IMETCALP' wnldi may biow give it SPae tO queîwil l t. îhlrst A- tlic ego ALi any fluowet al voil'invIng ,111 rrach Around or real and Aid saý lhello Anbrfricend. .i.p"lec RCN Scotia -twscnty0or tlir'y st a - v ffl tihe stable pcrto corne Oh, a tid(1 irtater pur0b- e. mr. Fî'ed Biack- in Blari(kbttt-n, Mrs. s Loulme Trenwltb. Mis. Er-nest ,hinîloi Faîniers cthse Ki(naniga, 1 1- ir andi Mrs, jij iiiîi Mns. Mur- .Roild Wonry antl Ilinîri, .Murray asud 'winners, anld Rois- e Eaton Tropisy sud î ýy-Cip on hia caîf ('alf Club Conmpti- tulations J U nlSo0 R. E. Lee, MIss Brilîn were Sunday r. and Mra. E.'A. ly, Epasiskill0zsi M. Waller, NMi. and ttended thse surpriset iîouring Mrx asic es onl theocasion Weddlng. Tbà s-dsy Mount4 oy, LOldoti- nd nt home. Joiq îînday were Mef. Anid Misses A . Wrght v, Oshaw-a, Mr-. and ilarton, Locust MXli an« misst N. WOry, and Mns. W. L lilanor. TOR 'sry efi on TlittY- aloudont pastos- eh- e Clute-Isialid Palle la a farming s6ria i-ane where Roberti heailquarters. Ouar 1shex follow hlm ter -,vi-k cf tlb. obo g for' lots mos-itinUs t he finesi iind foée e a raint mli f roal tlng awhile. Wo di& conil raie p>romsei eeks mgo. and- s-me lng l. Borne apples. ejetibl e vs-inot lit a couple of day. ings up. Never have nt tiese& is 15.-on inlloy, Ni-s. *W. A. las Nona Werry art Pnesbytci'ial Itally Wedneaday. %.-Isaac Wray ani Donna Wray, Bas-- Margaret Wrayâ Bunday gue8s t aUr, n Central AnsO rtlO aident and Charlabol rie CI'll RICAN PLAN TATION ROOS e ail Lounge A Orik E $HOP'- SODA #A#' ANDO111U11OPIAN pLA Ac-ndFu To Know Your Ch' Ask Teacher Thesi Parents who go to schaci for a hes.rt - to - heart talk wth their:a child's teacher aftefi corne away ý with the feeling that nothing ha&s bec n nccomplished. The reasoir ' alys Caroine Bird ln ber currentt magazine article, "What ta askd the Teacher." la that parent's dontt asii the right questions.1 Many teachers feel that parents ý put too mucb emphasis on IQ's and report carda. What teachera! arc lookIng for la a cue that a - mother la willing to pool her ob-1 servations with theirs so that each t can profit by the ther*s expert-, sac e. Bath the teacher and parent would learn more about the chlid and be able to help hlm better. MIina Bird says, if parente; would ask questions such as these* "la bis achool work as good as it ought ta be-for him?' This la the question tenchers nmost hope ta be asked. lnstead. they say. motherh corne seekinR reassu rance thot their children are a n a r t e r thon average or ai least up to par Teachera point out that a child's s1core on standard achievemnent tests-for i hs age and grade l.9 an Imýorta1it Index as far as it goes. but that you must consider a child as an Individual not an average The Most Important thIng ls, ls he doing as well as he can Be- cause this ls a touchy sublect. teachers would rather have Par- ents bring It up. Almoat as Important is the ques- tion "Whât does ho li best ta do at school?" And when ahe telles yau, reciprocate by telllng ber wbat he daca with bis free tinie at home, Misa Bied suggeats. If houà enthusiastic about shop, you may remnember to tell her about the tree but bis gang la building., Tbe teaçher might use this clue ta get hlm lnterested ln a subject he doesnt do well