which looks-besty to you ? - The Equity Life-is the total abstain- ers Company. If interested write for' further particulars. The in whoaetud-es hie own lnterents w.!! prnize The Equlty lil - Alrance cOoluauy whe ho wnli tI.fe mu«srance. L. W. DUIDLEY, M-3UTtIRAD ,Agent, PIreoident Gee a Muae Vhithy. Ont. orno THOROUQHNESS la the Key-nate of tlifs In,4iîultion. Our gratfuates eiucL e I bec-au.,, tiey have 1-e- relie i trreeLLpreparation Toronto, Ont. eun,"s National Reputânl>n for suiorior BusInesi 9anîd Shorthalldi ylucatioll. Al butines., 5#(480019 are -n.'t alike. lN'thinig jean 9han the boot Shonld eaiefy youalla n< thinu le-, than .lîlngthe bemit trainiuir Cor. oeie-tlsfù Livory, Cartago and .Teaming. 1 havé recent'y added to my well- equipped livery stable a hýeavy teamn and dray for ail kinds' of cartage, and teaming w!ork, and *ill bc pieased to receive orders, which will have prompt and careful attention. CARRIAIE TOMEET ALL, TRAINS. 'John imnblet DUNDAS ST., WEST WHIIrBY and .it, i the nt and lnsplring MObiilZatilo of, Canadiai TrnOPS st%a carier Whlrl hoortiq ( olsuad Montcalm Iénadabel! Ing environxn:nt t£0 ".Presut Day Hlstory la thé Making.Y Sternuers leave Tdionto dalIy at 2 v m. nti! s4ptenner tb Lait tri ptefLlIber I tI h. ?bouotbd Islands, Montreal, ,=obanLd 8agueln.4y. TOPOMnte toMontriaI and roturn 12# Ternit. te Ouebtea snd stuprs 94 TOP"ite e aguenhv and roture 1 Aboie rats In.cluile m.i-and b.rtb. Toroniot*- Hamiliton - SoutenUiLie steamier zeile% filee aves Toronioonfoli. dayn unillSeptemberl4th. . Alioe rate$ Ilule meaij anda4rb. oteamer paa.sesthroegh tiie. Baeof Qintu4e- Foi agônt( t or Unpait Pat T reamurer. Rk t cou s WHAI'Y ' THE NATTER r W1ITH WHITBY I1t's AgiRigut - Worhlng Night and Day- SP681ai Priaet and Prompt Dsiivary' SOND iLON 100 IMPORT ES> I1.N*1PUis 110 M1W PACK PEUli DUTOH CLEANSER à FOR 25 SURPRISE SOAP I FOR 25 CONFORT SOAP 8&FOR 260 CORK FURES 8 FOR 25.. Juil T i000 1 LO. bc flTONs Ti 800D 1 LU. no EUTRACI VANILLA £ LIMONSà FOR fi PURE j 118,s.DELi.cieus. p- Pt-ISO sAND WJIOLIOME 0 FOR -»0 Spmmd your Dollars at homo,. and you wilii'muet them 'gin. Your business friend,, WMonMEEKER* Pne.94, - WHITBY 1 W. J-.Isiolott, Principal IF. E,, LUREf

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