Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 10 Sep 1914, p. 2

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sources, ttaey are to b. ,h roeleve. But Gerxaass i2erchant marineis grad- Dg forced from the igl many of her hIipS are cor- ýet4ng with capture or, do- i DO Mtruotuoa. Tii. captàre Ivf A mer- týackw are sure te f llw i.8 éhant Sliip, lunles5it b. a, big oce&n expc-uro or any other pauseYbaý- -linen, attra-ots little mattent ion.. A lewe-rs tihe normal'P oweër cf. resot' - sigI- hotfirti~bya-t~~~du b~a. -ance. VTram -whê-4,arein that.C'oa-- tq -40 :- dition o eô ùoié îifecion are ai-- a«wnm4a aruitier seemia a,-greaten waysbkc;W'àej paaI are noure event. Bùt in the caopture of mer- likely ta' take o tlherî - diseases to chant ship a-nd the gradual eeotnc- m-hi1ch Vbey are eq posed thaa peo- t1ôof oreign trade we aeeone cf pile;-whoare enîrlyheath s ,t7çorct pîit, uanoted îattle* qu, Rpatdaa-k «f tcnita the. w ar. -t - tnsila, ince rheuTmutilain oten fol- Ibws t'onsi1i-tia, and tbere -are a _MI!bpa-tua-l value cf the merehant %oci azy c-a.o eart 'disme-a-sej br&n4e -tbamany- b.capturedor <1that cnetr5dea vere -toI1- crippled 4usîag the war la equal t-6. -siLtiiaor Vo tdb. shouinatisin .tiiat- à whçle fleet of dneadaoughmts,-bat-- foj lboedIL.' ~ - - - Ai case core Vroat ,houl be tleships, crussers, toriiedo bat altd o hym- a-aïsdb an ibmarinea,, And it , takes acre oedpt~ei ', o ame- mnoih lon.4'ir te c"'ata a- marchant- ether ae-riouï, iumfctioua ,disease. mariase t1han ît doos an effectiv e na- Forî thle sam~e reason, a physëielian vaX once Thae sient de-shoùld.hoeumled at"once, 5o thathe ltre- ca-n determino the source et the voted te the destruction cf usottiul trouble, a-ad, -if nece-sary, begia instrumentasetfcmmnerce and aflUl- the oar]y treatint tthat lase mu- hilating the aççumulations pf yea-r, potant -in di-plthenia-.- cf tirifit are ihad enougli whea wa-g- Report a-l casa-s of. tonsilitis Vo edl -betweea hostile nations. Un-. the local health officer iwiftb info-rm- ation conosning the source ef tho fortunatelîT tiioy do- net top here. mInik eupply o! the faxily. 'Pla-t la Eve ry nation at war is 'wagng a si- et importance, beca-uise aumerous lent fta;tle against-ita-if .a-nd de- epidemies eto dipltheria, geanlt etrýýying its ow ' -u1,fuacuua- fye iaadseptic -sore -throat -bave tiecns as effaoDtivaly &s it daatroys Ïbe en sprea-d tlhrough mîlk that 'las', been- infected, in the dairy.- those et tithe--eaeiny V ul gom Youth'Compenion.' Witli fatal military effectiveneas on-- its ùwn reacure- et wealtlh, po Voe5Meals. epenitir and ! iusankind. It is de-- A-mong the illusions in W<ich ýstriyiag what it lias ta-ken yea-ra Vo girls a-ad womea landul!ge ia tbat, as build up ju s c-aoonpîetely as if it tbeycane vèîr little about their food, se the Ijak -efit cannot have w ere dropping 14bon-b on its cwn i n ue1h offet on theun. They rather dustnies every dayire-m ainahips. It 'eIèspise mon for- being carefui to is1 wîanniigN-g veWri4s la he silence ha-va regular nueals, whther huai- agint i~ef tia fture genera- ýes presses or et, a-ad are iaclma- dtes wl fellk vrwhlî in