ln. For instance. ln Engliab clasabe couid have hilm write a themne about the but or bave hlm tell the clasa bow Wo build onc . CHI"LD GUIDANCE~ Is Your Child a Psychologist Gii By G. CLEVELAND MYERS In a family of severai cbildrsn, one chlld may talk, as at the din- ner table, mare tban 'ail the rest together. This smre child may want to talk most Of the Uime during "recitaUln at achool. ar ln Suiiday achoal, or at thc Mcci. Ing of Cuba, Brownies, CamPfire c Girls. Scouts rand thse flis. If yau will visit in a claSarn of the clcrnentary grades where pupils ae encourgd 10 talk, yoli mmv 1h14tsevetal children doit fur more talking tisua&U these vst of thé ciamstagether. Even lini à collage clasaroamn just a few miii dents MaY consume most of the tinie of class discussion. Wberes hs loquaclous youths may be av- orage ln abilty, even in facJiltyý of oral expression, tbey are noe always ac. A recent published study cf callege studentâ Indicatet thât tise students wbo talli moS ln cimes don't gain maut tisereb3 JIFFY SET! iA1[1 IAWVIIWri-S MAIL I1ALF-SIZ.E TS A Girl Faces EmOtiOflal Upheaval Dear Mary Haworth: TaM a 16- ing Woflt li.At the goad o a year-old girl sud I have a mad tare. Flou are trylug to grow up, cruah on aL -san Who 15 twlce MY sexuaily and psychologically. But ild Better age. 1 reaifu ibat ail YOt gisUi re stilematioually lied t differet. Ihveafeeling tisat IfnaiaqusMaybe Uicy hvn A L qetons ic=prnt ctt go on living withu is0ihls loved you i wtely enouis ta gve ;eul a bu selondoan~Hwd once whcn he lauhed 't Mey sne of 5 ee5 0f ftedom-w Anotherquestio whichforentsyin,. I lked hlm. 1 feu tisai ty in relatio athem. in auy A & c cioes çaY. Youugster get along an i cTomld11Ci m ila a brilisautt ifjyîî sms'oie ryitbgt thse layuround?' Because she man and i-admire hlm for lt: but Quiiiing the cradle. figurmtively deals witb your eblld as a mcm- it is more thua admirlUOSiMi1 Teea 1sklflg. he you are blddlugi ber of a group. the teaciser can for hlmn-lt la rosi love. Ne clalins for a faiber-figure to be -our love. diacuss Your cbild's progres in t& aeietfe i ihm A M M th hî cruciatOfs. ettknwu whe-father. but that isn't itru. Wben 1 zU Fou were lsu of a cisfd aud wthrhe ilu eos ta piay aone. wlh finaflYlaitd hlm thal I aSM ln love more of a teen-ager lu seif-reltauce ahrh ie paticupayfrlendo wit with hlm. ho aaid that 1 would and social entes-pise. you'd muets c rstise also ias a or d ide a gttover lt--but 1I(dont Uiink tisat prefer oollege âge boys 1W a mua etwd. h w at tsohci a en thidkeas 32. for baud holding purposes. How- The (Md Tron Kirk of wht th othe chidren hikof &all.matters worse he tolas ever.thc mut as Itsec lis Oosut hlm. And she la perfecllY wllIiig meta U à 9ig t married niaie 7FM1!Preasut Mt M" Defers to 'Progresa' ta tell you. if you only willi ask. oon.u eryime he refera to bis las painlul. The est consolation 1 Des his health seern go t future wif e I sec rcd, sMd visis 1 canofer ta the iSnut assur- teach'erl also a good Question. A thai ho were youngor. or 1 aider. ance tisai being -in love." polg-. And Closes Down tahrunconacioualy compares Do ou tiiu there là a £Iytiing isauiy ud unauiably. for £5511 Tise joyu f progresa are ofien yourchid wothrs hs. ge.