Whitby Gazette and Chronicle (1912), 29 May 1913, p. 4

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itant death Kwu thé 9àt(eD 01 tai aged mai aamed Wilrid Caivert, on bi_ M Thuradsy eveng laut 1etwm , tourCon ep ap1(tovst anli e lv0clockear thie »aWh' -JWuaBawhl tion station. Decembd was walk- -6 jng easterly, when bOtl a West and au .Ctzesi!téic t >otsupý. port.,and ta vwt1I Qsiýwa. 'the sUrý- it là supposed that.he was stzuck t)3 R fB SB y àmVt.hv the wet-boufld train, but thi s no&0 I _iNdàIM o.4dIoaitr h positive. At al eveats hewaadead tt gh Uth for n. *hi h1 when plcked up a few minutes luter. tw Calvert was about 68 years of age, Ihwwt .c~ j - , a.nd for the pafst two years had lived mo n nIt1l.I-t with Mr. W. J. Hallett, dOiDg gar- hbm .#mew afuhtb a ured f a row Some years ago lie conducted a candy ofofWhtysasueora-r d store on Dunasstreet for a littie pOf si.uie. it o e s t e a l t g t resOurcWiýfor- ao ~vue owas a married man with focomre- azet on 1 fte tizen w i ll them. It le said the wile and daugh-tw hlrn btddntlv ih*Temeigalunatt'Fia ter lived ina ý7oronto and -the son in -The meetiees it auto from evesdng y ,Mr. Calvert lef t Mr. Hallett's niabr tegtOlct zitonn. wMr.umn ail .Lml&.mmi.mm&uwhich meeting al the citizeuso! the the~~~r mor1ig. M. Halettisaw &m iauaa down town during the mornigand t1 r nie Ronn~iain gave bim 75c. Re got a shave, and o! the committees will'ho Presented, bouglit some peppermint~s at- Allia's aonpted. Let evofryuton w i iii- drug store, bad a drink -of - inuor in cm td.Ltee -ù hoi n the- Queen's hotel, and was Sn Up- terested in thie enterprise -turm ut to town between0 three and four p. m. black emoke ^whirled ut hei fine duet. this meeting, and ensure'a succes<ul To tose ho sw hm li appare nOighl rodnceas. ý Isedsger- Col. Farewell presented the Faculty boom thse Whitby Horse Show. ,quite sobcr. on perne o! the accus. The Entmance diplomnas-only one pupil AnL inquest, was ordered by the fire brig«de waa on baud ini good being present to receive hers-Miss eCrown Attorney and callcd by Cor- tîme, and seau bail streams pliying.Amy M. Fràser, The successful glu-, oner McGillivray. The following com- en thie flames. The residence owned dents were--Lillian Baker, A.M. Fra- R e aim posed thury-. ~ by Miss Ham, a fcw feet north o! the. zer, Irene Long, May A. Thompsoiï, ___ A.-M. Ross, (foremnal), Jos. Baker, stables,- hail caught. fire, and w' bad- 'Lizzic Pirie, John McClellan, Grant Maypoehveibtegeti F. . Rogers, John - Seldon, Robert ly scorched before tiie firmeie could 'Linton. The Col. was in gouil fettie, ni te r crippled 'and wîthout ThoniPson, Tho£. Harris, W. J. H. extinguibh the flames. Imdcci, the as lie always is when cducationa l te r ,Richrdso, Ja. Gry. .danger' was so imminent VInt a large "-qestionà, are uppermost, and bis ut- hope 0f ever being cured, but there la The jury viewed the body on Thurs- part of the houschold effetts had beenti erances were istened to with atten- h ve rheuatin mw Rheumo dn n day *vnig tok te vden o! Mr. removed. The wind was biowlag fremVcian. ne aereraimnw hu Halet da dj~~~ ~o threviece . Ic est wic ree g mtb apd The pres<tàton o! NomalEn- 's just what we saY it is. We have O)n Moaday _ af ternoon teinquest spread i htdieto.Othierwise 'rne.dpoa wasmaeb Revs.i received hundreds of testimonals tell- again sat, hearing the evidence .of the boeuse might have been serieisslyM.E. Sexsmith and R. Allen, who îng us tVInt Rheumno bas cured old ï ýstanding cases o! rlieumafism, and Daniel ýJ. Kerr, 1-. A. Singer, and damaged, or even destroyed. .