- ~ * ~~~A&Y IDM.GAZTU FwIay.ut.b5 Editoriaisls b.ar 1uuw ueW = ce~mWI TimsGazet.te Carriers Going on Trip to Buffalo A iattâii Lt... ai. k~ ao kipvmnihin jecto. For instance, they will se the power contest lî§, being waged by the carrier boys- and girls of The Tim es-Gazette. with the award -for those successful conffisting of a three days' trip, with aIt expmises paid, to, Buffalo and Niagara Fallg. Already a isub- stantiat number of this newapaperi car- riers have qualîfied- for the trip, ani rnany -others are flot far short of their giral. IL la lkely that from 50 to 60 Oshawa and dis- trAct boys and girls witl have qualified be- fore the contest cornes to a close. While it s possible that 1rost of the buys snd girls lu the contest look upon this trip as an enjoyable lfollday outîng. whieb it un- doubtedly witl be, the entertatrimenit fea- tue are overshadowed An value by. the Im- portance of the educational aspects of the trip. Thé boys and girls wfio malce up the party will havé opportunities given to fow to observe at flnst.hand smre important pro- plants at Queenaton i operation and under construction, and mwAtt be given a clear ini- sight Into the vast power potentialitiem of Niagara Falls. Their visit to the Buffpio Museum of èatural History will in lts'êlt prov'îde a libéral education. They will @et scime of the finest Unuited States naval air- craft in action at a naval air station st Ni- agara Faill, N.Y. Thèse fentureg of the trip atone juatlfy terming t fin educationat expedition of thé fiîîest type, much more valuable In tm own way than many days ln school. Therefore t is the hope of thew management of The Time-;azfîtte that am man% as possible of the paper# carrier boys and girl.s houlci he- corne eligible to make the trip. Perhaps our readers can hetp to ncrease the number by the aissistatnCe they give to their own car- riers to qualify, Libercul Nomination Fight Shows Healthy Democracy The fact that two candidates have indi-j eated their Intention to allow thoir namea te go before the Liberal nominatingr conven- tion Id select a candidate for the federat élection on Monday next la a 'healthy sigu. t Indicates th.at tiers vit) bu à livaly Inter- est in thé affaire of thé party when the con- veniton assembles at th. Whitby Town Hall. This la further shown by reports that there ,may be oCeraines before th. meeting li addition te, thoseofe John L. L.ay and Robert 1. Hlarris, who have already thrown their bats intothe ring. One of Ith e «kgu of setdemocracy la that of p.rsuading Well quall1fied candidates to inter the field as atandard-bearers of th. parties o! their çhoice. There have been oc- eopions in lis riding when nominations by .Soil Fertifity Qnd IN ging because of the unwiltingueà slof party niembera 10 accept their reponslbiitier, o! cltirenship to the extent of standing as ca- didate..on too many occasioniç, there has been no oppo@ition to the man who waa the choîce of the party executive, so that ho had no opportunity of testing the will of thé people as to hi. candidature. Because of this, it la encounaging to Dot that thern.la goi.ng to