ândwroag with me for f eeling ibis transieut rossons, Laans.»luevitable can detect a chiid 's constant way? know that 1 cati neyer liait of tiseadolescent strutle o- mt f e op egrt and tise mre- qujnt. bis habit nt holding bis have m. i 1would wisb; but wards maturiy. M thc expor. in thecf e fro Id r op e head ta one ide thet bs orene on 7129-tII I ho aU irgbt laVer On? leilce iardly ever lbaves sars. os- ' ou»ssou Uic perlphery b a s niut r eaduy wben apoken t 19Do You thlnk ibis experlece wll Peclslly if aies Idois arc decent. rutliso ptclalftn unusuallY .; al seepîrsess or affect me perrns»entlY' At proment aud Tom appears ît.. ho a nice ;thecloslng cf Uic worîd - famous thirst She msny have observedil feel tisai In-ill love hlm forever. fellow. isot a îwo-iimcr. To KrkTh *To"lame svrnptorns whlcb you bave mcse.Pes epm: 1Ia very con- u possible. Uieugb 1 doubt lh. than a kirk la Scots ail oves- tisle Asi, ber ,vhat can we do ta fused. D.L. ilbst Tom wM lwla-yz linger lns n-rld. for Il le outlde tis famona hephl aihon& A tacer B! ALICE BROOKS FAlERFIATION mes imad.thUgla yeu lire 100 ysars lIl love you for wanting her sug- crochet this set in whi4 wtLU Dear D.L.: i thlnk Tom bas ds But evOliso, you cati ho fullby banak to ainin ths aler N gestions.ganys Missa Bird Ste'aIq n- brlghtly eolored flowprs - yourlignated the beart of the malteribappy thUmt hlm. for there la 458 ,îl'-4 YHgfar la ber ren l ls the îei' aird too in hom rnuch beip sou daughter wili look as cute as ahe«s in suggestng tisai you'»" _got blm ine sncb ting as s calainitous or DyANNrAD M-lU Ilso îr fidnda. Asntse" gire your child wit]â homework. n-airm! Fait worl. in beavy knlt-, mlxed UP n-li 8a fther-fiZMità S. a "gi-mut" love lu me*eoxper- R NE>~>5dock ound Ya midags in Ucbadt ,nd .'ou'Il be m*i e ta consuit ber tn oae.Sn o1You dont love hlm 30 mucis as lbaccif one continues la develap I.Âsk ai taheacalloped buttonlng. ~alliE "4AuldIllang SYne", as before undertakifia ta drli the pattern 7129: Cap-and.-mittefl set >y0U n-itfuniy vani 1(1 atur*jisîas a huma» belug sud an inielli-'actlonback, easy-alking akiri -, tieir tisaughta lurn tW fricuda Ki voungster Yourseif ln easy crochet. Directions for sies attention and devotion. and 01110 gent spark lu tise div'ine cana5l have you ever scen a smoe>Uior.'boreneud averseas. Hon-do arets o abut onsit-~ ~ 0 îcîued » ~hie interesi possessvely. This lu Ocua. Thse SOMdlife la bhrougcd srter casual! Proportloned for, Por centuries " itill1e kirk bas ina d t enthr s Bidadot es- o 1 nde n tY tE Cern S ived by Uic tact that yoU <"me vlla persans varmnly lorcd. Un- Uic fuller figure - design-' that many scbool5 bave a regular, red"- wbcnevcrle P il5bsSlfas' aapeiioiot erc osi ommyunbr îbc ecnstanursestolae i prgra fo paent- tchr cn lins 1 for 1515 patterni 1 stampa n-if e-to-be. valuable, conte"la. endearing fqua- dces the meust good I No alt.etation , 'r0l5iP uElbrhshso frenca. Aorsarsoe-tachesalaohavecaunol ho accepted) to DsilyIlmes A-tal.i oboe o 01lte-not vWUiyearning deaire 10 n-ornies. Royal Mile. The order for Uic n-bnes.A sm con p aetsGazette. Houtehold Arts Dep .. OaS- vojd oonierately wnat him w on-n. or acheming lient 10 make Haf irsl,. building of Uic Tow-n KIrk vascol%- open - school week. whnprnsv atr W:Rl ie 4,talnod lun a Charter made bi can it ln on classes. If there la no an-a, Onlarlo. Pi-lu plalnly NAME h ie companionshlp that lic use of them. 16.181,2. 