Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 15 Mar 1958, p. 10

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I 10 me!~fY IU4zT1 rlv sMr i~ Thie Dunules are noestrang- ers to work, on or off the le*, George Samolenke lo ahowu at bils Job ln the south plant of General Motors of Canada la Oshawa. Their Jobms arc as varied as nlght andday aiad Ilustrate one &gain thatthe club Io a ivlI-balsucel aggr. gation. viti phaty ofdeptin lu Its persone. Loss 0f Etcher Was- ig Blow A severe blow hit the Whitby bout gammesof theme seswhun Duniops hockey club on the, n1ght the accident oecurrcd. lqe hmd of Salurday. Oct. 268 In the WhAt- seored one goal -Md asolst.d con by arena. The Dunnies were'en- two others vimea le vaU jjWgd gaged in a gaine witA the Belle- late in the sec6l perlod. 'hua ville MrFarlands, which t he y was tii. oWmY oetback etf- Me won by a score of 7-4. However, gaine, but proved t. o a ly the fans were not very intrigued one as fap as 14£tc*- g me. wiI h the score. They were liit esut. . lng Intently for some news con- Athot4 b aagez' WronBl cerning the extent etfthe Injury fjtured Ibat Fred wouid sot be sutitalned by the colorful Dunlop able tb play la 0gb, b. did u=y left winger. Later that ovenlng. us-at the.tefam wouldDot«bae word was recelved freai the Osh. hlm bclmiad that he had earmed awa Generali tospitalft f.ui apovos mn *Etch" had suffcred aàbrais. *4tilia" boue ln bis leg vilcit dé>- .la Oi.,«licBUlitw lors have descrlbed as notorlotwoS- W M DMasSove - wreclilq go ly slow te heal. M MWfl MiObW D«& fth The -colorful îeft winger, wtbiMo hO ib. co I MoIt OU soli helped thie Duannes via flicAlla. #mm 9"garnIs, ho tvM "usw oy Cup, aithougi ho di M tkuow #1tbe 4&M ON511 <h le. at the lime, vouli a«o be " te play ln lh. wurMamatmeur lma PloshshiOsde, a» veuftOma re had hopcd andi drentus for. Frred was expeelsi te lie back lu the lncup lua&bout sigil vese tollowlng flic IjwRJ butes&ai vas was& usf1 m aaa s. lha a is determlînadmowuva aal lec dld mot heal Wa-hum.I Freddb. vas plarlago.MW let Wu nidF.f SindSays av olle -à. Od.e ~ C -$Ove lue - m alt W.bap o*w lia,. r a li LiiDunmie Coodwiil ,Os"aa ad distýric ursdents returning froin Oslo, Norway, where they-saw the. Dule9 wii the voMld'samateur hockey ehasioêslpare Ioud la their t to.c fle«Whltby Item's per- goiame baton aid t«o hef- d.e. Ucolboncome &Was.gay un- hoslatlglythat tih. Russlaiis were rnost Inpressive truMghout the tou zn e nt. T ae bseneu ofth ftw Rsiaus cauglit fthcfancy As eeftaexplalned fthc final ga«»: "*YO could mm - ail through, the cootest limaI this vas ao0t W a orlary hockey game but rather a corntesg lue- tweegi two dfretly opposite ways of l11e. Ibe atmnosphere -au real- iy tenu tal this game. The Duie wene haiIed as a group of sport ambassadors. ath- lotos and Individual diplomnats of the blghest calibre. la *Pite of conentrated efforts by crowds, toura -'AffiMMI thtaktii.SeaClad, i làlq >on spak out of* them, they eame vere the. bout the boit la the throughin truS Canadian style worU.