b. a keen battie Io the Liberal nomination. Boti o! th. mec who have made known their intentions à far are wetl qualtiled b>' abilAt>' ad zper ence te make a good rua in an eliction canc paign, and tc e b orthy representatlvesc the riding Il ltier one ishould b. électe Regardicas o! which neceives the nomniu tion, by cotesting the nomination they wa tnaktuug a contribuation to the functioning c qutrition Innouncerent by Dr. J. , AA»d@5'OWon vieicitii feed for the dalry cattie1 g~>4ef .*gêSer' ~o d cfGrain Cons. grown. If tic «C las run dova. bas batil ~n1à fon<tlit thls year's record vheat fertIiUty, whlch meu ts eesstemt u ci ccoe la oni of the lhree lowest in protein luleai and minerai, thon the food produci tà * lut 24 ynrs. Aà i regmrded 4" dlsturhlng r.sultlng viilIack prop« anutrtive qualitie lI#«s by the Iathbridge Hlerald. Ibisa disturb- Wî can recal aà few years back attendix hg -becauue the probeira content of the wieat a 4-H Club camp An Southa Carotizua. whi «rop, on the average, Ia below what ia r.. qgfred for the making of gotod bread. Mil- Je'S demand à whe at of &bout 14 per çent votein contett and tht. year'sg average la ibout L2Y wp- cnt., Theretort grain ex- pus rfIgurng that t wMflb. difficuit 10 OeU Cana4#i IWba crop becau» of thts tctor. Thia condiIçso ln Caada'. wheat can b. taken s a do.s*go g a wariing p.nhapa, tà Cnadlà n, *beat fariera. It ti«inluwith the tact that the nutritional value of food dependa on tic condition of the soli on which t la produced. The ch*uaaal contents of the eoil are tr-aùim1tted to Ute erape grown. if thu soitlu laitén h crtain chemical ew. monta, the CrOPOwIIl also be deficietît ini iheni. That las whut han occurred, in the case ,d wheat. The mo:tter goes even further. The ,,utritional value 'of butter or cheese or milk dependa largel on the chemical. in the soit toil NoWe ~Community Cheat la everybodys iand everybody should contribute. eDaily Times-avette l'Mo Mo no as 06o"a bool wm"ê.«» ebqw.m childrenf ront théeraa of thiai otte vi in attendance. W. noted their uzsder-uJ and under-neurished apppancwe as compi ed viti Our own OntOilo Junior fai» Commeminig ou this tb (ne of the eqM of the. South Carotîna Colkegeo! Agite tura, ho reptîed liat thW uova duo to t »Ul of South Carotina buing vey badly v out, and Iacking the elents requfre gAvi ticir foodx a proper nutrit v ss. Wiat iii been found In -bhe 1952 Cai dian wheat crop, then, con be taken au warning that ths et.illty of our soit n«s atteition. Fariras ami to make am Il t hey put teck ito t neguiorythM i41 nienitii vhkh bulid up fertiliIty Mid lai I sanie lime buiîd up the nutrition roqui ln t hein prcxfucts. They need to enflie h sistance cof out aglieutuu-aI scientiats tb sure thal the goods Canada pr'oducet *dii suf!fer in guUlty. Othoe f&om cYI. _w rm mess et l tieamm etPm" o#mm en-d OPerSl*e tItbu$vu* O<SInt 5am mpcay ud Oin m61 m- biet4%S di mym *g autute lsPubbi.t1."MlIe lelliMn te ft*tiol irsa. *bvboSIe u à . v» obuuuuau" mocy. unewtowssa. là .> wum 40MIfUW T~S& Alit 0f1Voeu ENL%= BownmnvmleArtisis Cve Out8andîng ey C Sr DM&8.