-eeh made an interesting address in1 Carl 'R. Green, engineer,. firema-rT and l The flaumn*eadilMade stick rapid so doing. The pupilIs enti tled te re- when ail other reatments have fail- front brakemnan - en the west bound< headway that thse onîy hope o! the ceive tibese d-iplomas were, Dora 'd.riveuic arcd ro the blootcand f -cgt fircaieny was te prevent the . adjolntng' Joues, Mary E. McGuire, Hilda Rob- divet fai te get a bothet-ay a he tsioy -t he elei Dntbullogeabote od Thetetmn as--t they nearetthe Bading froni catching fire, and to'ertson, Mary Ruttan, John H. Coch- . . adyo ilso avea croang as to! irdthe' aseJuc in e whichthe -llames inte the a4-ea on rane, -Russell Langn-laid, Edg'ar Sex- JE* lhsand yu ailsoo Uhav crosin cat f Wibb,,uneionthy. whchthey had already laid hold. The smîth and Harold Stainton. Only the borhailli nd trength asiA h saw a maàn walking towards the cash Ã"fo m olie eièo cuh w ater ascended tise platform toolen da"-s J. E. Willis souls a on the devil's strip, boside an east fire once froni fi3ing braxids, but was r receive the parchment. Some o! the ml yeahettie fo r e donreweil bound freight train wvhich was mciv- put out by the use of a garden hose. othors wore absent. mapi yu abottieMronidCon, rcdgpt ing slowly. At the distance they The roof of Mrs. W.J. Mayor's ro-si- The Ma-triculation diplomas were burg, Ont. wvere when first seeing hlm, theydence wasfl also started into fiames, presented by His Honor Judge McIn- thougit. lie .was a trainmaii, and paid but was oxtin.guished. TIc burn'iag tyre and Dr. CF. McGillivray, who no further attention, othor than to buildings were vert rapidly consumed, addressed the audience andl the stu- DEATH 0F ROBERT BROWN. ring the bell and blow the-tiihistle. 'but the water hadl Vo b. kept playing dents. Hilda Carruthers, Dora Jones, On Thursday last, May 22nd, denth They were going àt the rate o!f*25 on thfj uins for some time. Harold Stanton, ()lga Mcîntosh and came to Roer Brown, Byron street, or 30 mîiles an hour. As t'leir train Tsa,' contents o! Mm. Stephenson',s Ralph Mowbray were called forward, ina his 47th year. Mr. Brown had L'een came- nlongsid'e the engineofo the east stable wvere ither eatiroly destroyed but only the two young men respond- sufforing from Brigt's diseaso, for bound train the snioke and, steamn or ccihadly damaged as to b. uselees. e<l. some tiMe, and the end was not uit- were îo dense as to cause th'e fireman These 'included a brand uew buggy, Messrs. E. E. Starr and S.L. Trees expect-ed. lie- was a weil known cit- to itqdra ' ro th %ýndo. Telan express cart,-nnd several articles presented the Athletie prizes to thoso izen Of Whitby, having resided last he saw o! thse mian was when heofo! ess value ; îs o a new bicycle own- who had been successful lis the field- home for a number o1 years. He laves was standing between the two trains. ed by* Mr. James Palmer. TIse roof day sports, a widOw and three young sous, Will, When next lie looke'd thse body w'a and sides o! a snall outhouse', in Re.freshmeats were served dturing thse George and Bort, to moumal his lose. lying on its side betweeu the two whiçlh was stored an amount oi fur- promenades. The funemal was held on Sunday a!