sucli reapects. ]Sut if tbis -dia- deet. -regard of the. ' natural inatinct.s et a ainhungen lea-das te ha humilia-ted by Oui-onsparaoxlhathypersensitivenes in. love affaira, cana-ut fla-flt its'eaenty without alao ho-w Pre-eminently doas ina-le cent- -ftghting itsell I Str&n-ge irony ta-t monsense stand out in the natter! destruction -abroad- can be -wought--Woaian ara notoniýouely caralesa abouît their owtafood. One couki oaly by moans cf a p asibly ýgreater wisî tim-t thoàee who naglect their -7detmtruction at - home! Prophetic d-uty of propenly an-d efi'siently -lact- that ne nation van stnike an- nounîshin-g thair çwn ýbodies would other nation-to-day witliout the study th-e statÎ&isa ! îanity 4n-s -bareds iitligisow rat its increase aanong us. The oic! Latili provex'b talla us that our i die by its owne, uncona-cicua sheuld lie te keep a sound mind in ha-ad -Th'ale fnt,, uneted battiesl a sound body'. We eftea axalt car ia wbich, indu.try lis robbed cf its weaknes- inte somethiag te be wago aadthe future zuortgaged for proud of. And if wa go witiiout genratio~,in s-i-e uetu ~-î our luacheon one-day an avenging i-etal la deine;troyed ulap-he-a-dad.he swoopa down andi ma:kes itili -itroyd at home aud us inritable. ýSurely tba.t la nothing abroadit impartial ha-ad, have te be proud et! Or, if the -mon ot allthLie tragedy but noneo f tho the tamily a-na diniug eut, t-ha wo- -glery of milita-ny&îtruggles. - But in mon - have te&ana-d toast and the long-avent tiiey may be eq ually ,Iam-bled eggs, a-ad aaxt morning deeisiva.wonce- hy they ieel se imp, aad a-s i vVohni b done waa-e dreadfully _troublesome and ji- 1NCEAING GRINPROD uC. possibe.-Madge lu The Gentle- - TIONwoman.. Ma-ny'fanirers, when urged to try 'ruE DREA01. groiýing fait itheat, have axcused- -t-emselves c-n the plea- that it d-id (To an Oic! Englàshmnan>. not pay ; bu-t it is likely tlii-at for the nextyear or,,twp, there- will ba By Nîna Ra-ada-l. ready. sale a t go-d proces for every. bushel e!f ',ýhhea-t growu ia Ca-naàa...Homne-is te hi-m a clia-gl-ug memor- Every. fariner ai-old- endeaver Vo He dreama, wiiile sleeping in his -crfpsta, bisý production cf grain chair, that ha next yea-r by puttiung.i-tc use every Down flinga hinuseif to kiss the acre-capable cf producing it: Thon. blessed soc! are hundrteda-et acres -in Centbral That deaner seems te h-li than a-n, adEaatra Canada that would aught, sa-va God. succeseluily groW fa-lit-eat.- By Forgotten a-n ail aIIter love-s a-nd prepaning. the la-ad imxaediately,, a vo Wa, great number o! f*r-miens couIc! sow He plucks a- pnimnose- 'nat-tiiti-a in.orease the graiîn orop ares, pext appoars yreor, anud 'oiboeewho ae ollov- He, wa-kes to flac! his -la-hea wet mg th..old jxfladow Plan o aFl- with te'sa1 Sbê"i CéT ùnu4ÂY -wa.s neyer -In 4-lie Ca-nadia-nMaga-zipe, ter O*eeçd *u to h4ýS o t& istbumatlc Auguet.- roLayl bZ reskin4ug up thbold oc! - su put.