&Umm"L OWFnarm W. n e. N. 0. WIlSOnv"atot O10 IDILE eomet Wc a# Wta=son imO port .sapitlUUIi qUffly, va» eJ@yfl Mn Leocard BIaISeS. la on the eaPU luThé varwteta akUtl SMdvt VU ber a spe80 1- abe prvd5d eterbalnmutrecovery. jfourat talamt 01 hOu W# an Ta i m le mnepqunM. 8@#si~i1iai 1<weitoR«e. Leonard BaSS la on tise "e I. . M S1mOr peedélascha>r.lut astiWvow *15 Sr seeia M15.A ior uflao octter «oovory. tise dircgor UrM. Blute cr Bow-U. m i. m M. Cardes TOc attend re manvM tbe »»=# Ilaude thUe fumal eticM.i. Tees grant- Of.'l« ou loui MiM U . YM eut ldumie.éWà &;vi. ville < -«vsvAiloadtite slà ut mu. civstwai <5m on h- - tetoueS vilS mvral de à iam mm Ud m is er iWumd Clasgcml oca leoimtubUr-S. mm )home. aoomesi u n. Dudley am U. u n. UE aumuta W»»piu. ii y MssCc.iU.. eisldruvisted b Mi.maiMsAieS. ta emoue du*fli tmei30 d"y tripi. &Wun.Mis. . iiii Md tbumghUS A i0 CaUlSssi Iy faaufly vers v Sitrt Ur. amt m'ia oChoaulftlIFCOëend MM. R. MIib.lIs o01Ornvoci ta lles. coeiill< it, vulscorne EMM 90M gommin t 15hWYSvIw ptrm.u.mu Md usf. Noruau WIlon. PeUWMt* u Oliseecaotu<SevAsons thippy eom usu 1WtlaiWU* 11< verse eeaUd vit lunch and havt raturaeS f IRtissu vuaifdI a so à a ie U. As expreuSiofOhAp. InN la Neil comm0181. ere mnaartise vo gave a seiemuai ial tettetheWrdyb M . ami of tuai Udseanti taie c *OUMi u e K l at in m. Rus nmeocasile Mur cbatit'voS. &W Un. Valu. Mbc~. PMd- Rr- Oui Mals uusarWi ssstoi vita fivmo le Il visff iteat su maSeS"0 uIwmwahw t15e Lar. Miandstim &M tly$ 4SgiltU »bflUl -SGar- Mu asdMua .LC.MI 4s8 ris dia'of ?rtffl OW I 'Ruensr Pat Ferry, havi ie<aisd home me." mu thea aumAnsAmivcut ra m «&É vulu. asmià Mus %Mfh. ai . Z £et1.Lam luo. " at be b# ofEm. apin. ESbaay. vers e iss SMm. AL. aipmos 9 Morsg ! v siter M. amiunMis-H.StevUS. ffOl. m mueIwuvSwswueroi Ur, mi.uni. Je tt7 Meisei a a S uatd. Mi*. P. Mtbu*i"0 Lad Rami. lvineVll. vlm isad êûp eh tis bevlOUMM %thut.M &MM isr. aSuitMsi. lin Jia lie McLe a 1 Iv isagaMW. Moirt l t »à cia U. am aroad»4n0»a à &*, &. SUZV4 t tbeRAVtUSe. So6<S Rivrmm* va« M ribe cdlagonchi ï.Prmsusi> vwstaiMu. SM m .E eda W» tu .haicoMrsl .W. WP.lamg bat- é- bu M ýGuiord,a. N, ho'* visd houbMi. U =. ~ . gave' au uundîscatimal Un, a. Kefa. J, = sOn a tAe rurfrl msaesLabs. AbC, 8el. m.'l au&dier i tiber gi cd m.a')a Ur, iasti l%,JM ISS 5* a à Mrts o tee .aaaiumr Lm et"- DLIX. 1<iS >?6< v.wt.J ilsprro. ad Mis ,A. SWealU' Dot Mia atr " bu. ua eri iLavuvose Ul. MuJa brm am a.n O. ut .Jsnio"* vutAlMu-amsu Mi.. MIf~, mUld ,W9 S.M&ILC. WAc' M -aesî& MM tenS. imta'pflsWC S m ui UWb" a £50 ~ vais'C'i I L < 1351i Mu. mi us.LuseOsUas.4u «R. au* WP% vise=I e S &.M . atm, Ie,.UnW**& WS uà i* Oront »0 * MW *Mt îfU.P**b m ~Mu.MSewa md utis IWO& oms 9 te WStRauto"- là swfed . WONDER If WE VER DO ýANYTHlING;RIGHT? PORTRAITS . a . l JAMES 1. METCALFE A Priend li like a flower soft .. Wherzver wnds may 1,10w .!I you will cultivate UiaLtbuhught And give It 4paue Lo grow .If you wlI1 rne a bcd for it An% quench iLshrt eacb day... And let it bs~ in thr- sun ...A5ý lime 2oes on iLs way.. . A f riidithip ca be beiuUIui ..Ai ft113 flum-er fas.r If you contribue gentleue's. .s And all vour tovinîa care Mie petili brIght, like angel w'-ngN W111 reacli &round the earth... To brin# you m8iiy othrr riends . 