- 1acks on the devil's strip, with head mitume, valued at about $200, were tront nu eeey evc towardsthe southeasti and ep Cross- partly bumned Ùy vthe fire and- fur- WHERE TO FIND THIS GIRL Wraig oidtc Uioncetheruse yrvc ed. The bedyr was plcked up and tak- niture damaged by water. Forttsnateo- Dr. A'braham. Two brotisers, Wni., o! en ta the Junction station. . V thse horse was not iu thie sVtaible at r<sllir, nm.i Aie cf nMody evcnlig the jury again *&t Ue Who ire, bM e ui oa ü.,i7 met, but no !urther evidence wae ualwork of express délivery. Mr. mg !orthcoming. They then agreed upon Collins, horse 1 ls'. had<« b.n t ýEU.Juji. E7flbS the !ollowing verdict out soie Vume previous to VIe dis- sister, Mmc. Pirie, lives r Scotîann, % LMm. Stephensons orchard werc badly family ln their bereavement. We, thse jury cmpanneibed Vo inquilre scorcheil and a very fine gardon, me- Inte thc deatb o! Wilfrid Calvert, rsnigago el-fcr n Raîlway i ic on h ! Grandbyn labor, was damaged. Mr. Collins' lc.ss Notice to Creditors. thelwa in the1 a! 1cmcame! ul one-will ho about. $500, and Mm. Stophen- teio n st. the evidece um itteareson's about $1,000, wit-b $400 insur- :Ia the imalter o! the state o! Will- atiooftheevidncesubitte, ae ace.iam Lott, late o! Whitby, deceas- eot thc opinion that-the eaid Wil! .ri'd Mr.e phno.srb h as d Cletcm o-i et y blgo! thc fime te fiecackers. Others Notice le bereby given. pursant te stmuck by a train. Vîrougis camlessness thin 1 GeorgehV., Chap. 26, -Sec. 51, and ,and negligeace On bis own part' in ee i ly haveCoap. 2,a-Sec.55,oan 1Wal n te e.R raeco- trie wiiag. amcadisg Acte, tînt aIl persons bav- mg daimsJaoainst tGe octaVe o! Will tmai-y to law. TIse Pire Brigade deserves comn- i!gcam gis h saeo i We *are furthem o!fbh opinionthat meiidat>lon for thc splendid manner lan1lam Lott, laVe o! thse Town o! Whit- great- came sisculd be taken by G. T. w the 1ogh he1Ue Ti ts bi hdaOny o! M a rio91,are e- For. a few minutes on Monday High Schooi. moring Vhe fire brigade wns given a For thc iret tme a Whitiby aud- mnost stroauous workout, and the jonce lad the pleasure o! hearing Mr. r esident of Vhe.acrti war i near tise Geo. Neill, VIe tamous Scottidli Ten- .corner qI Mary and Byron stieets or, -fast Friday at thc H.S. concert. were 'caused considera-ble anxioty, by To say Vînt tley were deli-ghted tIe' outbreak el a firé --ia Vhe stables is'Vo put il mildly. Mr. Neililihas a -owued by Messrs. E. StePhienson and mo5t powerful veice, yet ns sweet Mj. W. Collins. -Tînt thse fire did and cloar as a bel-I. Il was a are nOt spmcad te adjoining buildings treat Va bear hhi in tIsefilve nunthers ancause a very large beo!o prcip- and thrce encoros witb wlich le fa-y oerty lu due to-e Uic ellent wator1 orod the audience. "Thc Mapbe Leaf pressiire andl the splendid work o! bhe o! Canada" wae a new tiig Vo a - ilemets.' Whitby audience, and giveu as an on- About claynon a'lack Mr. Collines'core was recoived with great applause WhanSdsttgeoio-t e in oke pouardagd Perrin's orchestra gave tic- openimig starled-to ee mokepouingoverburo, and suppiied music for tIse fronwthei stable owned by Mr. E. six promenades whicl condluded the Steplien6da, aud frai tise narti bund evening'e prograni. est sltles of is owni. T-be alarr was Mm- Jas. Rutledge, cbairman-o! the sent ia at once, Meanwhile, wibh the Board o! Education, presided, ad help o! somO eigUiors, buggies