Daily Times-Gazette (Whitby, ON), 24 Oct 1952, p. 5

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3ETT~ '70 cive V- S te an record Us of Whitby he work wilI, Council. The aia, andi On- e paving will b Huse build- me control of â.e coutl>. vornlng te "11111. appened aveu tic heavy roaci de. jthout direct re- it-den. Chai-ms-n a, Ournet Wilson sa a! paving but atang as a rec- the 1953 Road er members in- Iis view, th1e ani asking yeu ~ou vilI do. Why îou wa'nIta oturti Thfs la noia, S eWhitby ta ta>' ,The tawui le en- 81est West or office nett dcci' eipt.s wili bli 1- n !For Lodge vlcw Ledgc la ion set, WhItbr giving an appas. leof 111e oucm*~ c% Il. Danattasu Wltlby st Snelv r r-.Edwards' Si.~ lice, andi aise es-Gazette.,1b t ms-ny citize* c aharo 1la providi- e who 510 spesi4. 1 at thc lodse.. lîI& SONS D AIRE O m t ulacu % ITED IRy Of $* kkeu. Supe- av TuvIwy Si. 635C 952 ry E' cs~ U~U~iIWflV statement etimate .f the several tan tUic mers hoi'aing f thc llb- 'I TMSAETrdy Oob W M I U si 's requred for maintalnng and rary whch in a town, somewhat --___- ~~~~K T ~~~~~~~~(Contlnued tram Page_4) mnanagine the publie library for the burdencd wlth debt. cannot be itxa re iNre.teLoew ecdiet T Y pirriTioN FOR LIBRARY~~~~ which the 1 te Lyman T. Bar. year 1912. total amount flot to ex- otherwlse provlded.- Therefore. ii n PlnigBadndmy btonnb" c MAJORNE W, , BO'WLING', cay was the flrst chafrmaC. CeW hall aS 51MW1oni the dollar of the balance of the motion set forth ot0 r s ebig- ~o As.Tes A petition from over 60 ratePo.Y- Subrnltted t0 Council. ground floor and basement. Ala of g enw1Ilmnaie u-keivbl awi Wlth an a team Icague now erin' pesnedt UcCouneil TIIE OR CEO these were providcd and arc cnjoy- ~ er.Ol ll cka be npanEnls oshawa~Teacher I full swing and no handicap, 118 '0f the Town of Whitby on thc l7th Il would appear as af the ap- ed by our citizens today. mdm alhaiguiywsli ot ±.BtW Oshawaar lbolig.Ece redaha Ari.791.asing for thc plication to Uie Town Counclta! Mr. Carnege was lter aîaproacb- ~ ~ B>> m î.s~ lau an ete 'thetea naes.Unti suh Une ubmssiofl ai a bylaw ta provide have hait a mili on thc general I d and consented ta gIve an adcli -oraonwt clbarba htcrtcsre for the establishiment ai a Public aeasment and rmise for Utiahe g.i acipeclbar ent tta u 801bak m n asr.Ti o Sp ed e a kOc er 2,the, na e rebns u~ sed. f n the lst day ai May. 1911. teUic! it heapriýlofteVmmmdegntrosdoaiosveoos ftth annivernary of thie ur 1. 7-Ups - M. Reeson. B. Hickey, caunicil intrOduced and gave tWa Fatherm. as the following resolution ASILED TO OFFICIATE tlscte befrmakd ywcaeanrter Schoal î~res~~ ~ J.Thempson. .Keelen~.by the petitioflers. 22. 1912. woiild indiette: Parewell wu aaked to officlate at Itwi1~rcle yDnL WihollAsesocaio.weae a lrge No. 2B Mawait. J.R. Sle. Hir- Pliigd toak place oU i'the bant Uic Publie Library Board Uic opcning of thie ]Lbrary building. 1ntlbaist eouday nUcObw number ai meniberi and guests 10 cborn. Na. 3. Ramblers - S.