0 -f real rind lutIng worth. . And so fis peoplie trne aionS . .Aid saâ hlr;o to you... Be mindful of the floix#rs sued Aar'ther tricind. ship true. tlmqffl. .LM uL fotacapU* 4b15 &Ufgrm aRes.rmgo Clifford Tregun Departi for Base KEDRON - Mr. Clifford Tregun-1 rna ba joined the Canadlan Navy. ion ving Toronto on Saturday t e. port ut HMCS "Cornwallis", Hali-J fax. N.S. Our very best wisties will 10110w Clifford ln the course ha b chosofi io foiiow. Msars. R. WVaite and E Ullley, Scarborough. and David Liley. ltlmvale. sn.ere Sunda.v dinfler gumsaof Mr and Mr& John Camp- bll u ia Joins RCN à in Nova Scoia Having to mIik tw.enty or thir'; cows bY rbond, or ay atlbth &stble wlting for the pc'wer to corne on, i 5111 aflother , anid grtrsLei pcob- lem. Recent vIsitorl '.witlh Mrs Nn. mita Alln include' Mr. Fred BlAcK. hum., Miss Stelin Blckbun. \T,. Nettie Coe. iss Loulse Trenwý,th. M rs . Eva Awde, M s Ern s-,t Rineb. Newenie Attendinlz the Junior Fai imerg Rtotn 1'uearhiche Mc alMa. Mrs. Evoreti Mouuirjoy and litti "" " rIE~grandrraU#b&if. DOnna G a'&fof, W . A , W frrî M'. and Mcl MNur. 'INE v~~sted icrs, William Sadler. TC- t' * tjy.Ronald WerrY and ronto. on Mondas Brian Le. William. Murraý' aim n NA Mr. andi Mrs. liaroiti O4y. anid Brian wer. prîze winners. and Rois. Eleanor OavY. Oshava. Mr. Robert aid ceceived the Eaton Trophy and Gay. U. of T.. Toronto. were Sun- the Arthur Percy Cup on bis caif day dinner guiesta Mr. Ha.rviy entered in tise Calt Club Compeîî- Pascoe q. tUons. Contraatu lattons J u n i o r * Mr. andi Mms Clarence Worry Farmersi1 attendeti Harvet Noms service at Mr. andi Mca.. 19 . Lee, Mis& Columbus. Buaday inornlng, ad Diane Lee and Bria we-e Sslnday woremariner guette of Mr. udMi. tes giresta of Mr. andi Mrs. E. A. - MauriceJob@=u. Werry andi famiiy. Enaikillen. Mins Anale Wright. 084swa. lia Mr. and Mr&. M. Walter, Mr. andi be« spending a tew dayswith ber Mr%. J. Buter attendeti the surpris. couin. Miss Nora Werry. ceimbration. bonourfIs Mc. anc Mr. &MdMMn. W. A. Werry andi Mr. Samn OaLes onthLb occasion Donald. Mr, Williasm Jackson apent o. thot- Ruby Wedding, Thursda) Suaday wlth Mr. andi Mr#. Si-tur ivenifil, Rovani, Yelvertcn. Mr. Jackson ré- Miss Béryl MOtuntjoy. London. mnaîned 10 &vendi a weQk with bis &pontt tbe veekend tiaLborne.Jolalng dAusghtorra, mRowan. ber for timer 8uncfay werm Mrand Rev. L. Il. Turner. N&*wcasU*. Mms. B. Star. Misses A. Wright viii00«Wpytise pulpiton Sunay aet B. Mout3oy, Oshawa, Mr. ad MAC'S MUS IOS aex October 28th. Our paitor le. MUs. I>oruoflNorton, L.Oust I Rf o.pjkard, takiag Annlvurury Mr. IR. J. Luks and Miss N. Werry, w. ~~eflé goner Nei ui iteS hùil bore gu 01Mr. and M s. W. I. wé vendu W fh Cty Chiois. MountioT a&d Eleanor. Wo. be kew1tou Mr. snd UMn. O. L. Thomnpon. STUI>E4T PASTOR it mn wIfr, SllTortato, Det1i tis ekeati VU Ulr, Robern WtrTyleftl onumus seric & reretib er aïster, Bra.Uce e evar. &" day la tais Up stauderdtpLate? r is- ApMeis vbfc*1 serve Iti. leev*s. Mlinwork