~i~ ii ~r~n.ht ~payj -Fair Proposition. to muu4 im of.e verY ÀCDO POSqibei 4,-naunt~tt~ain -Vi-a eu re Vo She-'Papa- preacibes on "Lov- in-DrOduiu gr ýI - -ne aaea- -tais eve-aîag- -. . rn-ml 7-FrOnt* ýstand toosa- La olored ma-- r'Sauebod.y done iVf cause V oummi monay kîi a r e *0 go a-ad.hear Iii-ml" - 'esr Beu-o, leut's stay a-t home, a-ad pra-otice V-at-h' reaeàing. An industrieus rmocharde .pinced hinuasît !n pensonal expenditaira inu ordte -pumolaseapiano for two of , his da-ugbters. H wsasked'- -hor bis ohildmsa - appreeiated Vie gift. 'mWe-l," -lhei aid, 111 hardly ki4ow. Thiey 4ppea-mcd Vo ha- pleas-- ed enougho -butthVe firet piece heyj l-andws <verytbody Works Buk- ro then-b "' To h usinéu () killing thoir feïléw1 1ta-ke ,Vrugmon fro th e hom1yba 1 take ýthi oeon of th. wJdow, too, I la ýAnd I soiwhen he treib les9M dqu I take thein aU end tl.thm nsDtb- Asiid I gloit atbey mow eachother4 lino. And if perchance I chocse to' bring T send *hem home fx tohc se they leve Me Icid w6*. g 6 Le were Là coun ie And -Peifhaý 1 I iay seBnd thkt widoi But I jçy, as I turn tii. ,women andi O0h, 1 alumber and aleep for years at And 1- smile et their gl4b orationse ceae- For &Hl the tiqne hey are znaking shell 1and guns, That ,they'lit turn Vo each others dogi and ruas, And lil laitgh in & few shbrt miont] Chri*etmas sang, To think how they leave in my elutel wrong. Fads anti Fanies.f Wide bands of Scotch plaid or- gandie are .used on the edge.s CE organdie ruff-les- on short shirts dropped over a satin founditionl. Black velvet ribbon îs band on ruffleà in the samýe. JMerry lVidow Styles. Whien the .Merry WYýidow styles were here a few years ago every- body liked them-which is t.ome- thing tbhat cannot 'be raid about the styles -of te-day. So any.guggestion that Merry Widow styles are re- turnin-g is welcoine. The Merry Widow bat iii really here again-a big cartw'héel hat in blaek velvet, with almost no trimmilîg to 4Je tract from its simple butt 3b22cO mi l shape. Chiffont for Triiiiinig. Chiffon tbowera are inuch used on1 jiats and to Catch the-drapery on gowns. Smalil Chiffon fruits, too, are tied. Many of them are made oif several layers cf chiffon df vari- oua, whadea-red over purplç,. for inêtance., and then silver blue over that. The restulta are very inter- esing.. Satin Pansies. Satin a-ad valvat pansies la splen- did' puiples a-ad yellows, four tinuas thae natumal size that gru,-xs in our'gardons, a-na used on bats. They araealau used lu the front cf the bodica just a-bove the doep girdîs. Sîirtwaist Novelties. ebirtwaisté et wbite orgactlle, te whioii ara at-tachat! man's waist- coats et white pique, with pockets at t-be waist lineanad flat silver but- tons, ara a novelty that- ceser-ues attention. t'ollterfeiinlaVogue. Thora bas been a gueat deal c-f expanimenti[Ig on the -par-t of the big*dasigaers -of govus ac!dliais ;n 'Paris te stcqp the reproductioui o! their modela by d-ie w-iolesale ha The shops. T'Iv thiuk now t-ha-t fa-brie hat'ail protect theni t-o Canada'. Futurc ALEIXANDER OF' -7 oea~Gnr3~g mn-for t1.t is a hobby 4ojiime, rfi. I brusi 14 wée babe.tolit - wmre net r vkIe wurithg Ht& m ~j e -4b aeise A r eiblhe-that 3egilsle emophasizinïgthéie f-abh .o ie -fiVeý who'ha-- o »il - ila thm t1bhy went- toprcur-e- -ci-I-at the-v'r tom&e-up for wliat their- fore4-glit î-"t UY -&é t4ey wem,è present i,.