Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 15 Mar 1958, p. 6

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6TUE DAILY ToMU4AZUTI .êldyMn im a- Dunnmies Wcis Fcast And,. urjous 'le Du"nu showed titer sa& CANDA Ve. FiIAND perlority froin fte taft of the jIle f frat two gaines« *th world amateur hockey ohaplon- Jséries w«e'a' walkover fer the shlp -,eries. Thetiret few gantesîJDunnim.e .l.score la tihe thfrd were routa, wlthh scorlng byj gante, agalnst Fnland, -oaude tuoeshIdbyad.Athe Caaden eqj lke tiireuit«»0M4afor e U AAVSalafrd. aaia ie ogt ad fialnadao - frth hb 5Canada, ed O'Connor8-.. 8.4 aggregations, the golng became 213e FInsu wre never letheth " ibyteCnde team. A- flfth "o, scored as thi 1Pussi.-ns. 0 moat every member on lte Cana- Proved f0 b. on. of thet toest 18.35. SM « CANADA VS POLAN» dan team, seored. Coeta i the tournament Tffrd Pftld Ph-et Peried Pleying - comtciBd Ofat @et Whltby ran up a 2-O lead Ii 7. U.S.A., Meredith î(Bm Chris. 1. Russie, Alexan<Irotf, 2.35 lTe Iunnleq started the eles te pace f« tti Dunlopo in this the firat Perlod agalnst the Czech flen> 1-38.' 8. Canada, Mylea <At- PENALTIES G osselin, Canada, by defeeflng- Poland, 14-1. Tht geme rn>y scorng flirte cite teani whlcit. uP to titis gamne, uas tesley) 1.55;, 9. Canada, Myles 2.05; Broden, Caneda, 6.57; Me Pole wer sedom ble o lave «ILunbeeten. Uulueky breakseutd (Attersley> 8.50., 10. C a n a dl e. Kenzle, 10.48; Lamirande. calb their own ind cf theteIe. Attitra " AYbad sitoothg, duiled te <dg: liTOdeil (Mc]Kenle) 9.25; Il. Can- 11a l.01. ley and Tom O'Connor 5<,red5S~MR the Cath offensive, whlcji lid ada, Samolenko (Attersiey) 18.0 Second Perlod tiree goals each. Poland's uingle Phýet Pied the D umnije s worklng hard 12-.-Caa àda, Smltb <Broden) 2. Ca nad a. Attersley, 18.421 go l came inte is fwmi- 1 Canada, MeKenzie, 1.01: 2. titrougitout -the gante. . 14.05; 13- Canada, Broden, <S81> PENALTIES:]Russie, Khylstov, etz of the garne, from Bure3. Cend.MKnie J;&Cn- A sllght distunbance intimat den> 4.5 a n ac<~~~~s~t front ~~~~'C - ada. Tom O'Connor 70el; 4. C en- perlod brfught onîy mînor pe - P N L 1 a a a r d s 73; R siT r eg b v .1. lnadian side. whule Burns. Ted ad&.To O'Connior' 7.28: S. Cait- Atits. Rlad refereesng w a s 24. Cnaa Tomra, onnor, 3. Canada, Broden, 10.44; 4. O'Connor, McKenzie, S mî1t b, ada, Smith-, 12-4; 6. Canada, blameýd, aM in previo)us games. 4.34; UJ.S.A., Peti't,i 3.15. Russie. L o k t e v (Cherepanov) < eîn and Drodwen scored Glossilin, 16.28; 7. Canada, Burns, SUMMARY CANADA YS RiUSSA1.1 .Cnaa ano-( îgg F',i Ped.d Aithougit Swedft end Creeho- tersley) 16.51. sîngleA. ' Seod Peled Canada, Gagnon (Atteroley., alovakie proved worthy oppo- PENALTIES: Canada, Ted (Y- FisUMMArYo .CndT 'onr .2 2. Canada, Broden (Sinden>, , ltlt for, tht ute. noue of Connor, 3.22. 1.- Canada, Burns. 2 45: i. Cen- 9. MeKenzle, 6.33; 10. Mc]Kentie. Second Perli ada, Tom O'Connor (Gosselin) 7.31, Il. Canada, Air, 1000; 12. Ne score. 