oci th. lute-1sland Pafla Yer inanLd 7,&? out Mis. R. M. Lue attended an 01£ harge. This ta a farmlne aria Tlurosa<h the vousztarA"MMi Meeting atishe borne o! just out of Cochrane where Robnrt self-sacrlklng l»orMUn. Donald Erffl, Osa, Wéd- wW maq iesbistdq4cuarters. Our Of ptlisietd peoe. nouaievonlng. Minere good vishus follow hini Ln Mr. a&t M".I. WaJer Davis aI, the Imiportant vork o!t ise .hsaro ntéeseWhIo beM lcx* Bsiwtd à apart, honaneftlu n. l'd. n Iischare#. Te PasWof 1u wr esUPaffl Cubbffe. home frmm Vamuver.ORH SAE uaI bo imr--ipUISd th dm iy ber mmis irL. Amtur W§ art l@@klflm m o D eli The extent of the voNeobitt. luis et., Osha, a. r-w'ather. but the tinest kt" ft POT PeoieIof aul a"Msday avmIna. man i ld fie a rainlaetreal bint domc by the ma= rq. r w* S g wa.Coay. ater, 5114 Rasi avile., WC ldd Ovganiumuoi bieh esi ant ay *M ber soN .t. Mi 6<gâte Missood r" *N - orthe - b'bint. $04 Ne à a~~ *oeeta ople cf eeba m, &Md e oiaa. picoa" au eeit..Moso sie fti M*Sda gSioumMis. NI . W 'Mrvuas met 0" p a" s F eot"beau ea EuosiNe <ber. Ien hiadiodi Mmi. O. . leiswaicudfsgtise gtUWed labt8a «»$%4 fi (X eitunarinOs0"" 1111awoea<mret ise fO*W" tis pP iY. Tiahoed vils a aphIMt whkhh 0tguw a eo1d.i Ouilla ,tise oru b éïaSibout tb t 5m to expant thet? 00ont« îî tise m of i i 84'e UjIr a dt ethlI2 '115. s"denwu yfreely, gre e'OU» "0ise orffl Zmuai 015. rore$Mes Aus fiu rthe Ir money, be, cd Iy Mr. Jobbs Oordo nése8o60.sMauy croards. la tisuforts"mu mc te d15rpumeet eee Ms 8 oso«M5... 11»neb o topme «' a Cua . Werry an"& lisu hosWe«"- ai of h leta datru..à .a . â 'Mnjy ue MP«Yé 91 f fflb m . thse ajeti vis od h Wc' ObR , 111. M E-lmc . t aD oU n s on W dsosd5t. AU Mnlm lu ow' misai. bon., Ud 01 r ebes O« beTr. M.u-s.IMMcWny sud faUai MUkishi. Srsy . graa muusli. onaWiSe We sec a fortunstefy Fluio. s i.LaVuse 1 gi.Mis-.MorganIw a, la lis. quaIty tY 01 sder*NP me nSlu'ioberd A"tOS u.Wp I sUOSoa 1095 T Shovil by tUse.,pm*4 10,vlidMUn. NeruisaAllM. .ArtisM Wri'#. W lio art spo wtu for tho sud M trtoa Venue. PntdaY ' »l w umenel Wltlsut visitavu o ul4haveonMm LaevIsu M &. Dnaid c eu tu oriIftt Mmm. A eomnà w i libou a "Ut lm'.wbiwi. am" pet ucias-of titifr.*I t= A dueaOM itb DlSneo pege esMaSh soi TOiw IIM.md..-----.u--- .Lookt yau Mtua M a . B. Ic. Erwttamlr su S fu ture. Y"Umetitai *6obocoW bu. sau ta <Isir oity effoiU M8". boudent asti Gl out IM@WWm melytba lot. Miosffl Wti Oi.A Yl r vAli a ~~ep.nla âamm » là . U Sfl. - tieIPrs frieiy ttuMmâas S- MaS e Midtr xu vIE bu «»Wd give frerl. iszowUw g Mi' sd«Çsa N A W tt? a a-a0 l afà itseimt7 be*nhà %t DU.v *3S4 uh$MOUat *ONt.M ~~ 1.g umattimM A Ourmse . dosg eoat - <c ul? os tierdi *WCo00 1000mait uffl le MW ps~à Jer 'bh ffar. nt burt>Iw o l a".gct tliMs béée, cbamgd *vissue ". r a.uwUUFTcr d«la tUas Nboflstsof Mn. LwS MmtunssMivfIba tI» %MiSuve Or»Vwg r, i. JiSilsAuM. L*5a1nlstit iPertala dOWWusrvice it au ébé w@5i sogoSue Maret wr IRMoUstt is oui 0"ise o eow1* eoa.guruimm% be *lr eM sMt hitas <le., led blo 110 sbd M" . Ou mpior N vin emoaou m w rogu» e veà n milesfro)m Ibis, Ifs10ut it issrim TMQusnmoi"irpurchascd the B I. I. r. a L. I -S I. à . aaO& nia ne inmia US Sm~ -. i5SU~ 5115 ~-' ~osas ~. - Eu~ C.a. ÇON M»k v- ows m . 