(whetbe-r thf-ey dil t4 ps or been present-in piife of th8ir- »e-ý v-tous ca-re&Iesa-ness. Theirfoolish-, --neu-wags snpn-iew- beSoîteyf4Id- cdite tiieïir ûrstbit -ofthoughtioss-, rnor-Gencral atte Front - mss anether --a-uc!=ore serious brothe 0-Qucen Mary, and the, future jiece. 4ley rushsd on bIindIJy i ot w~~oOpBon th Cntin-5 to -tpping te tlsink th"ta-t isq 1suana 'em 1 owil andi wahn i e e-t of a' sodpleas. What wonder.'that the rnuiiePeter proiteated, 'and ô,ed, "Thou-ehalt nover wash My I etT", And 'Yat, just, because of the' iculiar nature, of this aýet,' was' bero- niatù1-ng whieh Je8an. could tveon m-~iCi shlowed. more ian- reiaive;Ily F?îo fl-Imeanýag of His roeat gospel 'of loe. - More t>hau )nCé Re hiad'detecfed in Ris. 1011&- ras thxat, ,sirit of prid-e -which hel.d ýem,,aloof ýfrein the petty servico )r the demeaning -task. Tiiey ffould not stoop, evea if by doiag w the. could liift +the lallea and su - >ort the weakl Therefore cd the. !aster. on eJh1' last eveaiang of Ms de, deliberately perform Vthis low- ?a 01 ail inai lios, MaiIe niiht lave bihemn an exaxaple of àum'lity whîch woui:d at once Bebuke andi Ilnspire Them. And 'stillilse this elamiple needecl wt this late day!- "Ail service is bie Same iwith God," says Robert Browning, !but assuredly it la not bh-aime with mnen! I arn te«npted o doubt ifthare is any oe trait 1hich -is more clharacteristic, ci even tho best inten-tioaed and- higlheet mindeid folk çùhan -tiia-cf refus-ing o do the lowly and 4trivial thing. Mitenbli-es, no cloubt, this thing.is not reoognized as serviceabie at &11 and thus ignorance usurpa the plIace of- guibt. But just as- citen, no mour aliopa pnoba-bly wouid lie - -- -- - - ~turSNque laniguqei; nuglit sptak -ofPo -5 I3es m ~tg1s *i. ar au "a ,dozen,>' naii.k, an indesnite th, MIr n - *àgpt4e oboing -placed hà stx~ia. be soL.eh<Aaar,~ the i0aýsbua1 nwiber., PZ o..l devi]ih weap'ons cf mine recepta-le atm the top ini which W,o. o-rO dow, jerat ti~,ht.iden piece of cloth dippÎed in cil 4r t pitch. It wa.s usual te carry torcheSo amt weddinp. Sùch a torcIliýght pro- wq - cession waa net pocul-lar t-o Idaea, 90 tue. mn fromVi frnt -gan, bwb ormed a featuro of tho Mar'- Pl ias baýolesi aid crppled, meon. ria.ge oustoisaise of Greece aaad a scrre a-d btte-re4 fnanie; m d"- La anOngfieiolsat, of i-aan Went forth to meect tae bride-e v hr~os, ~br<.n hereuto- lergroom-It »B aeu8ul to mettthe 'm mona- ti. ~me o ti.sorowuî bridegroom inetiier at bis 'homo, -or hi ment,ýw ste f te mrrol-l noar -the bridq's boùse, or seme- aý whoro in -between. Just whore they L a- time, and I, let me-ni talk cf wa-etd for -the bridegnro sm ot aM imnportanlt. about the. day çwhen ail wa-r shahl 2-4. Wise in that they first leoked B t o .e-e w-heitmhr tiboy iad enougb cil tj i., they arc sliaping grant canne-as 3for any emergency; feolishinl that tc theyéitherdidnçt lo.k te their ruction as sure as the, ide ebbs upyc i - ilonttikn ir - that aaythiag unusueul would cmur, w ths from now as tiiey ca-roi thie supposed they had eauough for the t - occaiOn-0 les still the questions sof night aid 5. But tii- unusual happea-ed. ,rn Tii. bidegreoom