anld madceme! eronce Vo tIse urgent neod col olr-vebicles and vabuable propertyby tcter edlool accommodation. Tisai weeremoed , froni Mr, Collins' accommnodation should be a 110w HigI stable- The tramre structures -,were 'Scîciol, dry au tindem, and in, a few moments Miss Carnie Lawrence gave a niost thse place was a riaring, f urnace. A interestimig ecitatiomi, wbsicbs xecéived quantlty O,_ Isay in the loft dded n heaty encore. Misses Grace Lintor (ury to' tIse fdames, anid tse thick, and Kathleen Niclolsonz sang a very have always recelyedthe cioscst attention from the Dominion Baisai gale" Notes Dlscounted or Collected on most favorable qwrmue .wHiTrBy BRANON:A A. A. ATKINSON, Manager. * - QSHAWA A . H. BLACK, waits you tbeme. Other stores don't bave iV.1 1 ice., GEO. H. LOTT, London, Ont., MorseShowfor-W9b . Oshsawa, executors A Hose _Sowfr_ Iiye Dated VIls 22ud dav o! May, 1913. -- laaccordance wibh thse wishes o! a number o! cibirseas, a public meeting Notice to Credlitors. was calîodl by Mayor Wilis fon Wed- aesday evening lnst ton Vhe purpoce o! In Vhe matter of tie etate o!f C'hares discussing tle possibili'Iy of cinganiz- Bond, laVe o! Uic Townu-if Whitby ing a Horse Show Association and ia thc Coîsnty o! Ontanio, banner, holding an annual sumiet Slow is deceased. Whitby. South Ontariocis n otably a Notice ila hereby giron that ali p:r- stock breedl.ng county, amduitiVse par- sn alg nydistrdaad iculnnly fitting that the citizens o oshci!.ay lin r e.id the Coumty Town should be theinlt- agas"t tlesi neCî:e od intene o! a eclemne Vo brlng the tciw wo died on or about the 24th doy c,! sudCouitylab prminnce la Vl Decciber,-1912, at tIse Tow.q (,fWtit- Manen. by, ia Vhe County of. Ontario, are 1se- rA numben of othusiasts attended quested ta seisd by post, prepaid, or -the Meeting, anid it Was unaul îousîy deliver ta Ana E. Bond, o! the eaid decided Vo Ion a ai association and To wn o! Witby, the Adminletratrix, Vo hobd a horse show Vils suineen if o! eaid estate, tibeir naies ana md- Vhe iceessary fluaniclal support were dresses, and tle f ull particulars la fguaranteed. Mn. Fred Hateis was writing o! their claime and etate- Snamied Chainman, and Mn.. W. J. H.* monte o! tîcir accouepts, and tIsena- IRichandson, Socretany, and a Coq,- turceci! VIe securiVies,: if amy, held by mnittee wêt; appoittd to canvass la thei. .. r order to ascontaimi whab the ditizens And funther take aotice-tlsat mter would do in Vhe way of supporbing Vie lOtI day o! June, 19[3, the said thse projeet. A subscription l-st wms Administmratrix will proceed te dis- sbarted, and a subustantial suim was tribute .the assets o! Vie said octaVe guaramiteed. Among those giviug fin- amng the persons entiîled thereta, amcial aid was Sir Hemny Pellatt, laVing regard onlly Va the daims cif who owns a splendid fanm on tic çvhich -she shahl then have had notice, Kingston Rond, west of Whitby. Mn. and Viat the said Adminiistratnix willl Cussion, manager o! th-, .nm, is an noV bele able for the saisi assets or expersenced . horsemnan, and Vook a atsY Part theneof Vo any e of o deep intemestin ii te Proceedings. Whose daim cIhe shah un' thoP hav Through isii, Sir Henry has Promn- necoivod nolice. tthnàv 1 ised Vo sho-w bis stable o! horses, and Dated at Whuitby Ibis 2lst day (4i sevemal bansemnen imi Toronito have mi- Mmy, 1913, so doue ikewîse. The prospects, - ANN E. BOND, therefore, at Vie initial meeting seein- Aclmînistmatrix, by ed bright. JAS- RUTLEDGElien On Monday evening o! Ibis -week - --U f- Solicitor. 