1» ma ~TOY4 et 0"" e eeiwu"& Pueleiuid W 0 &s Mic - l w poia mied.li S Ommo iw v NbhThom# Ai Mut whai ~ g At me present time a à çeen To Know Your Chil Ask Teacher These Parents who go to sehool for 9, Ai heart - to - heart talk with their lsboi chiid's teacher often corne a-ay ;dOeî with the feeling that nothing i-as 'the r been accompiished. The reason,. dea sys Caroline Bird ln her current 'ber magazine article. -What to ask ýdisc tle Teacher,'"is that parents dont the ask the right-questions. wit] Mlany teachers feel that parentsI thei * put too much emphasis on IQ'sa andf report cards. What teachers cro arc looking for la a cue that a ofi mother fi willing to pool her oo- Ihinr servations with theirs so that each ta I can profit by the other's experi- * ente. vOiU Both the teacher and parent tea would learn more about the chillyo andf be able to help hlm better. ýcar MI..s Bird says, if parents Nvould ý q ask questions such as these: 'be£ -Is his school work as good as Mo * It ought to be-for hlm?" This Is 1'grE the question teachers miost hope ýtht: to be asked. lnstead. lhey say, 'Sy mothers corne seeking re assurance that their children aresi rte el than average OrFrit least up to par., Techers point« oui that a chld'si a score on standard achievement, geý tests for his- age and grade is an gi% f m-»rtant Index as far as it Roes.'an but that you mnust consider a cbild be as an individual not an average.«y The most important thing hs, la he doing as well as he cari. Be- cause this is a touchy subject. ifliý teschers wouid rather have par- tbr enta brlng- it up. p Aimoat as important is the ques- te tion -What does he like beat to do OIP aL school?" And when sbe tells Ca you. reciprocate by -telling er pr what he does witb is free time ric at home, Miss Bird suggests. If te hels enthusiastic about sbop. you 01 may remember to tell ber about t the tree but bis gang is building. i The teacher migbt use tbis dlue to o1 get hiim interested ln a subject he ai doe&nt do well ln. For instance,* al in Engliah dlais she couTd have hb hlmn write -a theme about the but si or have hlm toit the ciass how to ai buIld on. CHILD GIJIANCEJU Psychologist Givi Er G. CLEVELAND ISTERS à afan» of several chlldren, one chfld InSY talk, as at the din- a ne table, more Ibmau&I the rcAI togeter. 1Thi me' cbid may. à vaut b 1.3km ouftheic ime -I dUrlils "reclttiofl" at Sohool. or 1 ta BudayohOol. Or aM th ue el la !cul». EuowDii.Camphre Gils, SBouts- and thi Uke.' If, 7011 MVii vst 1 lsr U 4be e4eMntM Ygrades Ubem encomaleUq , tpdO 1.1, ya to ihan - &Uthe, ruaI coligo caasoom usia -iew stu- daetsMaY consme moat of the 115. «oCI&Mais, dlcssof. Wherea i t» i Wà Ioqu o yoeths my 13e v- urage ln ablulty. even 1la faclt Y. -feoral epressiO, îhiy'aretnot a1ass.A retint publsUedý study c« coflge tudilits Indict tisi is sunswho talk Mot. ig ClaMadon% gtiu ot hréb la subject MuaterY. lm TeO M ,Wbutbr thse over.talkatve pupil or studmt gainS mentally Or là el 1 WL a" e..Éà ý. .%" âý-