tarried-This deta-y'a] la an esSeat-al empluasia cf t.he par-c - - -- -able,, and indicates the diffe-reace some extentl For they make Uts between a. wise a-uc a foolish tan, of taffeta- or other faunecs in tlîa.r namiely, thDughtfulness cf thei for- hi own workroomrs, te the nca-sure-o ime-r to prepa-e for the u1noxpeoted. CI tîxeir oustjmeîa' head.s, and hence Slumbered a-nd sl-pt-They nod- aj these bats are net sean until they ded lat firat-, alumbered intermi>-0c are worn -by their ownor. The habit teiitl, as ia iadicated by the-te nse. Il bas a-ways ýbeen to have straw batsuaed in the Greek, b ut their'drows-- made up and on exhibition, but the riesa developed laVe continuous Lb fwvbric ha-ts, matching the gown sleep. Ail of them slept, the.wise T. witb which they are -worn in a- as well'-as tiie foolish. No bla>me ft tonial, are maude te erder. attached te a-ny of theai because w Ne lunie le Cireular. - hey gave way to phyaical weani- ( A aew tunic ia circular, Made of 1 nae.- fine d-ank bluc serge, worn over a 6. At nxiidigt-An unusual time. narrw iundtio of lac uaîn~The wedding ceremony, under cri-l-i The tunic is eut in true circulan an acnsanewud ln style, -i one place witih a seam at have been penfonmed and the fes-ti- B the ba-ck, and it fits snioothly over! vities pe-rhaps oves. The delay and ci thehip. -t s boud t te botumthi cry at>midnight,, when deep and ti with an inch-wide band cf îblaok centmnuous aleep had fati-en upon si satin.- The noticeable thing a-bout thei watchers, propanes again for the tunie i% that it ils creased f rom the conclusion of!-the parable, "Be waistline to lowen adge iu six onr ieady.' ti eight creases. These break the 7. AIU- -arose, a-nd tinmaed- bnaadth -hich he pl)ain, circular Thiis. wouli indica-te thaï, the foolish cut of the lirt would otherwise -ingins thougit they had sufficient, c giva. - and heedid not nowingly start % were fooliFh in the sease-of thouglit- 1I Mnno-ar P-oî-uoîs. j essness on carelessnese, wiiichm The fol-lowi-n-g are the amounts of makes the penalty t-bey had. te pay, l p)rovisions carnie-t on- beârd a man- seain al] th-, harder. o'-war with - a c-rew of juait undèr 8. Give us of -our oil--The fool-a 800 n: Fresh m-rat, 1 ton; fres-h isb ones scoon saw that thein wicks t. vegetables, 2 t-üns; salt porik, 92-0 would no-t continue te fiante. Theird Ib. ;, fleur, 45 tons; biscuits, 1 ton;r first thought la' te get hel1p f romb preEeri-cd meat, 3%4 tons; tinne-ci their atore thoughtful slaVons. Tbey- salmon, % ton; . tin-aed rabbi-t, dîd net stop t-c coasider whethen ,418 Iba. ; pickles, î>-4 tons; suet, there w-as cl enough i-a the fiva M4 lbs. ; aplit peas, 4 ton; d-ied torches-to ahiffice for ton, and if not,- beans aix! pes, I 2 -ton-s; c-eery tha-t tiie ten torches would accu go seede, 53-Ibs.; caritedmilk, 5!/2 out,Pu tt.nÎth. t-hougiitful visgLn-s tons; *:mugar, 0-0 tuas; te-a, 13% toe; in the. saie predicament as the coffee, ~t:n; d.inkn.g choctolate, thughtlest. -Neitiien did tiiey raise 2~~~~~ tsa, ~tns ac.h s thepoint whether tbey ha-c!a nigbt toyn; e. 1,2'ton; s; rtad ,3 Vi -~to profit at the expenseocf the ton;re %50 ia; ie-,ar,32 ls.c t-bers. Their minds ware set on perr tons,.;ea.,Il. t-eu;!h. wedding fea-at, they wanted to vinegar, 150 gallons; num, 1,236 gal - eter in, and se self-centred were Ion-; aap, '/2ton; tobac, 2they that any nieans -of attala ing teii-s. -their end seenuet justifiable. 