235: .1. Canada, MarKenzie, 9.52: Canada. Gagnon. 182.28:lit. Cen-. Thfr PerIws 4. Canada, Tom O'Connor, 8.4 ada, Attersley, 18.31; 14. Cea. 3. Canada, Gos.eelin (Burns): 4. 5~~~~ oadBrk9.06.Cnd.ada. edO'Connor, 19.31.Canada. S1nden. 5. Canada,GS Broden, 10.35; 7. Canada. Atters- TidPis elt6 aaa osln 1(Gaenon) 15.25;, 8. Canada, 1.Cnd.Bodn .4 6 CANADA VS U.S.A. Gagnon, 16.47; *9. Canada, Smith Canada, Bfoden, .5.05; 17. Cou- Th1e Dunnies had another easy(:>I <Broden) 18.55. ada, Tom O'Connor. 6.41; 18. wln wlen they met the American Ote PENALTIES Canada, Siden, 7.36;- 19. Canada, teazn. Dccimated by Injuries in Canada. Ted OCOonnor, 12i51 AttersJeY, 8.31; 20. Canada, At- preViffs bouts. tht Anmeicans Second Perli tersley. 8.55; 21. Catiada, Smith, couli muater only 1.2 players boý*DMI S lie. Canada, Attersley, 7.40. 11.50; 22. Canada, Sind". 14.55;.'neei thet blgh nldlng Canadien " UN PENALTIES 23. Canada, Ted O'Connor, 17.50;- players. Tht final score was 1U-1 Pu Inf g.em .t@u Poland, ChodakOwski. 1 2-3:2. Canada, MeKenzle, 18.00.- for the Dunlopa. O ir "af f turan C.,nada, Ted O'Connor, 17.05; Po. CANADA VS. SWEDEN ITI* Aeri frOea w««. k " e land, Olczyk, 18.50; Poland, la the fourtit gaine 0«the j Se-oLTii. outly seig thUSeface. Kurek, 19.30. ries. tht Dunops met the t ff . The on0 i!lylupthe tlwyST Y the glant s - world champion t-ug hAtir _2ro, e Il. Canada, Attersley <Samol- Swedea. Ti wsth irtb rd- e edlth id Crstia broe eno 0:12- Canada, Ted fought gaine of tht seules. Thet hr»ugh le shoot a lonly puck O'Connor. (Gae g n o n) 2.30; 13. 10-2 win by the Can«ain teent... anada, Goaselin, <Tom O'Con- dld Dot refleef lthe close.- cheek- nor> 14.08; 14. Gsgnon, (Atrs- Ing,- aee-saw hockey played. ley> 17.45. Titis gante sw tht onJy rougit PENALTIES st uff of the sertes. Bjorn of Canada, Slndem. 1l.35. Sweden cross - checked lieKen. CANDAVSNOoAf 0<the I)unllp, Oomeettmg WELL DONE4 DuNN lES!y CANAA V NOWAY McKenzie'a nose wlth is elbow. Tht Dunlops serveil ooly fwo The normaliy easy - Sgt c, penali es lat runnîng op e 1240 Ksntle bltw up mg< c1ah1ered& scoe againat Norway, Tue play- the Swede. Tti itppeu" eauail ens suffered the e Miq~oaof a pro- in the third period. #W oAÀÀre . Prpu do fi NorwaY crowd et the end of the Froni this point. teunper be- Th O L o KEY g0me. being greeted bY attal came oter, and play' became- r e and2 boos. Tels baffied the Dun. rougher. Penalties were handed CHAM PIONS ni"s after à good dean gatne of ou i lberally fe bof itaides.Affer bockey, lte game. bot aides beratied the Ted O'Connor wes the crowd'ç offilals. clalmiag titet tht rerus I favorite target, altitougli he dîd e« hia<i madie a poor job> of keep- C U ~R RU N and- B R IG GS ' not draw a pealty. The Eurn îng lhe game under control. peen fana obh ted te bit etan SU AR 1ody cheekclng, anti akîlful punit- yj Fq4jR ADIiMCO C E E I rakging whi>e Treen ered a1. Canada. ýSmlîh <Stade.) 