ÂJ tir1a44 fine demonstrobion of aion Know-How To ckey. good Euro- ,olonial Alum inum demonstrote the W-how for your storm windows ond doors. )MIAL ALUMINUM ROAD SOUTH MY M F À TI EST GRATU LATIONS GREAT TEAM CHAMPIONS LL CANADA RA 8-8371 TO OF WAS RILLED WITK YOUR ONDERFUL VICTQRY STARR, M.P. iew You Could Do lt"l ITBY DUNLOPS World Champions ON PURINA COMPAIT >PKINS STREET-WHITDY Bus Gagnon tries to push the and. because of bis long e«- puck past the goal-keeper in a perlence la tb.e profe!Isional splrited bit of play agaait tth@ tanks, he han contrihuted a Tacoma Flyers in Toronto last major share to thic Dunnies' year. Gagnon bas been a triUMphant season just con- steadylng Influence on the. club eluder] with thelwinnlng of the Dunnies Have Fine Spirit Il would be a diffeuit. and tvefl ilgh Impossible, to estimate the amount of gond walI towards (anada, Whtby and Ontario cotjnty, followlngthie l)unnies recent viçiory against ]Russia. Favorable advertising of this kind Is bard (o buy at any frne. When lt cornes gratis. m k has on this occasion, the gratltude of the. eornrunity iunnmbounded. The Dunol.. will long be re.j memrvt»d a bardat and mast muveml e a ga and m bac ..nditiring tests. Poussung a» attribut. fMottoo Mien louni in §Ports - thé à bIlity to fight bac* aginat rmedoi0"dd and Win - the Dunnies did nut always h-ave the strong follow.1 ing which backa Uimtdy Even beore (the Hus&ian garncj izn Torono, there were flot tooý manY supporters, outside Wblt-j by, who sincerely believed thev could heat the. Russians. Tbe best wlmbes of Ontario' County wîII b.eztended to thern in their nmew oeavors--whai. eve they mayv be. WEIGE? VAÇMtO tbu.. tbu n e ten in over- weigbt permu m -la t <1 o noMal weilghtor le",. "We're Proud of Yo U" DUNL@PS WORLD CHAM'PIONS FOR 1958 worldIs amatenr ehampionsbtp 14IlNASW li OsIlo; Norway. I 0 WDSW -Photo by Turofsky, Toronto Wl 0F THE WIITBYCOMMUNITI ARENA COMMISSION TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN CONGRATULATINO TUE WIT DINLOPS WORLI HOCKEY -CHAMPIONS1 F J.McJ.tyu., Chi . Omagr m."m jackMcv N.wy ewuyn -St.. Moro*. Né.. miel, a, nhyTW DONE LCO, LTD.* WITIY 500 BROCK M E S Tue D"Y 0-imidey, Mm* lio 19U is AT GOALXOMý