9. The favorably situia-ted in this H1e Did, Onice. panable, as weIl as in life generally, -j never knew oic! Simipson te couIc! nut. il they would. h-olp thé ac knowiedgo that ha had ma-de a unfortuns-te to ovare-ome t-ha couse- ni.st2ýke." quences 4cf tiheir careleeas-nets or in- 1 h didone diffare-uce. Theeretica.lly, this lodks "'Re,--k. llow d;d it ha.ppen 1"- hard; vme endeavor to help t-e le-s -'Ha put the lighted end. cf bis fortunate wit-hout questioniug the ci-gr inbis eut,.~'cause, et their predica-eit. But 1praeti-callly un encleavon fails. Ve 'fli ma ivo gts tha ca- o . ca-n go >nly Fo fan. Salàtsh as lit ohe mae sthnuw uo t-sthe mot m- e--.outcuau!prdne rnay requinejus te and pruence FRON PALACE TO DEN %b TIS' Tite «cal-Life Roniane q Royal Fanillys ReIa-tioxW. It Iari-toftea -la-t a-vioritae o ki-agea nd enipenons comas down t4) the lavai o! middle-cla-ss medide- nity, but it does hppenaoemetme3. -Claire von Wallenstein, Baronae von Scqîonberg, anad now Countes Sterusoi zu HoIhe-nau, fbas had a me-st ncuarkabte ca-eer. To-day t-ho Countess dnaws teeuth ral-moat undaner ahaclow ouf the Kaier's palacein Berlin, and te -Garman -royalties mnuat ha intensaiy cha-gîiaed te finid-one etf the-ir owa relations actiialiy earning han liv- iîîg under their very eyes. Nomrcan thev -ha ignorant o! the fa-ct. for on thbe door cf t-ho flat- in. the Nu- reaibunge PIstz tera i-s the ibold inscription in brasse: - -Hcihaaau,, As "Hohe" signifies noya-I des- 5eat, juat'as its dos, la a ýls dagrea. lu G 'reat Enita-m, the bra.is plate excite-s ne end dif latera-st in t-be lady --bearinî this illustrious - -hani--le." The no*w fa-mous lady deatiat cf Berlin Ibava-moa- rslatiou o! botll t-haGerman "andI Britia'li -eyaltioà a- yaaîor two a-go. *heu siie *às- nsa-iied, ta Leand"n by ,pe- cia-t licenise te Ceunt Wènzel S8te-r- uiai zu Hohienau. ,2laire %t-enWa-llsteia la bt daightar -of a- idi Hainiriàntam- unuaual g0o4 llook's, 8't'18ea-roic! li tv- aiec! te eBaron'vou Scibbng -Yoîts, îeàuty end wealtli sean màda t1he ycûag Baro;ià- es-s vom Seli6s e o f» tàI.ie-ýt floo taues in21104Seima.- Sulie -becasue invle;i iwvr n M 1tien, -a d M pe? K u r o r 'so. IY-. i lrue..~ ! e~ Isbd¶ý'I5 isbad, e i.B oàn -SOôù rer_ç-90ôky d1voi ed a r -1 'and- abiie CôIucotqri{pqee ~ ;'Vié i wont tà o ndon, I t-ler !~ut-tdeêna-u fait la love tia cf AutiÎlà i & Bria dentist. t- Cautious. Hea-Mamry me, dear, a-ad 1 wll malce itM. I nudty týo ant'cIate yens eutme ouensure, tat your aXItihâpaOns9i5wcUIb. nealized I thuor a pcoa7 ,mae tne-w'>s'&-ab- sweater'a-ad 6ettes par '1%U Vo live? 7 Wlat :sMs ter6smI IhýD, ePaeteher i l reato ruill 5ËiCcuus i o io Xlsde 01 a king or tii TIabor ,f&iIN#I Do It for T]àise Sa-e. Ot"G'à -- Anfd the spiritof love in *hichYou serve will glonify your la-bera-nd di-gnlfY ýy-OÏI i.th the b1eesing 4pf H-ow beauit4tilly is th1ý-grat truth set forth imtlhe strong a'nd- simnple verses of George Herbertk_ "Teacii me, rny God anad Kilng, 4la' &II thin p ýTee o aee; And wet 1-deo ha aytbing To do) it as for Thee. uu4A i] a-y of thee partake; Notlriag se amai-ca-n h. But draiv, w-hon acbed for Thy sa Grea-tnese aad wrti- rein Thee.