Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 15 Mar 1958, p. 3

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Dunn. il wmi 7 In Row In Series Thie- Whitby T)unl&(>& won the wol~ amateur tee hockey chamipiols)iip with an impressive string (ifl wins totalling seven ln a rowv. 1'1;(, Puniies' -goal total lni the isi< set ,, record and establis;h- ed thvi- aç one of the very grnt Vv'Rlctvusian teamn really rccked thtV)innIe.s with their pet-formn- ance in that al-important zamne last Sunday. but the Dunnies, not -up to their peak form. did show, plenty of courà.ge to- stay on and win out in the third period. Blair Urged His Plavers CamryAttack What did manager Wren Blair of tbe-Dunnies say to bis players in the Russîan irame between the irst and second periods in the crec'--ing room? Here's Wren's %ersion: <il told them I1 knew how they feît, carrying the hopes of al *Can,,da on their shoulders. 'flien, 1 told them not to worry about' li4w tb break irp the Russian at- tack in our zone. I told them to tnkc' the flay In 11w Russians and to l't thejn mworrv about dc.fcnce.t@ lIn most hockey matches the t>n sinn wears off after about the first ive minutes. Rut in the Rus- -~~~ l' aSte tension was ter- rifie semred tO last on and on. Wh"ru we won the game T feit au though a terrifie load had drop- Ped «f my shoulders." of ail Blair's letters to the peonle in the Oshawa ares, *as thse e last one. S Wren's e:Uberanice On winning th.e charnplcmship, his happiness with the i>rformnance of the DYun- r-nîes and bis pride in hi% colntry ne were ail expressed wlth -typieal the Wren Blair vividness ln that let- Ster. * He added. )iowever, an ominonse warning to Canadian hockey at- thôrities whenr he- made it elear that he felt only that the best of 'I- 'Canada's hockey teamns would _W~ beat the Russians next year. DUNLOPS the. titi. ions of the Word ru CLEANERS OSHAWA RA 5-1812 ýCONGATIJLTIM-iS Ma4,"«Hamry Jermyn of1 Whitb7 receutly wrote the Rus- siais Embassy hi Ottawa to compliment the Russian hockey team on their recent perfor- mance agahuat the Dunnies -wben thse Dunnies won the worlds amateur iee hockey Senior Came Seen Tougher Somewhat startlngiy, Long John Henderson dlaiMIs that goal- keeplng Io tougisor ln senior hoct- key than It is ln thse National Ifockey Leagu. Long Jhnlnba a n ébou)d -kw, a goalkeepwr of vaut erxserIeuee at th» rie o age of 24. Re wus thse ulinlag ligiinla* mets of the Wbtby Duulopu las* prlng Whem thse Chideulla tm et hockeyvwS the. Alla.Cup. But that vS Wàtthe blhlgt Of au egggcare. r. da& »Mieadyotos ubber mta Pitt#- boeg plmgfFMd. Syracua. ad re ai ftie Aintrics oce Ldeagueand viii. Boa"&= is Nationgl Hocey Leagis. The Uslog that quuilfis1m ta eompare vils tn wL vMSthe.Se. lor OHA wusduise 45seso vison ho played 15 ganses its Herhey la tise Amerle s oe Boaou ruIsu or44 Dames l u wbtch ho hcorsd l» sobuts ma d anstrlgl $4n18 your Pro. ~clo.,lutise- NÛL yqs'veg«t defêgee. b. k»au Q*I~ nsg.s Frvrds la uylàge oau tire tisat puck M ista you re playing la td Wbltby Arena or -ths eomCarde., >uefacin; guys vis Cmu fle Dunnies' -Lunch 'Was- Fine. Sroke,,0f Genjus 111r. were mnany colorful side- llghts to- - thse Dunnies tour of EAuroe, but perhans thse most ln- teresting one was thse luncheon beld i Oslo by Wren Blair for bis team and for thse Russlý»ns Lt vas an unforgetable aight- tise Dtmnies and thse Raskles