- Sali- bylaw on Monday. Jufle S31M 91 udhcrca otei estisiate submltted Amoin aspse atIswhr.hvnrgrde casef the Citizenshlp meeting aof1the A&- ms,.H Rorabeck, A. Hawes, B. and resulted as iallows: ta Uic Town Counello cm e1SUi day meeting that a sultable book be t ~~~ ia.I ti an sociatdon. Switzen. G. Kans. Na. 4. Wlitby Frib yaw 1.I0ftests ary 'sthe . Ibis Bofadmpr- Mrss ete .UcMissrNla and a n a 1els i~ibr avyRbliIS ilene waM. reported.Donalat Aga erRum18î Itwsrpre htteRr-ao.125. jaiitY of the Couneil to periorm NU«M. uible shouidac. .,vesr mgsaente vrabnrdson. A. Reardon. D. Bremnnen. E. MaJaritY I in atn1eec ie aMs tatn ieM.(liehne rtltda dollars Sweaters for the girls' ~Wisn. Na. 5. Aces - D). Keeler. Bylaw vas lntraduced anid read their statUtorY dut>' rcqulnlng $5.00 gold plece and Miss CannertufomrGtrdBs. Reaero>tep>'gi. bolas.Swatemreforethe ls' taJ. Sutherland. B. James. E. Judge. a third time on July 10th,11. SMaud 111cm te ev>' Uic anount cf that 82.50 15 recognition of services. ReeAjutW.Jcsnase- thsebSal ard by M resn Rd Btt - J trn: ot6herentl-Ucfinal nembers ai th, BoaXti O! estiuiatec; that Uic Board oblecti OFFICIAL OPENINo _______ thne acepeBad nbha .IricBardJS. Dank es . . ay cW.Wstsi. J.Management Robet TbonifsPf w>l-ta their arrogant usurpation f Uice The minutes mAtke o reference M1 F? by Mi. Put Neal. Il was arrangedS. yae. . oye. W. Wasn.y11JuyiI.11.jaseph MilciieI, rights and paver ezciuslvcly per- ta Uicofficiai Openlng f Uic bulld I arvae 5Ucmnue uI-ILO<UO( for the AssOCiatiOn ta loak allen ~~Bowl - A. Heficming. 14cParla.ne. until FebnuarY is191.5idA. i't Ii ar n od for pheocigait i ui ulsC 11 .Set Wion; No 8lookr H. AUn. unil Fe . 1M li. ther ii5w8ZT5ited inte-f~erene wi MtRifon as paaacd aong thie c Id 1~> iegfavr ie eUcBle.1.sno thech r. Radiofth i pt b. .Hau.D nlds.B.Hadi *BOAD FP1N t~heUir r ae Lrpr»t-lbayDecember 301h. mter whicIilba7ve toeid aiUl ulaRf fT 111e ch Mr.l grnis. atngi Rovers - J. Bradford. J.- SmYth.- 1914., on respecting Uic work cf thc date remavai ta tue new lbrary s ag netn anU-URb a hl ii 'flic meeting was Uien banded ~~Rayera look 3 frein CauntY BoWI On Jul>' 24111. 1911, atan 11or#In- BOai-d, and <hein atudied and per- vouîd lake place. .saealbg otitiynurdIta oe mt is.gEvaàPtern, hanefor th1e anl>' dean sweep ai theie zation meeting calied o, Ui thetdv tn 1*o pposition ta Uic F1*C Lib- This vauld mean that tche Ui n.ciablyic isL ovrt r.EaPtesn h night: remainder 7-Ups 1, Misf ts Clcrk. appaintees ta thc Board by -ai-Y sceee. reaultlng In seriously bulding w aTaay iclibar stnd a en- ter Erovueva Clt.zenshtp Convener. who gave an SPEAKS AT ALMONDS ;2. Aces 2. Merchantr. i: Rambl- Uie Sehool boards weîe annoiflçed I <el5Ylng the erection aof1the Carneg- 1914.Motf eibaepsdtaUc n <e ta o especial weloerne ta the New Cana- eLbaybidn.ta h hi- I h Aue ic raiu tias parth e rogmir ur id-ng Dr. Do!. Uic O r. HoprrUu1 you are boys. Sne nice scores Board af Educatiail. E. R MWv. ' 1i.l!tue Board 11e empowercd to In 1911 appear as Board Chairmeneri' en fi bylaea0 i a tp ti s tof theusic w a giv e en tde ntrr. Io th e t he guesi % 'l cihu g U-wf h 1gb triple Weilingtn Adam . Lymani T . Bar. CRiU" an application ta be m bde!su ncb mesC as Ly'm an T. Bar-.UclW sm a v la l es pitulmsi h Onaniaies Cl pcy tah:r" mnh s ni e oî oWarren Wat.aon wih a cay. By Separate Sciiool Board. t 1eBi.or a