- If docne -beneath Tiy 'la-,,we VEna-servile la-bonssaime; IIlbewed la toil if&sthba ie cause, lTbe nea-nest -work divibo." - -e.Joh n Hayneisuolme. to b.riel I, ii h6 a, Mm fsne Laps dsliry r.oorda wiit c! BcdId ~ou iee ucin lofje- Th TtâuSSoaf ni fbrmer hma shrpag a- naW-las :Stu4ent 1.-Ho-ca-n I-k.i tees front poiing to leep S$tusieut B-t)en'V lot -taeg Hall -t-be bwtle Lsà oif dn-ý l-Hungary, about ten (>r frem the tow,ýn.bTheil thon advanvcd toward "A£tr a ba4ttIe4 whi-ch wa'sfiercely iu Au5etria.nswere Z>bliged light gums, parka of! field kitehlexia., "Our advance gianc pursiued the enemy, enonineuas oýeti i i and priE,,ners. " 4ThedAustriaii artniý the. neijshbrht>d cf' omoe fthe thtird, t elft crps nt p entk and ~ute ROT AERIAL1 Amdespatcll frodm fight in the air (ijve: place-on Thursda2y el German aeruplanes the Lapital, nd French ma-chin2es we engage themn Mear * guns mouneéd -on p and rifles. kept' upE Bv this means onie .- 'achines baane s -the others, aud tihe1 flew %wifbIy 'n ilu Germans opelled fil Frenclimen- replie4 The engagement se2 * the dîsa.dvantage ol -vih c)mounted7 speeid level1,and.- hokdiji was sated-from fir finaIly -disappeared, -directivn over Foc efter.a vaih- prsi Ge'rman aeroplane --fire of the guns, ai about for a ceosd appeareci. f rifm&iIe, -RNEVON Bt WNouu-dcd BelI ln la a e5lLt'cl thi, local cvrrespor tral Sem> at ,oni shot whîch, utinu ýthe deatli 0f Fni one-of tie- QGa-i fiedby a BeIýgia Boa6-seau, who ha-s * ated -by Iîn g Al>e in the battie cf was lying- badly group- pf dead C4 saw- a Germnan of aie is-hor&e aný Picking *up a rifl a dead soldier RO officer and-weurd sequenlt :proýved the Geman gene,, taking the genera- made Ihis -way VO <anad was Placýd i Ghent, ~ftIN STES 1îronrIinz WilhieI -A despatth re E;in Court enay ConsiîlGefleral ii nounced don *Wec - that he had bee:r tràstýwurthY,.frIenM The Ilouse«'fiat Ta]kcd. "Tiare !" sqliaaked t-ha Front Doon, aa it closad. "Thie cluilsiren and thair parents bave -gene, a-ad tva will -bave a celeobration V' "'Wlluat shall we deo?" ca-lIed tie- Diaing Table. !le wuae 50 >r froin the doon that ha was affraid 'ie might be left Out -eoftlhe fun. - "Oh, lot tus piy ve ar-m pegp-le1"'-, cried Vhs S-ofn 't-uio."Eacb cao must a-ct likc une dethVe chilc!ren; a-uc thae 'îlxiIs unust gueiss who it "Agreed"' luhnswer-ed the- Fime Tongs, as lîe ski-nned *acroas the floýor aud, puishetI a bock frein Vie taille.- "Oh, yeu ara Tomm-y !" sàid 'the Bock, la-ughiag. -'But'-o uch tAta-t'a net faimr2'1 "W~ell, that la Tomniy. - to,"-- aid the Tongs. Next a Box of Toys n-a-n a-ad tumbled a-bout on the floor. "That-s9 Dorcevhy," tiiey sa-id. - The Rockiag Chair did soe funuy tricks. -Fon a tima sha rock- ed eoftly; thon sbe began Vo tip &iackwamd-, aad ian fa-tolr'ward, anad catch lier8eif 'with a jerk. V'I's, Marjcx'y !" tlh.a ll cnled. '1Shea standing un ti i rockers cof ber nie- ther's chair NexttheluaDask;opened suddenty. Puaper. and euî-el6pes stirned about. 