1.48; wiiior penalty. . 2. CanadaTom O'Coe,, (La. SU « 9ad)2.0;3. Canada. Me. 991 SIACOE ST. s« RA 5-3516 FI'st Peisi Kenile <Broden> 8.18; t .Cbnada, 1. Canada. MeKnzie, 1*: 2L Brodeu <Sinithi 12.14. 5. Canada, Canada. Suffti. 5.21; 3. C n da # uTfta (Treti> 1.3.33; 8& Canada. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Brotien <MeKese>1146:4Lcab. IAtteraw1ev ulmvi 14-m- 8.15, 17»; canada, Sth, Canaa, leKensi, 1.0 Swedeu, Lândvail, 11.30;- Co 11.30; Coume EodwuIathie star et the VWb-1t b y sidê. Gagnoswho sufioed àa slighl hWp Mnur the aie aala Sweden,sMt 6ât,-,thetJtil thet U.S.A. The Wbitly teain kipt ni a constant pressure-on the Amer- lean goal tender rlgbt up to twt final bu««e. 1. Canada, Samolgenko, -114-, 2 Canada, Broden -(Smith) 6.30;,3. *e a& the -gaine belonged to the la tuslaus. Mogt, ebeklng, wMt st accuraté pasiln Ma s ootin it bitOugt a tuttnt . perlodgoa foMr the -Ru"SaieNide. The Rus- t siens out - -tkated and out-played r- the Dunnles throughout the -firut eperiod. The. tide turned, however, hait. way titrogittht e- oSd perlod. The Dunnies seemed to "get ada, Sinde. <B-- ' -18 -37. N penalties.193.1n 0end iPerm&i S- Canada, IImuleme &Ih *.0; 16. Canada, MeKeozie (Ted &Onnor) 7.35: 7. Canada. Omlth (McKejIule> 7.;-t&Cmada. MceKtte (admot)1.; 8 Mye,(Tom GCupî2, P'ens, Canoaa, Trot, 4.5; owa&y, oison, IUA& Ca niada. GaMm, (»Ss.s 18.2I. Pe a t , C anada, U i a PENALTIES: Casd a. IWd O'Conrnr, S3.;Canada. Troa,' seead Pfth . Canadal. Gossella,(Buts) (841; . àSwe4da. Pet.na(n«l nsé) ". l-.5ON4 m PENALTIES: .~ada. Ys~a, e ie ke ti 1: Oslo WELL DONE DUNNIES I 4 at Fî-tgeLtdl. A.THNKY ntmd'our boesf 1k. laureli h., i --I I j Pien Trad FPIaying only one* lni seven galies, Wh, vrecently won the Wu hockey chamlpîonshi Norwýay. As Canadas rep Dun-ni-es ended the the high average oi goals per garne, and agaînst totals of 82 to Playing Coach Sid former NHL great, 1I ed witIt Toronto Mai four Stanley Cup tez was the fourth highe the world tournamenl it is hoped hbis Secon, thé% Dunnies will be a, one. Dunnies' captain, den, 24. started playi team when theywe awa. A Toronto boy, of the nmt rellable on the teani, whieh the weII - -deserved Sinden turned down ai Cleveland of the AHI to play with Dunops i ,chamPionshîps. TWQ GOQD GOALIES Whitby 'bas been *fi Possessing a pair of goal-tenders in the %< Lanky John Hendersc Duinlop goalie, whlle already a veteran ni NHL (Boston Bru js> A HL (Pittsburgh, -! SYracuse and 'Hershey JOhn is one of the nu for Whltby'g Allas Cup 1957. However, Just befor Played the visiting Rui la Toronto in . Noven Henderson was injurec teaM Was fortunate in, Roy Egdwards from Wir dogs of the senior OH&. player on the teat. go,' of the lighest, 160 IjbS, a lot of -hockey experte hifs beit. It Is thi, wlhici is aid ln the- world ships, when he pae

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