utcefrafclay. Dr. B. Bascoin. J. . Mit- _______ lete. Miss Sdna Shorse played twe Chut ch ann;%crr.srý on Sunda-Y 763 Others vere D Keeler 7U. Thoase.aiil Jhn OC nr Molcier f e ot he sseO!S Tiion dieu.Robrtho-H.»n, . A.re M. pianfo slsadMs arae fen C. Heat.h 738. J Watts 733. S. By virttie af bis offic m iue. Maor mndama drete ta ft e ! ow n..A. R beryah. soR. A.Hu- m R HSC O LFi sWa solos an Miss Magaret afernoon. Davier, 711 and J. Tbompsan 701. James H. DowneY vas a medtbnCf t enfoe Ui; lcvy atic!so .A Byn.GereB ____ ai thesBngrd. amo10t cfcth- Bf the Botimd.e.'phies. Jas. H. Ormiaton, David H LSB IE paned by Mi.ss Mar:, Bui-rouszhs - - . Barclay vas ect,,' tue COMPRMlSlg RZACIIEI>Cuddy. H. B.Goode. and ti pi-es- *ofh~ An t'tteso iresedthetat irst chairman Lateî Josephi-0Ta make a long stary short, a 1 cnt chairnan William Davldson. In_______________, mharkasnited Ntions' Week v IAVtLd4 Say rdcker utWhite. Town Clerk. vas natticd 'otiProlise vas reached betveen isevera]ltistaZcin taese years no slmfomliipw markUnied atins'teeryv nni etreu surer. Mis, ;Mary , 1the Board aD6 thc Council a vcek ichaîrman lias aigncd the mintbtes. y ON gMT knowlng iur raser vas contiuecf as lbaor a a te wceb te<tticl n'the »retary.buthe lgî hpsud Mgh. knwn onehn f ibl kn a er sretphi te, uedogaMa.e teamun j Ao hlltelatn M o 'n'e chapter. written on teslck- 1 I'o sq ezeta n uly e.end 1f11,he ic Boa borwsthen read in unison bY flSome farinersain aim O untlyic nd ai111vthe Er. necessi-y ta inake i*n per cent imas>' >ears. J. R. Pr-oat la tue picrecodf stvckta b u-- OlifYU ail preselit. jaOfns btinn te .ol i ro ecidcd on Uic Green lot O t0 1 . 0 orqire<l from Mr. Carne- Cnt Incurnbent o! Uic office.pî re îpons .ndte" ii T MissMurel issn nroduced Cheduct oan igthe st Of rad crnet of Dundas and B vi o n gie. and tue Board ai-ced to aie-A LIBRAIT STALWAITGo.SaIvteam c>upsT-Cmt aht MISS speak e uo i vets , M is U IC nti onbiame thri e5 ck troade ngStCo t. as a suita bic site foi a 'cept Uie su m Oai S823000 for sUP-1 O e f Ui al rt of u 11.dd t"tm dc ib cus ve ea u u an e D.thy eakroartah a va Mis i adstryfor t.he Oack outyl mrabnlin ndtuPortllU ofrtc Uc ithe fo icblne ar ormearyaryi for. theteObs > 8bps.lo at.Let cnr- e teachingof Engllsh ta New cana- The 14han ri-n I e ftepPrtY. i . Mcoilivi-ay. Her na.mc app<ar en s u > io ee hn s e~~ h. dian - eny lvily a 11r a~ fiflnds Chui-ch is ta 1e observed Itition oaitUicoCunt>' ai Peel. cal. ferai ue pro1mtions ii Uicreherdd miauts as dndMpoita but.h1191e. Uiceaceoard wu! ~ dieceb> davna ra br wnon Sunday. with services morning lins fan a federal gaoveinun n- O uy 11 91.tech n5 i d tMry28. 1912.etue Board vas penson da .f o er o e t a i n i to t e p cti g h u e for S5 0 h eBac be nr h acc e qfia ei Plessoci 1 gi-at th ue m ofet $1.0 fir a back as 1918. To ber Il inu gt b e r R o e e i0 h e k 1~ pesnlexpenlence as a teacher and evenitig.and layntien deliver- vslainm .1 akn iueifor $ned 1 n e -utceqUe adisd ua M-.Caneieha b et source o ats ta a loe ncai Uc a> 811esaf tht Ui Ne Caadiniigthe mereaae!z t'nîn,--- -'s-c industry. tue Caunty of Ontario's 01<1 Girls» oibil Pe Lbar uidngi tecentenary ofthe insttutio i.ls kk n R ek1e-Gl i.fI need