sit- ting do"u together ln harmony, despite thse language barriers, iu the. Viking Hotel. Il al started last Monday wheu Wren Blair, manager of thse Whlt-' by Dunlops, and Roman Kieelev, Interpreter for tise Rusuian teans. vere having a littie SeaM-to- Iseart talk. .1Mr. Blair aaked Mr. Kiselev thse questIon wviic has intrigued me for sone Urne, and 1 fuel sonry 1 dldn't ask it fint. ge wanted to know wby the Rtuesia hockey players alvays lccked so sad, no matter visat vas happening. AndI ho vated to kuow why, vison a Canadian hockey player srniled 6 thse sotl et a Russian hockey playe, thse Russian iooked at hhm as tbough hohad Jut bn emgt lthealo of biowing up thse Kremllins. Thsis aiso slruck Mr. KIselev ms belng rather odd, now that ho came t. thlnk of IL Thsatarted to discus -wayssand means of daing somtethln about IL. It vas tison tatMn. Blair un- gcsted that penisapothe Russians sud Canadiané coud get togetise, in a just - befor e - se. ei luncheon. Mr'. KiseW adoeltt ed cà tblug baê uev« oceunt b ba, bffl e. Mr. Mafr a&"kW ed l- vif am - dêex*thM9gtbey Imm thse lunches. vaslaid 'M'orte- FIGET 17 Our ltas Co" tise lt u uts that àapoc 11a a heyv ph-, te ÙM Mare cs hr - tisa moeirIhtrtIse ganse Aout» e bos"m M* lumssas st *40,, borne et ma, tca ssaslOl foMe Division la Toronto, cxcept that ho wears a funrisat, geld that the Russian team hasi verY-.much on- joyed thse graclousrelptàon they had -receive<jinu-Canada and tisat for tisis reason ttsey ver. very happy ta bo at thls lunelseon. So hoped, la fact, tisat no mat- ter visaI iappoeed ithse vorld hockey tournament, thse Dunlops vould be thse team aelected by Canada te came to Russia neit fail. Tise Ruustis ail sai "dai" aud thse Canadans ail sai "yes P andi WSflenqoarelations ad- vanced oeue more stop. At' tSis -'Point Mr.- Smercko producod a POah-Ioffklug-box llned vitS velvet sand lnltlaleUSSR and cornftaning a crystal asis tray. 1h hoPresented to Mr. Blair. CAIEJE»AWAY Mir, Saneko, canielava-y by tise montioan af tise ocasio, vent s far as 4o say that previoos ta thse tie botwee Czecisuovakla a"d &ie flamuslamnt gthse Çassani u eId tickmplonahlp lnuone pochi. 1New. sald he, they heldX In labolspoekels. Warmied- b>'tise.generoas sen- Ilment, Mr. Blar arme to spea a word Ion Canada. R should h. remernDber-d-aaldMM ow UaIthOn. vas à certain aMount -Ofbolily contact Iavcved lu hockey as il vas PI«la uCanada. Nfe ercly hoped bis Russian ftienis at the luncheon dld not mistake tisis old Canaqoan custom for anYtlg«personal. Sport,.Si. suggegtod, should give an examPle te thse rtsthe tisewnd ou Suiv t. ondutb emweves lu t iel of lutenuatonal rota- tIon&. At " i.poin al present slpped Uieê cotte md pooderedtise im- 'p.' S..,d.yMonkl. 1, 1934 3 THI DÂILY' TIMES-GZIE, plicabun of bunting each other bal! way acrOss the Statlium nd MOIt reniainins fri"d. .The 'RIussian team, spread aroùund min for mans with the Canadians et the varlous tables, then presented our hemNSwj some album of Ruesian stanhIs. Everyone returned to thse lobby. A few minutesi later a Cana4ian player passed a Ilsusan playes', gnsilbd- at hlm and received a re- sBPOns which suesuted that ho bad just ben ceught lu thse act of blowIng up the Krennin.___ RICE YARDS ITED- -EROES UNLOPS EATING - tA 3-241 With Ru8s "WF/E MOD 0F YOU" 1958WORLDHOKEY CHAMPION s WHITY -WJNor, fi

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