1, nd wirce witliJuigh gr adle - We have nine desiegna tô choose from. Evéry door i1 sent ont -complete -with Spring Hinges, .Pull, Hooikand Eye. PRICES: g$C ~I25,1.50,1' 175, 2.00 and 2.2 5-each. Be sure and bring meas- urements of your doors. sub)stantimi tframe&. we na thern -in aMsûzes% - PRICES': Each.....20C tW 5oc. ve- Ter FIDÂY Made of -Sçreen 'Wir with WireIHandle -attac. Anyone, can -uge it withouït danger of breiking glaàor- scratching furniture. PRIG E Each**.*....5 FREE Big Speial IlStove O01er FREE With every Oil Stove we give absolutely free one Aluminum Sauce Pan (as cut). New Perfection 4 Burmier ........$ 14-00 3 Burner .. 0a..10.50 2 Burner ...... 7-50 Detroit Vapor For 011 and Gasoline.. Pr., $12.00, 13-50, 14,00, 16.oo New Process 3 Burner .... $ i.5o 2 Burner ...8.50 Ovens at $2z,75, 1 and 2.25 2-050- f&A., àeiia,, 04mm ip Bell Phowl.çr TF.4L sIMkDWARE, NEXTI THE PC- 1T OFFICE PRISONERS PLAYED ON VIC- TORIA DAY. IV would have gladdened VIse Ieamt o! Provincial Secretary W. J. Hamma if h. coubl have witnessed tise field day conductedl by the prîsciners attVie Witby fanm on May 24. A progrmn consisting of 100 yard dasis, h1gb jamp, tlmec-begged race, eack race, long jump, fifty-yards dash, 800 yards-race, fat man's race, finish- ing witb a well p1ayed basebal match, was givom inlutVe altemnoon froni two to five o'clock. The boys entercd in cvemy coutept with a vim, and some excellent athbetic work was witisessed by memrs o! the staff and sanie visiters. AfVem the basebal match, Vhe mon gathered amoinid Uic pitchser's plate and sang beartiiy VIse TENDERS WANTED. Tenders will be reoeived Up to Wéd- nesday, June 11, 1913, for the re- shingling of the Henry Street School la tihe Town of WhiLby. Shingles enid workmanship must lie first-elase. AIno tenders wanted for repaira Ito brick work and piastering. The lowest or any tender net nec- essarily accepted.- For furtiler particulars apply to'; JOHN FERGUSOI4, Acting Chairman Com. School Prop- erty.-48. NOTI CE. Notice is hereby given than an apý- plication wIli be made on bhasU 0! the Caxnpbeiiford, Lake Ontario and Western Railway Company and the Canadian Pacifie Ry. Company t -thie Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada, upon the explratiôn of one monthl from the date of thle first ln- sertion o! hs notice or se soon there- a! ter as thé application can be.heard, for a recommendation to the Gover- nor ln Coundil for the sanction ofi a Lease, dated thie l6tI dgy .ot April, 1913, from the former Companiy to the latter compa.ny, covering the Une o! railway of thé former company. This notice le giverr pursuant to the provisions o! Section 361 o! the Rail- way Act. Dated at MDntreal, this 22nd day of April, 1913. Solicitor for said flnmpanies. FOUR LEADERS- IlScranton Coal." "Youghlogheny Steam Coal." "Blue Grass Cannel Coal. 1' Il6George Creek Smlthlng Çoal." No Ceai te equal tiese.' Scranton for ranges, henters and fuma-. ades. Tise best-clean, bigît and dry. Cannel for fine places and- grates. Youghioglicay for steani. Noue any better, George Creek for alI kinde of emith- iug work. Fresh mincd. We bead in 'quality and quantity. E.R. ILWU Wub National Antheni. In thc cveniag an excellent uconcert was givon n utIse îea's diaing iciai, wben