heree thfngs - they need voishi p habeen held I he ill111e Text oi tue resalutianI 1: Association for the purchP -watef comeltetvas st tm wrthey need lu lest o' a laniz- 'sh'tfi' rhurch JjsI aest Ol *tvhit Wheneas il hubasecOmne a tact site tram PFL. Gi-cen. A motion O h aeacmitewsstu eAIE uage and they need frienda o ttnuîbe i eî' ltaItue packlng Rouse workers vratieful thanks fi-rn tue Board t itchll Downey and tUic clairman.Te ream ftlibr________________plan-________ With regard 1b fflinottiime e fi:.that 5the con9re- have been gralited a 8 1ei th~te 01<1 Girls' Association vas Pau5- tO secure'plans sand invite tenders nersor 1911 ami 1912 for the mcv m a tre a r f o 11e u skilied than aiion au t shpp d in an adîoîn1nàr vages . and furthenm are the lP ack- ed for tueir- Um dl>' g mî 'fwÎ 'sut 1tI p ri t nd t e ct o o he llbrary that il sbould 11e a oentel moies onrkotihoess 'otbarn The prvsent îilnisteî is the ing House Industr>' lia served ne-- vhIie the Board beheves tetaSpCieIdUcrciaa ueor iîamculri ciiieV 1 1 1Illa O Itaneârce rainwhrepai ugeRev. G R C McQuade. sSce tary t ice that tue &aId raise Lni vages vý hoic lîibrary acheme vauld not'PLACE IN 1 i-y as beecreall.scd -ote ic sai woud pssnt rel iffculy ofthie Oshaw'sa Piesby'îeir aof1.119 vli be added t . te - price of be possible 'o~ftlllment. Als _2 M tospassed ilacitent. for o0 nualte 1k tF R HbVReBS Noulrses cenina rseo is acty nited Chuîch maspî > u osmer. ami, on November 24th. 1911. thc fol- P4An 21 191, sttas l :"la met pi b h cuu a 1,11buavn co sldered ___ _________ NussavrncabyS re onsikly.Heie The aile inonservice smil] 1e ~a lsa a a'll knoNn facit.h"t In îaving motion vas passed Iequsin f ________________ Canade bsredq ia ly.Heeheld at 2.30 'shen the iguest speak- alse assteatsalpatiewe-asi itieoiit a .15ir onsièr hequston. aRe pointeci out that Cn aic-en vii lic Dr D R F-l- 1r.'bsbeen tw reduce the pice of ,Lirai-v Board tuat a publi ir ection vtth Uceeto !tb TFOD t ivaiai oldn rtuN e Canadas uperintenderît ai the Ontario HOs-'lvtor-k and tarin pi-oduce ta the; building af sutticlent dimnsiSs the erul>ary iidn of tiei acaru rivlof heNewCaad arc e itl hsesbet %ilb--Mnproducer ratuer th" PS& 5Il on ita pi-avide adequate accommxoda- So luOW= t. cause 1the mare people there a alHathI te îuich ". AI t otaheiconsumer. tian vili invalve an expenditUrea oî eamsur Oafenm e fr IlS ON» P. IWWWS -ini tic coutry-. the more demand p. ni J H Ormiston. af Whitby.,"db aamuueacnr o it "MW si.M 8.Ru.nblePV( tuerofi, nand tue biggen the mnai- will bring th1e message, There vi l Therciore 11e il resolved tuat tRia Slo'.0o0., sand vhereas to accure th Sia uIterMar Mi artistie tir btet. Mars>' t icInduâtries have 1e speciai music by Miss Sheila ,Council petition tue Federal Min-1 from Mm. Andrev Carnge a grant of tic popl. &M "t the bwtiasv s m>'vreaavbenepocb established b>' refugees and Haves ister of agriculture sand tue Prlo- 0f I043sui. Il is necessry that 5hould 11e désiqned vlh a vtew t Mnou" 6M.,kes fly vark Inthm.uhav pensponae uiedupe n msclvinc W lMinister cf Agiculture tai an expenditure o! au annual sunain ocalmes e>th uc es paAroa r" ledr ncxtusical carr-y out as investigation into tue equal ta 10 pur cent aofUie Yiouiit towskIniihasben bahtM b ,< prnou iaY"evcnlng forPckiDfl Bouseindjal.ry in ail ils granted should be guarunted by coutil->i iila by ltiugcgs.vax-toua ranaltlcatiM iand IRat itie eTovo Caouncil. WlntRgr ta la ng euges. 