- ând neyer once let their tom- Per. . E »ALN M The Dunnies nover complalned, îega1, Alberta village 33 miles but carried on wlth their ta8k of north of Edmnonton, 15 namned af- whlttllng dowU the. oppÇosition on ter the flrst Romaa Catholle archý- by one. blsbop of Edmonton, Emile Je- Abd the crowd la OsIo flually seph Legal. TO THE mWHITBY DUNLOPS* THE DEST 1IN WORLD'HOCKEY MOTU CIT CLEANEIS 184 SIMCO[ ST. se A 3-7021--RA 5m6498 - . Eob 3 tgo al e s à I forms ert Rod Ton Trophy winner who playod ln Guelph and with the Oshaw* Gerals before Jolning the Whltby router; Wlth 10 goals and seven assista, Bobby plaeed third ln the hlgh scoring roster at Oslo. A consistent hlgh-scorer ln Sr. OHA play, he set a record -with 70 asslsts ln 1957. Tom- O'Connor, three years younger than Ted at 23, has play- ed four seasons with the. Dunnies. A graduate of St. Grègory's sèpa. rate. school ln -Oshawa. Tom lu ,oie of the shortest men ln the Whitby lineup, but makeq up in goals what he- lacks Ai size. His record of seven goals and three assista plus his scoring in the 1957 Allan Cup playoffs make hlmt one of the team's top play- e rs. 'Four year« in the AHL with Cleveland.. Cincinnati aid Sprhig-- field combined wlth four yeart' playing for Whit*,y have made Bus Gagnon a main stay. of the club. Thirty-year-old Bus racked up six goal s and three assista against the ESzropean teams in -chanipionshlp play- A - Whltby businessman, he was playing coach bofore the Job was takeii over by SId Smith. Basebaîl, as well as hockey lu Charlie Burns' sport. -A former Toronto Marlboroughi junior play- CoodFrends A spirit et good -frendshlp was nýWs evident ln Oslo re- eently'between the Ttuàsians and the Do»nies. AsidO from Wren ]Blalr's lunch- con foW the Ruskles, the two teama got along pretty volt to- getheri despite the language bar- riers.i One bour alter t» . Russian Wh1tbW game, a group et Dun- nies wre'mn -la -the.Viking Hotefl )obby twlng to -converse wlth the captain ofMWti. uskies, NikolaiSologubov. A ltw minutes. lator vhen ikolm, wroguuov, wnlplay$ dé- fence wltli Sologubov, vas nam- e1 flioutstandlng defeneeman of h o t w m y, lb. flua tes ch êered- ltey trongh id Manage Wrenai. 'nonba dbug Coli issstormda cap- wmMtethemireMny. Port Ameont. draw tsnla gos tw Ui oe t fleldu MdO iluy lsoec d Eauily &dlstlngul met WMCie eari skull fracur e .e1 goalq -and fMur assî Charlle was. a great- 'lho Eropean fans a' Canadian fans difr%~ Ctp> Dl ayof f rIn -1".7. A Westerner bom r-eoreSamolpunko. viiror>ean hoekey with Paîslpv. Scoi combined witht two, OWA plav l hi T~nl made Gmrowe, 28. asset to tbp team. 1 s"<nrer on *Ii WVhUIt 19.57 with 38l goals, two oolq and two as Another véferan of 9 oral and Tru'kmen* one of the elub's fii A teleohone ca» I Blair gent Sandy At his wav from' Cani way, as a shortag w4nfeors wlth scorini came amute. Sandy, for i stocidrokcrs I wlth the team vIe the. Allan Cup lagt ye cd one goal and against -the seveti teams ln the playëff OSHAWA BOY Gordon Myles, 25, ama boy, aid han y pro and semA-pro c New Hayen, Conn., t His- big thmse goals remembered by Eu who sa'w the 1958 pionsfilp. Gord tgaa ig-scortrwith 139 crédit ID Sr. OHA durlng 1957-.- Don -MeBeth, one ans of' the WitIhy wlth thie team Who Oshawa.. nure I c COR M.' mn Onbdof f f ow~nso osW~I nste theswi *.ofth A ETER TO TH E WORLD CHAMPION WHITBY DUNLOPS A>' A CLj958 meSN« 51P4«IB&Y*f% of Ae i*i' CI i b I o n T , * h ~ 6 ~ l S . on yO ei t j W CoAbldet CaY-, w 4J mà m mm.ý.

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