The W'hitby Dunlops, manogod by Wrn BlarWrnt row, I n drutcl oswII upoes.M*Conoado intboIdh@ky@u@wtiOloTear (f rom le ft)ick row-traimer Stan Wcayl.tAif Truen, StaGonoDoegW V*4loms# Ed Rdodon sitm rînerWoyBoin IIero- Gord Miles, Frank Bonmello, Johnny Henderson, Jock McKenzîe, Chodie Surmi, d Tom torw«uor front row-Ted O(Connopolgcoh$dSlh Roy Edwards Blair, Harrv Sirwnnorid obby Attersley. Absen wunEdI ok tookibs pktur.e: rgSoenoDnMcthJdCnieBon Cana..da's Hopes Ar, ntiee fWib >By mIZamT OW ANADA'S CDERELA hckeyInala C Europe, hoplnig rcatrth wol hockey tUe-.aad ' o g i rsà -o Lhis country. lTe VWhltby Dunopa borae to hockey supremacy in Cana- da a yur latheir f irst seaso of Senior A co etoiw mUk niothîng better than a worid catposbp1 sfience thefr detrectors at home- .The tuoment ope" à a0.5eaI nts m d e the month. And the Rumiaus, la apiO of un. 7-2 sh ellcitey took frornWhfly la Twros bo threm ont &go, are &MU thedLb blggest Iet t ot."G"Go Duaaln" Whltby (pop. 9,9)>ls seadima a into the intern&UonalchILenm &bt s 1 teo won kw 1k &W Pm19fs Ap1~ itismcm0"e pba (abIsm ovomflwlag pdm 1 a rbulb. - loba 0dlMM 30 MlUn et d roui" ?be *ntffet (tl Co UWU. n t ttW*.hd.Mo e TbeOWW e béqGk dicdmg Ibat lb WUb wIk_âý.uMà *I ~bet vb* aube tbqy viii via.but, komd"os lbet"Mpadfl - ot t«U t« e bcsnneir otmut 1bbs idtd ulpM-4aadte basonor litbsk *dm ix sot a ttiba -o W7 à 5 r th tmsPof - &-aager ON la, s'u o.Ufbu ledIubuto top, hmoe k huwdIReH.cos4stis thre ~twk Ilium Melle Co>os eu ada t* 0~bC4~oonl -MWk 1 ula at*a aa dl~s o fwm. api Lsa a couUpte The~ ~ & aSs.».--&., ub--v I-S u-