1Vts IHar>d,*',.aid -the Perla-ut Ru-g; "- 'I{au l ooking for' hie Wbat an à1tterneca it wu! 'ITii. bouse solde-ým h-ba!se nuech un.- . "The show la cirer!"' -cmeaked the Dooî -ut Ila-at.uI boar Vie f amniiy conig 'boe." AUl ru.shed b'ack te tljeir Places. Whan the chikirea. came in they did no-t suspect that the littie'houa. couc! naýy ýudh - - quaer tha.- yields tiere are oecsiena1 extra- ondina-ny yielda tthat mak. giad Vie, bea-rt et the good 00ow's 5 0w-r e ca-tie ha h-aiU 6--eaýtVicu.lo Vie re6ord -hem 'actual'- producti'on,' Wh-ile the. or dîin»,týy. cows la - July- wero IV'g,-t-hein memàgre'd-ole's'ot a-e-sa huired 'or six bundred l-s c>! nilk a-ad twe.nty-four or itwemity oh tfa-,- grade cciv in Quebeo gave 1,279 Ibs. of auilk, testiag 5.8, yieling 74 ]bB. of fa-t. A cciv like that, iasaunai-y accora-l I plshing eauithi-ng., In six niont-he cf suclu werk.fb-e.wôuldl giy. a-s food, for huimanity n;ro digestible -nu-" trie-a-ta tdan w-ould b. -s.fomdêd byý fivo aviregodnesed ebteers. Bhli s, givi-ng tan niealaok fîrcai the pue-rgy comtajnýin -.badur, -fS!,d ',,tbe -tbee t kMled eiagineer oaa-s cli- Vtarinoma quadrwploe epansion, engin. for. t4u -ulonmd -Itpys to eedguod ooei; it &ra-la sy larme. teo ind >,«it, by ke.paigkeocuol eteaa1 ow, j uet i hauVcadbPro4wue. lith beordi., ARMHV cbsec anad tiiey could not procurè njy oil. * Tiare was a- le-a-t a ha-nec for te-m ti got lain ith-out lighted tcOrcýies. But tuis oha-nck was lest te thiie, because whea the bridegro<m carne they were absent. T,-h, essea'tiat.1-en ftrallwas he weicoîning ot the -bigom wlth or wlthout ligiited torches. )aly tiiose w-lie were presuént couIc! be ready te give-hum. weLoonte.' il1, Afterwérd came alao the otie- vingins'--Tbere, 15 no indication bere that t .Iey ca-me wifth lighted torches. But whethar or- net-Vhey lia-J pro- Cured eh, Vthe tact rema-in'ed that iiey e-eat-ee late. Tic deer was bhut. 12. 1 know-yoa not-The bride- eroom, wa-s noVc c-ncernced about luose wfrc we-re withi)ut. Ha di sot knoqw thein, not because ha was ignorant cf ti-cm hdentity, but ho- caîsse tlu-ay vee not ready to enter when the doûr va q op,«n. This adds :o't-be palies cf't-b. parabue. "I know vea no-)t" means, "Mucl a-s I mouîd, it la now tee l-a-.e fer me te roc-ognize youi." 13. Wateib tlianefore----JE>sas catled attention frequ-aatly to the uncai- baiuty of t-ha time when. the King- dom would coma. The parahie cif the te-n-virgi-ns net euly stresses tisi poinù strougly: it ladicates-that th'è penalty for the. unprapared muet lia jiited deapitea any mitàga-ting o>r ilevia-ting cincunistace. ectof tCe Frên broniParis -teRBO crantent issued1 day, through i£hi Taterion, a proc this t-o the know)%v of .P-arisana-d gi f06rte.change. ture 4)f the -proi Pans -,s soon tc tlie manQiteuv\res - rniats and t'lie1 reas)n -the-Go% Mu~ilut reimain, LIC Il'.\S 'Bad A despatch4 Zerlhx despatoh I I V n c s k v, Girman EMPel 30:c rted Enat B: twar andtà Ake matoul 1

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