201,- 224~. 244, SiBie' Charles I. The same Charter gave precriodlim. ou oud mudaDRS. PATTERN NUMBER. maltdosires. uamely, tisai his I'm Positive yeull ho a&U right 46 us3sys 5tc fabrc dnug l ttaa iy note by y ure.hlld ulng i Excitlaa!1 Our19U2 editon of ft «.0f1 ho u P ks2Jivithout Tom. muW altbough I arn re dnbrhlssataa f7 nteche r at dayyuknghe al Bok NOlOlt ~ cnisetIylya u le pleased th« et is a mmovsblv Thia pattern easy la use, simple The congrogatiOes of M 0laà usr- onbeno. cm b ppî tssei wety-1vo cents. NTHTYONE lias beon' aptljdefiued as tisaiyour spu Io lacoumendable tee.Epit uasae isrcio. i Wbe yo cme Y apontMDt.ilustatinsof pattera f your f&,- tate of feeling tu vhicis tise matis- utrylug la vinhlm. Donlelt Seudl THIRTY - FIVE CE1TS the teacher bas a chance t10 1" korite aecdlccraft designas, Plus 91Xftion sud sccssrity et atsoiisf pcr- thc reversai uap Four courage. (35c > lu calais E stamps anno over al the records of yeur chilil eay-o<-<>patterns prinicci rigli1 mbcmsa aOtn ôu SJs teP hetc hth*tD cetd o hspten rn and collect samples of bis wn-ci- ebok.1 1Uil><nf tll-mes as .s(rs t sasmeJorYU a nd ep etct toisa for p<>tacl SEptd o , pattE. T 1show you. Tise question 'HOn-lW u o- l-l gSraT ot o o u Yc nbolg o-pan IZ.NMB E. ADRS hegetia ie;? ntI mlc i as saMi. "Lave la tthe destre te -hat's lu store. M-H. 1% XfhSYe nd MBer ANNE ADAMS. ser for ber t g i lalklg give fulnineasofIlile." maryHavort4lemme nsdba1lhte Bon eider L abot fno rber ogn tal n be -By lises.definitions rosi don't ber cobumu. nDMby mail Or Por- ,carc 0f bel»''-- abou anyprobeffrthats onber l Gil, 6Men limb love Tom lu an adult n-ay.hence soami interview~. Wite ler lu care teri-fl Dpi..Oshsawa. Ontario. ouPe u Highest B.C. Peak the prob&mlty la ttisa = 71 01- <TsDsITma- aot. _ _ _ _ _ _ __Tk Moe N VANCOUVEIt <CP-4.eveu l'a. YTIfnTfoodt'sticks t tnf.éa covrtssxmon ad a gis-- HOLLYWOOD H MJflj.IinL1Lt vater n-lUi a ititie n-ashiug H elen falleil by justi 75 flm 1liseuer bld soda aeoasary Cnauerbox? otpth etunconqueroceovedritfom B stS leriin n-ais. usina scourlng pon-der Noirt$Mm# "à gr.due o ves HeiptulHmts L1eader 0f lie iParty vas Dr.N To Be - Produced in 10» i Iustesd ot telU htie chatterer. section of lic Alpine Club o 4 P T M0U&0 b urM< b U â oet eor e o po , you drive me crmsv." or Mcuina ada. 015cr meushors vos-e NMisA L HOLYWOCOf A) - le'nd Mai fl.iiruun.h i Lande mmdforit, r cnoc=e Froponm îaI hlm for tatIniug»0 mucb. ti-eda Pigiaz, Alan Melville. lU i oouidai hodose. But a pro&d o& 'di.but, ta a fit vo IiPmeymi etr ier. . .'1 iquietly explao t 10 * ohlm aFrduoer.TmMaae &4m*aml e> t«teBs-sl M Mon. Royvod of - Imo- Vreys B e tisu 38 Cms-e SO U TER , y sisoulil also haro a cliAtce 10 lic mnd David Yomn. "-tn au-* to ty." tse boit- oenéor*W t rou- barne uwo Ume t» M 514 bohas-iluan exteme casePut a To ge t 1 1,»0M80fotMout (011- sellM bo* k la»e su , 11f our- lm jk sauton"ie tlau)s ès f <os-st. la Novmber. Os»' 2.41/2SIMCO l rdcock ou thc table.- Lob hlm havo bort, 120 miles ronsiberq. tissy botter nsduMa ifl et go *" tiab il mmt h ie e o cf tissesamtire s oulu c thei fi sat opportun ty 10 speak. b ul cisartereil a ne tt. u d ;of m ai c f l ti A hM . g 'd.