vocal and Instrumental musical selections we-re sendcmed, interspersoil wiVh recitaticisasnsd speeches. A vote of! thanke was moved Vo the Hon. W. J. Hanna, for bis benevobont conception in estabbishing tIe fanm, hncluding Wardea Gilmour for lis kindaess andl gencrosity la adminls traàtijsg the provincial eecretamy's idea, as well as te Mr. Yurmex, thse suPerintendient sud lie Mflcient staff. TIse siuglng o! GTouS ave Uic King Sprinig brougit Vo a close thé first field day and Victoria Day pr-ogram attemPIPd- by thc prison Inria since its inaugur- ation. Close tfoU'h with jnature, opeIL air womk, sd t act that7 the mou arc beiug trus ,i8 warkiag wond-. ers with tIse icallIs and conduct ofý the ilimates o! tIse tari calany. Taie ge0vemament o! Ontario deservev every pmaise for tIse establishmnent and coa- duot of thse offie. Mr. Frenchi, clerk o! works, and meurbers of'i bis staff,coantributed many of tIse prLes won. Footwe&r We carry only the Latest Styles -in Men's. Women's, Girls', Boys' and Little Tots' Foo*t- wear, in the finest Jeathers, Patent KMd, Patent Colt, Tan, Yaiour and Gun Meta] Caif, aiso the finest of Vici Md. Wfater Proof- Boots Men's, Boys' and Youths' Boots in hSevy ouled grains, ICps and EJk Leathers. 'School Boots a specialty. A cal] solicited. JOHN .'_PEEL ?Loae 151 JSTATJONARY -' we endeavor flot to Le, àncld thaï w e an sucêèt can be demonstrated by an inspection of our stock of STATJONERY. AUl the newest things in Papers, Pens- an'd-Inks,ý Books and Magazines, Rubbers and everythingý else -that goes Vo make the most completestc of'stationery in town. w. Je H. Richariison Leading Bookseller and Stâtioner BROCK ST.WITB R.. mentioned advice 'to'* i Iieadaclîes Parer and havet Ail-'el -shotuld ,tak< Ap * R-S1 e - r -t --'-t Local- Happex Quite a lioavy frot feU isiglit, but whethm it wo thie fruit crop or noV la Soie early vegetables l's frozen. l i Automobile for hire a t- Sou's garage. Pho:ne 0 -- Thle Young People o! 1 churcI enjoyed a- sociale Mciuday. -A venvinntemestin was given, and imprompt played. Re!mosi-mmts bni gathering to a close. Don't miss seeing tIc Troc". at the bazaar- on F -0th.-n Mm. Russefl I -ch, so --0 Hatcî, ci! Vils townmalle record- in the, an7nual Fie] St. Andmew's Coîbege, Toi C week. Besie winning the dcampionship , l roke i jump. record.;- Russell [s à abîlete, and wibl no douit -still- botter showing in cot Friday - and, Saturdny, *nd 31stV 1s empert 'opticiam Bassett's. - - We oaa give yo s -o - ~MV 'Iirdware fogr youil dollar, k~in Tomante or :elsewhem --Mr. and Mrs. John Bai are euýtertaining af- The G tIse members o! Vie- Conte' theiir bciets and hostesses day aIterncoi, June 7th,_ igroom meeting umider t', loi tIse Eiuai FranchiseLo Easiest chos on carth f on. Dr. Reed's Cu§ Ciyprice, six dollars; ou dollars.Tie cash store, Dan't fax1 ta mee the spi 'show- at the Rayal The~ VWbduesday and' Saturday. " lIC., othor, nights 5c.-tf. - Get a Ono-Miýintte Wash fthe 'wark easy. We woul ta -send one on appravi Rico.' . Ro.v. R.W. and Mms. A latter part o!Vis week EnIgland. Dlurimig Mr. AI Rev. Dr. Bovie wili haç the work, and with M-Nrs accupy tie rectory. g W' have lie-larges- to-date stock la WhitlV lowest. Largo cash -diýý off for cash at M.W. -Store. Mr. - Albirt Sturgoss 15, Bhock St., South. Whitbye Ofte. ý lm 1 Bell Ter. 9. Home TOL 14-

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