11eNe -_- 10r1rieon aiB livestock and Later the Coutl>CouWU nom Cgmanan must attaili a profic-' produce 11e acreascd ta a parit>' appacdioag-stsio- work. inooks are uapeindertby jty ades" lrice vitu labos wherby tepro- aincd Ose of $1»0towads IRe D77 . lency l àa reanupie in î' e hib Lduceirnsoy 1e elable te lt leait butl"g .-~ .11. cld__ _ ie MW ,i611i tauglit ta ail.- Citizen -c e_____ ad&. At the end of to yutear Uc ming ip vîtu some nice ScOr.j pupils va-fte s-n examni n ng, Higli singlea: M.Pageson. 235. i @w 1 11h and anotiier in Cittzenshlp. D, BarcRuck 218, 2M;- I. Watsoc > sont tieéir certificate te IRe Judf e 221, C. Watts 202, L. Catiel 214. , - t 1e0> cone Up for naturaliza- -32 C. May 243, O. WiIes 243. 20W: W. Thbe New Canadlana hav4 great Wllktsen 20.2Î need af friends. Remnember tbcm BHigh * M. Pagesan 575. ID. Bar-' in ohurci groupé. and eutertaîn chuck 590. C, Watts 505. E. Bar- %hemi In yaur homes. Do flot. bow.- te1l 688 . FLoti 6w,0. GWlez 5M9 &ver. expect the dîfierent natioial.tl- ufesavema 8. Gurndi-opa 17. -Pep-' mmie to understand ec 11r perminta 19. Ailsortà 9. Jel-beans treat tic people Lalndlvidîiala îî1. lypops 13 .Maplebudas 8t Teacli yaur children ta like tue Hunîbtigs 10 - 21ev CÉanaians Chîlcinnhave no yaTLaue eu ils be&tt -. -- ' iQeober. wlUi Mn J. ROsa ascon-' mal-si e, n of -he S zniW a Whitby-Cobourg Caped t a cniu.Ut f i Tie Ga e 64 iMis Duud as uclcemed and ;nroted « as at,a member Mer»- Tie ame m-6bers were rem;ndeil af tue Coin- plsyed Cobourg -to a 6-4 craw here sers aaked for. CoboUrr kicked off ad recovereci- '. &bir awn kick. Tis treak of luck c0 . mai .oSy M .s bucked up tueir spi-itmsand thry drove o utgflfor a taucludown Thei *s cmmodeffrw» *0 «»aa convent vasblocked b>' Bob Bar- y gxmiooo, .c60Yioy mcfsit. - --lv -i i .d il . The gaine proccedcd wahmial!si gains b>' boULbsides and vîtu Wl - K son kiokin eIer tUsumal, Wlul- b>' iicled thie cci>'penalty tnuicheT 7 i-t ba for Interferenct. Durlng iJ~ I u the gaie, Bary>'Robesia rmeev- cd & fnturidod ouider. #MWl -ts 000dow5 vasmude b>' LSIUTla P11018<I&WOdWlo oomed »calverI pttlng Wbt--amat byZla 1u Id -S. Coourea otbeu pointwvasfor a -auge sud tb. plIeeded taa tim.. ai bn s atte-ani IDNEY 7TROUBLE 1SVenPTOMS W# ufl m MM TE OMM o f *»»..mald"«M ... 00 ed 'tvo cx- s bYLlndsY, Dores vere Un- ednesda>' ln a 1Côbaurg, but La 7-7 or 8ino esday 29. thibition gain. "rie nlulsjury,, Oan bon. vas nIner. .-* jpla CaneraiBoa- wt Oob=ug, ltalned a pou- a tev clianle> ske.vear MIr. sam Mnr. isonburg. vas ulgil wica bit gs on tb. back 2-year-old bro- epedaflint the v ith bruts«a. apita. pouce the car. vRlcRi PAIN wua Jusl abon# ictic pi rites M.K= anmm u the S titef. Alltableain tune. 1Ino km- mo b.d am atise uffer au6mther day tic. Artbultle. os apls<Oa'sT-R-C'. SLDDO PMOçdtiu*« nom Itm -M stL "-i 1 Mr lm~ ~ qi Ploy.u'6.ona* is YOW 01ARANM Ire-

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