- 188 6 * 4 a* 0 n a nU l uR sm a-am , - B lnt lii irn'for a M utab ler of Min- Butt4 e bt.%sd saft U'OUci2uslX-Ma * Uil qiprokaceM d ls d er tl opse.____________________________ ueah te lie sest ousport ill oari lys hally4oadud b citie. ou Esuro e 0IlAtto T mou.Cub à âw-t * iy se a ;s a coustaons»' n-ile bhi 0spemblanud. »Wlior.tCarterand "11 s boi iw.aims Il bus au mmî. Ifyuare a leader. explaiu terrTile. W tetafhis'n-vcepalsrp. i- tisa aobody n-lU have su OWN> lraigs o orbous-sat a limie, ,. ml sonmm mi e unlty toasposk ioo toum or ottau. clesai up uti -al as »seu ac l* Mm i V »Aer a aU" l d. 11W'Wuon-ou, ai ho 8sa a staVe tisaI nhle >Fou are glai a for anolier Pack. r- ton- 0Fyour students genes-SIlY "That 13 mil"looklcisus a * tiV amiss5iii'«k- Uf05'sd Ib ïparticipate l ic e islcussion. You T rmth ie summift bbey bhok et iO-n-i bam -ud am*y.e-V t n-I expect oaCh chul idatar usne cm otsea-.Tay Imbé Sinco 10 peo. i is i».'b iptia b I h ,d ong once ors o. te koep quiet UnW l day and lb viu 5:30 p-m. nhm NTeliJU 5111 iLifsOel sa after oves-y oISon cbild bas lad an&0soy r oacbcd tise tb 51t O -to P S r W onbsna el ,gutid ton"" t apportunuty to opea"s. ice to top MautoM Iberv bock. but 511 douWt0S1 A MIN ba5 s ZOO$ t4V te !prive other chitdren of an opos -- ým 1 Uuity of adequalo expre»ssIobut miarender themacvlyesa likable structure n-tbout eietulcity 4rU Queen othercentra)l linl.ail Autuat. Queen Motherse "-a îaser esommer Takes Castie retidence non- t b a t Balmora.I JOHN OIGROATS. 85ec tla nd 1CUe bot 0 miles a-tiso !Ieuters>--Queen Mother £1155. soth. bas pasu.igo WO11e piun boiS tool foi-mal poasesslch yeuter- Qiieeu daY of remete and primitive Ba-! Tise Quocunobbelisea tnt iO rofflîl Caile. seven miles trous ibis 10 restO!? thi es t bWvii.i d isortisci-mosita oneoS ise nrWtbatUemested eaa1to ta <ami znslnland. But it n-li hasve no royal rit reîCeoU Ma*» -btisa visita until thîs spri-la. or m ICulcg ey-t The Quecu mMeenpuraichaseil ic me giren n-beC X n-SibuM M 40-roonicaile. an imposins grey yOears Ugo. *PORTED. BOIICKLE SIRES r. C »0W a*,L1&tii# 4 ILGLAT rTE, Fr1457.Oct*oe M. - nu E' -Il 3 j Lise outakrtà of Ediaburgis. Aller the 1ai Communion service IheW in the aid kirk thse Minbter. thse Rtev. lmnIrelaud. and Uice iders-- Incuding s -erd Dr. J. Mé- Laren wh-bs been au eiderr 50 yearsMWn Mr. Andrew Os%- ner, au eider for 40 years Whoô wua baptInodluthe-kirk 78 yeqirs fgo - ualkted lu procession *e- hind Uic n*ce - bearer to St. OilCa Calisedrl where they dcposited the aucient pulpit bible &M tise sicra- meut veselà . The Bible and - sella wtll romain lu thse care of tihs Cathedral until requlred for Mec dodicatian of tho new churchIs t Moreduu. PRItte Ru SPIRIABUSH.. LABDt Ao SOwUEO UIf te il h" su «lU a aîW0 ta U*8 bboNa? Ihbo b pmd I&M m tu vu te&.muMih MMR WM qu«! eau W ONUUZ SPE*A DSon5 liSe vSou Mtf.i~ he Nt W lo ss 0e à --*. P A - U. h. è îfIwïe éhon. AMsh. yu rnkU 00 mr yïbe ~1*h cois . yn sstu&sl i' j, JhO WL~ a JURy Md LOVOIL. e ,pe o #d im 14 .- »ofMêeu.-es ,5 l i ol W»" mat" bii ile n ... *ol o vh ori s ooile&-busr U 'wu 00 au* à Bm leh Ummi~i 1 uôb~Y I j 4 ~1 I 'g Souckle Suie,. VWýl 0** eoýý__,AË qpqp M lmr^lmmrwjý - - - -